The regular meeting of the City Council ef the City of South San Francisce was
held ia the Ci~ HaH, Monday, September 17, 1945.
The meeting was called te et"der at 8 e~cleck P.M. by Mayor George W. Hel~tea.
Roll call fou~ the fel~e~ring members ef the bear~ presentt
Ceuacilmen, Victor Beid~~, Charles Ko Elder, George W. Helston,
Ceuacilmea, ~a~a~, Councilman, Ivan M. Hays.
M. Minucc iami.
Copies of ~he minutes cf the two previous meetings having been sent te all council- .
men, Mayer Heltten asked if any errors er emissions were noted. The entry in the minutes
ef said City Ceuncil held en September 4, 1945, with re,peet te the adcpti~ of a resol-
ution approving ebtagram was incorrect. The title ef the resolution approving the diagram
ef the property affected er benefited by the work ~escribed in Resoluti~ ef Intention
Nee 9~4, a~epted March 20, 1945, is #Reselutie~ Approving Diagram"..$aid minutes are
cerreeted a ccerdi~gly.
The minutes ef the meeting ef said City Council held on September 4', 1945, are
ineerrect as te the resolution fixing tax rate for fiscal year 1945-1~46. The pertien
ef the reeelmtioa levying taxes upea all property ether than that contained Within the
erigi~al cerperate beum~ary ef enid cit~ am~ en all preperty contained within the beua~-
ar~ ef the la~ a~aexe~ te ~aid ~lt~ ef South $~ Francl~ co by a special election hel~
en Marc~ 13, 1916, centaia~ introductory language reaAing as fellewss
~I~E OF T~ C
The minutes of said last mentienad meeting ef said ~i~- Council are cerrect~
G. ~, l~attem applie~ fer a permit te operate a radio shop en Let 25, in Block 126~,
ia the rear ef 315 Linden AVenue, er 306 Sixth Lame. Referred te the BulleLing Inepecter~
A cemmunicatien was receive~ from the National Housing Agtncy, 593 Market Street,
in ~emaectien with the disposition of war housing in ~euth San Franc.isce, asking the city
Oemmeil te aid in selecting a committee te act with the Federal Government in the matter.
. .~ Helstea appeinte~ en the c~mmlttee, Andrew Hymning, Andrew Rocca am~ EAwar~ P,
A ceemreaicattoa was received from the ta~ Mates Yeterams Memorial Co~truction
1~ indicating that the sum te buil~ eAifices and playgreungs, recreation centers
aw~ ~eing Memorials, weul~ app~ximate 925.000~ Councilman Miaucciaai was appeinte~
te ce~fer with Mr. Cele~er~ em the SubJecto Mr. Coleberd will write the County
~ - ~, the county plam~ing o~mmie~.ion, and ethers, with a view te holding a meeting
~S the matter. Cemacilman Mizmccia~i moved that 6 er 7 peints en the program
_-~'~m-eved by the city council. Councilman Beido seconded the motion and it was
· r. Joe A. Fle~ submitted a list ef recommendations submitted by the recreation
e~aicsiea for the council's consideration, pertaining tc the Village ef Seuthweed.
~i~ ~l~er moved the rec~nmen~tions be accepte~. The motion was seceded by
eemaeilman ~u¢cia~i a~ regularly carried.
~r~. E. Otteafield submitte~ the result~ of the examinations for the position ef
fer thie oity.~ ~ne list i~..l.ad~i $ilvio 8ta~n~ro, 83%, and Dante I.~mba~xti, 73%.
~l~er moved the report be accepted, aw~ that Mr. Silvio $tagnare be appointe~
1945. .The motion was seceded by councilman Boide and re~alarly carried. Dante
being i~ the 'd~[ft age, was deferred to a later dat~°
RE~ tLAR ~,EE'I IN[~ CF ~ TM
~ ~ I~:,. CE'iS: COUi{CIL OF* fi?;E CI'JI OF
SODTL SA1[' FRANCIS':O, ~ELi; i~,Oi',,D~,Y,SEP~'.LV;45. ,
The recular meeting of the City Council of the CitF. of South San ~'rsncisco was ii el~i in the
City Hall, ~ionday, September iV,1945.
TEeJmeet£~gsw~s called to order at 8 o'clock P.E. by ~syor Georje W.~!olston.
Roll call found the following.members of the board present;-
Councilmen,V~ctor Boido, Charles K.Elder, George W.Rolstou,M.2inucciani.
" Absent, councilman,Ivan ~.~ays.
Copies of the minutes ~f~'the tworpre~toUs m~tt~S.~bavi~tbeen~sant]to all councilmen, ..
~ayor t:)olston asked if any errors or omissions were no6ed. ~r.~'Coleberd will have some correc$l.ons
to make later. Er. Coleberd later sent the corrections to be made, and the~ are pasted in the minutes
of said meeting of September 4,1~45, as dieected by the city attorney.
.].W.Patton spp!ied for a permit to operate s radio?"shopc- e on Lot °5, in ~:lock 1o6~, in
~he rear of 315 Linc]en Avenue,o~ 306 Sixth '~ane.Referred to the building Inspector.
A communication was received from the ~ational ~.cusing Agency, 593 ~larket Street, in connection
with the disposition of war housing in South San Francisco,~ : asking the city council to aid
in selecting a committee to act with the Federal Government in the matter. I~ayor E'olston a~.pointed
on the committee, ;~ndrew t~.ynding, t~n~rew [{occa and Edward P.Kauffmann.
A communication was received from the San ~,iateo County Veterans I~[emorial Construction Program,
indicatin~i that tk~e sum to build edifices and playgrounds ,recreation centers and Living iVlemorials,
would approximate ~i~gq5.000. Councilman ~inucciani was appointed to confer with kr. Coleberd on vhe
Subject. ~ir. Coleberd will write the County Supervisors,the county planning commission, and others,
with a view to holding:!: a meeting to discuss the matter. Councilman ~;~inucciani u~oved that 6 Or V
.oints on the pro~Lrsm be approved b~ the city council. Councilman ~oido seconded the motion and it
was regularly carried.
Er. Jos A.Pless submitted s list of re~.ommendations submitted b.~ t~e recrea~Lon commission
.for the conucil's consideration, pertainin~~ to the Vi!lace of Southwood. Councilman Elder moved
the recommendations be accepted. ~he motion was seconded by councilman ~Cinucciani and regularly carried.
~'~rs. E.Ottenfield submitted the results of the examinations for the position of Patrolman
for this cit~. ~±he list included Silvio Sta,?.:nsro, 83>.~, a~d Lante Lombardi, ~3~o. Councilman
Elder ~oved the report be accepted,and t)at l~ir. Silvio Stagnaro be a pointed gept 1,1945. The
motion was second, ed by councilman ~oido and regulsrl]~ carried.. ~ante Lombardi bein~j in the drafz
apj'e, was deferred to a later date.
Chief of Police Belloni submitted tPe followinf~ l'~st of officers wDose terms bsve expired,
and asked t?at the names ce cancelled;- './~illis~ James Boyce, ~ora kae Dufrez,Edward R.Fox,
Joesph Garbini,Ber~iben E.Eill, Barold ~ay ~oxie, ~?.urial I..Oliver,Nlyrtle [~eterson,Sheldon Grove
~tepl'ens,Frthur l;'.Wallace, s.~-ma~-Arthur B.Walters and ~.ax,Rose. Councilman Elder moved the
cancellations be made. '±he motion was seconded by councilman ~inucc~ni and regularly carried.
Chief of ~?olice Beiloni sub~itte~ tke names of S.W.~ryant C.A.Short and ¥~alter E~mett ~,fills
as guards at the ~estern Pioe ~ Steel ~,~orks. Council~"a.~ Elder moved the appoin'.tments be c~:nfirme~,
without, remuneration from tLe city.~he motion was seconded b~ counc.~lmsn kinucciani and regularly
Stein and Sons applied for a leicene to operate sn upholstery business at 113 Grand ~'~.ve.
License granted.
Ding Pallestrino applied for re-employment as gardener, vacated by him due to ?'~is entry inzo
tt:e army, stating leave of absence had been granted him bi tlc cit~. After discussion it was de~ided
to refer the case to City Attorney Coleoerd. '~he applications of Peter A.Dress to build an edition
to his two buildings,°30 drand Avenue,cost .~10,000, I¥[r,Garberra, an av~artment building on lot
Dlock 15o,, ~V?~O0, and Nauman ~ ~',::uzio, a $30,000 building on 14 and 15 in alock lO5, were received
and granted.
An a~plication wa~: recoived from the Eagle Oil : ~[ef:'~ninC Co., to install 3--10,000 ~-~ ":~
gallon gasol~!me storace tanks on Parcel 34, in Zone J, in this citl,. Council~an ~,[inuccisni m°Ve~
permission be granted. ~he motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried.
The application of' the Kission ~:rails Association for a dcnation of .~50 was refused, on advice
of cit~ attorne~~ Coleberd. and City Treasurer
The monthly-' reports of the City Librarian, ·Oity ~eslth Officer,were re-ei,,:ed and placed on
The ~ealth officer's report of tbs conditions at ~410 Corrmercial Avenue was received. Ee stated
.~ e visited t}e premises with fire chief Welte, found u~an,~,~ violations of the sanitary and buitdi.~g
codes,and reco,-,u~-:ended that the places be ':acated and. torn down. Councilman Elder moved the report be
accepted. She motio~ was seconded b? counc~.lman ~oi~o and regularly carried.
RESOI{~lY07 ~[0.1051~ ~_._~ WORK.
Councilman Elder introducer~ a resolution of the cit].~ council of tt'e ~}ity of Couth San i~rancisco
ordering street work to be done,under Resolution No.lo43. 'i'he resolution was adopted b~, tle Votes
of all the cfr} ccuncil~.'an present,as follows;-
' ' . ~.inucc~ an~
Ayes, Councilmen,~,ictor Ooido, Charles K.Elder, ~e ~r~!~:e ','¥.l:~olston,i~, i' ' '.
i~oes, Co~nc:~l'?en,None. is
Absent, counc~.lmen,None. Attest ~anie! .............. ?,'c£weeney, CitIiClerk.,_ Th.e work ?efer~d-,.tO BrS~twoo~
and bids will be GReened ~,onday,Oct.l,~5,at 8 o'clock':F.Mo[-~.' '
¥ol.4 st pa~e 13.
Recer~ed in ~tok of Resclutions, , ,
Councilman Elder moved that the Cit~ Clerk be instructed to writ. e Senator Parkman and Assemolyman
Earrison W.Call, copies of the letter written to the ~_icj?.wa~ Co~r~ission on t?e project of securing
stop and go' signals for Southwood,at ~est Orani(e $~venue c E1 Casino Real. So ordered.
iviark Larwood introduced i¥~r. ~utler, who is anxious to secure s,ewer coanection in land between
Brentwood and Southwood. Be was told he woula have to ~e %re anne!orion to the city, and proceed
~±he cit~~ clerk was instructed to write the owners of t?e South San Francisco Si?n Company,s~d
~..scertain if the~ are going to fix u~. t?e bi~ ~icn or not,and report to the cit~ ci~uncil.
Claims in the amount of .i.~486.50 were noxt presented to the council for payment;-
Jos P. Quinlan
Celesti Belli
Enterprise Press
~tlway Express Agency
Waffle Shop
envelope or tax bills .;~ 89.78
re fund ~i.~ 46.6 V
legal advertising ,~11~.50
express charges -x-~'lood ligi t .35
coffee ~, doughnuts firemen ~ 5.59
i;~ayor tolston asked if any errors~-or omissions ,~ere noted, r. 0oleberd will have. seine co~rect~o~la
to make later. Ms. Col~berd later sent the corrections to be made, and ~hey are pasted in the minutes
of said meeting of September 4,1945, as directed by the city attorney.
2.W.Patton av~!ied~ for a oermit~ to ooerate, ~ rad. ic~'shop~ ,~ on Lot o5, in ~lock 1o6~, in
~he rear of S15 Linden Avenue,~ JO6 Sixth ~'ane.Referred to the building Inspector.
A communication was received from the National iousin& Agency, ~,gZ $~ar~tet Street, in connection
with the disposition of war housing in South San Prancisco,~, ~ asking the city council to aid
in selecting a co~ittee to act with the Pederal Government in the matter. ~'~ayor holston a~oointed
on the committee, ~.,ndrew Rynding, ~n~rew ~occa and Edward P.Kauffmann.
A communication was received from the San ~,~ateo County Veterans ~Cemorial Construction P
rog_ am,
~. ~emorials,
indicating, that the sum to build edifices and playgrounds ,recreation centers and Living
would aporoximate ~i~995.000. Councilman '~' .~ .
. ~,,znucciani was aopointed to confer with kr Coleberd on ~he
Subject. ~ir. Coleberd will write the County Supervisors,the county planning commission, and others,
with a view to tloldin~!:1 a meeting to discuss t?~e matter. Councilman kinucciani u-oved that 6 Or V
~oints on the program be approved b~. the city council. Councilman zoido seconded the motion and it
was regularly carried.
~,Ir. Jos A.Pless submitted s list of re:,ommendations submitted b~ tl:e recrea~Don commission
for the conucil's consideration, pertaininf~ to the Village of SouthwoOd. Councilman Elder moved
the recommendations be accepted. 5he motion was seconded by' councilman ~'~inucciani and regularly carr[ed.
i\~rs. E.Ottenfield submitted the results of the examinations for the position, of Patrolman
~' .~ °~ C ounc i lman
for this city. ~±mhe list included Silvio Stoa'narc, 83'/0, and Dante Lombardi, ,~.~.
Elder moved the report be accepted,and t)at i~ir. Silvio Stagnaro be a pointed Sept 1,1945. The
motion was second, ed b~ councilman ~oido and regulsrl~ carried. ~..ante Lombardi bein~j in the drafz
age, was deferred to a later date.
Chief of Police Belloni submitted t}e followinj' l'~st of officers whose terms have expired,
and asked that the names ce csncelled;- ~'~illiam James ~oyce, i~ora kae Dufrez,Edward R.Fox,
Joesph Garbini,Ser~:c~en E.Hill, Barold ~ay Noxie, ~.iurial I~.Oliver,5'iyrtle Peterson,Sheldon Grove
S. tepPens,~rthur P.Wallace, s.~-ma~-Arthur b.Walters and i,.ax,i?se. Councilman Elder moved the
cancellations be made. 'ibe motion was seconded by councilman i~.inucc~ni and regularly carried.
Chief of ~.c. lice Betloni submitted the names of S.%~.~ryant C.A.Short and Walter E~mett ~ills
as guards at the ~estern Pipe ~ steel %¥orks. Council, s'an Elder moved the appoin'$ments be c:nfirme~,
without, remuneration from the city.~he motion was seconded bF councilman kinucciani and regularly
Stein and Sons applied for a leicene to operate sn upholstery business at ll3 Grand Ave.
license granted.
Dine Pallestrino applied for re-employment as gardener, vacated by him due to ?~is entr~· inzo
the army, stating lea~.e of absence had been granted him b~ the cit~. After discussion it was de~ided
to refer tt~e case to City Attorney Cole'berd. '~he applicstions of Peter A.Dress to build an edition
to his two buildings,°30 ~rand Avenue,cost ,i~lO,O00, ~'~r,Garberra, an a~artment building on lot 1D,
~lock 15o,, ~00, and Nauman ~ ~k. uzio, a ~30,000 building, on 14 and 15 in ~lock lO5, were received
and granted.
An a~plication wa:: received from the Ea~le Oil Ref:~nin~..Co., to install 3--10,000 ~ ~ ' '~ .--.~.~. .....
gallon gasol~i, ne storable tanks on Parcel 34, in Zone ~,in this~c~tl,. Councilman kinuccisni moVed
~ .
permi~'sion be granted. 5he motion was seconded b~~ councilmSn ~lder and regularly carried
The application of' the 5~i.ssion. Trails Association for a donation of ~50 was refused, on advice
of cit~ attorney, Coleberd. and City Treasurer
The monthl~~ reports of' the City Librarian, ~ Cit~ '~eslth Officer,were re'~ei,;ed and placed on
The l~ealth officer's report of tb_e conditions at ,~410 Cor~mercisl Avenue was received. ~e stated
.]e visited t}"e premises with fire chief ~elte, found man.~f violations of the sanitary and building
codes,and recomu-:ended tt~st the places be ':acated and torn down. Council-,an Elder moved the report- be
~ oi~ o and regularly carried.
accepted. ~he motion was secondem b? councilman ~ /~ _
Councilman Elder introduce{~' a resolution of tPe c~t~. council of tt'e '3ity of aouth San ~rancisco
ordering street work to be done,under Resolution No.lo43. 'Ihe resolution was adopted b~~ t:e Votes
of all the cit~~ ccunciln'en present,as follows;-
. lston,~~, .i~.inucci ani.
A~es, Council~en,~ictor ooido, Oh. aries ~{.Elder, ~e:',r..e ,,~lj ~ ~
Noes, Co~nc~l'~:'en,~{one. is
Absent, counc~ linen,None. Attest Caniel ~/cL~e~n~~~:- ~l-erk.i The work ~efere~-,tO'Bra~twoo
and bids will be o~ened ]~onda~,Oct.l,*8,~t 8 o'g~:['P-J~.' ~'.
~ol ~ st pa~e 1~.
Recorded in o:.ok of Hesclutioms, . ,
Councilman Elder moved that the Cit~ Clerk be instructed to write Senator Parian and Assemol],man
Harrison W.Csll, copies of the letter written to the !iJ?wa~ Cop-mission on t~e project of securing
stop and go.signals for Southwood,at ~est 0ra.n~e Avenue c E1 Camino Real. So ordered.
i~[ark La~ood introduced icr. Sutler, who is anEious to secure sewer coanection in land between
Brentwood and Southwood he was told he would have to :e ,ure onnexa men to the city, and proceed
accordin[~, ly.
'ihe cit~~ clerk was instructed to write the owners or tLe South San Prancisco Si?n Company,s~
ascertain if the2 are go~ng to ;?ix uv t!~e bi~2 ?ifLn or not,and report to the cit~ c~:;uncil.
Claims in the amount of .~o486.50 were next presented to the council for psFment;-
Jos P. Quinlan
Celesti Belli
Enterprise Press
.Railway Expre ss~-~Agency
Waffle Shop
Subway Service S~ation
So.Cit~ Lry S: Linen Spy Co
~,~.~eenberg '~ Sons
Alj~.Olmo Dr~age Co.,
Graybar Electric Co.
envelooe or tax bills ,,~ 89.V8
re fund
legal advertisinR ,.~ll~.
express c~'arges *Flood li~! t .$~
services .~ ~.~0
laundry- ,~ ire dept ,~ ~.o~
:-:~ h.~drants ~ sskets :~ 08/~o
I bdle .~rese Ch~:rges
xtra braces .1~1~9 '.
Expenditures continuer;-
Shell Oil .ompan~
Pacific ~as c Electric Co. ti/hting
Dr.! .Wertheim sobriety exes Aug.
Atr ~owers wash and oil c~r
~runto Automotive Ser. parts
Frank Pariani repair Car.3V1
Patrick-l,~_,~ise Klinkner Co . supplies
Kelly's ?~eldinf' Shop
Lo~bardi ~ Sereni
ao.Cit~- Ibr.~ [!.up. Co.
ulamd~n,~ ~c~-~esn - CO.
Auto Electric [mm.Co.
A.Carlisle t Co.
sewer pipe
Dart~ or sweeper
Calif State Auto Asso.
Fred L~utze
Eenr~ $chweining
ac.~as ~ Electric Co.
S.S.l.'.~ire Shop
~m ~inucciant
California Tote Co.
So.Cit~ Lbr. , Sup.Co.
Yallawell Seed Co.
Cliff oagnal
[.~'is. ndoli
.... Laufer
Louie iLieu
John Souza
TonF ~errari
Joe Galli
3 code stop si~n 6s~ecisl ~ 09.~1
ink-tall trij~_er on Shift le:$ 1.76
cotton rope ,i~ 3.38
street lfgbtfng ~9oV.94
tire repairs ~!; 8.46
supplies Park Dept ~ 86.95
materials ~ 4.9~
~ paint, otc, ,$ 5.50
seeds ,~ 15.63
1 day pay ~ 8.96
o days pa~ .~ 18.VO
o days pay, ,i~ 17.~
1 days pay ,~ 5.61
relief duty ,!~ ~.00
services, aark dept ~ 9.40
par labor ,,~ ~5.56
~ ..~ 56.8~
" ~ ~9.13
" ~i~ 10.9q
" ~i~ 30.04
"~$~**~-ta~, ~ 66.60
"street labor ,~ 64.4o
" " " ,~ 61.Oq
'l'he claims havin7 been auditeu b~ the finance committee, councilman Minucciani moved they
be paid. 'i'he motion was seconded b~ councilman ]:]lder a d re~fularly carried.
There bein/ no further business before the board,Councilman Elder m-ved to adjo~rn until
~ednesday, heDtember 19,19~5,at ? o'clock ~'.k. ~be motion was seconded b5 councilmafl moido
and ref'ularlt carried.
Time of adjournment. 9.50 o'cl ck P.~.
of South ~o'.
i~e spectfully submitted.,