Council Chambers, City Hall
2 p. m.
The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p. m. by Mayor Cortesi.
Present: Councilmen John Noonan, Adolph Suni, ~mtlio Cortesi, Joseph Bracco, Telford S~
Absent: None
Mayor Cortesi ordered bids for "B" Street Widening and Armour Avenue Relief Sewer opene~
and read. Upon cc~letion of the reading of the bids, Mr. Randlett left to check the
figures for their accuracy and to report Back to the council.
In the interim, the n~tter of the street improvements and installation of storm drains i~
the Victory Avenue area was brought up. A letter together with a petition from the off~
of the City M~ager regarding the matter ~ received. Councilman Smith asked how much
of Victory Avenue would this include to which Mr. Riccomi, Executive Director of the
Lindenville Housing Authority, stated that only that portion between Linden Avenue and
Maple Avenue or apprc~ 1200 feet. Councilman Noouan asked if there were any ob-
Jections. None were registered. Mr. Ricee~i stated that of the fourteen people in the
area, eight had signed the petition expressing their willingness for this improvement.
M~ Cortesi then asked if there w~re may pro+~s~. Mr. Gamlen stated that he under-
arced that the city would pay everything in excess of $17,O00.00. At this point, Mr.
Rieecmi e~latmSA the letter that ~ given to h~m By the City Manager which he auth-
orize~ to Be distributed e~ the people in ~he are~. Counctl~u Suni stated that the
need for ~meh t .-~m'~at ~a~ a~t. A di~eu~iou on the map w~s held at this time.
Comncilm~n ~ami stated that it ~ to him that the City Engineer and the City Manage~
had di~em~ed this over and that this was the decision of the City Manager. Mr. Gamlen
sta%ed that he felt that they had Been over-a~sessed as their property is out of the
flood danger area since it was on ground that had been raised. Counci_lmau Bracco asked
how much they were bein~ assessed to which Mr. Gamlen replied $4,000.00. Mr. Gamlen
state~ he ~mndered if the drainage could n~t be run north and south instead of east and
west and wished to know if that feature had been looked into. Councilman Smith stated
that the answer might be in bringing up the grade level.
Mr. Gemlen then brought up the question of ingress and egress if the road was blocked
off to which Works Engineer Randlett stated that the specifications called for a tem-
porary route to be put in and that the only time the road would be blocked off would be
during the time that the permanent street was Being put in and during the ~e~ .period
He stated the surface wo~ld set up in about one half a day. Councilman Smith asked on
the breakdown of the project, how much was to be for drainage. After a brief discussio~
wi~h Works Engineer Randlett, Councilman Smith asked Mr. Randlett if about 50~ for each,
that is drainage and improvement, would be a safe estimate to which Works Engineer Rand-
lett stated that it would be about that but that he would have to check his original
figures wizich were not available at the present time.
Councilman Bracco suggested that the matter be held over until all the facts and figures
were~ available so that the matter could be acted on properly. Councilman Noonan agreed
with Councilman Bracoo. Councilman .~nith also remarked that he would like to have all
the figures. Works Engineer t~andlett stated that this information would be ready for
the next agenda. Councilman Suni said that possibly plans ampi specifications could be
prepared and have them ready for the next meeting for discussion and that they could be
ade~ at that time. Mr. Riccomi requested that the Works Engineer be instructmd to
draw plans and specifications and then act on them at the next meeting.
Councilman Noonan stated that the problem of drainage is bad in the area but that the
whole area should be investigated by the new Director of Public Works so that it would
not contin.,~lly plague the city, further stating that he wo~ld not like to hold the
matter up. Works Engineer Randlett wa~ asked what his fee wo~ld be on this matter to
which he explained 6% of the first $10,000 and 5~ of the balance. Mr. Goss explained
the cost involved and the time needed for this if he had had to do it, further stating
that he was working in close operation with Works Engineer Randlett on this case and
that the w~rk w~s being done through his office, the Department of Public Works.
Councilman Bracco moved that Works Engineer Randlett be instructed to draw plans and
· l~ecifications to be supervised by Mr. Goss, Director of Public Works. Councilman Noons
seconded the motion. Under the question, Co~neilmam Smith spoke relative to the prep-
station of plans and specifications, obligating the city for the cost involved outside
of the assessment district. He further _r~,a~ rked that we would have to pay for this cost
from the General Fund i~ the assessment district did not go through. Brief discussion
was held at this time. Councilman Noonan stated he could not see how the City Manager
had the authority to issue the guarantee on the overall plan relative to the ~nount set.
Council_man Noonan then asked Works Engineer Randlett. that if plans and specifications
had been prepared and the assessment district did not go through, would he, Mr. Randlett
be willing to accept half of the cost and when the assessment district would go through,
would he then be willing to accept the balance in payment. Mr. Raudlett stated he
would be agreeable to this plan iu aoe~ting only 50~ of the cost for the preparation
of plans and specifications should the district not go through and the balance at the
time that it did. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried.
At this time Works Engineer Randlett stated that the bids had been checked by both
ha and Mr. Goss and were found to be in order. On the "B" Street Widening, he stated
the bid of Sperry & McCue w~s the low bid. He further re~__rked that there may be some
lost time due to weather conditions but that it would be less expensive to do it at
this time of the year than to w~it until next Spring and call for bids again as they
would then be higher. He felt that it Would be worth the inconvenience and have the
work done as soon as possible. Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution of the City
Council of the City of South San Francisco awarding contract for the widening of "B"
Street from Orange Avenue to 325' Sely. from Orange Avenue iu said City. Roll call
vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noouan, Suni, Cortesi, Bracco, Smith.
mSOLU ON NO. 1949
On the Armour Avenue relief sewer, Works Engineer Randlett stated that the Coast Line
Construction Co. was the low bidder. Councilman Sani introduced a resolution of the
City Council of the City of South San Fra6cisco awarding contract for the construction
of a relief sewer along Armour Avenue between Airport Boulevard and Linden Avenue in
said City. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonau, Sani, Cortesi,
Bracco, Smith.
T~e matter of the vacation of the easement on Grand Avenue in property owned by the
Associated Cons~ruction Co. was then brought up. Mayor Cortesi asked if there were any
protests. None were registered. Mayor Cortesi then ordered the In~St hearing closed.
Councilman Bramco introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San
Francisco o~dering ~he vacation of a public sanitary and storm sewer easement lyin~
within said city. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Sani, Cortes
Br~cco, Smith.
Ccemmanication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the changes in
the retirement program as discussed with Mr. Lauren C. Haight. Acting City Attorney
Reisch stated a resolution was uecessaa-y in this respect. Councilman Noonan introduced
a resolution of the City Council of the City of So~th San Francisco of intention to
mmendment to contract providing for.~~e~n the State Employees' Retire-
merit System. Roll call vote was. as follows' ' ': Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Sani, Cortesi,
Braces, Smith.
Acting City Attorney Reisch then spoke ~n the matter of the Cc~plaint to Quiet Title by
~he A. D. Seha~er Co. vs. the City. Ne stated that the City has no interest ou this
a~ ~mmld lik~ to have the city amtherize the City Attorney to act ou this without the
ma%~cer oce~nA befe~e the council again. Ne ~quosted. that the City Attorney be auth-
orized to file aa answer pending final a~pr~oval of the Engineer.
At this time Mr. Rmndlett, absent from the council chambers, w~s sent for. During the
recess Mr. Paul Fay, Jr. read a letter he had addressed the council regarding some
grading operations he wished to obtain permission for on the Chris McKeon property that
the work would be done according to the plans as submitted by Mr. McKeon.
At this point, Mr. Randlett al~ at the Council Chambers and remarked that he had
some experience with the slough while surveying in the area and saw no need for the
keeping of the slough as the highway had cut it off, no bridge having been provided in
the area. The only thing the city might be interested in, he stated, was relative to
the drainage in the area. Councilman Sani moved that the recommendation of the City
Engineer be accepted that the map be checked and if enough space had been provided to
move equipment through the slough to clean it out in behalf of the City, that the City
Attorney be allowed to proceed. Councilman Smith seconded the motion which w~s regu-
larly carried.
The council then a~in took up the matter of Paul Fay, Jr. Mr. Goss at this time ex-
pla&ned to the council the matter of the grading from the map presented by Mr. Fay.
Mr. Fay stated that they would level to the proposed grade as shown on the map. Coun-
cilman Smith stated that he would say to go ahead on the rec~ndation of the Public
Works Director. Mr. Goss asked Mr. Fay if the delay of one more day until such time
as a meeting was held with the McKeon interests on Friday, November 6 would cause any
undue delay to which he replied that it would not. 0ouncilman Smith moved, seconded by
Councilman Braces and regularly carried, that the Fay Tmprovement Co. be allowed to
take the dirt on the rec~mMndation and supervision of the Director of Public Works.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until Monday, November 16,
1953 at 8 p. m.
t~ of Adjournment - 4:03 p. m.
Respectful~ y submitted,
City Clerk