OCTOBER 11, 1954
Council Chambers, City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p. m. by Mayor Smith.
Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, ~,flio Cortesi, Richard
Copies of the minutes of the px?vious meeting not having been recefved as yet, approval of t~
minutes was laid over.
Claim was presented for approval, payable ~to United Air Lines, in the amount of $216.00 covex
ing flight reservations for city officials to attend the League of California Cities Confer-
ence to be held in Los Angeles. On motion of Councilman Gamlen, seconded by Councilman Roccs
and regularly carried, the claim was approved for payment.
There being no old business, Mayor Smith proceeded on to reports, the first being from the
City Attorney concerning the matter of the Eschelbach Corporation Yard. City Attorney Lyons
explained the matter of the return of Mr. Eschelb~ch from the hospital against the wishes of
his family in order to give his attention to the cleaning up process. He reported that some
machinery and lumber had been removed from the premises and that Mr. Eschelbach reported tha~
it wo~ld be cleaned up within a few days. City Attorney Lyons reported that ~&r. Eschelbach
would like to have remain one building to be used as a warehouse for the storage of building
fixtures to be used in construction work he contemplated. This building was to be enclosed
by a tight fence. Councilman Lucchlo asked City Attorney Lyons if he discussed with Mr.
Eschelbach the matter of the drainage problem to which he replied that he had not. After a
discussion took place regarding the referencing of this building to the office of the Buildiz
Inspector for his inspection, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reg-
ularly carried, that this matter be referred to the Building Inspector for an analysis and
report on the building and ascertain if it meets all the building inspection standards.
MCTEL: ~-D ~ 7
Communication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding a cG-~unication frc~
the County Engineer's Office on the matter of the Bortis Drainage question. On motion of
Councilman Lucchio, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, the communications
were ordered placed on file.
There being no public hearings, Mayor Smith proceeded on to or~iinances. City Attorney Lyons
remarked that he had prepared an ordinance with regard to the establishment of a B5 mile per
ho~r speed limit on South Airport Boulevard between the intersection thereof with Airport
Boulevard and a point approximately one quarter of a mile south of ColmaCreek Bridge. He
stated that a motion could be made waiving the reading and introducing the ordinance by title
only. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried.
City Attorney Lyons then brought up the matter of a resolution requesting the League of Cali~
ornia Cities and the Legislative Interim C~ittee on Municipalities to study the problem of
additional school facilities resulting from the rapid increase of population and that appro-
Priate legislation be reco~nended to solve the problem. Mayor Smith suggested that some of
the wording in the resolution be changed so that it would not appear that the city was being
presumptions in its action or setting aside school sites. It was also suggested that a lette
be sent from the office of the City Manager to the school authorities explaining the matter.
City AttorneyLyons explained that the city was a body concerned with annexation and maps
of the subdivisions and that there was a need for cooperation between the city and the schooS
City Manager McClung then explained the opposition that this resolution might meet with at
the League unless changes w~re made in somm respects as it wouldmean that some cities would
be voting on something they are seeking. This he stated should be aimed at support. City
Attorney Lyons then said that with the permission of the council, he would redraft the reso-
lution and present it to the Mayor ar~l Council members for approval. This was agreed by all.
City Attorney Lyons stated that this could be introduced as corrected. At the request Qf
Mayor ~_~_fth, City Attorney Lyons explained the changes that were to be made. Mayor Smith
then asked what the pleasure of the council was re~_rding the introduction of the resolution
as submitted by the City Attorneywith the corrections enumerated to the council. Councilma~
Gamlen introduced a resolution of the City Conncil of the City of South San Francisco re-
questing the League of California Cities and the Legislative Interim Committee on Municipal-
ities to st~ly the problem caused by the great need for additional school facilities resulti~
from the rs~id increase in population of the State of California and to recommend appropriate
legislation to solve said problem. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca,
Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. Mayor Smith then remarked that the school district and the
city were almost identical in size at the present time and stated that a resolution should
be prepared to send the supervisors urging them net to split the district but to keep it all
Ln one district.
Oommunication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the purchase of new
Pomnd equipment. City Manager McClung explained the need for obtaining this equipment, also
explaining the installation of a type body on the truck which is used by tb~ Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Howmver he further remarked that this amount exceeded
tbat which was in the fund and suggested that an amount not in excess of $~00.00 be tak~m
from thePound Replacement Fund of the Pound Master Budget to cover the cost of purchasing
the needed truck chassis and body assembly. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilmaz
Gamlen and regularly carried, that the City Mam~ger be authorized to take not in excess of
SB00.OO fromthe Pound Replacement Fund to be added to the budget figure for new pound equip-
C~m.;.~ication was received from the Francisco Tek'race Improvement Club regarding an entrance
to Francisco Terrace and the improvement of Spruce Avenue. City Manager McClung explained
that this was somewhat the· same report as was to be submitted by Mr. Goss and himself conce~
ing the improvement of major streets. He suggested that the communication be accepted and
filed, that the people be notified regarding the major street report program and that a
report was to be submitted. Councilman L~cchio asked that it be specifically spelled out
that Spruce Avenue be incl~ied. After scm. discussion, City Manager McClung reported that
this report would be on a traffic count basis. Mayor Smith said that the matter of Spruce
Avenue was a large project and that the improvement work should also be borne by the prop-
erty owners on both side~. City Manager McClung briefly explained the closing off of Spruce
Avenue on E1 Camino Real which was at the~tims as the installation of the 4-w~y signals.
MOTEL: ~-~ ~ ?
:~'/,~ .~
~o ~
There being no old business, Mayor Smith proceeded on to reports, the first being from the
City Attorney concerning the matter of the Eschelbach Corporation Yard. City Attorney Lyons
explained the matter of the return of Mr. Eschelbach from the hospital against the wishes of
his family in order to give his attention to the cleaning up process. He reported that some
machinery and lumber had been removed from the premises and that Mr. Eschelbach reported tha~
it would be cleaned up within a few days. City Attorney Lyons reported that ~&r. Eschelbach
would like to have remain cue building to be used as a warehouse for the storage of building
fixtures to be used in construction work he contemplated. This building was to be enclosed
by a tight fence. Councilman Lucchio asked City Attorney Lyons if he discussed with Mr.
Eschelbach the matter of the drainage problem to which he replied that he had not. After a
discussion took place regarding the referenciD~ of this building to the office of the Buildir.
Inspector for his inspection, Councilman Lucchto moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reg-
ularly carried, that this matter be referred to the Building Inspector for an analysis and
report on the building and ascertain if it meets all the building inspection standards.
Communication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding a communication frc~
the County Engineer's Office on the matter of the Bortis Drainage question. On motion of
Councilman Lucchio, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, the communications
were ordered placed on file.
There being no public hearings, Mayor Smith proceeded on to ordinances. City Attorney Lyons
remarked that he had prepared an ordinance with regard to the establishment of a B5 mile per
ho~r speed limit on South Airport Boulevard between the intersection thereof with Airport
Boulevard and a point approximately one quarter of a mile south of Colma Creek Bridge. He
stated that a motion could be made waiving the reading and introducing the ordinance by title
only. CounciLman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried.
City Attorney Lyons then brought up the matter of a resolution requesting the League of Calif
ornia Cities and the Legislative Interim Committee on Mmmicipalities to study the problem of
additional school facilities resulting from the rapid increase of population and that appro-
priate legislation be recommended to solve the problem. Mayor Smith suggested that sane of
the wording in the resolution be changed so that it would not appear that the city was being
presumptions in its action or setting aside school sites. It was also suggested that a lette
be sent from the office of the City Manager to the school authorities explaining the matter.
City Attorney Lyons explained that the city was a body concerned with annexation and maps
of the subdivisions and that there was a need for cooperation between the city and the school
City Manager McClung then explained the opposition that this resolution might meet with at
the League unless changes w~re made in some respects aa it would mean that some cities would
be voting on something they are seeking. This he stated should be aimed at support. City
Attorney Lyons then said that with the permission of the council, he would redraft the reso-
lution and present it to the Mayor an~ Council members for approval. This was agreed by all.
City Attorney Lyons stated that this could be introduced as corrected. At the request Qf
Mayor Smith, City Attorney Lyons explained the changes that were to be made. Mayor Smith
then asked what the pleasure of the council was regarding the introduction of the resolution
as submitted by the City Attorney with the corrections enumerated to the council. Councilmar~
Gamlen introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco re-
questing the League of California Cities and the Legislative Interim Committee on Municipal-
ities to study the problem caused by the great need for additional school facilities resultin
from the rapid increase in population of the State of California and to recommend appropriate
legislation to solve said problem. Roll call vote was aa follows: Ayes, Councilw~n Rocca,
Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. Mayor Smith then remarked that the school district and the
city were almost identical in size at the present time and stated that a resolution should
be prepared to send the supervisors urging them not to split the district but to keep it all
in one district.
Oc~munication was received fram the office of the City Manager regarding the purchase of new
Pound equipment, city Manager McClung explained the need for obtaining this equipment, also
explaining the installation of a type body on the truck which is used by the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Howmver he further remarked that this amount exceeded
that which was in the fund and suggested that an amount not in excess of $S00.00 be ts&om
from the Pound Replacement Fund of the Pound Master Budget to cover the cost of purchasing
the needed truck chassis and body assembly. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilmar.
Gamlen and regularly carried, that the City Manager be authorized to take not in excess of
$S00.00 from the Pound Replacement Fund to be added to the budget figure for new pound equip-
Comaunication was received from the Francisco Terrace Improvement Club regarding an entrance
to Francisco Terrace and the improvement of Spruce Avenue. City Manager McClung explained
that this was somewhat the' same report aa was to be submitted by Mr. Goss and himself concern
ing the improvement of major streets. He suggested that the communication be accepted and
filed, that the people be notified regarding the major street report program and that a
report was to be submitted. Councilman Lucchio asked that it be specifically spelled out
that Spruce Avenue be included. After some discussion, Oity Manager McClung reported that
this report would be on a traffic count basis. Mayor Smith said that the matter of Spruce
Avenue was a large project and that the improvement work should also be borne by the prop-
erty owners on both sides. City Manager McClung briefly explained the closing off of Spruce
Avenue on E1 Casino Real which was at the~ time as the installation of the 4-way signals.
Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the
lA, 2A & BA:
APP 0I~:
~'1 $-.9
lette~ be filed and the oontents of the letter be referred to the City Manager and Director
of Public Works to bring in a report along with their street report together with the advis-
ability and feasibility of this work.
Communication ~as received from Mary Lou Worn regardin? complaint of w~ter drainage .from
a retainiuE wall constructed by Callan Brothers. DirectOr ~ of Public Works Goss reported
that he ha~ made an inspection of the wall and explained the weep holes in this w~. He
reported t~at weep holes are constructed in these w-~]'l.~ in order to allow a very small amount
of water to seep through. He further reported that they are lined inside with rock and that
there should be no flood damage or erosion. If there ~re no wall there would be erosion.
If there were no weep holes iu the wall the water wouli build up behind the w~ with force
enough to ~reak it thereby causing flood dam~=~e. Mayor Smith remarked that if there were no
objections, he recommended that Mary Lou Woot~ be informed of Mr. Goss's report.
Comunicat~ou was received from the Southern Pacific Co. regarding use of the right of way on
Railroad Avenue for street widening purposes. After brief discussion, Mayor Smith remarked
that if there were no objections, the letter would be _~laced on file.
Comunicat~on was received from the MacCorporation relative to the posting of shares of
stocks in Lieu of surety bond or cash guaranteeing the street work in Serra Highlands. A
brief discussion was held regarding the market value of the stocks after which Councilman
Rocca asked if they were endorsed to which City Attorney Lyons replied that they were not
endorsed but could be done by court order if necessary. Councilman Rocca replied that they
could be er.dorsed by separate power attached. Counciluan Lucchio asked that if in the event
the stock market went down would the difference in value as posted be substituted. Mayor
Smith asks& that if this took place, could the city ask the Mac Corporation to put up the
difference to which City Attorney Lyons replied yes. Mayor Smith then mentioned that the
bonds should not be released until all public improvements had been taken care of. City
Attorney Lyons explained that this -~as mentioned by Mr. McKeon in the event that he had to
use his moray for some reason.
After a discussion regarding the piece meal acceptance of public improvements, City Attorney
Lyons stated that the acceptance should be done all in one time and not piece .meal. Director
of Public Works Goss explained regarding the secondary bond that must be posted, it being
at least 10% of the improvements for a two year period to guarantee these public improvements.
Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried, that the stocks
be accepted with the proper endorsement, kept on deposit, not released unless with proper
surety bond.
Under good mhd welfare, Councilman Cortesi remarked that the recently installed benches on
city streets should be placed away from the curbings as they are situated now thereby elim-
inating any ianger of people injuring themselves. Mayor Smith instructed the City Manager
to investigate with the proper department heads approval.
N~. Whitehead of 207 Clifden Drive remarked on the recently submitted petition from the E1
Rancho P. T. A. concerning the safe crossing of school children. City Manager McClung stated
that he had :~cknowledged receipt of this petition to the author and had informed the author
regarding the action taken. Mr. Whitehead then remarked regarding the dark street iu the
vicinity of ~he school, stating that a light should be installed. After a brief discussion,
City Manager McCluug stated that the problem would probably be solved with the merging of
the Serra Highlands subdivision now under construction ~ith Winston Manor. He further re-
marked that 1~ would check into this matter.
Mayor Smith then took up the matter of an acting mayor to be appointed during his absence.
This had to do with an authorized signature ou city ~rrants. After some discussion, Council-
man Rocca ms-Jed, seconded by Councilman Cortesi that the mayor appoint a member tO act in the
mayors absence. After further discussion at which time City Attorney Lyons explained the
matter, the appointment motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Mayor Smith
appointed Council,man Lucchio Acting Mayor for this time. Councilman Gamlen moved, seconded
by Council~n Rocca and regularly carried, that the mayor's appointment be confirmed. Coun-
cilman Corte~i voted no. After brief discussion it was agreed that the matter of a Vice Mayor
wo~ld be di~ussed at a study session upon the return of council members from the League of
California C'_ties Conference in Los Angeles.
City Attorr~:y Lyons then explained the method of adjourning the regular meeting on Monday
evening, October 18 to the following Monday, October 25~
After~ a brief discussion, the meeting wam adjourned unt'~l Friday evening, October 15 at
7 P. m. in case some matter had to be taken up regarding the resolution as introduced this
evening. This concerned the changes as they were adopted.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Time of adjournment - 8:28 p. m.
RespectfulLy submitted,