HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1954-08-02REGULAR MEETING OF'THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOBS11 SAN FRANC~CO HELD MONDAY, AU~t~JT 2, 195& PLACE: TIME: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: Council Chambers, City Hall 8:00 P. M. Pledge of allegiance to the flag,as taken and invocation given by Reverend Martin Wynekan. Present: Councilmen Jean Noonan, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, Emilio Cortesi, George Bos~ Absent: None INDUSTRIAL S~: '~l.~ q RE~OLUTION NO. 2031 BR0~ & CALDWELL CONTRACT-INDUSTRIAL ~'0~7 Na~ Smith asked if there were any errors or corrections to the minutes of the meetings of the regular meeting of July 19th, the adjourned meeting of July 21st, the sPecial meeting of July 2~th, and the special adjourned meeting of July 2?th. There being none, Councilman Lucc~ moved~ seconded by Cotmcilman Cortesi and regularly carried that the minutes of the meetings mentioned be approved. As the first item under Old Business, Mayor Smith took up the matter of Industrial Sewers stating that there was still information that was not ready for the City Council. Ne propos~ to hold the matter over until the following evening or until the next regular meeting. Counc~. members agreed to this request. Mayor Smith then a.sked if the Council was prepared to act on Section · of Item ~1 under Old Business, which was the Brnwn and Caldwell contract. City Attorney Lyons stated that he had a resolution prepared for this contract. Councilman Noonan introduced a Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco providing for the exeCUtion of a written contract with BroWn and Caldwell, a civil and chemical engineering firm authorizing the m-kt~g of a lurvey ~ Industrial Wastes, the reco~nending of pre-treatment thereof in certain instances, the res_ a~Ing of sewer rental fees to be charged, and related activities. Roll call vote was as follow~: ~yes Councilmen John Noonan, Francis Lucchic, Emilio Cortesi, Georg Boeworth, Mayor Smith. Noes: None Mayor 3mAth them brought up the councils desire to discuss the matter of an inspector. Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that the Council instruct the City Eagineer to immediately proceed to hire an inspector who would qualify as a specialist in sewer inspection to conduct the necessary inspections for the city FINAL MAP OF BORI ~I #3: Mayor Smith then went on to the next item under Old Business which was the matter of the Final Map of Buri Buri ~3. Councilm-~ Bosworth moved that subject to the usual approval of the various departments of the city, that the final map of Burl Burl #3 be approved on the recommendation of the Planning Cc~ssion with the following provisos: 5 That written confirmation of an agreemeat between the developer and the California Golf Club to enter into a mmtual agreement to take care of the drainage on their or along their coincident boundaries be submitted to the city. 2. That the builders submit to the city a design of an adequate discharge structure to retard the velocity of water leaving the drainage area which shall have the approval of the Director of Public Works. Further providing that-Barrett is to have a letter before the Council agreeing to provide a street right of way through his land up there in the event we do not exercise the other alternative that I have Just mentioned. (regarding the subdivider to agree to res_lrve sufficient land for a 60 froot right of way.to provide for another location for the stub of the future underpass pending a report within 60 days from the Director of Public Works as to whether the present location is Satisfactory from an engineering standpoint) And that Mr. Barrett of Barrett and Hilp enter into a three way agreement with the City of South San Francisco and Mac Constructioa Company to provide for the extension of Serra Drive into Alta Mesa along the lines as previOuslY agreed. Motion as made was seconded by Councilman Noonan and 'regularly carriedo ENCAS~2~ENT OF VICTORY AVenUE S~: City Attorney Lyons then stated that he had prepared a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute this three way agreement on behalf of the city. After a lengthy discussioa had taken place regarding the signing of the map, the route f~ the underpass, the. connecting street a~M the amount of money to be paid by the city, Mayer Smith moved that the council rome,nd its prior motion and set the figure at $~O00eO0. The motion died for lac of a second. After further discussion it was agreed to hold the matter over until the follo~ ing eye, g. ~ Comaeil then proceeded to the next item of Old Business, the recommendation of the City Manager a~d Director of Public ~orks regar4ing Victory Avenue sewer e~easement. After a bri~ explanation on the matter by City ~anager McClu.ug, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilmaa Boeworth and regularly carried that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and ~he City Manager be accepted. FIRE PROTE~ON OF ANNEXED T~RITORIES: City Manager McClung briefly explained the matter of no%ifying the county of any changes in star b~andaries as per their request se that there will not be county and city providing duplication of fire service. Comncilman Lucehie moved~ seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly Carried that the procedure emtlined be approved. PLANNING ~$tISSION REC0~NDATION RE FUTURE ANNEXATION: City Manager MeClung briefly explained the action taken by the Planning Com!ssion in notifying the Sehoel District of any annexation procedures. After discussion Councilman Boew~rth moved that we include annexation proceedings in enr notice to the School District. Motion was seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried. The notification of change of meeting date of the Planning Comm~s~ion was ordered placed on file by Mayor Smith. At the reqhest of Councilman Lucchio this matter was held over. I~USTRIAL SEllErS: '~l.~q stating that there was still information that was not ready for the City Council. ~e propo, to hold the matter over until the following evening or until the next regular meeting. Cow members agreed to this request. REgOLUTION NO. 2031 BROWN & CALDWELL CONTRACT-IN~JS TRIAL SEWERS: Mayor Smith then asked if the Council was prepared to act on Section · of Item ~l under Old Business, which was the Br~wn and Caldwell contract. City Attorney Lyons stated that he ha~ a resolution prepared for this contract. Councilman Noonan introduced a Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco providing for the execution of a writte~ contract with Brow~ and Caldwell, a civil and chemical engineering firm authorizimg the making of a survey ~ Industrial Wastes, the recommending of pre-treatment thereof in certs instances, the reccamemding of sewer rental fees to be charged, and related activities. Ro call vote was as follows: Ayes Councilmen John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, Goo Bosworth, Mayor Smitho Noes: None ~0 gO Mayor Smith then brought up the councils desire to discuss the matter of an inspector. Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that the Council instruct the City Engineer to immediately proceed to hire an inspector who would qualify as a specialist in sewer inspection to conduct the necessary inspections for the FrNAL OF BURI #3: Mayor Smith then went on to the next item under Old Business which was the matter of the Final Map of Buri B~ri #3. Council.mn Bosworth moved that subject to the usual approval the various departments of the city, that the final map of Buri Burl #3 be approved on the recommendation of the Planning Commission with the following provisos: * That written confirmation of an agreement between the developer and the California Golf Club to enter into a mutual agreement to take care of the draiuage ca their or along their eoincident boundaries be submitted to the city. 2. That the builders submit to the city a design of. an adequate discharge structure to retard the velocity of water leaving the drainage, area which shall have the approval of the Director of Public Works, Further providing that-Barrett is to have a letter before the Council agreeing to provide a street right of way through his land up there in the event we do not exercise the other alternative that I have Just mentioned. (regarding the subdivider to agree to res~e sufficient land for a 60 foot right of way-to provide for another location for the stub of the future underpass pending a report within 60 days from the Director of Public Works as to whether the present location is Satisfactory from an engineering standpoint) And that Mr. Barrett of Barrett and Hilp ester int° a three way agreement with the City of South San Francisco amd Mac Construction Company to provide for the extension of Serfs Drive into Alta Mesa along the lines as previously agreed. Motion as made was seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried. City Attorney Lyons then stated that he had prepared a resolution authorizing the Mayor an the Clerk to execute this three way agreement on behalf of the city. After a leegthy discussion had taken place regarding the signing of the map, the route for the underpass, the. connecting street and the amount of money to be paid by the city, Mayer Smith moved th the council rescend its prior motion and set the figure at *hOOOeO0. The motion died for of a second. After further discussion it was agreed to hold the matter over until the fol lng evening, ENCAS~NT OF VICTORY AVenUE S~: Co, nell then proceeded to the next item of Old Business, the recommendation of the City Manager a~d Director of Public Works regal~ing Victory Averse se~er co,easements After a explanation on the setter by City ~anager McOl~ug, Councilman Lucchio moved~ secomded by Council~a~ Boaworth and regularly carried that the reco~aendation of the Director of Publ! Works and the City Manager be aceeptede FIRE PROTECTION OF ANN~_~ T~JtITORIES .' City Kanager McClung briefly explained the matter of notifying the county of any changes omr b~undartes as per their request so that there will not be county amd city providing duplication of fire service. Councilman Lucchio moved~ seconded by Councilman Bosworth a~ regularly carried that the procedure o~tlined be approved. PLANNING COmmISSION RECOmmeNDATION RE FUTURE ANNEXATION: City Manager N~Clung briefly explained the action taken by the Planning Commission in notifying the School District of any annexation precedurese After discussion Councilman Boew~rth moved that we include annexation proceedings in our notice to the Sehool District Motion was seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, PLANNING COmmISSION NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE RECOMMENDATION ON RE- APPOINTM~T OF CHAIRMAN XAY a CO~$~SION~ BREED *CLAIMS: ~"0/3 The notification of change of meeting date of the Planning Commis.~ion was ordered placed file by Mayor Smith. At the reqhest of Councilman Lucchio this matter was held over. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that the cL as presented be approved for payment. Total amount of claims $27,651'90, CONF~E~CES BE~ CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE & PLANNING C~ISSION OXFORD HOTEL BUSiNESS LICENSE: AIRPORT BOULEVARD SEWE~ DISTRICT: $//3 USE PERHIT OF JESSIE ROB~TSON: ROLLINGWOOD DRAINAGE INTO $0. SAN FRANCISCO: COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~:'G~ T: TAX COLLECTORS REPORT FOR YEAR 1953-54: PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES: RESOLUTION NO, 2032 ACCEPTING DEFD FROM STONESON DEVEL. CORP: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAlq~T OF 75% OF POLICE E~P~DITURES FROM MOTOR V~ICLE LICENSE FEE5~ 3--/~ RE~OLUTION NO. 2033 RE BUILDING P~NIT ~ FOR CHURCHE~ & S~HOOLS: RESOLUTION NO. 2034 DECLARING POLICY WITH RESPECT TO EXPenDITURE OF MONEY NOT PROVID~ FORIN THE BUDGET: RESOLUTION NO. 2035 RE A~EE~ENT ~ THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT & CITY FOR FIRE PROTEC- TION-AVALON SCHOOL: GRADING PLANS FOR MOTEL SITE HICKEY BLVD & EL CAMINO REA~: ZARA C. ZAFFE COMMUNI~ CATION RE SAFE CROSSING IN WINSTON MANOR: VICTORY AVENUE IMP. ASSESS~.~ PURGtASE OF CITY O~,~ED AMBULANCE: STOP SIGNS IN SUNSHINE GARDENS: TRAFFIC REGULATIOMq ON AIRPORT BLVD: On the matter ceacerning conferences between committees from the Planning Commission and the Ci-.y Council em matters where differences of opinion, existed, it was moved by Councilman Bosworth and seconded by Councilw~- Noonan and regularly carried that this matter be referred for study by the Council. Councilman Bosworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that upon the recommendation of the Fire, B~ilding and Health Departments that the business license be granted. After a brief explanation by City Manager ~cClung on the matter and the letter of ~r~ Poletti, it was agreed to be placed on the next study meeting; the City Manager to inform the interested parties of the meeting so they could present their petition~ After brief discussion Mayor Smith stated that if there were no objections the matter would be held over to the next regular meeting for the recommendation from the departments concernede Mayor Smith said that in as much as this was not a firml matter it would be filed on the pending ageada for further report. Councilman Bosworth moved that the council request the City ~ttorney to draw up an ordinance for presentation to the Council along the lines presented here. Councilman Lucchio seconded the motion, Mayor Smith suggesting an amendment that the City Attorney consult with the Health Authority ee the matter. After brief discussion motion as made and secon~e~ was regularly carried~ Councilman Bosworth then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried that the report be filed. The matter of the Tax Collectors report for the year ~as ordered placed on file. There being no public hearings or ordinances MayeM Smith proceeded on to the ne~t order of business w~ich was Resolutions. Mayor Smith explained that in the study session prior to the meeting it was recommended that nUmber 4 ard 8 under resolutions be held over, 5 and ~ would be combined into one Resolution. The first resolution takes up was the one concerning the acceptance of the ~naton Manor j/~,, Playground deeds Councilman Bosworth introduced a Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco &ceepting a deed from the Stoneaon Developa~nt Corporation to the City of South San Francisco. Roll call vote was as follows: A~es Couneilmm John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, F~ilto Cc~tesi, George Bosworth and Tel~ord Bmithe Mayor Smith asked if there were any questions. Councilman Neonan stated that he understood the matter had been referred to a study agenda. Mayor Smith remarked that if there were no o~Jectien, it would be referred to the study agenda. City Attorr_ey Lyons read the title of the Resolution ~fter which Councilman Bosworth introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco declaring that it is the policy of said council to waive all buildAng permit fees in connection with the construction or alteration of regalarly established churches and schools. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes Councilmen John Noonan, Frank Lucchio, Emilio Cowtesi, George Bosworth and Telford Smiths Since resolution~ number 4 was held over Mayor Smith ~tated numbers 5 and 6 would be embo~yed together &~king if there were any objections. There bcing none City Attorney read the title of the Re clution. Councilman Be~worth introduced a ~esolutien of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco declaring its policy with respect to the e~penditure of money not provided f~r in the budget. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes Councilmen John Noonan, Francis L~¢ehio, Emilio Cortesi, George Bosworth, Telford Smiths City Attorney read the title of the Resolution and its provisions and after a brief discussion Councilman: Bosworth introduced a Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco providing for the execution cg an agreement between said City and the South San Francisco ~ified School District whereby said City agrees to provide 'Fire Protection for the Avalon Sc~eol~ After further discussion roll call vote wes as follows: Ayes Counci!m~u John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, George Bosworth and Telford Smith. Cce~unication was received from Lloyd B. Ham regarding grading plans 'f~or..~el site on Hickey Blvd amd E~ C~mino Real. Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman ~cchio and regularly carried that the permit be granted in accordance ~ith the recommendation. Cee~mnication was received from Zara Zaffe regarding safe crossings for children at Winston Manor. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that the communication be filed and at the same time Mrs. Zaffe be advised of Council's previous action with regards to safe crossings. Communication was received from Charles Randlett regarding the assessment for Victory Avenue Imprgvemerts. Director of Public Works ~oss recommenced its acceptance after which Councilman Bosworth ~ozed, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried that the recommendation of the City E~gineer be approvede Mayor Smith remarked on the next item as being submitted as information only and was not intended to be an item. He then stated that if there 'were no objections the council could consider it as a report and placed it on files Councilman 3ortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted. Councilman Bcewerth stated that apparently the reSolution was not ready as yet and therefore moved that this matter be referred to the council study session. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion ~hich was regularly carried, CONTRIBUTION FROM Ccsmemutcatton from the Recreation Commission was received regarding contribution from the ~iNSTON MANOR COMMUNITY Winston Manor Community Association and although it did not appear as a council agenda item ASSN RE PLAYGR~~) EQUIP:was acted upon at this time. City Clerk Rodondi read the communication and after brief ~ -- ,~' discussier. Councilman Besworth moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried that ~/0 ~' the City ~nager be instructed to proceed with the purchase of the equipment as outlined in the report from the Recreation Commission and further that the City Manager write to the Winston ~anor Community Association thanking them for their willingness to contribute, VEGETABLE & FRUIT STAND-JOE BRUNO: ~.-/~'O/ APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE BY COL~AN CO. INC.: /.-/~'o.;. Mayer Smith then went on to the next subject of Permits and Applications° The first was the application for a Vegetable and Fruit Stand as applied for by Joe Brmno. Ail department heads recommended den~al of the application. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan ar~ regularly carried that the recommendation be accepted and the application be denied. Application was received from the Coleman Company Incorporated to engage in the business of Sales and Distribution at the location of 250 Sylves~er Road. After brief discussion Councilman Besworth moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that the permit be granted subject to the restrictions set forth in the letter from the County Health Department dated July 30, APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE BY STEVES COFFEE SHOP: APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE BY ANCHOR DRUG FO(,~aTN: £ -/~-o o Application was received from Mary E. Stephens to engage in the business of Cafe at 102 Grand Avenue~ This application carried the approval of ail department heads. Councilman Bosw~rth moved, seconded by CounciLman Noonan and regularly carried that the a~plication be granted. Application was received from Lucinda Menegaux, Margaret Nebiolini and Carmen Capella to engage in Luncheon and Fountain at 391 Grand Avenue. This carried the approval of all department heads. Counci!m~n Cortesi moved, seconded by CounciLman Bosworth and regularly carried that the application be granted~ APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE FOR O ~ ~ INC.: /.. -i ~'-/~' Application for business license was received from O'Keefes Inc. to engage in the business of sheet metal contractor at 225 Shaw Road. This carried the approval of all department heads. Councilm~n Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried that the applica- tion be grantede APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE FOR G. J. WALLEN MFG CO: ~-/~-~ Application for business license was received from G. J. Wallen Mfg. Co. to engage in the business cf steel fabricating and manufacturing at F~st Grand Avenue and Harbor Way. This had the approval of the department heads concerned. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Council- man Bosworth and regularly carried that the permit be granted. GOOD & WElFarE: Mayor Smith then went on to the item of Good & Welfare. Councilmsn Bosworth brought up the matter of an application of Mr, Dawson for business license to engage in a melon stand after which the City Clerk gave an explanation on the matter. STREET DIFICIF~CV REP(RT: Councilman Noonan brought up the matter of a street ceficiency report, moving that it be complet~ by the City Manager and the Department of Public Works prepareatory to filinge Councilman Lucchio seconded the motion. Mayor Smith requested the motion repeated to which Councilman Noonan a~ated as follows: "I move the street deficiency reports be prepared requested by the Legislature be completed in all the respects that it can be completed by the departments of the city prepareatory to filing. The factual information that they can complete should be done. Cou~cilm~n Lmcchio seconded the motion and after brief discussion by Director of Public Works Goss motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. GAS TAX FUND: Councilma~ Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Bosworth and regularly carried that the City Manager famish to the Council the gas tax receipts by years for the immediate past 5 years and a statement detailing the expenditures of the gas tax funds for the same period by years specifying projects, amounts for each project and three, the statement of amount of gas tax receipts aaticipated for this year and four the statement of any balance of gas tax fund in a complete summary. DUMPING ON LINDEN AVE NEAR LARSEN CONST. CO.: ~-~ ~- A complai~ by Councilm~n Cortesi regarding dumping cn Linden Avenue near Larsens Construction Company was referred to the City Managere Councilms.u Lucchio~s complaint regarding automobile wrecked bodies on South Linden was heard after which Mayor Smith stated the City Manager would be instructed to inform the Police Chief of both of those matters. ES CHELBACH CONSTRUCTION YARD: ~-/Fo Director of Public Works Goss brought up the matter ~f dumping in the vicinity of Eschelbachs yard in Mayfair Village. After brief discussion Councilman Noonan moved, that the City Manager see to it ~hat he complied with Council's order. Councilman Bosworth stated he would second the motion if the City Attorney be added to this as well. Councilman Noonan included the City Attorney. Councilman Bosworth seconded the motion which was regularly carried. Councilm~n Lucchio aske~ if to the motion could be added that Mr. Eechelbach be required to restore the natural drainage as it existed prior to the dumping o~ the dirt there. Councilman Noonan accepted ~he amendment, Councilman Bosworth stating his second stood. Motion was carried~ PLAYGR0~ND AREA IN WINSTON MANOR: #/ ~-lOO Mr. Wallace Leghten of 50 Dural Drive, president of t'~e Winston Manor Home Owners Association, spoke on ~he possible use of half of the newly develooed playground in Winston Manor in an effort to keep the youngsters off of the streets~ After a brief discussion Councilman Noonan moved tha-~ the Council request the Recreation Commission permit use of the area if possible and if there is any reason like preservation of grass that at least half of it be used anyway and the e-~her half be roped off and preserved~ Councilman Beswerth seconded the motion after which councilman Neonan stated that the motion is mad ~ with the understanding that they are to use their discretion. Notion as made and seconded was regalarly carriede ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting ~as adJou~ed until the following evening at 8:00 PoM~ Time of acjournme~t - 9:59 P.Me APPROVED: RespectfulLy submitted, C~_ty Cl~erk