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Minutes 1956-06-04
~.GULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE C'_TY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONLAY, JUNE 4, 19 56 PLACE: TIME: Council Chambers, City Hall 8 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:01 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: PLedge of allegiance to the flag was recited, after which invocation was g:ven by Councilman Francis Lucchio, since Reverend Rolph Conrad of the Parkwood Methodist Church was not present. : ROLL CALL: 2resent: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. Absent: None MINUTES: CLAiMS:~-O/L& ~ayor Rozzi asked if there were any errors, corrections or omissions to :le minutes of the regular meeting held Monday, May 21, 1956, as sub- iitted. There being none, he then asked if there was a motion for their approval. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the minutes be approved. ~ayor Rozzi then asked if there was f motion approving the claims for Dayment. Councilman Cortesi so move¢, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims be approved for payment as submitted. SPRUCE AVENUE PLAN LINES: HEARING: :5-~ CAe first item for CoUncil consideration concerned the Spruce Avenue plan Lines. Mayor Rozzi opened the public hearing, after which he asked if =here were any written protests, to which the City Clerk replied that none Aad been received. He then asked if there were any protests in the aud- ;ence. None were registered, Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the hearing be closed. HEARING ON McCAHON, STANDARD BUILDING, & KIISKI REZONING: Next taken up was the public hearing on the rezoning from "U' classifi- cation to R-1 classification of the following properties: (a) North portion of lot 1, block G, Country Club Park - McCahon Lots 7 through 12, inclusive, block 14, and lots 11 through 18, inclus ive, block 14, Sunshine Gardens No. 9 - Standard Building Company (c) Parcel 8, Assessors Map 1-39 - Kiiski ~ayor Rozzi declared the public hear:ng open, asking if there were any written protests, to which City Clerk Rodondi replied none had been re- ceived. Mayor Rozzi then asked if there were any oral protests. None were registered. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman LlCchio and regularly carried, that the public hearing be closed. RESOLUTION NO. 2355 The Council then went on to the matter of resolutions. In the ~sence of STOP SIGNS AT ta~ City attorney, Mr. Pat Maloney, associated with the City Attorney's NEWMAN & KING DRIVES: office, was present at the meeting. Mr. Maloney went on to explain the ~-O $0 first resolution which had been prepared for Council action concerning the installation of stop signs at Newman Drive and King Drive. After the resolution had been read in full, Councilman Rocca introduced "A RESOL- ~3TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO WITH .RESPECT TO THE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEWMAN DRIVE AND KING DRIVE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen .%ozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan, RESOLUTION NO. 2356 ALBIANI DEED TO CITY: ~r. Maloney next explained the resolution accepting a deed of dedication from Mr. and Mrs. Raffaello Albiani. After the resolution had been read in full, Councilman Cortesi introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FROM RAFFAELLO ALBIANI AND VINCENZINA ALB~ANI TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- ~ISCOo" Roll call vote was as follows: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryano RESOLUTION NO. 2357 ENGINEERING FEES FROM GAS TAX FUNDS: The next resolution which was read in full by Mr. Maloney concerned the adoption of a budget by the City for the proposed expenditures of enginee~ ing monies from the State of California. After a brief explanation of the resolution, Councilman Ryan introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PRO- POSED EXPENDITURES OF THE ALLOCATION OF ENGINEERING MONEYS FROM THE STATE 3F CALIFORNIA TO SAID'CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1957, AND APPROVING A ~EMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED TO SAID CITY UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 2107.5 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA." RoLl call vote was as follows: Council- ~en Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. RESOLUTION NO. 2358 REQUEST FOR SUPERIOR COURT:5-/~5- The next resolution for Council atteation concerned the City's request to the Board of Supervisors for the establishment of sessions of the Superior Court within, the City. Mr. Maloney likewise read this resolutio~ in full, after which Councilman Rocca introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTING AND URGING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO TO DO AND PERFORM EVERY- THING NECESSARY AND PROPER SO THAT S~SSIONS OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE O)UNTY OF SAN MATEO FAY BE HELD IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO." Roll call vote was as {ollOws: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi,' Lucchio and Ryan. At this time, Mayor Rozzi announced ~o those in the audience that resol- ~tions that appeared on the agenda u~der numbers 4, 8 and 9 were not ready for this evening and would be =aken up at the adjourned meeting to be held Monday, June 11, 1956. RESOLUTION NO. 2359 PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS HICKEY & HILTON: ~1~! RESOLUTION NO, 2360 RESURFACING HICKEY BLVD: RESOLUTION NO. 2361 PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS HICKEY & HILTON :~Y/~-/ RESOLUTION NO. 2362 RESURFACING HICKEY BLVD: RESOLUTION NO. 2363 CIVIL DEFENSE FUNDS- FLOOD DA~GE CITY PROPERTY:~-O/~L SIGN ORDINANCE;~-/~ 7 SEWER RENTAL ORDINANCE NO. 396: ~'~J'/~ '/ SOUTH SPRUCE AVE. SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE FIRST READING: ~/G 7 SEWER RENTAL ORD. 396 ADOPTION AS EMERGENCY MEASURE: ~-/~ 7 EXPLOSIVE STORAGE ORD, AMENDMENT TO BLASTING ORDINANCE 202: ~-/& 7 Mr. Maloney then read in full the resolution which had been prepared authorizing a cooperative agreement between the City and the Joint Highway District No. 10 for the construction of a pedestrian overpass at Hickey Boulevard and Hilton Aven~e. Councilman Lucchio then intro- duced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAID CITY AND JOINT HIGHWAY DISTRICT NO, 10 OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA P~- VIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS AT THE INTERSECTION OF HICKEY BOULEVARD AND HILTON AVENYE IN SAID CITY." Roll call vote was as follows: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi and Ryan. Mr. Maloney then proceeded on with the item of resolutions, reading in full the one prepared authorizing the execution of a cooperative agree- ment between the City and the Joint Highway District No. 10 providing for the resurfacing of Htckey Blvd. between Junipero Serfs Blvd. and E1Camino Real. Councilman Lucchio then introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIO OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAID CITY AND JOINT HIGHWAY DISTRICT NO, 10 OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR THE RESURFACING OF HICKE BOULEVARD BETWEEN JUNIPERO SERRA BOULEVARD AND EL CAMINO REAL IN SAID CITY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi and Ryan. The next resolution prepared and read in full by Mr. Maloney concerned the approval of plans for the construction of the pedestrian overpass at Hickey Boulevard and Hilton Avenve. After it had been read, Councilm Cortesi introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUT SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PEDESTRIAN OVER- PASS AT HICKEY BOULEVARD AND HILTON AVENUE IN SAID CITY." Roll call vote was as ~follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzt, Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi and Ryan. Mr. Maloney then stated that the next resolution ready for Council attention, although not on the agerda, concerned the approval of plans for the resurfacing of' Htckey Boulevard between E1Camino Real and Junipero Serra Blvd. After it had been read tn full by Mr. Maloney, Councilman Rocca introduced "A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING PLANS FOR THE RESURFACING OF HICKEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN JUNIPERO SERRA BOULEVARD AND EL CAMINO REAL IN SAID CITY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzt, Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi and Ryan. Mr. Maloney then stated that the last resolution for Council attention, though not listed on the agenda, ccncerned the requesting of funds from the Office of Civil Defense of the State of California for expenditures tn the restoration of storm drainage facilities damaged by flood, After the resolution had been read in full, Councilman Cortesi introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL GF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTING FUNDS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE, FOR EXPENDITURES FOR RESTf)RATION OF STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES DAMAGED BY FLOOD," Roll call vote was as fellows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzt, Rocca, Lucehio, Cortesi and Ryan. The Council then proceeded on to ordinances. Mayor Rozzi announced that the first ordinance on the agenda concerning signs was not ready at this time. Mr. Maloney stated at this time thst the next ordinance concerning sewer rental was ready for its second reading and adoption. After read- ing the title of the ordinance, he requested that a motion be made that the reading of the ordinance be waived and that it be adopted by title only. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reg- ularly carried. Roll call vote on the adoption of the ordinance was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, P~cca, Lucchio, Cortest and Ryan. Mayor Rozzi then explained to those present that the third ordinance which appeared on the agenda concerned the South Spruce Avenue speed limit; that it was shown as being ready for second reading and adoption, but that actually it was before the Council for the first reading and introduction. Mr. Maloney read the ordinance in full, after which Councilman Rocca introduced the orainance. At this time, Mr. Maloney explainec that a motion should be made that the ordinance concerning sewer rental be adopted at once, explaining that this should be done as an emergency measure. Councilman Lucehio then moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the ordinance concerning sewer rental previously introduced and adopted be treated as an emergency measure. Mr. Maloney next explained that another ordinance had been prepared, and that although it was not listeC on the agenda, it had been discusse¢ previously. Mayor Rozzi announced to those present that it was through an oversight that it was not places on the agenda. Mr. Maloney then read the ordinance tn full, which concerned the matter of amending Ordinance No. 202 concerning blast=ng operations within the City. Dis- Cussion followed concerning license fees, bonds and other matters pertaining to the ordinance, after which it was agreed by the Council that a $25.00 permit fee would be charged. Discussion then followed concerning the storage of the blas1;ing powder, at which time, Mayor Rozzi stated that all of the indusZrial plants tn the area should be notified, to which Mr. Rus of the ~aas-Haynie-Utah Construction Company, stated that they would notify all of the industrial plants as well as the Police Department and Fire Department. After discussion Councilman Cortesi introduced the ordinance. Mr. Maloney at this time remarked that since this ordinance was to be adopted as an emergency matter, a motion would be required to adopt ~t as such. Councilman ~occa then moved, seconded by Ceuncilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the RESOLUTION NO. 2361 PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS HICKEY & HILTON:-ff/,~/ RESOLUTION NO. 2362 RESURFACING HICKEY BLVD: RESOLUTION NO. 2363 CIVIL DEFENSE FUNDS- FLOOD DA~GE CITY PROPERTY: SIGN ORDINANCE;~-/~ 7 SEWER RENTAL ORDINANCE NO. 396: ~'/~ ~ SOUTH SPRUCE AVE. SPEED LIMIT ORDINANCE FIRST READING:~-/~7 SEWER RENTAL ORD. 396 ADOPTION AS EMERGENCY MEASURE: ~-/~ 7 EXPLOSIVE STORAGE ORD. 'AMENDMENT TO BLASTING ORDINANCE 202: ~-/~ 7 E1Camino Real, Councilman Lucchio then introduced "A RESOLUTION OF CITY 0OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXEC[ OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAID CITY AND JOINT HIGHWAY DISTRI NO. 10 OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR THE RESURFACING OF HI BOULEVARD BETWEEN JUNIPER/) SERRA BOULEVARD AND EL CAMINO REAL IN SAIl CITY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca Lucchio, Cortesi and Ryan. The next resolution prepared and read in full by Mr. Maloney concerne the approval of plans for the construction of the pedestrian overpass at Hickey Boulevard and Hilton Avenue. After it had been read, Counc Cortesi introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF f SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PEDESTRIAN O¥ PASS AT HICKEY BOULEVARD AND HILTON AVENUE IN SAID CITY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Lucchio, Cortest and Ryan. Mr. Maloney then stated that the next resolution ready for Council attention, although not on the agenda, concerned the approval of plat for the resurfacing of' Hickey Boulevard between E1 Camino Real and Juniper. Serra Blvd. After it had been read in full by Mr. Maloney, Councilman Rocca introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING PLANS FOR THE RESURFACING OF HICKEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN JUNIPER. SERRA BOULEVARD AND EL CAMINO REAL SAID CITY," Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi and Ryan. Mr. Maloney then stated that the last resolution for Council attenti¢ though not listed on the agenda, concerned the requesting of funds the Office of Civil Defense of the State of California for expenditux in the restoration of storm drainage facilities damaged by floods the resolution had been read in full, Councilman Cortesi introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTING FUNDS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENf FOR EXPENDITURES FOR RESTORATION OF STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES DAMAGEI BY FLOOD," Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Roe Lucahio, Cortesi and Ryan. The Council then proceeded on to ordinances. Mayor Rozzi announced that the first ordinance on the agenda concerning signs was not read~ this time. Mr. Maloney stated at this time that the next ordinance concerning sewer rental was ready for its second reading and adoption. After re ing the title of the ordinance, he requested that a motion be made tn the reading of the ordinance be waived and that it be adopted by tit] only. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and ret ularly carried. Roll call vote on the adoption of the ordinance was follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi and Ryan. Mayor Rozzi then explained to those present that the third ordinance which appeared on the agenda concerned the South Spruce Avenue speed limit; that it was shown as being ready for second reading and ad. pti but that actually it was before the Council for the first reading an¢ introduction. Mr. Maloney r~ad the ordinance in full, after which Councilman Rocca introduced the ordinance. At this time, Mr. Maloney explained that a motion should be made that the ordinance concerning sewer rental be adopted at once, explaining that this should be done as an emergency measure. Councilman LucChi¢ then moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, ths the ordinance concerning sewer rental previously introduced and adopt be treated as an emergency measure. Mr. Maloney next explained that another ordinance had been prepared, and that although it was not listed on the agenda, it had been discus previously. Mayor Rozzi announced to those present that it wss thro~ an oversight that it was not placed on the agenda. Mr. Maloney then read the ordinance in full, which concerned the matter of amending Ordinance No. 202 concerning blasting operations within the City. Dt cussion followed concerning license fees, bonds and other matters pertaining to the ordinance, after which it was agreed by the Council that a $25.00 permit fee would be charged. Discussion then followed concerning the storage of the blasting powder, at which time, Mayor Rozzi stated that all of the industrial plants in the area should be notified, to which Mr. Rus of th~ Haas-Haynie-Utah Construction Comps stated that they would notify all of the industrial plants as well as the Police Department and Fire Department. After discussion Counciln Cortesi introduced the ordinance. Mr. Maloney at this time remarked that since this ordinance was to be adopted as an emergency matter, s motion would be required to adopt it as such. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by C~uncilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the ordinance be adopted as an emergency measure. V.F.W. POST 4103 AUX. BABY FESTIVAL: ~-~/ STUART DAMAGE CLAIM: TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ~/~ BRENTWOOD SHOPPING AREA: MISSION ROAD OUTFALL SEWER BONDS:.~-2~ SI~ONOVICH TOWlNG:~-/O~ MONTHLY REPORT: ANNEXATION WATER SHED AREA PERSONNEL REPORT JACK ROllS,III: P- O0o TEMPORARY APPT PAUL ROBERTS DOUGLAS McMILLAN APPT.: MARIA FITZGIBBON APPT. ACCOUNT CLERK: ARMOUR CO. SEWER RENTAL REFUND: FAY XMPROVEMENT CO. EXTENSION OF TIME:-~"~20 Communication dated May 28, 1956, was received from the South San Fran- cisco auxiliary of V.FoW.Post 4103, over the signature of Charlotte M. Wood, Jr. Past President and Secretary, requesting permission to conduc a baby festival in the City of South San Francisco. This request was in the nature of a fund raising project to purchase flags and banners for the auxiliary. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the request be granted. Conununication dated May 21, 1956, was received from the Liberty MutUal Insurance Company, 216 Pine Street, San Francisco, over the signature of E. Jo Moloney~ Claim Department, requesting damages alleged to have occurred to the property of their assureds, Edgar L. and Ora A. Stuart, from ~lasting operatiov~ performed by the Loma Linda Construction Comps Counci!man Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the City disclaim any responsibility and refer it to the City's insurance carrier. Mayor Rozzi then proceeded on to the item of reports, taking up first traffic conditions in the Brentwood shopping area. He announced to thc present in the audienee that meetings were being conducted on this iten Police Chief Belloni stated that~ would be presented to the Council f¢ the next meeting. The next item under reports concerned Mission Road outfall sewer bon& Mayor Rozzi announced that inasmuch as the study of the matter was stt~ being conducted by the City Auditor and the Treasurer, this matter wou] be held over to the next regular meeting. The next item under reports concerned the Simonovich Towing, Mayor Rozzi announced to those present that all parties interested were noti~ by telephone from his office to meet with the Police Chief and the results to date are that one reported in person and one letter was re- ceived. He further remarked that the Police Chief had started a rotat! program and it appeared that the problem was solved. He requested.that the report be filed. Monthly report for the month of April was received from the City Clerk~ office. Councilman Ryan moved~that it be accepted and placed on file. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, this report would be filed. No objections were registered. Inter-office memorandmn dated May 25, 1956, was received from the Plan. ning Commission concerning annexation of areas within the City's water shed area. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, thi~ matter would be held over pending a meeting with the Planning Commissi~ which was scheduled for Wednesday evening, June 13, 1956. No objectiol were registered. Inter-office memorandmn dated May 28, 1956, was received from David Corsiglla, Acting Supt. of Public Works, recom~ending a 30-day sick le~ for Jack Rostoni, laborer in the Street Department, for the period com. mencing June I and ending July 1, 1956. Mayor Rozzi announced that if there were no objections, this matter would be referred to the Personn, Board for their recommendations to the City Council. No objections we: registered. Inter-office memorandu~ dated May 21, 1956, was received from David Corsiglia, Acting Supt. of Public Works, recommending the appointment of Paul Roberts as temporary Public Works Foreman. Mayor Rozzi remark. that if there were no objections, this matter would be referred to the Personnel Board for their recommendations. No objections were registe Notice was received from the office of the Chief of Police concerning the appointment of Douglas Ho McMillan as guard at the Consolidated Western Pipe Company, with no remuneration by the City. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan ~nd regularly carried, that the appointment of the Police Chief be accepted and placed on file. Inter-office memorandum dated May 28, 1956, was received from the offi of the Building Inspector recommending the appointment of Mrs. Maria Fitzgibbon as full time account clerk, commencing July 2, 1956, at the starting salary of $255.00 per month, subject to the passing of th required medical examination. A ~rief discussion followed concerning whether or not this was a budget allowance for this year, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regular car- ried, that the appointment be made subject to the condition that there was an allowance for it in this year's budget. Inter-office memorand~ dated May 11, 1956 and May 23, 1956, were re- ceived from Henry L. Sehweining, Supt. of Sanitation, and Mr. Louis Go Director of Public Works, respectively, concerning the request of Armour & Company for a sewer rental refund, and recommending that the request be granted. Councilman Rocca asked if the figures had been checked and found to be correct, to which Mr. Goss replied that they h Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the City refund the amount that had been approved by the Director of Public Works to Armour~& Company, =~ an amount of $1,744.9 Inter-office memorandum dated May 29, 1956, was received from the Director of Public Works concerning a request dated May 25, 1956, as made by the Fay Improvement Company for an extension of time in which to complete the improvement work on the Mission Road project. The re- quested extension of tt~e was for twenty working days, being a period from June 15, 1956 to July 13, 1956. This was concurred in by the ector of Public Works in his memo. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded b) Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the request as made be =ranted. City's ~ra~e TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ~-/~ BRENTWOOD SHOPPING AREA: Mayor Rozzi then proceeded on to the item of reports, taking up first traffic conditions in the Brentwood shopping area. He announced to tho present in the audience that meetings were being conducted on this item Police Chief Belloni stated that:~ would be presented to the Council fo the next meeting. MISSION ROAD OUTFALL SEWER BONDS:~-J~W The neXt item under reports concerned Mission Road outfall sewer bonds Mayor Rozzi announced that inasmuch as the study of the matter was stil being conducted by the City Auditor and the Treasurer, this matter woul be held over to the next regular meeting. SIMONO~ICH TOWING:;~-/O~ The next item under reports concerned the Simonovich Towing. Mayor Rozzi announced to those present that all parties interested were notif by telephone from his office to meet with the Police Chief and the results to date are that one reported in person and one letter was re- ceived. He further remarked that the Police Chief had started a rotati program and it appeared that the problem was solved. He requested that the report be filed. MONTHLY REPORT: Monthly report for the month of April was received from the City Clerk' office. Councilman Ryan moved~that it be accepted and placed on file. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, this report would be filed. No objections were registered. ANNEXATION WATER SHED ARF. A: --~z"O g ~ Inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, was received from the Plan- ning Commission concerning annexation of areas within the City's water shed area. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, this matter would be held over pending a meeting with the Planning Commissic which was scheduled for Wednesday evening, June 13, 1956. No objectio~ were registered. PERSONNEL REPORT JACK RO~RYl[I: P- Inter-office memorandum dated May 28, 1956, was received from David Corsiglia, Acting Supt. of Public Works, recommending a 30-day sick le~ for Jack Rostoni, laborer in the Street Department, for the period com- mencing June 1 and ending July 1, 1956. Mayor Rozzi announced that if there were no objections, this matter would be referred to the Personne Board for their recommendations to the City Council. No objections wex registered. TEMPORARY AP~To PAUL ROBERTS. Inter-office memorandum dated May 21, 1956, was received from David Corsiglia, Acting Supt. of Public Works, recommending the appointment of Paul Roberts as temporary Public Works Foreman. Mayor Rozzi remark~ that if there were no objections, this matter would be referred to the Personnel Board for their recommendations. No objections were registe~ DOUGLAS McMILLAN APPT.: P- oo ~-/o~ Notice was received from the office of the Chief of Police concerning the appoirrtment of Douglas H. McMillan as guard at the Consolidated Western Pipe Company, with no remuneration by the City. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan ~nd regularly carried, that the appointment of the Police Chief be accepted and placed on file. MARIA FITZGIBBON APPT. ACCOUNT CLERK: ~--050 Inter-office memorandum dated May 28, 1956, was received from the offi~ of the Building Inspector recommending the appointment of Mrs. Maria Fitzgibbon as full time account clerk, commencing July 2, 1956, at the starting salary of $255.00 per month, subject to the passing of th~ required medical examination. A brief discussion followed concerning whether or not this was a budget allowance for this year, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regular car- ried, that the appointment be made subject to the condition that there was an allowance for it in this year's budget. ARMOUR CO. SEWER RENTAL REFUND: ,~//0 FAY IMPROVEMENT CO EXTENSION OF TIME: Inter-office memorandum dated May 11, 1956 and May 23, 1956, were re- ceived from Henry L. ~ehwetning, Supt. of Sanitation, and Mr. Louis Go: Director of Public Works, respectively, concerning the request of Armour & Company for a sewer rental refund, and recommending that the request be granted. Councilman Rocca asked if the figures had been checked and found to be correct, to which Mr. Goss replied that they h~ Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the City refund the amount that had been approved by the Director of Public Works to Armour & Company, ~r an amount of $1,744.9: Inter-office memorandum dated May 29, 1956, was received from the Director of Public Works concerning a. request dated May 25, 1956, as made by the Fay Improvement Company for an extension of time in which to complete the improvement work ~n the Mission Road project. The re- quested extension of time was for twenty working days, being a period from June t5, 1956 to July 13, 1956. This was concurred in by the Dir ector of Public Works in his memo. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the request as made be granted. AVALON PARK NO. 4:~--2~-~ Communication dated May 22, 1956, was received from the Stoneson Develo] ment Corporation requesting approval of the final map for Avalon Park No. 4. Accompanying the request was an inter-office memorandum from the Director of Public Works dated May 23, 1956, recommending the approval, subject to the depositing of the necessary improvement bonds. Councilml Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that the reco~mendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted. ANIRAL SHELTER BELLE AIR SEWER: -- L Inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, was received from the office of the Director of Public Works concerning the Belle Air Road sewer connection to the animal shelter. At this time, Director of Public Worl Goss called to the attention of the Council an error in the wording of the agenda item. He stated he had requested that plans be approved for the Belle Air Road santtary sewer and that authority be given to advert~ for bids for the sewer. The part that appeared in the agenda concernint the ejector was an alternate proposal that was studied and actually woul cost more than the sewer. It was therefore not recommended. Councilmal Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, thi the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted and that he be instructed to call for bids. ANIMAL SHELTER Communication dated May 17, 1956, was received from Louis P. Balding, cc ARCHITECT SERVICES:~-~© corning supervision of the construction of the animal shelter at a cost of $225.00. Accompanying this request was an inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, from the Director of Public Works, concerning the subject matter. Mayor Rozzi remarked that the City had its own forces that could do the job of inspecting and felt that they were capable of handling this job. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucct and regularly carried, that the request be denied. SEE~S CANDLES, INC. Communication dated May 22, 1956, was received from the Division of SITE IMPROVEI/ENTS:~~ Highways over the signature of L. A. Weymouth, submitting a print indi- cating the type of construction that would be permitted on E1 Cam/no Rel at Spruce Avenue, fronting the proposed See's Candies, Inc. factory. Accompanying the communication was an inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, from the Director of Public Works, concerning the subject matter, setting forth the details of the work, the cost involved and thc method of its payment. Director of Public Works Goss at this time in- formed the Mayor and members of the Council that subsequent to the writing of the memorandum, he had received a letter from See's Candies protesting to the sharing of the cost of the signal relocation. Discuss followed, at which time Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that Director of Public Works Goss be in- structed to handle this matter. PARKWAY-LUXAVENUES STREET REPAIRS:~"~2/~ Communication dated May 18, 1956, was received from the Parkway Terrace Home Owners' Association, over the signature of Frank Fitzgerald, Sec- retary-Treasurer, concerning street repairs on Parkway and Lux Avenues, damaged by haul operations from the Loma Linda subdivision, Accompanyir this communication was an inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, from the Director of Public Works, concerning the matter. After discuss Mayor Rozzi instructed Director of Public Works Goss to undertake the inspection and notify the Parkway Terrace Home Owners' Association of t~ City's position in the matter and what it intends to do. Discussion fo] lowed, at which time, Director of Public Works Goss explained the methoi by which he would handle the matter. ALTERATIONS CITY HALL BASEMENT: , ,- FRANCISCO DRIVE & EL CAMINO REAL IMPROVEMENTS: _~--00~ SOUTH CANAL-MAYFAI R COMPLh rION OF WORK: Inter-office memorandum dated May 28,1956, was received from the Dlrectc of Public Works concerning the bids received for the alterations to the City Hall basement, recommending that the award of contract be made to the low bidder, Dills & Goodway. After a brief discussion, at which tin Director of Public Works Goss explained the bids as received, Councilmar Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that th~ contract be awarded to 8ills & Goodway on their low bid. Inter-office memorandum dated May 28, 1956, was received from the Direct of Public Works concerning the improvement of Francisco Drive and E1Ca~ Real intersection, recommending the award of contract to the low bidder, O. C. Jones & Sons. A brief discussion followed, at which time, Directc of Public Works Goss explaimd the bids as received, after which Counciln Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the contract be awarded to O. C. Jo~es & Sons on their low bid. Communication dated May 18, 1956, was received from the firm of Wllsey & Ham, recommending the acceptance by the City of all the improvement work on South Canal Street and Mayfair Avenue project~ Accompanying the communication was an inter-office memorandum dated May 29, 1956, from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance by the City. Counc man Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of Wilsey & Ham, as approved by the Director of Publi Works, be accepted. o'-/(, 7 PARADI SE VALLEY ;:~/~ DRAINAGE CONDITIONS At this time, Councilman Lucchio moved that the City Attorney and the Police Chief take the necessary steps to make South Canal Street a truck route which would get the trucks off the down-town streets and that the~ take the necessary measures toprohibit park~ on the north side of the street. Director of Public Works Goss remarked that park~n~ on the nort side of the street was not being allowed. Councilman Lucchio removed this part from his motion, after which Councilman Ryan seconded the motion as made, and it was regularly carried. Communication dated May 16, 1956, was received from the Paradise Valley Improvement Association over the signature of Walt McNamara, President, concerning drainage conditions that exist in Paradise Valley. Accompanl this letter was an inter-office memo dated May 25, 1956, from the Direc1 of Public Works recommending the installation of two catch basins on tht north and south sides of Larch Avenue. o~osite l~t 2. bleak the ejector was an alternate proposaI that was studied and actually cost more than the sewer. It was therefore not recommended. Council1 Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted and th~ he be instructed to call for bids. ANIMAL SHELTER ARCHITECT SERVICES Communication dated May 17, 1956, was received from Louis P. Baldini, cerning supervision of the construction of the animal shelter at a coz of $225.00. Accompanying this request was an inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, from the Director of Public Works, concerning the subject matter. Mayor Rozzi remarked that the City had its own force~ that could do the job of inspecting and felt that they were capable o~ handling this job. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lu( and regularly carried, that the request be denied. SEE'S CANDLES, INCo Communication dated May 22, 1956, was received from the Division of SITE IMPROVEMENTS:S~ Highways over the signature of L. A. Weymouth, submitting a print ind~ caring the type of construction that would be permitted on E1Camino ] at Spruce Avenue, fronting the proposed See's Candies, Inc. factory. Accompanying the communication was an inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, from the Director of Public Works, concerning the subje¢ matter, setting forth the details of the work, the cost involved and 1 method of its payment. Director of Public Works Goss at this time in- formed the Mayor and members of the Council that subsequent to the writing of the memorandum, he had received a letter from See's Candies protesting to the sharing of the cost of the signal relocation. Disct followed, at which time Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilma~ Cortesi and regularly carried, that Director of Public Works Goss be ~ structed to handle this matter. PARKWAY-LUX AVENUES STREET REPAIRS:~'~.~/~ Communication dated May 18, 1956, was received from the Parkway Terra¢ Home Owners' Association, over the signature of Frank Fitzgerald, Sec- retary-Treasurer, concerning street repairs on Parkway and Lux Avenues damaged by haul operations from the Loma Linda subdivision, Accompan~ this communication was an inter-office memorandum dated May 25, 1956, from the Director of Public Works, concerning the matter. After disc~ Mayor Rozzi instructed Director of Public Works Goss to undertake the inspection and notify the Parkway Terrace Home Owners' Association of City's position in the matter and what it intends to do. Discussion ! lowed, at which time, Director of Public Works Gess explained the met~ by which he would handle the matter. ALTERATIONS ClTY HALL SASEMSNT: FRANCISCO DRIVE EL CAMINO REAL IMPROVEMENTS: ~--~/~ Inter-office memorandum dated May 28,1956, was received from the Direc of Public Works concerning the bids received for the alterations to th City Hall basement, recommending that the award of contract be made tc the low bidder, Dills & Goodway. After a brief discussion, at which t Director of Public Works Goss explained the bids as received, Council~ P~cca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carrie~, that t contract be awarded to ~ills & Goodway on their low bid. Inter-office memorandum dated May 28, 1956, was received from the Dire of Public Works concerning the improvement of Francisco Drive and E1C Real intersection, recommending the award of contract to the low bidde O. C. Jones & Sons. A brief discussion followed, at which time, Direc of Public Works Goss explaimd the bids as received, after which Counci Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, tha the contract be awarded te O. C. Jones & Sons on their low bid. SOUTH CANAL-MAYFAI R COMPLETION OF ~ORK: Communication dated May 18, 1956, was received from the firm of Wilsey Ham, recommending the acceptance by the City of all the improvement wo on South Canal Street and Mayfair Avenue project, Accompanying the communication was an inter-office memorandum dated May 29, 1956, from the Director of Public Works recommending acceptance by the City. Cou man Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, th the recommendation of Wilsey & Ham, as approved by the Director of Pub Works, be accepted, PARADI SE VALLEY ~/~ DRAINAGE CONDITIONS At this time, Councilman Lucchio moved that the City Attorney and the Police Chief take the necessary steps to make South Canal Street a tru route which would get the trucks off the down-town streets and that th take the necessary measures to prohibit parkA~w on the north side of t street. Director of Public Works Goss remarked that parkAng on the no side of the street was not being allowed. Councilman Lucchio removed this part from his motion, after which Councilman Ryan seconded the motion as made, and it was regularly carried. Communication dated May 16, 1956, was received from the Paradise Valle Improvement Association over the signature of Walt McNamara, President concerning drainage conditions that exist in Paradise Valley. Accompa this letter was an inter-office memo dated May 25, 1956, from the Dire of Public Works recommending the installation of two catch basins on t north and south sides of Larch Avenue, opposite lot 2, block 13, and t installation of a 12 inch concrete pipe along the north side of Larch A for approximately 500 feet. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Counci Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director o Public Works be accepted. ?¥ CHESTNUT AVE. Inter-office memorandum dated May 29, 1956, was received from David STORM DRAINAGE CONDITION: Oorsiglia, Acting Supt. of Public Wor~s, recommending the installation o~/~O~ of corrugated pipe in the vicinity of 87 Chestnut Avenue to avoid f~rther damage as a result of storm drain waters washing against the e~bankment. Discussion followed concerning the funds from which these monies would be taken to correct these drainage problems, after which C~uncilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, t~mat the recommendation be accepted and the City proceed with the work. BURI BUR1 PARENT-TEACHER REQUEST TO SELL CONFECT: C.~maunication dated May 3, 1956, from the Burl Burl Parent-Teacher Assoc- i~tion over the signature of Virginia Nossen, Secretary, was received, requesting permission to conduct the sale of confectioneries at the BUri Buri Park during the summer vacation ~onths as a fund raising progra~ Accompanying the letter was an inter-office memorandum dated May 27, 1956, from the Recreation Commission, reconmending that the request not be approved by the City Council. Discussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan moved that the recommendation of the Recreation Commission be accepted He stated, however, that he was in sympathy with the Parent-Teacher Assoc- ia=ion group in their fund raising program but if the City allowed this r~quest, it could not deny any other like requests. Councilman Rocca sec- oaded the motion, after which further discussion followed. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried, Councilman Lucchio abstaining from voting. GOOD & WELFARE: ~"O/~- Mayor Rozzi then asked if any of the Council members wished to offer any- th~ng under Good & Welfare. Director of Public ~orks Goss stated that he had an item which he felt should be taken care of by the Council at th~s time concerning the rip-rap on the south bank of Colma Creek. He explained that the paving of South Canal Street had been recently com- pleted and that in order to protect the investment of this work, some rip- r~p should be made along the banks to avoid any washing action by flood wazers. He further advised concerning the negotiations he had made with the~Loma Linda developers for rock to ~e used in the lining of the creek bank which could be obtained at fifty cents per cubic foot. Discussion followed, at which time Mr. Goss remarked that the cost would be approx- imately $2,000.00 to complete this job with this particular rock and cL~i~ shell, After further discussion, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the Director of Public Works be instructed to proceed with the work to the best advantage of the iClty. FOREST VIEW DRIVE SLIDES: ~-~ Co~ncilman Cortesi at this time brough~ up the matter of a request he had received from a property owner on Forest View Drive concerning assistance in getting the subdivider to take some corrective steps in preventing the sliding away action of his yard. ~t was pointed out by Mr. Cortesi t~st the house had been built on a bank and that as a result, there was a sliding away taking place. Mayor Rozz: instructed the Director of Public Works to follow through on this matter. CITY SALES TAX: At this time, Mayor Rozzi called on Councilman Lucchio to render a report of the meeting concerning sales tax which he had attended. After a de- tailed report had been given by CounciLman Lucchio, Councilman Lucchio moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper resolu- tion to be forwarded to the Mayor of San Mateo, chairman of the committee, ex~.ressing the feelings of the City Council in the matter and that they were not in favor of the sales tax at ~his time. Discussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan seconded the motion, which was regularly car- ried. Discussion followed, at which t£me, it was stated that the resol- ution should be prepared in such a way as to protect the City in case of any eventuality in the future. WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM: At this time, Mrs. Lesko, present in the audience, asked as to what was goiag to be done this year in the way of a weed abatement Program, bring- ing to the Council's attention the wee&s that exist in the vacant lots and parking strips along the sidewalk. Mayor Rozzi informed Mrs. Lesko that in the study session earlier in the afternoon, Councilman Cortesi brought up the same matter and that further study was being given this ma:~mr. AIRPORT BLVD, I~AIRS: Mrs. Yolanda Beglia brought up the matter of the need for repairs on Airport Boulevard, requesting that some steps be taken to do this work. A ~rief discussion followed, after which Mayor Rozzi requested that the Ac;lng Supt. of Public Works Corsiglia take care of this matter. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Coun- ciknan Rooca~ and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to Moncay evening, June 11,1956, at 7 p.m. Ti~.e of adjournment: 9:40 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: AP .~ROVED: