~ARCH 14, 1955
Council Chambers, City Hall
~:30 P. M.
The meeting was. called to order by Mayor Smith at 4:22 P. M.
Present: Councilmen Frank Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi and Telford Smith.
men Andrew Rocca and Richard Gamlen.
Absent: Council-
Mayor Smith stated that the first item on the agenda was the matter of the sewer problem
at~4 Arlington, in Winston Manor ~1. Hoover, pe~.ding the arrival of Mr. Randlett, the
Council could proceed on to other matters which were before them, and hold the first item
over until the arrival of Mr. Randlett.
O~DINANCE # 36o -
~/~ 7
City Attorney Lyons then said that the second reading could be given to the Ordinance
governing the~discharge of firearms. After City AttorneyLyons read the title of the
Ordinance, he remarked that there could be a motion to the effect that the reading of the
Ordinance be waived, and $..~~ by title. Coumc~lmau Lucchto so moved, seconded by
Councilman Cortesi. At this time, Mayor Smithasked regarding how this Ordinance would
affect a school program such as archery. City Attorney Lyons explained the section which
governed this, in which a permit could be issued upon application by the persons interested.
Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Roll call vote on adoption of the
Ordinance was as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi and Telford
Smith. Noes~ None. Absent: Councilmen Richard Gemlen and Andrew Rocca.
City Attorney Lyons then said that the second reading of the Subdivision Ordinance was to
be with_held as s~ne changes had to be made to it, a~d Would require the redraftiug of the
D. PARKS - APPOINTMENT Inasmuch as Mr. Randlett had not made an appearance as yet, the Council allowed Mr. Goss to
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOF~B¥~Ltake up his personnel Problem. Director of Public Works Goss stated that Miss Joyce
~-O~ Eserini Left work, reporting off ill and as a result, he ha~ received a call from her father
who reported that she was not able to return to work. Mr. Goss requested that Mrs. Dorothy
Parks be e~pl~yed from the eligibility list as Steno-clerk, at the rateo of $24~. per month.
He remarked that he had interviewed two other applicants, and that one was a mother who could
not have someone come iu and care for her children, and the other was attending college in
San Fra:~isco and was not interested. The City Manager recommended the eml~lOyment of Dorothy
Parks. Councilman Lucchio then moved, seconded byComucilman Cortesi and regularly carried
that approval be given the request of the Director of Public Works and Dorothy Parks be
hired pending the~proper passing of the medical examination.
Councilman Lucchio then remarked further on the prd~lem~of personnel by taking up the matter
of personnel iu the Building Inspector's department. He requested to know if anything had been
done regard, lng this matter. City Manager Mc Clung reported that awoman, with accounting
experience, had been hired to bring the books up tO date. However, he stated that since his
las% meeting, he was unalk%e to ascertain if extra m~le help was warranted. He remarked on the
meeting he was to have with the Building'Inspector ohis coming Wednesday night. He said that
he felt the new 'forms and alert female help should bring some results.
ROCCA: ~--~/~
Councilw~n Rocca appeared present at 4:40 P. M. and remained for the dura2ion of the meeting.
Discussion then took place on various subjects concerning the Building Inspector's Office, such
as mimeographed forms, using a standard list of specifications as used by the F. H. A., that the
department head was the better judge of the need for additional personnel, etc. After discussio
Mayor Smith said that a meeting would be held by the Council, with the Building Inspector
Wednesday, March 2S, 1955, at 8:0OP. M.
CREEK: ~'0~' F
Since Mr. Raudlett had not arrived, the Council proceeded on to the matter of the removal of
sand from Colma Creek. City Manager McCluug went or. to explain the meeting which had been
held with Mr. Norgard, of the firm of Brown and Caldwell; after which, Director of Public Works,
Louis Goss explained the plan he had just completed. He stated that this had been gone over
with Mr. Norgard. He further explained the sources of fill which had been explored and the
need to expand the sludge beds. He remarked that the offer of 61 cents per ~vard, by the firm
of Roger~, was the cheapest; and'in order to take advantage of this offer anJ answer would
have to be given before the end of the week, further stating that if we did not do so this would
not be available to us md~_' that time. He also ssid that the need was critical for the
extra slAdge beds. After :k~rther discussion had taken place regarding this matter, Mayor
Smith asxed if there was a motion to accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works
for obtaining BO00 yards of fill at .61 cents per ymrd. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded
by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried. Councilman Cortesi voted no, explaining that he
felt there should be bids called for. ~yor Smith then asked if there was a motion that
this item be dropped from the agenda. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconded by Councilman
Rocca and regularly carried.
At this ~Lme, 5~yor Smith called on Mr. Randlett to speak on the matter of the sewer problem
at No. ~ Arlington, Winston Manor No. 1. Mr. Randlett stated that in the plans and specificati~
submitted on Winston Manor No. l, No. 4 Arlingtou Drive was not put as a connection at that
time, bu~ was connected later. He also said that sewer trouble developed as a result and
conferences held regarding a solution to the matter. Mr.. Raudlett stated that at the time he
and Mr. Lingemau rec~mseuded that a bond be determinad for further connection along E1 Camino
Real. He also said that at the time .it was felt that a sewage pump could have been installed
but that a question developed as to maintenance. Discussion then took place regarding whether
or not this was shown on the map as a connection at ohs time; Mr. Randlett stating that the
connectioon was unknown to him until after it had been done, also remarking that the sewer
connection was not shown.
Mr. WilllamHouse of Stoneson Development Company then remarked that the lot was intended
to be built on, that if it was intended never to be built on, it would not have been
shown on the map. He also said that no lateral was ~hown but that none are shown on the map,
also, remarking that if was difficult to remember everything that went on.
A discussion took place at this time, and Mr. Delaplaine, inspector, discussed the matter of
line elevation to manhole, the installation of a baffle trap and then a by pass.
Councilman Gamlen appeared present at 5:33 P- M. and remained for the d~ratiOn of the meeting.
Further d~zcussion took place regarding the construction of a home on the lot in question.
At this tine, Director of Public Works Goss stated that this was one of the first things he
had when he came here. He remarked that sewage was overflowing in the homes and that later
on, instaLLation was made so that any overflowing shozld be outside through~ the manhole.
Discussion took place regarding possible solution, after which Councilman Lucchio said that
he did no~ wish to cause a hardship on anyone; but that he wished a permanent solution to
be made. Director of Public Works Goss s~ggested p~t$ing in the most econcmzical solution
and still not relieve the subdivider of any obligation. At this' time, Mr. Goss read his
letter addressed to Stoneson Development Company, dated February 28, 1955 regarding the
min~mmm~ gr~ allowable; after which discussion took place regarding the velocity of the
sewer line, the method of its instal~lation and the stakes which had been placed regarding
the grade of the lines. Further discussion took place regarding the grades, after which
Mayor Smith asked by whose authority were the lines p'~t in at less than City specifications,
to w~_~ich ~r. House answered by no one's authority. Councilman L~cchio asked Mr. House
if he made the statement that this was below specifications shown on the map. Mr. House
replied yes that he had made that statement, but that they were not so low that they would
be liable. After discussion, Mr. Goss stated that the recommendations for the solution
should come from the developer.
Mr. Kelti~g, representing the Winston Manor Home Owner's Association, asked whether or not
the engineer was correct in placing a six inch line because of the velocity to a flat area.
He also stated that there was another problem at the Lower part of Dural Drive because of
the flat area, re~m~__rking that they would like a solution to this problem. Further discussion
took place, at which time, Supt. 'of Public Works V~Lkman cited the calls made on sewer lines
in the are~, some of the debris found in the lines, the record of the City time, and man-
power sper.t on the problem. After the lemgt~y discussions had taken place, Mayor Smith
said that having heard from the various persons acquainted with the matter it appeared that
there was a problem to be solved and something the City weuld have to see that should be
sol?ed and the subdivider the one to correct this. He further said that on this basis
it would be well to .~ from the Stoneson Company officials to see if they will go ahead
with the ~olution to which Mr. House answered they would take steps to find the solution.
In answer to Mayor Smith's question as to whether they coul~find a solution, and how long
it would take, Mr. House answered he felt they could find the solution and that it could
be done ir_ sixty days.
Mayor Smith suggested that this be referred to the Director of Public Works and the City
Manager ou the basis that Stoneson Company would inm~diately take steps regarding the solution
to this problem and that if no steps were taken that ~he Council be notified at once. City
Attorney Lyons stated that the Director of Public Works should be given the power, if the
project is worth while trying, to permit them to go ahead for a tryout with. no guarantee that
the City wo~ld accept as a g;;erautee that it would work. He further remarked that, if
approval w~s given to the solution, Stonesou Development Company should accept it at their
own risk. ~ouucilman Rocca stated that this was alright, but not to relieve Stoneson of
liability and the City not to assume responsibility. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded
by Councilman Gamleu and regularly carried that this be referred to the Director of Public
Works, for attention as mentioned.
Discussion then took place between Lester Kelting and City Attorney concerning the matter of
Bond posting by Stoneson Development Company.
Mayor Smith then took up the item concerning the I~ablic Improvements and acceptance in
Winston Manor Nos. 2, 3 and 5 and Avalon Park. After brief discussion and explanation~i.by
City Manager Mc Clung, William House of Stonesou Development Company explained the corrections
which had been made iu Winston Manor No. 2 and which they had been requested to do. Also the
delay occamioned by the discussions on the installation of underpass or overpass as well
as the question of slope easements. He also remarked that guaranteeing for another two years
would make a total of six years. He f%zrther said that he would like to have units 2 and 3
accepted a~d the two year gu_arantee waived. Discussion took place regarding the reasons
for delay ms well as what the Developer had already done in the way of repairs and what re-
mained to be done. Councilman Rocca s~e~t~d the Developer getting t~ther with the City
officials, getting the work done and then coming back to the City for acceptance. Mayor
Smith asked Mr. William House, if Councilman Rocca's suggestions were followed, how lcug
would it take; to which he answeredt~dm-~j~tO~.~te~y~f~ ~. Mayor Smith then remarked
that it cemld be placed ou the agenda as soon as it w~s finished.
Councilman Rocca said that if the repairs were made the Developer can contact the Director
of Public Works for placement ou the agenda. He further said that it was up to Stoueson
Development Company to quickly-conform with the Director of Public Works, and just as soon
as the Developer had everything ready the Director of Public Works could present it to the
City Council. There being no objections it was so ordered. Mayor Smith.then asked Mr. House
regarding ~he bonds he had posted with the City, requesting that he take steps to have all the
Bonds changed to corporate surety bonds. Mr. House asked if he meant all of them; to which
Mayor Smith replied yes. City Attorney Lyons remarked that this should be for the cue sent
his office for Winston Manor No. i and tbs others as well. Mr. House stated that this could
be arranged. After discussion, MAyor Smith asked if ~here was a motion to have the City
Attorney c~,unicate with Stonesou Development Company regarding this matter. Councilman
Rocca move~, seconded by Councilman Lacchio and regularly carried that the City Attorney be
instructed mo contact Stoneson Development Company regarding au ordinance to post corporate
surety bond:~ o Councilman Lucchio requested that the same information be asked for Avalon
Park. He s-~ted that the present Ordinance required that the CityfAttorney and City Manager
pass on the bonds for proper form and sufficiency, suggesting that a change be made for the
City Engineer to pass ou sufficiency. City Attorney Lyons remarked that the City relies ou
the Engineer for sufficiency. Councilman Lucchio aske~ that it be spelled out. Director of
Public Works Goss said that he recommended to the City Manager regarding sufficiency, City
Attorney Lyons remarking that the amount comes before the Council when the agreement is
presented for adoption.
Z.- / ~-~ /
After further discussion had taken place regarding the postinE of surety bonds, Mayor Smith
went ou to the next item of business concerning the Park Haven Drainage matter. City Manager
Mc Clung explained that this w~s drainage water coming from Park Haven and draining ou to
Ponderosa Bead. In order not to damage the road, the Arco Building Company w~s seeking a
drainage across the Mortorella property; but that they could not negotiate with him.' After
discussion by Mr. Warren Sapiro, Attorney for the Arco Building Company and members of the
City Council, Mayor Smith asked if it would be agreeable to have the City Manager write to
the property owners and inform them that since this is outside the City Limits the City could
take uo action. This was agreed hy the Council members. It ~as 'also agreed to have the
item removed from the agenda.
Mayor Smith went on next to the items ou the study ~ge~da, the first being the matter of the
transfer of liquor liSeuse bY the Breutwood Lodge. After brief discussion had taken place
regarding the establishment of a resturaut iu the location mentioned and au explanation
given by Mr. Warren Sapiro, it was determined that this was a function of the Planning
Commission and that the City Council would not have it before them. Objections, if any,
City Attorney Lyons stated, could be done by resolution to the Liquor Control Agency and
the Governor.
The matter of disposing of the hilltop area owned by the City was then taken up. Mayor
Smith stS~ed that this was brought iu as au emergency measure, since there was subdivision devel-
opment taking place below it. City Attorney Lyons remarked regarding working out au arrange-
ment for the ~ale of all the hill, with the proceeds to go the the City. After discussion,
Councilman Lucehi° remarked regarding dedication of this as a Junic~College Site, moving that
his thought regarding the dedication of the hilltop be taken under advisement by the Planning
Commission for study for a Juuior College site. Councilman Gamleu seconded the motion.
Councilman Lucchio later reworded his motion, moving that the matter of the dedicatieu of
the South San Francisco Hill to the proper school authority for a Junior College site be
submitted to the Planning Gommissiou for study. Also ~hat a request be made to the South San
Francisco Laud Company to relinquish their claim on the property. City Attorney Lyons
remarked that the Land Company could relinquish by Qui~ Claim Deed, all their right, title and
interest. Councilman Gamleu seconded the motion which was regularly carried.
The next matter ou the study agenda taken up by the Co~mcil, concerned the report ou
assessment District Progress; Chestnut Avenue and Old Mission Road. This w~s explained by
Director of Public Works Goss, after which discussion ~ook place.
Councilman Gamleu then moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi that the Council advise the
County Board of Supervisiors that the City of South San Francisco will make available to
the County of San Mateo a cue acre site within the City of South San Francisco for a Public
Health and Velfare building. Roll call vote w~s as follows: Ayes: Couucilmam: Andrew
Rocca, Francis Lueehio, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamleu and Telford Smith. Mayor Smith
then instructed the City Manager to convey the Oouncil's wish to the Board of Supervisors.
City Manager Me Clung stated that he would prepare it ~or the meeting of the Supervisors~
which was ~o be the next day.
%~aere being no further business, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman G~!eu and
regularly carried that the meeting be adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at 8:11 P. M.
Respectfully s~bmitted:
~ity Clerk
The meemlugwas called to order at 8:05 P.M. ~y Mayor Smith
Pledge oF Allegieuce was recited, after which Invocation was given by Rev. Maurice Wicker
of the Southern Baptist Church.
Present: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamleu
and Telford Smith. Absent: None.
Mayor Smitkasked if there was a motion that th9 mluutes of the regular meeting of'
March 7, 1955 be approved° Councilman Gamleu so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca
and regularly carried.
Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion approving~ ~he~.claims for pa~ment~'~COuncilman
Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Gamleu and regularly carried. Total amount of
M~yor Smith announced, at this time, that the matter of bid openings on Industrial Sewer
and Punpiug Stations was the first item ou the Agenda. City Clerk Rodoudi reported that
he had received three bids. Mayor Smith asked if uhere was a motion that the bids be opened.
CounciLman Luc~hio so moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried.
At this time,, City Clerk Rodoudi opened the three bids and read each cue in it's entirety.
Upon reading o2 the bids, discussion took place, after which Mayor Smith ~sked City Attorney
Lyons if he had a rec~eudatiou as to who should ~et the bid. City Attorney Lyons re-
marked ~hat it w~s his recommendation that the bid of Hauuaford & Talbot be accepted. M~yor
Smith asked if there was a motion that the bid of Hau~aford and Talbot be accepted. Council-
man Cortesi so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried.
City AttorneyLyons remarked that in connection with this matter he had prepared a resolution
of awning the bid. Councilman Rocca introduced "A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of South San Francisco awarding the sale of ~onds to the hi~hest and best bidder."
Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Emilio
Cortesi, Richard Gamlen and Telford Smith. Noes: None. Absent: None.
Mayor Smith remarked that if there were no objections the City Clerk would immediately
retu~, any deposits he may have to the two uusuccessful bidders. No objections were registere
The first item taken up for discussion was the matter of the extension of C~maritas Avenue to
E1 Camlno Real. Mr. Jesse Feldman, Attorney for Barrett & Hilp, tendered his apologies to
the Mayor and Council members for his lack of Preparedness in this matter, stating he would
appreciate it if the matter could be put over until the next meeting. Mayor Smith asked Mr.
Goss if he was prepared to offer his recommendations in this matter, which he did; explaining
the mmetingwith the State officials, Mr. Edwin Smith and withMr. Oe~s' office, and Mro O'S!
Mr. Go~s went on to relate that about t~oweeks ago a ms~ prepared byMr. Smith for Barrett
and H1Lp, was presented; but that the State Hig~y group felt that proper provisions for rig!
turn lanes into the future C~ritas Avenue were not made. The State Highway group, he rela~
said they would, with their staff, prepare a suggested plan for the intermection and that is
the plan that was presented to us at this meeting. After further explanation by Director of
Public Works Goss, he stated he would recommend that the plan as s~bmitted by the State High~
be adopted by the Cbmncil. Healso said that the procedure would be for the Engineer to prep:
the new plan at this intersection a~d submit it to the City Council for approval and to the
State Highway for~ their approval. The City W~zld then request, he said, an intersection perm
and they had indicated that they would approve a connection at Chestnut Avenue for Camaritas
these islands w~re shown. Mayor Smith asked if the Council wished to accept or reject the
recommendation of the Director of Public Works. Councilman Rocca so move. Mayor Smith asked
"To Acmept." Counci~m~nRocca stated: "To accept the recommendation of the Director of
Public Works and follow thespians as outlined by the State Highway Department." Councilman
Gamleu seconded the motion. Discussion f~d regarding the placement of conduit in the
isla~s for signals, to which; Mr. Goss remarked that they should be provided for, for future
signals. Councilman Rocca, at this ~time, stated he embodied in the motion that portion to
provi&e for conduit in the islands. Mr. Goss re~rked that Lumeniars should be provided for:
recc~nding Island Lumeniars and conduit. Motion as made and seconded was amended to inclu~
conduit and lum~uiars, which was regularly carried.
The next item concerned the appointment of Homs~ugAuthority Commissioner. Mayor Smith said
that he submitted the nam~ of Mr. S. Nieri to smeceed himself. Councilman Cortesi moved,
secouded~by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried that the M~yor's a~pointment be confirme~
R. AP~4AS RECLASSIFICATION:The next item concerned the matter of Robert Armas, Civil Service reclassification. Lengthll
~-~ disc~sion took place on the subject matter, during which time, Mr. John Noouan, Attorney
for Robert Armas asked for furthercoutiuuauce until such time as the recently requested
questionaire had been completed. Discussed at Length, also, was the matter of employees
already iu Civil Service who would have to take au examination iu order to maintain and hold
the higher position iu which they were no~ in, other than the examination they passed for 'a
lower position. After discussion, Councilman Lucchio moved, that the department heads canva
those e~w~?loyees now holding Civil Service status, but receiving pay for a higher classificat
fO~ ~ht~h ~he~ have not taken an examination an~ make a reco~aendation as to those they favc
retaining on the basis of their merits and proficiencywithin the department, and make a re-
~ commendation as to those they do not consider as an asle~ to the department and would like t
have them replaced by more proficient personnel and they can then take the Civil Service
examination° After further discussion, M~yor S~ith asked if there was a secoud~ No second
was nade, Mayor Smith stating that the motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Rocca
then'moved as follows: "Mr. Mayor, I move iu accordance with the Civil Service 0rdiuauce, ~
tho e people holding positions of e~~% wi.bh the City, enjoying a higher pay schedule 1
for ~hich they have taken au examination, be instructed they should take an examination to
qualify for that higher position and if they do not successf,~lypass at first, they have a
~ ~yeamatt~ma~tu~whiohto~p~epa~ethemselves top ass the examination. "Comncilman Gamlen secon~
the motion which was regularly carried. Counc~n Lucchio voted no.
Departmental monthlyreports were received fro~the following~Fiuance Department, City Cle~
Fire Dep~rtmeut, Business licenses iu Residential Area, Police Department, Health Departme~
Lib~ and Building Inspector. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion to accept and file
these reports. Councilman Gamlen so moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly c~
Ccmmuni)ation dated March3, 1955 was received from the Recreation C~ission concerning
salary increase for Philip Clark, recreation director. This also had the recommendation
of the Oity Manager. Councilman Lucchio moved, Seeouded by Councilman Gamlen, that the
rec~atiou of the City Manager be accepted. Mayor Smith remarking the recommendation
was frcm $1.62 per hour to $1.70 per hour, to which Councilman Lucchio said that was
correct. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried.
C~unication dated March 1, 1955 was received fr~ the California Highway C~ission re-
garding adoption of Freeway routes. Mayor Smith a~ke~ if there was a motion to accept and
file the report. Councilman Gamlen so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly
Communication dated March 2, 1955 was received fro~ the Sociedad Mutualista Mexicans requesting
a dance permit. This had the approval of the Police Chief. Mayor Smith asked if there was
a motion to file the report. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Gamleu and
regularly carried that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be accepted.
Notice of application for transfer of 0u Sale General Liquor License was received from the
OF ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSE: Depar-~neut of Alcoholic Beverage Control, for the Breutwood Lodge. Mayor Smith asked if
Y--/~-~/ there was a motion to file this report. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman
Gamlen and regularly carried.
VU.T.AGE: ~o~/
$-0% q
Communication dated March 9, 1955 was received from the office of the City Manager,
accompanied by a communication dated March 4, 1955 from the Housing Authority of South San
Francisco regarding the change of billing on street lights iu Industrial Village. City
Manager Mc Clung explained the streets were ou Housing Authority property, but that they
were accepted by the City. Therefore, the thought was that the City should accept the
billing. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion to accept the billing from the P. G. & E.
CounciLman Gamleu so moved, seconded by Couucilmar. Rocca. Mr. Mc Clung explained that the
City woald pay for the lights immediately. It had been suggested to him that the City
should go back and pay for them down through the year, since the City took over about a year
ago. He further remarked that he informed them the City might start paying for it now,
but t~at they should forge~ the prior charges. He, therefore, suggested accepting billing
effective immediately, upon notification of the P. G. & E. Councilman Gamleu remarked that
he would include that iu his motion. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried.
Cormaur..ication' dated March 14, 1955 w~s received from the office of the City Manager concern-
ing payment of street light fixtures iu subdivisions. City Manager Mc Clung reported that
immediately following the Planning Commissions action on the matter this was discussed with
the P. G. & E. Co. He f~trther reported that a full report would be presented from M~r. Hill'
office, and, ~t that time~ a complete report and fecundation would be made to the Council.
He suggested deferring action until all the facts were available. Mayor Smith remarked that
if there were uo objections this matter would be placed on the agenda for April 18, 1955. No
objections were registered.
Commuulcatiou dated March 14, 1955 w~s received from the office of the City Manager, accompan~
by a communication dated March ll, 1955 from the Chief of Police, regarding flashing lights
ou HiLLside Boulevard~ and Old Mission Road. Mayor Smith remarked that this bad the recommends
tiou of the Police Chief. · Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and
regularly carried that the recommendation of the City M~nager and the Chief of Police be
accepted. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion modifying the recommendation to include on~
three Lights, that is Old Mission Road & Evergreen; Hillside Boulevard & Evergreen, and Hills~
BomleFard & Dolores Way. Councilman Rocca so move_d, seconded by Councilman Gamleu and
regularly carried.
Cc~w,;;uication dated March lC, 1955 was received from the De~A~ of Public Health and Welfare
accompanied by a report concerning the structure located at 2.14-2_16 Grand Avenue. Mayor Smit~
asked City Attorney Lyons if he had read the repGrt, to which he replied that he had received
a copy of this report directly from the EmAlth Department and that it ga~e the landlord a
thirty day notice iu which to make certain corrections. Mayor Smith then asked if the report
sh~lA be formerly filed, to which City Attorney Lyons replied that this would be correct.
Councilman Lucchio then moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and re6~larly carried that the
report be accepted and filed.
Communication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Superintendent of Public Works, Ray
Volkm~u concerning the return to work of Merle Reidell. Mayor Smith asked if there was
a m~ou to accept and file the report. Councilman Gamleu so moved, seconded by Councilman
Rocca mud regularly carried°
~ i1_~
The next item was the matter of Public Hearings, there being only one concerning the Protest
HearinE ou changes and modifications on the boundaries of the speciallassessment district for
Airp~b Boulevard Sanitary Sewers. This was set for Tuesday March 22~ 1955 at k;BO P.M.
Counct_lmmu Luechio asked if, ou this project, were there any provisions for a bond to insure
that the work would be done satisfactorily? City Attorney Ly~ms replied that under an
assessment proceeding, he did not believe it ~.~ anything iu it about this. He further re-
marked that there is a certain ~aa-~anty~.ou it, but that he did not see why this could not be
looked into and have the contractor bonded to see that the work is done carefully and with
good materials. After further discussion had taken place regarding a performance bond, City
Attorr. ey Lyons _remarked that he would check into this and give the Council a report.
Mayor Smith then took up the matter of Ordinance ~. The first concerned the amendments to the
Subdlvisiou Ordinance. City Attorney Lyons stated he was rewriting this and had to get s_~_e
information regarding electroliers from Mr. Hill of the P. G. & E. Mayor Smith requested tbs
this be ready for the meeting of the 18th of Aprul. ' There followed a brief discussion regard
this matter.
'The' next item concerning Ordinances was relative to the control of signs. A communication
dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning Co,~! ssiou regarding this ordinance.
Councilman Gamleu moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried that this be
set over for study at the meeting of March 28.
RESO~ON NO. ~123
~11 o
Mayor SmLth then w~nt on to Resolutions. City Attorney Lyons reported that he had a
resolution prepared concerning the waiver of taxes on City owned pro~rty in WinSton
Manor u~ed for playground purposes. After brief discussion, Councilman Gamlen introduced:
"A ResoLution of the City Council of the City of Soath San Francisco requesting the board
of Supemvisors of the County of San Mateo to cancel real property taxes assessed against
certain real property acquired by said City and used solely for municipal purposes ." Roll
call vo-~e was as follows: Ayes: Councilman Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cor+~si,
Richard Gamlen and Telford Smith. Noes: None. Absent: None.
City Attorney Lyons then remarked that he had a Resolution prepared for item ~ 1 under
New Business, which concerned a revocable permit to place a dam on San Francisco Water
Department property. He further remarked that the dam had been put in and that this
resolutlon~ authorized the City Manager on behalf of the City to sign the permit. Council-
man Rocca introduced "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of So~th San Francisco
accepting a revocable permit from the City' and Cour.ty of San Francisco for the purpose of
· erectir~ and maintaining an earth-filled dam on' certain property of said City and County of
San Fr~r~cisco." Roll call vote was. as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis
Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamlen and Telford Smith. Noes: None. Absent: None.
BAUER LESSER PUBLIC C~mun~_cation dated March 8, 1955 was received frc~ Bauer and Lesser regarding their
IMPROVH24ENT BOND: williugLess to allow their old-bond cover the improvements iu the revised Map of Buri-
~-.k/? Buri No. 3A City Attorney Lyons remarked that there should be a motion accepting or
letting the developers bond remain iu effect for the new subdivision. Councilman Cortesi
so moved, seconded by Councilman Gamleu and regularly carried.
ACCEPTANCE OF FI ~NAL Co~auication dated M~rch 8, 1955 was received frc~ Bauer & Lesser accompanied by one
MAP BURI-BURI NO. ~A: dated ~9~rch 16, 1955 from the Planning Commission regarding the map of Rancho Buri-Buri
O-~/2 No. BA. CounciLman Lucchio remarked that he hadn't had a chance to see the map and requested
that i~ be held over until the next meeting. Afte~ brief explanation by Director of Public
Works ~oss regarding the street alignment and lot changes, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded
- by Cou.ucilman Rocca ~hat the reco~nendation of the Planning C~ission be accepted and that
the Council approve the final map of Buri-B~ri No. BA. There then followed a discussion
concerning the type of electric poles to be placed in Rancho Buri-Buri No. BA, Mayor
Smith r~marked that this matter could be held over until the study meeting tomorrow ~fter-
noon or the Adjourned meeting. After discussion, C6~ncilman Lucchio withdrew his motion
and Councilman Rocca x,ithdrew his second. Councilman Gamlen then moved, seconded by
Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried that the Map of Buri-Buri No. BA be held over
to the adjourned meeting of March 22, 1955.
FRANCHISE TO OPERATE Commur. ication~dated March 16, 1955 was received from the office of the City Manager
REFUSE CANS: accompanied by a communication dated March 8, 1955 from E. V. Robertson regarding the
~ -$-~ installation of trash cans in the business area. After brief discussion~ Councilman Lucchio
moved, seconded by Counci3man Cortesi and regularly carried that the franchise not be granted.
SAFEWAY STORES USE PEBMIT~mmuni'cation dated ~rch 16, 1955 was received from the Planning C¢~m~.~ssion regarding
~ ~ Safeway Stores Inc. Use Permit. At the request of Mayor Smith~ City Manager Mc Clung read
~~ the menorandum. Councilman Rocca briefly explained the Council's feelings expressed in the
study session meeting concerning the forty foot paved surface ou CheStnut and 01d Mission
Road. Also that as far as the use permit was concerned, -'-]xe did not think the time had
expired to consider that as yet. Mayor Smith remarked that if there were uo objections, this
matter would be held over for the thirty-day period. He further _re, m~.rked that this other
matter, however, concerned the Public Works Director being instructed to proceed ou the
assessment district; stipulating the widths. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council-
man La~.chio that the Director of Public Works be instructed to start on the assessment distri,
with a stipulated width of sixty-six feet (66') right of way and forty-ei~ht feet (48) pave-
meut. Councilman Gamleu asked Director of Public Works Goss the reason for the Planning
Commission's recommendation for au eighty foot (80,) right of way, to which Mr. Goss replied
that it was felt Mission Road should extend from the West end of Mission. Road all the way
to Chestnut Avenue. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Councilman Gam!eu
voted no.
C~zication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning C~ssion regarding the
right of way ou Old Mission Road from~ Grand Avenue to Chestnut Avenue. Mayor Smith asked
City Attorney LYons if action had to be taken ou the next item as ~ll. City Attorney
Lyons replied that it was his thought that the a~tion taken ou the previous matter spoke
for itself and changed this recommendation of the Planning C~ssion for an eighty foot
('80"~ right of way.
448 J. BONINO:
Variance and Adjustment Resolution $ 448 as applied for by Joe Bonino was received from the
Planning Commission recommending it's denial. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion to
accep~ or reject the reco~,,eudatiou of the Planning Ccmamisstou. After brief discussion by
Carle Bouino, who spoke iu behalf of his father, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by
Couueulmau Rocca and regularly carried that this matter be held over for one w~ek so the
C~uneil could have a chance to go out there and look at it and study the situation. He
also remarked that it can come up at the next re%-Alar meeting. City Manager Mc Clung was
iustr'acted to notify the Planning Commission Chairman of this matter and that we would like
to have more detailed information ou this applinatiou for Variance of Mr. Bouino.
~-/6 ?
Co~mAnication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning Cc~aission concerning the
final map of Country Club Manor. Mayor Smith remarked that he believed it was the wish of
the "~ouucil to hold this matter over. Cosncilm~n Lucchio moved, seconced by Councilman
Gaml~u and regularly carried that this matter be held over. Mayor Smith remarked that if
there were uo objections, it would be placed ou the ~4~euda for April 4~ 1955-
Ccammunicatiou dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning Cc~muission regarding cue
way traffic on Cypress Avenue. Councilman Cor-~si moved, seconded by Conncilman Lmmchio
and regularly carried that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the
Cit~y Attorney be instructed to prepare the ne~e~mary ordinance o
Cc~-~nication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning C~.'~-~ssion regarding
Freeway Maintenance Agreement. After brief discussion on the matter, Mayor Smith remarked
if ~here ware no objections, this matter would also be held over so the Council could have
rec~maeudations of the City Manager and the Director of Public Works. He said that it woul~
be l~ld over until April 4th, 1955.
REQUEST CITY OPPOSTITION Communication dated March 14, 1955 was received from Dion R. Holm, City Attorney of San
.... '"~^~ =-'-'~ ......... +~ ~-~+.~ %n ~ouse Resolution Bill No. 2388. After discussion~
.erecting and maintaining an earth-filled dam on' certain property of said City and County of
San Francisco." Roll call vote w~s. as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis
Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamleu and Telford Smith. Noes: None. Absent: None.
C~nicatiou dated March 8, 1955 was received from Bauer and Lesser regarding ~heir
willingness to allow their old.bond cover the improvements in the revised Map of Burl-
Burl No. 3~ City Attorney Lyons remarked that there should be a motion accepting or
letting the developers bond remain iu effect for the new subdivision. Councilman Cortesi
so moved, secorated by Councilman Gamlen and regxtlarly carried.
C~m~uuication dated March 8, 1955 was received from Bauer & Lesser accompanied by one
dated March 16, 1955 from the Planning Commission regarding the map of Rancho Buri-Buri
No. 3Ac Councilman Lucchio remarked that he hadn't had a chance to see the map and requested
that it be held over until the next meeting. After brief explanation by Director of Public
Works Goss regarding the street alignment and lot changes, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded
by Councilman Rocca ~hat the reccaa~endation of the Planning C~maission be accepted and that
the Council approve the final map of Burt-BCri No. 3A. There then followed a discussion
concerning the type of electric poles to be placed in Rancho Burl-Burl No. 3A, Mayor
Smith remarked that this matter could be held over until the study meeting tomorrow after-
noon or the Adjourned meeting. After discussion, C6~ncilman Lucchio withdrew his motion
and Councilman Rocca withdrew his second. Councilman Gamlen then moved, seconded by
Councilwuau Lucchio and regularly carried that the Map of Buri-Buri No. 3A be held over
to the adjourned meeting of March 22, 1955.
FRANCHISE TO oPERATE Communication_dated March 16, 1955 was received from the office of the City Manager
REFUSE CANS: accompanied by a communication dated March 8, 1955 from E. V. Robertson regarding the
~-~-~-~ installation of trash cans in the business area. After brief discussion, Councilman Lacchio
moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried that the franchise not be granted.
SAFEWAY STORES USE PF~T-Communi'cation dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning C~ssion regarding
~-O~ Safeway Stores Inc. Use Permit. At the request of Mayor Smith, City Manager Mc Clung read
~~ the memorandum. Councilman Rocca briefly explained the Council's feelings expressed in the
study session meeting concerning the forty foot paved surface ou Chestnut and 01d Mission
Road. Also that as far as the use permit ~as concerned, 't~e did not think the time had
expired to consider that as yet. Mayor Smith rem~__rked that if there w~re uo objections, this
matter would be held over for the thirty-day period. He further rems_rked that this other
matter, however, concerned the Public Works Director being instructed to proceed on the
assessment district; stipulating the widths. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council-
man Lucchio that the Director of Public Works be instructed to start ou the assessment distric-
with a stipulated Width of sixty-six feet (66') right of way and forty-eight feet (48) pave-
meut. Councilman Gamlen asked Director of Public Works Goss the reason for the Planning
C~issiou's reco~aeudation for au eighty foot (80,) right of way, to which Mr. Goss replied
that it was felt Mission Road should extend from the West end of Mission-Road all the way
to Chestnut Avenue. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Councilman Ganulen
voted no.
Communication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning Commission regarding the
right of way on 01d Mission Road from' Grand Avenue to Chestnut Avenue. Mayor Smith asked
City Attorney LYons if action had to be taken on the next item as well. City Attorney
Lyons replied that it was his thought that the action taken on the previous matter spoke
for itself and changed this rec~ndation of the Planning Ccm~aission for an eighty foot
(80') right ofway.
448 J. BONINO:
Variance and Adjus~ent Resolution $ 448 as applied for by Joe Bonino was received from the
Planning Cc~m~ssiou rec¢-~.~uding it's denial. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion to
accept or reject the rec~udation of the Planning C~tssiou. After brief discussion by
Carlo Bouino, who spoke in behalf of his father, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by
Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that this matter be held over for one w~ek so the
C~ncil could have a chance to go out there and look at it and study the situation. He
also remarked that it can come up at the next regular meeting. City Manager Mc Clung w~s
instructed to notify the Planning Commission Chairman of this matter and that we would like
to have more detailed information ou this application for Variance of Mr. Bouino.
C~uuication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Plannin~ Commission concerning the
final map of Country Club Manor. M~yor Smith remarked that he believed it was the wish of
the Council to hold this matter over. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconced by Councilman
Gamlen and regexlarly carried that this matter be held over. Mayor Smith remarked that if
there m~re no objections, it would be placed on the Agenda for April 4, 1955.
C~unication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning C~mmission regarding one
way traffic on Cypress Avenue. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Lmcchio
and regularly carried that the rec~ndation of the Planning Ct-m,~fssion be accepted and the
Cit~y Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance.
C~nication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Planning C~ssion regarding
Freeway Maintenance Agreement. After brief discussion on the matter, Mayor Smith remarked tha~
if there were no objections, this matter would also be held over so the Council could have the
recoe~,endations of the City Manager and the Director of Public Works. He said that it would
be held over until April 4th, 1955.
NO'~ 2~88:~0 7 2
Communication dated March 14, 1955 was received from Dion R. Holm, City Attorney of San
Francisco requesting opposition to House Resolution Bill No. 2B88. After discussion~
~ouncilman Lacchio remarked that he thought the City Attorney should ~ordinarllly write ~p a
NO. 2388:
resolution on this matter; but time is very short and suggested that the Council go
on record approving this matter and that a wire be sent to Mr. Holm in Washington, D. C.,
remarking that the City Manager had the address. Councilman Gamlen asked if that was a motion
to which Councilman Lucchio stated it was. Councilman Gamlen seconded the motion which
was regularly carriedl
Communication was received from the office of the City Manager, dated March 14, 1955,
regarding pay for employees called for Jury Duty. City Attorney Lyons remarked that he
thought it was a matter that should be brought to the attention of the North County Councils
as to a policy that should be established. After discussion had taken place, Ca~ncilmau
Gamleu moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca arid regularly carried that this matter be
brought before the North County Councils prio~ to taking any action.
C~_~m~,Anication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the office of the City N~nsger
regarding the destruction of Sewer Rental Cards. After brief explanation by City Manager
Mc Clung, Councilman Gam!eu moved, seconded by Coumcilmau Rocca and regularly carried that
the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted.
Co~munication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the office of the City Manager regard-
lug the relocation of Burl-Burl Fire Station. City Manager Mc Clung gave au explanation
on the matter after which Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly
carried that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted. Roll call vote was as~
followm: Ayes: Councilman Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith. Noes: Councilman
Emilio Cortesi and Richard Gamleu.
Communication dated M~rch 16, 1955 was received from the office of the City Manager
regarding stop signs in the Brentwood Area. This was acc¢~i, anied by a memorandum dated
March 9, 1955 from the office of the Chief of Police, concerning the same matter. Mayor
Smith asked if there was a motion to instruct the City Attorney to prepare~a resolution
embodying the signs requested by the Chief of Police. Councilman Cortesi so moved, seconded
by Cou.~cilmau Gamleu and regularly carried.
Co~aunication dated March 17, 1955 was received from the office of the City MAnager regarding
transfer of Budget funds. After a brief explanation by City Manager Mc Clung, '~the C6u~eil
took u~nder consideration the first request which ~s approval for transfer of $250. from
Account No. DPW 405A to Account No. DPW 405 as end, aerated under section 2 of the City
Manager's memorandum. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion to accept the reco~nendatiou
of the City Manager. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly
carried. The next request was for approval for transfer of $500. frsn Account No. F.D. 401
to F. D. 902 A enumerated under section ~ of the City Manager's memorandum. Councilman
Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and ~egmlarly carried that the rec~neudation of
the City Manager-be accepted.
The next request was for transfer of $500. from account No. ST 413-E to install 150 feet
of guard rail ou South Linden Avenue along t~e E. I. Du Pont Plant, as enumerated in section
4 of t~ memorandum. After discussion, Councilmar. Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman
Cortest that this be approved but pending approval of the Du Pont people to participation ou
a fifty-fifty percent basis. Mayor Smith then remarked that the City would allow $250.
transfer. 0Guncilmau Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Gamleu and'regularly carried.
The neet request was for transfer of $1500. in the Sewer Department Budget free account
No. 401 to account No. 902A, as enumerated in section 5 of the memorandum. After discussion,
CounciLman Gamlen moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that we accept
the ree~udation.
0c~aunication dated March 16, 1955 was received from the Librarian regarding the replacement
of Boo~. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca that the request of the
Librarian be accepted and that they be entitled tc retain their fines for the purpose of
repairing and replacing books. After an explanation by City Manager Mc Clung, motion and
second as made were withdrawn. Councilman Lucchic then moved, seconded by Oouncilmau
Rocca and regularly carried that the City Manager be instructed to report to the Library Board
and ask them the amount of revenue taken iu on fi~es and that matter me made available at the
next bad'get session so au appropriation can be ms~e to replace the fines.
Cc~munication dated March 17, 1955 was received from the office of the City Manager regarding
Drainage Study. City Manager Mc Clung gave an ex~lauatiou concerning the study made after
which leShly discussion took place. Director of Public Works tB~u recommended that Wilsey
and Hamm be appointed to make the study. Councilman Gam. l.eu moved, seconded by Councilman
Ro~a~ that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted~ and E. P. Wilsey
and Company be employed for a cost not to exceed $9000. Further discussion took place,
after -~nich roll call Vote was taken as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Richard Gaml,
and Telford Smith. Noes: Councilmen Francis Lucchio and Emilio Cortesi.
Director of Public Works Goss then stated that he would 1~/~. to rec~ud that Mr. Rogers
be employed to haul iu au additional BO00 cubic yards of material to Sewage Treatment Plant at
.61 cents per yard and a total cost of approximately $1800. He further stated the additional
material would be needed to complete the filling in of the area. After a brief discussion,
Councilman Rocca~moved, seconded by 0~uncilmau Lucchio and regularly carried that the
rec~-~mendatiou of the Director of Public Works be accepted.
A recess was declared by Mayor Smith at 11:50 P.M. and the meeting recalled to order at
12:00 n'_duight. Mayor Smith .then asked if anyone iu the audience had anything to offer for
the Good and Welfare. Mr. Lloyd Thicker requested to read a statement from the Board of
Directors of the Sunshine Improvement Club, dated March 17, 1955 addressed to the City Councill
a copy of which was filed with the Council at this time.
GARAGE: ~ ~ ~ 6
Mayor Smith asked if anyone else had anything to offer under Good and Welfare. Frank
De Marehi of 820 Cypress Avenue remarked ou the petition filed concerning the conditions
around Valencia Brothers garage. After discussion had taken place, Mayor Smith remarked that
this would be placed ou the Study agenda for Monday March 28, 1955~ at ~hich time, the Chief
of Police agreed to be present and discuss the problem with the City Council. Councilman
Cortesi requested that action be likewise taken to clean up unsightly rofuse iu vacant lots.
Lester Xelting of 86 Duval Drive, ~emarked that for three years past a wrecking Ordinance
was requested and that it would behoove the Council to see that this time it is drawn up.
Mr. Luther Barry of Awmlom Park then spoke on the dispomition of Contour Street, stating
he had not heard anything further ou the matter. After discussion~ Councilman Lucchio
requested the City Clerk to make a minute search cf the matter and have it prepared for
the following days meeting.
Councilman Cortesi remarked that several citizens had complained to him that the relief
stations iu the City Hall are closed ou Sundays; requesting if something could be done to
keep th~m open.
Mayor Smith then stated that the office of Mayor is to be considered for re-election in
April s~d requested that the City Manager have it ou the next agenda.
There being no further business, Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting to ~4:30 P.M., March
22, 1955
Time of adjour-ament; 12:32 A.M.
Respectfully submitted: