APRIL 25, 1955
4:00 P. M.
Couucll Chambers
The meeting was called to order at 4:40 P.M. by Mayor Smith.
Present: Councilman Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith.
Absent: Councilmen Emilio Cortesi, and Richard Gamlen.
As the first item of business, Mayor Smith took up the claims of the State Board of Equalizat~
iu the amount of $36.96; Postmaster for Postage in the amount of $200., and Worl~an's
Compensation Insurance iu the amount of .
~%3,925.31 Mayor Smith asked if there was a
motion that claims be approved for pa~eut. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman
Lucchuo and regularly carried that the claims be approved for payment.
APPFJ~RANCE OF COUNCIL- Councilmen Emilio Cortesi and Richard Gamlen appeared present at 4:44 P. M. and remained
MEN CORTESI AND ~%~EN: for the duration of the meeting.
As the first matter of business under the item of Unfinished Business, Mayor Smith took
BREI~W00D SUPER up the matter of the Use Permits for Safeway Stores, Brentwcod Super Market, and Quality Foods
QUALITY FOODS' Mayor Smith asked City Manager Mc Clung to outline for the Council the progress made so
far concerning the assessment district for the imp_rovement of the streets in the area. City
~an ger Mc Clung explained the areas that had been already signed up ~o~ the property
o~mers, those areas which had been promised conditionally and those who had refused to
sign petitions for the formation of the assessmeu~ districts. May~ Smith then asked
City ~uager Mc Clung regarding the County stand on the matter to which he replied that the
County would not give any definite commitment but looked with favor towards contributi~a
of funds ~£nere improvement takes place. City Manager Mc Clung also stated that if
Reichhardt Duck Fa~n and Scopesi agreed to cmue into the assessment district, the improvement
work could go to the City Limits. If they did no~ come into the assessment district, the
location would only go to ~t Duck Farm Creek, also remarking that since the Council expressed
their decision not to use Gas Tax Funds, ~he ¢ity was looking for County aid. Discussion
took place between members of the City Council, a~ which tLme was mentioned the purchase of
property for a new Fire House Site; and the participation of Safeway Stores for the amount
in excess of $3500. to be spent by the City in si~e acquisition. M~. Landtbom, of Safe,ray
Stores, replied that his concern could not agree vo underwrite the amount of money in excess
of $35~0. for a Fire House Site acquisition. The question was likewise raised as to the
maintenance of the street and who was to take care of the Railroad Crossing on Chestnut Avenue
Lengthy discussion took place regarding the improvement of streets, relocation of the Burl-
Burl Fire House and the development of the area, after which Councilman Rocca moved, seconded
by Councilman Cortesi that the Use Permits be granted to Safeway Stores, Quality Foods and
Brent~-ood Markets on the basis of their agreements that have been made, subject to the
formation of the assessment district° This was followed by further discussion,- at whi~
time; mention was made of the traffic signals at Chestnut Avenue and E1 Camino Real for the
handling of added traffic, which would come as a result of the new markets. Discussion
also took place regarding the method in which the cost of the signals was t~o be borne, and
when they were to be installed; after which roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Councilmen
Andrew Rocca, Emilio CiDrtesi, Richard Gamlen and Telford Smith. Councilman ~mlen voted
Aye after asking if the Council was voting on all three markets, and was told they were.
Eoes: $ouucilman Francis Lucchio, who stated for the record that his opposition was not to
Quality Food or Brentwood Market.
· communicat ions
Further discussion took place as to whether or not the building of the markets would be
subject to the time when the assessment district %~s formed as was mentioned iu the motion
just passed by the Council. After discussion had taken place, at which time City Attorney
Lyons explained the manner in which the motion should be worded, Councilman Rocca asked
City Attoruey Lyons to word the motion which he did as fo.]lows: "Be it moved that Use
Permits be granted for the construction and operation of all three markets, namely Safeway
Stores, Breutwood Super Market and Quality Foods, upon the basis that the applicants abide
_~_ul=l_y_b~L~_t_he commitments heretofore made to the City Council and as expressed iu their
written %!w~t~ to the City and upon the further basis that the applicants continue to
cooperate iu the formation of the assessment districts both for drainage and street improve-
ments and iu the case of the assessment district for street improvements the district shall
be as proposed insofar as Southern limits are couoerned and in the North will extend at
least to Duck Farm Creek and if possible to the Ncrth City limits." Councilman Rocca
then said he was substitutingthis motion iu place of the other one and so ma~d, seconded by
Councilman Cortesi. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Councilman Andrew Rocca,
Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gam_leu and Telford Smith. Noes: Councilman Francis Lucchio.
Further discussion foIlowed regarding the assessment district~ after which Maycr Smith
proceeded ou to the next item on the agenda.
At the request of Mayor Smith, City Clerk Rodondi read the certificate he had signed on the
formation of the Parking district, after it had been checked by the City Attorney and found
to be iu order. Itwas also mentioned by City Cler~ Rodondi that Mr. Scampini, the attorney
for the petitioners had requested that paragraph five be stricken from the certificate.
City Atvoruey Lyons stated that there was no question why it should not be stricken from the
certificate, and that it could be removed. Discussion took place, at which time, City Attorue~
Lyons explained the resolution which had been prepared by M~.Scampini, that it was in
proper form, but that a blank appeared in the place where the name of the apDraiser was
to be entered. Mr. Scampini remarked that in discussing this, it had been determined that the
North San Mateo County Board of Realtors would be retained for this purpose, and that their
fee wo~_d be nominal. Further discussion took place as to the stip~latiens of the petition,
and how the City of Sunnyvale is now operating under such a plan. After discussion, Mayor
Smith asked City Attorney Lyons to read the Resolution iu full. After it had been read in
full, a discussion took place regarding the proper~-y which had been selected and the buildings
which h~d to be either moved or demolished. Also~ discussed were the steps necessary to be
followed iu the matter and the work to be done by vhe Engineer in compiling the information.
Also discussed was the present work load of the Engineer on other projects that would make it
impossible for him to work on this immediately.
P YC-ROO m: 6-0 {o
TiON ~O~',~'.~iS~!O~,~zRS:
Mr. Scampini remarked that they~ere willing to give the Engineer a reasonable length of
time in which to prepare his information. After discussion had taken place, CounciLman
Cortesi introduced "Resolution approving terms of petit{on for formation of Parking
District No. 1955-1 in the City of SOuth San Francisco"/ Roll dall vote was as follow~:
Ayes: Councilmen Andrew Rocca~ Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamleu and Telford
Smith. Noes: None. Absent: None.
Next item taken up was the matter of the request frcm the Pacific Nursery to trade plants.
City Mauayer Mc Clung explained the memorandum of Duaue Mattisou under date of Apri% 25,
1955, concerning the matter and the difference in amounts~ which would stiLl~.be due and owing
the City after the trade had been made. City Attorney Lyons recommended against getting
or accepting credit from a private concern. After discussion, Councilman Rocca moved,
seconded by Councilman Gamleu and regularly carried that authorization be made for an equal
exchange of plants and if any more were desired, other than the equal exchange, the balance
desired be paid for iu cash.
Councilman Rocca requested permission and was granted permission to leave the meeting
temporarily to answer a telephone call.
Report w~ received concerning the request of L. C. Smith Company for permission to have
surplus dirt removed from Loma Liuda Subdivision. Councilman Gamleu moved, seconded by
Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried that the report be accepted and filed.
Report was received from the Housing Authority regarding in liem taxes paid to the City
iu the amount of $1092.58. Councilman Gamleu moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio~'and
reqularly carried that the report be accepted and filed.
Communication was received from the office of the City Manager dated April 18, 1955, together wi'
a communi~ation dated Mm. rch 31, 1955 from the Recreation Commission, concerning the Linden
Avenue Playground replacement. City Mauager Mc Clur~ explained the need for a quiet
investigation regarding the sale and price of the property. Councilman Gmm~len moved,
seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried that the City Manager get the additional
information and price.
City Attorney Lyons erplained that he had a resolution prepared concerning the acceptance
of a Deed from David Mc Cahon and Doris Mc Cahou~ his wife, to the City. Couuci~nan
Gamleu introduced '? Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco,
accepting a deed from David Mc Cahou and Doris Mc 0~ou, his wife, to the City of South
San Francisco'S ~' Roll call vote was as follo~: Ayes: Councilman Francis Lucchio, Emilio
Cortesi~ Richard Gamlen and Telford Smith. Noes: Forte. Absent: Andrew Rocca.
Councilman Rocca, at this time returned and was present for the remainder of the meeting.
Mayor Smith, then, briefly, explained the interview with one of the applicants for the
vacancies on the Recreation Commission, stating that it was with pleasure to appoint
for Council confirmation, lit. Leo Ryan of lO31 Miller Avenue, to fill the vacancy of
Ethel lernan. He remarked that in the interview, Mr. Ryan had some very good thoughts
couceruin~ Recreational activities. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman
Rocca and regularly carried that the appointment of the May~r~b~ ¢onfirmed~
City Mamager Mc Clung ~s instructed by Mayor Smith to informers. Robert Hansteu
to be pre~ent at the next Study Meeting, Monday at 4:30 P.M. for interview as a Recreation
Commission member candidate.
Hayor Smith asked the Council members if they had anything to offer under good and ~elfare.
one offered any subject matter.
There being no further business, Councilman Cortesi moved~ seconded by Councilman Rocca
and regularly carried that the meeting be adjourned until Monday, May 2, 1955, at 8:00
TLme of adjournment: 7:07 P.M.
Respectfully submi t-ted:
City Clerk
APP R0~-~D: