HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1946-05-20 .54 REGULAR ~'LEETING OF T~E CITY COUi~CIL OF T?]~ CITY O~~ SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ~LD ~IONDAY, ~Y ~0, 1946. PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall, South San Francisco, Calif. TiNiE: 8:00 o'clock p.m. ~ ROLL C;_LL: Present: Councilmen Geo.W.Holston, Chas.K.Elder, Leo Ferko, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi. CALL TO ORDER: Kayor Ferko called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. ~INUTES: The City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to all members of the city council Kayor Ferko asked if any errors or omiss- ions were noted. There being none minutes were approved as submitted. -- CORRESPONDENCE: R. F. Galli, home builder, addressed a communication to the city council asking that plans and specifications be prepared for street improvements in Mayfai~ ~illage #~ as designated on map already fi~ed. Planning Comm- ission had studied the map and recomm~ended to the city council that map be accepted subject to changes as noted thereon. On motion by councilman Holston seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried recommendation of planning commission was accepted. Communication received from J. H. Gore requesting permission to install ice cream machines in front window of ~ & D Creamery which he, had purchased. On motion duly made and regularly carried permission was granted subject to approval by the Health Dept. Communication r~ceived from Sociedad ~utalista Mexicana asking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday, Sept. Vth, from V p.m. to ~:00 a.m. On motion duly made and regularly carried permission was granted for dancing until l~ midnight. Virgil N. Ringue, Chairman Emergency Food Collection, addressed a communi- cation to the city council stating cash contributions were being solicited from various organizations and suggested the city make some contribution. As the city was not permitted to do so the communication was filed. Pacific Gas & Electric Ce. addressed a communication to the city council advising that a street light had been installed on north side of Filler Ave. near Laurel. Comm~unic~tion was ordered filed. Recreation Commission of South San FranCisco addressed a communication to the city council recommending the purchase by the city of Lot I of Elm Court Subdivision, with certain provisions. It was moved by councilman Elder seconded by councilman Cortesi and regularly carried that the re- commendation of the recre~tiocommission be accepted and the necessary steps taken to purchase property as described. Chief of Police Belloni addressed a communication to the city council asking cancellation of the following special police officer appointments: Charles W. Humfeld, Fred Shields, ~dam F. Zimbelman and Randolph S. Yerxa at ~estern Pipe & Steel Co. and Jos. N. Dias at Lindenville Housing Project. On motion duly made and regularly carried the appointments as noted were cancelled. HARRY BATTLE CLAIM: Harold H. Haswell, attorney-at-law, addressed a communication to the city council presenting claim on behalf of Harry Battle in the amount of ~185. ss a result of collision with a city owned truck March ~0, 1946. On motion duly made and regularly carried the claim was rejected. Communication received from the League of California Cities w~-th reference to the Construction and Emplolment ~ct was referred to the ~'orks Engineer. VETERANS Office space: John F. Gouldner, Chairman So.San Francisco Civic Veterans Advisory Council, addressed a communication to the city council asking that suitable office and necessary equipment be secured for him so that he could provide maximum service to the returning Veterans. He suggested the basement of the Library Bldg. The matter was held over pending discussion with the Library Board. CLAIMS: Claims in the amount of ~7851.6~ were next presented to the finance committee for approval. On motion duly made and regularly carried the claims were ordered paid. RESOLUTION ~ll06 Councilman Elder introduced a Resolution of the City of South San Francisco Awarding Bonds: awarding 45~10,000.00 municipal improvement bonds to the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association. The resolution was adopted by ~he unanimous vote of all members of the cit~ council. Recorded in Volume 4 of Resolutions at Page 7~. RESOLUTi0N ~ll0~: Councilman Holston introduced a Resolution of the City of South San Fran- Bonds for cisco providing for the issuance of street improvement bonds, prescribing street im- the denominations of such bonds and the interest coupons attached. The provement: resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the city council. Recorded in Volume 4 of Book of Reso%utions at Page~ 80-81and"82. Mayor Ferko stated the Boy Scouts would like to use the Court Room for a meeting place June ~rd. On motion duly made and regularly carried permission was granted. Mayor Fe~ko stated City Attorney Coleberd was to be commended for his work in the hog ranch abatement suit. Attorney Coleberd stated he felt sure Judge Shottkey would render a favorable decision within the next month. On motion duly made and regular~carried the city council commended City Attorney Coleberd for his good work. accepted subject to changes as noted thereon. On motion by councilman Holston seconded by councilman Elder and regularly carried recommendation of planning commission was accepted. Co~,unication received from J. ~. Gore requesting permission to install ice cream machines in front window of ~ & D Creamery which he~had purchased. On motion duly made and regularly carried permission was granted subject to approval by the Health Dept. Communication r~ceived from Sociedad ~utalista ~exicana asking permissiOn to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday, Sept. 7th, from 7 p.m. to ~:00 a.m. On motion duly made and regularly carried permission was granted for dancing until l~ midnight. Virgil M. Ringue, Chairman Emergency Food ~Collection, addressed a communi- cation to the city council stating cash contributions were being solicited from various organizations and suggested the city make some contribution. As the city was not permitted to do so the communication was filed. Pacific Gas & Electr£c Co. addressed a communication to the city council advising that a street light had been installed on north side of ~iller Ave. near Laurel. Communication was ordered filed. Recreation Commission of South San FranCisco addressed a communication to the city council recommending the purchase by the city of Lot i of Elm Court Subdivision, with certain provisions. It was moved by councilman Elder seconded by councilman Cortesi and re~lar~y carried that the re- commendation of the recre~tiocommission be accepted and the necessary steps taken to purchase property as described. Chief of Police Belloni addressed a communication to the city council asking cancellation of the following special police officer appointments: Charles W. Humfeld, Fred Shields, ~dam F. Ztmbelman and Randolph S. Yerxa at ~estern Pipe & Steel Co. and Jos. H. Dias at Lindenville Housing Project. On motion duly made and regularly carr~d t~e appointments as noted were cancelled. HARRY BA%TLE CLAI~: Harold H. Haswell, attorney-at-law, addressed a communication to the city council presenting claim on behalf of Harry Battle in the amount of ~18~. ~s a result of collision with a city owned truck N~rch ~0, 19~. On motion duly made and regularly carried the claim was rejected. VETERANS Office space: Communication received from the League of California Cities with reference to the Construction and Employment ~ct was re£~rred to the ~orks En~zneer. John F. Gouldner, Chairman So.San Francisco Civic Veterans Advisory Council, addressed a communication to the city council asking that suitable office and necessary equipment be secured for him so that he could provide maximum service to the returning Veterans. He suggested the basement of the Library Bldg. The matter was held over pending discussion with the Library Board. CLAIES: Claims in the amount of ~881.8~ were next presented to the finance committee for approval. On motion duly made and regularly carried the claims were ordered paid. RESOLUTION ~ll08 Councilman Elder introduced a Resolution of the City of South S~n Francisco Awarding Bonds: awarding ~10,000.00 municipal improvement bonds to the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association. The resolution was adopted by Bhe unanimous vote of all members of the cit~ council. Recorded in Volume ~ of Resolutions at Page ~. RESOLUTiON ~1107: Councilman Holston introduced a Resolution of the City of South San Fran- Bonds for cisco providing for the issuance of street im]~rovement bonds, prescribing street im- the denominations of such bonds and the interest coupons attached. The provement: resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the city council. Recorded in Volume ~ of Book of Resolutions at Nayor Ferko stated the Boy Scouts would like to use the Court Room for a meeting place June ~rd. On motion duly made and regulgrly carried permission was granted. Eayor Fe~ko stated City Attorney Coleberd was to be commended for his work in the hog ranch abatement suit. Attorney Coleberd stated he felt sure Judge Shottkey would render a favorable decision within the next month. On motion duly made and regular~carried the city council come, ended City Attorney Coleberd for his good work. LINDEN & City Clerk had not received title report on Parcel 1M Zone J, w~-ich had re- RAILROAD AVE cently been fenced off. City Attorney suggested quiet title be prepared on Fencing: same. On motion duly made and regularly carried City Attorney was instructed to prepare quiet title to this property. F.D.I¢iinuccian~0n motion duly made and regularl.y carried Mayor Ferko appointed F. D, appointed '~inucciani to the Housing Authority of the City of South San Francisco to to Housing fill the unexpired term of Emilio Cortesi. Authority: Councilman Elder suggested the city council meet with the ~ersonnel Board Wednesday, Eay ~nd, with reference to salary schedule. On motion duly made and regularly carried city clerk was instructed to inform the Personnel Board that the council would meetilwith them on Wednesday. LINDEN AVE. LIGHTS: Councilman Saul made a motion, seconded by councilman Elder, that the Street Department have the lights on Linden Ave. turned on in full. Eotion carried. DOG POU>~: Mrs. Hernan brought up the matter of a dog pound and controlling loose dogs in the co~uuniby. City council would study the ordinance and City Attorney was asked to obtain copies of ordinances from other cities so that present city ordinance might be brought up to date. City clerk advised that Eap, Plans and Specifications and Notice I~viting Sealed Proposals of Construction of Improvements in Burl Buri Subdivision had been posted on the Council Chambers door. TIDE LANDS: As the assessment on Tide Lands referred to by County Tax Collector ranged from ,~O0. to ~00. ~n acre councilman Elder moved that the starting price be placed at ,i~100. per acre. Motion was seconded by councilman Holston and was regulalry carried. ADJOUR~¥iENT TO NAY ~th: On motion of councilman Holston seconded by councilman Sani and regularly carried the meeting adjourned to Friday, Mayq4, 1946, at 9:~0 p.m. Time of Adjournment 9:~0 p.m. Approve~: ~ay or Respectfully submitted