Council Chambers, City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by Mayor Cortesi.
Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi,
Telford Smith and Joseph Bracco.
City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meeting
to all councilmen, Mayor Cortesi asked if there were any errors or
omissions. Councilman Smith requested the minutes of the meeting of
August 4, 1952 to be corrected as follows: On Page 2 the last paragraph,
second sentence to read as follows: "The reason s~ated were that it
would create competition for other business."
Bids for the improvement of Third Lane were ordered opened. Bids were
read by the City Clerk. As two of the bids did not show totals, Works
Engineer was excused from the meeting to total the two bids in question.
A communication was received from the Office of Works Engineer Randlett
regarding recommendations for certain safety precautions at the Sewage
Disposal Plant, accompaning a letter from the State Compensation~Fund.
It was moved by Councilman Sani and seconded by Councilman BracCo that
the suggested changes as recommended by Works Engineer Randlett be
accepted. Under the question, Councilman Smith asked if a motion was
necessary as corrective measures were being taken. Councilman Bracco
stated that he felt a motion should be made for the changes to be made.
Motion as made was regularly carried.
Communication was received from the Office of the Works Engineer
accompanied by Assessment Diagram for the improvement of Second Lane,
setting forth the details of the Assessment Diagram. Councilman Smith
asked if the Works Engineer found out if Mr. Scully was the owner of the
property on Third Lane as in his letter the Works
Engineer mentioned that C. W. Scully apparently owned forty feet abutting
Second Lane. Councilman Sani explained the assessment diagram map and how
the property shown thereon related to the Assessment. Councilman Bracco
stated that Mr. Scully was the only one shown who protested it.
Councilman Smith stated he was attempting to determine if Mr. Scully did
or did not own the property.
City Manager McClung explained how the names were taken from the
assessment roll and only the owner of the property at the time would be
EXCHANGE OF A communication was received from the Office of the City Manager
PROPERTY- PACIFIC relative to the exchange of property from the city to the Pacific Coast
COAST CONSTRUCTION Construction Company at the junction of Hillside Boulevard and Chestnut
COMPANY AND CITY Avenue accompanied by a copy of letter from former City Clerk Daniel
OF SO. S.F.: Hyland. Councilman Bracco inquired if we had a Quit Claim Deed from
the Land Company. He asked City Attorney Lyons if he was familiar with
the matter to which he replied he was not. Councilman Bracco then want
on to explain that the portion of the property in question was taken to
straighten out a sharp curve in the road. Councilman Sani moved,
seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried that the recommenda-
tion of the City Manager be acceoted and the City Attorney be instructed
to prepare the deed.
A communication was received from the Office of the City Manager
relative to Job Classification Plan. Councilman Smith commended City
Manager McClung as the Job Classification is a worthy project and
hoped the blessings of the Council would be given to the City Manager
to go ahead with this. Councilman Bracco also extended his commenda-
tions to the City Manager for a job well done. Mayor Cortesi ordered
this filed.
A communication was received from the Office of the City Manager
relative to the preliminary budget for the fiscal year 1952-53.
Councilman Noonan asked Mayor Cortesi if this were for approval tonight.
City Manager McClung stated that it was not but since this was the
second month of the f~scal year the Council should give consideration
to adoption of the Budget as soon as possible. Councilman Smith asked
City Attorney Lyons how many of the Councilmen have to vote on this.
City Attorney Lyons replied that the City is a 6th class city and is
not required to have a Budget, but that 3 out of 5 members is all that
is needed for adoption. Councilman Smith asked how could we set the
tax rate if there were no budget. City Attorney Lyons stated that this
was the reason for the Budget so that a tax rate could be established.
Councilman Smith then asked how can the city deviate from the Budget
from the funds as set forth CitY,,Attorney Lyons reported that the
majority of 3 members of thg City Council can cause deviation from
the Budget.
Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly
carried that a copy of the Budget be filed with the Clerk and the
Manager for the public and to act on it in two weeks.
City Attorney Lyons reminded the Council that this was the same meeting
that the Council must set the tax rate.
A communication was received from the Office of the Chief of Police
advising the appointment of Jack Jones to the position of Police
Officer. On motion of Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilman
Noonan and regularly carried the recommendation of the Chief of
Police was accepted.
Application for business license was received from Victor J. Rosa, Jr.
to conduct the business of used auto sales under the firm name of
Brentwood Auto Sales located at 103 Brentwood Drive. On motion of
Councilman Bracco, seoonded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried
the license was granted.
Application for business license was received from Leon Kaster to
conduct the Business of Optometry located at 420 Miller Avenue. On
motion of Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilman Noonan and
regular!y carried license was granted.
Communications were received from the Shell Oi~ Company regarding
the installation of an 8000 gallon underground gasoline storage tank
at Armour and Company and for the removal of one 120 gallon, two
550 gallon and one 1000 gallon tank and the installation of two
3000 gallon and one 4000 gallon tank at the Shell Service Station at
Bayshore and Linden Avenue. Both had the okay of the Fire Chief.
On motion of Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilman Noonan and
regularly carried permits were granted.
Communication was received from the Office of Joseph A. Jackson
requesting an addition of sixty days in which to file the sub-
division map and complete all other legal involvements on Peck's
Heights subdivision. Councilman Bracco requested information from
City Attorney Lyons if we could grant the extension to which he
replied the Council could. On motion of Councilman Bracco,
seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried sixty day
extension was granted.
Communication was received from the Superior Electrocast Foundry
Company relative to Harbor Road and its condition, being in need of
immediate repair. Mayor Cortesi referred the matter to City Manager
McClung and Works Engineer Randlett for action. Councilman Sani
stated he was in favor of improving the road if the property owners
would stand the expense. Councilman Smith asked if this were a
private road. After some discussion Councilman Smith moved,
seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried that Charles
Hoehn, Jr., be instructed as to the procedure necessary of the
improvement of the road.
A communication was received from the Grand Lodge of California
Order Sons of Italy in America for an ad in the Souvenier Book on
the occasion of the Grand convention to be held in Santa Barbara
September 18 through 21, 1952.
Councilman Smith asked City Attorney Lyons what the City can do
with regard to this. 'City Attorney Lyons reported that this is a
matter of policy for the Council to adopt. Councilman Smith stated
it appeared if we do it would be in form of advert i~ng and that we
do not have the funds set aside. Councilman Smith moved, seconded
by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that the request be
LETTERS OF THANKS Communications were received from Mrs. Dan Hyland, Mrs. Peggy Miller
FROM MRS. DAN HYLAND, and Mrs. Ada M. Coleberd expressing their sincere thanks for the
MRS. PEGGY MILLER, copy of resolution sent them in memory of their late husband and
MRS, ADA COLEBERD: father respectively. Communications were ordered filed.
Communication was received from R. O. McWhorter tendering his
resignation as a member of the Personnel Board. Councilman Smith
moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried that
the resignation of R. O. McWhorter be accepted and a letter of
appreciation of h~s services be sent to him.
Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly
carried that the monthly reports of the Police Department, City
Judge, Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Librarian, Poundmaster and
City Clerk be accepted as submitted.
City Manager McClung then brought up two matters that were too late
for the agenda although they were urgent. City Manager McClung gave
an explanation of a letter from the South San Francisco Land Company
relative to a water line that they were desirous of installing. The
proposed line originally on the contract entered into by the City
was for an eight inch line. Now the Land Company wished to modify
the contract to read that a twelve inch line be installed. The
motion needed is for the modification of the contract to be signed
by the Mayor.
Councilman Bracco asked if additional cost would be incurred by the
City. City Manager McClung stated that there would be no further
cost. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and
regularly carried, that the contract be modified as explained by
the City Manager. Councilman Smith asked when the original contract
was drawn. City Manager McClung stated it was drawn last spring.
Councilman Smith asked what distance the line had to travel now to
our pump house and was informed by the City Manager about 900 feet.
Councilman Smith remarked the reason for the explanation was to see
what we were getting for our money. He further suggested that the
City Attorney check the original contract an& see that the money is
not to exceed the $1900.00 as stipulated.
City Manager McClung then brought up the matter of the Colma Creek
channel restoration, that authorization of the $10,500.00 was to be
made to be sent to the state and would be matched by a like amount
by them. This fund then could be drawn from as progress reports are
made. He suggested the signature of the City Attorney and that
authorization of the warrant payable to the state be made. Councilman
Smith moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried that
the suggestion of the City Manager be accepted.
Works Engineer Rand]ett brought up the matter of the bill from the
Lowrie Paving Company for the retention due on the parking lot at
Miller and Maple Avenues in the amount of $421.6'3 and recommended
that it be paid. On motion of Councilman Bracco seconded by
Councilman Sani and regularly carried that the recommendation of the
Works Engineer be accepted.
RESOLUTION NO. lgOO Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution awarding contract to the
AWARDING CONTRACT B and D Truck Service for the improvement of Third Lane, as the iow-
TO B AND D TRUCK est bidder. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen
SERVICE: John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith and Emilio
RESOLUTION NO.1801 Councilman Sani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the
ACCEPTING PUBLIC City of South San Francisco accepting the Public Improvements
IMPROVEMENTS constructed and installed in the subdivision known as Sterling Manor
CONSTRUCTED IN No. 2. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen John Noonan,
STERLING MANOR #2. Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith and Emilio Cortesi.
AMEND SUBDIVISION Ordinance establishing subdivision regulations for the City to amend
ORDINANCE: Ordinance 297 by subsection 4.46 relative to the posting of bonds by
subdividers was then brought up for second reading. Councilman Sani
O~D/~C~ ..~3~ asked City Attorney Lyons if he had checked to see if subdividers do
post such bonds. He replied that he checked and found subdividers do
post such bonds in order to protect the cities. BOnds are required
for any repairs that are made and range from 10% to 25%.
Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly
carried that the reading of the Ordinance be walv~d and the Ordinance
be introduced by title only. The ordinance then was introduced for
adoption by title only. Roll call Vote was as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, Telford
Smith and Emilio Cortesi.
City Attorney Lyons next brought up the matter of the ordinance on
curfew for juveniles. He asked that this be with held for
recommended changes he wished to make on the original copy am
submitted by the District Attorney's office. He stated he spoke to
the Chief of Police about this and both are in accord for some
changes. One of the changes mentioned was the cluase for repealing
the wartime ordinance and the other for the police officer to use
discretion relative to juveniles that were found to be violating the
ordinance with respect to transfering immediately to the Juvenile
Home. Councilman Smith asked that copies be made available and was
instructed that copies of this ordinance had already been given to
the members of the Council.
Under unfinished business the communication from the Recreation
Department for permission for Anthony Buljan to attend the National
Recreation Association in Seattle, Washington was, at the suggestion
of Councilman Noonan, laid over until the meeting to be held with the
Recreation Department the following evening.
Communication received from the City of Inglewood relative to the 4%
statewide sales tax was ordered laid over to the next regular meeting,
Supplementary petition was received from residents of the city relativ~
to the installation of Park-Ad signs on the parking meters. Signatures
of 114 persons appeared thereon. ~
Walter Cribbons representing the Park-Ad Company gave an explanation
relative to the signs one oF the reasons being revenue to the city for
off street parking. He further stated having contacted the Chief of
Police who remarked that he would go for anything that would go to aid
in the prevention of accidents. He further went on to explain the
manner in which he went to obtain a cross section of petition signatures.
After length~ discussion Councilman Noonan moved to grant the petition.
Councilman Smith stated that action should not be taken on this at this
time as there may be other companies that have the same deal that have-
franchises as well. As a Council we should try to stick to legislative
duties and that if we did go into this kind of work we should try to
contact as many advertising companies as possible. City Manager
McClung stated he contacted three 'firms, of the three one did not
answer and the other he learned fr6m an indirect source was going out
of business h~ving l~st the franchise.
Lester Kelting stated that since there was a controversy on this and
that a public hearing be held and the issues discussed pro and con.
Councilman Noonan stated he was in favor of giving anything for off
street parking moves.
Mrs. Hernan asked the Park.-Ad representative what kind of a
franchise must we give. Representative accompanying Mr. Cribbons
stated a three year franchise was desired. Councilman Noonan with-
drew his motion if we could get the real test of public opinion on
this subject. Councilman Sani remarkOd that almost all sections of
the city were represented on the petition. He inquired if people
knew what they are signing when they sign petitions and was in
agreement with Councilman Smith that more consideration should be
given to this matter.
Councilman Smith brought up the matter of the application of
business license as submitted by Ital9 Belli to engage in the
repairing of automobiles at 202 Lux Avenue which is located under
the Industrial Hotel. Fire Chief Welte, to whom the matter was
referred, recommended that the license be denied.
On motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Sani and
regularly carried the recommendation of Fire Chief Welte was
APPLICATION FOR RE- Councilman Smith brought up the two deadlocked issues that had been
ZONING, WILMS COMPANY: left over from the last regular meeting and at which Councilman
Bracco was not present due to the fact that he was away on vacation
at the time. One was the application of Mr. Wilms for rezoning of
his property. Councilman Noonan commented on the editorial which
appeared in the Burlingame Advance relative to more harmonious
cuuncil activities. Regarding the question of Wilms application
Councilman Bracco explained his absence due to planned vacation and
having read about the deadlocked issues. He further went on to
explain the master plan as it exists and voted "no", accepting the
recommendation of the Planning Commission.
The next issue left deadlocked was the suggestion of Mrs. Betty
Mitter that a meeting be held with two experts to discuss the
engineering problem. Councilman Bracco explained the working of
the Engineer's Office saving money for the City at this time. We
should wait for five or six months before acting. Councilman Bracco
voted no at this time. Councilman Smith explained the remark of
Betty Mitter that it was a suggestion to sit down and talk it over.
Mayor Cortesi spoke regarding the shortage of coming work and
waiting five or six months before going into the problem of the
Councilman Smith asked if any progress had been made on the exchange
of lands with the City and County of San Francisco with relationship
to the water line. City Manager McClung stated he contacted the San
Francisco Water Company ten days ago. Since they are proposing the
issue it was their duty to put in their surveying crews and then to
let our Works Engineer check it. Councilman Smith moved, seconded
by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried that the City Manager put
in writing by letter, to the San Francisco Water Company, regarding
the exchange of lands.
Councilman Smith next brought up the matter of the signs for the
First Church of Christ Scientist which came up on the meeting of
June 20, 1952. City Manager McClung stated that this likewise had
been referred to him. Ail cities on the Peninsula were checked and
it was found that ordinances existed relative to such signs and that
they attempted to regulate them as well. He also spoke regarding
the move presently on foot by the Lions Club for civic club signs to
be posted on the edge or outskirts of town. Possible the churches
could utilize this plan. Councilman Smith moved that City Manager
McClung write to the First Church of Christ Scientist relative to
this matter. City Manager McClung stated he was only requested to
make a study of this. Councilman Smith asked to hold this over.
Councilman Smith brought up the matter of the coming November
election and that possibly a special election could be held for a
fraction of the cost. Councilman Sani moved that we avail ourselves
of the national election for any project we wished. Also that the
other Council members might have some project they wished put on the
ballot. Councilman Bracco asked City Attorney for an explanation
regarding the holding of an election. City Attorney Lyons stated
that we should not wait any further than the second meeting of
September to decide on this.
Councilman Smith then listed proposed issues he would wish to have
put on the ballot. ~
That the city employ a full time Engineer and that he be civil service.
That the City Attorney and Department Heads be removed from civil
That the City Manager be a requirement and be given full authority
and the power the name implies.
That Department commissions be removed.
Councilman Noonan proposed that the districting of the city be made
providing for seven councilmen.
Councilman Smith asked if comparitive costs were available between a
regular special election or one held in conjuction with the November
City Manager McClung gave an explanation of what it might cost.
Councilman Sani suggested that the County Supervisors be contacted
for proper permission as the work involved at the booths would be
increased and that the workers should be compensated extra for this.
City ~ttorney Lyons stated that if we asked permission to have the
special election added the Supervisors might be reluctant due to
the work involved. It would be for the city and the Board of
Supervisors to work out an agreement.
Councilman Noonan filed with the Works Engineer five suggested
corrections on flood conditions in Paradise Valley and asked that
these be reported back on at the next regular meeting.
Councilman Sani stated that two years ago while he was Mayor he
investigated in the county, money paid to the library fund. As of
June 30, 1952 there is $26,360.00 accumulated in the Library Fund.
If the rate of 13~ is left this year we will realize sufficient money
to add a much needed addition to the library. We will realize
$40,000.00. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco that
the City Manager and City Attorney proceed and call for bids for the
extension of the library as plans and specifications are already drawn
up and on file.
Councilman Smith requested that he wished to see the plans and asked
that they be brought up at the next meeting. City Attorney Lyons
stated that if the plans and specifications had not been approved it
would not be binding at this time.
Councilman Sani withdrew his motion and Councilman Bracco withdrew
his second.
~ayor Cortesi called for a meeting on the Auditorium in order to
appoint a committee. He asked all the Councilmen to attend setting
the date for Monday, August 25th at 8 p.m. in the council chambers.
City Clerk was notified to advise the various organizations by letter.
A question was asked from the audience if any thought had been given to
a branch library. Councilman Noonan stated this was a good thought to
keep in mind.
William Gillis of the Associated Home Builders of Northern California
registered a protest to the adoption of the ordinance~requiring
subdividers to post a bond for two years after completion of building.
Stated that some neighboring cities have turned down bonds because it
would work a hardship. Mr. Schulhouse asked how was enforcement to be
carried out. City Attorney Lyons explained the ordinance and how it
read, the word maintain not being mentioned. Also that proof would
have to be shown that it was a burden in order for changes to be made.
It was mentioned by those who orotested that the information they had
was received from the City Clerk's office. It was stated by the City
Clerk that Mr. Jack Wells of The Stoneson Corporation had requested to
be shown the copy of the ordinance and had made his own notes from the
original copy. Any notations made were his own and in his own
terminology, the City Clerk not being present when they were made.
Mrs. Carlyle brought up the matter of the sewers in Southwood. Works
Engineer Randlett spoke relative to the manner in which this could be
cared for.
Councilman Smith stated he had received a complaint regarding people
being disturbed by the air horns of traveling vendors. City Clerk was
asked to place this on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mrs. Bet~y Mitter inquired regarding' the improvement of "B" Street
road to the school. City Clerk was requested to place this on the
agenda for next meeting.
Claims in the amount of$41,273.~2 were submitted by the Finance
Committee on motion made by Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman
Bracco and regularly carried, claims as submitted were orddred paid.
On motion of Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman Noonan and
regularly carried the meeting was adjourned to Tuesday,
September 2, 1952 at 8 p. m.
Time Of adjournment - 11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk