HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1945-12-26A REGULARLY ~DJOURNED EELLTING 0~,~ TP~E CI~' COUNCIL OF TEE Ci. TY 0~' SOU~E :iAN FRANCISCO WAS ~ELF _!N ~EE CITY H~LL, WEDNESDt3 EVENIN;~, DECEhiDER ~6,19~5,at 7 o'clock P.~. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco, was held in the City Rall, Wednesday evening, December ~6,1945. ~he meeting was calledto order at 7 o'clock P.~. b3~ Aayor George ~.Eolston. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present; Councilmen,G.A.Anderson, Charles h.Elder, ~eorge W.holston,~.~inucciani " Absent, councilman Victor ~oido. '±he city clerk, having forwarded copies of the previous meeting to all members of the city council, ~ayor ~olston asked if any errors or omissions were noted, hearing none, he declared the minutes of the pre,ions meeting ,adopted as submitted. Notices were received from the State ~oard of Equallsation of the applications of:Enrico and ~ary ~aini for an 0~f~Sale Beer & Wine license,of .:Aanie L.Janson~lll Grand Avenue for an ON Sale Seer & Wine license , and an on sale beer license for Annie L.Janson,lll Grand Avenue. There were no objections b~ the city council. A communication was received from ~.Senaldt,requesting permission to make alterations in the ~etropolitan Grill,061 Grand ~venue,at an estimated cost of ~000. Councilman EinUcciani moved the reque~t be granted. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried ~r.J.Garrazone,4~4 Grand Avenue,applied for permission to move a house from .Lot 35 to Lot 34 in ~lock ll?. Conncilman ~amee~aa~- Elder moved the permit be granted,provided all rules an, regulations be adhered to. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly carri~ Chief of police Belloni submitted the names of Randolph S. Yerxa and Fred L.Shields, as guards at the Western Pipe $ Steel Cpmpamy's plant. Councilman ~inucciani moved the appoint- ments be confirmed, without remuneration from the city. ihe motion was seconded b7 councilman ~nderson and regularly carried. ~he ~:lanning Commission of South San Francisco, submitted a tentative offer made to them by South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company of a piece of property just N.W of the Eigh School and Tennis Court and Football Field,at a price of.~500 for one-quarter,S0000 for one- half, and $6500 for the whole piece, same being approximately 3/~cres and ~l/100. She commun- ication stated the commission would secure an oplion of 30 days for tl~e whole piece, and the matter was laid over until the next meeting of the council. in anotLer communication from the Planning Commission Er. ~alker stated his conEission had met on December 5 ,194~, and decided to call attention to the fact that E1 Camino "esl is zoned for residential purposes only, Out that the Planning Commission will, in the near future, consider the pr~;pos~tion Se of placing the property along the E1 Camino heal in the Business Zone. ~r. Coleberd advised tl~at the plan:;ni~,: commission suomit a zoning line to him for his information, and the City Clerk w~s ~.nstructed to write the planning co~m~ission and advise them to prepare a moning map of the E1 Camino ~eal, and other points needing ~e-zoning. i'he matter was laid over until t~e next meeting of the council. The final revised report of John ~i.$keggs of ~he Division of ~;ighways,covering the expenditures for the construction and acquisition of tie right of wa~ on butler Road, a street of ~ajor Importance, was received from Works Engineer Broughton,and filed. ~;anuel Contreras applied for a perEit to hold public dancing for four consecutice evening~ starting January l~,l~6, he was granted a temporar~ permit, on motion by Councilman Elder,seco~ ed by Councilman Anderson, and regularl~ carried. A communication was received from the California Assembly by ~'.ayor George W.holston,askin~ for needed suggestions on State and Local iaxation, heferred to City Attorney Coleberd. The November reports of City Librarian,Loretta ~;ussar,Cit~ Treasurer.Kauf~mann and Sanita~ inspector Schlaam were received and accepted, by motto~ of Charles K.Elder.~~ seconded by council~ ~inucciani and regularly carried. kark Larwood submitted a statement showing that the work of ~c~uiz~e ~ hester on their sewer ccntract in ~lock 79, had been completed, and reco~ended that the~ be paid the sum of ~1190~5, 16a~ing a balance of q~396.95 due the~ for a period of 30 days. Councilman ~inucciani. moved the'amount be paid ~;ac~uire ~ Heater. The motion was seconded b7 councilman Elder and ~e ~egularly carried. A petition.was received from Buri-ourt ~omes,Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the 'laws of the State of California, to annex to said City of South San Francisco the land in said petition describe~. The petition is dated December M6,19~§, and was ' execrated by the corporation through its president and secretary. Accompanying said p~tition was a copy of a resolution, which is certified by the secretary of said corporation. ~his resolution ~uthorizes the application for annexation of land described in the above mentioned petition. Lloyd. C.$i~pson was then ~e-~,~- sworn to testify in supoort of the petition. Re said i~ha~he is Vice President and ~eneral ~amager of ~uri~Buri H~mes,Inc.,and that ~uri- Burl ~k~s,Inc. is a corporation, he said that this corporation owns the land described in the petition ~.that onl~ two persons are now residing on said land. Thereupon a resolution entitled "Resolution giving notice of proposed annexation of uninhabitated territory to the City of South San Francisco" was introduced by councilman' ~inucciani. Upon roll call, the resolution was adopted b7 the following vote;- .Ayes, councilmen,G.A.Anderson, Charles K.Elder, George W.Holston,N.~inucciani. ~oes, councilmen,None. Absent,councilman,¥ictor Boido. ~ttest, Daniel ~cSweene~ City Clerk. In~,this-!r~solut~on,t~:e land described in the above mentioned petition is described. The resolution fixes ~onday,the olst day of January,1946,at the hour of 8 o'clock P.k., in the Oouncil Ohamber in the City Hall of :.he City of ~outh San Francisco,as the time and place when and where an~ person owning real property within'.the territery described in said resolution may appear before said City Council and s~.ow cause why such territory should not be"annexed. The resolution is recorded in Book of Resolutions, No~, at pages ~5 and o6, fhere being no further business before the council, councilman ~inucciani moved to adjou: until ~onday,J'anuary 7,19~6,at 8 o'clock P.~. ihe motion was sec~;nded by councilman Elder and regularly carried. ~ime of adjournment, 7;55 o'clock P.~. Approved uno city'~le'rk~na~~W~'~ c°Pie~ of the'previous mseting to all members of the city council~ ~ayor Holston asked if any errors or omissions were noted, hearing none, he declared the minutes of the pre~ious meeting .adopted as submitted. Notices were received from the State Board of Equalization of the applications of~Enr and ~ary Saint for an 0Ef~Sale Deer & ~tne license,of LAnnie L.janson~lll Grand Avenue for al ON Sale Deer & Wine license , and an on sale beer license for Annie L.Janson,lll Grand Avenu, There were no objections b~ t~e cit~ council. A communication w~s received from ~.Senaldi,requesting permission to make alterations in the ~ietropolltan Srill,O61Grand Avenue,~t an estimated cost of ~000. Councilman Minucci~ moved the request be granted, f~he motion was seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carr~ ~r.J.Garrazone,4~ Grand Avenue,applied for permission to move a house from~Lot 3~ to L( 34 in ~lock ll~. Councilman ~amee~aa~- Elder ~oved the permit be granted,provided all rules regulations be adhered to. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly c~ Chief of police Belloni submitted the names of Eandolph S. Yerxa and ~'red L.Shields, as guards at the ~estern Pipe ~ Steel Cpmpamy's plant. Councilman ~inucciani moved the appoint. ments be confirmed, without remuneration from the city. fhe motion was seconded by councilmaK Anderson and regularly carried. i~he ~lanning Commission of South San ~ranc~sco, submitted a tentative offer made to the~ by South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company of a piece oY propertY just N.W of the Eig~ School and Tennis Court and Football Field,at a price of ~500 for one-quarter,$~000 for one- half, and $6800 for the whole piece, same being approximately 3/~cres and 41/100. ~he commu~ ication stated the commission would secure an option of 30 days for tl~e whole piece, and the matter was laid over until the next meeting of the council. in anotLer communication from tho Planning Commission Er. ~alker stated his conEission had met on December 5 ,1~45, and decided to call attention to the fact that E1 Camino ~eal is zoned for residential purposes only, out that the Planning Commission will, in the near futur consider the pr~pos~tion ~® of placin~ the property along the E1 Camino heal in the Business Zone. ~r. Coleberd advised t~at the plan~ni~i commission suomit a zoning line to him for his information, and the Cit~~ Clerk w~s ~nstructed to write the planning conm~ission and advise th~ to prepare a inching map of the E1 Camino heal, and other points needing ~e-zoning. ~he matte~ was laid over until t~e next meeting of the council. '~he final revised report of John ~.Skeggs of ~e Division of ~ighways,covering the expenditures for the construction and acquisition of t~e right of way on ~utler Eoad, a stree~ of ~ajor Importance, was received from Works Engineer Broughton,and filed. i~.anuel Contreras applied for a permit to hold public dancing for four consecutice eveni~ starting January 1~,1~46. ~-e was granted a temporary permit, on motion by Councilman Elder,se( ed by Councilman Anderson, and regularl~ carried. A communication was received from the California Assembly by ~'~ayor George W.holston,ask3 for needed suggestions on State and Local faxation, heferred to City Attorney Coleberd. The November reports of City Librarian,Loretta ~[ussar,Cit~ Treasurer KaufTmann and Sani~ inspector Schlaam were received and accepted, by motion of Charles K.Elden~,~ seconded by counc~ ~inucciani and regularly carried. kark Larwood submitted a statement showing that the work of ~cOuire ~ hester on their sewer ccntract in olock 79, had been completed, and reco~ended that they be paid the sum of $1190~5, lea~ing a balance of ~396.~5 due them for a period of 30 days. Councilman ~inucciani moved the'amount be paid ~acGuire ~ Hester. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder and ~ regularly carried. A petition~wss received from Butt-Curt Homes,Inc., a corporation oraanized and existing under the 'laws of the State of California, to annex to said City of South San Francisco the land in said petition describe~, i~he petition is dated December M6,19~5, and was exeduted by the corporation through its president and secretary. Accompanying said petition was a copy of a resolution, which is certified by the secretary of said corporation. ~his resolution ~Uthorizes the application for annexation of land described in the above mentioned petition. Lloyd~C.Si~pson was then $~-~,~$~y- sworn to testify in support of the petition. He said ~hat~he is Vice President and ~eneral ~amager of Burl-Burl Homes,Inc.,and that Buri- Buri .No~,Inc. is a corporation, he said that this corporation owns the land described in the petition ~ that onl~ two persons are now residing on said land. Thereupon a resolution entitled "Resolution giving notice of proposed annexation of uninhabitated territory to the City of South San Francisco" was introduced by councilman~ Ninucciani. Upon roll call, the resolution was adopted by the following vote;- ~Ayes, councilmen,O.A.Anderson, Charles K.Elder, George W.Holston,M.Ninucctani. i~oes, councilmen,None. Absent,councilman,Victor Boido. Attest, Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. In~this.~!r~solutton,the land described in the above mentioned petition is described. The resolution fixes ~onday,the olst day of January,19~6,at the hour of 8 o'clock P.k., in the ~ouncil ~hamber in the City Hall of ~_he City of ~outh San Francisco,as the time and place when and where an~ person owning real property within the territery described in said resolution may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory should not he"annexed. The resolution is recorded in Book of Resolutions, No.~4, at pages ~5 and 06, Resolut i d~n fhere being no further business before the council, councilman ~inucciani moved to adjo~ until Monday,January ~,1946,at 8 o'clock P.~. ~he motion was sec~nded b~ councilman Elder and regularly carried. ~ime of adjournment, 7;~8 o'clock P.~. ~ayor of/&~uth San ~ranctsco l~espe ~tf_ull2 submitted,