AI~ST 10, 195~
Council C~£bers, City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Smith.
Present: Coancilmen John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, George Bosworth, Telford Smith
Abseut: 0oancilman Emilio Cortesi
Mayor Smith took up the first item of the ageud~ which was the second reading of the new
master zont,=~ ordinance. Councilman Bosworth moved, secoude~ by 0omncilman Noonan and reg-
ularly carried, that the ordinance be read by title. After City Attorney Lyons had read
the title ~f the ordinance, roll call vote on adoption was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen
John Noonan, Francis Lucchio, ~e~ Boeworth, Telford Smith; Noes, nome; Absent, Councilman
Emilio CotterS. After brief discussion had takeu place relative to the publication of the
m~p, Counc~l~u Bosworth moved, secc~ded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried, that
the City Maker be instructed to take step~ to publish the m~p in the most economical form
as soon as possible.
The next item discussed was the matter of tbe approval or disa~oval of a grader-dozer. After
discussion had taksn place betm~en members of the council, the Director of Public Works, and
the City Manager regardi~4~ the equipment mentioned, Couu~cilman Bosworth moved, seconded by
Councilman .t~onau and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the City Manager and City
Engineer re yarding the purchase of the ~ moving equ/pment be accepted.
POLIO~EN, P~0~0~I~
The next item brought up for action was personnel examinations for Steno-Clerks, Firemen,
Policemen, au~ promotional examinatioms for Fire Inspector & Police Inspector. After discus-
sion had taken place, Councilman Lucchio mowed, seconded by 0ouncilman Noouan and regularly
carrie~, t~ the Personnel Board be instrumted to co, ct t2m examinations to fill the
eligible li ~s with regard~ to the positicms of Steno-Olerks, Firemen, Policesmn, and promo-
tional exmmA~tious for Fire an~ Police Inspector.
Variance and Adjustment resolution ~17 as applied for by John Albonico ~a~ received from
the Pl~n~ng Ccma~is~ion. Applicant requested permission to buil~ an a~dition on to his house
connecting -~ith %h~ ~ therelry mmki~ it cue building. Rec_~..~ndation of the Planning
C~maission -~ that t~ variance a~ a0~ustment be Srarte~. Oouucilman Bo~w~ move, sec-
o~ed by Councilman Noouan and regularly carried, that the recommem~atiom of t~ Planning
Commi~ion %e accepte~.
Variance an~ A~Justmemt resolution ~18 as &p~lie~ for by ~no ~ 0~~ ~ ~ re-
cei~ ~ -~ P~i~ ~si~. A~li~t r~m~ ~sai~ ~ c~mct a ho~e ~
1~ 24 bl~k 83. ~c~~ti~ of ~ P~ni~ O~i~' ~ ~t t~ ~i~ee a~ ~t-
~nt ~ ~~. O~i~ N~ mo~, ~~ by ~nci~ Luce~o ~ ~rly
c~, ~ t~ ~c~n~tiou of ~ Pi~ O~ ~ion ~ ~rov~.
Variance au~ A~justment resolution ~419 as applied for by 0. De ~ ~a ~eei~d fr~ t~
~ ~ of l~ 16 bl~ 102. ~~tion of ~ P~i~ O~ssion ~ ~t it ~
~~. G~nc~ ~ ~, s~ond~ by g~i~ ~~ ~ z-.~j~ar~ ~ied,
~t ~ ~~n~tion of ~ P~i~ C~ssi~ ~ ~r~.
WINSTON MANOR PLAYGROUHD:Mayor Smith -~men asked if any member of the council had any pertinent matter that he desired
~'"/~D to bring up. After discussion by Comncilmmm Noouan read-ding the Winston Manor Playground,
Councilman Noonmn moved that t~e Ci~y Manager ~ate~y install in Winston Manor ~1 the
playgroum~ equilmaent provided few in the bu~t. Co-,-e~l -n Be~worth ~eeond~ ~he motion.
After some ~Isemssion, Oouncilman Noonan am~n~m~ hi~ me, ion to provide that it be installed
by the 25th or sooner if possible amd if not installed by that time, the City Manager ex, lain
why he has not inst~led it. Councilman Bosworth stated his second would stan~. After fur-
ther discusaIon had taken place, Councilman Noonan sm~en~ his motion to spen~ the $800.00
Winston Manet ~1 next year. Roll call vote wms as follows. Ayes, Councilmen John Noonan,
Francis Lueehio, George Bosworth; Noes, ~or Telford Smith; Absent, Oounct~ma- Emilio Cortesi.
Mayor Smith ~hen said, "that he would like to state for +~;~e_~ record that my "no" vote is not
to prohibit -.~ installation of the play~roun~ eQuipmen~ but it is on the matter in which we
have here sm~ a precedent and have used from ~emeral Fund reserves, with~wn money on the
basis of ~ei~ an unsound practice."
Councilman L~-.cchio then move~ that the Council authorize. ~..~Becreation Commission to take the
necessary s'~s to expend the funds provide~ in the bu~ for the procurement of a lot in
Irishtown, as it is referred to, to replace the facilities t~at do mot now exist. After some
discussion had taken place regarding the motion and prog_osed amendments, Councilman Noonan
asked that -2~ motion be made as follows: "that the l~eereation Commission survey the play-
grounds a~d -~ke into account the amount of money bummed for playground equipment and submit
a plan for iustallation of playsr~ equipment coveam~ by that money this s~r." Councilman
Bo~worth seeo~l~ Councilman Noon~n's motion after which Counailman Laeehio sta~ed he would
accept the .~me _n4m~_nt. After discussion, Comueilman Lueehio wit~6xew his motion. Councilman
Noo~an re~med his motion as follows: "I woul~ like -~ move that the Recreation Commission
furnish a r~ taking into accoumt the mo~eys propo~ for recre&tion equipment, that report
to contain ~ as to the ~te installation of e~ui~meut in ~ pl~ in the
city to be ~ from this propome~ budget." Councilman L~ ~e ~eeo~ ~ motion with
the am~n~ma~% ~ they take i~iate steps for acquisition of t~e site in an area near
Linden an~ 0alifo~ area. Councilman Noonan stated h~ woul~ accept the amen~nt. Council-
man Lucchio seco~ the motion. Roll call vo~e ~ as follows: Ayes, Councilmen John Noouan,
Fram~is Lucehio, ~eorge Bosworth, Telford Smith; Noes, nome; Absent, Councilmma ~milio Cortesi.
MATTER: ~- 0o 0
R~SOMn~ON NO. ~1
Mr. Goss then brought up the matter of plans and s~ecif~catious he had c~mlzlet~l for ~he in-
stallation of four traffic signals as e,,at~orized, by the City Oomncil, reqm~eting his office
be amthorize~ to advertise for bids. After discussion, Councilman Bosworth moved, ~econded
by Couneil~mm Noonan and regularly carried, t~at the Plans and s~ecificatioms be acce~ted
and the call for bids be issued.
Co~ucilmau Ymoeworth brought up at this time the matter of ~everal items that he had asked to
be placed on the agenda, noting ~hat they were listed on the study meeting. After discussion
Councilman L~cehio moved, seconded by Co~ncLlman Noonan and re~lalarly carried, that the matter
of the al~imtmmnt of Planning O~ssiomers be pla~ o~ the a~ at this time. At this
time a brief ~eeess ~as declared. When the ~setiug wm~ reealle~ to order, Councilman Bosworth
moved, seeo~ by Councilman Nooman and ~rly carried, that the Mayor be requested to
rea~oint Jomu Breed to the Planning Co~on. Mayor Smith stated he was not ready at this
tim~ to mak~ -~ almpointment.
After som~ d~cmssiom regardimg Recreation Co~miasion nc~imatio~s and the Reid~ll matter, Coun-
cilman Noonau moved, seconded by Councilman Bo~worth, t~mt th~ Rei~ell matter he added to the
agenda. After discussion, Councilman Noonan moved, seceded by Councilman ~oaworth, that
the Reidell mat+~r with re~pect to restoration of pay an~ the a~cident with Mayor Ooa~esi be
put on the a~ for i~~ action. Roll call vote ~s as follows: Ayes, Councilmen
Noonau and C~ancilman Bosworth; Noes, Mayor Smith$ Absent, Councilman Cortesi; Councilman
Lucchio abstalmed from voting.
Councilman N~m~ma then moved, seconded by. Councilman Bosworth, "t~at the record of Merle
Reidell be cLe~, that he be r~st~ his ~ay directly, if le~ possible, if not legally
possible an a signment of overtim~ 1~ an~ if t~ ia extraet~ from b~,. any kind of cove-
nant not to .me and I take that am a recm~niti~ of a right that is recognized by the City,
that in lieu of -- that he give a covem~nt not to sue and that he be paid directly for the
covenant, th~ is, that mommy which is eqmivalemt to his ~ I~." Mayor Smith then asked
Councilman N~an to re~ta~e his motion so t~at he could write it and stay it. 0ouncilman
Noonan then ~ated, "I move that Merle Reidell~s name -- I move that ~rle Rei~ell be cleared
of the bla~e in the accident involving Mayor Cc~tesi and himself and that he be paid -- be
restored -- &irectly if legally possible and if not legally possible directly, he be assigned
overtim~ work in order that he might recapture his I~, if a covemant not to see is demanded
of him." Af-~r more discussion Councilman N~onan stated he wo~ld r~~ the motion, moving
that Mr. Rei~'s record be cleared of the fault and t~t he be restca~ his pay directly,
if lega_lly ~eible and if not l~aible to directly ~ay him, that he be assigned overtime work.
Councilman B~worth accorded t~e motif. Roll call vote was a~ f~Xlcm~: Ayes, Councilmen
Noonan, Bosw~rth and Smith; Noes, Councilman Lmcehio; Ab ent, Con~cilman 0ortesi.
City Attorney Lyons then brought mp the matter of the re-present of Aval~ Outfa~_l Sewer~
stating t~at ~r. Peterson, the attorney for 8to~eson Devel~t 0or~., pre. cut in the audience,
had agreed to incur any expense involved and their con~m~t to the 19~5 assessment. Mayor
Smith then a~k~d Mr. Peterson if he would state for the recor~ his agreement. Mr. Peterson
stated as follows: "Yes, w~ are perfectly willing to incur any expense involved in *~-~*a par-
tic,3aw tr~tion and in this matter the City is instrumental in achieving our ~articular
purpose in moving the individual prol~rty owners or prope~ed property owners of hcams in the
Avalon Park e~ea into the reai&ances so wm a~ a~le t~ m~c~e the transactions .' "We are
unable to cca~aly with the requirement until the matter o~ the bond issue is settled in order
that w~ may lmmeperly.record the deeds." After dis~sion Councilman Noonan stated he wo~ld
introduce She resolution entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San
Francisco Instructing the Director of Public W~rks as Ex-officio S~rintendent of Streets c~
Said City To ?r~pare And File With The City Olerk An Ame~ Assessment For The Su]Elivision
Areas Known Am "Avalon Park No. 2" and "Avalon Park No. ~" with Ba~ect to the Assessment for
the Avalon Par~ Outfall Sewer," with the m~standing t~,-t they wo~ld execute this consent.
Mr. Peterson ~ a~ by City Att~rmey Lyou~ if he w~Ald a~ to that to which he re~lied
that he w~. Roll call vote w~s as follow~: Ayes, 0o~ncilmen Noonan~ Lacchio, Bo~worth,
Smith; Noes, ~me; Absent, Councilman Cortesi.
Mayor Smith tt~n set the hearing on the matter of Avalon Park for 7:30 p. m. August 30, 195~.
The matter of ~he al~lieation of Mr. William Dawsma for a license to engage in the business
of a melon st~ud in the So~thwood area was ne~t ta~ up. After sous discussion, C~ncilman
Bos',a~'~ moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and reg~ carried, that the license be
issued and license fee be waived.
Councilman Noc~2~n moved, seco~led by Comnei~w~u Bosworth and regalarly carried, that the
Time of AdJou_~ment - 10:06 p. m.
Re~cti'-3 ~y submitted,