HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1946-01-21hEGULAR ~!EETiN[! OF %tE CITt COUNCIL OF '%I'E
},'.ONi;,AY, JAEUAHY ~1 1946
, ·
f[e regular meetin~ of the City Council of the Cit~ of South San Francisco was held in
the Cit~, Hall, ~onda~ evening, January o, 1,1946.
1he meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.!~.. b~. i¥~ayor George W.Bolston.
Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;-
Councilmen,G.A.Anderson, Victor ~oido, Charles K.Elder, George W.Bo~.ston, ~].~inucciani.
~he cit~ clerk,having f~rwarded copies of the minutes of the previous meeting to all
members of the cit~ council,~m~or Eo]ston asked if sn~ member had noticed an~ errors or omfssio
The Cit~ Attorney ~ . stated-the minutes should'.read, the claim of l~,.rs.Em~a melly was submitted to
city council"', and the worn ~altenberg should have been written STODTENDE~G, and with these
corrections the minutes were adopted as submitted.
The LeaEue of California Cities fo~araed a list of surplus articles that ~ight be desirab
for city use. Heferred to Street Superintendent i~,r.~enr~ ScLweinin~. Hall
~he application of ~;r.lsabel loscano for a permit to hold dances in Fraternal'on Sundays
throughout the ~ear,came up for consideration. After discussion it was decided to allow him to
give 6ances on Sundays in the months of February and ~arch,1946.
A communication w~:s received from ~lrs.Elizabeth ~enfield of the P rsonnel [~oard,notifyin
the city council of the expiration of the te~ of Jesse A.Holbrook. The matter was laid over
unbil the next meeting.
In another letter from the Personnel Board,after a meeting held on Januar~ 15,1946, it was
declared that ~an~: employees of the cit~ have not passed the civil service exam~:nations, some
having been in the city service several ~ears. %hey referred to their letters written the City
Council in k~rch,194D,'~ay and August,l~45,on the subject. The letter also stated, that ~rs. Col
was appointed clerk in the Civil Defense,which is now closed,and her duties should be defined
in order that an examination could be called to properly qualif~ her as a civil service
The letter from the Personnel Board again asked the city council to give a ruling in the
matter of day laborers,as to whether or not they are subject to the civil service ordinance
requirements. This question arises from the fact a number of them are ~orking now for a
longer period of time than that allowed b~ the ordinance, the
Councilman Elder moved that Ehe personnel Board hold examinations for'library departme~
and for the street and park departments, and building department clerk. He specified Mrs. Colli
be appointed to the position of Building Department Clerk,in order that she ma2 take the ex,in
ation for the position. ~o day laborers will be taken in under the civil servi~e law. John
De Oene,Frank Casagrandenand Adolph Soldani, monthly men, will be given the civil service exami
atton when ready. The motion was seconded by councilman ~oido and regularl~ carried.
A communi~ation was received from the Planning Co~ission,st~:ting that st a ~eeting of the
body on Oanuary 9,1946, it was the unanimous opinion of all the members .of the co~ission that
the whole zoning law,as now in use, should be revised to meet the rapidly changing 6mnditi~nsti
our growing cow~unity, and would make a deep stud~ of the matter to meet all and ever~· condition
that might arise in zoning. Co~ication filed.
~otices were received from the State Board of Equalization of the applications of Nellie
Agresti for an on sale of Beer & Win~d Alphonse Ferrari for an On and Off Sale Oeneral, ~oe
from Alphonse ~'errari and Jack Finger. There were no objectiens from the city council.
A comm~ication wys received from ~e~,~t P.R.BlyGhe, requesting the city to grant him
pe~ission to re-locate his auto sourt on lots ~ o..,3~.4, Block A,Peck's Subdivision , 'on the
corner of Randolph and Ba~shore Highway. Permission granted, on motion by councilman Anderson,
seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
Mr.J.~.I~in, logV San Bruno Road,applied for pe~ission to store O000 f_allons gasoline
in two tanks underground, on lots 0V,o9,31,33 , Block 6,Town of °aden, Pe~ission granted.
Angelo J. enovesi, 006 Grand Avenue,applied for permission to expend .~1000 on the removal
of a petition, install a w~shroom and ~ two exit doors at his premises. Councilman I~iinucciant
moved the desired oe~it be granted.~he motion was ~ econded b~ councilman ~oido and regulsrl~
carried. -
Chief of police Belloni submitted the n~.me of Dale ~.Patterson for appointment as
special Police at the ~estern Bae~$'~.- Pipe and Steel Works. Councilman Elder moved the appof
ment be made, without remuneration from the cit~.~he motion was seconded by councilman
Anderson and regularl~ carried.
Swift and Compan~~ submitted a statement and map coverim the ground where the~ propose
to dredge, startins~ orior to Februar~ 1,1946,in the icinit~ of their plant, where dredging
is made necessasrN~:oo-:account of the dredgin~ operations of the Belaire Shipyard. Referred tO
the .~t~-.~.~s-- ?~orks engineer,with power to act. [¥~ayor Holston asked if there were
persons present who wished to protest aEainst' the annex~Lon ~of S. uri-ouri ~omesgr an~ written
sts.~here were non.:.An ordinance entitled "AN Oh!)l~,.;~
J (3 ~ 'i ~ ~ i [t~ 0 [~ ~ ~ ~. ~4 ~' ~ ~ 1R;~ N ~ I ~ C O~ ~ ~' ' ('
TBE CiTI Ob SOUih SA~ PZANCiSGO", was introduced by councilman
~,iinucciani, had its first reading and was laid over to come up at the next meeting of the
City Council.
the reports of tt:e Librarian, Sanitsr~ Inspector, Cit~~ Treasurer and Cit~~ Clerk for the
month ending ~ecember 31,1945, were received and accepted.
This beiny the date set for the ooe~ing of gasoline bids for the seas~n,councilmam
~,~'inucoiani ~ove8 the bi~s be opened. 'i:h~ot[on w~s seconded b~ councilman ~lder and regularly.
carried. . five bids were submitted, as/follows, ~idewater Associated Oil Co.,~.ll50, Richfiel~
Oil Compan~ , ,~.116, ' ~ilshire Oil Company',Inc., .~.1340, Shell Oil Company, ~.i3, ~tandard Oil
Compan~ of California, ~.1~70. Apparentl~ the hichfield Oil Company was the lowest bi~der, an~
~v'[r.Welte was instructed to complete the contract wftt. ti-em.
~iayor Holston announced that bonds woul~ now b~ sold,and called for action on them.
~ . Chai~sn Rocca stated that the recreatio~uld'~pro~abl~' keep the section of the land
offered b~ the [and Oom~n~ for recreatiot purposes, and sell p~rt of it for ~_omes. Mr~
stated there wa..: ~ore l~el land there than re~orted, and thought the matter needed ~rtber
Df.Klein of the Electronic Hesearch Associates,appeared before tke city council, and
~ried to interest them in adopting his method of serviCe for emergency repairs or break-downs;
He was told b~ i, ayor Holston to put his co~rmunications.in writin~j and submit one at the next
meeting of the board.
Mt.Carlisle of Southwood appeared before the council, and stated that machines are cons1
Ly on West Orange Avenue, while the Contrac~'rs are working on tl.e houses, and are causing trout
The City Attorney, ,.' ~stat~d~%h~'~t=dteS~sh6u,~d~e'~a;"the~ claim of l~rs.Em~a Kelly was ~%bm~,t~ %~
city council~', and tl~-~e wora ~altenberg should have been written SSO~E~£~L~G, and with these
corrections the minutes were adopted as submitted.
The LeaEue of California Cities forwar~ed a list of surplus articles that r~.ight be desira~
for city use. ~eferred to ~treet Superintendent ~r.~enr~- h-chweinin~. Hall
~he application of ~r.ksabel ~oscano for a permit to hold dances in Fraternal'on Sundays
throughout the year,came up for consideration. After discussion it was decided to allow him to
give dances on Sundays in the months of February and ]~arch,1946.
A communication w~s received from ~rs.Elizabeth p~tenfield of the P ~rsonnel [~oard,notifyi~
the city council of the expiration of the term of Jesse A.~olbrook. The matter w~s laid over
until the next meeting.
In another letter from the Personnel Board,after ~ meeting held on Januar~ 15,1946, it wa-,
declared that ~an.~ employees of the city have not passed the civil service exam~nations, some
having been in the city service several ~ears. ~lhe~, referred to their letters written the Cit~
Council in i~,~rch,1945,~ay and August,1345,on the subject. ~he letter also stated, that ~rs. Co]
was appointed clerk in the Civil Defense,which is now closed,and her duties sho~ld be defined
in o~der that an examination could be called to properly qualif~ her as a civil service
The letter from the Personnel Board again asked the city council to gi~e a ruling in the
matter of day laborers,~s to whether or not they are subject to the civil service ordinance
requirements. This question arises from the fact a number of them are Working now for a
longer period of time than that allowed by the ordinance, the
Councilman Elder moved that ~he personnel ~oard hold examinations for'library dep~artmenJ
and for the street and park departments, and building department clerk. Pie specified ~.r .... Coll~
be appointed to the position of Building Department Clerk,in order that ~he ma~ take the exami~
ation for the position. ~o day laborers will be taken in under the civil servi~e law. John
De Oene,Frank Casagrande:~and Adolph Soldani, monthly men, will be ~iven the civil service exam~
ation when ready. The motion was seconded b~ councilman ~oido and regularly carried.
A communi~ation was received from the Planning Com~nission,st~ting that at a ~eeting of th~
body on Oanuary 9,1946, it was the unanimous op nion of all the members .of the commission that
the whole zoning law,as now in use, should be revised to meet the rapidly changing 6anditiOl~st~
our growing community, and would make a deep study of the matter to meet all and ever~~ condition
that might arise in zoni~g. Communication filed.
~'~otices were received from the State Board of Equalization of the applications of Nellie
Agresti for an on sale of Beer & %¥in~,~d Alphonse Ferrari for an On and Off Sale ~eneral,
from Alphonse r~errari and Jack ~inger. There were no objections from the city council.
A communication w~s received from ~s~.~t P.R.BlyShe, requesting the city to grant him 1~*~
permission to re-locate his auto sourt on lots ~ o.,$~4, Block A,Peck's Subdivision , 'on the
corner of Randolph and Bayshore highway. Permission granted~ on motion by councilman Anderson,
seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried.
~r.J.~.Irwin, 1987 San Bruno Road,applied for permission to store 0000 ~allons gasoline
in two tanks underground, on lots O7,og,~l,ZZ , Block 6,Town of oaden, Permission granted.
Angelo ~enovesi, 006 Grand Avenue,applied for permission to expend .,$1000 on the removal
of a petition, install a w~sbroom and ~ two exit doors at his premises. Councilman I~iinuccian~
moved the desired oermit be granted.~he motion was econded by councilman ~oido and regularly
Chief of police Jelloni submitted the n~-me of Dale P.Patterson for appointment as
special Police at the ~estern ~a~&$'~- Pipe and Steel Works. Councilman Elder moved the appo.~
ment be made, without remuneration from the cit.~.~±ke motion was seconded by councilman
Anderson and regularl.~ carried.
Swift and Company- submitted a statement and map coverin~ t?,e ground where the~ propose
to dredge, starting' orior to Februar~ 1,1~46,in the icinity of their plant, where dredging
is made necessasr~on~account of the dredging operations of the belaire Shipyard. Referred tO
the .~$~-.~.®~-- ',"~orks engineer,with power to act. i%'iayor ~olston asked if' there were
persons present who wished to protest aEains, t the annex~1~Lon of Suri-~u~i homesgr any written ]
sts.There were non~An ordinance entitled "AN 0hDi~',6E 0~' 'i h 6~..%% 0i~S~ ~AN FRANCISCO
(ORDINANCE NO. ) APPROVING ~iE~.~E~A~iC.N 0~~' ~L~I*bb~I hO~ES T0
%BE CITI 0~~' SOUIE SAi'~ ~-RANCtSC0", was introduced by councilman
~,~inucciani, had its first reading and was laid over to come up at the next meeting of the
City Council.
~lhe reports of the Librarian, £anitsr~, Inspector, Cit~ Treasurer and Cit~ Clerk for the
month ending ~ecember ~1,1~8, were received and accepted.
This being the date set. for the o~e~ing of gasoline bids for the seas~n,councilmam
~[inucciani move~ the bids be opened. 'ih~/mot[on w~s seconded b~ councilm~n Elder and regularly
carried. .~i~ive bids w~re submitted, as/e~follows, 1idewater Associated 0il Co.,~.1180, Richfiel~
0il CompanN , .~.ll6, ~ Wilshire 0il Company,Inc., .~.i~R0, g~hell 0il i~ompany, ~.i$, Standard 0il
Compan~ of California, ~.lZT0. Apparently the Richfield Oil Company was the lowest bi~ider, an~
~r.Welte was instructed to complete the contract witl t~ em.
~ayor Holston announced that bonds woul~ now be sold,and called for action on them.
~-~ ~ Chairman Rocca stated that the recreatio~ould~pro,~abl~ keep the section of the land
offered by the oLand Como§ny for recreatio~ purooses, and sell p~rt of it for homes.
stated there wa~ ~ore l~el iand there than re~orted, and thought the matter needed further
Dr.Klein of the Electronic Research Associates,appeared before the city council, and
zried to interest them in adopting his metho¢~ of serviCe for emergency repairs or break-downs.
he was told b~ ;~ayor Holston to put his co~muntcations.in ~ritinE, and submit one at the next
meeting of the board.
~r. Carlisle of Southwood appeared be:-ore the council, and stated that machines are cons'
Ly on West Orange Avenue, while the contracto~rs are w~,rking on t?e ho~ses, and are causing trou'
-;~®m~- with their presence in the area. i-Je asked that some police attention be given them.
~olston instructed Louie ~elloni to have his men g~o over there ~nd see what, coul~ ~md, O~ing
~ie asked what about other thin2:s in the ~it~ u.n,tll, C. 9~unc~iI~'an.,Elde.r.'cz~?c~em
that tl-e city is tr~ing hard to have 2he ~i[~ Si~gu on the n~z~ aoove tne czvy ~a~en down,but the
Cits~ attorney had advised then~ that the brewery com.pan~ had certain rights that the city
is bound to respect, that the~ have a legal status in the matter, and nothing coul~ be done
to them until the expiration date of their contract with the city, and for Br. Carlisle to
desist from asking too much from the city.
Bills in the amount of ~4315.15 were next presented for payment:
L. C. Smith
McGuire & Heater
Ed Jarvis
Cha~. T. BrouEhton
Enterprise Press
Bureau of Purchases
G. W. Holston
Emerson Mfg. Company
Rent Dragline - Colma Creek
Ren$ Truck Crane - Colma Creek
Install Sewer Line at Brentwood
Legal on B~ri-Buri and Ord. 223
2 pads form 236 - I pad Form 226A
8 League of California Dinners
2 Bear Fla~s
Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Gasoline
Ric and Al's Service 2 Tires and repairs
De Berry's Service 2 tires-De Soto Fire Dept.
Spinelli & Vago Tire Repair - Fan belt
Lombardi's Service Station Wash and Grease
Jamison Auto Top ~o.
So. S.F. Tire Shop
Speedometer Service Co.
Dr. M. Wertheim
James Spuri
American Rubber Mfg. Co.
Smith~ City Laundry
Pacheco Electric Co.
Kelly's Welding ~hop
Intercity Transport Lines
1 set seat covers - Police
Wheel balance
Speedometer Exchange - Police
Sobriety Tests
2 rolls films -police
Repairs fire hose
Laundry - Fire Dept.
Take down blackout sirens
Welding - Fire Dept.
Pacific Coast Assn. Fire Ch. Dues 1946
A. Carlisle Co.
So. City Lumber Co.
Ric &,Al's Service
Guy F. Atkinson Co.
Edward R. Bacon Co.
Gladding McBean & Co.
Leo A. Jacopi
W. L. Hickey & Son
Rockway Quarry
Chas. Bollaz zi
So. City ~IAnmber Co.
Kelly' s Welding Shop
So. City Lumber Co.
Wm. Minucciani
L. C. Smith
Henry ~chweining ~
Remo Raffaelli
Fred J. Lautze
Peninsula Window Cleaning
H. A. Hyde Co.
Supplies - Fire Dept.
1 door check - City Hall
Tire - tube and repairs St. Dept.
Rental equipment - Linden Ave. and Park Rds.
Parts - Street Sewwper
8 pieces se~er pipe
Repairs Choy.
4 - 1½" Cross
Crusher run
1 rake
Supplies -Street Dept.
Supplies - Park
14' pipe -Corp. Yard
Plant Mix
Supplies - Park
Repairs - Dump truck
Cleaning windows and fountain
Tuberous Begonia Seeds
John D. Sousa
Tony Ferrari
Joe Galli
A. Cerri
J. Huntington
Carlo Gaia
Louie Dieu ~
Ernest M. Santo
M. Laufer
F. Mandoli
J. Zancanella
Joe Bildhauer
A. Terragno
V. ~mnchini
Dan Lombardi
M. Lamuth
W. Andrews
L. Benelli
C. Rinehart
Park Janitor
Park Labor
Street Laborer
P~rk Laborer
F~%ra Duty
$ 227.20
55. oo
· 8o.08
The claims having been audited by the finance comr~ittee,'councilmen ~inucciani moved they
be paid. ~he motion was ~econded by ~- councilman Elder and re~nlarly carried.
There being no further business before the board councilman
until Eonday, January, 78',1946, at V o'clock P.~[.
regularly carried.
Time of adjournment, 9;°0 o'clock P.M.
~'ayor of oouth San ~'ranc~sco.
2inucciani moved to adjourn
The motion was seconded b~ councilman Boido ~
~espectfully submitted,