HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1955-05-16REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD ~ONDAY, MAY 16, 1955 PLACE: TIME: Council Chambers, City Hall 8p.m. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8 p. m. by Mayor Smith. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION: Pledge of allegiance to the flag was then taken and invocation given by Reverend Donald Wertz of the Good News Chapel. ROLL CALL: Present: Ab~.lnt: Councilman Andrew Rocca, Francis LuoChio, Telford Smith, Richard Gamlen Councilman Emilio Cortesi (Co'~ncllman Cortesi appeared present at 8:04 p. m.) MINUTES: CLAIMS: Mayor Smith asked if there was a motior to approve the minutes of the prev- iou~ meetings, which were the regular ~eeting of May 2, 1955, and the a~ ourned regular meeting of May 9, 1955. Councilman Gamlen so moved, seconded'~by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. Mayor Smith then asked if there was a m~tion that the claims as submitted be approved for payment. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Council- man Gamlen and regularly carried. Total amount of Claims, $42,907.22. MARKET STREET RR RIGHT OF WAY: Th~ first item under old business concerned the acquisition of the Market Street RR Right of Way. After brief discussion, Councilman Rocca moved, seaonded by Councilman Gamlen, that this be referred to the County Planning Colission for further study and recom~endation. APPEARANCE OF COUNCILMAN CORTESI: Cou~cilman Cortesi aIlpeared present at $:04 p. m. and remained for the duration of the meeting. Mayor Smith briefly explained to CounciLman Cortesi the matter under dis- cum ~ion. After discussion, ~otion as'made and seconded was regularly carried. Mayor S~ith instructed the City Manager to cos~sunicate with the Uounty Planning Cos~aission and infor~ the~ of the city's intentions. DOLLAR AVENUE WIDENING: The aext item concerned the widenin~ of Dollar AvenUe. Councilman Lucchio moved that the Director of Public Works be instructed to prepare the pla~ and' specifications for the widenir~ of Dollar Avenue and, at the sam* time, the City Manager contact the DuPont Co. and Southern Pacific Co. ~o secure means of financin~ the pro~ect. After brief discussion, Councilman Cor~ seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. Coumcilman ~cchio then requested the City M&na~er to co~unicate with the City Council of San Bruno asking the~ to take care of Dollar Avenue as ~z connects Herman Avenue to Forest L~ne, requesting them to give their cons~deration in makin~ it a truck route so as to alleviate San I/arco Ave~e of traffic conjestion. I/ayir Emi ;h asked if it m~uld not be better that such a letter be held up until a re~ort is received from the City Man~,~er. After brief discussion, CounciLman Lucchio remarked he had no obj~ctions to such a plan. Mayor /haith ~t&ted that if ther® were no obj~ctions, the matter would be held up 2ntil a report was received. There betn~ no objections, it vas so ordered. MONT~Y REPORTS: i/ont~ly reports were received from the following departments: Business Licenses issued for April, Tax Collector, Building In~l~ector, Library, Poun~k~aster, Street Department, Police ~,l~artment, Fire Deptrtment and City Clerk. Mayor Smith asked if there ~ms a motion that the reports be' acce~ted and placed on file. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen m~.regularly carried. REPORTS: Mayor Smith then asked if the council wished to act on the remainder of the =sports No. 2 to 12 inclusive with the exception of No. 10. Council- man G.mlen moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca, and regularly carried, that meports No. 2 through 12, excepting No. 10, be accepted and placed on f~Le. The reports above mentioned concerned the following: No. 2 - Commercial Avenue Fire Station Site. No. 3 - New General Wage Scale for Public Works NO. 4 - Dana Way Extension No. 5 - Lou Poletti request for drainage information No. 6 - Acquisition of sewer easements in Winston Manor No. 1 No. 7 - San Marco County Fiesta Drem~ Gir~ Co.ntest No. ~ - Junipero Serfs Blvd. Grade Sei~arazion Plans No. 9 - Junipero Serra Center.Island Break Through No. IO - Trash Can Emptying - Scavenger's offer. No.ll - Housing Authority - Payment in lieu of taxes for Industrial Village. No.12 - Draw Poker Bills before Legislature. TRASH CAN EMPTYING SCAVENGER' S OFFER: ~',,~ 7 i/ayor Smith explained that report No. 10 concerned the request of Council- man Ga~len for a report on the hiring of scavengers to empty the city trash cans, further statin~ that the City itanager reported that this could be accomplished for a net cost of $70 a month, and that'there were some 34 suc~ cans in parks and business areas. Councilman Gamlen stated that the f~ures did not show on the agenda, b~t that the City would save $2,770 a year, thereby releasing the use of a truck which in effect would relieve it for'Street Department activities. He also remarked that he belie-ed the City should accept the recom~endation of the City ~anager and c~atract the services to the local scavenger company, placing this in the fo=m of a motion. After brief discussion, Councilman Rocca seconded the mozion, which was regularly carried. WEED ABATEMENT HEARING: ~ 0 0 ._~"" SUBDIVISION ORD. STORAGE OF WRECKED CARS ORDINANCE: 7 UNIFORM FOOD ORDINANCE: 7 MASTER ZONING ORD. A SNm ,ST: 7 SPRUCE AVE. PARKING RESTRICTIONS ORD: 7 CORRECTING ASSESS- MENT ROLL: ~-/~0 RESOLUTION NO. 2147 INTENTION TO VACATE EASE~ENT-CRESTVIEW TERRACE: ~/~/ RESOLUTION NO. 2148 PARI[ING LOT AGREEMENT STANDARD OIL CO: RESOLUTION NO. 2149 AWARD OF CONTRACT BADEN AVE, WIDENING: RESOLUTION NO. 2150 INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS: ~-0~0 ~a~or Smith stated that the public hearfing for weed abatement was set for the 23rd of ~ay at 4:30 p. m. and appeared on the agenda for reference. Th( first ordinance for council conside~ation concerned the a~enchaent of the Subdivision Ordinance, r~arding street lighting standards. Mayor · atth Said that it was the reco~mendation of the Director of Public Works in Lis report that the City adopt alu~ilu~ standard. He then asked if thc,re was a ~tion to accept or reject the re~ndation of the Director of Public Works. Councilman Rocca ~eve3, seconded by Councilman Lucchio an¢ regularly carried, that the City accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and require al~inma standards. At this point, Richard Doyle of the Associated Ho~e Builders asked if this was to go inl;o the Subdivision Ordinance, to whtc ~ City Attorney Lyons remarked thL~ this was correct. Mawr Smith remarked'that the ordinance concerning the storage of wrecked car~ was requested held over. The next ordinance concerned the matter of uniform food regulations which had been referred to a e~ittee of attorneys from the North County Council of City Councils. City Attorney Lyons briefly remarked that he had re- ceived a telephone call from Frank Blu~, City Attorney of Daly City, and th~ a ~eeting was scheduled for the following Friday with the Health Del~art~ent of San ~ateo County. At th~s ti~e they were to go over the ordinance in question. Thm next item under ordinances concerned the amenc~ent to the ~aster Zoning Ordinance. City Attorney Lyons briefly explained that these a~endments to =he ordinance had been requested by the Building Inspector, that the corrections were technical require~ents resarding rear yard widths and frent yard widths, als° making it permissable to have used cars for resale in :he business district. However', th~ ~atter concerning resale of used ca=s required the procuring of a use permit first. He stated that he would like to have a motion waiving the reading of the ordinance and intro- ducing it by title only. Councilman L~cchto so moved, seconded by Council- ma~ Rocca and regularly carried, after which City Attorney Lyons read the title of the ordinance. The ordinance was then introduced by Councilman Rocca. The next item under ordinances concerned parking restrictions along Spruce Ay*hue between Parkway and ~ayfair. Ckty Attorney Lyons read the ordi- nance in its entirety after which it w~s introduced by Council~an Rocca. The council then proceeded on to the matter of resolutions. Mayor Smith re'earked that a request had been received to hold over the resolution co~cerning the correcting of the assessment roll. Th~ next resolution concerned the abandonment of an easement in the Crest- view Terrace subdivision, which was ex~lained by City Attorney Lyons. Co~ncilman Gamlen introduced A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco Declaring its I~tention to Vacate a Certain Public Easement Lying Within Said City. Roll call vote was as follows: .Ayes, Co~ncilmen Rocca, Lu~hio, Smith, Cort~si, Oa~len. Next taken up was a resolution concerning the execution of a lease between the City and Standard Oil Co. for the ~e of the parking lot at Baden and Linden Avenues. Councilman Lucchio in~roduced A Resolution of the City Council of the City of ~outh San Francisco AuthorLzing the Execution of a Lease Agreement between Said City and Sts~dard Oil Company of California, A Corporation, for the Purpose of Leaskng to 8aid City Certain Property ~re.in Described for Parking ~otor Ve~icles. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucc~io, Smith, Cortesi, Gam!en. Co~ncil~an Lucchio asked concerning a lease between the CiW and Mr. Bocci for the use of the lot acro~s the strut from the City Hall. City Attorney Lyons reported that no lease would be drafted in,much as the owner planned t~ construct a building on the property. T~ first item under new business was =he acceptance of the Baden Avenue bt~. ~ayor S~ith remarked that the Lo~rie Paving Co. had sub~itted the lo-est bid for the w~dening of Baden Avenue in the area between Airport Blvd. and Linden Avenue and that the D~rector of Public Works reco~ended acceptance of the low bid. City Attormey Lyons remarked that a resolution h=~ been prepared concerning the ma2ter. Councilman Cortesi introduced A P~$olution of the City Council of the Cityof South San Francisco Award- iLg Contract for the Widening and Resurfacing of that Portion of Baden Ay-hue Lying Between Airport Houl~ard and LindenAvenue in the City of So~th San Francisco. Roll call vote was as folLow~: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, G~mlen. T~ next item concerned the installation of arterial stop s~s as recom- m-Lded by the Police Chief. The locations ~iven were the north side of ~k~ler Avenue at Evergreen Drive and t~e south side of ~iller Avenue at Evergreen Drive, and the southeast corner of Pine and Cypress Avenues. C~y Attorney Lyons explained that a r molution had been prepared after which Councilman Ga~len introduced A lt~solution of the City Council of t~e City of South San Francisco with Respect to the Installation of Stop Skgne at Certain Designated intersecti3ne. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Council~en Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Ga~len. USE PRRMIT NO. 459 CIMA & GUASPARI: /mean/ Use Per, it Resolution No. 459 as applied for by Cima and Guaspari was received from the Planning Co~mission, recomaending that permission be granted to construct a building to house Rrs. Allison's Cookie Bakery. Mayor Smith stated that he believed ther~ were some coements from the council members concerning this subject. Councilman Rocca ruarked that it ~e~ed that the extension of Mayfair Avenue should be taken care of by the property owners and that the Director of Public Works might arrange with the property owners to work out an eqUitable basis for imp:'oving the street. He then ~oved that the rece~aendation of the Plannin~ Commission be accepted and that arrangements be made to bring the street up to the City standards in ~very way. Councilman Gamlen ask-d if this was to be by the for~atio£ of an ~eslent district, to whic~ Councilman Rocca replied that it ~as. Council~an Gamlen then sec- on~d the motion, after which Councilman Lucchio stated that the substantial I~q~',ove~nts wOuld/street standards, se~er lines, storm drains, electro- lists, etc. Councilman Rocca r~plied tP~t his intention of full standards m~aat that these would be included. Co~ncll~aan Cortesi asked Fire Chief Wel=e if it was required that the city place fire hydrants in this location to w~ich Fire Chief Welte replied that sufficient fire boxes and hydrants were already present. ~otion as made ard seconded was regularly carried. USE PERMIT NO, 460 MRS. C. BAROSSO: Use Peri, it Resolution No. 460 as applied for by Mrs. C. Barosso was re- celled from the Planning Comaiseion witL the recomaendation that permission b~ ~ranted for the construction of a single family dwellin~ on the front portion of her property located at 673 ~ad~n Argue. Councilman Gamlen moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recom- mendation of the Planning Coamission be accepted. VARIANCE & AILIUST- MENT PERI[IT NO. 458 J. F. MARCH REALTY: Variance and Adjustment Resolution No. 458 as applied for by the J. F. ~arch Realty Co. was received from the ~lanaing Co~ission~ recommending d~ni. al on the request to per, it a sign =o be located on the Purity Store, 505 Linden Avenue, to project 2' 9½" over the sidewalk and at a height of S' above the sidewalk at the lowest _~oint. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the recommenda- tion of the Planning Comets sion be acc~oted. ZONING ORDINANCE Th= next item concerning the a~enchnent ~f the Zoning Ordinance had been pr-viously covered by the council. C~IEW TERRACE NO. 2 FINAL MAP: I/ayor Smith then proceeded on to the matter of the final map of Crestview Terrace ~o. 2. Discussion took place at which time it was mentioned that ori~inally Crestview Terrace was called Pecks Heights and that the change of ~a~e had been done by the adoption of a res~l~ion and that as a result, some confusion existed inasmuch as the change of name should have properly. been done by the filing of a new map. City Attorney Lyons th~n remarked co~cernir~ the matter, stating that it was his reco~endation that he would like to see the City make at this time a condition on the acceptance of Crestview Terrace No. 2, that the sLbdivider send a new map to cover the whole area. After further discusskon had taken place concerning the matter of a new map in place of the olc Pecl~ Heights, Co~ncilman Rocca moved, seconded by CounciLman Gamlen, ~hat the recommendation of the Pl-natng Commission be accepted sad further, that the City require the sur, dividmr to file a composite map in place of the other maps that have be~n filed for that area. Councilman Lucchio remarked that the Plannin~ Co~ission reco~ended that a double seal coat be pltced over the ~ew portion, and that the Director of Public Works reco~aended a single seal coating. Councilman Lucchio stated that he would like to see this :ncluded as well. Councilman Rocca stated that he had no objections to includin~ that in his motion. ~r. Goss then remarked that he also recommended a bond of $525 be posted. ~r. C~rles Randlett, present in the audience, then briefly Sl~oke on the re- quest for a new map, sta~ng that it w'~s possible changes of ownership hac taken place on some of the property and that it-would be necessary to have all of the property owners names on the new map. Mayor S~ith re- marked this would be again placed on tae agenda if it was not feasible to c~nge the map. Motion as ~de andse:onded was reKularly carried. Mayor ~.:th then instructed City Manager McC~ur~ that if the motion could not be carried out, he would see to it that it was placed on the agenda to be modified. CECIL H. KING Co.~unication was received from the Su~t. of Sanitation, under date of PERMANENT APPOINTMENT: M~y 11, 1955, reoo~endin£ t~e permanent appointment of Cecil H. King as ~P-OOo a Sewage T~a~nt Plant Relief Operator. Councilman Gamlen moved, sec- o~ded by Councilman Rocca amd regularly carried, that the recommendation off the Supt. of Sanitation be acceptea. MASTER PLAN: Communication~ were received concerning the Planning Commission's recom- a~-tdstion that the City set aside $15,000 to $~0,000 for consultants and e~loy~ent of a residential planner to develop a Master Plan. Mayor Smith asked if there was a sotion to accept and file the recommendation. Councilman Ga~len so ~oved, secended by Councilman Rocca and regularly c~,rried. Councilman Gamlen then rema~.ked that he would like to amend tae motion to make this matter a part of the City Marm~er's budget recom- mendatien when it is time for his letter. Council~n Rocca stated he w~uld include that in the ~otion. ~e:ion ~ amended was regularly carried, IRA H. LARVal BOND CANCELLATION: Ccaaunication was received from the U:ited Pacific Insurance Co. notifying tke City of the cancellation of a bond issued to Ira H. Larsen. Mayor tbaith remarked that if there were no objections, this letter would be accepted and placed on file. There bein~ no objections, it was so ordered TEMPORARY FLOWER STAND, MRS. CARMELA CAULE: AppZicatlon for temporary flower stand was received from Mrs. Carmela Ca~e of 1090 Grand Avenue, who requested per~ission to sell flowers fro~ her home during the Memorial Day Holiday Weekend. Mayor Smith re- marked that inasmuch as this was not in an area zoned for business, and th..z the flowers were not grown on the ~re~ises, what w~s the pleasure of ~he council. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council~an Gamlen ant regularly carried, that under the circtuastances, the application be denked. PARK SITE, LINDEN AVENUE: 'Ma~or Smith then asked if anybody from the audience had anything to offfer under Good and Welfare. No respcnse ~as received, liayor Smith rhea asked if any ~e~aber of the council had anythin~ to offer Under Good an~ Welfare. Councilman Lucchto uked for a progress report on the acquisition of a park site on Linden A~enue, ~s recommended by the Rec- re.~:ion Co~ission. City I~anager McCl~n~ reported that he had requested an investigation for available propert~ but that the real estate agent had not reported back as yet, further stating that he would check this in the morning. SUBDIVISION ANNEXATION FEES: Councilman Lucchio then remarked on a note he had written approximately one year ago on May 10, 1954 concernin~ the subject matter of a new sub- division assessment. ~e briefly explakned that it was his thought that new subdivisions that were being annex-d pay a charge to come into the City so that it would offset the city'~ cost of expansion for additional services that are required when the new areas are annexed. He then moved that the City I~anager and D~rector of ~ublic Works and the Building InSpector be instructed to prepare a r~port on the~advisability of such a fee and a complete revision of the b~ildtng fees includ~n~ gas, lights, etc., further remarkin~ that it would ~e his intention that these fees be set aside in a special fund to be u:ed for nothin~ but capital ln- vestment and new i~provements. Councik~n Cortesi ~econded the motion, after wkich further discussion took piece c~cerning the a~ount of the f~e. After discussion, motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. AWARD OF CONTRACT FLASHING LIGHTS INSTALLATION: City Attorney Lyons then brought up th~ matter of the awarding of the contract to the i~akoney EleCtric Co. for the in~tallation of flashing 1Lghts on Hillside Boulevard. Council~an ~cchio moved, seconded by Co~ncilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the contract be entered into b~,~zween the City and the Mahoney Electric Company. CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES: ~ Councilman Gamlen asked what was being done concerning the co~lfication off ordinances. City Attorney Lyons re~rked that the matter was being worked on. FAMILY EVICTED FROM VINCENZINI BLDG: C~ncilman Gamlen then asked as to the status of the family which was to b~ evicted fro~ the substandard butldin~ owned by Lawrence ¥i~eenzini om the 200 block of Grar~ A~enue. Fire Chief Welts re~orted that he had hetrd this afternoon that they were mc~ln~ to the old I~trtin Residence Ga Grand A~enue. VAS~UEZ APARTMENTS: ,5-/0 7 Co'2ncilman Lucchio then asked as to the status of the condemned buildings a= the intersection of Lux Avenue and Airport Blvd., statin~ that they w~re ~ndemned and were Supl~osed to be razed. City Attorney Lyons stated tNat the owners were appealing the case and this was the reason it was b~in~ held up. AIMOURNMENT: T~ere being no further business, the ~eetin~ was adjourned to ~onday, l~ay 23, 1955 at 4:30 p. m. Tt~e of Adjourmaent - 9:07 p. m. Respectfully submitted, City APPROVED: