MAY 18, 1953
Council Chambers, City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p. m. by Mayor Cortesi.
Present: Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, Emilio Cortesi
Absent: Councilman Telford Smith
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and accepted aa submitted.
Mayor Cortesi asked if there were any protests on IndUStrial Acres Fire Protection System. Thez
being none, Councilman Sani introduced a resolution confirming assessment on IndUStrial Acres
Fire Protection System. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Adolph Sani, John Noo-
nan, Joseph Bracco, Emilio Cortesi; Noes, None; Absent, Councilman Telford Smith.
RESOLUTION ~;0. ~888:
Mayor Cortesi then asked if there were any protests on the issuance of bonds on Shaw Road in
Industrial Acres. There being none, Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution providing for
the issuance of improvement bonds. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, San
Cortesi, Br~cco; Noes, None; Absent, Councilman Smith.
PROTEST HEARING, AVALON Mayor Cortesi then requested to know if there was anyone present to protest' the issuance of
OUTFALL SEWER, ISSUANCE improvement bonds on the Avalon 0utfall Sewer. There being no protests, Councilmen Sani intro-
OF BONDS, du~. ed a resolution providing for the issuance of improvement bonds. Roll call vote was as follc
RESOLUTION NO. 1889: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Sani, Cortesi, Bracco; Noes, None; Absent, Councilman Smith.
Mayor Cortesi next asked for protests on the issuance of improvement bonds on Hillside Boulevard
There being none, Councilman Sani introduced a resolution providing for the issuance of improve-
ment bonds. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Sani, Cortesi, Bracco; Nos
None, Absent, Councilman Smith.
A petitionwas'received affixed with 63 signatures requesting the adoption of an animal control
ordinance. At this point, Mr. Mike Deasy of 62 Duval Drive presented a petition with 91 signa-
tures which later on during the discussion on the dog ordinance, had an appendage attached of
23 signatures more.
Mrs. Lesko stated having been appointed on the co~ittee to find facts. This, she claimed, she
did. She further went on to state that often times dogs are exercised at the Orange Avenue Park
which ma~es it impossible to be used by the public because of the messyness. She further remark
that she circulated the petition to everyone in Circle Court and made the residents read it care
fully before they signed it.
Mike Deasy spoke in behalf of the dog fanciers, stating that he is a Hunter and Fisherman, furth
remarking that he umes his dogs afield and never exercises his dogs at the city park but takes
them to the San Francisco Beach. He further stated that he valued his dogs too much to expose
them to the hazards of traffic.
Mrs. Lesko remarked on dogs having bitten people time after time.
Mayor Cortesi stated that the committee had been appointedto solve this problem, but instead
have become more involved.
Mrs. Stickle remarked on the complaints that had been received on the police blotter, asking if
they were to be disregarded.
Councilman Sani stated that the committee had been appointed to work out the problem and confer
with the City Attorney for drafting of the ordinance. He further remarked that more than two
dogs were to require an application and license.
Mr. Gould said that the controlled dogs were not a nuisance, but that the uncontrolled dogs were
At this point Mayor Cortesi asked City Manager McClung if he had anything to offer in the matter
to which he replied that this had been proposed by the San Mateo County Health Department to get
a uniform dog control ordinance. He cited the case of Burlingame in that people can have four
dogs provided that the neighbors within 400 feet in the immediate vicinity grant their approval.
He remarked that Mr. Gould had gone to the office of the City Clerk for a license to keep dogs
and was told he did not think it could be done. City Manager McClung then further remarked of
contacting Santa Rosa where Mr. Gould stated he was 1Acensed to keep dogs and of his findings
from that city. He further stated that the police blotter for the last three months showed the
number of stray dogs that were running loose on city streets.
Mr. Gerrard spoke from the standpoint of the dog fanciers and remarked that dogs could be placed
away when they were iu season.
Mayor Cortesi then asked Councilman Noouan if he had anything he wished to remark on to which he
replied that this was a hard problem to determine as many feelings are expressed. He further re.
m~rked that the matter of facilities should determine the number of dogs. First, he said, shoul~
be determined what is desired and obtain the facts. Councilman Noouan stated that dog fanciers
usually care properly for their dogs as a person would for his children.
Mr. Gould then read a letter he addressed to tke City Council previously. Councilman Noonan re-
marked that there were two parts to the probleTM, one being the number on a city lot and the uumbE
that were running loose, and that we'should obtain a definition of the facilities. Mayor Cortes~
suggested that the matter be laid over to the next meeting and allow for the final working out
of the problem. Mr. Deasy requested that the Poundman be informed to redouble his efforts to
pick up stray dogs. Councilmau Bracco stated that he was of the opinion that the council could
work out a solution to the satisfaction of everyone concerned and moved that the matter be held
over to the next regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried.
Communicatlou was received from the office of the City Manager relative to a request from the
California Burglar Alarm Co. for the iustallatiom of au automatic alarm unit at the Central Fir~
Station to report any operation of the sprinkler heads at the Metropolitan Furniture Company,
presently under construction on North Linden Avenue. Councilman Bracco asked Fire Chief Welte
if any similar alarm systems were presently iu use to which Chief Welte replied that ADT was
now iu use iu some of the industries. Councilman Br~cco stated that the department would prob-
ably be troubled constantly in answering calls whenever sprinkler heads would go out of adjust-
sent. F~re Chief Welte stated that considerable water damage could be done as well as fire
damage and that if the alarm did sound~ it would merely necessitate the correction of the
sprinkler head'and in this manner, avoid any further damage. City Manager McClung stated that
possiblY the confusion arose because the name of the California Burglar Alarm Company might ten.
to create'the thought that this w~s a burglar alarm system, which it was not. Councilman Saul
moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the reco~udation of the City
Manager be accepted.
Communication was received fr°m the office of the Works Engineer for two alterations to the
existihg pumping station for the cities of South San Francisco and San Bruno. Councilman Bracc
asked Works Engineer Randlett if this c~me out of the Sewer Rental Fund to which he replied tha
it did and was paid 50-50 ~by each city. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Sani
and regularly carried, that the recommendations of the Works Engineer be accepted and approved.
Communication was received from the Planning Commission =ec~mmendiug the approval of the final
maps of Sunshine Gardens ~4 and ~6. Motion was made by Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilma~
Brmcco and regularly carried, that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be approved
and acce~ted.
C~uniemtion wma received from the office cfthe Planning Co~nission relative to the request o~
the St~elworkmr, Local 1069, CIO, for permission to build an office building and auditorium on
Miller Avenue. No objection could be found to the granting~of the permit as requested. On
motion of Councilman Brmceo, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried, the recommenda-
tion of the Planning C~ission was accepted and approved.
Communication wmm received from the office of the Planning Commission requesting the City Coun¢
to give favorable consideration to the pa~sage of an ordinance requiring all business structure
to provide off-street parking, as rec~nded-by them. Councilman Noonan stated that this mat1
deserved ~ui~e a bit of study as it ~$ not known at this time whether or not the builder shou~
provide parking facilities. The matter was laid over.
Use Permit No. BiB as applied for by the Amcoe Sign Co. to construct a 100' x 100' single face~
ueou display sign was received. It was the recoaam~r~atiou of the Planning Commission that the
issuance of the use permit be denied. Ou motion of Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilman
Sanl and regularly carried, the recc---~udatiou of the Planning Commission ~s accepted and
Variance and Adjustment Resolution No. B14, as applied for by St. Paul's Methodist Church for
the construction of au ed~itiou to their present building on the westerly side of the property
was received. 'It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission that this variance and ad J,
meut resolution be grouted. Together with the variance and adjustment permit was received a
letter of protest from Mr. D. W. Ratto, the adjoining property owner. The protest was read iu
its entirety. Mr. Ledwith remarked that when plans are prepa~ed they are usually done by a co~
petent architect smd that the church at this time was utilizing space to m~ke maximum use of ti
property. Mayor Cortesi asked Mr. Ratto If he had anything further to object with regard to ti
matter to which he replied he felt the letter covered the subject rather thoroughly, but that i
would like a physical inspection made. Counc~_l_m~_n Noonan asked if any inspection had been mad~
to which Mr. Ratto replied not to his knowledge. Rev. Clark stated that the church is presentl
pressed for sp~ce and the needs for the space are very evident. Councilman Sani said that if~
inspection had been made, one should be conducted and suggested that it be referred back to t~
Planning Co~nission for further steely and all matters complied with. He moved that it be refe
back to the Planning Commission. Mr. Ledwith stated that all steps have been properly followe.
before the matter was sent to the city council f~r their attention. Councilman Sani requested
know if the attorney was in attendance at the Planning C~ssion meeting to which City Attorn.
Lyons stated that he was in attendance for part of the time, and that the variance application
was properly made. He further stated that the council has the authority to grant this request
Mayor Cortesi at this time suggested the appointment of two men from the City Council and two
men from the Planning Commission to work on this problem. Councilman Noonan remarked that it
should go back to the Planning Commission for study and that a field inspection should be made
He seconded the motion as made by Councilman Sani. City Attorney Lyons stated that the Planni
C~Ission should carefully study the folloWing:
(a) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the la
building or use referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply
generally to land, buildings or uses in the same d~trict.
(b) That the granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of su
stantial property, rights of the petitioner.
(c) That the granting of such application will not, under the circumstances of the particular
came, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
neighborhood of the property of the applicant and will not, under the circumstances of the par
ticular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or im-
provements in said neighborhood.
Councilman Saui amended his motion to add that part that was cited by City Attorney Lyons. Th
was secomAed by Counci!mau Noonau. Mr. Ratto stated that the building was covering more groun
than w~s allowable, citing Spruce Avenue as being the front and the lot space to the rear or
fence of his property being the rear of the property. Motion as duly made and seconded was re
ularly carried.
Ccma~unication was received from the office of the Planning Commission recommending the renamir~
of Bayshore Boulevard, Magnolia Avenue, and Dana Way and the roadway leading to the Sewage Dis
posal plant. Counci~m~_n Sani moved the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted~
tb~ City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary papers. Councilman Bracco stated he
that there might be some confusion with the renaming of Bayshore Boulevard, requesting the nam
as given to the service road fronting the California Chain. City Manager McClung stated that
was known as Freeway Street. Councilman Bracco stated that he was of the opinion that Air-
port Way should start fr~m the curve that goes to start the road to the airport. City Manager
McClung stated that the Planning Commission felt tb~t Airport Way would be a convenience to the
people using it as well as to show that the city has some connection with the airport. Motion
made ~as seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried.
C~munication w~s received from the office of the Building Inspector with regard to the renamin
of streets as mentioned by the Planning Commission. Since it was concerning the same matter, t
letter wa~ ordered filed.
~'oq f~
Co-~unicstion was received from the Housing Authority with regard to the Spruce Avenue curbing,
which had been authorized under Resolution No. 1810. Councilman Sani suggested that this be re
ferred to the City Manager so that he could take the matter up with the Housing Authority to
ascertain as to whether or not the work was necessary. City Manager McClung stated that he had
spoken to Mr. Riccomi, the executive director of the Housing Authority, and stated that the cur
would be put in provided the Housing Authority would continue along with a fence. He further
cited that permission had been requested from the Housing Authority to place a sewer line near
B Street. One method of placing the line would cost $6,000 and the other where permission was
neede~ would incur an expense of less than $1,000. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Council-
man Bracco and regularly carried, that a meeting be held with the Housing Authority next Monday
evening, May 25, and that the City Manager so instruct the Housing Authority. City Attorney
Lyons remarked that the Housing Authority was meeting Tuesday, May 19 and if a letter was pre-
pared in time it could be delivered to them requesting this meeting date.
~-o ~'~
Communication was received from the John F. Kelly Oil Co. requesting permission for an overgrou
B0,0o0 gallon paint thinner storage tank. Permission as requested was approved by the Fire Chi
provided the tanks be properly diked. On motion of Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman
Brmcco and regularly carried, permission as requested was granted as approved by the Fire Chief
Communicatio~ was received from the Tide Water Associated Oil Co. requesting permission for the
replacement of gasoline storage tanks at their service station at Bayshore and Baden Avenue.
This had the approval of the Fire Chief. On motion of Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilma
Sani and regula~ carried, permission as requested was granted.
Communication wa~ received from the Tide Water Associated Oil Co. requesting permission for the
replacement of gasoline storage tanks at their staticm at Linden and Armour Avenues. This bore
the approval of the Fire Chief. On motion of Councilw~n Sani, seconded by Councilman Bracco an
regularly carried, permission as requested was granted.
C~maunication was received from the Business Men's A~aociation requesting permission to sponsor
a carnival May 27 to 31 inclusive. Councilman Bracco asked Mr. Baldini, the secretary who was
present, at what location the carnival was to be held to which he replied in the vacant area
opposite Railroad Avenue and the Linde Air Products Co. property. Councilman Bracco asked if
the people in the area would be annoyed by this carnival to which he replied that he did not kn
Council~n Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried, t~t ~ermission as
requested be granted with the proviso that~it be inspected by the Fire Chief for flameproof ten'
and the Police Chief.
Communication received from the United Air Lines, requesting arterial stop signs in the vicinitl
of their plant, ~ laid over.
Communication was received from the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County regarding Joint
meeting with t-be board concerning flood control. Mayor Cortesi suggested that all councilmen
be pre~ent that could attend. Motion was made by Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman Bracc
and regularly carried, that all of the councilmen t~t could be present, along with the City
C~unication was received from the San Bateo County Planning C~ssion regarding a notice of
hearing for th~ reelamsification of a certain parcel c~land belonging to Claudio Cotton. Works
Engineer Randlett was asked as to the approximate location to which he stated that he felt it
layed between Colas Creek and E1 Camlno near the Southern. Councilman Bracco stated that this
was the same day as the meeting to be held on the flood control measure. City Manager McClung
requested to know if the council's attitude was to lay over pending further information to whic'.
he was informed that it was. City Manager McClung then stated that he would request a lay over
C~maunieation wm~ received from the Santo Christo Society of South San Francisco expressing the:
tha~ to the city officials, city employeee a~d all those who helped in making their celebrati.
a success. C~maunication wa~ placed-on file.
LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA Comaaunication was received from the League of California Cities relative to their meeting to be
CITIES DINNER MEETING: held Thursday, May 21, 1953 at 7 P. m. C~unication as received was ordered filed.
FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST C~unication was received from the First Southern Baptist Church registering a cc~plaint with
CHURCH, PARADE COMPLAINT:regard to the p~rade that took place on April 26, creating a disturbance during their church
~O~'~- worship. Co~aunication was ordered filed. ~
Coaaa~nieation was received from Ray Trammsll registering a protest to the installation of a com,
mercial sign on the hillside of South San Francisco. C~unication was ordered filed.
C~unication was received from the Golden Gate Trade and Maritime Festival extending an invite-
to the City of South San Francisco to take p~rt in their parade. Communication as received was
ordered filed.
C~unication wma received from the office of the Chief of Police requesting that the Personnel
Boar~ be netified to call for an examination to establish eligibility list for the position of
police officer. On motion of Councilman Sani, seconded byCounci~man Bracco and regularly carr~
the recommendation of the Police Chief was accepted and the Personnel Board to be so instructed
C~maunication was received from Peter Ruggeri requesting permission to construct a two story
mercantile building on the southeast corner of Grand and Maple Avenues. Councilman Sani moved,
seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that permission be granted provided it mee·
with the approval of the Building Inspector.
Claims in the amount of $21,352.90 were submitted by the Finance Committee. On motion duly mad,
seconded and regularly carried, claims as submitted were ordered paid.
~/& 7
~o /../1
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DRIVE: S"/-,~ ~
Reports for the month of April 1953 were s~bmitted by the City Clerk, Tax Collector, Police
Chief, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, and Librarian. 0u motion duly made, seconded and reg-
ularly carried, reports as submitted were accepted and ordered filed.
Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisc(
declaring weeds, rubbish, refuse, and dirt upon parkways, parcels of land, and sidewalks to be
a public nuisance and fixing time for public hearing. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes,
Councilmen Noonan, Sani, Cortesi, Bracco; Noes, None; Absent, Councilman Smith.
Councilm~n Noonau introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San Francisc~
authorizing the execution of an agreement between said city and the State Personnel Board pro-
riding for the making of a survey and analysis of all positions of employment iu said city and
the preparing of a classification and compensation plan with respect thereto. Roll call vote
was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Sani, Cortesi, Bracco; Noes, None; Absent, Councilman
Councilman Sani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
in memory of Arthur William Moyle, a police officer. City Attorney Lyons read the resolution i~
its entirety, to all present as follows:
WHEREAS on the 1Bth day of April, 1953, ARTHUR WILLIAM MOYLE, who was born in the Cit~.
and County of San Francisco and became a resident of the City of South San Francisco two years
ago, sad ~ duly inducted as a patrolman in the Police Department of the City of South San Frs;
cisco, having theretofore successfully completed all examinations for such position and having
been regularly appointed by the City Council of said city; and
W~, ARTHUR~.~M0~ entered immediately u~on his duties as a patrolman in
the Police De~nt of the City of South San Francisco, an~ thr~e weeks later, on the 4th day
of May, 195B, in the regular course of his duties a~ such patrolmmn and while ~irecting traffic
at night ~ thm I~ in said city, wm~ killed by an automobile which was being driven at a
high rmte of speed; and
~EE~AS AR~ WILLIAM MOYLE w~s a person of absolute honesty and integrity, and
wherea~, from the vex-/beginning of his service to the City of South San Francisco as a patrol=~
and at all times thereafter, he did conduct himself honorably and capably and with the utmost
loyml~yamd faithfulness as a public servant,
NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
that this city council laments the ~e~sing of AR~ WILLIAM MOYLE and extends its sincere sym-
pathy to his family in their hour of sorrow.
BE IT Fi~ RESOLVED that this resolution be spread u~on the minutes of the city
council and that copies thereof be sent to the members of the family of ARTHUR WILLIAM MOYLE.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wm~ regularly introduced and adopted b)
the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 18th day of May, 1953, by the followin~
Ayes, Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi, Joseph Bracco
Noes, Councilmen, None
Absent, Councilman Telford Smith
Attest: Arthur A. Rodondi
City Clerk
Second reading of the ordinance regulating the licensing of bicycles was next brought up. Motic
w~s ma~e by Councilman Noonan, seconded by Councilman Br~cco and regularly carried, that the
reading of the ordinance be dispensed with. Adoption of the ordinance was then made by roll cal
vote as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noonan, Sani, Cortmsi, Bracco; Noes, None; Absent, Councilman
Under unfinished business, the matter of application for business license of Mr. Phillips was
brought up. Accompanying the application was a letter from the attorney firm of Slack & Zook
requesting that permission be given due to the considerable expense already incurred forthe
repair of the building. Councilman Bracco asked Building Inspector Rozzi if he issued a permit
for the repair to which he replied he did. Councilman Sani stated that the Bannerman's have
other incc~ property as well and not only this one as was mentioned in the letter. Building
Inspector Rozzi stated he f~lt that the building was not hazardous. Councilman Noonan remarked
that the work probably was authorized but authorization w~s not givmn to maintain a hazard. Con
c~man Sani stated that the only time to condemm a building is when it is vacant and not occupie
Councilman Noonan stated that the permit could be limited to the effect that it would be demolis
at the end of the lease. City Attorney Lyons stated that further committment should be signed
by the owner and to be carried out by her assigns and heirs. Councilman Sani remarked that he
had spoken to Mr. Haaker and that his discussion disclosed that the lease was for three years.
City Attorney I,yons stated that a definite committment should be obtained and that he would con-
tact the attorney for the owner for the stipulations. Councilman Bracco moved, seconaed by
Councilamn Sani and regularly carried, that the business license permit be granted with the pro-
viso that the ~roperty owner sign a statement to the effect that the building would be torn down
at the end of a three year term.
Councilman Bracco then moved that the Building Inspector be instructed to report to the council
on any old buildings that need to be demolished. This wa~ seconded by Councilman Sani and regu-
There being no further word from the Yellow jaCkets M/C for their field meet, the matter was lai,
· over to the next regular meeting.
Report on the engineer's contract was likewise laid over to the next meeting.
Mayor Cortesi then asked if anyone had anything to offer for the good and welfare. Mr. Barri
requested a sigD be installed on Alta Vista Drive. Works Engineer Randlett stated that there
uo intersection on Alta Vista Drive ou which to install a sign, and that it was the policy of th,
city to install street signs at intersections.
There b&ing no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p. m.
~-/~ 7
~ PE~IT:
· -o 4/1
~0 ~0
Councilman Sani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisc¢
iu memory of Arthur WilliamMoyle, a police officer. City Attorney Lyons read the resolution
its entirety to all present as follows:
WEEBEAS on the 13th day of April, 1953, ARTHUR WILLIAM MOYLE, who was born in the Cd
and County of San Francisco and became a resident of the City of South San Francisco two years
ago, and was duly inducted as a patrolman in the Police Department of the City of South San F~
cisco, having theretofore successfully completed ~31 examinations for such position and haviu~
been regularly appointed by the City Council of said city; and
WHEREAS, ARTHUR WILLIAMMOYLE entered immediately upon his duties as a patrolman in
the Police Department of the City of South San Francisco, and three weeks later, on the 4th da
of May,'~1953, in the regular course of his duties as such patrolman and while directing traffi
at night on the Fre~ in said city, w~s killed by an automobile which was being driven at a
high rate of speed; and
WHEREAS ARTHUR WILLIAM MOYLE was a person of absolute honesty and integrity, and
whereas, from the very beginning of his service to the City of South San Francisco as a patrol
and at all times thereafter, he did conduct himself honorably and capably and with the utmost
loyalty and faithfulness as a public servant,
NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisc
that this city council laments the passing of ARI]tUR WILLIAM MOYLE and extends its sincere sym
pathy to his family in their hour of sorrow.
BE IT FURTEER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the city
council and that copies thereof be sent to the members of the family of ARTHUR WI~IAMMOYLE.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution w~. regularly introduced and adopted 1
the City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 18th day of May, 1953, by the followi~
Ayes, Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi, Joseph Bracco
Noes, Councilmen, None
Absent, Councilman Telford Smith
Attest: Arthur A. Rodoudi
City Clerk
Second reading of the ordinance regulating the licensing of bicycles was next brought up. Mot~
was made by Councilman Noonan, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the
reading of the ordinance be dispensed with. Adoption of the ordinance was then made by roll cs
vote as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noonan, Sani, Cortesi, Bra=co; Noes, None; Absent, Councilms
Under unfinished business, the matter of application for business license of Mr. Phillips was
brought up. Ace~nying the application was a letter from the attorney firm of Slack & Zook
requesting that permission be given due to the considerable expense already incurred for the
repair of the building. Counci~m~n Brecco asked Building Inspector Rozzi if he issued a permit
for the repair to which he replied he did. Councilman Sani stated that the Bannerman's have
other income property as well and not only this one as was mentioned in the letter. Building
Inspector Rozzi stated he fAlt that the building was not hazardous. Councilman Noonan remarked
that the work probablywas authorized but authorization was not givmn to maintain a hazard. Co
cilman Sani stated that the only time to condemn a building is when it is vacant and not occupi,
Councilman Noonan stated that the permit could be limited to the effect that it would be demoli~
at the end of the lease. City Attorney Lyons stated that further c~tttment should be signed
by the owner and to be carried out by her assigns and heirs. Councilman Sani remarked that he
had spoken to Mr. Haaker and that his discussion disclosed that the lease was for three years.
City Attorney L~ stated that a definite c~ittment should be obtained and that he would con.
tact the attorney for the owner for the stipulations. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by
Councilman Sani and regularly carried, that the business license permit be granted with the pro.
viso that the property owner sign a statement to the effect that the building would be torn do~
at the end of a three year term.
Counci?-~n Br~cco then moved that the Building Inspector be instructed to report to the council
ou any old buildings that need to be demolished. This was seconded by Councilman Sani and regu.
larly carried.
There being no further word from the Yellow Jackets M/C for their field meet, the matter was la~
.over to the next regular meeting.
Report on the engineer's contract was likewise laid over to the next meeting.
Mayor Cortesi then asked if anyone had anything to o~fer for the good and welfare. Mr. Barri
requested a sign be installed on Alta Vista Drive. Works Engineer Randlett stated that there wa
no intersection on Alta Vista Drive on which to install a sign, and that it was the policy of th
city to install street signs at intersections.
There b&ing no further business~the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.~ /w~
~,~,~ Respectfully s ubmitted~~~