Council Chambers, City Hall
8:30 p. m.
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 p. m. by Vice Mayor Noonau.
Present: Councilman John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi
Absent: Mayo~ Telford ,~nith & Councilman George Bosworth (Councilman Bosworth appeared at 8:4
Vice Mayor Noonan took up the first item on the agenda which was the revision of the industrial
sewer plans, remarking that a resolution had been prepared by the City Attorney. City Attorney
Lyons asked Mr. Goss if he had checked this proposed revision to which he replied that he had
gone over them with Mr. Raudlett this afternoon, bhat there were one or two very minor changes,
but that it should be alright now. City Attorney Lyons then remarked that Mr. Wilsey should
be called ou for his approval. Vice Mayor Noouan asked Mr. Raudlett if Mr. Wilsey had seen
the plans to which Mr. Raudlett answered that he did. City Attoruey Lyons then read the reso-
lution covering these changes.
At 8:40 p. m. Councilman Bosworth appeared present at the meeting and remained for its duration
Councilm~n Lucchio introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Fran-
cisco, declaring its intention to make certain changes and modifications in the plans for the
industrial sewers and pumping stations. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, CounciLmen
Nooflan, Lucchio, Cortesi~ Bosworth; noes, none; Absent~ Mayor Smith. ~'
The next matter discussed was the matter pertaining to the easement for sewer lines and fee
easement for the pump site. City Attorney Lyons explained the deed which had been rewritten
in his office and now provided two parcels to be conveyed to thecity. Vice Mayor Noouan,
after some discussion, requested that this be held over until the City Attorney could give a
written opinion. After lengthy discussion had taken place regarding the matter of these ease-
meuts, Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that
this matter be held over to the next meeting and that the City Attorney and Engineer be in-
structed to file with the council ~tteu reports covering their individual resPonsibilities.
City Attorney Lyons then suggested that Mr. McLeod, present iu the audience, representing the
Land Co., be asked if permission would be granted to proceed ~th the job pending the execution
of the deed. Vice Mayor Noouan asked Mr. McLeod if permission would be given to enter the
land, to which Mr. McLeod rmPlied he did not think that they would be permitted to go in there.
Vice Mayor Noouan tken requested that the records show that Mr. McLeod said that t~ would not
permit the men to enter the laud.
The next items taken up were items ~3 and ~4 ~,~hich pertained to Burl Buri ~3 annexation agree-
meut and the contract from Barrett Co. for Burl Buri park. Vice Mayor Noonan stated that it
was his understanding that the contract had not been ~rawn by the City Attorney, to which City
Attorney Lyons Stated that this was correct but that it would be ready for the next meeting.
Vice Mayor Noonan then stated that the matter would be placed on the next agenda for action
and a letter to be sent to the Barrett Co. that the petition be signed and tt~ contract drawn
up. Councilman Bosworth so moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried.
Item ~5, the matter concerning ~&r. Randlett's proposal to revise the contract, was the next
item discussed. City Attorney Lyons remarked that a meeting had been held between Mro Goss,
Mr. McClung, Mr. Ledwith and himself relative to the matter. He further requested that a
meeting be .held at the earliest possible date. After some discussion~ Vice Mayor Noouau stated
that the meeting would be held at 4:30 p. m. Monday afternoon, also asking if this should in-
clude item ~6 which was the report of committee named to reconuneud on distribution of costs
involved in auditor's report. Councilman Bosworth remarked that he thought it should and
made a motion to include item #6 along with item ~5. Councilman Lucchio seconded the motion,
which waS regularly carried.
$-'/4 7
Item~7, the matter copceruing papers from E1 Rancho Theatre, was next taken up. Vice Mayor
Noouau stated tl~t it had been handled by the City Manager and the Health Dept. and that they
had submitted their report. Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and
regularly carried, that the item be filed along with the report from the City ~,~nager.
Item~ concerning the matter of the second reading of the ordinance reclassifying the Wilms
property was next discussed. Vice Mayor Noonan stated that before going into the matter, he
would like to say that the council had a communication from the Planning Commission setting
out reco~mendations with respect to a P.C.M. District and asked Mr. Coopman if he had received
that letter. Mr. Coopman replied that he had after which Vice Mayor Noonan asked if he was
in ~ccord with that letter to which he replied that he was. Vice Mayor Noonan then asked if
he would be willing to sign the letter before the council moved on in the matter to which he
replied that he wo~ld. After some discussion City Attorney Lyons stated that the council
should have a statement from Mr. Coopman for the reQord, declaring that he is willing to exec-
ute a deed and dedicating Spruce Avenue right of %~y to the City for the considerations that
brought about the .matter of rezoning. Also that there had been some discussions with regards
to the lot next to E1 Camiuo Real with respect to an easement for road purposes over that lot.
After some discussion, City Attorney Lyons askedMr. Coopman if he (City Attorney Lyons) ~s
stating this correctly, that he (Mr. Coopmau) agreed to dedicate to the city the right of way
for Spruce Avenue across this property once he acquired ownership. Mr. Coopman replied that
this was correct, requesting to form his own statement which was as follows: "You will recall
at that time because of the uncertaimty of the classification I did include iu my offer to
request that the use of the property, a use permit be given to Van Etta Motors in exchange for
the dedication of Spruce Avenue. What I would like to do first of all to assure the City
Council that ~ will give Spruce Avenue -- that part of SprUCe Avenue which we own -- to the
city. We will dedicate it to them without charge, We will also -- and I don't want this to
become a factor of legal record until it is proven that you need it -- ~ will also provide an
easement over lot number one for the benefit of providing ingress to Francisco Terrace as soon
as you can secure consent of the State.of California to such an entrance. It is lot number
one block five. I would rather that you did not encum~ber that land until you can use it unless
you %~11 draw some agreement which spells out what I said."
After more discussion, City Attorney Lyons explained the ordinance which had been prepared
and also included the property on Grand Avenue to be rezoned~ which was owned by Mr. Gava.
The ordinance had been prepared in this manner to save expense in publication. He then read
the ordinance. Vice Mayor ~Noonan remarked that the first re~ling of this ordinance had
already taken place. Councilman Bosworth said that before moving on to the roll call vote~
he wished to introduce a statement which would bear out the opinion he t~d with regard to
the matter from the beginning. He felt it was fundamental that the people in Francisco Terrac
be assured of a proper means of ingress and egress to take the place of what they lost when
Francisco Drive was closed off. He later remarked that he w~s not prepared to act on the
matter at this time due to its vagueness but did not wish to hold up the development and there
fore would abstain from voting. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilm~n Noonan,
Lucchio, Cortesi; Noes, none; Abstain, Councilman Bosworth, Absent, Mayor Smith.
Councilm~n Lucchio then stated that inasmuch as Mr. Coopman was his employer, he would go on
record now as abstaining from any action with regard to a use permit for the area. · This
would be in keeping, he stated, with his campaign pledge to the public that he womld not take
part in any interest in which he might iu any way remotely be a party to a special interest.
Vice May°r Noonan then said that the record would so indicate that Councilman Lucchio would
disqualify himself in the future ou the use permit. Councilman Lucchio then moved that the
city take the proper steps to enter into negotiations with the State Division of Highways in
the hope of expediting an ingress road into Francisco Terrace. Vice Mayor Noouan asked if
he would put that so the Roads Committee of the Planning Commission could take care of it.
Councilman Lucchio stated that he would amend his motion in that regard. Councilman Bosworth
seconded the motion which was regularly carried.
Vice Mayor Noonan, remarking on the BUrl Burl matter, requested Councilmen Bosworth, Cortesi,
and Lucchio to form a committee for the purpose of setting up ground breaking ceremony and
dedication ceremony on the playground site. Councilman Bosworth asked that the City Mauager
keep the c~fttee.posted as to the proceedings of the negotiations, to which City Mauager
McCluug stated that he would.
City Attoruey Lyons then brought up the matter concerning a deed from the Stoueson Development
Co. for lots for playground purposes. After brief discussion the matter was held over to
the next meeting iu order that the areas might be first checked.
Councilman Lucchio then requested to return to the first item om this evenings agenda~ remark-
iug that he felt it would be fitting and proper that the contractors be ~dvised of the council
action officially so that they would not be under the idea that they are allowed to proceed
with their work and that we did not have the permission of the Land Co. as of this evening ~
proceed with the work. Vice Mayor Noouan stated that the City Manager's office womld notify
the contractors of this.
Council~ma~n Lucchio then remarked relative to having the City Attorney and the City Manager
prepare au ordinance regarding the establishment of the selling of liquor in card rooms iu
regards to an area or proximity of schools. After a brief discussion, Vice Mayor Noonan state.
that if there were uo objections the City Attorney wo~ld submit this as a proposed ordinance.
Councilman Bosworth s~id that it was his understanding that the City Council ~as charged un~r
the present ordinance with the responsibility of set2ing up safety practices for various
operating departments. City Attorney Lyons remarked that he would check the ordinance to
determine that, asking Councilman Bosworth if he had some particular phase in mind. Council-
man Bosworth stated that it was called to his attention the other eveulug that it is the
intent of the ordinance that the responsibility lies with the council. He was also aware
that things had happened in the past which pointed out that the council had apparently never
· et up such a procedure and therefore would like to move that the council instruct the City
Manager to have the various departments submit through him their recommendations for proper
safety procedures and operatin$ procedures as are required to meet the requirements of the
ordinance for consideration bythe City Council. Councilman Lucchio seconded the motion
which was regularly carried. After brief discussion, Councilman Bosworth suggested that this
report be made for the first council meeting iu July.
Councilman Lucchio then remarked that he had two items he wished brought up at this time.
One under Good and Welfare, that he would like to inform the council that he did represent
South San Francisco at the Japanese American Memorial Day Services at the cemetery. Also,
that he would like to comm~nd the action of the Public Works Department for the manner in
which they h~ndled his complaint the other day when city owned vehicles were working in the
streets in a hazardous position without proper signs iu order to assure proper safety. He
further stated that he noticed the following day or two that proper safety precautions such
as red fl~gs, etc. were properly placed.
There being no further business, Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilm~u Lucchio,
and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned.
Time of Adjournment - 10 p. m.
Respectfmlly submitted,
City Clerk