APRIL 11, 1955
Council Chambers, City Hall.
4:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at h:35 p.m. by Mayor Smith.
Present: Counci~anen Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Francis Lucchio and Telford Smith.
Absent: Councilmen Richard Gam~eu.
Mayor Smith, as the first order of business, opened the protest hearing for the assessment of
Airport Boulevard Sanitary Sewer, asking if auy writteu protests had been received. City Clerk
Rodoudt reported that one written protest h~d been re.ueived.this afternoon, addressed to the
Mayor and City Couucil from the office of Wilsey and Ham under date of April ll, 1955, represeuti~
the San Francisco Bridge Company. At this time, the letter was ~ad'in full by the City Clerk.
Mayor Smith then asked if there were any verbal protests. None were registered. Mayor Smith
then asked, that for the record, to be shown that uo verbal protests were made.
Mayor Smith then asked if there Mas a motion that the protest be over ruled. A brief discussion
followed regarding the prbtest of the San Francisco B~idge Company by members of the Council,
Director Df Public Works Goss, and Mr. Wilsey.
APPF~YRA2~CE OF COUT~CIL- Councilman Gamien appeared present at 4:50 p.m. and remained for the duration of the meeting.
$-1i 3
Further discussion took place regarding the proposed assessment as prepared by Mr. Wilsey.
Objection was voiced by ~. Seualdi, against the assessment as lm~d]$y~r..'WIDs~y. T~ktsv~r~s
followed by further discussion between members of the Council, Mr. Seualdi~ Mr. Polletti~ and
Mr. Wilsey, after which Mayor Smith asked if there was any property owners that wished to speak.
No one spoke at this time° Councilman Lucchio then moved that the protest of the San Francisco
Bridge Ccmpauy be accepted; and that the City Attorney draw up a resolution outlining the change
of asses~meut. City Attorney Lyons asked as to what the change was, to which Councilman Lucchio
explained that this was a compromise discussed that the property owners present and Mr. Wilsey,
the authorized representative of the San Francisco Bridge Company, agreed to the pro-rationing
of the $1,100, as submitted by Mr. Wilsey. Further discussion took place, after which Mayor
Smith asked if there was a second to the motion. No second to the motion was made. Mayor Smith
remarked that the motion died for want of a second.
~rther discussion took place, after whieh Mayor Smizh moved that the protest be over ruled.
Councilmar~ Gamleu seconded the motion. Roll call vo~e was as follows: Ayes: Councilmen
Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, and Richard Gamleu, and Telford Smith. Noes: Councilman Lucchio.
Councilman Cortesi then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that the heari~
RESOLUTION NO. 2133 - City Attorney Lyous then explained that a resolution had been prepared confirming the assessment
AIRPORT BOULEVARD for improvement work performed, reading the resolution iu full. Councilman Rocca then introduced
S~T~RY SEWF~R DISTRICT:"A resol~zion confirming assessment for improvement work performed under resolution of intention
~//~ No. 2054, adopted on the 30th day of August, 1954." Roll call vote was as follows:/'~I~;
· AndrSw Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamleu, and Telford Smith. Noes: Councilman Francis
City AttorneyLyous then remarked that under old business he had one matter which was a deed of
dedication from Mrs. Mary Eschelbach, covering property ou Baden Avenue which would give the Ci~
the righ~.~of way necessary to permit the widening. ~ity Attorney Lyons read the Resolution iu
full, after which Councilman Cortesi introduced: "A Resolution of the Ctty Council of the City
of South San Francisco accepting from Mary E. Eschelbach a deed dedicating to said City a strip~'
of land to be used iu .~. widening Baden Avenue." Roll call vote was as follows:/~'l~mUe~'a
Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamlen, Francis Lucchio, and Telford Smith. Noes: None.
Mayor Smith
Mayor Smith then went on to the matter of old business, and taking up first Sunshine Gardens
DraiuageDistrict.. After au oral report ou the progress had been given by City Manager Mc Clung
remarked that, if there were uo objections from the Council members, the City Manager, with the
aid of th~ City Attorney, would prepare a report ou the matter to be submitted to the Council
at the next regular meeting. Mayor Smith also requested that the Director of Public Works and
the Police Chief ~a~is~ in this report.
Pk~qMIT: ~-~ /
The next item taken up for discussion was the request from the developers of Loma Linda Terrace
for a grading permit. City Mauager Mc Clung remarked that,~ as yet, he had not a chance to
analyze the three reports. Mayor Smith remarked that if there were no objections this matter
would be held over for the next meeting, and the department heads prepare the infoEnatiou for
Council action. Brief discussion followed~ iu which Mr. Cornbloom discussed the steps they
had already taken, and their willingness to abide by whatever requirements the City requested.
Discussicu took place regarding School Crossing Guards and other measures to be followed. After
discussion, Director of Public Works Goss suggested waiting until the Planning Commission had
accepted the tentative map at their meeting to be held latter tonight. Mayor Smith suggested
holding the matter over until the next meeting, sta~iug that for the record the Council would be
acting on a metter, for which the City had uo map as yet. Mayor Smith then remarked that he fel
this to be a matter for the department heads, and that they should take care of this j~o.
Councilman Cortesi moved that the problem be placed as a respousibLlity of the departmeut~ he~ds
seconded by Councilman Gamleu. Councilman Rocca asked if the motion was that the department
heads arrange for the permit and the removal of the dirt iu the most feasible manner, and take
proper precautions to protect the City. Mayor Smith remarked that this was c~rect, that they
were to take care of the entire job, being responsible as department heads for such jobs. After
brief dlscussiou, Mayor Smith stated that under the motion the work cannot begin until the
department heads found it completely safe and sound to proceed. Motion as made and seconded
was regularly carried.
A..~OERSON - VARIAIfCE A2~ Mayor Smith remarked that Mr. Anderson ~s present iu the audience, and stated the matter
ADJUSTME~,~ RESOLUTION NO. of his Variance and Adjustment Resolution, applied for with the Planning Commission, which
449 ~0~O appeared as number five on the agenda, would be considered at this time. He asked if all the
Councilmen had witnessed Mr. Anderson's property. After discussion, Councilman Cortesi
moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca, and regularly carried that the Variance be granted contrar~
to the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
P~ELZASE: ~-/3 ~
~-i ~$
Communication dated April 7, 1955, was received from the office of the City Manager, accompanied
by a connmnication dated April 6, 1955, from the office of the Director of Public Works
concerning the matter of Serra Highlands Subdivision status. This also concerned a request
from Mr. Mc Keou, the developer of Serra~Highlands, requesting the release of $59,489. of his
bond money. Mayor Smith remarked that it was the recommendation of the Director of Public
Works that such a release be made. Director of PubLic Works Goss remarked that this was
correct. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried that
the money be realeased, since there was sufficient security there to take care of anything
in the future that may transpire.
* took part
The next item taken up concerned the appointment of a Public Works Inspector, the .matter having
been la~d over from the previous meeting. Mayor Smith stated that it was the recommendation of
the chair that this matter be held over further, un~il some questions that had been raised at
the last meeting might be answered; unless the City Attorney was prepared at this time to
r~commeud definitely to the Council a course of actLou regarding our Civil Service requirements.
,_L.~.~d.~s~i.,o.~.~9~.R~.~l.~ich members of ~he Council, Cit~ Attorney Lyons, and Mr.
Gaudio, Attorney for Mr. Dellepiaue/ After discussion, Councilman Emcchio moved, seconded by
Councilman Cortesi that the position of Public Works Inspector be kept out of the realm of
Civil Service. After ~rther discussion, Councilman Lucchio withdrew his mOtion; Mayor Smith
remarkin~ that it could not be withdrawn unless the second was first withdrawn. Councilman
Cortesi remarked that this was alright With him. Councilman ~R~cca asked if it was withdrawn,
to which Mayor Smith remarked that the motion had been withdrawn With the consent of the second.
Councilman Rocca then moved that the position of the Public Works Inspector be classified under
Civil Service, asking City Attorney Lyons if that was the correct wording; to which City Attorue
Lyons re~lied that it was correct. Councilman Gamleu seconded the motion. Roll call vote
was as fcllows: Ayes: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamlen and Telford Smit
Noes: Councilman Lucchio. Further discussion took place regarding Civil Service examination
for the position, after which Mayor Smith moved that Mr. Dellepiane's services be terminated
for the reason that he was not on the list called for previously by the Council,/uot having
successfully passed the Civil Service examination. Mayor Smith then asked if there was a second
to the motion. None was registered. Mayor Smith remarked that the motion died for want of
a second. He then asked if any one else had a suggestion. Councilman Rocca moved, that since
the last examination was taken under some pretense or false feeling, that it was being taken
for Civil Service and some thought it wasn't, a new examination be called for, that the
positio~ is under Civil Serviceand all parties can be notified, including Mr. Dellepiane, that
such an examination will take place. Discuasi~u~theu took place as to whether or not the
examination should be called for until such t~me as the Civil Service Ordinance was in effect.
After lengthy discussion, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi that Mm.
Dellepiaue be employed or retained in the position of Public Works Tm$~33.?[.,z_.w~.~g~
a Civil Service examination. Roll call vote was as follows:/ Councilmen Fraucis~Lucchio and
Emilio Cortesi. Noes: Councilman Andrew Rocca, Richard Gamleu and Telford Smith. Councilman
Gamlen, iu voting no, remarked that it was premature. Further discussion followed, after ~ich.
Councilman Rocca stated he would repeat his motion, that the City Attorney draw up an ordinance,
here and now, placing this job under Civil Service. City Attorney Lyons stated that he had just
finished preparing this ordinance, which he read iu full. Councilman Rocca introduced the
PARKING: ~--/~, 7
~-- 0 0 0
City Atto:~ney Lyons then remarked that he had also prepared an ordinance which the Council
requested covering uo parking on Spruce Avenue, untL1 September l, 1955. At this time,
City Attorney Lyons read the ordinance iu full, after which Councilman Gamlen introduced the
City Attorney Lyons then stated that an ~rdiuance had been given it's first reading at the
last mee~iug~ concerning Cypress Avenue, being made a one Way street for its full length. He
further remarked that, instead of amending the prior ordinance, it was his desire to repeal it
and make an entirely new ordinance. He remarked that, at this time, he had prepared a new
ordinance, requesting that he wo~ld like to have a motion that it be read by title only.
Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca, and regularly carried. City Attorney
then read the title of the ordinance.
City Atto~ney Lyons then brought up the matter of au item which did not appear on 'the agenda,
but that ~he Council should take official action upon. This had to do with a claim against the
City by Mr. Kepley, iu behalf of his minor son, seeking dsma~ges for injuries sustained iu the
Buri-Buri Park area. The amount of the damages was $750. City Attorney Lyons remarked that the
Council should deny the claim and refer it to the insurance carrier. Councilman Lucchio moved~
secoude4 by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that the claim be denied and be referred to tl
insurance company.
B~iefadiscussion followed by Mr. Gaudio, concerning ~he Civil Service designation of the Public
Works Inspector.
Mayor Smith asked if the reports as submitted be accepted and placed on file. Councilman
Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Gamleu and regularly carried that the reports submitted
be accepted and placed on file. The reports were as follows: Street Department for March,
Humane OJ~icer's Report for March, American Legion Dance Permit, and California Water Service
Company rate increase.
Mayor Smith next brought up the matter of the reques~ of the South San Francisco Rod and Gun
Club for a trap shoot permit. City Attorney Lyons remarked that he believed it should be a
revocable permit, inasmuch as it was requested for one year, and the permit read that it can be
revoked within a specified period of time, during that time~. Councilman Gamleu moved, seconded
by Councilm~n Cortesi and regularly carried that the South San Francisc% Rod and Gun Club be
allowed tc hold their trap shoot ou April 24, 1955.
* Ayes:
Mayor Smith then took up the request of the Lions Club for a permit to conduct a Donkey Ball
Game, wi~h the revenue going to the Youth Welfare F~nd. This was to be held, Sunday, April 24,
1955. Councilman Cortesi moved seconded by CounciLman Lucchio and regularly carried that
permission be granted as requested.
Mayor Smith then asked if there was a motion that t~e r~st of the matters on the agenda be
held over and be placed cm the agenda for the next regular meeting. Councilman Gamlen so
moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried.
Mayor Smith then asked if there ~as a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Councilman
Cortesi so moved, seconded by Councilman Lmcchio and regularly carried.
Time of adjournment: 8:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: