Council Chambers, City Hall
8:00 p. m.
The n~eeting was called to order at 8:23 p. m. 'by Mayor Cortes1.
Present: Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph SanS, E~ilio'Cortesi,
' 'Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith.
~bsent: No~e
The:minut.es of the previous ~eeting were aptSroved as submitted.
Mayor Cortesi requested that item No. 24 a communication from the
Buri Buri Homes' Incorporated relative to the relocation of the Burs
Burs traffic lights be taken up'first. Communication'as Peceived was
read. Mayor'Cortesi then stated that the Council had originally
requested the signals placed at the Chestnut Avenue intersection to
begin with when ahoy were being discmssed instead of their placement
at Arroyo Drive. He further remarked that there was nothing in the
Budget to stand this cost, that the expense was borne by the City at
the time they were placed at Arroyo Drive. Mr. Barrett stated that it
was possible that a mistake was made-but that the City was still in a
position to benefit by their relocation. He further cited a discussion
which had b~en held'relative to an overpass to be placed over the
Southern Pacific Railroad tracks to Arroyo Drive
Councilman Sans then remarked that if the State would allocate 50% of
the money it would be part of the City's Gas Tax Fund. If the City was
to bear 1,/4 of the share it would then be paying for a total of 3/4 of
the cost.
Mr. Barrett stated that it was his opinion that the cost of the signal
would be spread over the whole highway instead of a definite location.
However if this proved to be incorrect then the City would be over-
Councilman Noonan then moved that a committee be appointed consisting
of two (2) council members with a-road committee from the Planning
Commission together with the City Manager to work out the problem and
bring in a full report.
Councilman Sani seconded the motion as made which was regularly
carried, -'
Councilman Smith asked what the function would be of the committee and
if they would be determining if the City would or would not pay its
share. He further remarked on the statement of Councilman Sani that
the City's share would be greater, The primary point he felt was if
the City would share as was stipulated in the letter.
Councilman Noonan remarked that the Council Committee and the City
Manager should bring in the financial report. The Road Committee
should bring in'any plan or approval. 'Mayor Cortesi then set
Wednesday at 1:00 p. m. as the date and time and appointed Councilman
Noonan and Bracco together with himself as a committee.
Communication was received from the Office of the City Manager
regarding quarry operations that are to.be conducted by Hugh Smith in
Colma Far,as. Works Engineer Randlett remarked that he had spoken to
Mr. Grant of 'the County today and went to the'Planning Commission and
saw the plans as well. The plans he stated were approved but suggested
that the City obtain a copy of these plans, that they be studied and
the amount of the Bond determined.
Councilman Noonan stated that the Bond be issued to cover contingencies
that may occur. City Attorney Lyons stated that he agreed with Council-
man Noonan that the citizens of the City and the City itself should be
afforded protection for any damage that may happen as a result of the
quarry operations. He further stated that he could work out the details
of the Bonds but the amount of money to stipulate was unknown to him.
CounCilman Noonan stated that the Bond should be posted for damages
that may occur. Councilman Noonan then ~oved that the matter be
referred to the City Manager, City Attorney and Works Engineer. Motion
as made was seconded by Councilman Sans and regularly carried.
Communication was received from the personnel Board regarding the
completion of the probationary period of Gerald Cruise and William
Harper as police officers.
Councilman Sani moved seconded by Councilman Noonan that the recommen-
dation of the Personnel Board be accepted.
Under the question Councilman Bracco asked Captai, n Terragno if the
report from the Chief of Police had been submitted to the Personnel
Board to which he replied that it had. Motion as nde and seconded
was regularly carried.
Com~unication was received from the Personnel Board regarding the
completion of the probationary period of Roy Ghilardi as an Assistant
Building Inspector.
Ceuacllman Bracco moved seconded by;Councilman Sani that the recommen-
dation of the Personnel Board be accepted.
Under the question Councilman Smith asked that in as much as
Roy Ghilardi's year had already been served
Civil Service and hold that status to which City Attorney Lyons stated
that this was correct, that he was officially in Civil Service and had
permanent status. Motion as duly made and seconded was regularly
PROBATIONERY PERIOD Communication WaS received
from the Personnel Board regarding the
completion of the probationary peri, od of Ronald Acosta, Jack ghle, Jr.,
Theodore Lindstrom, James Meidl, Robert Peterson, Llewellyn Scovel and
Arnold Zweekhorst as members of the Fire DePartment. A communication
was l~kewise received from the office of the Fire Chief concerning the
same subject matter but with notation that PetersOn had not as yet
established residence in the City of South San. Francisco. This Was
followed by a second letter from the off!ce of the Fire Chief tO the
effect that R. PeterOon had established residence in the City with the
purchase of a home in Mayfair Village.
Councilman Bracco moved seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly
carried that the recommendation of the Personnel Board and the Fire
Chief be accepted. Councilman Noonan asked if under the new ordinance
to be-:drafed concerning Civil Service it mhould contain a report from
the Joint committee of Department Head and City Manager instead of the
P~rsonnel Board. He was informed this was being worked out.
Communication received from the Office of the Fire Chief regarding the
injury of F£reman L. Scovel while playing baseball off duty, was
ordered filed.
Communication was received from the office Of the Acting Superintendent
of Streets,regarding the request of John Moore for two weeks absence
from his duties to attend the National Guard Field Training Program.
On motion of Councilman Sani seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly
carried request was granted.
Appointment of Donald Gilbert Hemmings as a Special Police OffiCer at
the Consolidated Western Steel Company was recieved from the office of
the Chief of Police.
On motion of Councilman Sani seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly
carried the appointment by the Chief of Police was confirmed without
renumeration from the City.
Communication was received from the Recreation Commission regarding the
Budget for the fiscal year 1953-54.
Councilman Sani raised the question as to why the letter was sent the
Council stating that it should be submitted to the Manager and then th~
Department meet with the Council during their budget sessions. Mayor
Cortesl requested that the matter be laid over to the Budget session
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Communication was received from the Stoneson Development Corporation
WlNSTC.? "~ ...... ~ ~O.1: regarding streets, curbs, storm drains and sanitary sewers in Winston
~O ~ 0 Manor No. 1 requesting final inspection and acceptance. Works
Engineer Randlett stated that he had made a thorough inspection and
all work was in order with the exception of one sewer which was giving
trouble. The Health Department recommended that a Bond be provided by
the Stoneson Development Company to the effect that a lateral connect-
ion to E1 Camino Real would be p~aced when the line was installed,
suggesting that this matter be laid over. Councilman Smith stated that
a report and recomm~ndation should be submitted by the Works Engineer.
City Manager McClung stated that he had received a call from the
Stoneson Development Company who remarked that possibly a field inspect-
ion would be'desired by members of the Council. City Manager McClung
remarked that he had informed them that the invitation would be
conveyed to the City Council. Councilman Noonan felt that a report
should be submitted by the Health Department to the City Manager who
would in'turn transmit it to the Works EngineEr to take the proper
steps. He stated opinions should be submitted by experts. Councllman
Smith suggested that the members of the Council go individually and
not as a group. Mayor Cortesi suggested that the Hydrants be opened
and water allowed to run and watch its action as was done in Burl Buri
subdivision. Councilman Noonan stated that the Council in making an
inspection of the streets of Buri Burl merely drove through them and
he felt that this was not the best method of making a physical
inspection. Matter was laid over.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Communication was received from the Stoneson Development Corporation
WINSTON MANOR NO.2: regarding the approval of streets, curbs,' storm drains and sanitary
~/~- sewers in Winston Manor No. 2. Mayor Cortesi requested the same
procedure be followed as was in Winston Manor No. 1.
LETTERS OF PETITION Communications were received from Marvin and Rachel Jones, Mr. and
FOR VARIANCE PERMIT Mrs. Dezell Ostrander, Mrs. G. F. Hall, Mrs. H. F. Lindsay, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Robinson, Orville M. Brown, Mary K. Brown, Mrs. Lillie
Black, Carl and Maxine Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCoy, Jr.,Mrs.
Jack B. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. George EStabrook, Mr. and Mrs.
W. F~ Church and Betty Lazenby requesting granting of variance permit
to St. Pauls Methodist Church.
On motion of Councilman Braces seconded by Councilman Noonan and
regularly carried the matter was re~erred to the Planning Commission.
Communication was received from A. W. Sorich Bucket and Drum Company
regarding flood conditions from Colma Creek which take place annually.
Councilman Sani remarked that if Mr. Sorich knew how to solve the
problem we would welcome his ideas. Councilman Smith stated that this
matter was one that vas discussed at length. Some plans have been
made in this respect. However, the Public Works Department to be
created and flood money that is to be obtained may be of help to us.
Nevertheless the City could not go in and spend money without first
making a survey. He suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Sorich
telling him that we are aware of the problem and are working on it.
Councilman Sani further remarked that the problem has always been
evident. Numerous engineers have been called in an effort to correct
the situation. Councilman Noonan at this point remarked on the title
searches that had been made on Colma Creek to determine ownership. He
further stated that this letter might undertake a method for a remedy.
Councilman Noonan moved seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly
carrie~d that a study~be undertaken by the City Attorney as to how the
cost would be borne by the title searchers.on record.
Co~munication was received from the South San Francisco Rod and Gun
Club protestin~ the animal control ordinance and requesting a meeting
with the Council. Mayor Cortesi requested that receipt of the letter
be acknowledged. Councilman Smith remarked that a hearing had already
be~n held, City Attorney Lyons stated that the Ordinance was to be
drafted and prepared, explaining, that it m~st first have two readings
before its. adoption, then must be. published and at the end of thirty
(30) days after its publication it becomes law.
It is during the thirty (30) days that a petition of referendum can be
circulated against the ordinance. He further remarked that there was
plenty of time to be beard en the ordinance at the readings. However,
this was discussed at length at prior meetings and.it should have been
brought up at that time.
Mrs. Farnsworth requested permission to read an article that appeared
in the San Francisco Examiner. Permission as requested was granted
and the article was read.
A question was raised as to the constitutionality to which City
Attorney Lyons stated that he was sure as to the constitutionality of
the ordinance, that it was in order and was constitutional.
FIESTA EDITION FOR Communication was received from the Advance-Star regarding the'City's
SOUTN SAN ~ANCISCO~ad in the Fiesta edition to be published soon.
~d~& Councilman Smith requested co~=~,ts 0, this matter from the City
~anager. City Manager McClung explained that this is something of
long standing. It rotates between the San Mateo Times, the Burlinga~e
Advance and the Redwood City Tribune. He co~mented on last years
pictures that did not go over too well. The residential picture was
O. K,, but the industrial picture showed a broken fence. The price he
stated seemed to be O. K. Councilman Smith stated that he felt the
Chamber of Commerce and Businessmen should carry on this work.
CounCilman Noonan moved that the Ad be approved and that a copy of the
proposed Ad be sent to the Chamber of Commerce, the Junior Chamber of
Commerce and the Business~ens Association for approval. Motion as made
was seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried.
INVITATION TO Co~munication as received from the Marine Corps League, Iwo Jima
INSTALLATION OF IWO Detachment of California extending-an invitation to the members of the
City Council to be present at their installation on June 27, 1953 was
ordered filed,
Application for business license was received from the Power Machinery
Company of 900 Dubuque Avenue, South San Francisco to engage in the
business of C~mstruction, Mining, Logging and Industrial Equipment.
On motion' of Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman Bracco and
regularly carried, approval was given the application as submitted.
Application for business license was received from the P and Z Company
of 120 South Maple Avenue to engage in the business of C~ntracting
(foundations). On motion Of Councilman Smith seconded by Councilman
Sani and regularly carried approval was given the application as
Communication from the International City Managers Association extending
an invitation to the City Manager to attend the convention in
Los Angeles, September 20 to 24, 1953 was ordered placed on file.
Message of thanks for the flowers and sympathy as received from
Mrs. Abie Moyle was ordered placed on file.
Letter of thanks as received from E. KozlowSki for the badge received
for twenty-five (25) years service as a volunteer fireman was ordered
placed on file.
Co~unication was received from Herbert Schaur tendering his resignation
as a ~ember of the Planning Couission due to necessity of moving
cause of his sons health. Councilman Noonan remarked that we have lost-
one of our best men and moved that-his resignation be accepted and that
the City issue a suitable form of appreciation. Motion as made was
seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried.
BARRETT AND HILP Communication as received by Mayor Cortesi from Barrett and Hilp with
GRANT OF PLAYGROUND regard to the granting of the area to the City for playground purposes
AREA: b~o ~/ .was read and ordered placed on file.
Council~an Sani moved seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly
carried that claims as audited by the Finance Committee be paid.
Councilman Sani ~oved seconded by Council~an Noonan and regularly
carried thit reports as submitted by the City Clerk, Chief of Police,
Fire Chief, Building Inspector and Librarian be accepted and placed on
file. .
C/o 7
Councilman Bracco introduced a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of.South San Francisco Directing Proceedings to Abate Public
Nuisance in said City.
Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noonan, Sani, Cortesi,
Bracco and Smith.
RESOLUTION NO. 1901 Councilman Smith introduced a Resoltuion of the City Council of the
FIRE PROTECTION TO City of South San Francisco For the Execution of an Agreement Between
AVALON SCHOOL: Said City and the South San Francisco Unified School District Whereby
2-/0/ said City Agrees to Provide Fire Protection for the Avalon School.
P~ll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmn Noonan, SanS, Cortesi,
Bracco and Smith.
RESOLUTION-NO, 1902 City Attorney Lyons then explained an amended Resolution to be passed
ISSUANCR.OF BONDS ua the R~olution previously passed concerning the issuance of Bonds
SHA! ROAD IMPROVE- for ~ha~ Road Improvements stating that it would be easier for the
MENTS: Bonding House to mall the Bonds if they were in denominations of
~'~/F $1000.00, instead of the-manner in which they were originally issued.
Councilman Sani introduced a Resolution amending No. 1888 providing
for the issuance of Improvement Bonds.
Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Scat, Cortesi,
Bracco and Smith.
City Attorney Lyons then brought up the matter of.the second reading
sf the Ordinance on Zoning Regulations.
Councilman Noonan ~oved that the second reading of the Ordinance be
waived Councilman Sans seconded the motiOn as made which was regularly
Roll call vote was then taken on the adoption of the Ordinance which
was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, ~ani, Cortesi, Bracco and
City Attorney Lyons then requested a separate vote on the adoption of
the emergency clause stating that it becomes law tonight. At this
point he read Section 3 of the Ordinance. Roll call vote was as
follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, SanS, Cortesi, Bracco and Smith.
~"/g 7
City Attorney Lyons next brought to the attention of the City Council
an Ordinance of the City of South San F,-ancisco amending Ordinance
No. 216 which is known as the "Civil Service Ordinance" passed and
adopted by the City Council of said City on December 15, 1941.by
creating the office of Superintendent of the Sewage Treatment Plant
and by adding said office and all subordinate positions to the
classified service of said City. Councilman Smith introduced the
Ordinance which was read in its entirety by City Attorney Lyons.
/- -/~-d 0
:Under unfinished business City Clerk Rodondi brought up the matter of
the application of A. B. Phillips for a business license. John Troxel,
attorney for Mrs. Bannerman, owner of the property, arose and stated
he ~erstood there were some matters the Council wished cleared.
Councilman Sani asked Mr.T~xel.~f he was lnfor~ed of the reasons that
this matter was held up. Mr. Troxel stated he had discussed the matter
with Mr. Lyons over the 'phone to the effect that questions had arisen.
Councilman Sans stated that the building waw in a dilapidated condition
and that he had been informed by the real,or that the building was to
be leased for three (3) years. Mr. Troxel said that there was in
existence a three (3) year lease but with an option of two (2) years.
He further remarked that if the option was to be exercised he would
like the license to be renewed. If the option is not expressed, Miss
Bannerman w~uld remove the building at the end of the three (3) year
term. Councilman Sans stated he did no~ object to the three (3) year
if the building would be torn down upon its expiration. ~r. Troxel
asked ~r. Phillips who was present if he would waive the two (2) year
option. ~r. Phillips spoke of the money involved in getting started
stating that if he had to waive the two (2) year option he would but
that it took time to start a small business.
Councilman SanS remarked that he was interested in getting rid of old
business structures and get nice looking buildi~gs in an area designed
for business. Councilman S~ith ~oved seconded by Councilman Sans that
the business license be granted for three (3) years. City Attorney
Lyons stated that a statement should be obtained from ~iss Bannerman
to the effect that the building would be torn down after the expiration
of the lease or before if the lease was not renewed at any time within
the three (3) years and that the business license not be issued until
this letter was filed with the City Clerk. The motion was amended by
Councilman $mith to include the remarks and statement of City
Attorney Lyons. Councilman Sans amended his second. ~otion as made
and second was regularly carried.
NO. 2:
~9 ~-
The matter of final map of Pecks' Heights No. 2 was then brought up.
City Manager NcClung explained the change of the roadway and property.
City Attorney Lyons cited the expense on advertising, legal fees and
other costs involved stating that a letter should be received from
Mr. Blythe to the effect that he would pay all costs, the letter to be
filed with the City Clerk.
Councilman Sans moved seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly
carried that the recommendation of the P]anningCommission on Pecks'
Heights No. 2 be accepted.
PLtYGROUND City Manager NcClung requested that the discussion about the
WINSTON MANOR NO.I: PlaygrOund in Winston Manor No. 1 be held up until such ti~e as infor-
~1o~ marion could be obtained regarding the use of plastic hose for irriga-
tion purposes in the area.
Under the Good and Welfare Councilman Sani stated that a local boy who
has taken an interest in the youth of the community is to be feted on
June 30, when a "Frankie Murray Night" is to be sponsored at Seals
Stadium. He requested that the Mayor issue a proclamation for the
'Frankie Murray Night" urging all to attend. Councilman Sani then
placed the issuance ~a.proclamation in the form of a motion commending
Councilman Bracco for having started this move. Councilman Noonan
seconded the motion of Councilman Sani likewise commending the efforts
and work of Councilman Bracco. Motion as made and seconded was
regularly carried.
Councilman Smith requested permission to leave the State on business.
Motion was made by Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilman SanS and
carried that permission be granted to Councilman Smith to leave the
State for thirty (30) days.
There h~ing ~o further business the meeting was adjourned to Tuesday,
June 23, 1953 at 7:30 p. m.
Time of adjournment 10:06 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,