HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1947-09-22PLACE: ~ T~I~.: ROLL CALL: CALL TO ORDER: MIN%WPES: w sT AVE. BIDS,: RESO;,UTION F1259: BONDS [~SUCCESS- FI% BIDDERS: GOLLIER-BUKNS HIGHWAY ACT: TRAFFIC SIGNALS BURI BURI AND BRENT~OOD: SOUT~OD COM'~ '~RCIAL TRACT: GOODRICH MFrs. CO.: MARTIN & EARL ~ ~3BDIVISION: B REN~.~D #2 STEEET PROTECTIO~: ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF .THE CITY OF · ~OUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, ~SEPT. 22, 1947 Council Chambers, City Hall. 8: OO p.m. Present: Councilmen G. W.-Holston, Chas. K. Elder, Leo~ Ferko, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortes' The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ferko. The City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to all members of the City Council~: Mayor Ferko asked if any errors or ommissions were noted. There being none the minute's were approved' as submitted. Councilman Holston moved, seconded by Councilman Sani that bids for the improvement of West Orange Avenue be opened. Motion was regularly carried. The following bids were submitted: Union Paving~ompany Gabriel Construction Co. Eaton & Smith · Fay Improvement Co. L. C. Smith $24,128.99 26,514..'56 28,393.50 23,993.40 21,364.10 L. C. ~mith being the lowest bidder Councilman Sani introduced 'a resolution awarding contract for the improvement work on West Orange Avenue to L. C. Smith. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council. Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that bonds be returned to the unsuccessful bidders on ~est Orange Avenue Lmprovement work. Communication was received from Hahn, Campbell & Associates, with reference to State Department of Public Works letter on streets of major importance, recommending that a meeting be held with the .State Highway Officials. City Clerk was instructed to contact Hahn, Campbell & Associates and arrange for a meeting with the Planning Commission and a representative .from the State Highway, October 1st at 7:30 p.m. Communication was received from the Division of Highways advising that traffic signals could not be installed at either Brentwood or Buri Buri at the present time as conditions did not meet~'the requirements of the American Association of State Highway Officials. City Clerk adviSed he had sent copy of this letter to the BrentwoodgClub and the Buri Buri Improvement Club, therefore communication was ordered filed." Communication was received from G. W. ~Villiams Co. submitting revised map of Southwood Commercial Trsct and asking that the map be approved. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by CounciLman Cortesi that the map be referred to the Division of Highways with a letter stating the Council was in favor of ~ssing the map but would like to hear from them with their recommendation. Motion was regularly carried. The Goodrich Manufacturing Co. addressed a communication to the City Council reGuesting permission to build on their property on the east side of the Bayshore Highway. Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that permission be granted provided all building code requirements were met with. Communication was received from Gerald D. Marcus, in behalf of Messrs. Martin snd Earl l~lms~, s~bmitting sketch of contemplated subdivision on E1 Camino Real north of the Tanforan Race Track. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried .that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission. Communication was received from the Works Engineer suggesting that the contractors for the street improvement work in Brentwood Subdivision #3be required to post a $5,000 bond with ~he city against possible damage tha. t may occur to the streets of Brentwood #2. Motion was dulY made, seconded and carried that recommendation of the Works Engineer be accepted and contractors be required to post $5,OOObond. 2710 ~URI BU~ ~ STREET PROT~TION: STATE HIGHWAY SIGNS: LIBRARY: BUR1 BURI BLOCK JOSEPH BILDHAUER RETI RD~NT: SCHOOL GARBAGE: CONSTRUCTION PROC ~RAM BOND ISSUE: PARKING AREA: CIVIL SERVICE: MAYFAIR #2: COMMERCIAL AVE.: DEPOSIT FOR REMOVAL OF DEBRIS: HIGH SCHOOL PARK TERRACE #1: TELEPHONE RATE INCREASE: DEMOCRATIC' C~OUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE: POLICE APPOINT~ MENTS: G. L. ROZZI COh~ENTION: C~mmun$cation was received from the Works Engineer suggesting that the contractors for the street, improvement work in Buri Buri #2 be required to post a $5,000 bond against )ossible damage to streets in Buri Burl ~1. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recom~aendation of the Works Engineer be accepted and contractors be required to ~ost a $5,000 bond. Communication was. received from the Works Enginedr 'advising that in order to give the State Highway Departme. nt .information on .the~ elevation of the City Hall it would be nec- essary to run a line of levels from the United States Coast and Geodetic bench mark at the Southern Pacific Depot to the City Hall. ~Motion was duly made, seconded an~ carried that the recommendation of the. Works Engineer be accepted. Communication was fac'aired from the librarian showing the. progress for the year ending June 19&7. Same. was ordered filed.. Communication was received from the Planning Commission recommending granting permission to Buri Buri Homes to~ erect ten houses in Block & using 10 foot setback from the property line. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be .accepted. Joseph Bildhauer, police officer, requested that application be ma~e to the Retiremen~ Board for his retirement due to ill health. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the:City Clerk was instructed to file necessary request with the Retirement Board. Communication was received from the South San Francisco Unified School District asking if arrangement could not be made whereby the school could use the city garbage dump using their own trucks to haul the garbage. Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that ~permission?be granted. Communication was received from Architect William Henry Rowe outlining the action required to proceed with the construction program as covered by the Bond Election of September 16th. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recommendation of the Architect be accepted and the necessary s~gps be taken to expedite the work. communication was received from the Boosters Club~suggesting that the City Council consider the offer of the State Theatere parking lot befQ~purchasing any parking lots. Mayor Ferko stated he .wo~ld contact Mr..Im~erman and find out what arrangements could be made for the use of the State Theate~ parking lot. The petition for the formation of a parking district was laid over until the next meeting. Communica%ion was received from the B~osters Club recommending that the time residence for the Fire and Police Departments be limited to one year instead of the present three years. As no change was considered at this time letter was ordered filed. Communication was received from the ~oosters Club stating it had been called to their attention that the night Police Officers were not being compensated for their appearance in couEt during the day time. The Chief of Police stated this was not the case as m~n were a~lowed time,off or paid for any extra work. City Clerk was instructed to so advise the Boqste~s Club. Superintendent of'Streets Schweining.reqommended the acceptance of street work in Mayfair #2. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recqmmgndation be accepted. S~pe~intendent of Streets Schw~ining recommended that the street work on Commercial Avenue between Chestnut and Oak Avenues be accepted. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that his recommendation be accepted. Communication was received from Superintendent of Streets Schweining recommending that an ordinance be drawn up calling for a deposit of $~0 guaranteeing the removal of all dirt, debris material and equipment f~em the streets or alleys;~and for continuous building operators a bond .in the amount of $2,000.. Motion was duly made, seconded an4 carried that the recommendation of the Superintendent of Streets ,be accepted and the City Attorney ~e instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance. · Coaw~unication was received fromthe Superintendent of Streets recommending the acceptance of the street work in High School Park Terrace ~1; also recommending that the city not be held responsible for storm or'sanita~y~sewer lines ~r laterals that may not have been ~estalled or completed. Motion was duly made, seconded and r~gUlarly'carried that the recommendation of the Superintendent of Streets be accepted and that the South San Francisco ~and and Improvement Co. be requested to install guard rails at dangerous places in this section. Communicatio~ was received from the City of San Bruno asking what action the City Council was taking in the matter of contribution toward the fight against the proposed telephone rate increase. This matter was laid over until the next meeting. Communication was received from the City of Redwood City advising they had voted to contribute the sum of $500 toward th~ defense to be presented before th~ Utilities Comm. Communication was received from the Democratic County Central Committee requesting the use of the Judge's Chambers qr Council Chambers fora meeting to be held October 9th. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that they be'allowed to use the Judge's courtroom. Chief of Police Belloni ~dvised that commencing September 1st Vincent Bianchini, Jr. had been employed as Radio-Telephone operator at ~30 per month. Motion was duly made, second- ed and carried that this appoiDtment be confirmed and the Personnel Board be so notified. Chief of Police Belloni advised he'* had appointed Grant Farmquist as Special OffiCer at Brentwood. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that this appointment be confirmed and that G. Farmquist act without remuneration from ~he City. Building ~nspecto~ Rozzi requested permission to attend the Annual Business Meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference to be held in Arizona October 21 to 2~th. ~oti~n w~s d,~lv made. s~con~ed and e~rried that the B~]ildin~ Instructor be ~Sven nerm~ss~on BLOCK 4: ~J~ '~'~m~oerect ten houses in Block & using 10 foot setback from the property line. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recommendation of the Planning Commission beaccepted. JOSEPH BILDHAUER RETIREMENT: Joseph Bildhauer, police officer, requested that application be ma~e to the Retiremen~ Board for his retirement due to ill health. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the~City Clerk was instructed to file necessary request with the Retirement Board. SCHOOL GARBAGE: Communication was received from the South San Francisco Unified School District asking if arrangement could not be made whereby the school could use the city garbage dump using their own trucks to haul the garbage. Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that permission~be granted. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM BOND ISSUE: Communication was received from Architect William Henry Rowe outlining the action required to proceed with the construction program as covered by the Bond Election of September 16th. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recommendation of the Architect be accepted and the neqess~ry s~ps be taken to expedite the work. PARKING AREA: CIVIL SERVICE: POLICE OVERTIME: MAYFAIR #2: COMMEREIAL AVE.: DEPOSIT FOR REMOVAL OM DEBRIS: Communication was received from the Boosters Clu~:suggesting that the City Council consider the offer of the State Theaters parking lot befq~purchasing any parking lots. Mayor Ferko stated he .wowld contact Mr..Im~erman and find out what arrangements could be made for the use o~ the State Theater~ parking lot. Th~ petition for the formation of a parking district was laid over until the next meeting. Communication was received from the B~osters Club recommending that the time residence for the Fire and Police D~partments be limited to one year instead of the present three years. As no change was considered at this time letter was ordered filed. Communication was received from the ~oosters Club stating it had been called to their attention that the night Police Officers were not being compensated for their appearance in couEt during the day time. The Chief of Police stated this was not the cas~ as m~n were a~lowed time,off or paid for any extra work. City Clerk was instructed to so advise the Boqsters Club. Superintendent of~Stre~ts Schweining.reGommended the acceptance of street work in Mayfair #2. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the recqmm~ndation be accepted. S~pe~intendent of Streets Schw~ining recommended that the street work on Commercial Avenue between Chestnut and Oak Avenues be accepted. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that his recommendation be accepted. Communication was received from Superintendent of Streets Schweining recommending that an ordinancebe drawn up calling for a deposit of $~0 guaranteeing the removal of all dirt, debris material and equipment f~om the streets or alleys;~and for continuous building operators a bond %n the amount of $2,000. Motion was duly made, seconded an~ carried that the recommendation of the Superintendent of Streetsbe accepted and the City Attorney ~e .instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance. · HIGH SCHOOL PARK TERRACE~i: Communication was received fromthe Superintendent of Streets recommending the acdeptance of the street work in High School Park Terrace ~l; also recommending that the city not be held responsible for storm or'sanitary'sewer lines o~ lateralsthat may not have been installed or completed. Motion was duly made, seconded and regUlarly'carried that the r~commeadation of the Superintendent of Streets be accepted and that the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Co. be requested to install guard rails at dangerous places in this section. TELEPHONE RATE INCREASE: DEMOCRATIC' C'OUNTY CENTRAL CO~TTEE: POLICE APPOINTm MENTS: Communicatio~ was received from the City of San Bruno asking what action the City Council was ts.king in the matter of contribution toward the fight against the proposed telephone rate increase. This matter was laid over until the next meeting. Communication was received from the City of Redwood City advising they had voted to contribute the sum of $500 toward the defense to be presented before th~ Utilities Comm. Communication was received from the Democratic County Central Committee requesting the use of the Judge's Chambers qr Council Chambers fora meeting to be held October 9th. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that they be allowed to use the Judge's courtroom. Chief of Police Belloni ~dvised that commencing September !st Vincent Bianchini, Jr. had been employed as Radio-Telephone operator at ~230 per month. Motion was duly made, second- ed and carried that this appoiDtment be confirmed and the Personnel Board be so notified. Chief of Police Belloni advised he' had appointed Grant Farmquist as Special OffiCer at Brentwood. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried ths.t this appointment be confirmed and that G. Farmqu~st act without remuneration from the City. G. L. ROZZI CONVENTION: Building ~nspecton Rozzi requested permission to attend the Annual Business Meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference to be held in Srizona October 21 to 24th. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the Building Inspector be given permission t~ attend the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, with expense allowances. GASOLINE TANK HIGH SCHOOL: ORANGE AV~N~ BASEBALL BEER & ~NE LICENSE: FRANCES SHOTW~.T. LICENSE: SCHOOL GROUND: SERVICE STATION GRAND A~D OAK AVES.: MO,NTHLY ~EPORTS: CLkIMS: BEACH ~4ARF: FOSTER & ~LEISER: ADJOt~NMENT: The South San Francisco Unified Scho~,l District requested permission to install a gas- oline storage tank and hand operated p~up on their grounds. As the necessary notice had been posted by the Fire Chief' and approved by him, motion was duly made, seconded and carried that permission be granted for the installation of the gasoline tank. Communication was received from Joseph Pleas, Superintendent of Recreation, advising that the San Bmxno Athletic Commission had requested permission to use the Orange Avenue Baseball diamond for 9 'weeks beginning Sunday, October 5th. Motion was duly made, second. ed and carried, that this matter be referred ~to the Recreation Commission for their recommendation. The State Board of Equalization advised that they issued the following licenses: Off Sale Beer and Wine, Antone Lamuth, 713 Linden Avenue and On Sale Beer and ??ine, Mae Tabor ll~ Grand ~venue.' Same were ordSred filed. Application to engage in the business of Sandwich Shop and Shoe Shine Parlor at 213 Gramd Avenue was submitted by Frances Shotwell. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that same be referred to the Health Inspector and Chief of Police. Communication from t~e South San FranciSco Unified S6hoOl DiStrict, which had been laid over from previous meeting, was taken up. Same referred to the possibility of securing a two acre plot at Orange Avenue Park. This matter was referred to the Planning Comm. Petition for proposed 'service station at Grand and Oak Avenues, which had been laid over ~rom previous meeting, was taken up. Same was laid over for further discussion~ ~eports for the month of August were submitted by the Chief of Police, City Judge, Public Library and City Clerk. Motion was duly made, seconded and regularly carried that same be approved as submitted. Claims in the amount of $20,098.80 were presented to the Finance Committee for approval. On motion duly made, seconded an~ regularly carried the claims as submitted were ordered paid. The matter of the construction of a wharf on the city's beach property was brought up. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by ~ouncilman Sani that the Works Engineer prepare plans and specifications for a wharf and that the City Attorney draw up the nemessary resolution calling for bids. Motion was regularly carried. Councilman Sani stated there was a great deal of rubbish being deposited around the Foster & .Kleiser sign on Grand Avenue and suggested thatthematter be taken up with Foster & Kleiser. JiN~The~ity Clerk was instructed to contact Foster and Kleiser in this matter. ~nd regularly carried On motion of Councilman Elder, seconded by Councilman Holsto~/~he meeting was adjourned to Thursday evening, September 25th at 7~30 p.m. Time of adjournment - lO:15 p.m. Respect fully submitted, City~ Clerk APPROVED: Mayor