HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1947-02-03PLACE; TIME: ROLL CALL: CALL TO 0i%DER: MINUTES: REGULAR ~ETING OF TIER CITY COUNCIL 0F TP~E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANC]SC0 HELD M(.NDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1947 Council Chambers, City Hall, South San Francisco 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: G. W. Nolston, Chas. K. Elder, Leo Ferko, adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi ~layor Ferko called 'the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. The City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meetinz to all members of the City Council, Mayor Ferko asked if any errors or omissions were noted. There 0eing none~ the minutes were approved, as submitted. BAYSHORE CURB CHAPMAN & RANDOLPH AVES: Comv~unication was received from the Works Engineer suggesting that the city forces install curb and gutter on Bayshore between Randolph and Chapman ~venues. This matter was laid over until further discussion with the Works Engineer. SOUTH CITY VILLAGE ALLEYS: Communication was received from the Works ~"ngineer advising that the two alleys paved by Ebright are satisfactory and it would be in order to make payment to him. Same was filed. REFUND FROK WORKS Communication was received from the '~orks Engineer enclosing check for ~60.00, being portion of money returned to the City for work done on Orange Avenue sidewalks. Same was accepted and filed. BURI BURI #2 PACIFIC TELEPHONE ~D TELEGRAPH CO.: Communication was received from Works Engineer enclosing copy of letter received from L. C. Smith with reference to work on Burl ~uri ~2. Same was filed. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. submitted a letter with draw- ing asking permission to do certain work on Tamarack Lane. This matter was referred to the Works Engineer. FOSTER & KLEISER: Foster and Kleiser submitted request to erect two poster panels on the corner of Bayshore Blvd. and ~utler Road. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permission was granted. GHARD CANCELLATIONS: Chief of £~olice Belloni submitted a request to cancel appointments of the following special officers employed as ~uards. Arthur Floyd l~iller, Frank Solon Minshall, C. m. Shaw, Charles A. Shott, Jotm ~,~osolo. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, cancellation of appointments as recommended by the Chief of Police was approved. POLICE sX~.~:~NATI 0~: Chief of Police addressed a communication to the City Council requesting that examination be held for ~:'olice Officers. Also, that the age limit of Police Officers be reduced to 30 years, and maximum w '~ em~oht set at 800 lbs. Same was laid over pending meeting with Personnel Board. LEAGUE M~TiNG: Peninsula Division, Lea~jue of California Cities, advised there would be a meetin:u of the ~'eague on February 20th ab the Palo Alto Airport and asked that they be advised of the number to be present. Oame was laid over until next meeting. Communication was received from the 0alifornia mission Trails Association inviting city officials to a meeting at the Benjamin Franklin llote~ February 6th. Same was filed. STREET S UPERZNTENDENT AP PO INTO',,,[' ~ T: Communication was received from the Personnel Board advising that Henry Schweining had successfully passed examination for ~treet Superintendent with a rating of 88.70%. Councilman Holston moved, seconded by Councilman ~ani, that Henry $chweining be appointed permanently to the position of Street Superintendent, and that,the Personnel Ooard be so'notified. ~'Iotion was regularly carried. P~SONNEL BOARD: Communication was received from the £ersonnel Soard clarifying the Civil Service regulation with reference to employees who had resigned. Same was laid over pending meetinS with the Personnel moard. BR~,~BLE RESIDENCE: LYLE ICE IIOUSE: Building Inspector Rozzt submitted a report coverinE his findings v with regard to the BramOle residence. ~ttached to same was a letter received from the Izmirian Roofing & Sheet ~,[etal '¥iorks covering the matter. The City Clerk was instructed to send copy of this report to Mr. Bramble. J. G. Lyle submitted a request to move ice house from SSS Grand Avenue to new location at Z18 Baden Avenue. ~otion~s duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that permission be granted on approval of ~uilding Inspector. HIGH SCHOOL TERRgCE MAP NO. 2: The City Planning Commission addressed a oonmuunication to the City Council recommending the adoption of tentative map of High School Park £errace ~'2. ~'iotion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the i~lanning Commissio be accepted. BAYSHORE CURB CHAP~tiAN & RANDOLPH AVES: SOUTH CITY VILLAGE ALLEYS: RE~0~ND FROM WORKS El, l[ GI NEaR: BURI BURI #2 PACIFIC TELEPt-IONE AND TELEGRAPH C0.: FOSTER & KLEISER: GIIAHD C ANCELLATI 0NS: LEAGUE M~:TiNG: STREET S UPERINTEI~]DENT APPO INTi'v[EN T: Pklt SONNEL BOARD: BR~,~DLE RESIDENCE~ LYLE ICE HOUS~: HIGH SCHOOL TERRACE MAP N0. 2: asked if any errors or omissions were noted. There being none~ the minutes were approved as submitted. Corm~unication was received from the Works Engineer suggesting tha the city forces install curb and gutter on Bayshore between Randolph and Chapman Avenues. This matter was laid over until further discussion with the Works Engineer. Communication was received from the Works ~ngineer advising that the two alleys paved by Ebright are satisfactory and it would De in order to make payment to him. Same was filed. Communication was received from the i~orks Engineer enclosing check for ~60.00, being portion of money returned to the City for work done on 0rar%Te Avenue sidewalks. Same was accepted and filed. Communication was received from Works Engineer enclosing copy of letter received from L. C. Smith with reference to work on Burl Ouri ~2. Same was filed. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. submitted a letter with draw- ing asking permission to do certain work on Tamarack Lane. This matter was referre~ to the Works ~ngineer. Foster and Kleiser submitted request to erect two poster panels on the corner of Bayshore Blvd. and ~utler Road. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permission was granted. Chief of Police Belloni submitted a request to cancel appointments of the following special officers employed as ~uards. Arthur Floyd Miller, Frank Solon Minshall, C. ~. Shaw, Charles A. Short, Jokn Mosolo. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, cancellation of appointments as recommended by the Chief of Police was approved. Chief of Police addressed a communication to the City Council requesting that examination be held for ~olice Officers. Also, that the age limit of Police Officers be reduced to 30 years~ and maximum wei~ht set at 200 lbs. Same was laid over pending meeting with Personnel Board. Peninsula Division, ~,eague of California Cities, advised there would be a meetin7 of the ~eagne on February 20th at the Palo Alto Airport and asked that they be advised of the number to be present. Oame was laid over until next meeting. Communication was received from the California ~'~ission Trails Association inviting city officials to a meeting at the Benjamin Franklin Ilote~ February 6~ho Same was filed. Communication was received from the Personnel Board advising that Henry ~chweining had successfully passed examination for 3treet Superintendent with a rating of 88.V0~o. Councilman Holston moved, seconded by Councilman Sani, that Henry $chweining be appointed permanently to the position of Street Superintendent, and that~,the Personnel ~oard be so notified. Motion was regularly carried. Communication was received from the Personnel ~oard clarifying the Civil Service regulation with reference to employees who had , ersonnel resigned. Same was laid over pend.~no meeting with the ~ ~oard. Building Inspector Rozzi submitted a report coverin% his findings v with regard to the BramOle residence, nttached to same was a letter received from the Izmirian Roofing & Sheet Metal covering the matter. The City Clerk was instructed to send copy of this report to Mr. Dramble. J. G. Lyle submitted a request to move ice house from 355 Grand Avenue to new location at 218 Baden Avenue. ~,~otion~s duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that permission be granted on approval of building Inspector. The City Planning Commission addressed a communication to the City Council reconzmending the adoptmon of tentative map of High School Park ~errace ~2. ~iotion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the i~lanning Commissio] be accepted. SIMON MOTOR CO: SIMON ~IOTOR CO: MONTHLY REP 0RT S: CLAIMS: BUSINESS LICENSES: RESOLUTION #1182 - JOINT SE~ER AGREk~qT: RESOLUTION #1183 - CALIF. PACIFIC i TIT~ IN~UR~d~C E COMPANY: RESOLUTION #118~ - DAVID TAYLOR RA~:~ RESOLUTION #118~ - JIM LARICCHIA: RES0~UTION ~1186 - FIRE STATION RESOLUTION ~1187 - RECREATION BUILDINGS: PRg£EST ON C0~'~RCIAL AVENUE EXTENSION: Oity Planning Commission addressed a communication to the Oity Council with reference to storage building of the Simon motor Co. at Bayshore and Randolph Ave., recommending that this matter be held in abeyance until such time as the new planning survey had been completed. ~[0tion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that the recommendation of~ the Planning ~ommission be accept ed. ~r. H. F. McNellis, President of the Peck's Subdivision improve- ment Club, addressed a con~munication to the City Council protesting the granting of permit for a corrugated iron building a~ the corner of oayshore and Randolph Avenue. Same was filed. Keports of the Chief of rolice, City Judge, Ouilding inspector, Fire Chief, Department of rublic Health & ~elfare, ~oundkeeper, and Auditor for the month of January were submit%ed. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, same were approved as submitted. Claims in the amount of ~9,571.93 were presented to the Finance Committee for approval. On motiOn duly made, seconded and regularly carried, the claims as submitted were ordered paid. Communication was received .from ~.~ilsey, ~roughton & Longson acknowledging letter of January l~th and advising that the matters requested therein would be complied with. Same was referred to the ~¥orks Engineer. Clarence E. ~.~cElyea made application for a business license to engage in the garage business at 5ll Bayshore blvd. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted. California ~usical Institute made application for a business license to engage in music instruction at the A~erican Legion Hall. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted. Dyer Tire Service, by Robert R. and Robert C. Dyer, made applica- tion for a business license to engage in tire recapping business at 10G Baden Ave. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted. V~ardrobe Cleaners, by Don L. Funge and '~illiam Gitlitz, made application for a business license to engage in the cleaning business at ~71 Grand Ave. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. Councilman Sanl introduced a.resolution that the City enter into an agreemen~t with the City of San Bruno providing for the construction and operation of a sewage treatment plant in accordance with the Department of Health regulations. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution accepting deed from the California Pacific Title Insurance Co. covering an easement to certain land shown on map entitled "Town of Baden"~ The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Counoil. Councilman Holston introduced a resolution accepting deed from David Taylor Ray covering an easement for the construction and maintenance of a storm water sewer. Zhe resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Councilman Elder introduced a resolution a~cepting deed from Jim Laricchia covering an easement for the construction and maintenance of a storm water sewer. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Councilman Elder introduced a resolution covering application for plant preparation, reimbursement and supporting data for Gentra~l Fire Stati~on. '~he resolution was adopted by the ~nanimous vote of all members of the City Council. CounCilman Holston introduced a resolution covering application for plant PreParation, reimbursement and supporting data for three Recreation Buildings. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Mayor Ferko asked if there were any protests on the improvement work to be done on Commercial Avenue extension. There were no Written~or verbal protests. ~0NTHLY REPORT S: CLA I~IS: BUSINESS LICENSES: RESOLUTIOE #1182 - JOINT SEWER AGREEmenT: RESOLUTION #1183 - CALIF. PACIF1C i TITLE INSURANCE C 01vIPANY: RESOLUTION #1184 - DAVID TAYLOR RAY:' RESOLUTION ~/1185 - JIM LARICCHIA: RESOLUTION ~1186 - FIRE STATION RES0~,UTION ~llSV - RECREATION BUILDINGS: PRU£EST ON C0~,~RCIAL AVENUE EXTENSION: a~ t~e' ~e~ or ~a~sn~ ~m Manmozpn Avenue. ~ame was z~zem. ~eports of the Chief of z~olice, City Judge, Ouilding inspector, ~ire Chief, Department of z~ublic Health & ~elfare, ~oundkeeper, and Auditor for the month of January were submitbed. On motion duly made, seconded and re$~larly carried, same were approved as submitted. Claims in the amount of ~9,571.93 were presented to the Finance Committee for approval. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, the claims as submitted were ordered paid. Communication was received.from ~ilsey, ~roughton & ~ongson acknowledging letter of January l~th and advisin~ that the matters requested therein would be complied with. Same was referred to the Works ~ngineer. Clarence E. ~cElyea made application for a business license to engage in the garage business at 811 Bayshore ~lvd. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted. CalifOrnia ~usical Institute made application for a business license to engage in music instruction at the A~erican Legion Hall. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted. Dyer Tire Service, by Robert ~. and Robert C. Dyer, made applica- tion for a business license to engage in tire recapping business at 10G Baden Ave. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted. ~'~ardrobe Cleaners, by .Don D. Funge and William ~itlitz, made application for a business license to engage in the cleaning business at ~V1 Grand Ave. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permit was granted subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. Councilman Sani introduced a.resolution that the City enter into an agreemen~t with the City of San Bruno providing for the construction and operation of a sewage treatment plant in accordance with the Department of Health regulations. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution accepting deed from the California Pacific Title Insurance Co. covering an easement to certain land shown on map entitled "Town of Baden"~ The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Counoil. Councilman Holston introduced a resolution accepting deed from David Taylor Ray covering an easement for the construction and maintenance of a storm water sewer. 'Z'he resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Councilman Elder introduced a resolution accepting deed from Jim Laricchia covering an easement for the construction and maintenance of a storm water sewer. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the Oity Council. Councilman Elder introduced a resolution covering application for plant preparation, reimbursement and supporting data for Gentra~ Fire Station. '~he resolution was adopted by the ~nanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Councilman Holston introduced a resolution covering application for plant PreParation, reimbursement and supporting data for three Recreation Buildings. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all.members of the City Council. ~ayor Fe~ko asked if there were any protests on the improvement work to be done on Commercial Avenue extension. There were no Written~or verbal protests. ORDINANCE #261 - BUoIH~oo LICENSES: LUCHINI APPOINTI~ENT: ADJOURN~ENT: 0rdina~e ~251 came up for the second reading. Oouncilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Sani that the ordinance be read by title only, and considered as second reading, i~he motion was regularly carried. City Clerk then read title of Ordinance [~261 - "An ordinance providing for licensing of business, professions, trades, callings, and occupations in the Oity of Oouth San Francis co". Mayor Ferko asked if anyone wished to make any comuents with reference to this ordinance. ~;r. Anderson, ?epresenting the Manufacturer's Association, requested that the ordinance be held up for at least two weeks before being voted upon. His request was due, he said, to give his group more time to study the ordinance. He wished to go on record as saying"the manufacturers have not been given the proper recognition, and we don't like it". ~ayor Ferko advised him the Council 'had at all times given the mantufacturers recognition, and suggested that an informal meeting be held with the representatives February Vth at 3:00 p.m. The ~ayor stated the vote on the adoption of the ordinance would be laid over pending certain a~endments. Mr. Grant of the ~tkinson Company stated he would like to have the matter of the vehicle tax clarified. Attorney Coleberd stated he would draw up an amendment to clarify this matter. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Sani that Ohester ~Uchini be appointed to the Fire Department as of February 1st. The motion was regularly carried. CoUnCilman Cortesi brought up the matter of cutting the willows at the extension of Grand Avenue and also the installation of an electrical signal at the ~arket Street ~ailway junction, ite suggested that the matter be taken up with Colonel Skeggs of the State Highway Division and the ~iarket Street ~ailway. A motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried, that the Works ~ngineer be instructe~ to follow through on these matters with the proper parties. ~n motion of Councilman ~lder, seconded by Councilman Holston, and regularly carried, the meeting was adjourned to February 10th at ~:.00 p.m. Time of adjournment 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ity Clerk Eppr ov e d :.