HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1953-08-17PI~E:
PARK ,~:
~77 ~--
Council Chambers, City Hall
The meetin~ was called to order at 8:20 p. m. by Mayor Cortesi;
Present: Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi, Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith
Absent: None
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.
Mayor Cortesi requested that the ordinance governing soliciting, vending, hawking and the like
now in progress of being adopted be cancelled.
Councilman Noonan moved that the ordinance as mentinned, now in progress, be droppedand that
the City Attorney and City Manager draft an ordinance that would spell out what would constitu
a nuisance, through the Police Department. Motion as made was seconded by Councilman Sani and
regularly carried. At this point Mayor Cortesi thanked those interested in this for their co-
Communication was received from the office of the Works Engineer regarding the abandonment of
streets and alleys and some easements lu Avalon Park requested by the Stoueson Development Cor
poration. City Attorney Lyons stated that the City Couucil was familiar with the matter and
that he had a resolution prepared in the matter for the abandonment as requested. He further
explained~the time set for the hearing. Councilman Noouau stated he wished to voice a protest
against the-introduction of the resolution until he had time to study the matter. He further
remarked that a meetingwas scheduled for August 25, 1953 and the matter could be brought up a
that time. Co~ncilman Smith concurred with Councilman Noonan in this regard. Couuci.l~u Brac
asked Works Engineer Randlett if the Planning Commlssiou had approved the matter to which he
answered they had and that their letter ou the matter followed his. Councilman Noonan moved,
seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried that the matter be held over.
Communication as received from the Planning Commission approving the final map of Avalon Park
~2 was requested held over by Mayor Cortesi.
Com~unication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding a letter from the
California Water Service Company relative to the city's plans to construct facilities that
might require the changing of their lines. Councilman Noonan asked what reference was made to
the work to be done to which City Manager McClung stated that this work was to be done for sub
divisions. He further remarked that the California Water Service Company wished to know how
long be fore we are going to do any work that would infringe on their ground such as sewers,
storm drains and the like. He said that these later chan~es developed by the city would disr~
other utilities. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried,
that the matter be referred to the City Manager and Engineer.
Communication was received from Frank DeMarchi protesting the fence being built by Mr. Gambero
around his own property, protesting the fact that it was in excess of the required h~ight,
dangerous and tended to lower property values. Accompanying the letter was a letter from the
City Manager referring the matter to the Building Inspector and a communication from the Build
ing Inspector that his inspection disclosed the fence to be in order. Councilman Noonan asked
if the fence was still.dangerous as outlined by the Building Inspector. Frank DeMarchi asked
wasn't it measured from the foundation level to which Building Inspector Rozzi replied that
it was taken from the grade level as this was the only way it could be determined. City Manag.
McClung stated that the matter had been gone into thoroughly. It was found that DeMarchi had
dug down to the level with the Old Bayshore Boulevard while the Gambero property had been left
undisturbed. Mr. DeMarchi stated that Mr. Gambero had caused this by previous excavation.
Councilman Smith cited the.case of high fences in the Elm Court subdivision of Parkway Terrace
that were necessary because of the contour of the ground in that particular area. City Manage~
McClung described the slickness of the fence material, stating that it was rather difficult to
climb by youngsters. Mayor Cortesi requested that the communications be filed. Mr. DeMarchi
stated that recently his property was reassessed and now a wrecking yard was being allowed to
operate in the vicinity which tended to lower property values. CounciLman Noonan moved that a
report be obtained regarding the operation of a wrecking yard in the vicinity. City Attorney
Lyons suggested that the mmtter could be held up until the next meeting pending the report.
Councilman Smith seconded the motion which was regularly carried.
Cce~unication was received from the Personnel Board of the city regarding the contract for the
continuance of examining services for the period 1953-54. It was moved by Cmuncilman Bracco,
seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried, ~hat the contract be executed by the Mayor
and the City Clerk.
Cc~muiunication as received from the office of the Chief of Police regarding the report on Simon
Motors was ordered filed.
C~anication as received from the Recreation Department submitting their annual report was or.
dered filed.
Ccm~_unication was received from the Recreation Department requesting permission to advertise
for applicants to be placed on an eligibility list as staff members in the Recreation Depar~
Councilman Noonan stated he did not object to the advertising but felt the hiring should be
done by the department head. Councilman Noonan then moved that the request be granted and tha~
upon the list being completed, the hiring be done by the department head and the City Manager.
Councilman Sani seconded the motion which was'~regularly carried.
Communication was received from Anthony Buljan, Superintendent of Parks and Playgrounds, tende~
lng his resignation from that position. Couucilm~n Noonau moved that Buljau's resignation be
accepted with regret, the accrued time granted and a letter of co~neudatiou be given him. Cou~
cilman Bracco seconded the motion as made. Councilman Sani, under the question, inquired into
the accrued time requesting that this be investigated by the City Mauager and determine if it
should be paid out. Councilman Noonau stated that probably this was due to the summer months
and that possibly City Manager McCluug could explain it. City Manager McClung stated that he
.had spoken to Mr. Buljau regarding the accrued time and that it was done during the programs
and condoned by the Recreation Commission thru the time. However he stated he would
Check this matter. Mrs. Heruan requested that this be brought up at the next Recreation
Commission meeting ou Tuesday, also stating that a request had been made to take the time
off during the winter months. City Manager McCluug stated that he would discuss this with~
the Recreation Commission and work out a suitable solution to the problem. Councilman
Noonan and Bracco at this time withdrew their motion and second. At this point ~Ir. BulJan
arose and stated that his resignation be allowed to go thru without the accrued time. Council
man. Noouan then moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the resignati
be acce~ted.
OFFICE KIMBLE RESIGNATION:Commuuication .~as received from Joseph Kimble tendering his resignation as a Police Officer
with the city. It was moved by Councilman Sani, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly
carried, that the resignation be accepted. Councilman Smith moved, seconded by Councilman
Noonan and regularly carried, that a letter of' thanks be sent Joseph Kimble.
Communication was received, from the Manufacturer's Association of San Mateo County relative to
the collecting .sewers, outfall sewers, pump station and for~amain proposed to be constructed
to serve the industrial area east of the Freeway. Works Engineer Randlett requested that the
matter be laid over as he had not had time to study the matter in detail. Councilman Sani
moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the matter be laid over to th,
next meeting.
RE: 0 DI NCE #340:
Communication was received from the Manufacturer's Association of Ban Mateo County regarding
Ordinance No. B~O, requesting its amendment. Councilman Noouan moved that the ordinance be
'amended so that the Buildiug Inspector be allowed to issue a buildingpermit when he is satis-
fied by proper showing that proper parking facilities are present. City Attorney Lyons stated
that the new zoning ordinance to be adopted will be passed before the amendment can be adopted
City Manager McCluug stated that he had spoken to the City Attorney this morning on this matte~
and had been informed that the Building Inspector could be empowered to grant permits for
alterations, maintenance and new construction where sufficient proof had been offered that ade.
quate off street parking provisions had been provided to care for the employees of the firm
making application. Councilman Noonau withdrew his motion and then moved that the Building
Inspector be instructed as stated by the City-Manager. Councilman Sani seconded the motion
which was regularly carried. Councilman Smith stated that consideration should also be given
to installations which are important, such as spur tracks so that uo undue or unnecessary
delay should be caused a manufacturer. City Manager McClung stated that local plants usually
have ~Easteru offices ~th whom they must deal and plans are usually rushed out to local plants
at the last moment to be acted on. ·
C~mnunication was received from the South San Francisco Business Men's Association requesting
permission to hold its annual Kiddies Day Parade on Saturday, October 3, 1953. On motion of
Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, permission as requested.
was granted.
Communication was received from the Southwood Women's Club requesting permission to hold a
"Fun Frolic" on August 29, 1953. On motion of CounciLman Sani, seconded by Councilman Noonan
and regularly carried, permission as requested was granted.
Communication~was received from the Lions Club commending the City Council for plans on the
development of the beach property and the establishment of a Municipal Yacht Harbor, requestiu~
notices of conference or hearings on this subject. Councilman Sani asked City Manager McClung
if aDy word had been received from the county regarding support iu the development of the
beach to which he replied that not too much activity has been displayed as yet. He remarked
that he had spoken to Mr. Callan and it was found that a substantial amount of money had been
discovered to have been set aside for recreation which he felt could be diverted for use on o~
beach development. He further stated that he was to have a meeting with Mr. Callau ou this.
Councilman Noonan asked if the Lions could be advise~ of any future plans to which City Manage~
McCluug stated he would try to get those interested iu this movement iu on the meeting with Mr~
APPLICATI0~ FOR BUSINESS-Application was received from Kay Burt Of 145~ Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame to engage in the
LICENSE, K~Y BURT: business of women's wearing apparell under the flrmname of Kay Butt, 386 Grand Avenue. CouncJ
~-! ~o! man Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried, that the application as
submitted be approved.
APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS-Application was receiMed from Irene and Don Schuerger of 219 Maywood Way, South San Francisco
LICENSE, BLUE DIAMOND to engage in the business of gift shop and stationery shop under the firm name of Blue Diamond
STATI0~ERY & ~IFT Swoo: Stationery and Gift Shop, 671 E1 Camino Real. Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman
~-/~/ Sani and regularly carried, that the application as submitted be approved.
APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS-Application was received from
LICENSE, DE VAUE S~'JDI0: business of photography under
~-! ~o 3 corner of Chestnut Avenue and
Bracco and regularly carried,
Louis Valsecchi of 2404 Edward Street, Berkeley to engage in the
the firm name of DeVamx Studio and Pal Pony Pictures, northwest
01d Mission Road. Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilms
tbmt the application as submitted be denied.
Communication was received from the South San Francisco Business Men's Association concerning
the ordinance regulating solicitors. In its present form they did not favor this ordinance.
Also on file were eleven cummunications as received from various persons protesting the passag.
and adoption of the ordinance. Communications as received were ordered placed on file.
Communication was received from Works Engineer Randlett tendering his resignation as Works
Engineer, when the new engineer to be appointed is prepared to take over the duties of the
office, offering his assistance to the new engineer. Councilman Sani moved ~hat the resignati.
be accepted as of the date when the appointment is made. Councilman Smith stated that Mr.
Randlett should be paid for his help iu assisting the new engineer, pending his. appolutmeut.
Councilman Saul then withdrew his motion as made. Councilman Smith suggested that it be set
pending the appointment Of the new Director. Councilman Noonan moved that the resiguatlou be
accepted as offered and if necessary to assist the new engineer, he be paid. Works Engineer
Randlett stated he would give all assistance possible with uo thought of remuneration but
would go along with the council's wishes. Councilman Smith seconded the motion which was reg-
ularly carried.
Notice of Hearing on the application of Jeauette Daniel for au amendment to the zoning
ordinance to reclassify lot 9 block A tract ~534 Map ~l Country Club Park, was received
from Frank S. Skillman, Secretary of the County Planning Cc~missiou. Councilman Smith re-
marked that since it might someday come into the city, he moved that a protest be entered.
Councilman Saul seconded the motion of Councilman Smith. City Manager McClung asked if this
w~s to be referred to as zoning or spot zoning. Councilman Smith requested to know how it
would affect the city. City Manager ~dcCluug stated that the only piece of business in the
area presently is the garage. The protest he stated should, be that there is ample land iu
the area,-zoned already for business and therefore protest its reclassification. At this point
Councilman Smith withdrew his motion. City Attorney Lyons stated that the thought was to ex-
tend the business district. Councilman Noonau suggested that this should be considered by
the Plamuimg Commission, have them make a study of the matter. Notice could be sent the
county that we would advise them on the decision of the Planning Commission. City Manager
McCluug stated that we could ask to have the action deferred at the first meeting of the
County Planning Co~ission and then submit to them the City Planning Commission's decisiou
after they had met. Councilman Sani stated he did not see the need for discussion as the
property does not front ou E1 Camiuo Real. He further remarked that we should at this time
place our protest ou file. Councilman Bracco stated he disagreed going into the matter and
telling someone outside the city limits what to zone property for. Councilman Noonan stated
that the city can influence by advice but that the Planning Commission should pass ou the matte'.
He then moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Con,mission and register a technical
protest. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried.
Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, tbmt claims as
audited by the Finance Commt.ttee be paid. Total amount of claims - $30 ,092 . 37 .
Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that reports as
submitted for the mouth of July 1953 by the office of the City Clerk, Police Chief, Fire Chief,
Building Inspector and Librarian be accepted and filed.
City Attorney Lyous. then brought up the matter of the abandonmeut of San Bruno Road, stating
that a resolution had been prepared on this matter. Councilman Bracco requested that the matte~
be held up until he had had time to make a study of it. City Attorney Lyons explaiued to
Councilman Bracco that this had been discussed at some length during his absence by the council
Councilman Bracco stated as long as it had been discussed he was satisfied with it. Couucilman
Noouau introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco estab-
lishing a minimum grade for the development of City and County of San Francisco Water Depart-
meut lands. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noouan, Saul, Cortesi, Bracco,
City Attorney Lyons next brought up the matter of the hearing on the abandonment of Randolph
Avenue and that through an oversight had not been called as set for ou the agenda of August 3,
1953. He requested that the Mayor call for any protests. Mayor Cortesi asked if there were
any protests to the vacating of Randolph Avenue. There bein~ moue, City Attorney Lyons stated
that a motion could be made that the hearing be closed. It was moved by Councilman Saul, sec-
ouded by Councilman Noouau and regularly carried, that the hearing,on the vacating of Randolph
Avenue be closed. Councilman Sani introduced a resolution ordering the vacation of a portion
of a public roadway or thoroughfare known as Randolph Aveuue and lying withiu the City of South
San Francisco. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Sani, Cortesi, Bracco,
City Attorney Lyons requested that the matter of the animal control ordinance be held over
until the next regular meeting pending a report from the Health Officer.
The matter of the Andonie Mfg. Co. application for business license was laid over till the
next regular meeting until such time as approval had been made by all departments concerned
in the matter.
Mrs. Curtis of the Mayfair Improvement Club requested that two citizens from Mayfair Village
be appointed to act on the committee on the rezoning of Spruce Avenue. Mayor Cortesi appointed
Mr. Joseph Leonard and Mrs. Betty Mitter as the two residents of Mayfair Village to act on the
The problem of the Eamlin property rezoning was then introduced by a member of the audience.
City Manager McClung stated that a petition had been signed requesting that the rezouing be hel~
up and that after this petition had been presented, a letter was to have been submitted with-
drawing the protest. He further remarked that the opposition to the motel that was to be con-
structed in the area has been declining. He also stated that the solution to the problem
seemed to rest with the installation of a sidewalk. He further remarked that he had spoken to
Mr. Hamlin, Jr. who was surprised that the area of the sidewalk was so short but did not in-
dicate that he woul~ construct this sidewalk. City Manager McClung further stated that he had
requested Mr. Hamlin to contact the people of the Winston Manor area and obtain a letter to
the effect that they would be satisfied. A member of the audience spoke up stating that he
~as on the Board of Directors of au improvement group from Winston Manor, remarking that they
wished the rezou~ug but also wanted the sidewalk. Councilman Sani stated that it ~s not up
to the City to put iua sidewalk but ~.~s a metter for the subdivider to take care of.
Councilman Bracco stated that presently there was on file a protest against the rezoning but
that his understanding was that a letter was to be sent iu from the Winston Manor residents
withdrawing the protest. At this point a group of people came into the Council Chambers, among
them being Mr. Hamliu and residents of the Winston Manor area. City Manager McCluug explained
to them what .had taken place in the previous discussions prior to their attendance to the meet-
Mayor Cortesi then called a short recess. When the meeting had been called back to order, Rudy
Lang stated that the matter had been discussedm, with the residents of Winston Manor #l and ~2
but that ~3 had not been organized as yet, that there had been a meeting of minds between the
residents of Winston Manor ~l and ~2 and Mr. Hamliu on the matter of the sidewalk. He further
remarked that it was desired to have the City and the Joint Highway District share in the ex-
pense if they could contribute. City Manager McCluug stated that there was uo legal reason
that they could not contribute but that a policy had been adopted by the city to have the owner~
place iu these impr0vemeuts. Councilman Sani remarked to Mr. Laug that the cost of the side-
walk was trivial and that the msmtter should not even be discussed, that they should be willing
to place the.sidewalk in for the rezoniug.
Councilman Bracco asked City Manager McClung how many feet of sideWalk was involved to
which he stated about 850 feet. Councilman Smith asked as to how the residents of Winston
Manor #l would be able to cross Hickey Blvd. in safety to which City Manager McCluug stated
that about the first of the year the Joint Highway District will let out plans for this cross-
ing at E1 Camino Real and Hickey Blvd. However it would be about July 1st before any work
could be started. -
Mr. Browning, representative of Winston Manor ~2, remarked that the matter had already been
discussed at length and that in trying to solve the problem the best that could be assumed was
sharing the cost between four or five parties. He further stated that uo one wished to pay the
whole .cost, but that benefited by this improvement would be the .ml~ivider~ and the people of
Winston Manor. He stated that the solution iu the matter was a problem for the residents of
Winston Manor ~2, the City, and Highway District ~lO. Councilman Bracco asked Mr. Browning
if an official retraction had been made on the petition submitted to which he replied no, but
that ~they would like to do so and have the rezoning and the installation of the sidewalk as
Mr. Van Dyne, resident of Winston Manor ~1, stated that the protection of women and childre~
was the prime factor and that he was primarily interested in their protection. He further re-
marked that the policy as mentioned was that the city would not share in the expense of the
side~alk~ further remarking that he would like to see the shopping area in but also the people
Mrs. Farrar asked where the sideWalk would start to which City Manager McClung replied frc~
Hilton Avenue to where the business area of the Southern Restaurant is. Mrs. Farrar then
stated that she protested to the spending of money of the Winston N~nor residents, stating that
the developer should do this work. Mr. Hamlin, Jr. stated that one sidewalk would lead to
another and that the subdivider should not have to put in all these developments.
Councilman Noonan asked Mr..Eamlin, Jr. if he would be willing to pay the cost by posting his
share with the City Clerk and allow .ix'~ ti~. ~ which to have the City Council and the
residents of the area work out some of the problems. No reply was received, but Mr. Hamlin
requested to know if this would come up again as it was the thing they were trying to avoid.
Councilman Bracco concurred with Councilman Noouan, stating that if the sid$~mlk is provided,
the shopping area would be patronized.
Councilman Sani stated that the residents 'are paying on their homes now and that the subdivider
should provide the sidewalk if he is to get the rezoning. He cited the case of previous sub-
dividers who'had placed such improvements in. Councilman Smith asked what problem did the
petition for rezoning present, that if it did present a problem it should not be granted, that
the requirements should be met to solve these problems and that it should not be allowed to go
ahead until all the provialons had been met. City Manager McClung stated that the Planning
Commission had gone into the problem, further stating the route that could be taken by the
residents of the various areas of Winston Manor. Councilman Noonan stated that the subdivider
should be the one who should shar~ in the cost and withdrew his proposal as submitted. Mr.
Hamlin, Jr. stated that the thought ~s to ~et a com~ittment from the council as to their feel-
ings in the matter, that they were willing to develop the area, that the Planning Co~mission
had passed on it, but that the protests from the residents in the area was holding it up. Coup.
cilman Bracco asked Mr. Hamlin, Jr. if he would assure the city council that on the passage of
the rezoning, he would see to it that the sidewalk was put in. Councilman Sani stated again
that he could not see why the residents have to share in the cost of the sidewalk.
Councilman Smith remarked that the groups gathered here tonight could not obligate the people
in the area to pay for the cost but that it should go through an assessment district. A request
was .made from the audience that the matter be held over to a special meeting for discussion and
solution. Councilman Smith stated that the council should decide on the matter and let it be
known as to what was expected. He then moved that the City Manager be instructed with the help
of the Planning Commission Chairman and Works Engineer to submit to the council the problems
that would arise out of the rezoning so that the council would know what they were and then set
the requirements. Councilman Sani seconded the motion and after a discussion was regularly
Mr. Leonard spoke from the audience remarking that it was with a feeling of regret that he hear~
the resiguatlon of Mr. Buljau this evening. He stated that what the reason for this resiguatior
was~was unknown to him, but that he did know that Mr. BulJan had been a loyal employee of the
city. He further remarked that the first he had heard of Mr. Buljau leaving was when he had
been told about it Monday morning. He said that if Tony was serious in leaving, he suggested
that his successor be carefully looked into as to his qualifications as he felt it would be a
big taak to fill the vacancy of Mr. Buljau.
Don Stoneson atated that he had spoken to Mr. Lyons and Councilman Noonan regarding the abandon-
ment of streets iu Avalon Park to which Councilman Noonan stated that he would like to hold
the matter until the next meeting. ~
Councilman'Smith brought up' the matter of the Linden Avenue railroad crossing to which City
Manager McClung replied that a meeting was to ~e held temorrowwith the supervisors and that
the matter was to be acted on at that time. Mayor Cortesi requested the City Manager and City
Attorney be instructed to send a letter to the Railroad C~aissiou for the installation of gates
citing the removal of the gates in 19BO by the railroad c~pany, who had created the hazard.
Councilman Smith asked City Manager McClung if the County had stated that they would help in
the installation to which he remarked that this had been discussed with the County Manager and
Engineer and that it was practically assured. CouncilmanSmith then moved, seconded by Couucilma
Noonan and regularly carried, that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with the applicatic
to have the gates installed and to get whatever help we could from the county.
CITYMYuNAGER T.W~VE STATE:CityManager McClung requested permission to leave the State from August 21 to 31. Councilman
~'~m-~-- Bracco'moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that permission as requested
be grante~.
~-0 ~- ~-
Councilman Bracco requested permission to leave the State for a few days. Councilman Noonan
moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that permission as requested be grant
Fire Chief Welte requested permission to leave the State from Sept. 5 to 21, Motion was made by
Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Noouan and regularly carried, that permission as re-
quested be granted.
There being uo further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:06 p.m. to Aug. 25, 4 p
~-~~ ~' Respectfully submitte ~
Mr. Van Dyne, resident of Winston Manor gl, stated that the protection of women and childre
was the prime factor and that he ~ms primarily interested in their protection. He further
marked that the policy as mentioned was that the city would not share in the expense of the
sidewalk, further remarking that he would like to see the shopping area in but also the
Mrs. Farrar asked ~here the sidewalk would start to which City Manager McClung replied from
Hilton Avenue to where the business area of the Southern Restaurant is. Mrs. Farrar then
stated that she protested to the spending of money of the Winston Manor residents, stating'
the developer should do this work. ¥~. Hamlin, Jr. stated that one sidewalk would lead to
another and that the subdivider should not have to put in all these developments.
Councilman Noonan asked Mr. Bamlin, Jr. if he would be willing to pay the cost by posting h:
share with the City Clerk and allow six'momt~ ti~ in which to have the City Council and t~
residents of the area work out some of the problems. No reply ~as received, but }&r. Hamlin
requested to know if this would come up again as it was the thing they w~re trying to avoid.
Councilman Bracco concurred with Councilman Noonan, stating that if the sidewalk is provided
the shopping area would be patronized.
Councilman Sani stated that the residents are paying on their hcmes now and that the subdivi
should provide the sidewalk if he is to get the rezoning. He cited the case of previous sub
dividers whO'had placed such improvements in. Councilman Smith asked what problem did the
petition for rezoning present, that if it did present a problem it should not be granted, th
the requirements should be met to solve these problems and that it should not be allowed to
ahead until all the provisions had been met. City Manager McClung stated that the Planning
Commission had gone into the problem, further stating the route that could be taken by the
residents of the various areas of Winston Manor. Councilman Noonan stated that the subdivid,
should be the one who should share in the cost and withdrew his proposal as submitted. Mr.
Hamlin, Jr. stated that the thought ~s to ~.t a con~ittment frc~ the council as to their fee
lugs iu the matter, that they were willing to develop thearea, that the Planning Commission
had passed ou it, but that the protests from the residents lu the area was holding it up. Cz
cilman Bracco asked Mr. Hamlin, Jr. if he would assure the city council that on the passage (
the rezoulug, he would see to it that the sidewalk w~s put in. Councilman Sani stated again
that he could not see why the residents have to share in the cost of the sidewalk.
Councilman Smith remarked that the groups gathered here tonight could not obligate the people
in the area to pay for the cost but that it should go through au assessment district. A reQu
was ~ade from the audience tb~t the matter be held over to a special meeting for discussion a
solution. Councilman Smith stated that the council should decide on the matter and let it be
known as to what was expected. He then moved that the City Manager be instructed with the he.
of the Planning Commission Chairman and Works Engineer to submit to the council the problems
that would arise out of the rezouing so that the council would know what they were and then s,
the requirements. Councilma_~ Sani seconded the motion and after a discussion was regularly
Mr. Leonard spoke from the audience remarking that it was with a feeling of regret that he he~
the resignation of Mr. BulJan this evening. He stated that what the reason for this resiguat~
was~was unknown to him~ but that he did know that Mr. BulJan had been a loyal employee of the
city. He further remarked that the first he had heard ofMr. Buljau leaving was when he had
been told about it Monday morning. He said that if Tony was serious in leaving, he suggested
that his successor be carefully looked into as to his qualifications as he felt it would be a
big ta~k to fill the vacancy of Mr. Buljan.
Don Stoneson stated that he had spoken to Mr. Lyons and Councilman Noonan regarding the abando
ment of streets in Avalon Park to which Councilman Noonan stated that he would like to hold
the matter until the next meeting.
Councilman'Smith brought up' the matter of the Linden Avenue railroad crossing to which City
Manager McClung replied that a meeting was to~e held tcmorrow with the supervisors and that
the matter was to be acted on at that time. Mayor Cortesi requested the City Manager and City
Attorney be instructed to send a letter to the Railroad Commission for the installation of ga~
citing the removal of the gates in 1930 by the railroad company, who had created the hazard.
Councilman Smith asked City Manager McClung if the County had stated that they would help in
the installation to which he remarked that this had been discussed with the County Manager and
Engineer and that it was practically assured. CouncilmanSmith then moved, seconded by Councilm
Noonan and regularly carried, that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with the applicati
to have the gates installed and to get ~,hatever help we could from the county.
CITY ~.t~YAGER LEAVE STATE:City Manager McClung requested permission to leave the State from August 21 to 31. Councilman
~-~m-~-- Bracco 'moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that permission as requested
be granted.
~-~ ~-~-
Councilman Bracco reques~d permission to leave the State for a ~w days. Councilman Noonan
moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that permission as requested be gran~
Fire Chief Welte requested permission to leave the S%ate from Sept. 5 to 21. Motion was ma~ bl
Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that permission as re-
quested be granted.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:06 p.m. to Aug.25, 195,~ 4
~ayor City erk