HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1954-05-15SPECIAL M~.~ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
Council C~ha~bers, City Hall
l0 a. m.
~o'/~ 7
The meeting was called to order at 10:26 a. m. by Mayor Smith.
present: Councilman John Noouan, Telford Smith, George Bosworth
Absent: Councilman Francis Lucchio, ~lio Cortesi.
Mayor Smith explained the reason for calling the special meeting today, reading from the
prepared statement of City Attorney Lyons as to the purpose of the special meeting as follows:
This is a special meeting of the City Council called for the purpose of discussing the
geuerel bond issue authorized by the people at a special election held on July 26, 1949, The
election w~s called for the special purpose of submitting to the people the proposition of
whether or not the City of South San Francisco should incur a general bonded indebtedness in
the amount of $1,667,000.00 for the construction of a complete municipal sewage disposal
system to serve the City of South San Francisco.
This gives ri~e-to certain questions, namely, the purpose of the sewage disposal system,
its capacity, amd whether or not it will be adequate to serve not only the present needs of
the Cities of South San Francisco and San Bruno, but also the future growth of these two
cities a~ the same maybe reasonably anticipated. In particular, we are now concerned with
the ceu~truction of an industrial sewage collection system and the processing of industrial
waste, by the combined demestic and industrial sewage treatment plant, and the matter of
Engineer Ran~ettts contract for engineering services in connection with the installation
and construction of the indmstrial sewage collection system.
Upon the completion of the reading of the statement, 0o~ucilman Bosworth asked that a cor-
rection be made as follows: That it was for the ccmrplete construction of a sewage system.
At this time City Attorney Lyons read from the sample ballot of the special election held
ou July 26, 1949, suggesting that the City Clerk place the complete wording of that proposi-
tion in these minutes.
MEASURE: Sewage Disposal System
"Shall the City of South San Francisco incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal
amount of $1,667,000 for the acquisition, construction and completion of the following
municipal improvement, to wit: A Sewage Disposal System, including sewage treatment plant,
digester, clarifiers, grit 'chambers, sludge and lift l~S, laboratory and office building,
together with outfall, intercepting, connecting and lateral sewers, pipes, p~unpiug station,
manholes, lauds, easements, rights-of-way and other works, property or structures necessary
or convenient for a complete sewage disposal system of the City of South San Francisco?"
Mayor Smith then explained the questions as enumerated by Councilman Noonan at the end of
the last adjourned meeting. Ne stated for the record he would read them. They were as
follows: (1) What additional demand will be m~de on the Sewage Plant? (2) Can we acc~n-
modate this demand? (B) If mnable to accomodate the increased load, do we have sufficient
funds to accomodate the added load? (4) Did we provide for pre-treatment of waste in the
collection .system? (5) What is the increased demand expressed in population figures?
Director of Public Works Goss suggested the following additional information: (l) Design
analysis of treatment plant, (2) Design analysis of industrial sewers, (B) Agreements with
manufacturers as to pre-trmatmeut required as recommended by Brown & Caldwell and to set
requirements of Health Department and Water Pollution Control Board.
Mayor Smith stated that the council had bids to consider and that they should either be
accepted or rejected. He further remarked that the desire of this meeting is au engineering
audit to establish its status. Also an attempt to'consolidate and bring together facts and
figures regarding this industrial sewer.
Mayor Smith stated a report had been received from the Manufacturers Association which hJ
requested the City Manager to re~d. Upon completion of the reading, Mayor Smith asked Mr.
Wilsey, engineer for the Manufacturers, if he had any comments to offer as engineer for the
manufacturers. Mr. Wilsey remarked that the manufacturers have had two meetings regarding
this project. After considerable thought it was felt that if the bids were rejected and re-
called, no better bids would be realized. For that reason they felt that the city should
proceed with the bids received. He also remarked that the council should proceed at once
to determine what the cost would be with the new figures received. He then spoke ou some of
the changes which had been received from McGuire and Hester. He also said he would like
hearings held and modifications made, stating that be felt one hearing would suffice. He
stated that Mr. Randlett offered a reduced fee provided he be allowed to forgo the Estes
payment. Mr. Wilsey said that the manufacturers should be notified regarding the increase
in work cost and notices should be sent to them.
City Attorney Lyons stated that notices should be sent to each property owner regarding the
matter of the rehearing to be held. Time would have to be allowed, he said, for the local
ofi~A~es of the manufacturers to send their notices to their eastern offices. He also said
that if bids were to be awarded Monday night, a resolution co~&d be prepared for further
protest hearing regarding the increase in bids over those submitted. Mr. Wilsey asked that
if the council were to take this action, how much savings can be affected as the manufacturers
were interested in it. Mr.oRandlettwas asked by Mayor Smith if he had any comments to make
to which he replied that the only comment was that a proposal was ready regarding revised
engineering fees which he had prepared and distributed at this time to council members. At
this point, Director of Public Works Goss read Mr. Randlett's letter just given to the council.
After reading of the letter, Mr. Randlett gave the difference in fees charged outlined in
the letter. The net reduction was about $15,300.00.
Director of Public Works Goss said that Thursday, he, in company of CityManager McClung,
and Mr. Randlett, attended a meeting at Mr. Wilsey's office ~with Mr. Wilsey. The figures
were gone over, he said, and that they seemed reasonable. He recozm~nded the city accepting
Mr. Randlett's figures as proposed. He also said that the city should try to recoup the
money from the government although he did not hold too much hope for this. He asked at this
time of City Attorney Lyons if this amount paid could be added to the assessment district.
City !\ttorney Lyons stated that if this were used in the work and w~s proper, it could be,
but that the manufacturers should be advised regarding the further charge on their assessment
as it would be added costs. Mr. Goss remarked that~maybe Mr. Ledwith who was conducting the
audit could answer this question. Mr. Ledwith remarked that the charges that can be made
because plans were used is a matter for the City Attorney to answer. City Attorney Lyons
stated that he felt that it would be appropriate to make charges against the general bond
issue although the plans may have been discarded, but were used in the preliminary work.
Mayor Smith asked Mr. Randlett the reason he gave for reducing the fees to which he answered
that this was outlined iu the first paragraph of hi~s letter that he submitted. Director of
Public Works Goss stated he would like to ask Mr. Randlett what .value the Estes plans were
to him. He answered that he would like to give som~ study to this and could give a report
later on.
Councilman Noonan then asked if it was the Healy and Tibbets line that cost so much to which
Mr. Raudlett answered that various changes were made in several places to increase the cost.
Councilman Noonan then inquired if this was the o~tstandiug example for the increased costs
to which Mr. Raudlett replied that the additional line and pumping station and change of
location attri~ to this. Councilman Noonan asked if the change of location increased
the cost. Mr. Randlett answered that as the studies show~d, some changes were made. Council-
man Noonan then asked that if the increase from $450,000 to $600,000 was due to Mealy and
Tibbets. Mr. Raudlett replied that it was partly due to Healy and Tibbets and due to infor-
mation regarding construction difficulties. Councilman Noonau remarked that he summed it up
then that as far as Mr, Raudlett could recall, two factors were due to the increased cost,
they being the Healy and Tibbets change, t~t Mr. Raudlett did not have sufficient information
and as can recall now uo other reason for outstanding cost. Mr. Wilsey at this time cited
the exa~le of blue mud present iu the area that may cause difficulty and the cost of vitri-
fied pipe that was to be used. This he said is the answer to the problem.
Councilman Bosworth asked if test borings were me~e prior to the ~igure of $450,000 having
been established, to which Mr. Ramdlett answered no, that the estimate was made at the t~m~
the bond issue w~a proposed. Comucilman Bosworth then asked how much field expense would
be made to determine what wms found. Mr. Randlett answred that $7,000 was spent for test
borings which had been made by Dames and ~oore. Councilman Bosworth asked what percentage
represented would be factors you brought to light here. Mr. Wilsey answered about 1OO~.
After some discussion it was noted as follows: That the estimate in 1949 w~s $450,000;
that Dames and Moore conducted soil tests in 195B; the contract price was $5B4,000; the
revised estimate was $460,655 based on the Dames and Moore re~ort, the difference being
At this time a discussion was held regarding the pumping station near Colma Creek. It was
pointed out that $70,753 wa~ the total assessment of Land Company properties and that Parcel
47 lying near Oolma Creek was assessed $41,698. A discussion was held as to whether or not
any other easements were paid for other than the allowance given the Land Company for no
assessment on their property. Mr. Randlett remarked that an estfmate ~as made of $16,000
for right of way of Land Company property, also stating that other lands for right of ways
was one or two thousand dollars.
At this time a discussion was held between Mr. Rmndlett and members of the council, going
over the map at the same time. Mr. Goss was then asked by Councilman Bosworth if he was
satisfied, and asked that momentarily the paroel spoken of be overlooked, asking if he felt
the location of the p~mping station best served econom~ from the standpoint of an engineering
study. Mr. Goss replied that it was a question of serving or not serving the area. He
cited the fact that the relocating of the pumping statical:meant the use of gravity or a
force mainJ There wo~ld be a difference of $30,000 if it were left out and the Land Co. re-
quested to go back to a gravity line.
After~a discussion between members of the council, Mr. Wilsey, Mr. Goss and Mr. Randlett,
Councilman Bosworth stated that he would like to have the record show that the Director of
Public Works give, his considered opinion as to location of the present pumping station, as
to design proposed, and if it is the most satisfactory from an engineering point. Also
q,,~l~il~j as to whether addition of land eouth of Colma Creek has added to the cost of the projec
Mayor Smith then asked that some consideration be given Mr. Norgard, present from the firm
of ~r~wn and Oaldw~ll, requesting that he be given the opportunity to make his coe~nents ou
the problem. Mr. Goss stated that some of the disposal of w~ste coming from the plants car-
ried 100% w~ste matters and that the discharge should be pre-treated somewhat and felt that
it might be well for ~&r. Norgard to speak regarding this matter and the rates to be charged
as well. Mr. Norgard remarked that a report had been given some seven years ago~ that the
city should look into the matter of pre-treatment by industry of their waste matters and then
treated by the city. He further stated that pre-treatment should also be done as a safeguard
to the public health and safety. Councilman Noonau asked how long it would take Mr. Norgard
and how much to make a study iu order that a report with recomm~eudations could be submitted
regarding the suspended matters and solid matters. Mr. l~orgard ans~ered approximately BO0
hours in the field with the cost close to $1,O00. ~ouuci~u Noouan then asked how many
months would it take to get a report if he were given the work to do. ~Ir. Norgard answered
two mouths. Councilman Noonau then asked if Mr. Norgard felt that it was essential for such
a study to be made and would he recommend one? ¥~. Norga~i answered that the city should
have au ordinance governing what should be dumped in the sewer lines and what rate should be
charged. Mr. Goss remarked that our proposed ordinance ~as modeled after the San Francisco
ordinance and it seemed that our ordinance would have to be adopted after a realistic view-
point. He also stated that before connecting lines to the packing houses, the city should
see to it that they will not overload the plant.
Councilman Noonan then asked that if in his opinion should we have a report such as x~ asked
regarding the Brown and Oaldwell report, to which Mr. Goss replied that such a report should
be had before going ahead. Councilman Noouau then said that he saw the problem as a three-fold
duty. One was to go ahead with the report. The second was to start the project and the third,
to get a waiver from the industries regarding charges for the pre-treatment of this matter.
Mr. Wilsey stated that the question of cost of such a report is a problem of the packing
plants~ that in speaking to the packing plant officers it did not present much of a problem,
that this ch~rge could be included iu the sewer rental charges. Mayor Smith then asked if
this plant was of a capacity and of a nature to take care of all the industrial se~age. Mr.
Randlett replied that it was designed to take care of all sewage with some pre-treatment.
Mr. Goss remarked that he felt it was worthwhile for the city to bring up to date the report
and rate structure. Councilman Noonan then moved that the Mayor, City Manager~ and Department
of Public Works Engineer meet with Mr. Norgard of Bro~ and Caldwell~ or any other firm' dealin~
in like work, calling in the Health Department, Water Pollution Board, or any other body,
for the purpose of setting up rates ,or requiremeuts of pre-treatment. Councilman Bosworth
secouded the motion, which was regularly carried. Couucilmau Noouau theu moved, that a
writteu uotice be sent to the manufacturers and manufacturers engiueer of our procedure,
requestiug that they couseut to the setting up of 'a formula aud requiremeuts of pre-treatmeu-
before startiug th~s job. Couucilman Bosworth seconded the motion. City Attoruey Lyons
iustructed the mayor and couucil members that the city could coutrol this by ordiuance, set.
ting up the matter of disposing of wastes. Councilman Noonan theu changed his motiou as
follows: He moved that the mauufacturers be advised that we are undertaking to set a formul~
for rates aud pre-treatmeut, also that the motion was being made upou advice of the City
Attorney that this cau be controlled by ordinance and that there was no need for cousent
from the mauufacturers. Councilman Bosworth secouded the motion. After some discussion,
motiou was amended that a member of the manufacturers group or their eugiueer be a member of
this c~_~ittee. It was further amended that the invitation be extended to the mauufacturers
group or their engineer or a member be made an advisor to the committee. Motion as made,
amended, and secGnded, was regularly carried. At this time, City Attoruey Lyons rem~ked
that for the record the following appear: "The City Governmeut's authority to coutrol the
collection and disposal of sewage and waste within the confines of the City is based upon
its general police power to legislate with respect to matters affectin~ the health and gene~
welfare of the community, the people thereof, and the public in general."
Mr. Ledwithwas then ask~i if he wished to give a report on the audit he was presently con-
ducting. Mr. Ledwith replied that they have arrived at a cloee completion but that there
were a number of sources yet to be arrived at regarding the monies still due the city. '~ ,"
Until all the a~Elit had been done he would be unable to answer at this time as a completed
Councilm~n Noonan then .tared that the lettar ~s given to the council today by Mr. Randlett
seems to be a new contract, that before accepting, the City Attorney compare this with the
old contract and that he wO~ld like an aaAlysis ~ l~y the City AttorneY with the old con-
tract. Mr. Ra~Alett stated that this had been ~a_~mitted for st~iy. Councilman Noonan then
move~ that the letter be referred to the City Attorney, ~ayor, City Manager and Director of
Public Works f~ analyai.. C~anc~man Bo~orth seconded the motion and then suggested that
added .homld be a proviso that this ccmm~ittee come in with a firm basis for resolving auy
contractual ~iffereuces. Councilman Noouan made Co~ncilmmu Bosworth's amendmeut part of his
motion. Councilman Bosworth secouded the motiou as amended. Motiou as made and ameuded was
regularly carried.
A discussion was then held regarding the iu~pection work being done by the city and charge
made for the service. After a brief discu~sion~ Couucilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Coun.
cilman Noonan, that the inspection of the project be handled under the office of the Directo~
of Public Works aud charges be made under fees set up bythe proposed ordinance. After furtt
discussion, motion as made aud secouded was withdrawn.
Mayor Smith then requested to know if bids could be accepted at Monday nights meeting. City
Attorney Lyons replied that the manufacturers had gtveu the city a green light on the bids
subject to chauges in the plans. At this point City Attorney Lyous read the resolutiou as
glveu to him by Mr. Wilsey. Mayor Smit~ theu appointed Couuc~l~au Bosworth and Councilmau
Noonan as a committee for analysis of the resolution as prepared by Mr. Wilsey, as read by
City Attorney Lyous, for report back to the couucil Monday night. City Attorney Lyons state~
that the assessment could be coufirmed before awarding the contract aud that the couucil had
the right to modify and revise up to the acceptance of the work. It was stated that reasous
for changing of the assessmeut could be a change iu plaus aud specifications, the cost could
iucrease or decrease, or sc~e property owners maybe bearing unfair burden iu which case all
must be modified. Councilmau Noouan then suggested that a dissolutiou of the committee be
made upon the opinion given by the City Attoruey. Mayor Smith suggested that the committee
advise the other abseut council members regarding this committee.
There being no further business, Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Cmuncilman Bosworth an~
regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned.
T~e of Adjournment - 1:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk