HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1946-10-07i¸__ REGULAR MEETING 0F THE CITY COUNCIL 0F ThE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD ~i0NDAY, OCTOBER 7~ 1946 PLACE: TIME: ROLL CALL: CALL T0 ORDER: MINUTES: Council Chambers, City Hall, South San Francisco. 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Councilmen Geo. W. Holston, Chas. K. Elder, Leo Ferko Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortssi ~ayor Ferko called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to all members of he City Council, ~ayor Ferko asked if any errors or omissions were noted. There being none the minutes were approved as so~mitted. CORRESPONDENCE: Communication was received I~om Supt. of School Dist., in answer to City Clerk's letter of Sept. ~0th, advising that the School Board would meet with the City Council Oct. ~th at 8:00 p.m. As this date was agree- able with the council, city clerk was instructed to so advise Mr. Cherry, Program for meeting of Peninsula Division of League of California Cities on Oct. 17th at Whitcomb Hotel, was received. City clerk would ascertai~ number of city officials that would attend and so advise San Francisco. Communication was received from City of San BTancisco thanking the council for resolution granting permission to use certain streets for water pipe purposes. Same was ordered filed. COUN~RY CLUB PARK: Mr. Geo. Buehn, Secy. of Country Club P~rk Assn., addressed a letter to the City stating the residents of Country Club Park were bhinking of annexing to the City of South San Francisco and desired information with reference to taxes, sewer system, etc. Same was referred to the City Attorney. BEACH PARK: Supt. of Streets Schweining addressed a communication to the City Council asking that the Norks Engineer locate property lines of Beach Park, in- stall property monuments, and make topographic survey. Notion was duly made, seconded and carriedthat same be referred to the Works Engineer with power to act. GRADING OPERAT- IONS EAST GRAND AVE. City Attorney Coleberd addressed a communication to the City Council witl reference to drainage questions affecting property southerly from East Grand Ave. east from Southern Pacific Co. right of way; also no~Bh~f Lindenville Housing Project. He had discussed this matter with Chas. T. Broughton, civil engineer, and from statements made there appeared no possibility of. any damage resulting from the grading operations. The communication was ordered filed. LIBRARY FUND: Communication was received from the Library Board stating they would need $~800.00 to operate without an overdraft during the next three weeks. Councilman Holston moved, seconded by councilman Cortesi, that ~800.00 be transferred from the General ~nd to the Library ~hnd. The motion was regularly carried. RECREATION: Communication was received from the Recreation Commission suggesting that one of its members be in attendance at all meetings ~n~wh~ch~.~eas for shcools are taken up with subdividers by the City Council. Notion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that the Recreation Comm- ission be advised that it will be notified of all such meetings. Communication was received from the Recreation Commission recommending that Joseph A. Pless be ~etained as Supt. of Recreation on a part-time basis for the shcool year or until a full-time superintendent is em- ployed, his hours not to exceed 100 per month except as revised by action of the Commission, and that a car allowance of ~5.00 per month be provided. Further recommending that pay for Mr. Pless be increased to ~1.2~ per hour and that of Nfs. Spindler to ~l.00 per hour. Council- man Sani moved, seconded by councilman Elder, that this letter be laid over until meeting is held with School Beard, Oct. 9th. Eotion was re- gularly carried. ~ National Association of Home Guilders addressed a communication to ~ayor Ferko asking for report on public housing program. City clerk was instructSd to write for further information-. BACKSTOP AT BASEBALL PARK: Cyclone Fence Division submitted a proposal to furnish and install an extension to the present backstop at the Orange Ave. Park Baseball Field for the sum of $2'61.5~. On motion of councilman Elder, seconded by councilman Sani, and regularly carried, this matter was laid over pend- ing further investigation. SOUTH~00D FENCE: Cyclone Fence D~.vision submitted a proposal to furnish and install a line fence at South~ood Park for the sum of $150.46. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by councilman H61ston, that Cyclone Fence Division's proposal be accepted and the fence at Southwood Park be installed. Notion was regularly carried. Chief of Police Belloni submitted the name of Joseph Leo Meyer for appointment as special police officer at Lindenville. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the appointment of Jos. L. Eeyer be ~onfirmed without remuneration from the City. Application of Clarence E. McElgea for license to engage in mechanic work at 980 Linden Ave. was received. Same was referred'Ii, the OOR~ESPONDENCE: COUNTRY CLUB PARK: BEACH PARK: GRADING OPERAT- IONS EAST GRAND AVE. LIBRARY FUND: RECREATION: BACKSTOP AT BASEBALL PARK: SOUTE~OOD FENCE: Communication was received from Supt. of School Dist., ~.n answer to City Clerk's letter of Sept. 20th, advising that the School Board mc.et with the City Council Oct. ~th at 8:00 p.m. As this date was able with the council, city clerk was instructed to so advise Mr. Program for meeting of Peninsula Division of League of California. on Oct. 17th at Whitcomb Hotel, was received. City clerk would asc. number of city officials that would attend and so advise San Franci¢ Communication was received from City of San ~Tancisco thanking the council for resolution granting permission to use certain streets water pipe purposes. Same was ordered filed. ~r. Geo. Buehn, Secy. of Country Club P~rk Assn., addressed a lette~ the City stating the residents of Country Club Park were bhinking o~ annexing to the City of South San Francisco and desired information reference to taxes, sewer system, etc. Same was referred to the Cit Attorney. Supt. of Streets Schweining addressed a communication to the City Cc asking that the Works Engineer locate property lines of Beach Park, stall property monuments, and make topographic survey. Notion was d made, seconded and carriedthat same be referred to the Works Enginee with power to act. City Attorney Coleberd addressed a communication to the City Council reference to drainage questions affecting property southerly from Ea Grand Ave. east from So~thern Pacific Co. right of way; also no~h~ Lindenville Housing Project. He had discussed this matter with Chas Broughton, civil engineer, and from statements made there appeared n~ possibility of any damage resulting from the grading operations. Th, communication was ordered filed. Communication was received from the Library Board stating they would need $~800.00 to operate without an overdraft during the next three weeks. Councilman Holston moved, seconded by councilman Cortesi, th~ ~00.00 be transferred from the General ~nd to the Library Fund. ~ motion was regularly carried. Communication was received from the Recreation Commission suggesting that one of its members be in attendance at all meetings ~n~wh~chth~e for shcools are taken up with subdividers by the City Council. Notio was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that the Recreation Com ission be advised that it will be notified of all such meetings. Communication was received from the Recreation Commission recommendin that Joseph A. Pless be ~etained as Supt. of Recreation on a part-tim basis for the shcool year or until a full-time superintendent is em- ployed, his hours not to exceed 100 per month except as revised by action of the Commission, and that a car allowance of ~.00 per month be provided. Further recommending that pay for Er. Pless be increase, to ,~l.~ per hour and that of Mrs. Spindler to ~l.O0 per hour. Counc~ man Sani moved, seconded by councilman Elder, that this letter be lai~ over until meeting is held with School Beard, Oct. 9th. Notion was r~ gularly carried. National Association of Home Ouilders addressed a c~mmunication to Mayor Ferko asking for report on public housing program. City clerk was instructed to write for further information. Cyclone Fence Division submitted a proposal to furnish and install an extension to the present backstop at the Orange Ave. Park Baseball Fie for the sum of $281.~Z. On motion of councilman Elder, seconded by councilman Sani, and regularly carried, this matter was laid over pend lng further investigation. Cyclone Fence D~v~.sion submitted a proposal to furnish and install a line fence at Southwoc~tPark for the sum of $150.46. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by councilman Eolston, that Cyclone Fence Division's proposal be accepted and the fence at Southwood Park be installed. Notion was regularly carried. Chief of Police Belloni submitted the name of Joseph Leo Meyer for appointment as special police officer at Lindenville. Notion was duly made, seconded and carried that the appointment of Jos. L. Eeyer be ~onfirmed without remuneration from the City. Application of Clarence E. McElgea for license to engage in mechanic work at 980 Linden Ave. was received. Same was referred~othe Building Inspector. THEATRE BUILDING APPLICATION BARRETT & HILP REFUND: MONTHLY REPORTS: CLAIMS: ORDINANCE #252: Deputy Tax Collector: OUTFALL SEWER:: INTERCEPTOR 0UT~LL SEWER: RESOLUTION #1146 A GREE~IiENT WITH STATE OF CALIF- ORNIA: ELECTRICAL CODE: ORDINANCE #253 ADOPTING UNIF0~ BUILDING CODE: ORDINANCE #254 PLU~BING: Application for permit to build Noving Picture Theatre at 419 Grand Ave. at an approximate cost of ~i~80,000. was received from Bayshore Amusement Co., Inc. Building Inspector Rozzi stated tentative plans met provis- ions of all codes. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by councilman Cortesi, that permit be granted if all building codes' regulations are met with. Motion was regularly carried. Barrett & HilP submitted ~wW-~kk~ a notarized claim for refund of Head Tax paid in 1945 in the amount of ~696.00. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by councilman Sani, that Barrett & Hilp claim for ~696.00 be paid. Notion was regularly carried. Reports of the City ~ldge, Chief of Police, Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Poundkeeper and Health Officer for the month of September were submitted and were approved as read. Quarterly report of the Auditor was received and filed. City Clerk was instructed to conm~unicate with Health Director Charles C. Gans asking that l~ealth Officer for this district be present at the 'regular meetings of the City Council. Claims in the amount of ~94,591.V8 were presented to the finance' comm- itte'e' for approval. On motion duly made, seconded, and r~g~larly carried the claims were ordered paid. Fire Chief Welte advised that Wm. Rowe, architect, had tentative plans of the fire building ready and would like to meet with the City Council. It was suggested that Mr. Rowe meet with the Council Monday evening, October l~th; also that the Planning Gommission be advised. The Railroad Commission addressed a communication to the City Attorney advising that Er. A. E. Ryan had requested authority to purchase and ac~ire a passenger stage operative right from A. G. and A. L. Bybee, and asked the City's attitude on same. Notion was duly made, seconded, and regularly carried that the City Clerk be authorized to write the Railroad Commission t~t A. E. Ryan is giving valuable service to the City in Bum am~Taxicab service. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by councilman Holston, that vote of Sept. 2$rd on Ordinance No. 2S2 be reconsidered by the council. Notion was regularly carried. Councilman Holston moved that Ordinance No. 252 be adopted. Councilman Elder seconded the motion and same was regularly carried. Chas. T. Broughton, Works Engineer, addressed a communication to the City Council advising that NcGuire and Heater had satisfactorily completed the 0utfall Sewer Project in accordance with plans and specifications. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by councilman Elder, that the 0utfall Sewer Project be accepted. Notion was regularly carried. Chas. T. Broughton, ~orks Engineer, addressed a com~.unication to the City Council advising that NcGuire and Hester had satisfactorily com- pleted the Interceptor 0utfall Sewer Project.in accordance with plans and specifications. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by councilman Cortesi, that the Interceptor 0utfall Sewer Project be accepted. Motion was regularly carried. Councilman Sani introduced a resolution of the City of South San cisco that the city enter into an agreement with the State of California to construct, maintain, and use a public highway on and across certain tract of land in the City of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopted~by the unanimous vote of all members of the council. Mr. Lazarus, of the Pacific O. oa~st Electrical Assn., addressed the council with reference to adoption of electrical code. Action was held up until the matter could be gone into more thoroughly. Councilman Sani moved t~mt an ordinance adopting the Uniform ~uilding Code b~ read by title only and considered as the first reading. The motion was seconded by councilman Elder, and regularly carried. The City Clerk then read Ordinance No. 253 by title ~ An Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco adopting the Uniform Building Code, 1946, Edition. Councilman Holston~moved, seconded by councilma~ Elder, that an ordinance on plumbing be read by title only and considered as the first reading. The motion was regularly.carried. The City Clerk then read Ordinance No. 254 by title - An ordinance of the City of South San Francisco adopting that certain ordinance entitled: "Plumbing ordinance of the County of San Nateo, California," as the plumbing ordinance of said City of South San Francisco. Mayor Ferko advised that he had a verbal offer from the Southern Pacific Co. of ~5,000.00 as part payment for acquiring right of way to construct underpass, and suggested that a letter be addressed to the Southern Pacific Co. asking them for a definite commitment. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by councilman Sani, that the City Clerk w~fte the South- ern Pacific Co. requesting confirmation of'.this commitment of $5,000.00. Motion was regularly carried. MAYFAIR VILLAGE ~¥orks Engineer office submitted Mayfair Village #3~Map. #3 ~P: to the Planning Commission for recontw~endation. Same was referred Mrs. Hernan asked that additional lighting be supplied the Southwood area. Councilman Cortesi stated that he and the Superintendent of Streets would check into this matter. Superintendent of Streets Schweining stated the white lining of streets would be done within a couple of days. Mr. Carlyle brought up the matter of a large cross on the hill where the sign recently stood. Mayor Ferko suggested that this matter be checked with the various religious organizations. ADJOURNMENT TO OCTOBER 14th: On motion of councilman Sani, seconded by councilman Elder, and regularly carried, the meeting was adjourned to October 14th, 1946, at 7:00 p.m. Time of adjournment 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted Approvad: f ...... o r