HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1952-10-22ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF SOUT8 SAN FRANCISCO HELD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1952 PLACE: TIME: Council Chambers, City Hall 8:00 p. m. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8:14 p. m. by Mayor Cortesi. ROLL CALL: Atment: Councilmen Adolph Suni, Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith and Emilio Cortesi. Councilman John Noonan. BIDS, LIBRARY Bids for addition and alterations to the existing library were EXTENSION: ordered opened by Mayor Cortesi. Bids were read and recorded as RESOLUTION WO.l~ follows: - Beacon Co~strvctto~ Company Hart and Hynding T~tal Bid Additional Bid Mo. 1 Additional Bid No. 2 Total Bid Additional Bid No. 1 Additional Bid No. 2 30,987.00 4,130.00 3,290.00 34,862.00 5,583.00 3,290.00 Morris Daley Total Bid Additional Bid No. 1 Additional Bid No. 2 35,629.00 3,989.00 3,989.00 J. Robert Harris Total Bid Additional Bid No. 1 Additional Bid No. 2 35,781.00 3,962.00 4,057.00 After the bids had been read Mayor Cortesi called on Louis Baldini, Architect, to explain the manner in which the bids had been submitted. Mr. Baldini explained that Additional Bid number 1 was for the constructioa of a retaining wall and landscaping. Additional Bid number 2 was for the Painting of the Interior and Exterior off the building. City Manager McClung then explained that it might be possible for the City cr~w to do the work in additional bid number 1. It would be well to look into them and asked City Attorney Lyons if it were possible to take Additional Bids number 1 and 2 under advisement. City Attorney Lyons stated that this was correct. Councilman ~racco asked City Attorney LF~ns if it were legal to take the low bid and then additiOnal bids 1 and 2 under advisement. City Attoraey Lyons stated this was correct. Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution awarding the contract for the construction of an addition or extension to the .Public Library of said City to the Beacon Construction Cmapany. Councilman lhaith raised the question of the contractor's guarantee to put forth the work. City Attorney Lyons stated that the contractor is required to put up two bends, one for faithful performance and the other for work and material. Councilman Smith then asked relative to'the time of completion and was iaformed by the Architect L~uis hldini that the time of completion would be approximately 150 calender days. City Attorney Lyons also stated thai the City can grant an extension of time to the c~ntract~r if it g~es over the time. Councilman R~acco asked the successful bidder if the alloted time was ~ufficient to which he replied it was. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes; Councilmen Suni, Bracco, Smith and Cortesi. RF~OL~ION NO. t.~3~Council~mn Bracco introduced a resolutio~ adopting plans and ADOPTING PLAMS AND speeifications for the improvement of Spr~ee Avenue between SP~_-CIFICATI(~S FOR Railroad Avenue and Colma Creek and sppS~ving and adopting a wage SPRUCE AVenUE ~eale for ms, id work of improvement. Roll call vote was as IMP~iY~]{~I~: follow~: Ayes; Councilmen, Suni, Rracco, Smith and Cortesi. RL~O1AITIOM NO.{[~{ Cmmcllman Bracco introduced a. res~lution ordering certain public ORI)ERING Wi~K AND work nad i~provement along Spruce Avenue between Railroad Avenue IIgI~WOVEMEWTt{ ALORG ami Colma Creek in maid City, to wit, The construction of concrete SPRUCE AVENUE: curbs and gutters, ami street pavement consisting of crusher run base and plant mixed surface and a sidewalk along the westerly side of said Spruce Avenue between said Railroad Avenue and Colma ORDINANCE NO. 334 AM~MDMElqT FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES*. NOitT~ST DRAINAGE DISTRICT.* AP~A~E OF COUMCILI~i( NOONAN: NOR', A DRA I NAGE: Creek. Councilman Smith asked Works Engineer Randlett if the street could be rocked and made passable as a temporary measure before the rain starts. Mayor Cortesi asked City Manager McClung if t~is could be done wit~ut hi~erin~ other ~rk. City ~n~er ~Clun~ explain~ the need for a roller for thio ~rk which ~ld be taken up later on ~rin~ the meeting. C~ncilman Sani stated that if ~ney were taken from the ~neral Fu~ for this ~rk it c~ld ~t be ~lac~ later in the ~neral ~nd a~ all this ~k was being ~ ~th Gam Tax ~ney. City Manager McClun~ stat~ that if this were done we would have to rene~tiate with the State and this ~ld cause delay as the rainy semen ~m coming up, Councilman Bracco asked City Attorney L~nm if it was correct that o~e the ~ne~ ~s taken fr~ the ~neral F~d it could not ~ replaced fr~ ~$ Tax ~ney to ~ich he replied that this wam ~rr. ct, C~ncil~n ~lth asked ~rkz E~iaemr Randlett if th~m was a ~m~nt mt~et to which he repll~ that it vas, ~11 call ~te warn as follm: Ayes; C~mcilmen Bracco, Bani, hith a~ Cortesi. City Attorney Lyons introduced the matter of the ordinance relative to the amendment for tbs payment of taxe~. He stated that this was to change the dates so that they would conform with the Coumty. He further explained tbs delinquency date falling on a Saturday would be curried over to tbs following Monday. The ordinance he stated c~ould be lathed by title only waiving the readtmg of the ordinance but would have to be d~ne by the full meubership of the Council in atteddimeo and anticipating the preoence of Councilman Nooman later in the meeting the matter was laid over to that time. Come~nication accompanied by a petition protesting the establish- ment of the Northwest Drainage District was received from the office of Antonio J. Gtudio, Attorney for the Protestants. Councilman Bmith asked relative to the nmount of area the signatures represented. City Attorney Lyons stated that if the petition represented over 50~ of the area it egnnot go ahead un- less 4/5 of the Council vote ifino MaFor Cortesi at this point called on Works Engineer Randlett to explain the Northwest Dral.nafa area and its purposes which he did, At this point Hugh Bmith, Attorney at Law acting in behalf of Mr. Gaudio who was away on business arose and spoke in behalf of the Protestants stating that the majority of the people can order a stay frog the Council if they signed the petition. He further stated that if the Council wished to eliminate this it would be in order but otherwise to await the return of Mr. Gaudio. The discussion also took into consideration the expenses already incurred in the preparing of plans, engineering, advertising and the like which had to be paid. Councilman Smith remarked that the plans and specifications could be used later. He further stated that later the project could be again resumed and the expenses shared with other people outside the present proposed drainage area probably getting the County to cc,ne into the drainage district. Councilman Smith at this time moved that the matter of the Northwest Drainage be dropped. City Attorney Lyons explained that a Re~olution could be introduced for a continuance from time to time but that a definite date had to be established for continuance purposes. C®uncilman Bani explained the reason for the Council action was because they felt it was wanted by the people. He furth,r stated that the rumors to the effect that it was being done for the subdividers of the area were untrue. The C~--v~mcil he stated wish to abide by the peoples decision and are always t~okin~ out for the inter, st of the poo~le. He stated be ~as in accord to letting this project go until the time that the people wish it. Hugh Smith COUnsel for the Protestants explained that th~ abandonment of the project was favored without keeping the people waltia~ fram week to week. City Attorney Lyons remarked that if the p~oJect were abandoned the expenses would be last. Also that the people do not have to come back from week to week as it could be continued to a definite time such as sixty days, or six monthu. He further stated that possibly flood money could be used in this regard. At 9:12 p. m. Councilman Noonan appeared and was present for the reuaind~r and duration of the meeting. City Manager IcCIun~ stated that last year the creek at the Duck Farm overflowed and that a crew hf~J to be continually kept on hand to keep the road open. That the crook in the rear of some of the beams os Commercial Avenueis continually in danger of floodin~ and favored the continuance of this project. Mrs. Armanino spoke against the proposed assessment stating that property owners~ should not have to pay for the protection of the property owners below. SUNSHINE HARDENS ORDINANCE 1~0. 334 AM~I~MENT F(%R PAYMEI~ OF TAXES: FLOOD MEASURES AT O~K AND CHESTIgU~ COLMA CREEK: PURCHASE OF ROLLER: PURCHASE OF POI~I'IAC FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT: Hugh Smith stated that the other agencies throughout the County should share in the expense of the drainage district. City Attormey Lyons stated that once the proceedings are dropped the expenses must come from the General Fund. When it starts again then money cannot be replaced in the Ge~erat Fund. Councilman Smith stated that obviously the people do not want the project and that something was trying to be kept alive that was not wanted. COuncilman Smith then remarked regmrdinE him motion that we drop the proceedings completely and try to make a ~ore comprehensive stlld~, This ~otimn was seconded by Councilman Irmcco, Councilman Noonan asked relative to the costs and expenses incurred. City Attorney Lyons stated tke m~ney paid out of the General Fund cannot be recouped and reimbursed to the General Fund if it started all over agmin. Roll tall vote was as follows: Ayes; C~eilmen Noonan, Sani, · rmcco, ~mith and Cortesi. Works Enwineer Randlett remarked that th~ bids should be returned t~ the bidders mnOpened. Coul~cilman Sani moved seconded by Councilman N~onan and reg~arly carried that the City Clerk return the bids u~pened, C~umcilmmn Smith ~ved sec~mied by Ceum~tl~mn les~nan and re~larly ~i~ that ~ City A~t~y ~ ~~ te in~orm SunShine G~e~ ~ividers t~t the~ pr~i~ ~a~ p~tection to the At this time the Ordinance relative tm the cha~e in tax rate was reintroduced by City Attorney Ly~ mad ex~lained to Councilman ~nma. He almo explained that a ~tion c~ld be m~e to uive the readl~w a~ it be int~ee~ by tXtlm only. On ~tion of C~ncilman ~nan seconded by Coe~ilaan ~i and re~larly carried that t~ re~ing of t~ Ordia~ee ~ waiv~ and the OrdZnance be Zntr~c~ ~ title only, Cou~ilman ~nan introduc~ the ~dinance the title of ~ich as read by Citu Att~ney Lyons is: "An ~dinanee of the City of S~th ~ Francisc~ A~i~g $~tions 33, ~, 37, and 38 of- Ordinance N~, ~1 entitled~ "An Ordia~ce Providing a System for the Assess~t, ~vy ~ Cellect~ of all Cit~ T~ ia the City of South ~n F~ncisco" passed and ~opted on.the 19th day of April 1~9. Councilman Bracco inquired of City I[mnmgmr McCluag if funds were available to take care of teml~orary flood menemres at Oak and Chestnut. He replied that some money was available if the Council wished to expend explainin~ the n~ed for use of the Uccelli property, Co%mcilman Braceo moved seconded by Councilman Noonan and reguTarly carried that this teml~orary flood measure be taken. A commUnication was received fro~ the office of the City Manager regarding the work to be ~one on Colma Creek, City Maemger McCIung explained the letters and bids as they were submitted also explaining how the work was to be done. Ne further steted that i£ the Council had'no objection that the work could be started as the State had already approved this. Councilman Smith asked Works Engineer Ra~dlett if money was saved by skip dredging or should complete dredging be done. Works Engineer Randlett stated that this could fill areas that were dug out faster. Councilman Smith stated that this would probably let banks come in as well to which Works Engineer Randlett stated this:was true. Councilman Sani moved seconded by Councilman Braceo and regularly carried that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and work ordered, Communication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the p~rchase of a Roller. Councilman Noonan questioned the taking of money from the Packmsster. City Manager McCtung explained the Packmaster not acting to our advantage. It would be more advantages for us to have the ~arden cuttings pick ups made by private persons through bid ~urchase. It was moved by Councilman Noonan seconded by Councilman Rracco and regular!y carried that the recommendation of the City Manager be acce~ted. Coe~unication was received from the office of the City Manager relative to the ~urchase of a Police Car. City Manager McClung explained the standardization of the Police fleet. On motion of Councilman Bracco seconded by~Councilman Noonan and regularly carried the purchase of the Pontiac was ordered. PERMISS ION FOR SOUND EQUIPMENT: Communication was received from the citizens for Eisenhower - Nixon requesting permission for the use of sound equipment. Councilman Smith moved that approval be granted with the approval of the Police Department. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bracco. Chief of Police Belloni stated that'use should not be made after 6:30 po m. in the evening° Councilman Smith amended his motion that excessive moisea would not be used in the vicinity of hospitals and churches° Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. PERMISSION TO MOVE EQUIPMENT BY STONESOI~ CORPORATION: Communication was received from The Stoneson Development Corporation requesting permiw~ion to have equipment crossing at Old Mission Road and Holly Avenue. B~nd in the amount of $2000.00 accompanied the letter. City Attorney Lyons stated the bond was in order. On motion of Councilman 8r~co seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried permission was granted. DAMAGE OF PERSONAL ARTICLES IN ESCHELBAC~ ~ DUE TO CITY SEWER: Communication regarding damage to personal articles in the Bschelb~h home by the backing up of a mewer vas denied on the recommendation of City Attorney Lyons and on motion of Councilman Sani seconded by C~Jncllmmn Noon~n and regularly carried vas referred to the insurance company. NIMT~ DATe Cmmmmication vas received from the office of Jomeph A. Jackson, EXTENSION FOR Atterm~y at L~v , requesting an extenmi~n of sixty days for the FILING OF PECK'9 filln~ ef the final ~ of l~mck'a ll~i~ta mmbdivision0 Councilman HEIGHTS SUBDIVI$I0W Baal masted that the Co~mcil btm cemtiaually gramted him MAP: c~mtimuaneem tad tkt he she~ald be iamtructed that a date is going to be Mt tad tbtt n~ ere cmmtinuances would be granted after that time. C~meilmaa 9mith a~ked if this hinders8 the City in amy way. layer Cortesi remmrked that there mas ne expense whatsoever. Couacilman ~aai moved, aee~aded by Ce~mcilman Noonan and regularly carried that an extem~ien of simty daym be granted and that they -- be ad~laed that this is the final extem~ion. ADJOURNMENT: On motion of Counctlmam Br~cco seconded by Councilman Sani and rew~tlarly carried the meeting was adjourned to November 3, 1952 at 8 p, m. Time of adjournment 10:25 p, m, Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Attest: Mayor