HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1954-06-07REC;JLAR MEETING OF TY£.] CITY COUNCIL OF THE
Council Ch~bers~ City H~i
The meeting -~as called to order at 8:21 p. m. by Mayor Smith.
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was taken and invocation given by Rev. Maurice Wicker.
Councilman John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, Emilio Cortesi, George
CLAn,Z: _4-0/3
Mayor Smith asked if there were any corrections or omissions to the minutes of the previous
meeting. Councilman Lucchio stated that he did not have a copy of his minutes with him and
therefore could not refer to the proper page but that iu au earlier discussion this afteruoon~
it was brought out there had been a motion made to the effect that the study meetings would
be curtailed. He stated that he would like to have a clarification of this point because he
did not believe that this was the intent of the motion. He felt that it was just for the
next meeting that the council was to have, that the study meeting interfered with the committ~
meeting and it was because of this reason that it was held over. Councilman Bosworth remarke~
that he also believed that study meetings should be held. Mayor Smith then inter~ected that
iu an effort to expedite this matter it was the wishes of the council members that the minute~
reflect that it was ~ t~mel im~ent to have all study meetings curtailed. He further remarked
that if there were no objections the minutes would be so corrected, requesting the City Clerk
to correct the minutes to show the intent of the motion. Mayor Smith then asked if there was
a motion to the effect that the minutes be approved. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconded
by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried.
Mayor Smith then went on to the item of claims. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Coun-
cilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that all claims be approved.
Mayor S~th then remarked that a request had been received that the petition of Mrs. O'Connor
be placed on the agenda. Councilman Bosworth so moved, seconded by Counci!mau Noonau and
regularly carried. Mayor Smith then requested City Clerk Rodoudi to. read the petition which
was suet'ted by Mrs. 0'Conuor. After an explanation by the Director of Public Works with
regard to grading operations which were taking place iu the area of Sunshine Gardens, Council-
man Bosworth moved that the City Council direct the City Manager to take all legal steps to
abate, 1.- the nuisance, and, 2.- to secure ~the proper permit before any more grading is done
by them. Councilman Noouau seconded the motion. Mayor Smith suggested that the motion be
amended to state "necessary .steps" rather than "all steps". Councilman Bosworth remarked thai
he had stated "all legal steps". M~yor Smith remarked that Councilman Bosworth had said "all'
but t~ his recommendation was that it should be amended to "necessary legal steps". Coun-
cilman Bosworth accepted the amendment. Mayor Smith then asked if it would hold true with
the second. Councilman Noonan replied y~s. Motion as made, amended, and seconded was regu-
larly carried.
Mayor smith then requested that the following items on the agenda be placed over for study in
the interests of expediting tonights business: Under section XIV-New Business, item~l, Fra~
B. Fitzgerald T.V. shadow problem over South City Hill. Item~5, City Manager memo on possi-
ble relocation and sale of Burl Burl Fire station. Item~6, memo from City Manager rec¢~m~end~
elimination of position of Public Works Foreman nowheld by Dave Corsiglia.
Mayor Smith then suggested a change'in the agenda that there were a number of people present
regarding the public hearing of the industrial sewers and pumping stations reassessment. He
said that if there were uo objections, the council would move that item to the next item ou
the agenda. He opened the protest hearing requesting to know if there were any protests. No
protests were registered. He then asked if there were any written protests and was informed
only the two which the council had already passed on, which had been overruled. Mayor Smith
then again asked if there were any oral protests. None were presented. He then ordered the
protest hearing closed remarking that it was now in order to call for a resolution ordering
the changes and modifications on the assessment. City Attorney Lyons said that such a reso-
lution had been prepared entitled: "A resolution of the City Council of the City of South
San Francisco whereby saidCity orders changes and modifications in the assessments in connec.
tiou with the industrial sewers and pumping stati~ project." After City Attorney Lyons had
read the resolution it was introduced by Councilman Cortesi. Roll call vote was as follows:
Ayes, Councilman Noonan, Lucchio, Smith~ Cortesi, Bosworth.
Mr. Wilsey, present in the audience, requested to say a few words in the matter of industrial
sewers before the council~went on to another subject. He remarked as follows: "There are n~
certain changes and modifications in the plans tha~ will have to be heard and passed upon by
the council in order to affect the savings that have been discussed. We would like to see
the necessary changes made in those plans and the changes and modifications approved by the
council in order that the necessary reduction in assessments may be m~de within the sixty day
period. We wo~.ld like to see the changes and modifications made and have it on the next
meeting of the council." Mayor S~th asked Mr. Goss if this would be a reasonable request to
which he replied that he was somewhat familiar with the changes proposed and that when the
plans were submitted to him for approval, he could check them over within twenty-four hours.
After a brief discussion regarding placing this matter on the agenda for the adjourned meeti~
of June 14, Councilman Noom~n moved that this matter be put on the agenda of the adjourned
meeting to be held on the 14th of June, to be heard after the hearing of the Employees' Assoc~
iation. Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion. Mayor Smith remarked if it was the desire
to set the time as 9:BO which would give the employees an hour and a half. After a brief
dis~u~sion, motion as made and seconded was regularly carried.
Mayor Smith then went on to the matter of the requests for clubhouse facilities as made by t~
BoysClub and the Rod & Gun Club. He remarked that he was informed that the title company
sent the litigation report but did not include plot diagram which should be received by the
middle of the week. Recreation Commiaalon had also informed the council that they would send
in their recommendations at an early date. The matter was then held over at the suggestion
of Mayor Smith. Councilman Bosworth remarked that he would like to have the matter in some
way tied down so that it could be brought to a conclusion. Mayor Smith then requested that
the matter be placed on the agenda for the meeting of June 21.
~-/~- ~
LOTS: $"~;.~ '7
The next item was the matter of the business licanse application of the M & K Corporation.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Grossiuger requested the mayor to put the matter over until the
next regular meeting, further remarking that they were now in the process of negotiations
which he felt would be arrived at satisfactorily. Mayor Smith granted the request of Mr.
The next matter on the agenda was the complaint regarding tannery wastes from Poetsch & Peters¢
After an explanation by Mr. Goss regarding the letter he had written Poetsch & Peterson and
the reply he had received from that couceru~ Mayor Smith stated that if there were no object-
ions the matter would be placed on the agenda for June 21.
The next item was the matter of the Oxford Hotel business license. Mr. Lingeman, inspector
from the Health Department, stated that work was progressing but not completed and that they
could not approve it at the present time becauSe it was not finished. After a discussion,
Mayor Smith stated if there~ere no objections the matter would be placed on the pending
agenda until approval had been received from the Health DepaZ~cment.
Item ~5 concerning papers from the E1 Rancho Theatre was next discussed. Mr. Lingeman, inspect
or of the Health Department, stated that the work had not been completed but that he had been
promised today that it would be done this week. Councilman Lucchio remarked that he would
like to move it be brought to the attention of the E1 Rancho Theatre people that the council
wanted some definite action for the next council meeting. Mayor Smith remarked that if there
were no objections it will be placed on the agenda for council's information as to whether
or not they have followed through. Councilman Bosworth then moved, seconded by Councilman
Noonan, and regularly carried, that the matter be placed on the adjourned portion of the meet-
ing to be held on the 14th.
Item ~6, the matter concerning a let*er from Councilman Cortesi on the Reidell Case, was next
taken up. Mayor Smith remarked that he believed it hadbeen labeled incorrectly as a letter
of protest. Counci~n Cortesi stated that it was net a protest but that he had merelysent
the letter in and was not sending in any protest. Mayor Smith asked if he wished this letter
filed but Councilman Cortesi requested that the letter be read. City Clerk Rodondi then read
the letter as r~eeived fremCouncilman Cortesi. A discussion was then held regarding the
matter of the rehearing of the Reidell Case, an explanation being given by City Attorney Lyons.
Mention was also made of the findings of facts by the Personnel Board, which had not been
filed. Councilman Noonan then stated that he believed it would be in order for us to move
that the Personnel Board perform its function, that he had raised this point several months
ago as to why they had failed to perform their function and in view of the City Attorney's
ruling, moved that the Personnel Board pex'form their function and file the findings of fact.
Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion. After some discussion, Councilman Bosworthwithdrew
his second. After further discussion Councilman Noonan withdrew his motion. Councilman
Lucchio then moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi, that the Personnel Board do their duty
and file the findings of fact in,be Reidell Case. Roll call vote was as follows: Councilman
Noonan, no; CounciLman Lucchio, aye; Councilman Cortesi, aye; Councilman Bosworth, no; Mayor
Smith, aye. Councilman Noonan then requested that the findings of fact or the suggested
findings of fact are before the cc~wn~ttee and in their file. Councilman Lucchio stated that
he would take the responsibility of seeing that they are there.
The item concerning quiet title of lot 13 block 7 Town of Baden was next discussed. City
Attorney Lyons reported that he had been informed that the petitioner had requested that the
matter be dr~l~l. Since there were no objections, the matter was dropped from the agenda.
The matter concerning additional parkimg facilities in the Lindenville project was the next
item ou the agenda., After some discussion regarding methods and costs involved, Councilman
Lucchio moved that the council be advised as to the possible dates that funds would be avail-
able so that work could be done. Upon further discussion, Mayor Smith remarked that in keep-
ing with Councilman Noouau's suggestion, the city would go into a discussion with the Land Co.
and attempt to obtain a waiver ou the agreement that we must remove all the improvements when
the property is turned over to them again. He further remarked that the Public Works Director
would prepare a report for the council as to the advantages and disadvantages of usiD~ the
methods of paving the parking lots as crusher base opposed to red rock. After having asked if
there were objections, Mayor Smith stated there being none, the City Manager and Director of
Public Works would comply.
The next item ef the agenda was the matter of rules and regulations for Lindenville tenants.
After a brief eXPlanation by Mayor Smith in which he stated that information had been received
from the City-Attorney today that the Housing Authority was presently working on a new form
of lease to be submitted, he recommended that the matter be dropped from the agenda. There
being no objections, this was done.
The matter Concerning business license applications, appearing as item ~10, was next taken up.
After m brief discussion concerning this matter, Mayor Smith requested that if there were no
objections, the matter would be held over for a study meeting.
Item~ll, concerning the appointment of Asst. Engineer as a result of the examination recently
given, was the next item discussed. AFter a brief explanation by Mayor Smith regarding John
Clegg having passed as high man and the City Manager's memo to the effect that the applicant
must pass a satisfactory medical examination, in which a recommendation had been made that a
salary of $458.00 be paid, he requested to know what the pleasure of the council would be in
this matter. Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried,
that the rec~ndation of the City Manager be accepted.
Mayor Smith then went on to the next item on the agenda which concerned the pending agenda,
the first item being ~l from a to j, the Public Works Committee. Councilman Noouan reported
as follows: In the matter of Winston Manor ~2, there was no report. On the matter concerning
the dedication of SouthwoedDrive, Councilman Noonau stated that there were other factors to
be determined before the city could approve settlement of liability of $450.00. On item 'c',
Hillside Blvd. Wideulug,~whtch was a long range project, he remarked that the Public Works
Committee had not conducted an investigation concerning it. The matter of 01d Mission Drainsge
as a result of a meetiug with the Sunshine Gardens property owners, FHA, VA, and the developers
brought forth the result that the developers had placed an undertaking with the FHA stating
that they. would underwrite and hold harmless the property owners iu that area for au assessment
in the drainage problem. He also remarked that as a result, Councilman.Lucchio proposed that
the drainage problem be considered by the council, and that Councilman Bosworth had asked for
a critical analysis of the problem in two ~hases. First~ to determine the obligation of the
land for channel water coming through it to the north and also the obligation ou the part of
the land to drain that water from its own parcel. A request was being made he said ou the
council tonight to have the City Engineer prepare those two separate studies for the council's
cousideratiou~ The item concerning ~{aJer Street Widening was the next item explained by
Councilman Noonau, iu which he remarked that they had determined to settle for a cheaper way
to provide for a truck route and that they would again like to have this held up as additional
study might save the city more money. He remarked that the matter of Atkiusou Alley they
were informed was a dead issme and carried for information ouly~ The matter of traffic signals
and scrsmble~ he requested it be referred to the City Manager and Director of Public Works.
The matter of the request of the Chamber of C~rce Traffic and Road Study and the development
of a truck route, which was similiar to the request of the Junior Chamber of CoEmerce, merits
a great deal of study before the city could pass a large sum of money on this program. Coun-
cilman Noonau stated that ou the matter concerning the proposed underpass at San Felipe Avenue
and Junipero Serra Blvd., Ceuucilman Bosworth had asked that the council make a comparative
study of the under, ss 'and the overpass, its advantages and disadvantages in the area. He fur-
ther remarked that notice would be given to the builder that such a study was being undertaken,
asking that he submit any pertinent facts or analysis that he may desire. He concluded his
report by stating that the extension of Golden Gate Cemetery storm drain, according to his
recollection, had not been referred to the Public Works C~m~ittee but believed it had been
referred to the Public Works Director and Councilman Bosworth.
Councilman Bosworth re~awked that he wished to add one comment with regard to item "i" concern-
lug the proposed under, ass at San Fe~ Aveaue, stating that after brief questioning, it was
determined that uo apparent study had been given to an under, ss vs. the overpass insofar as
the opposite side of the highway was concerned, the west side, which is the unincorporated
area. He stated that they were of the opinion that ~he merits could not be determined until
both sides had beau considered. This w~s the reason for the coemzittees' asking the council
that the Public Werks Director make the study. On item ~J", he further remarked that at the
last council meetin~ Mr. Goss and himself had ramie their report, stating he felt that the
minutes w~d bear him out iu this respect. After a bric,Councilman Noonan stated that they
requested an analysis of the underpass and overpass preposals at Winston Manor ~2 connecting
Winston Manor ~B. Mayor Smith asked if he could have a motion to direct the Public Works
Director to follow through ou that information. Councilman Bosworth so moved, seconded by
Councilman Noouan and regularly carried. ' /discussion/
The next item taken up was the matter concerning the auditor c¢~ittee. Mayor Smith requested
the City Clerk to read a letter from Mr. Charles Ledwith. After a brief discussion regarding
a meeting date ou the problem of the sewage account, Mayor Smith asked City Manager McClung
to arrange a meeting date in order that the matter could be discussed further.
No reports were submitted by the Public Safety Committee or the Public Services Co~nittee.
Mayor Smith then went ou to the next item on the agenda which was the cc~risou of the city
and county assessment rolls, requesting a report as to what had been done. City Manager McClu[
stated that nothing had been done to date inasmuch as the Clerk's Office was presently using
the rolls in preparation of the new rolls. He stated it would be necessary to wait until this
work had been cc~leted and the comparison would then be started immediately. He estimated
the work to take between 25 to 30 working days. Councilman Noouan then moved, seconded by
Councilman Bosworth, that the work on this comparison commence July 1st. He later amended his
motion to be the first Monday in July. Councilman Bosworth stated his second would stand.
Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried.
A recess was declared at 10:10 p. m. and the meeting recalled to order at 10:36 p. m.
OWEN BARBER~RESIGNATION .In calling the meeting back to order the council then took up item~15 under new business,
& CECIL KING APPOInTMENT.which was the resignation of Ow~u Barber and the employment of Cecil King in his place as
~/~ relief operator at the Sewage Plant. After a brief discussion, Councilman LucChio moved~
seconded by Councilman Cortesi, and regularly carried, that the resignation of Owen Barber
be accepted. Councilman Bosworth then remarked that he noticed the recommendation of the
City Manager recom~eude~ Mr. King for emPloyment and requested to know if Mr. King was the
next man on the .list. City Manager McClung stated that he had information from Mr. Schweining
that he was the neXt person ou the list and that it was iu order that he be employed with.
the years pro%atio~ry period, subject to passing a medical examination. Councilman Bosworth
then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio, that the next man on the list be employed in con-
~ ~ currence wit~ the CityManager's rec~endation, subject to the medical examination. After
a brief discusSion, Mr. Schweiuing stated that Mr. King was the third man on the list, the
first two having already been hired. Mayor ~mith asked ~lr. Schweiniug if he was the top man
to which he. answered, yes. Motion as made and secoude~ was regularly carried.
.~'0 ~'~"
'Mayor Smith then remarked that Mr. Schweiuiug had asked that ~22 under section #lB, regarding
his request to leave the State from June 15 $o 28 b~ taken up next. Councilman Noonan moved,
seconded by Councilman Bosworth, and regularly carried, that the request be granted.
~ ~-~--
Mayor Smith then said that the Fire Chief had also asked that he be granted absence from the
State z~rom June 19 to July 25. Fire Chief Welte corrected the time, stating that it should
be from June 19 to July 5. Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio, and
reg~zlarly carried, that the request be granted.
Mayor Smith then said that they also had a request regarding the matter of Francisco Terrace
pertaining to the installation of guard rail ou Spruce Avenue for the playgr0uud. Councilman
Bosworth stated that he felt %he people present iu the audience were interested in items ~4
and ~5 under section #13. Also item~2 of section ~14 and item#7 under section ~8. First
item taken up was the request for guard rail on Spruce Avenue for the playground. After a
disucssion regardingthe cost of the guard rail and the Installation, Councilman Noonan move~
seconded by Councilman Bosworth, and regularly carried, that the guard rail be installed.
After discussion as to when installation would be done and the priority of the project over
others, Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that
this work be given precedence over the sidewalks patching project. Councilman Bosworth re-
quested that he would like to have a status report by the next meeting.
The next .item concerning Francisco Terrace was the request, to relocate the bus station. After
discussion had taken place regarding the present location and its relocation~ Councilman Noona~
a great deal of study before the city could pass a large sum of mousy ou this progrsm. Coun-
cilman Noouau stated that ou the matter concerning the proposed underpass at San Felipe Avenue
and Junipero Serra Blvd., Councilman Bosworth had asked that the council make a comparative
study of the underpass ~aud the overpass, its advantages and disadvantages in the area. He fu:
ther remarked that notice would be given to the builder that such a study was being undertake~
asking that he submit any pertinent facts or analysis that he may desire. He concluded his
report by stating that the extension of Golden Gate Cemetery storm drain, according to his
recollection, had not been referred to the Public Works Committee but believed it had been
referred to the Public Works Director and Councilman Bosworth.
Counc~man Bosworth remarked that he wished to add one comment with regard to item "i" conce~
iug the proposed underpass at San Feti~ Avemue, stating that after brief questioning, it was
determined that uo apparent study had been given to au underpass vs. the overpass insofar as
the opposite side of the highway was concerned, the west side, which is the unincorporated
area. He stated that they were of the opinion that ~he merits could not be determined until
both sides had been considered. This was the reason for the c~ttees' asking the council
that the Public Werks Director make the study. Ou item 'J", he further remarked that at the
last council meeting Mr. Goss and himself had made their report, stating he felt that the
minutes weuld bear him out in this respect. After a brie~Councilman Noonan stated that they
requested an analysis of the underpass and overpass proposals at Winston Manor ~2 connecting
Winston Manor ~3. Mayor Smith asked if he could have a motion to direct the Public Works
Director to follow through on that information. Councilman Bosworth so moved, seconded by
Councilman Noonan and regularly carried. ' /discussion/
The next item taken up was the matter concerning the auditor cc~nittee. Mayor Smith requeste,
the City Clerk to read a letter from Mr. Charles Ledwith. After a brief discussion regarding
a meeting date on the problem of the sewage account, Mayor Smith asked City Manager McClung
to arrange a meeting date in order that the matter could be discussed further.
No reports were submitted by the Public Safety Committee or the Public Services Committee.
Mayor Smith then went on to the next item on the agenda which was the comparison of the city
and county assessment rolls, requesting a report as to what had been done. City Manager McCi~
stated that nothing had been done to date inasmuch as the Clerk's Office was presently using
the rolls in preparation of the new rolls. He stated it would be necessary to wait until thi~
work had been completed amd the comparison would then be started immediately. He estimated
the work to take between 25 to 30 working days. Councilman Noonan then moved, seconded by
Councilman Bosworth, that the work on this comparison c~nce July 1st. He later amended hi~
motion to be the first Monday in July. Councilman Bosworth stated his second would stand.
Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried.
A recess was declared at 10:10 p. m. and the meeting recalled to order at 10:36 p. m.
OWEN BARBER~RESIGNATION .In calling the meeting back to order the council then took up item ~15 under new business,
& CECIL KI~G APPOINTMENT.Which was the resignation of Owen Barber and the employment of Cecil King in his place as
~/~ relief operator at the Sewage Plant. After a brief discussion, Councilman LucChio moved,
seconded by Councilman Cortesi, and regularly carried, that the resignation of Owen Barber
be accepted. Counci~n Bosworth then remarked that he noticed the recommendation of the
City Manager recommende~ Mr. King for employment and requested to know if Mr. King was the
next man on the list. City Manager McClung stated that he had information from Mr. Schweining
that he was the next person on the list and that it was in order that he be employed with.
the years probatio~ryperiod, subject to passing a medical examination. CounciLman Bosworth
then moved, seconded by Councilm~n Lucchio, that the next man on the list be employed in con-
~ ~ currence wit~ the City Manager's rec~endation, subject to the medical examination. After
a brief discusSion, Mr. Schweiuing stated that Mr. King was the third man on the list, the
first two having ~lready been hired. Mayor Smith asked~r. Schweiniug if he was the top man
to which he. answered, yes. Motion as made and secoude% was regularly carried.
Mayor Smith then remarked that Mr. Schweining h~d asked that ~22 under section ~13, regarding
his request to leave the State from June 15 $o 28 be taken up next. Councilman Noonan moved,
seconded by Councilman Bosworth, and regularly carried, that the request be granted.
Mayor Smith then said that the Fire Chief had also asked that he be granted absence from the
State from June 19 to July 25. Fire Chief Welte corrected the time, stating that it should
be from June 19 to July 5. Councilman Bosworth moved, secnnded by Councilman Lucchio, and
regularly carried, that the request be granted.
Mayor Smith then said that they also had a request regarding the matter of Francisco Terrace
pertaining to the installation of guard rail ou Spruce Avenue for the playground. Councilman
Bosworth stated that he felt %he people present iu the audience were interested in items ~4
and ~5 under section ~13. Also item~2 of section ~14 and item#7 under section ~8. First
item taken up was the request for guard rail on Spruce Avenue for the playground. After a
disucssion regardlngthe cost of the guard rail and the iustallation~ Councilman Noonan move~
seconded by Councilman Bosworth, and regularly carried, that the guard rail be installed.
.After discussion as to when installation would be done and the priority of the project over
others, Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that
this work be given precedence over the sidewalks patching project. Councilman Bosworth re-
quested that he would like to have a status report by the next meeting.
The next item concerning Francisco Terrace was the request, to relocate the bus station. After
discussion had taken place regarding the present location and its relocation, Councilman Noona~
moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth, that permission be granted to move the bus shed.
Mayor Smith remarked that there was uo definite point of location indicated and requested if
it wouid be proper to get the point as definitely being city property, also considering the
point of liability that might be incurred and whether or not it was a hazard. Councilman
Bosworth then remarked if the motion could be amended as follows: Moving that permission be
granted with the proviso that the arrangements for the relocation be cleared with the Director
of Public Works and in the event he raises uo objection for the interests of the city, they
be allowed to go ahead. After further discussion between members of the city council, Coun-
cilman Bosworth remarked that he would withdraw his motion and insert a motion along the
lines as mentioned iu the discussion that the Director of Public Works be named as a committee
of one to meet with the residents of Francisco Terrace or their duly authorized representative
to develop a suitable plan which he will then clear with the other departments so that at the
next council meeting, if possible, a final plan can be placed on our agenda for our consider-
ation. Councilman Noouau seconded the motion which was regularly carried.
Mayor Smith then went on to the matter of Francisco Terrace Association requesting coustructior
of a storm drain. Councilman Lucchio stated that he wo~ld like to move that the matter be
held over pending a meeting of the residents of Francisco Terrace and the council. He further
remarked he was referring to the same type of meeting which was held with the residents of
the Sunshine Gardens area so that a history of the matter could be developed and the inter-
change of ideas. He further stated that he did not believe it was a matter that could be dis-
cussed over here and resolved. After further discussion, Councilman Lucchio remarked that
his motion was iu reference to the request of the Francisco Terrace Association as appeared
under agenda section #14 item ~2. After further discussion had taken place, Councilman Lucchi,
stated that his motion was that the Francisco Terrace Drainage, iu regards to Portugese Dip,
be held over for a study meeting between members of the .council, the residents of said area,
the City Attorney and the Director of Public Works of said city. Councilman Noonau seconded
the motion and after brief discussion, was regularly carried. Councilman Bosworth then moved
that a hearing be called for Wednesday evening, June 16 at 8 p.m. iu the council chambers, and
that the City Manager send confirming notice to the residents of Francisco Terrace. Couucilma
Cortesi seconded the motion. Councilman Bosworth stated that he wo~ld amend his motion to
have the mseting ou the 15th i~ it was satisfactory to everyone at 8 p. m. in the city council
chambers, and that the City Manager be instructed to notify all persons concerned in this
matter. Motion as m~de and seconded was regularly carried. Councilman Bosworth moved that
the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a letter to the State Highway District settiD~
forth to the best of his ability the case of the city, with respect to the injury it was
suffering, setting forth the responsibilities of the State Highway District insofar as the
drainage problem is concerned at Francisco Terrace. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion
which was regularly carried.
M~yor Smith then went on the matter of the open drainage channel under the railroexl tracks,
with respect to the health and safety of the ehil~eu, as requested by the Francisco Terrace
Association. He recommended that the matter be held over to determine the finances that
were available. Councilman Bosworkh moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly
carried, that the Director of Public Works and the City Manager work together to develop what.
ever information they can to present to us at the next meeting and that this matter be placed
ou the agenda. Councilman Bosworth then amended his original motion to have this matter
placed on the agenda for the first meeting in J~ly. Councilman Lucchio remarked his second
stood. Motion as made and seconded was ~egularly carried.
Mayor Smith then returned to section ~8 item ~6 concerning :the revised master zoning ordinanc.
After a discussion regarding the adoption of a resolution requesting the Planning Commission
to submit a report ou their recommendations for a new and revised zoning ordinance, City
Attorney Lyons stated that he ha~ prepared such a resolution, remarking that he understood
the Planning Commission had their report ready for next Monday night. Councilman Noonan
stated that he would introduced the resolution, title of which was read by City Attorney
Lyons as follows: "A resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco re-
for said
that the Planning Commission of said City prepare a new zDning or districting plan
city." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonau, Lucchio, Smith,
Bosworth. Mayor Smith stated that he would instruct the City Manager to inform the
Commission that it was the request of the City Council that they have all the exhibi
and present them when they submit their report.
The next item discussed was the investment of city monies iu Government bonds. Mayor Smith
recommended that the matter be held over until the budget was determined.
Mayor Smith stated that the next item was the matter of reports and requested that they be
as brief as possible and to the point. City Manager McClung reported on the Winston Manor
playgrounds, stating that Winston Manoi~l playground had been completed as was Winston
M~nor~. With regard to Winston MauorX~3-A, playground had been graded, loam hauled in,
disced, leveled, sprinkling system installed, sand loss to be built, hedge to be planted
an~ seeded. The park was 7~ c~nplete. Winston Manor5 had been gra~ed, loam hauled in,
disced and leveled, sand box completed, hedge to be planted and area seeded. This park was
80~ completed. ~
Mayor Smith then went on to report ~2 concerning SouthwoodDrive. City Manager McCluug
stated'that the matter had been taken care of and was held over for more information. Mayor
Smith stated that it would be held over.
Item ~3 concerning City Manager's report on traffic signals and pg~estrian scramble was next
taken up. City Manager McClmng stated that a report submitted by the Director of Public
Works, the Police Chief and himself went into detail on the subject. Mayor Smith remarked
tb~t if there were uo objections the matter would be held over for further study.
Item~4 regarding the Housing Authority resolution ~275 &~276 relating to the establishment
of a reserve account was next discussed. City Manager McClung stated that this was merely
a transmittal of information supplied by the Director of the Housing Authority. Mayor Smith
requested that the report be filed. After a brief discussion regarding copies of the contre
and the leases of the Housing Authority, Councilman Bosworth stated he would like to go on
record concerning the preparations being made to remove the housing project at the end of t~
th~ year period. He also stated he felt that they should be working ou those plans. Cit2
Attorney Lyons stated that they have had discuss%ons on the subject and that preliminary
plans had been made but nothing definitely decided, feeling that it was premature being thr~
years away. Councilman Bosworth then moved, seconded by Councilman Noonau and regularly
carried, that the City Manager be requested to send the necessary correspondence to the
Housing Authority, requesting a study meeting with them ou some appropriate date.
5-oo /
of a storm drain. Councilman Lucchio stated that he Would like to move that the matter be
held over pending a meeting of the residents of Francisco Terrace and the council. He furtl
remarked he w~s referring to the same type of meeting which was held ~ith the residents of
the Sunshine Gardens area so that a history of the matter could be developed and the inter-
change of ideas. He further stated that he did not believe it was a matter that could be d:
cussed over here and resolved. After further discussion, Councilman Lucchio remarked that
his motion was in reference to the request of the Francisco Terrace Association as appeared
under agenda section #14 item ~2. After further discussion had taken place, Councilman Luc.
stated that his motion was that the Francisco Terrace Drainage, iu regards to Portugese Dip
be held over for a study meeting between members of the .council, the residents of said area.
the City Attorney and the Director of Public Works of said city. Councilman Noonau seconde~
the motion and after brief discussion, was regularly carried. Councilman Bosworth then mow
that a hearing be called for Wednesday evening, June 16 at 8 p.m. in the council chambers, ~
that the City Manager send confirming notice to the residents of Francisco Terrace. Council
Cortesi seconded the motion. Councilman Bosworth stated that he would amend his motion to
have t~ meeting on the 15th i~ it was satisfactory to everyone at 8 p. m. in the city count
chambers, and that the City Manager be instructed to notify all persons concerned in this
matter. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Councilman Bosworth moved that
the City Attorney be instructed to l~repare a letter to the State Highway District setting
forth to the best of his ability the case of the city, with respect to the injury it was
suffering, setting forth the responsibilities of the State Highway District insofar as the
drainage problem is concerned at Francisco Terrace. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion
which was regularly carried.
~yor Smith then went on the matter of the open drainage channel under the railroad tracks,
with respect to the health and safety of the chil~n, as requested by the Francisco Terrac~
Association. He rec~ ..... ended that the matter be held over to determine the finances that
were available. Councilman Boswor~h moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly
carried, that the Director of Public Works and the City Manager work together to develop w~
ever information they can to present to us at the next meeting and that this matter be plac~
ou the agenda. Councilm~n Bosworth then amended his original motion to have this matter
placed on the agenda for the first meeting in July. Councilman Lucchio remarked his second
stood. Motion as m~de and seconded was ~egularly carried.
Mayor Smith then returned to section ~8 item ~6 concerning .the revised master zoning ordina~
After a discussion regarding the adoption of a resolution requesting the Planning Comissio:
to submit a report on their recemmeudations for a new and revised zoning ordinance, City
Attorney Lyons stated that he haA prepared such a resolution, remarking that he understood
the Planning Co~Eissiou had their report ready for next Monday night. Councilm~u Noonan
stated that he would introduced the resolution, title of which was read by City Attorney
Lyons as follows: "A resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco re-
for said
that the Planning Commission of said City prepare a new zDning or districting plan
city." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes~ Councilmen Noonan, Lucchio, Smith,
Bosworth. Mayor Smith stated that he would instruct the City Manager to inform th~
Commission that it was the request of the City Council that they have all the exhil
and present them when they submit their report.
The next item discussed was the investment of city monies iu Government bonds. Mayor Smith
recommended that the matter be held over until the budget was determined.
Mayor Smith stated that the next item was the matter of reports and requested that they be
as brief as ~ossible and to the point. City Manager McClung reported ou the Winston Manor
playgrounds, stating that Winston Manoi~l playground had been completed as was Winston
Manor~2. With regard to Winston Manor~3-A, playground had been graded, loam ha~led in,
disced, leveled, sprinkling system installed, sand l~ts to be built, hedge to be planted
an~ seeded. The park was 70~ csnplete. Winston Mauo~5 had been gra~ed, loam hauled in,
disced and leveled, sand box completed, hedge to be planted and area seeded. This park was
80% completed.
Mayor Smith then went on to report ~2 concerning Southwood Drive. City Manager McCluo~
stated'that the matter had been taken care of and was held over for more information. Mayoz
Smith stated that it would be held over.
Item~B concerning City Manager's report on traffic signals and p~estrian scramble was next
taken up. City Mauager McClmng stated that a report submitted by the Director of Public
Works, the Police Chief and h~elf went into detail on the subject. Mayor Smith remarked
that if there w~re no objections the matter would be held over for further study.
Item~4 regarding the Housing Authority resolution ~275 & ~276 relating to the establishment
of a reserve account was next discussed. City Manager McClung stated that this was merely
a transmittal of information supplied by the Director of the Housing Authority. Mayor Smith
requested that the report be filed. After a brief discussion regarding copies of the contra
and the leases of the Housing Authority, Councilman Bosworth stated he would like to go on
record concerniD~ the preparations being made to remove the housing project at the end of th
three year period. He also stated he felt that they should be working on those plans. City
Attorney Lyons stated that they have had discussions on the subject and that preliminary
plans had been made but nothing definitely decided, feeling that it was premature being thre
years away. Councilman Bosworth then moved, seconded by Councilman Noonau and regularly
carried, that the City Manager be requested to send the necessary correspondence to the
Housing Authority, requesting a study meeting with them on some appropriate date.
503 7
Item ~5 concerning the housing survey made of the Lindenville area w~s then taken up. After
brief discussion regarding the letter submitted by Mr. Howell of the San Mateo County Health
Department, Councilman Bosworth stated that it might be well to include the members of the
Health Department in that study meeting. Mayor Smith instructed the City Mauager to ask Mr.
Lingemau to attend the meeting mentioned.
Mayor Smith then took up item~6 which vas a report from the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau re-
garding new rate book as a result of recent reinspectiou of all mercantile, industrial, and
public buildings iu the community. After the communication had been read, Mayor Smith eom-~
mended the Fire Department for its work stating that he felt it vas in order for the cmuncil
to do so. Councilman Bosworth stated he so moved, remarking that there should be a resolution
commending the Fire Department for their efforts. Mayor Smith stated that a resolution vas
introduced by CouucilmanBosworth to c~meud the Fire Department on its work. Roll call vote
vas as follows: Ayes, Councilman Norman, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Bosworth.
Item#7 regarding County Health Department April report was requested placed on file..
5-0 0
City Manager McClung reported on Item~8 which was a communication from the Health Depar~nt
regarding a home for the aged at 222-224 Village Way, stating that he felt the City Attorney
could answer that better than he could because of certain substandard conditions that must be
corrected before the applicant could make au application to the Planning Commission for such
use of the area. He suggested that written application be m~de to the Planning Commission
and that the present communication should be filed for the time being. Councilman Bosworth
moved that the report be filed and that the City Manager advise the applicmnt of the action
he must take. Councilman Lucchio seconded the motion. At this time Building Inspector Rozzi
reported that the application had already been procured to submit to the Planning Commission.
Councilman Bosworth stated he withdrew his motion and moved to file the report and send a
copy to the Planning COmmission. He also suggested that as there might be a fire problem in-
volved, that the Fire Chief be called iu on it as well. Mayor Smith remarked that when it
was sent to the Planning Commission, the City Manager could notify the Fire Department so
that they could have au inspection made.
OFFICER SLEIGHTER~--/O3 Reports, they would be filed.
Mayor Smith said that if there were no objections with regard to items ~, ~lO and ~ll under
There being no questions the items were ordered placed ou file.
Mayor Smith then took up the item of weed abatement. City Attorney Lyons stated that a reso-
lution had been prepared. Mayor Smith then opened the public protest hearing, asking if
there were any protests ou the weed abatement. No protests were registered. City Clerk Rodom
reported uo written protests had been received. Mayor Smith then ordered the public hearing
closed. After City Attorney Lyons had read the resolution, Councilman Cortesi introduced a
resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco ordering removal of weeds,~
rubbish, refUse, and dirt.from parkways, parcels of laud, and sidewalks. Roll call vote was
as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noouau, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Bosworth.
FIRST READING OF Mayor Smith then reported tha~ the next item under ~ll was the first reading of o~inance
ORDINANCE PROVIDING providing for the collection of annexation fees. This was to be continued to June 21, 1954.
AMENDMENT'TO SUBDIVISION The next item was the amendment to the subdivision ordinance regarding inspection fees. After
ORDINANCE RE: INSPECTION discussion had taken place ou the matter, Councilman Bosworth moved that the Department of
FEES: ~"~O Public Works be' instructed to charge for inspection fees in accordance with the formula set
~-/~ up on all inspection work being done on the subdivisions under his jurisdiction, with the
fees to b~ charged on a basis of the formula which vas set up ou his recommendation and trans-
mitted to the Planning Commission, 22~ of the actual cost plus the cost. Councilman Noonan
seconded themotion which was regularly carried. Councilman Bosworth then moved that the
Director of Public Works be instructed to hire au inspector to take care and carry out the
duties of subdivision inspector on a temporary basis. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion.
After brief discussionz roll call vote was as follows: All ayes with the exception of one
nay registered by Councilman Cortesi. Councilman Noonan then remarked that iu order to give
him a chance to search back over the records, he moved that no monies be paid Mr. Raudlett
ou inspection fees until the next meeting and by that time he would have a chance to search
the minutes. Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion. No vote was taken ou the motion as
made and seconded.
Mayor Smith then stated that they wo~ld proceed to the next matter on the agenda which was
creating the position of Junior Engineer. Councilman Noouan suggested that the matter be
held over until it w~s determined whether it shoul~ be under Civil Service.
o g
The next item was the matter concerning the rezoniug amendment of the Wi]m~ property. After
a discussion had taken place and au explanation by Mr. Coopman regarding the location of See
Candy Co. iu the area mentioned, Councilman Bosworth moved that in accordance with Mr. Coop-
mauls request, that the hearing ou the second reading of the rezoning amendment be continued
to the next meeting. Mr. Coopmau asked if iu the motion would be included that the matter be
referred to the Planning Commission for d~scussiou on the use permit for the See Candy Co.
After further discussion, Councilman Lucchio. seconded the motion which vas regularly carried.
Further discussion followed between Mr. Wilms, Mr. Marcus, his attorney, members of the city
council and City AttorueyLyous.
Mayor Smith then wsut on to the next matter which vas the second reading of the ordinance
creating the positions of Deputy City Clerks, City Attorney Lyons read the ordinauc6 iu its
entirety. Roll call vote vas as follows: AYes, Councilmen Noouau, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi,
N~xt item discussed vas the matter of resolutions. City Attorney Lyons stated that the
matter regarding the connection of the Avalon Park Sewer had been discussed withMr. Goss and
he stated that he would like to have the matter continued to the 21st at which time he would
have the matter prepared for council action. Mayor Smith stated that if there were no ob-
jectious~ the matter would be placed over to the meeting of the 21st.
City Attorney Lyons then remarked relative to the matter of Industrial Village storm and
sewer easement, that Councilman Noonan had made an inquiry regarding the agreement which
seemed to indicate that the Housing Authority could make a demand on us to install additional
facilities and that the cltywould have to comply. He further remarked that he had gone
over this matter reading from the agreement as it presently existed. Upon concluding the
reading, he stated that he believed that this obviated the objections Councilman Noonan had
raised at the last time to which Councilman Noonan stated that it did. City Attorney Lyons
then remarked that a resolution had been prepared authorizing this on behalf of the city
which was introduced by Councilman Noonan. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen
Noonau, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Bosworth.
City Attorney Lyons then stated that he had a resolution commending the services of Victor E.
Robinson as Secretary of the Planning C~ssiou. Councilman Cortesi introduced the followin~
"WHEREAS the City Council of the City of South San Francisco did, on the 21st day of
July, 1948, a_~point VICTOR E. ROBINSON as a member of the Planning Commission of said City,
on which Con~nission he served as a member until the 16th day of June, 1952; and
WHEREAS on said 16th day of June, 1952, said VICTOR E. ROBINSON tendered his resignation
as a member of said Planning C~ission so that he could accept the position of Secretary to
said Planning C~ission, he having performed iu the capacity of temporary secretary thereto
for an extended period of time iu conjunction with being a member ~hereof, and whereas on or
about said 16th day of June, 1952, he was appointed as permanent secretary to said Commission
which position he continued to hold until he resigned therefrom on the 1st day of June, 1954;
WHEREAS said VICTOR E. ROBINSON did serve said City of South San Francisco, and the
people thereof, honorably and ~ during all the time whale he was a member of, and Secre-
tary to, its Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, as a public official of said City, he did always conduct himself x~th the utmos'
loyalty, faithfulness, and competence; and
WHEREAS said ~VICTOR E. ROBINSON, as a loyal and faithful public servant, contributed
greatly, by untiring efforts to the upbuildiug and improvement of the City of South San Fran-
cisco, which ~ade great growth and tremendous progress during the time when he was serving
as a member of, and Secretary to, the Planning Cc~nission of said City,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
that this City Council does hereby exten~ to VICTOR E. ROBINSON its sincere appreciation for
his services to said City of So~th San Francisco, and the people thereof, and said City
Council also does hereby express to him their very highest commendation for the manner in
which he has fulfilled the duties of the public offices held by him.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be apread upon the Official Minutes of the
cit~ Council and that a certified copy thereof be forwarded to VICTOR E. ROBINSON."
Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Noonan, Lucchio, Smith, Cortes,., Bosworth.
At this time Director of Public Works Goss brought up the matter of accepting the easement
from the Land Co. for the industrial sewer, which was necessary before the contractor could
go to work ou the pumping plant, further stating that they were ready to proceed with the
work. After discussion of the matter it was decided that it be put over until the meeting
of the 14th at which time the City Attorney was to have the language modified.
At this time Victor E. Robinson expressed his thanks to the city council for presenting this
resolution co~udiug his work as Secretary of the Planning Commission.
A recess was declared at 12:53 a. m. The meeting was recouvened at i a. m.
LINES: ~--/-~ ~
~.~-o ~ ~
Mayor Smith then went on to the first item under new business which was the peition from
residents of Alta Vista Drive protesting the construction of a building by William Adasiewicz
change of elevation on Alta Vista Drive; and Conmur Street Plan Lines. ~he first item taken
up was the petition requesting the Stoueson Co. be advised not to change the elevation on
Alta Vista Drive. Mr. Goss stated that no change in elevation was contemplated. Mayor Smith
remarked that if there were no objections, the City~anager would inform the residents and
property owners to this effect. Item~2 was the petition ou the construction of a building
by William Adasiewicz. After a discussion regarding the matter iu which Mr, Berry, a ueighbo
of Mr. Adasiewicz, took part as well as members of the council, City Attoruey Lyons, and Mr.
Kay, chairman of the Planning Commission, Mayor Smith remarked that it appeared from the
opinions received from the City Attorney we could do nothing about governing the type of
structure or the size as long as he was conformiu& to the building code, therefore there was
nothing that could be done by the council. Mayor Smith then went ou to the next item which
was concerning Coumur Street plan lines, instructing City Clerk Rodoudi to read the petition.
Director of Public Works Goss stated that the plan lines had been set by himself after con-
siderable work. After discussion had been had on the matter, M~yor Smith remarked that the
matter would be held over for study, stating that uotification~would be ~ade regarding the
study period to be held in order that those interested might be able to attend.
EL RANCHO SCHOOL Item~4 under new business was the matter of the notification by the Governing Board that act
CHILDREN TRANSPORTATION: had been taken to end transportation of school children attending E1 Rancho School as of
~/4-~ June 17. Councilman Noonan moved that a letter be directed to the South San Franqisco Unifie
School District, with copies to those addressees receiving copies of the Board's letter, ad-
vising them that the liability to transport the children is a clear one and that safe cross-
ings is irrelevant to that issue, that either they do or they do not have a liability because
assuming we put a crossing in there, there Will be children in certain limits that they will
have to transport. Counci!m~n Bosworth seconded the motion. After further discussion had
been made, motion as duly made and seconded was regularly carried. Mayor Smith voted no.
At this time CounciIman Lucchio requested to be excused from the meeting and was given this
permission by Mayor Smith.
S~T,W. OF PnnC~r, OF Lmm
Mr. Warren Sapiro, attorney for Mr. Leo Donati, requested to be heard on section ~14 item ~7
which w~s the matter concerning Leo Douati's request for transfer of position from the' Police
Department to the Street Department. After considerable discussion was made regarding the
matter, Councilman Cortesi requested to be excused from the meeting and left. Councilman
N6onan then moved that Mr. Donati's transfer be made to the Street Department, stating that
before he finished his motion he womld state it as a point 'that he be transfered and that
if he cOUld not perform the work that he be discharged. Mr. Sapiro, attorney for Mr. Donati,
requested to know if the council wo~ld agree to a temporary transfer at $295.00 per mouth
and at the next regular meeting could then determine the details of the transfer. Councilman
Noouan again moved that the transfer be affected at the salary of $295.00. Councilman Boswort~
seconded the motion requesting to know the status of the probationary period to which Council-
man Noonan replied, no waiver on the probationary period. Councilman Bosworth again seconded
the motion. After further discussion and the prior motion had beeu withdra~m, Councilman
Bo~worth moved, seconded by Councilman Noouan and regularly carried, that the council direct
the City Attorney to include in his study of the redraft of the civil service ordinance
that the council may credit an employee with interrupted service. Councilman Noonan then
moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried, that Leo Donati be placed on
leave of absence from the Police Department for temporary duty with the Street Department,
pending completion of this matter, to be hired at the rate of $295.00 per month.
Mrs. Sellick, secretary of the Recreation C~nmission, remarked that Item~19 under section ~13
was rather an important item for her commission and requested if sc~e expression could be
given as to whether or not the city council was inclined to take any action ou the hiring of
personnel for the summer program. Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan
and regularly carried, that the Recreation Co~issiou recommendation be accepted.
Councilman Noonan then moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried, that Mr.
Bosworth's resignation from the Planning CoEEissiou be accepted. Councilman Noouan then
moved, seconded by Couucilmau Bosworth and r~gmlarly carried, that Mr. Peter Martiuez be
appointed to fill the vacancy.
City Manager McClung then asked the council if they wished to purchase the National Cash Reg-
ister Bookkeeping Machine and authorize the auditor to set up a system of bookkeeping adaptable
to this machine. Councilman Noouau so moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly
Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried, that the recom-
mendation of the City Manager regarding civil service status of new positions, that is Public
Works Inspector, Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer, City Mechanic, and the recommendation
with regard to Clerk-Radio Dispatcher for the Police Department~ be accepted.
Communication was received from the Labors League for Political Education requesting the
adoption of a resolution as referred to in the letter dated May 13, 1954. Councilman Noonan
moved that the resolution be adopted. Mayor Smith requested that it be ~ld for study. This
Was concurred to by the other council members.
· Communications were received from the South.wood Women's Club and the South San Francisco
Women's Club protesting the showing of late movies at the theatre. Mayor Smith remarked that
this would be taken care of and requested that the communications be filed.
Item~ regarding the recommended sale of a parcel of land to San Bruno where the Disposal
Plant is located was placed over to the Auditor's report.
Item~ll concerning memo from the office of the City Manager requesting speed limit signs in
Winston Manor was next taken up. It was suggested that slow signs be printed and posted iu
residential areas. CounciLman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly
carried, that the'CityManager's recommendations be adopted on a city wide policy.
Item~12 re~arding the Recreation Commission's request for advice regarding continued absence
of members from the meetings was requested held over for study by Mayor Smith.
Item ~13 regarding the State Compensation Insurance Fund letter concerning the application of
Merle Reidell for adjustment of claim was next discussed. City Manager McClung ~s notified
to advise the City Attorney to attend the hearing.
Item~16, memo from the office of the City Manager regarding additional sick leave for Charles
Lema, was next acted on. It was the recommendation of the CityManager that additional sick
leave be denied. Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly car-
ried~ that the recommendation of the Ci~yManager be approved.
Communication was received under i~em~18 from the Recreation Commission recommending sick
leave of absence for Mrs. Louise White. Councilman ~oonau moved, seconded by Councilman Bos-
w~rth and regularly carried, that the sick leave be granted withou~ wemuneratiou.
Counci~man Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried, that the re-
quest of the City Clerk to attend the institute for Clerks at Fresno, appearing under item ~0,
be approved.
The council then went on to section ~14 item,S which pertained to the request of the Brentwood
Club that the gully be filled iu and the playground developed. Councilman Bosworth moved,
seconded by Councilman Noouan and regularly carried, that the Director of Public Works make a
rough estimate as to the cost of filling in the gully including the placement of the pipe,
both reports to be separate.
Item~4, a c~mnunication of the City Manager with regard to Mr. Poletti's request for sanitary
sewerage facilities ou Airport Blvd., was held over for study.
Item ~5, the matter concerning the possible relocation and sale of Burl Burl Fire House, was
held over for study.
Item ~, the matter of the City Manager recommending elimination of the position of Public
Works Foreman, was also laid over for study.
Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that the
application for business license of Gordon Andrus be approved.
CounciLman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regmlarly carried, that the
business license application of ?at's Coffee Shop be granted subject to the reaffirmation of
the Chief of Police.
Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried, that the re-
quest of the Mel Scklamm Chapter of the DAV for a dance permit be granted with proper police
At this time Councilman Bosworth gave his report of the School-City Coordinating C~mmittee,
after which a motion was made, seconded, and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned
to Mnnday, June 14, 1954 a~t 8 p. m.
Time of Adjournment - 2:31 a. m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk