HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1956-10-15REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 19 56 PLACE: TIME: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAIMS PlNEVIEW CREST ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING: ~",~ (~ RESOLUTION NO. 2422 AGREEMENT WITH CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPA~I:~D~? CALLAN AGREEMENT OFF-SITE DRAINAGE: RESOLUTION NO. 2423 ELIMINATION OF PORTION OF LUX AVE. AS MAJOR STREET:~-~ HENDRIX DEED OF EASEMENT FOR PATHWAY FROM RAVENWOOD WAY TO ALTA VISTA DRIVE.: DEED FOR STORM SEWERAGE EASEMENTS FRANCISCO TERIL~.CE: RESOLUTION NO. 2424 OPPOSING MILITARY AID TO COMMUNISTIC YUGOSLAVIA: b--O ? ~ Council Chambers, City Hall 8 p.~. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited, after which invocation was given by Coun- cilman Lucchio in the absence of Mrs. Louis Thomas of the First Church of Christ Scientist. Presid~nt: Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrev Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Francis Lucchio. Absent None Mayor .ozzi asked if there were any corrections or omissions to the minutes of the meeting of October 1, 1956. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, ~hat the minutes of the meeting of ~ctober 1, 1956, be accepted as submitted. Mayor Rozzi then asked if there was a mo~ion approving the claims as sub- mitted. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted be approved for payment. The first item for Council consideration concerned the public hearing on the annexation of Pineview Crest subdivision. Mayor Rozzi declared the public hearLng open, asking if anyone had anything they wished to offer on the sub- ject ~atter. Discussion followed, at which time, the attorney for the prop- erty owner spoke in behalf of his client. After discussion, Mayor Rozzi in- structed Planning Commission Secretary R~y Ghilardi to supply the property owner with a copy of the subdivision map when it comes before the Planning Com~.~ssion. Also, in accordance with th~ request of the Avalon Park Improve- men1; Association, a map is to be furnished them at such time as it comes before the Planning Commission. Both requests for maps were made by the attorney for the property owner, present in the audience, as well as the rep- rese~tative of the Avalon Park Improvement Association, also present in the aud~nce. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the hearing be closedo The Council then proceeded on to the matter of resolutions, taking up first the resolution authorizing an agreement with the California Water Service Company for use of the Belle Air Road water main. After an explanation had been given by the City Attorney, Councilman Lucahio introduced "A RESOLUTION OF ~H~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SouTE SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXEC~JC_ION OF A BILL OF SALE AND AGREEMEFT BETWEEN SAID CITY AND CALIFORNIA WAT~ SERVICE COMPANY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Roz Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. The next item appearing under resolutions concerned an agreement which was to '~e entered into b~tween the City of ~outh San Francisco and the Callan Construction Company for the construction of off-site drainage. After a brief explanation by the City Attorney, he requested that a verbal motion be made authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement rather than by ma1 resolution. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. The next resolution concerned the matter of the elimination of Lux Avenue fro~ Airport Boulevard to Maple Avenue as a major street. A brief explan- ation by the City Attorney was given, a~ter which Councilman Lucchio intro- duced 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PRCVIDING FOR THE ELIMINATION F~M THE CLASSIFICATION OF MAJOR STREETS OF SAID CITY THAT P~RTION OF LUX AVENUE EX~ENDING BETWEEN THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND THE ~NTERSECTION THEREOF WITH MAPLE AVEFL~." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. City Attorney Lyons proceeded on to the next resolution on the agenda, re- marking that it was his understanding t2at negotiations were still under way with Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix for the deed of easement for the pathway from Ravenwood Way to Alta Vista Drive. May~r Rozzi remarked that this matter wo~Ld be held over pending a meeting which was to be held with Mr. and Mrs. Her.drixo Mayor Rozzi remarked that the resolution concerning storm sewerage easements through Francisco Terrace would be hel~ over pending negotiations for the easenents. Director of Public Works G~ss then asked if the attorney could be g:ven the necessary authority to ta~ whatever legal steps were necessary to obtain the easements, after which Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the City Attorney be authoriz to zake whatever legal steps are necessary to proceed with the matter. The Last resolution for Council attention concerned the matter of opposing military aid to Communistic Yugoslavia0 A brief explanation of the resoluti was given by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Lucchio introduced "A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T}~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO OPPOSI~ TH~ GIVING OF ANY FURTHER MILITARY AID TO THE COUNTRY OF YUGOSLAVIA AND UPPING THE UNITED STATES SENATORS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND THE CON- GR~SSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE NIN?HCONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF SAID STAT~ TO RESIST THE ENACTMENT OF CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING ANY SUCH AID." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. PUBLIC NUISANCE ORDINANCE: (FIRST READING) ~-/G7 TRUCK ROUTE ORDINANCE: PINEVIEW CREST ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FIRST READING: '~-/G 7 SWITCH BLADE ORDINANCE FIRST READING SOUTH S.F. SCAVENGER CO. REQUEST FOR RATE INCREASE:-- COFF I N-REDI NGTON VARIANCE PERMIT HAAS-HAYNIE-UTAH USE PERMIT: ~'O 5-0 R. D. MAYER VARIANCE PERMIT:~--O~7~ SENALDI USE PERMIT: KEN ROYCE USE PE~IT: KEN ROYCE USE PERMIT: H. HAMBLIN CLAIM: MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY CAMPAIGN: ~.6-~ ~" g City Attorney Lyons then proceeded on to ordinances, taking up first the one concerning the definition of public nuisances and ordering their abatement. After a brief explanation by the City At':orney, he stated that because of the ].ength of the ordinance, he would appreciate a motion waiving the de- tailei reading and introducing the ordinance by the reading of the title only Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. City Attorney Lyons then read the title of the ordinance, after which Coun- cil~a~ Cortesi introduced it. City ~ttorney Lyons then explained the ordinance establishing and defining a truck iroute through the City, requesting that it be continued until the a~xt regular meeting for further study. There being no objections, the matter was continued. The next ordinance for Council attention concerned the annexation of Pineview Crest.i After a brief explanation by the City Attorney, he requested that a motion be made waiving the reading of the ordinance and providing for the introiuction by the reading of the title only. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconied by Councilman Rocca and regulaf_y carried. City Attorney Lyons then reac the title of the ordinance, after which it was introduced by Councilman Lucchio. The last ordinance for Council consideration concerned the matter of the poss essLon of switch blade knives by minors. After an explanation by the City Attorney, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carrued, that the detailed reading of the ordinance be waived and that it be :ntroduced by title only. Discussion followed, after which the City Attorney read the title of the ordinance which was introduced by Councilman Cor:esi. The COuncil then proceeded on to the matter of unfinished business, taking up the request of the South San Francisco Scavenger Company for a rate increase. City Attorney Lyons requested that the matter be deferred until later on in the hooting, at which time an ordinance would be ready for Council action. The Council then proceeded on to new business, taking up the first item which concerned the Use and Variance Permits as received from the Planning Com- mission. Councilman Rocca stated that it was his understanding that the Planning Commission wished to correct ar error made in item c. concerning the application for a Variance Permit No. 640 as applied for by the Coffin- Redtngton Company. Planning Commission Secretary Roy Ghilardi, present in the audience, then remarked that the chairman of the Planning Commission called him earlier stating that it was the intent of the Commission that the wording made on the application under the conditions should read that the building be set back 30 to 35 feet cn the southwesterly 180 feet at the end of Sylvester Road to make room for the future right-of-way of 50 to 55 fee~ between the Coleman Company and the Coffin-Redington Company so that when Sylvester Road was widened, it could be taken care of, and that it also would be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works; the other two conditions were to remain as they were made. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the recom- mendazion of the Planning Commission together with the changes that were jusz recited by Mr. Ghilardi be acceptec. He also remarked that the motion covered items a. through f. as submittei by the Planning Commission and con- cerned the following: Haas-Haynie-Utah Use Permit #638 as received from the Planning Commission recomnends granting permission to the applicants for the erection of an 18½ f by 25 ft. Junior Highway bulletin sign on lot 5, block 1, Industrial Park Subdivision, subject to yearly renewal of the permit. R. ~. Mayer Variance Permit #639, as received from the Planning Commission reco.~nends permission be allowed for an ll-foot encroachment into the require 20-f~ot rear yard, located at 1289 Miller Avenue. Marx Senaldi Use Permit #641, as received from the Planning Commission, rec- ommends permission be granted to change double faced sign, located between South Airport Boulevard and Bayshore Freeway, into a slight "V" sign because of soil conditions, provided the sign is non-flashing and non-scintillating. Ken F. Royce Use Permit #642 as receivec from the Planning Commission rec- omm.~nds permission be granted for the erection of a 4'8" x 14~1'' sign, 10 fei above ground to identify INTERNATIONAL iNN, and show entrance to property fo~ traffic on Airport Boulevard, provided ';he sign is non-flashing and non- scintillating. Ken F. Royce Use Permit #643, as received from the Planning Commission, rec- ommends permission be granted for the erection of a 17 ft. x 40 ft. sign, 11 feet above ground, to identify INTERNATIONAL INN, and show entrance to property for northbound traffic on Bayshore Freeway, provided arrow is elim- inated and sign is non-flashing and non-scintillating. Communication dated September 24, 1956, was received from Henry Hamblin registering a claim for damages against the City alleged to have occurred to lis fence on property located 643 Spruce Avenue by burning operations con- ducted by the Fire Department. Councilnan Lucchio moved, seconded by Council man Rocca and regularly carried, that t~e claim be denied and referred to the insurance carrier and the City Manager be instructed to investigate the alleged damages. Cou~.unication dated September 25, 1956, was received from the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc., requesting permission to conduct their annual campaign during the last week of November. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and regularly carried, that the request be approved. UNITED NATIONS DAY: Communication dated September 26, 1956, w~as received from the Peninsula CommAttee for UNESCO, requesting the Citer to adopt the appropriate resol- ution in connection with the proclamation issued by President Eisenhower for the celebration of United Nations Day October 24, 1956. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the communication be accepted and placed on file and the City Attorney be instructed to draw the proper proclamation. HILLSIDE BLVD. SCHOOL: Communication dated September 27, 1956, was received from the South San Francisco Unified School District requesting certain data relative to a pedestrian underpass under Hillside Boulevard in connectiQn with the pro- pose~ erection of a school building on Hillside Boulevard opposite Lincoln Street. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if thore were no objections, this matter woul~ be referred to the City Manager and the City Engineer to arrange a meeting with State officials, School District officials and anyone else concerned, and report back with their recommendations. No objections were registered. AGREEMENT WITH CALIF. WATER SERVICE CO. ~-0 Communication dated September 28, 1956, was received from the California Water Service Company concerning an agre,~ment to be entered into, to provide industrial metered service to the Sewage Plant, Animal Shelter and other industrial installations which may be constructed adjacent to Belle Air Road. Accompanying the communication was a memorandum from the Director of Public Works dated October 3, 1956, recommending that the City enter into the agree- ment with the California Water Service Company. Inasmuch as this item had already been taken up under resolutions, Mayor Rozzi proceeded on to the next item for Council attention. RESURFACING OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT ROAD: Inter-office memorandum dated October 8, 1956, was received from the Director of Public Works submitting plans and specifications and cost estimate for the repair and resurfacing of the Sewage Treatment Plant Road, recommending autEcrization be given for the calling o~ sealed bids. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, this matter would be referred to the office of the City Manager to take appropriate action and investigate the possibil- ities of City forces taking care of this problem. COMMERCIAL AVENUE STORM DRAIN: ~-'-/qo,~'' Inter-office memorandum dated October 3, 1956, was received from the office of the Director of Public Works submitting plans for a proposed 36-inch storm drain to be installed on the Uccelli property beyond Commercial Avenue, to- gether with a cost estimate recommending that the pipe be purchased and installed by City forces on an easement ~o be acquired from the Uccelli family. Mayor Rozzi asked if ~ was the wish of the Council to entertain a motion authorizing the City Engineer and City Attorney to proceed with the work they think necessary. Councilman Ryan so moved, after which Mayor Rozzi remarked that he believed there was a recent letter on file from Mr. Doyle, attorney for the Uccelli's relatiTe to the subject matter. Mr. Goss replied that there was. Councilman Lucc~io then requested that the date of the letter be submitted as part of the o~ficial minutes and be recorded thereon. Director of Public Works Goss stated that the letter was dated October 12, 1956, as received from Mr. J. Doyle, attorney for the Uccelli's. He then asked if the City Attorney could be given authority to proceed with the necessary legal steps. Mayor Rozzi remarked that the City Attorney was instructed to proceed and iron out all the legal difficulties, and in the meantime proceed to get the work done. Councilman Ryan stated he would in- clude in his motion all of the facts mentioned, after which Councilman Rocca secor.~ed the motion, which was regularly carried. EDWARD MARTIN RESIGNATION: ASST. ENGINEER EXAMINATION: Inter-office memorandum dated October 8, 1956, was received from the Director of Public Works advising of the resignation of Assistant Engineer Edward Martin, effective October 29, 1956. Couycilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the resignation of Edward Martin be accepted. Councilman Ryan the~moved that the personnel secretary be requested to call for the examination for the two engineers needed at the present time and that the starting salaries be as stated in the agenda which was Salary Range No. 20. Mayor Rozzi asked if included in the motion could be that in addition to the duties mf the Assistant Engineer, one of the~ would also have the duty of being secretary to the Planning Commission. Director of Public Works Goss suggested that the title of that position be '"Planning Engineer". Discussion followed, after which Councilman Lucchio seconded the motion as made, after which further discussion followed. After discussion, Mayor Rozzi stated so that all would understand that one man would be for a trial basis. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Mayor Rozzi then instructed the City Manager to work out with the personnel clerk the details concerning the examination for the positio~as discussed. JOHN McKAY RESIGNATION: P-ooO Inter,office memorandum dated October 1, 1956, was received from the Fire Chief, advising of the resignation of Fireman John McKay, effective October 1, L956. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly cart:ed, that the resignation be accepted and placed on file. LIBRARY BOARD ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Comnunication dated September 30, 1956, was received from the Library Board adv:s:ng of their election of officers and the new meeting dates of the Board. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, the communi- cat:on would be accepted and placed on file. MONTHLY REPORTS:~ MonthLy reports for the month of September were received from the City Clerk, Police Department, Fire Department, Building Inspector, and Librarian. Report for the month of August was received from the County Health Department CouncLlman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, tha~ the communications be accepted and placed on file. APPLICATION FOR TRANS. AppLication for transfer of alcoholic beverage license was received from the ALCOHOLIC BEV. LICENSE: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control as applied for by Best Drive-In, ~-/~o/ 823 Airport Boulevard. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections the application would be accepted and placed on file. No objections were regls~ered. SOUTH S,F. SCAVENGER COMPANY RATE INCREASE ORDINANCE: (FIRST READING) ~-/~ GOOD AND WELFARE: ~ WINSTON MANOR #3 DRAINAGE PROBLEM: ,,5'/79' SERRA HIGHLANDS SERVICE STATION:~-O~b-~P DEL MONTE & CAMARITAS HEAVY TRAFFIC:~-"/o3 CITY PARK DOG NUISANCE: ADJOURNMENT:---- At this time, City Attorney Lyons brough~ up the item of unfinished bus- iness concerning the request of the South San Francisco Scavenger Company for an increase of garbage collection ra~es which had been laid over earlier in the meeting to this time. He read in full the ordinance which he had prepared, concerning the chm~ge of rates, after which Councilman Cortesi introd'~ced the ordinance. Mayor 2ozzi then asked if any of the Council members had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. No suggestions were offered. He then asked if anyone in the au~ence had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Mr. Ken Moser, a resicent of Winston Manor #3, present in tme audience, commended the Council for their action in establishing a fill and cover garbage dump on the Bay as well as complimenting t he City Engineer's office, especially Bob De Hart, for their assistance on receut problems. Re requested to read a letter which was given him some three hours earlier by the residents of ~.is subdivision concerning the dump- ing of debris on an easement iD Winston Lanor #3 as well as the correction of a drainage problem, requesting information as to when these conditions would '~e corrected. Discussion followed, at which time, Director of Public Works Goss stated the City was awaiting approval from the San Francisco Water Company inasmuch as it was their easement, and also that they were in- vestigating the placing of drain pipe by private contractor or City forces. Disc'~ssion followed, at which time, Councilman Lucchio recommended that the Street Department proceed to clean up the area. Mrs. ~ammond, a resident of Serra HighlancL% then spoke concerning the service station in that a~ea which was to be constructed. After discussion, it was suggested that she contact the Mac Corporation and the oil company that proposed to put in the gasoline station, seeking their cooperation in the matter. Also brought up at this time by one of the audience was the matter of heavy traffic on Del Monte and Camaritas Avenue~ Mayor Rozzi instructed the City Manager and Chief of Police to meet with residents of the area in order to solve ~he problem. Mr. Joseph McKneese of the City Park Improvement Club then brOught to the CounciL's attention a letter recently sent concerning dogs running at large after dark, creating a nuisance problem ~ithin the subdivision. Discussion followed, at which time Mayor Rozzi remarked that the matter was being worked on jointly by the Police Chief an& Poundman. There being no further business, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rocca and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned until November 5, 1956, Time off adjournment - 9:40 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APP ROVE D: