MONDAY, AUC~JST 5, 1.946.
Council Chambers, City Hall, South San Francisco. 8:00 P.M.
Presentz Councilmen Geo. W. Holston, Leo Ferko~ Adolph Sani,
Emilio Cortesi.
Absent: Councilman Chas. K. Elder
Mayor Ferko called the meeting to order.at 8:05 p.m.
The City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous
meeting to all manbers of the city counc.il, Mayor Ferko asked if any
errors or omissions were noted. There being none the minutes were
approved as submitted.
Fred C. Whelen, contractor, presented a request for permission to alter
and improve building at 218 Baden Ave. On motion duly made, seconded,
and carried permission was granted.
S. Bottini~presented request for permission to make alterations at his
place of business 812 Linden Ave. On motion duly made, seconded, and
regularly carried permission was granted.
California Water Service Co. addressed a communication to the city
council requesting permission to construct a 1/4 million g~llon tank
West of Spruce Ave. On motion duly made, seconded, and regularly
carried permission was granted.
Empire Adv. Co. addressed a communication to t~e city council request-
ing permission to install two sign boards on their own property near
Bayshore Highway and Butler Road. These boards would be to advertise tf_e
own business. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried
permission was granted.
Jim Nicolopoulos presented request for permission to erect on Lot 22
Block 148 a building for Greyhound Bus Agency. On motion duly made,
seconded and regularly carried permission was granted.
Mario Volonte requested permission to install 1 - 550 gallon gasoline
tank on his premises at 616 Linden Ave. On motion duly made, seconded
and regularly carried permission was granted, subject to approval by
the Fire Chief.
Mr. J. C. Cherry, District Supt. South San Francisco School District,
addressed a communication to tae city council requesting permission to
erect a bus garage on the Higa School grounds. On motion duly made,
seconded and regularly carried permission was- granted.
Carrico &~Gautier requested permission to move Oliver's Restaurant from
t~e S.E. corner of Lux and Bayshore. to Lots 22,23,24 on Lux Ave. and to
m~ke certain alterations. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly
carried permission was granted. ~.
The Dept. of Health and Welfa~ of San Mateo County addressed a communi-
cation to the city council asking if it would be possible for the City
of South San Francis co to furnish gasoline for the ambulance stationed
at the City Hall, bills for same to be submitted monthly to t~e
Community Hospital for payment. Councilman Holstom~oved that gasoline
be furnisend for t~e ambulance and check-of same be Eept by the Fire
Dept. and turned into tne City Clerk each month. Councilman Sani
seconded the motion and~ same was carried.
The City Planning Commission submitted a report favoring the install-
ation of parking meters but felt that Grand Ave. should be widened
before same were installed, and recommended that the matter be laid
over until committee appointed by Chairman Rocca had time to interview
Grand Ave. property owners as to the widening of Grand Ave. Council-
man Holston moved that the Planning Commission recommendation be
accepted and t~e matter be laid over ~for ti~e present. Councilman
Cortesi seconded the motion and same was regularly carried.
City Planning Commission reported having caecked into the matter of a
service station at Grand Ave. and Mission Road and voted to give
further study t° the rezoning of this section, and suggested that t~e
young men interested in the service station interview the various
property owners regarding tne rezoning. On motion duly made, seconded
and carried t~is matter was laid over for the present.
Communication was received from Jno. H. Skeggs, District Engineer,
Division of High,ways, with reference to using $1~,000. fromtne 1/4~
Streets of Major Importance funds for the acquisition of additional
right of way in c~nnection with the construction of a grade separation
on tne Grand Ave. c~ossing of the main line of the Southern Pacific Co.
Also t~at he would have a member of the Department appear at tl~e next
council meeting if he was advised of tae date. Councilman Sani made a
motion that a representative of the Division of Highways be asked to
be present at the next council meeting. Councilman Holston seconded
the motion and same was regularly carried. City Clerk Was asked to
write Palo Alto requesting information as to how payment for grade
crossing was arranged.
South San Francisco Booster's Club addressed a communicationto the city
council suggesting that the electric power poles be removed from Grand Ave.
Same was ordered filed as this matter would come up for consideration
upon report from committee on the widening of Grand Ave.
Mr. Robinson, local managgr of the P.G.& E., stated a letter had been
sent by t~e company to each property o~ner on Grand Ave. within the area
from tne Southern Pacific Co. right of way to t~e Easterly boundary of
3pruce Ave. advising tnat the electric poles were to be removed from
Grand Ave. and explaining the necessary cnanges the property owners would
have to make. Copy of t~ letter was filed with the City Clerk.
South Sau Francisco Veteram~ Advisory Council requested permission to
conduct a Veterans Salvage Depot at 953 Grand Ave. on the basis of a
general store, profits from same to be used. for the benefits of veterans.
On motion of. councilman Cortesi, seconded by councilman Holston and
regularly carrisd permission was granted.
Communication was received from the P.G.& E. advising that additional
lamps on Linden Ave. were placed in service and t~at cost of placing
other units in service would be given to Mr. Schweining. Same was
ordered filed.
Communication was received from the Recreation Commission attaching letter
of resignation of Mr. Silas A. Neatnerland, and recommending the acdept-
anco of his resignation. On motion duly made, seconded and carried Mr.
Neat~erland's resignation qas accepted and the City Clerk was instructed
to write him expressing~appreciation for services .rendered.
Works Engineer, Chas. T. Brougnton, submitted letter of resignation to
take effect August 19th. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried Mr.
Broughton's resignation was.accepted and the City Cler~ was instructed to
write him expressing appreciation for services rendered.
Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Densmore R. Davisfor appointment
to the call forces of ,the Fire Dept. On motion duly made, seconded and
carried the appointment was approved.
Supt. of Streets, Schweining submitted the following names for temporary
appointment effective August lst:
Martin More Park Dept., laborer, at $17~.0~ per month
Carlo Gala Street Dept. " at 8175.00 " "
A. Cerri Street Dept. " at $193.60 "
Co~tesi and extra driver -,
Councilma~_/recommended t~at F. Mandoli, Street Dept., be raised to
$19~.60 per month. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the
appointments 'were approved, including F. Mandolt increase, also Ray
Raffaelli's appointment to the park dept. on t~a~basis at $.91 an hr.
Chief of Police Belloni submitted t~e following names for appointment as
guards at the Western Pipe & Steel Co. to serve without pay from the city:
Joseph E. Garbet.t, Herbert Koenig, Jac~ Wilcox.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the appointments be
appr ove d.
Chief of Police Belloni requested that the following appointments as
guards at the Wester~x Pipe & Steel Co. be cancelled:
Cecil L. Scohee,.Patrick S. Hoopile, Ray Shelden, John A. Bosin,
Carl E. Spiecker, Arthu~ Westing, Harold E. Cowtn, JohnC. Doyle.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried same were cancelled.
Reports oftne City Judge, Police Dept., Fire Dept., Building Inspector,
Poundkeeper, Health Dept., and Library Board for the month of July were
submitted and were approved as read.
Claims in t~e amount of $19,729.02 were presented to the finance committee
for approval. On motion dUly made, seco~nded and carried the claims were
ordered paid.
BRENTWOOD.N0. 2~ Councilman Holston moved, seconded by councilman ~ani, that tne bids for
BIDS: street and sewer work in Brentwood No. 2 be opened'. Two bids were sub-
mitted as follows:
Union Paving Co. Total amg. unt $123,644.25
L. C. Smith " 141,524.86
RESOLUTION #1151: The bid of the Union Paving Co. being the lowe~ councilman Holston intro-
Brentwood No.2 duced a resolution awarding the contract for the construction of streets
Award: and sewers in Brentwood No. 2 to Union Paving Co. The resolution was
adopted by the unanimous vote of the ~embe~S present at the meeting.
Recorded in.M~mme 4, Book of Resolutions, at Page 101
RESOLUTION #1132 Mayor Ferko asked if there were any protests against tne work to be done
MAIq~AIR N0.2 in Mayfair .N~. 2 as desc~ed in Resolution of Intention No. 1126. As
IMPROVEMENT WORK: there were none~ councilman Sant introduced a~ resolution of the City of
South San Francisco ordering the work to be done. The resolution was
.... adep~ed by t~e unanimous vote of the council members present at the
meeting. Recorded in BoOk of Resolutions, Volume 4, at Page 102.
RESOLUTION ~1133: Councilmsn Hotston introduced a resOl~i6~ cT the City of SOuth San
1/4 Cent Gas Tax Francisco approving third supplemenhal memorandum of agreement for ex-
For State Hig~- penditure of 1/4 cent gas taxx allocated for State highways. The resolut-
ways. ion was adopted by t~e unanimous vote of tne council members present.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 4, at Page 103.
conduot a Veterans Salvage Depot at 953 Grand Ave. on the basis or a
general store, profits from same to be used, for the benefits of veterans.
On motion of. councilman Cortesi, seconded by councilman Holston and
regularly carried permission was granted.
Communication was received from the P.G.& E. advising that additional
lamps on Linden Aye. were placed in service ampi t~at cost of placing
other units in service would be given to Mr. Sohweining. Same was
ordered filed.
Communication was received from the Recreation Commission attaching letter
of resignation of Mr. Silas A. Neatnerland, and recommending the acdept-
ance of his resignation. On motion duly made, seconded and carried Mr.
Neat~erland's resignation qas accepted and the City Clerk was instructed
to write him expresslng~ appreciation for services ~rendered.
Works Engineer, Chas. T. Brougnton, submitted letter of resignation to
take effect August 19th. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried Mr.
Broughton's resignation was.accepted and the City Clerk was instructed to
write him expressing appreciation for services rendered.
Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Densmore R. Davisfor appointment
to the call forces of ,the~ Fire Dept. On motion duly made, seconded and
carried the appointment was approved.
Supt. of Streets, Schweining submitted the following names for temporary
appointment effective August lst:
Martin Moro Park Dept., laborer, at ~17~.00 per mont~
Carlo Gaia Street Dept. " at $175.00 " "
A. Cerri Street Dept. "~ at $193.60 " "
Co~tesi and extra driver ~ ~,
Councilm~_/recommended that F. Mandoli, Street Dept., be raised to
$193.60 per month. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the
appoimtments were approved, including F. Mandolt increaser also Ray
Raffaellt's appointment to the park dept. on t~~-ybasis at $~91 an h~
Chief of Police Belloni submitted t~e following names for appointment as
guards at the Western Pip$~ & Steel C°. to serve without pay from the city:
Joseph E. Garbet~t, Herbert Koenig, Jack Wilcox.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that tne appointments be
appr ov ed.
Chief of Police Belloni requested that the following appointments as
guards at the Western Pipe & Steel Co. be cancelled:
Cecil L. Scohee,. Patrick S. Hoopile, Ray Sheldon, John A. Bosin,
Carl E. Spiecker, Arthu~ ~esting, Harold E. Cowin, John C. Doyle.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried same were cancelled.
Reports of the City Judge, Police Dept., Fire Dept., Building Inspector,
Poundkeeper, Health Dept., and Library Board for the month of July were
submitted and were approved as read.
Claims in t~e amount of $19,729.02 were presented to the finance committee
for approval. On motion dUly made, seco~nded and carried the claims were
ordered paid.
BRENTW00D.NO. 2 Councilman Hols~on moved, seconded by councilman Sani, tnat the bids for
BIDS: street and sewer work in Brentwood No. 2 be opened, Two bids were sub-
mitted as follows:
Union Paving Co. Total amount $123,644.25
L. C. Smith " " 141,524.86
RESOLUTION #1131: The bid of the Union Paving Co. being the lowe~ councilman Holston intro-
Brentwood No.2 duced a resolution awarding the contract for the construction of streets
Award: and sewers in Brentwood No. 2 to Union Paving Co. The resolution was
adopted by the unanimous vote of t~e sembe~S present at the meeting.
Recorded in.M~lume 4, Book of Resolutions, at Page 101
RESOLUTION #1132 Mayor Ferko asked if there were any protests against tne work to be done
MAYFAIR N0.2 in Mayfair ~No. 2 as described in Resolution of Intention No. 1126. As
IMPROVEMENT NOHK: there were none. councilman Sani introduced a resolution of the City of
South San Francisco ordering the work to be done. The resolution was
..... adopted by the unanimous vote of the council members present at the
meeting. Recorded in BoOk of Resolutions, Volume 4, at Page 102.
RESOLUTION ~1133: Councilmsn Holston introduced a resOl~i6~ oT the City of SOuth San
1/4 Cent Gas Tax Francisco approving third supplemenhal memorandum of agreement for ex-
For State Hig~- penditure of 1/4 cent gas ta~ allocated for State highways. The resolut-
ways. ion was adopted by the unanimous vote of tne coumcil members present.
Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 4, at Page 103.
Streets of Major
Rancho Buri-Buri
No. 2:
Annexation of
Avalon Park:
Amending Zoning
Ordinance #137:
· California Water
Service Co.
AUGUST 19th:
Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution of the City of South San
Francisco Adopting Budget and Approving Memorandum of Agreement for
Expenditure of 1/4 Cent Gas Tax Allocated for Streets of HaJor Im~portance
The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote~ of the council members
present. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 4, at Page 103.
Mayor Ferko asked if there-were any protests against the annexation of
territory designated as Rancho Buri-Buri Unit No. 2 as designated in
Resolution No. 1124. As there were none councilman Sani moved that an
0r~iinance approving the annexation of Rancho Burl-Burl Unit No. 2 be
read by title only and considered as the first reading of the Ordinance.
Councilmaa Cortest seconded tne motion and same was regularly carried.
City Clerk tnen read title of Ordinance No. 248 - An Ordinance of the
City of South San Francisco Approving the Annexation of Rancho Burl-Burl
Unit No. 2 to the City of South San Francisco.
Mayor Ferko asked if tl~ere were any protests against the annexation of
territory designated as Avalon Park as described in Resolution No.l123.
As there were none councilman Holston moved that an ordinance approving
the annexation of Avalon Park be read by title 6nly and considered as
the first reading of the ordinance. Councilman Sani seconded t~e motion
amd same was regularly carried. The City Clerk then read title of
Ordinance No.249 - An Ordinance of tne City of South San Francisco
Approving the Annexation of Avalon Park to the City of South San Francisd
Councilman Cortesi introduced Ordinance No. 250, amending Zoning 0rdinane
No. 137, by adding Section 5a. Same had its first reading and was laid
over to come up again at the next meeting for final reading.
Councilman ~Holston introduced a resolution of the City of South San
Francisco authorizing the conveyance of an easement for t~e construction
and maintenance of a pole line in certain land owned by the City of
South San Francisco. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote
of the council members present. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,
Volume 4, at Page
The Recreation Commission, in 'letter dated August 2, 1946, submitted
recommendations for various improvements at Orange Ave. Park. On motion
of Councilman Sani, seconded by councilman Cortesi, and regularly carried
these recommendations were approved and referred to the Supt. of Streets
Mrs. Siebecker of the Recreation Comm. reported having called at the
C.P.A. office with reference to obtaining priority to proceed with the
recreation buildings. She was advised by the C.P.A. that nothing could
be done toward getting priority at t~nis time as according to a Govern-
ment fusing these buildings were not an urgent necessity.
Mayor Ferko suggested that the office ~of building inspector and fire
chief be separated. Councilman Sani moved that the office of building,
electrical and plumbing inspector be declared vacant. Councilman
Cortesi seconded the motion and same was carried.
Councilman Sani moved that Gildo Rozzi be appointed to the office of
building, electrical and plumbing inspector. Councilman Cortesi second-
ed the motion and same was carried.
Uouncilman Cortesi made a motion that pay of the city employees be
raised retroactive to July 1st, t~e amount of increase to be subject to
study of recommendations submitted by t~e Personnel Board. Councilman
Sani seconded tl~e motion and same was carried.
Mr. Trusty, of Paradise Valley, suggest F. Regan be considered for
appptntment to the Recreation Commission.
Mrs. Monroe stated boys were destroying fences in Peck's Lots. Ch~ef
of Police stated if he was given the names of the boys this matter would
be taken care of.
Mr. Trusty suggested that Architect R~we be advised by letter, instead
of only by telephone, to arrange plans for recreation buildings. City
Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Rowe alongJkhese lines.
On motion of councilman Sani, seconded by councilman Holston, and re-
gularly carried, the .City Council adjourned to Monday, August 19th, 1946
at 8:00 oSclock p.m.
Time of adjournment 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully, submitted,