Couucll Ch~bers, Ci~Hall
The meeting was called to order at 8:07 p. m. by Mayor Smith.
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was made after which the invocation was given by Father Cole~
of St. Verouica's Catholic Church.
Present: Councilman John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, Emilio Cortesi, George Boswo~
Absent: None
Mayor Smith requested if there were any corrections or omissions to the minutes. There being
none, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the
minutes be approved.
Mayor Smith then said that the next item was the matter of claims, requesting if there was a
motion for the approval of the claim~. Couuc~3m~u Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchi~
and regularly carried, that'all claims be approved. Total amount of claims, $26,180.86.
Mayor Smith then remarked that at this time the council had some presentations to make. He
requestedCouncilman Lucchio to take over at this t~m~_ for the first presentation. Councilman
Lucchio then presented Anthony Cevallos with his presentation.
Mayor Smith then asked if Mr. Sani and Mr. Br~cco, former council members, were present in the
audience. Neither ws~ present at the ttme_. Councilman Noonan then moved that the presentati~
be form~a~led by the City Clerk to the honorees. Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion,
which~ms re~mlarlycarried.
Mayor Smith then remarked that some requests had been received concerning moving items on the
agenda to a more convenient time, one being the industrial sewer bids. Councilman Bosworth
moved, .econded byCouncilman No,nan and regularly carried, that these items be moved as men-
tionedby the mayor.
Mayor Smith then stated that a request had been received for Serra Highlands, it being item
~ and ~7A on the agenda, the request being that it also be moved to a more convenient time_.
Councilman Bosworth then moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that
the final map of Serra Highlands Subdivision under item ~7 be moved on the agenda to follow
item ~10, which was the matter relating to industrial sewer bids.
ASSESSMENT: ~-/,,~ ~
Mayor Smith then proceeded with the revised agenda taking up first the matter of the industria
sewer bids. City AttorneyLyons, after explaining the continuances on the matter, remarked
that it could be continued to June 7 for any further protests. Mayor Smith asked those gather
if they wished to enter a protest. No protests were received. He then asked for a motion to
close the protest hearing. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and
regularly carried, the protest hearing be closed. City Attorney Lyons then gave an explanatio.
regarding the protest hearings which had been closed and that it would be in order to confirm
the assessments as presented. He remarked that a resolution had been prepared on the matter.
Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolutimn of the City Council of the City of South San Fran-
cisco overruling protests on Resolutionof Intention No. 1987 and ordering performance of work
of improv~nent. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Lucchio, Smith,
Cortesi, Bos~orth.
City Attorney Lyons then remarked that he bad prepared another resolution regarding the awardi
of contrs~t. After discussion and explanation by the City Attorney, Councilman Noonan sug-
gested that the City Attorney draft a motion to the council so that it could be introduced.
City Attorney Lyons then stated the motion as follows:'"That the award of the bids for the
Industrial Sewer Collection Project as specified in Resolution No. 1987 of the City Council
adopted on the 15th day of March, 1954, be done on a conditional basis and the conditions
being thatthe bidder~ will not have a contract unless at a hearing to be subsequently set
at this meeting, a public protest hearing for consideration by the council and for the purpose
of entertaining any and all protests to the proposed revised increase in assessments are con-
cerned; unless that revised assessment be confirmed at the hearing then the contract shall
be deemed not to have been awarded to either of the bidders." After City Attorney Lyons had
completed stating, the motion, Councilman Bosworth moved that the reco~nendation of the City
Attorney be ~dopted insofar as any action in awarding the sewer bids was concerned. Council-
man Cortesi seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. City Attorney Lyons then re-
marked that he had a resolution awarding separate contracts to McGuire & Hester and to the
Associated Construction & Engineering Co. After some discussion, Councilman Bosworth asked
if this was in accordance with the recommendations of the City Engineer based on what he
considered to be the lowest basis, to which Mr. Goss replied yes, that each separate item had
been a~ma~ied to the lowest bidder and that it was ~is rec~ndation. Councilman Bosworth
remarked that he would like to have that in th. ~roceedings and in the minutes. After a
brief discussion, Councilman Bosworth introduced a resolution awarding contract. Roll call
vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noonan, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Bosworth.
City Att6rney Lyons then said that he had a resolution prepared regarding the changing of
the assessment and the setting of the public hearings. Councilman Noonan introduced a reso-
lution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco whereby said city council
declares its intention to make. changes ~nd modifications in the assessments heretofore con-
firmed with respect to the property lying within the assessment district. Roll call vote
was.as follows: Ayes, CounciLman Noonan, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Bosworth.
Councilman Bosworth then moved that when the meeting was adjourned this evening, that it be
adjourned until tomorrow evening at8 p. m. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion, which was
regularly carried.
Councilman Bosworth then moved that item ~7 of new business, which was the matter of the
final map of Serra Highlands ~'2Abe held over to the adjourned meetiD~ of tomorrow night.
Councilman Noonan seconded the motion, which was re~!arly.carried.
Councilman Lucchio then moved that this meeting be adjourned at approximately ll p. m.
Councilman Noouau seconded the motion, which was regularly carried.
(wn sTo
Councilman Noonan then moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried, that
the council take up item ~6 of new business next. Mayor Smith remarked that this was the
matter of Avalon Park #3 and that the council also consider item ~3 under old business at
the sam~ time. Councilman Noonan then moved as follows: "I move that the recommendation
of the Planning Commission be approved with the proviso that the area be brought up to city
specifications as determined by the Director of Public Works." After some discussion, Council
man Noonan withdrew his motion. Councilman Bosworth then moved that this matter be held over
to the adjourned portion of tcmorrow nights meeting. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion
which was regularly carried.
Councilman Bosworth then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that
the Public Works Cc~nittee make one report covering all the items on the agenda which had been
referred to them. Counci~_~n Noonan remarked that as chairman of the Public Works Committee,
he wished to state as follows: "that items #1 (Winston Manor ~2), ~4 (Dedication of South-
wood Drive), ~20 (Widening of Hillside Blvd.), ~21 (Mission Road Drainage), under old business
be referred to the c~ittee and that all reports pending from the offices of the City Manager
and Engineer be ms~ie to the cc~:ittee. He further stated that items #7 and ~#8 (Major Street
Widening and Atkinson Alley) concerning the Public Works C~ittee Reports, that these matters
~ere still pending. He also said that the c~m~_tttee, with respect to item #13 (Traffic Signal~
and Scramble), desired the Police Chief and City Manager to submit a report with their recom-
mendations. The report was to be made to the cour~il. This he said appeared as agenda item
#13 under old business. He further remarked that regarding item ~21 (Mission Road Drainage),
he wished to inform the council that a hearing was planned to be held next Monday night con-
cerning Old Mission Road and that they requested that the City Manager~ Engineer, and Attorney
furnish all the information they had on the subject by Wednesday. Meeting was to include
subdividers and representatives of the subdivisions, residents of the area, together with
officials of the-FHA and Veterans Administration.
Councilms~ Bo$~orth tbsn moved that the council cut down on the number of study meetings so
that the executive committees w~d have more time to prepare their reports and then the
council as a ~hole take action at the meetings. Councilman Noon~n seconded the motion which
~s regularly csa-ried.
Councilm~n Noonan then said that under repOrts, the matters had already been handled and re-
quested that the City Manager and City Engineer submit a report ou Finance and the Public
Works Committee recommended to the council that the project be completed before the rainy
season started. He also requested that the matters concerning items -~ (South San Francisco
Chamber of Co~ere,~. ~maffic & Roads Study Report) and #8 (Planning Commission proposed
location for underpass, San Felipe Avenue Extension under Juuipero Serra Blvd.), under new
business be referred to the cc~mittee and that any reports which might be available iu the
offices of the City Manager and Public Works Director be referred to the committee. He then
stated that in accordance with the statements, he made a motion to ~his effect which was sec-
ouded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried.
SEWER RE~OR~: ~-o~,~
Mayor Smith then w~nt on to item ~2 under old business which was the matter of the Avalon
Outfall SeWer Report. After a brief discussion, Councilman Noonan moved that the City Attorney
be instructed to draw up a resolution setting forth the connection charge. City Attorney Lyons
interjected that this be done in accordance with the rec~=~endation of the Director of Public
Works. Councilman Noonan agreed to City Attorney Lyon's remarks and Councilman Lucchio seconde
the motion as made. At this time Mr. Warren Sapiro of the Arco Building Co. requested to be
heard on the matter. After a discussion between members of the council and Mr. Sapiro, Counci~
man Noonan suggested that pending the preparation of the resolution and prior to its being
drawn up, a conference be held between the ~irector of Public Works and M~. Sapiro to see if
there is andy basis for his request for adjustment. If this were the case then the City Attorne
could delay preparation of the resolution. Counciiman Bosworth then stated: "I wo~ld like
to make a motion that the Director of Public Works and the City Attorney be formed into a
committee to study the problem of connecting charges and assessments as well as past assess-
ments on their Avalon Park Outfall Sewer and submit a report to the council. It should be the
intent of this study to determine an equitable means of erasing the city investment in that
sewer'project at the earliest possible time." After a brief discussion Councilman Bosworth
amended his motion to have the results and subsequent action on the part of the council be
reflected in the resolution. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion. City Attorney Lyons
stated that he eould present at the next meeting a resolution which would be complete as to
the facts with t~e exception of the actual charges which could be put in at that time. Motion
as made by Councilman Bosworth and seconded by Councilman Noonan w~s regularly carried.
Mayor Smith then went on to the next item under old business which was the matter of the Boys
Club and the Rod & Gun Club requests to build clubhouse facilities. City Attorney Lyons re-
marked that h% was awaiting title reports and he felt these reports would be available for
presentation at the next meeting. After a discussion between members of the city council,
Mr. Sciandri, and Mr. Smith, chai~man of the Recreation Co,~ssion, Councilman Noonan moved
that an inquiry be directed to the Recreation C~ission as follows: "Shall public parks be
used to accomodate building of private buildings for~private use such as Boys Clubs and Rod
& Gun Clubs, Legion Halls, Veteran Buildings and so forth, and that they give us their recom-
mendations." Councilman Bosworth suggested that a reply be directed to the C~ittee on Public
Services. Councilman Noonan stated that he would include this in his motion. Councilman
Bosworth seconded the motion as made. After further discussion, Mr. Sciandri stated as follows'.
"For clarification and so that everyone understands it here and I womld like the public to get
in on this, when we presented this thio~ to the City Council we did not bring it up, .as I said
before, as a private institution wanting to use this particular property. We presented to
the City that we would build them -- we would build with our own labor and everything donated
and it would cost the city $6,000 to $8,000 on a $60,000 building. We would turn it over to
the City for recrmation. All we are asking for is a meeting place and a place where we can
have a target range so our policemen can enjoy it. We did not present it as a selfish thing.
We do not bring it up solely for the South San Francisco Rod & Gun Club. If the Bell Aire
property is considered we still do not want it as the South San Francisco Rod & Gun Club. We
will turn it over to the City as a recreation point. That is all we are interested in. The
City has no building large enough right now to house 150 to 175 or 200 people. There is no
place in South San Francisco that you can house that many people and have a banquet or a party
of any kind."
After further discussion Councilman Bosworth remarked that he, would like to h~ve Mr. Sciandri's
veryappropriate remarks as to his intentions and the intention of the organization he rep-
resents reflected in the minutes. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried.
The matter of M & K Corp. business license, appearing as item #5 under old business, was then
taken up. City Attorney Lyons gave an explanation of the reason that the matter was held up,
giving further information on the joint use of the spur track by the M & K Corp. and the
Sperry & Hutchison Co., reco~neudiug that it be held over to the next regular meeting. Couu-
cLlmau Lucchie so moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried.
The next item under old business taken up was item ~6 which concerned the O'Keefe complaint
of tannery wastes. After a brief discussion relative to notification to Poetsch &Petersou,
Councilman Lucchio moved that the Director of Public Works follow up the O'Keefe complaint,
ordering Poetsch &PetersOn to comply with the rec~m-~eudati~ns of the Public Works Director.
Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion which was regularly carried.
Item ~9 under old .business concerning the Oxford Hotel nuisance abatement and business license
application, was requested held over to the meeting of June 7.
Z -/~'-o ~'
Item #10 under old business, concerning Interstate Utilities Corp., was then taken Up o City
Attorney Lyons explained that the reason for holding this matter over to this meeting was so
that more clarification of the affidavit could be obtained. After an explanation by City
Attorney Lyons, he remarked that the additional points as set forth in the affidavit would
warrant exemption from business license requirements but that we did have the added measure
in our ordinance that all persons soliciting within the City of South San Francisco must be
cleared by the Police Department and fingerprinted and then pay a fee to cover the expenses
of investigation conducted by that department. Councilman Noonan asked if it was the City
Attorney's recommendation that this exemption be granted to which he replied yes, on the basis
of the affidavit. Councilman Noonan then moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly
carried, that the exemption be granted as rec~nded by the City Attorney.
Item #11 concerning papers from E1 Rancho Theatre was the next item under old business. City
Manager McClung _re~wked that an agreement h~i been re~cked by the Stoneson Development Corp.
and the E1 Rancho Theatr~ operators relative to the installation of this new type fence,
however installation had not been done as yet and that the Health Department was to advise
him .when the installation was done. He requested for this reason that the item re~-in on the
agenda under old business until such a report was received from the Health Department that
it was'cc~91eted in'a satisfactory manner. Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman
Bosworth and regularly carried, that this matter be held over.
The next matter taken up was the matter of painting of house numbers on curbs, appearing as
item ~12 under old business. After a brief discussion relative to the recommendations of the
City Manager regarding this work as mentioned in his letter, Councilman Noonan moved that on
the basis of the City Manager's report the city m~ke it their policy in connection with
painting stoat numbers on the curbs. Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion which was reg-
ularly carried.
Item #14 under old business, the matter of the Merle Reidell case, was ~ext taken up. After
some discussion among members of the council, Mayor Smith recommended that the mayor be auth-
orized to appoint a ¢ow~ttee to take the statement of facts and see whether the case warrants
action by the council, further remarking that the c~-maittee should come before the City Council
with its recommendations. Councilman Bosworth then made the following motion: '~ That the
mayor appoint a committee to present a report of findings to the city council and iu word of
explanation here; naturally, I think the first step would be to read this and if they feel
it should be looked into that they come in with a finding to that effect. If they want to go
further they will be empowered to go ahead with a hearing of the case." Councilman Noonan
seconded tSe motion which was regularly carried. Mayor Smith then appointed the committee as
follows: Councilman Lucchio as chairman, and Councilman Bosworth and Councilman Noonan as
The matter cfa Junior Engineer under item #15 of old business was next taken up. After a
discussion Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan, that as a matter of
policy the City Manager make a specific recoe~eudatiou on any matters which involve the hiring
of additional help in the administrative department. Motion as made and seconded was reg~larl~
carried. Mayor Smith then remarked the council would then g6 back again to the subject of
the Junior Engineer. Counctlman.Lucchio then moved as follows: "I move that the Public Works
Director Goss be authorized to hire on a temporary basis a Junior Engineer pending results of
a civil service examination and that his position be placed under the status of civil service
and the salary range to be as recommended by the City Manager and Public Works Director,
$376 to $456 and the Personnel Board be instructed to set up an examination for tho position."
City Attorney Lyons remarked that since this was a new position an ordinance would be re-
quired, suggesting that prior to the next meeting of the council if it were agreeable, a pro-
posed form of ordinance will be drawn up. Councilman Lucchlo then withdrew his motion and
moved that an ordinance be drawn up establishing the positf~on of Junior E~ineer to be set
up under civil service status. After further discussion Councilman Bos~orth seconded the
motion which was regularly carried.
Councilman Lucchio then moved as follows: "At this time I wo~ld like to introduce my original
motion that Mr. Rodondi or the Public Works Director Goss through the appropriate hiring
system be authorized to hire oua temporary basis, a Junior Engineer; pending the results of
au examination to civil service status at a salary range of $376 to $436 'and that the Persoune.~
Board be instructed to set up an examination for this position of Junior ~gineer. This
position is to be filled at the lowest range of the steps of $436 per mouth." Councilman
Bosworth stated that if the salary range that was just indicated was coupled with the recom-
mendation of the Public Worlds Director he would second the mo~ion. City Manager McClung
stated that the salary range was coupled with the recommendation of the Public ~Jorks Director
and the State Personnel Board so there would be an adjustment for the requirements and that
it fitted i~to our plans of steps in range program. Motion as made and seconded vas regularly
Item #16 under old business, the matter concerning the First Baptist Church protest, vas then
taken up. City Manager McCluug remarked on the information he had received regarding the
reason for the exemption not having been granted, remarking that he would again inform them
now that he had this new information.
QUIET TITLE The next item discussed was item f~17 under old business, quiet title of lot 13 block 7 Town
LOT 13 BLOCK 7 of Baden. City Attorney Lyons remarked that the tax claim w~s the reason for quieting title,
T0~0F BADEN: stating that he had contacted the Tax Collector, Mrs. 0ttenfield, and that the purchasers
~-//~ had expressed, their willingness to pay the back taxes but that the old assessment was the
question in the matter, further stating that he would contact the real estate broker regarding
this matter. He recommended that the council make it his obligation that the taxes were paid
and that they were paid together with all penalties and interest and then a proper receipt
be issued to the property owner so that the records could be cleared in the County Recorder's
office. Mayor Smith then referred this matter to the City Attorney for final action by the
next meeting.
~'ll ~
Item ~18 under old business, concerning the request of Sherwood Tucker for new appraisal of
tax rolls, was next taken up. Councilman Noouan, after a brief discussion, moved that we
immediately undertake a comparison of the residential areas, that is, the city's roll with
the county roll. '¢~ilmau Bosworth seconded the motion. Councilman Noouan then moved that
the comparison be made and that a report be made to the city council. Councilman Bosworth
seconded the motion. After further discussion, Councilman Noouan remarked that the motion
be amended to show that a report be made iu thirty days. If it was not completed at that
time, a report ou how long it would take to complete them. Councilman Bosworth then asked
Councilman Noonan if he wouldn't include iu his motion that at the next regular meeting a
report be made as to how long it would take to make this report. Councilman Noouan remarked
that he would include this iu his motion. After further discussion Councilman Noouan moved
as follows: "My motion is that the cem~arisou be made ou the city property rolls 53-54
agalust the county rolls and that a report be made as you suggested at the next council meetin~
as to when we can expect the full report; that the City Manager be authorized to begin employ-
lug the three people required to do this job." Councilman Boeworth seconded the motinu. Afte~
further discussion motion as made and seconded ~as regularly carried.
Item ~19 of old bus,ness, the extension of Golden Gate Cemetery Storm Drain, was the next
item taken up for council action. After a lengthy discussion among members of the city counci2
and Director of Public Works Goes relative to the pipe that was to be installed in the area
and the fill to be placed, Mayor Smith asked the members of the city council if they wished
to refer this matter to the Public Works Committee and let them determine Just what should be
done in that area and come back to the council with their recommendations. Councilman Lucchio
so moved. After further discussion Mayor Smith stated that the matter wo~ld then be referred
to the Public Works Co~nittee to determine whether or not the pipe should be allowed to
extend into city property some 26' as requested by the Federal Government and that the Public
Services Coe~nittee would coordinate on the same item.
~7 ~3
The next item discussed, item~22 under old business, whichwas the request to the Planning
Commission for a change in study meeting night. City Clerk Rodondi informed the mayor and
Council members that he had written a letter to the Planning Commission suggesting the change
in their meeting night to a more convenient time and as yet had received no reply. Mayor
Smith r~quested that the matter be removed from the agenda.
Mayor Smith then took up the matter of Good & Welfare of the Community, asking if there was
anyone in the audience who wished to be heard. Since no one requested to be heard, the mayor
then went on with the presentation to former Councilman Adolph Sani, present in the audience.
After the presentation had been made to former council member Adolph 3ani, Councilman Noonan
moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried, that all three of the citations
presented here this evening be suitably framed at city expense.
Councilman Noonan then spoke on the organization of the council agenda remarking that he and
Councilman~Bosworth had prepared a proposal of several steps to be followed in an effort to
expedite council agenda preparation. He then read the steps that they had proposed and iu
concluding the reading, moved that this proposal be submitted to the council for considerat~n.
Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion which was regularly carried.
There being no further business, Councilman Bos~orth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan
and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned until the following night at 8 p. m.
Time of AdJo~nmmnent - 11:01 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Cie.