HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1954-09-21PLACE:
Council Chambers, City Hall
3:00 p. m.
The meeting w~s called to order at 3:25 P. m. by Mayor Smith.
Councilman Francis Lucchio, Emilio Corte.~i, Richard Caslon, Telford Smith, Andrew
Mayor Smith opened the protest hearing on the Airport Boulevard Sanitary Sewer District,
asking i~ there were any protests. City 01erk Ro~n~i stated that written protests had been
receive~ from the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co. and the San Francisco Bridge
Co. At the request of Mayor Smith these protests were rea4 as well as a communication from
the San Francisco Bridge Co. authorizing E. P. Wil~ey to represent them at the mseti~g. Mayor
Smith t~n asked Mr. E. P. Kauffmaun, present, if he wished to remark regarding his written
protest. He stated that his protest was on the basis that the sewer would not be a benefit
to the~, suggesting that the other property owners should bear t_be coat for this. Mayor
Smith t~n remarked that for the record, w~s t~ L~ Co~ny objecting to this assessment
to which he replied that they were. Mayor Smith then aS~s~ if the Land Co. would sign a
covenant running with the land to the effect that in the event they found it w~s necessary
to use the sewer that they would pay for such use. He replied that they would. Counci~ma~u
Lucchio then brought up the question of the Land Coa~any, s privilege of using the sewer. Oity
Attorney Lyons remarked that the privilege first belongs to those w~o are paying for the
work. Ee also said that they could refuse use to ~hose who were not in the assessment area
if the system were not adequate to carry the load. In other word~, the district has the
first call and if the line is adequate to handle t]~ city can give them permission to hook
on with a charge to be made.
City Attorney Lyons asked Mr. Randlett if the work being done on the line now is adequate to
handle the anticipated area to which he replied that it %ms not desig~ to handle the extra
load. Ke further stated that the Industrial Sewer District was designed to acc~modate the
area plus anticipated development. If heavy users come in the outfall won't accomodate the
Land Co. area outside. If a light user comes in, -~he Land Co. could use the line.
Mr. E. P. Wilsey then registered an oral protest of the San Francisco Bridge Co. He stated
that e~ra length of lines would have to he laid. He also ~aid ~bat t~y did not object to
the pa~nt of the pumping plaut. He said that t~e Bridge Co. did uot feel that they should
pay for the sewers that run in the opposite direction and from which they do uot get any
An explanation was then given by Director of Publi-. Works Goss on how the assessment w~s
determined after which Mr. Schwmining explained the method of handling waste from the Bridge
Co. which is now unsatisfactory. Mr. Wilsey stated that the reason for the Bridge Co.'s
protes~ was that they would have to pay so much to get to the plant and that they had no
plans for the development of the land south of the canal. A brief discussion was then held
regarding the method of changing the boundaries in the assessment area. City Attorney Lycms
stated ~he work could be started and a determination of the boundaries maple later as well
as the assessments.
Mr. Sc r~ining, Supt. of the Sewage Disposal Plant, remarked that when the industrial sewers
a~e finished the Bridge 0o. will have to be shut off as this would then create a heavier
load that the plant could not handle. A discussion ~as then hel~ relative to including the
land o~ the San Francisco Bridge Co. in the district which would be cut off from disposal
service, Mayor Smith asking Mark Senal~i, Louis Pcletti, and Ken Royce, property owners in-
volved mhd present, if they would object if this ~ssessment district inolu6ed all the Bridge
Co. laad, to which they replied that they had no objection. City Attorney Lyons stated that
if any shanges ware made all parties would have to be notified as they would have the priv-
ilege o~ being heard. This, he stated, however would not prevent the project from being
starts4. Mayor Smith then said that the question before the council at this time is whether
the South San Francisco Land & Imp. Co. shoul~ be removed from the assessment district as
A discussion ~as then held as to whether or not t~e Land Co. property wo~ld benefit. Mayor
Smith asked Louis Poletti, Ken Royce and Mark Senaldi if they wis~md to express their opinion
as to whether or not they felt the Laud Co. prope~y wo~ld benefit. Lo~Is Poletti stated he
felt the Laud Co. would get beuefit, remarking that he felt fewer pumping stations would
mean less upkeep for the city. Ken Royce 8tate~ he felt the value w~ t2aere for the Land
Co. to be inclnded.. Mark Senaldi said that the Land Co. would gain some ~,m~diate benefits.
That this would be higher priced property when sold. Mayor Smith remarked that there w~s
one point to consider which was the Land Co. property also remarking on the industrial sub-
division ordinance to cover developmentof these properties. This would include placement
of streets, sidew~lw~-, sewers, etc. ~ayor Smith. ~k~ if it was the council's desire to
eliminate the Land Co. and have a covenant rmnnin~ with the land re6arding future hookup.
CounciLman Lucchio then moved that the protest of the Land Co. be overruled. The motion
died for lack of a second. Mr. E. P. Wilsey remarked on the validity of the project if the
Land 0o. was not included, stating that it might be subject to attack in court. He suggested
that ~ thought be given to this before action was taken.
After ~cme discussion, Councilman Lucobio moved, ~econded by Mayor Smith, that the pro,est
of th- South San Francisco Land & Imp. Co. be ove.--rule~. Under the question, 0ouncilman
0otto ~i stated that he felt the motion w~s out of or,er. 0ouncilman Rocca asked if the
prote.~ was being ovexTuled~ SO aS to set up a basis on which to start proceeding to which
City A~torney Lyons replied yes. Motion as mszle ~nd secon~sd wss regularly carried. Coun-
cilman Lucchio then moved, seconde~ by 0ouncilmmn Roses and regulmrl~ carried, that the
protes~ of the San Francisco Bridge Go. be overruled.
City A~torney Lyons reported that a resolution had been prepared ordering the work to be done.
CounciLman Gamlen introduced a resolution of the "~ity Council of the 0ity of South San Fran-
cisco ordering the work for i~provement of the industrial area in the vicinity of Freeway
Stree~ a~d South Airport Blvd. and the installation of an industrial sanitary sewerage system
and an industrial sewage pumping station, and directing the work to be done under the super-
vision of C. E. Randlett, as engineer. Roll call vote was as fo/lows: Ayes, Councilmen
Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gemlen.
~so~oN NO.
,5 ,,',,'~'
Director of Public Works Goss at this time gave a summary of bids as made, explaining that
the low bidder w~s the Bay Pacific Construction & Engineering Co. on South Linden Arenas,
South S~n Francisco, with a bid of $32,9~6.80. He recon-~ended the a~ard of the bid to the
Bay Pacific Construction & Engineering 0o. City At$or~ey Lyons stated a resolution had been
prepare~. Councilman Cortesi then introduced a reselution of the City Council of the City
of South San Francisco awarding the contract to perform the work described in Resolution of
Intentio~ No. 20~. Roll call vote w~ as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, IAtcchio, Smith,
Cortesi, Gamlen.
City At-~rney Lyons next explained the resolution prepared setting forth that t~ Director
of Public Works make the assessment. Councilman Luechio introduced a resolmt~on directing
the ase, ss~ent to be made and signed by the Director of Public Works. Roll call vote was as
follows: A~s, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi~ Gmmleu.
A brief discussion was then held regarding the chau~o on the assessmemt. City Attorney Lyons
sug~este~ holding this over until all the problem na~ been taken care of. Nm also suggested
that the engineer consult with Mr. Wilsey re~aaxling this matter. Mayor Smith then stated
that if -are were no objections this method would me carried forth.
There Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until Monday evening, 81$t~ %r 27,
19~ at 7:30 p. m.
Time of ~d~ournment - 5:08 p. m.
Eespectf-11 y submitted
OF 8OUT~ SAN FRANCIS00 W~.~ MO]DAY, S~. ~7, 19~
Council Chambers, City Hall
7:30 p. m.
CArJ, T9 0~DER:
The meeting was called to order at 7:33 P. m. by Mayor Smith
Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, ~nilio Cortesi, Richard
Mayor Smith explained the request as received from the mew owners of ~k's Heights who asked
that -~me name be changed to 0restview Terrmce. Councilman Corteei asked that the whole area
have ~he name oha~. This would take in Peckts Lots aa well. Mayor Smith maid ~ 9umstio~
before the council is whether or not the council would allow the n~ae eh~. City Attorney
Lyons explained the resolution prepared. Councilm~n Rocca introduced a resolution of the Cit~
Council of the City of South San Francisco renaming the subdivisions known as "Peck's N~ts'
"Peck'$ Heights No. 2", "Peck's Heights No. ~", smd a portio~ of '~eck's Subdivision No. 1",
the m,~ name to be "Crestview Terrace". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen
Lucchio, Rocca, Gamlen, Smith; Noes, Councilman Cortesi.
Mayor Smith asked Councilman Cortesi if his no vote was because he desire~ all of the subdi-
vision to have a name change to which he he rmpld~ yes that was why. Mayor ~nith then sug-
g~ste~ referring this matter as suited By Councilman Cortesi to the Planning Commission
for study and ret~mrt back. Councilman Rocca r~ to Councilman Cortesi that no request
had been reoeiw~d from the property owners to chan~e the ne~e in Peck' s Lots. After sc~e
discussion it was decided th~_t the referral to the Planning Commission re~ing name changiu
would be held for a study meeting.
City Attorney Lyons then reported that he had another resolution prepared regarding the
approval and adoption of au Assessor's Ma~. After a brief explanation, Councilman Lucehio
iutr~_uced a resolution of the City Council of t~e City of South San Francisco approving.and
adopting an official Assessor's Map. Roll call vo+~ was as follows: A~es, 0ouncilmen Rocca,
Lueck~o, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting ~s waived.
ING AREA: ~"$$ ~
Coune'_lman Lucchio then asked t._~e City Attorney .~lative to the status of Mr. Eschelback~s
corp~.~ation yard sheik. City Attorney Lyons rer~rked that he has not yet been able to con-
tact Mr. Eschelbach but w~e still trying. Councilm~n Lucchio then asked regarding the edwin.
eer~ ~ report on the chs~nel. City Attorney Lyome replied that he had talked with the Direct~
of Pm%lic Works but th8t no report had yet been smbmitted. He mentiuned the ordinance that
w~s ~ded for filling, excavating, etc. A discussion was then had on the building that
presently exists as a corporation y~ shed. City Attorney Lyons explained the condemnation
proce,dings that can be instituted ~nd that a te~orary permit had originally been given to
Mr. ESchelbach for this shed. After so~e discussion, Mayor Smith asked City Manager McClung
for a report on the traffic signals on E1 Casino Beel in tbs vi~x~ity of Winston Manor. Cit:
Mane~er M~Clung reported that a meeting of Joint High, my District ~10 ~s to be held, statim
that it might be held this Thursday but that he w~s supposed to be notified. Mayor Smith
asked City Manager McClung to inform the council when the meeting is ced.led for.
M~yor Smith then asked relative to the impou~img area in Country Club area. City Attorney
Lyons explained the conference and report as giwen to him by Director of Public Works Goss.
Aum. iform right of way was to Be presented to the property owners. Me~vor Smith asked City
Attorney Lyons if the uniform right of way would be ready for Monday night to which he repli
that it would.
Theme being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to Oct. 4, 1954 at 8 p. m.
!ime of Adjournment - 8:0~ p. m. ~
that +_.b~_ en~imeer consult with Mr. Wilsey regarding this matter. Mayor Smith then stated
that if there ~re no objections this method would be carried forth.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until Monday evening, September 27,
195~ at 7:30 P. m.
Time of Adjournment - 5:08 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
city Clerk
OF SO~TN BAN I~RANOlS~O ~.~ MOI~)AY, SEPT. ~7, 1954
Council Chambers, City NAIl
7:~0 p. m.
The ~etin6 ~ ea].l~l to order at 7:33 P. m. by MaFor S~ith
Co~neilmen Anctrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, ~ailio Cortesi, Richard
I~ES~ON NO. 2071
May~r Sazi~h e~i~ the request as received from the mew ow&ere of ~.ck's Heights who asked
that the name be chaaged to Crestview Terrace. Councilman Cortasi asked that the whole area
have the na~e eh~. This woml~ take ia Peek~a Lot. as ~.11. Mayor Smith acid the questioz
before the c~il is whether or not the co,nell womld allow ~h. ~ ch~. City Attorney
Lycra. explained the resolution prepared. Councilman Roes& introduced a resolution of the Cit~
Council of the City of South San Francisco renaazing the subdivisions known as "Peck's N.~hts"
"Peck's Heights No. 2", "Peck's Heights No. 3", and a portion of '~eck's Subdivision No. 1",
the new name to be "Crestview Terrace". Roll call vote w&s as follo~m: Ayes, Councilmen
Lucchio, Rocca, Gamlen, Smith; Noes, Councilman Cortesi.
Mayor Smith asked Oounc~]mau Cortesi if his us vote w~. because he desired all of the sulEli-
vision to have a name change to which' he he replied yes that was why. Mayor ~th then aug-
geared referring this matter as suggested by Comncilman Corteai to the Planning Ccmnission
for study and r~ back. Councilman ~occa remarked to 0ouncilman Cortesi that no request
had been received from the property owners to c~ the ~ in Peck's Lots. After sc~e
discussion it was decided that tbs_ referral to the Planning Commission regarding na~e changin~
wo~ld be held for a stmdy meeting.
RESO~ON NO. 2072
0ity Attorney Lyons then reported that he had anot-b~_r resolution prepared regarding the
aPProval and adoption of an Assessorts Map. After a brief explanation, Councilman Lmcchio
introduced a resolution of the 0ity Council of the City of So~th San Francisco approving and
adopting an official Assessor's Nap. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca,
Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting was waived.
ESC~m~.RAOH OO~PCRATION Councilman Lucchio then asked the City Attormey relative to the status of Mr. Escbelback's
YArD SHACK: co~tion yard shack. City Attorney Lyons remarked that he has not yet Been able to con-
· -/~ tact Mr. Eschelbach but ~ still trying. Councilman Lucchio then asked regarding the engin-
eer*8 report on the channel. City Attorney Lyons repliod that he had talked with the Direetox
of Public Works but t~t no report had yet been submitted. He mentiuned the ordinance that
was needed for filling, excavating, etc. A discussion w~s then had on the building that
presently exists as a corporation yard shed. City Attorney Lyon. explained the condemnation
proceedings that can be instituted and that a temporary permit had originally been given to
Mr. Eschelbach for this shed. After some dissuasion, Mayor Smith asked City M~ger McClmng
WIN5~ MA~0R for a report on the traffic signals on E1 Ca&ins Reel in the viminity of Winston Manor. City
TRAFFIC SIGNALS: Manager MeOlung reported that a meeting of Joint Highway District ~10 w~s to be held, stating
~-/ $-/ that it might be held this Thursday but that he w~s suPPosed to be notified. Mayor Smith
asked City Manager McClung to inform the council when the meeting is called for.
COULWIIUf CLUB IMPGJND- Mayor Smith then asked relative to the ! ~.-~.-~mding area in Country Club area. City Attorney
ING AREA: ~-~$ F Lyons explained the c~ference and report as given to him by Director of Public Works Goss.
~-/~ F A uniform right of way was to be presented to the property owners. Mayor Smith asked City
~/7/ Attorney Lyons if the uniform right of way would be ready for ~onday night to which he replie~
that it womld.
ADJ~trR~P: There being no further business, the meeting ~as adjourned to Oct. 4, 1954 at 8 p. m.
~'~\ ~.Time of Adjournment - 8:03 p.m. ,~~ ~.~~
APPNOVED: .r Respectftully Submitted ~
~ Mayor City Clerk