--. Pursuant to adjournment, the City Council of tl~e Oity of South San Prancisco met in the
! t 6ouncil Chamber in the City ~.all on Thursday, September 6,1945, at the hour of V o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to order b~~ .J.W.Holston, k~.~.or of said city. On roll call,the
followin?j councilmen were found to be pre sent; ~[.~.{inucciani,G.W.Holston, and Charles K.Elder.
Co~ncilwen~ V.Boido and Ivan If..HaFs were absent. 'ihe minutes of the previous meeting were suspende
Thereupon, ~aid 6it~ Council proceeded to canvass the returns Of the soecial election
~eld in s~id city om the 31st day of August,1945,pursuant to ordinance No.~39, adopted by
said Ctt~ Council on the 30th day of JulF-,1945.
The five ~5) propositions submitted at 2hid special election were as follows;-
~'he proposition to incur a bon~ed indebtedness of .$V5,000 in lawfnl money of the Dnited
States of Amerlca for the object and purpose of acquiring,constructing and completing by
t~:e Cit~ of South San Prancisco,a municioal corporation, a central police station and acquiring
the necessa~ f~:rniture and equipment for t~e same.
The proposition to in~P a bonded indebtedness of .~9S,000.00 in lawful money or the
{Jnited States of America fop the object and purpose of acquiring~constructin? and completing
b~ tPe 0it}. of South San PPan~is~o~ a municipal co~oration,a central fire department station
a~id a~quiPin8' t~re necessary ~rniture and equipment for the
united States of America fop the object and purpose of acquiring~ ~onstructi~g a~d completing
th~e~ (3) recreation buildi~gs and acquirin8~ tle necessary furniture and other equipment for
such me2reation buildings.
Proposition No.4.
The proposition to incur a bonded {ndebtedness of ~60,000.00 in lawful mone} of the
~nited States of America fop the object and pur'r':ose of acquirins, constru~tin8 and completing
a road to connect the southerly portion of Linden Avenue, in said Cit} of South Ssn ~rsncisco,
with E1 Camino ~eal,in said city.
Proposition No.5.
The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness or ,;~V5,000,00 in lawful mone} of the
8nited Sta~es of ~eriea fop the object and purpose of acquiring,~onstructin[' and completin[[~
an interceptor sewer and an outfall sewer in the sour}cPi} portion of said Git} of South San
Said ~it} Council found the votes cast for and asainst said propositions,respectively,
to be ss follows;-
For said:· proposition No.1, 1136 votes, af~ainst proposition N5.15 618. votes. Total votes 1754.
F. or said proposition No.~, 118t votes, a[{ai~st proposition No.~, 567 votes total votes 1V48.
Pot said proposition No.3, 1~09 votes, aTsinst ','~roposition ?(0.3, 545 votes total votes 1754.
Pot said proposition io.4, 1056 votes, against proposition No.4, 6V~ votes total votes
For said propos~tio~ .... 'No.5, 1018 votes, against proposition No.5 505 vo es total vote
Thereupon hesolution 'K' was introduced b~~ councilman Elder who moved its adoption. Said
Resolutio~ 'K' was recorded ~ ~ook :(o.4,~ re.~:~>lutionss at paf'e NO.9. No.~9.
Thereupon said Oit[_Uo~ft::'proSaede~ o-~n::~ to canvass and di~ canvass the returns of the specisl election
held in said Cit~ of ~.outh San Pra--cisco on tke 31st daf of August,l~45,held pursuant to the
~rovisions of hesol~tion 1035 adopted bF said City Council on t~e 30th day of Ju1~,1945 which
resolution is entitled; "A resolution csllinfj g.~ s s~ecial election to ~e ?:eld in the Cit~. of
County of ~an kateo, State of California,on the 31st day of August,1945, for
-:- South San Prancisco, ~
,~ t'e purpose of suomitting to the qualified elect:-rs of said cit~~ the proposition whether members
..... of the pol~ce department,members of tl~e fire deoartment and certain other emplo~-ees of the City
of South San Prancisco shall enter into an agreement with the State of California for tLe purpose
~ of enabling members of the police d~partment of said cit~' and ~embers of t~e fir~, department
of said city and certain o~er empl~ees of safd cit! to receive the benefits of~Wgtate Employees'
Retirement System. " ,under and pursuant to wLic~ resolution t~ePe was s~mitted to the qualifie~
electors t~:e proposition wheti~er a/'~ or~in~nce entitled; "?n ordinance of tl~e Cit~ of aout~ San
Fra~acisco aut~orizin~ a contract between the Cit~~ of ~outk)'San Prancisc0 and ti~e ~oard. of
A~inistration,California State Emplo]~ees' i~et~rement SFstem,prividim~ for the participation
of Sh~ said cit} ~_n said State ~plo}ees' lietirement S~stem, a'i ;: in. and makin~ these
employees members of said spstem',s?'ozld e adopted.
Said Ctt~ Council found the vote upon said last mentioned proposition to ~e as follows;-
For ~said proposition 1MOl votes,
Against said proposition 459 votes.
Total vote cast 1780 votes.
~hereupon Resolution No.;;~, 1050, entitled "Resolution canvassin~ returns and declaring
ti e results of the special e~**$~.~---municipal c.~.,_ch(_c.~, election ~eld in the Cit} of aouth San
Francisco on August 31,1945, was introduced by councilman ~ucgimht,who~o~d ttsf~doption.
bpon roll call,said resolution was adopte~ by tPe ~.$~ affi~ative vote of all co~ncilmen
present; as follows;
~.~es, Councilmen, Charles K.Elder, -~eorg'e W.Eolston,~l~Inucciani. ~,
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent,Councilmen,Victor ooido, and Ivan
Recorded in Sock of Resolutions, ~Jol.4,at p~.~.~e 10
,~ '!here appearinp~ no ~rtber business befcre t~e board, and upon motion by councilman
?.inucciani, seconded b]~ conncil~sn Elder,anS~egularl]~' Carried, the meetin? adjourned to
September 1~,1~45, at 8 o'clock P.P. ~. ....
" " "
absent. The minutes of the previous meeting we:~.e suspc
ihereupon, ~aid ~itF Council proceeded to canvass the returns of the special election
held in s~id cit}, on the 31st day of August ,1945 ,pursuant to ordinance ~'('o.~39, adopted by
said Cit~ Council on the 30th daf of Ju1>:,1945.
The five ~,5) propositions submitted st S~Id special election were as follows;-
~'he proposition to incur a bon~ed indebtedness of 475,000 in lswfnl money of the United
States of Amerlca for the object and purpose of acquiring,constructing and completing
ti e Cil~ of South San Prancisco,a municipal core, oration, a central police station and acquirin
the necessary f~:rniture and equipment for the same.
PR0r0~l~ ~ ,, Y0.~
The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of .~95~000.00 in lawful money of the
[Jnited States of America for the object and purpose of aequiring,constructin{: snd completing
bp t}'e Cit}: of South. 8an Fra~cis~o~ a municipal corporation~a oentral fire department station
a~ld acquirin[i t~.e necessary furnitt~re and equipment for the same.
Proposition No.S. ~,~- ~ ~
The propositio~ 20 incur a bonded i~debtedness of ~30~000,0~ in lawful money of th~
united S~ates of America for the object and purpose of acquiring~ constructing and completin~
three (3) recreation buildings and a~quirin8 t' e necessar~ furniture and other equipment for
such recreation buildings.
Proposition No.4.
The proposition to incur a bonded ~ndebtedness of ~60,000.00 in lawful mone~ of the
bnited States of America for the object and purFose of acquiring, constructing and completing
a road to connect the southerly portion of Linden Avenue, in said Cit~- of South San ~'rsncisco,
with E1 Camino aeal,in said city.
Proposition No.5.
The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of .;~V5,000,00 in lawful mone}, of the
bnited States of ~erica for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructin[[ and completing~
an interceptor sewer and an outfall sewer in the sout~erl} portion of said Cit~ of South San
Pra~ c i acc.
Said ~ity Council found the votes cast for and asainst said propositions,respectively,
~ to be ss follows;-
For said~, proposition No.1, 1136 votes, against proposition N5.15 618. votes. Total votes 175
For said proposition No.9, 118.1. votes, against proposition No.9, 56V votes total votes
Pot said proposition No.3, 1~09 votes, a{~ainst proposition No.3, 545 votes total votes 1V5
Pot said proposition ",'~..4, 1056 votes, against proposition No.4, 6Vq votes total votes 1~/~
Por said proposition ~.No.5, 1018 votes, against proposition No.5 505 vo-es total vote~
Thereupon kesolution 'K' was introduced b~- councilman Elder who moved its adoption. Said
Resoluticn 'K' was recorded ~"~ ~ook )~o.4,~ resolutionss at paf'e NO.9. No.~49.
Thereupon sa~d CityzUo~cil'~:pro6aefle~,. o~:n::~[ ~o canvass and d~5 capvass the returns of the specisl elect
held in said Cit~ of South San Pra~-~cisco on the 31st da~ of August,1945,held p~rsuant to the
~rovisions of Resolution 1035 adopted bF said City Council on tke 30th day of Jul~,l~45 which
resolution is entitled; "A resolution callin&~ g.~ a s~ecial election to be keld in the City
~ South San Prancisco,County of kan kateo, State of California,on the 31st day of August,1945, f
,- t~-e purpose of su~mitting to the qualified elect.-rs of said city the proposition whether memb
' of the pol~c~ department,members of t~'e fire department and certain other emplo~ees of the
of So~th San Francisco shall enter into an agreement with the State of California for t!e purp
~ of enabling members of tke police ~$psrtment of said city. and members of t~e fir~, department
of said cit~· and certain o~er empl~ees of sa~d citF to receive the benefits of~Wgtate Employe
~etirement System. ,under and m~rsusnt to wbici resolution tPe~e was s~mitted to the qualifie
electors the mrooositio~ whetl er s;~ ordinance entitled; ~n ordinance of tl~e Cit~ of k~out~' Sa
Fra;zcisco authorizin: a contract between the Cit~:. of ~.outk)'.San Prancisc0 and rte ~oard. of
A~inistration,California State Employees' het~rement aFstem,prividim~t for the participation
of ¢~. said cit} in said State ~lo~ees'. . lcetirement S~stem, ~:'' ~'~.~. ,~.~ and makin~ % these
employees mere:sera of said s}stem",s~:o~ld e adopted.
Said City Council found the vote u~on said last mentioned proposition to ce as follows;-
For said. proposition 1~Ol votes,
~gainst said proposition 459 votes.
Total vote cast 1~/80 votes.
ihereupon ~esolution No.;;-- 1050, entitled "Resolution csnvassin~ returns and declartn
ti_e results of ,L.e special e~,.~.~---municipat ~J'_.,:..~: ~.~.~ election ~eld in tbe City of kouth
Francisco on August 31,1945, was introduced by councilman ~¢fluc~i~h~,who~o?~d ~tsf~dop~ion.
~pon roll call,said resolution was adopted by tJ-e ~.~ affi~ative vote of s].l coL~ncil:
present; as follows;
/~es, Councilmen, Charles K.Elder, -~eorge W.Eolston,~;~,~inucciani.
Noes, Councilmen,None.
Absent,Councilmen,Victor ~oi~o, and Ivan lf.Eays.
Recorded in Sock oi' Resolutions, Pol.4,at page 10.
~ '!here a~pearinf no ~rtber business b ef~-.re the board, and upon motion by councilman
]¥inucciani, seconSed bi co~.ncilmsn Elder,an5 ~eg~tarl}~~ carried, tke meetin~~ adjourned to ~,~onda'
~ · 1~45 st 8 o'clock P.~ .... ...
,:~eptember 1~, , ·
~ . ~-~-~sp~t~',. submitted,
l~iayor of hou~L San Prancisco.
" " " "