HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1957-08-19REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 19 57 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: EXCHANGE STUDENT FROM HOLLAND :.~/~ COUNCILMAN WILSON FROM DALY CITY: MINUTES: (CORRECTION RE DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT 1955-1) CLAIMS: RE-ZONING OF HAM PROPERTY PUBLIC HEARING: HAM PROPERTY RE-ZONING ORDINANCE DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT 1955-1 PUBLIC HEARING: RE~OLUTION NO. 2512 PARKING DISTRICT #1: (1955-1) ~l ,~ ) PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 ORDINANCE FIRST READING: (1955-1) ./~1 ~ PARKING DISTRICT SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT: (1955-1) / 8:00 p.m. Counckl Chambers, City Hall The keeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:05 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was given by the Reverend Dr. Harry Larsen of the First Baptist Church in the absence of R,,verend Paul Coleman of St. Veronica's Catholic Church. Prese~%: Abse~%: Mayor G. J. Rozzi and Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Francis Lucchio and Leo Jo Ryan None Before going on to the first order of business, Mayor Rozzi introduced the exchaa~e student from HOlland, present in the audience, who was residing with the N~kson family in South San Francisco. Councilman Ryan then introduced Councilman Del Wilson, present in the aud- ience, who is a member of the Daly City Council. Mayor 2ozzi then asked if there were any errors or omissions to the minutes of the regular meeting of August 5, 1957, and the special meeting of August 13, 1957. City Clerk Rodondi stated tha~ Mr. Scampini, attorney for the Downtown Parking District, had requested that the motion adopted by the Council at the previous meetings continukng the protest hearing to tonight's meettn~ be phrased so as to contain mentkon of the Resolutions of Intention. Councilman Rocca then meved to amend the minutes of August 5, 1957, to re~lect the action taken as follews: "Moved that the hearing of protests under Resolution of Intention No. 2464 sad Resolution of Intention No. 2491 to ~o~ify the acquisitions or improvemen~s of Parking District No. 1 be con-- tin, ed until the regular meeting of August 19, 1957 at 8:00 p.m." Council- man ~occa further moved that the minutes ~f the regular meeting of August 5, 2957, as amended and the special meeting of August 13, 1957, both be ap- proved. Councilman Ryan seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. Mayo~ Rozzi then asked if there was a mo2ion approving the claims for pay- men~ ~s submitted. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims be aporoved for payment. Proceedin~ on to public hearings, Mayor Rozzitook up first the rezoning of the ~m property, opening the public hearing and asking if any written pro- tests had been received. City Clerk Rodondi replied that no written protests had been received. Mayor Rozzi then asked if there were any oral protests. None were registered. Councilman Ryan ~oved, seconded by Councilman Rocca the= =he public hearing on the re-zoning of the Ham property be closed. Bric discussion followed concerning the location of the area, after which motion as ~htde and seconded was regularly carried. City Attorney Noonan then ex- plaiaed the ordinance, which had been prepared en the Ham re-zoning and which could be given its introduction this evening if the Council so desired. Cit~ Attorney Noonan read the title of the ordinance and explained the details, after which he stated that a motion could be made that the detailed reading be waived and it be introduced by the reading of title only. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the orminance be introduced by the reading of the title only and the detailed readiag be waived. Councilman Lucchio ~hen introduced the ordinance. The next matter under public hearings concerned the Downtown Parking District Mayor Rozzi deilared the public hearing open, after which Mr. Scampini, attorney for the District remarked that the public hearing on the Downtown Parking District should be declared ope~ and that protests on Resolution No. 2464 as amended by Resolution No. 2491 was now open for the hearing of any further protests. Mr. Scampini bri-fly explained the amended report whick had been filed with the City Clerk this date, copies of which had been forwarded to the members of the Ceuncil. After Mr. Scampini had concluded, Mayor Rozzi asked as to the next Council step. Mr. Scampini stated that a motkcn would be in orde~ overruling all the protests written and made under Resolution No. 2464 and No. 2491, and atopting a resolution which he had prepared for this evening. After explaining the resolution, Councilman Rocc; inl;moduced: "A RESOLUTION MAKING CHANGE~ ANDMODIFICATIONS IN THE ACQUISI- TI(NS OR IMPROVEMENT5 TO BE MADE IN PRO~,OSED PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 OF THE CI?Y OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND OVERRULING PROTESTS." Further discussion fo22owed, after which roll call vote wa~ as follows: Ayes, Councilmsn Rozzi Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. Mr. Scampini then explained the introdvction and first reading of the ordin- ance concerning the formation of the District, stating that a motion could be mLde that the detailed reading be waived and that the ordinance be intro- duced by the reading of title only. City Attorney Noonan read the title of the ordinance, briefly giving an explanation, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the detailed reading be waived and that the ordinance be introduced by the reading of the ti=lc only. C~uncilman Lucchio then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and re~'Alarly carried, that the ordinance be introduced as read by title only. In accordance with the instructions of Mr. Scampini, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the supplemental re.~o:t filed earlier had been considered and was ordered placed on file. RESOLUTION NO. 2513 FIXING TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1957-1958: ~.~/'~ RESOLUTION NO. 2514 ABANDONING EASEMENT SKUZA PROPERTY: RESOLUTION NO. 2515 APPROVING PROPOSED TRAINING IN FIRE TECHNIQUES AT SAN JOSE JUNIOR AND SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGES: ORDINANCE NO. 417 FIXING AMOUNT OF REVENUE R~QUI RED FROM TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1957-58: RESOLUTION NO. 2516 ANNEXATION OF HORNER-BONINO TERRI TORY: ANNEXATION OF PINEVI,m CREST SUSDIVISION: RESOLUTION NO. 2517 SALE OF EL CAMINO PARK TO SAN MATEO COUNTY FOR USE AS HEALTH & WELFARE RESOLUTION NO. 2518 AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY TO SAN MATEO COUNTY FOR SITE OF SUPERIOR ITALIAN AMERICAN CLUB REQUEST FOR COMFORT STATION IN civic CENTER:_ AUXILIARY FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: USE OF BELLE AIR ROAD BY PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS: ,~- / C GRADING PLANS LINDENVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK APPROVAL: / Proceeding on to the matter of resolutions, City Attorney Noonan explained the fkrst which had been prepared for Council action and concerned the fixing of the tax rate for the coming fiscal year. After explanation, Councilman Ryan kntroduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FIXING THE TAX RATE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1957-1958". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, locca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. After the City Attorney had explained the next resolution for Council atten- tion, Councilman Lucchio introduced: "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ABANDONING EASEMEN~"~. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Lucchio, Oortesi and Ryan. The next resolution concerned the matter of approval on proposed training in fire =echniques at San Jose Junior College and San Jose State College. Brief explanation by the C~ y Attorney followed, after which Councilman Cortesi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OFT HE CITY CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO APPROVING THE PROPOSED TRAINING IN FIRE TECHNIQUES AND FIRE ADMINISTRA- TION AT SAN JOSE JUNIOR COLLEGE AND SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE". Roll call vote was a~ follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. City A~torney Noonan then proceeded on to ordinances, explaining that the ordinance fixing the amount of revenue required from taxes for the fiscal year 1957-58 was now ready for second reading and adoption. Councilman Luccht then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the ordinance be adopted by the reading of the title only and that the detailed reading be waived. City Attorney Noonan then read the title of the ordinance, after which Councilman Rocca moved, secol.ded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the ordinance be adopted. Procee,ding on to the matter of new businE~ss, City Attorney Noonan stated that a resolution had been prepared on the annexation of the Homer Subdivision. He explained that this was a Resolution ef Intention. After reading the title of the resolution, Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAID TERRITORY TO BE ENOW~ AS THE HORNER-BONINO TERRITORY". After the resolution had been introduced, discussion followed, at which time mention was made that the date of hearin~ could be set twenty days after the last publication. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. City Attorney Noonan then explained that the next item under new business concerning the annexation of Pineview Crest Subdivision was not ready for Council action since the city was awaiting other details. Mayor Rozzi then requested that this matter be continued ;o the next regular meeting. The ~ext item under new business concerned the sale of property a% the E1 Camkno Park to the County of San Marco. City Attoruey Noonan explained the resolution which had been prepared concerning this sale and the salvage of certain city owned property prior to the sale. After the explanation, Coun- cilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOU~UH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALLY OWNED PROP2RTY TO THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO FOR USE AS THE SITE FOR A HEALTH AND WELl,RE CENTER." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. City Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution which had to do with the z=ansfer of certain property i- E1Camino Park to the County of San Mateo. After brief explanation by the City Attorney that the t~ansfer of this proper was authorized for the establishment of the Superior Court, Councilman Lucchi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MUNICIPALLY O~NED PROPERTY TO THE COUNTY OP SAN i~,TEO FOR USE AS THE SITE FOR A DEPARTMENT OF THE SUPERIOR COURT'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Council~en Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio ang Ryan. Comnunication dated August 2, 1957, was received from the Italian American Citizens Club requesting that a public comfort station be located in the Civi.~ Center. Councilman Lucchio remarked that he felt one should be locate~ as requested and moved that it be referred to the City Manager for a report as to the cost, location and any other knformation necessary. Councilman Rya~ seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. CommunicatiOn dated July 2, 1957, was received from the Pacific Fire Exting- uis~e= Company requesting permission to install auxiliary fire alarm system to se=vice South 8an Francisco customers. Councilman Lucchio stated that since this carried the concurrence of the Fire Chief, he moved that permissi¢ as requested be granted and that the gr~nting be in the form of a non exclus- ive franchise and further that it be referred to the offic® of the City Attorney for the drawing up of the proper documents. Councilman Rocca sec- on,ed the motion, which was regularly c~rried. Inter office memorandum dated August 9, 1957, was received from the office o: the City Manager concerning the request of Pan American Airways for the use of Belle Air Road. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the requested permission be granted. Cowwunication dated August 14, 1957, was received from the Utah Construction Cou.pany concerning grading plans in the Lindenville Industrial Park. Accom- panying the communication was an inter office memorandum dated August 14, 19. fros. the office of the Director of Public Works concerning the subject matte: reco~uuending approval subject to certain conditions. Brief discussion fol- lowed, at which time Councilman Rocca remarked that at the study meeting earlier, it was decided to have an agrees end to hold the city harmless, with out the necessity of posting a bond as mentioned by the Director of Public Works. Councilman Rocca then moved, se=onded by Councilman Lucchio and reg- TECHNIQUES AT SAN JOSE JUNIOR AND SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGES: ~ ORDINANCE NO. 417 FIXING AMOUNT OF REVENUE R~UI RED FROM TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1957-58: explanation by the C~y Attorney followed, after which Councilman Cortesi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAi CISCO APPROVING THE PROPOSED TRAINING IN FIRE TECHNIQUES AND FIRE ADMINISTi TION AT SAN JOSE JUNIOR COLLEGE AND SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE". Roll call vo' was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. City Attorney Noonan then proceeded on to ordinances, explaining that the ordinance fixing the amount of revenue required from taxes for the fiscal year 1957-58 was now ready for second reading and adoption. Councilman Lm then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reEularly carried, that the ordinance be adopted by the reading of the title only and that the detailec reading be waived. City Attorney Noonan then read the title of the ordinal after which Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regula] carried, that the ordinance be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2516 ANNEXATION OF HORNEH-BONI NO TERRI TORY: Proceeding on to the matter of new business, City Attorney Noonan stated ti a resolueion had been prepared on the annexation of the Horner Subdivision. He explained that this was a Resolution of Intention. After reading the title of the resolution, Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOt ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SOUT~ SAN FRANCISCO, SAID TERRITORY TO BE KNOWN AS THE HORNER-BONINO TERRITORY". After the resolution had been introduced, discussion followed, at which tie mention was made that the date of hearing could be set twenty days after t~ last publication. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. ANNEXATION OF pi.viEw CREST SUSDIVISION: City Attorney Noonan then explained that the next item under new business concerning the annexation of Pineview Crest Subdivision was not ready for Council action since the city was awaiting other details. Mayor Rozzi then requested that this matter be continued to the next regular meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 2517 SALE OF EL CAMINO PARK TO SAN ~ATEO COUNTY FOR USE AS HEALTH & WELFARE The next item under new business concerned the sale of property at the E1 Camino Park to the County of San Marco. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which had been prepared concerning this sale and the salvage of certain city owned property prior to the sale. After the explanation, Coun cilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALLY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE COIFgTYOF SAN NATEOF~R USE AS THE SITE FOR A HEALTH AND WELFARE CENTER." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. RESOLUTION NO. 2518 AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY TO SAN MATEO COUNTY FOR SITE OF SUPERIOR COURT: C 5 7 City Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution which had to do the transfer of certain propertyin E1Camino Park to the County of San After brief explanation by the City Attorney that the tzansfer of this prop~ was authorized for the establishment of the Superior Court, Councilman Lucc] introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAE. CISCO AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF ~UNICIPALLY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE COUNTY SAN MATEO FOR USE AS THE SITE FOR A DEPARTNENTOF THE SUPERIOR COUHT'. Ecl: call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio Ryan. ITALIAN A~ERICAN CLUB REQUEST FOR COMFORT STATION IN CIVIC Co~munication dated August 2, 1957, was received from the Italian A~erican Citizens Club requesting that a public comfort station be located in the Civic Center. Councilman Lucchio remarked that he felt one should be locatt as requested and moved that it be referred to the City Manager for a report as to the cost, location and any other information necessary. Council~an Ryan seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. AUXILI~Y FIRE ALAR~ SYSTEM: Communicatimn dated July 2, 1957, was received from the Pacific Fire Exting- uisher Company requesting permission to install auxiliary fire alarm system to service South San Francisco customers. Councilman Lucchio stated that since this carried the concurrence of the Fire Chief, he moved that permiset as requested be granted and that the granting be in the form of a non exelus ive franchise and further that it be referred to the office of the City Attorney for the drawing up of the proper documents. Councilman Rocca sec- onded the motion, which was regularly carried. USE OF BELLE AIR ROAD BY PAN A~ERICAN AIRWAYS: ,~/C;2. GRADING PLANS LINDENVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK APPROVAL :j.~ ¢ / Inter office memorandum dated August 9, 1957' was received from the office o the City Manager concerning the request of Pan American Airways for the use of Belle Air Road. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the requested permission be granted. Communication dated August 14, 1957, was received from the Utah Construction Company concerning grading plans in the'Lindenville Industrial Park. Accom- panying the communication was an inter o~ffice memorandum dated August 14, 19 from the office of the Director of Public Works concerning the subject matte recom~ending approval subject to certain conditions. Brief discussion fol- lowed, at which time Councilman Rocca remarked that at the study meeting earlier, it was decided to have an agre~ent to hold the city harmless, with out the necessity of posting a bond as mentioned by the Director of Public Works. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and reg- ularly carried, that the reco~mendations of the Director of Public Works be accepted with the exception of Item #5 concerning the matter of drainage. PARENTS ASS'N FOR RETARDED CHILDREN OF SAN MATEO COUNTY REQUEST SOLICIT FUNDS: Co~munication dated August 3, 1957, was received from the Parents Association for Retarded Children of San ~ateo County requesting permission to solicit funds during the nation-wide drive to take place between November 17 to 28, 1957, inclusive. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that permission be granted, the license fee be waived, but that the granting be subject to clearance by the City.Manager and Chief c~ Police, and that the request meet all the requirements of other like charitabl organizations. Councilman Ryan suggested that if this request met all the requiresmnts, a procla~aLion be~issued by the Mayor in support of the request FIRE TRAINING IN COLLEGES: .~0 ~ ~ Communication dated July 31, 1957, was received from the Peninsula Division League of California Cities requesting a resolution supporting fire training in local celleges. This matter having been taken care of earlier under resoll tions, no further action was taken at this time. BARRETT & HILP VARIANCE APPLICATION ARROYO DRIVE: Inter office memorandu~ dated August 14, 1957, was received from the office o: the Planning Commission concerning the Variance Application of Barrett & Hilp for lots 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 on Arroyo ~rive between Alta Loma ~d Camarita~ Avenue. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, tls matter would be held over to the next regular meeting. .Brief discussion followed, at which time, Mr. Reisch, attorney at law representing Barrett & Hllp, re- quested information as to the reason for the matter being placed over. He wa~ informed by the Mayor that no maps accompanied the memorandum and that there were other details to be discussed. Mayor Rozzi requested the City Manager notify Mr. Reisch when the matter was to be studied by the Council. ACCEPTANCE OF REVISED Inter office memorandum dated A~gust 14, 1957, was received from the Planning MAPS, STERLING Commission recommending the acceptance of revised maps for Sterling Terrace # TERRACE #2 RE-SUB: Re-subdivision, Lots 22 to 28, inclusive, in Block 7. Councilman Lucchio mov a~ seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the m commendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. APPROVAL OF RE-SUBDIVISION TSNFAT1VE MAP #52437 FI~M UTAH CONSTRUCTION COIi~ANY: (INDUSTRIAL PARK #3) Inter office memorandum dated August 7, 1957, was received from the office of the Planning Commission, recommending approval of re-subdivision tentative map #52437 dated July 1957 from the Utah Construction Company subject to certain conditions verbally agreed to by Mr. William Rus of the Utah Construc tion Company. Councilman Rocca remarked that at the study session meeting earlier, the Utah Construction Company withdrew their objection and agreed to the sidewalks on Christensen and Eccles Avenues with nothing bering done at this time on Sperry Avenue. He then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the re-subdivision be accepted on that basis. The Council proceeded on to the balance of Planning Commission items, taking the following as a group: JOSEPH AND ERNESTINE KOCH FRANK & SHIRLEY ZOCCHI VAaIANCE APPLICATION: BAYVIEW FEDERAL 10 (d) - The Planning Commission recommends permission be grantedto Joseph a Ernestine Koch to erect a second single family dwelling located at 861 Baden Avenue, subject to certain conditions. (Use Permit No. 743) (e) - The Planning Commission recommends permission be granted for a rear yar encroachment of 7'0" to attach onto building at 30 Lilac Lane. (Variance Application No. 747) (f) - The Planning Commission recommends permission be granted for an 18~ pro VARIANCE APPLICATION: jection over property line at 370 Grand Avenue. (Variance Application No. 74~ FIRST SOUTHERN (g) - The Planning Couission recommends permission be granted for the const~ BAPTIST CHURCH tion of a church building without the required number of parking spaces, at VARIANCE APPLICATION: 800 Grand Avenue. (Variance Application No. 749) CHARLES & EMILIO PETROCCHI USE PERMIT: ~O KEN ROYCE ,COMPANY USE PEaMIT: (h) - The Planning Co~mission recommends permission be granted for the con- struction of a Car Wash in connection with existing service station located at 998 E1 Casino Real. (Use Permit No. 750) (i) - The Planning Co~ission recommends permission be granted for moving a small existing office building from one location into an area located at 326 South Airport Boulevard. (Use Per, it No. 751) EL RANCHO DRIVE IN THEATER USE PERMIT: LOUIS POLETTI USE PERMIT: t ' 5c (J) - The Planning Co~ission recommends permission be granted for the addin~ of neon letters "El Rancho" to other face of existing sign at Junipero Serra and E1 Casino Real. (Use Permit No. 752) To be non-flashing & non-scintilla1 (k) - The Planning Co~ission recommends permission to erect sign at Airport Boulevard and Freeway, size 10' x 20' advertising property for sale or built to suit- sign to be for one year only and to be non-flashing and non- scintillating. ~Use Per, it Ne. 753) BUR1 BUR1 LIQUORS & DELICATESSEN (1) - The Planning Cosmission reco~ends permission to erect a "W' type sign~ each face 10' x 3'9" carrying copy "Liquors - Delicatessen" - sign to be non-flashing, non-scintillating, and not to shine in residential area, locate~ at 13 Camaritas Avenue. (Use Permit No. 754) Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission on all of the items, l0 (~ through l0 (1), be accepted with the further provision that the City Manager address a letter to the Bayview Federal Savings & Iman Amsociation advising them of the proposed sign ordinance and that they might be obliged at a later date to remove the sign, PONDEROSA ROAD ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: Inter office memorandum dated August 14, 1957, was received from the Directo: of Public Works recommending the acceptance of street improvements and autho: ization of the release of the performance bond subject to the posting of a two-year maintenance bond on the Ponderosa Road street improvements from Sou' wood Center to South Fairway Drive. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Cou cilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director o Public Works be accepted. BARRETT & HILP VARIANCE APPLICATION ARROYO DRIVE: Inter office memorandum dated August 14, 1957, was received from the office , the Planning Commission concerning the Variance Application of Barrett & Hill for lots 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 on Arroyo Drive between Alta Loma md Camarit~ Avenue. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, tH s matter would be held over to the next regular meeting. .Brief discussion followed, at which time, Mr. Reisch, attorney at law representing Barrett & Hllp, re- quested information as to the reason for the matter being placed over. He w~ informed by the Mayor that no maps accompanied the memorandum and that there were other details to be discussed. Mayor Rozzi requested the City Manager notify Mr. Reisch when the matter was to be studied by the Council. ACCEPTANCE OF REVISED Inter office memorandum dated Aqgust 14, 1957, was received from the Plannin MAPS, STERLING Com~ission recommending the acceptance of revised maps for Sterling Terrace TERRACE #2 RE-SUB: Re-subdivision, Lots 22 to 28, inclusive, in Block 7. Councilman Lucchio mo ~ ~ seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the m commendation o the Planning Com~ission be accepted. APPROVAL OF RE-SUBDIVI SION TS~TA~E NAP #52437 F~ DTAH CONSTRUCTION (INDUSTRIAL PARK #3) Inter office memorandum dated August 7, 1957, was received from the office o the Planning Commission, recommending approval of re-subdivision tentative map #52437 dated July 1957 from the Utah Construction Company subject to certain conditions verbally agreed to by Mr. William Rus of the Utah Constru tion Company. Councilman Rocca remarked that at the study session meeting earlier, the Utah Construction Company withdrew their objection and agreed t the sidewalks on Christensen and Eccles Avenues with nothing being done at this time on Sperry Avenue. He then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the re-subdivision be accepted on that basis. The Council proceeded on to the balance of Planning Colission items, taking the following as a group: JOSEPH AND ERNESTINE KOCH USE PEP~IT: .fi~ FRANK & SHIRLEY zOCcaI VARIANCE APPLICATION: ,.~..~ BAYVIEW FEDERAL 10 (d) - The Planning Com~ission recolends permission be grantedto Joseph Ernestine Koch to erect a second single family dwelling located at 861 Baden Avenue, subject to certain conditions. (Use Permit No. 743) (e) - The Planning Co~ission reco~aends permission be granted for a rear ya encroachment of 7'0" to attach onto building at 30 Lilac Lane. (Variance Application No. 747) (f) - The Planning Commission recommends permission be granted for an 18= pr VARIANCE APPLICATION: jection over property line at 370 Grand Avenue. (Variance Application No. 74 FIRST SOUTHERN (g) - The Planning Commission reco~ends permission be granted for the const BAPTIST CHURCH tion of a church building without the required number of parking spaces, at VARIANCE APPLICATION: 800 Grand Avenue. (Variance Application No. 749) CHARLES & EMILIO PETROCCHI PEa T: KEN ROYCE.COMPANY USE PERMIT: ~d:5-0 (h) - The Planning Commission recommends permission be granted for the con- struction of a Car Wash in connection with existing service station located at 998 E1 Ca~ino Real. (Use Permit No. 750) (i) - The Planning Conission recosmends permission be granted for moving a small existing office building from one location into an area located at 326 South Airport Boulevard. (Use Permit No. 751) EL RANCHO DRIVE IN THEATRE USE PERi/IT: (J) - The Planning Commission recommends permission be granted for the addi~ of neon letters "El Rancho" to other face of existing si~n at Junipero Serrf and E1Ca~ino Real. (Use Permit No. 752) To be non-flashing & non-scintills LOUIS POLETTI USE PER~IT: ~[i~ (k) - The Planning Commission reco~ends permission to erect sign at Airporl Boulevard and Freeway, size 10' x 20' advertising property for sale or buill to suit- sign to be for one year only and to be non-flashing and non- scintillating, /Use P®r~it Ne. 753) BUR1 BUR1 LIQUORS & DELICATESSEN USE PER~IT: ,~C,~ (1) - The Planning Commission recommends permission to erect a "T' type sig~ each face 10' x 3'9" carrying copy "Liquors - Delicatessen" - sign to be non-flashing, non-scintillating, and not to shine tn residential area, locatt at 13 Camaritas Avenue. (Use Permit No. 754) Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission on all of the items, 10 through 10 (1), be accepted with the further provision that the City Manage~ address a letter to the Bayview Federal Savings & LOan &ssociation advising them of the proposed sign ordinance and that they might be obliged at a later date to remove the sign~ PONDEROSA ROAD ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: Inter office memorandum dated August 14, 1957, was received from the Direct~ of Public Works recommending the acceptance of street improvements and auth~ ization of the release of the performance bond subject to the posting of a two-year maintenance bond on the Ponderosa Road street improvements from So~ wood Center to South Fairway Drive. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Co~ cilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director Public Works be accepted. PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE IMPROVEMENT WORK INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1: DANA · HEWlTT McCALL APPOINTMENT AS POLICE OFFICER: APPOINTMENT OF RALPH WHITTINGTON AS SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER: DI SMI SSAL OF EUGENE LAZZARI: APPOINTMENTS OF JOHN MONTI AND HARRY JOHNSON: MONTHLY REPORTS: GOOD & WELFARE: M & D AMBULANCE SERvxcE: sTREET REPAIR NEEDS IN NORTH 50 ¢ STAGNARO COM~ENDATI ON: RECREATION SITES IN MOUNTAINS: DEFICIENCIES IN BUR1 BUR1 #3: FORMATION OF LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL TEATS: 0 Inter office memorandum dated August 13, 1957, was received from the Dir- ector of Public Works concerning the request for partial acceptance of the improvements of South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 1 as mquested by the Fay Improvement Company in their letter dated July 9, 1957. It was recommended by the Director of Public Works that acceptance be made in ac- cordance with the recommendations of Wilsey and Ham and to be conditioned on the comPletien of additional items as listed in their memorandum. Ceun- cilman Rocca moved that subject to the restrictions of the firm of Wilsey al Ham, they accept the work instead of the job itself. Discussion followed, after which Councilman Rocca stated that his motion was to approve for pay- ment that part of the work that had been completed. Councilman Ryan second, the motio~, which was regularly carried. Inter office memorandum dated August 12, 1957, was received from the office of the Police Chief advising of the probationary appointment of Dana Hewitt McCall, Jr. as police officer as of August 12, 1957. Councilman Ryan moved eeconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation am made by the Police Chief be accepted. The appointment of Ralph Kenneth Whittington as special police officer at Armour & Company was received fro~ the office of the Police Chief. Council. man Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that th, appointment of the Police Chief be confir~ed, with no remuneration from the city. Inter office memorandum dated August 7, 1957, was received from David Corsil Acting Superintendent of Public Works, advising that maintenance man Eugene Lazzari not be permanently appointed to the Street Department due to medical reasons. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recouendation of Mr. Corsiglia be approved. Reports were received from the Superintendent of Sanitation recommending th, per~anent appointments of John Monti and Harry Johnson as Sewage Treatment Plant Operators. Councihaan Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recomaendation of the Superintendent of Sanitat be approved. Reports for the month of July, 1957, were received from the Police Departme Fire Department and Library. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, the reports would be accepted and placed on file. No objection~ were registered. Mayor Rozzi asked if any of the Council had anything they wished to offer u Good and Welfare. Councilman Ryan stated that present in the audience was Mr. Wesley Black of the M & D A~bulance Service, who would like to speak to the Council concerning his offer of ambulance service to the City of South San Francisco. Discussion followed, at which time Mr. Black explained the availability of his ambulance service to the city. After discussion, Mayor Rozzi requested the City Manager to prepare a report giving all of the deta concerning this ambulance service for the next regular Council meeting. Councilman Cortesi brought to the attention of the City Council the fact that in his opinion the County Board of Supervisors have not been fair to t north county cities with regard to use of funds for the improvement of vari county roads. He moved that the City Manager be instrUcted to notify Count Manager Bob Stallings to investigate and have some work dom in the north e of the county. Mayor Rozzi remarked that the county road near the bowling alley in Brentwood required attention as well. Councilman Ryan stated that the street crossing to Avalon Park was in need of repair and attention. Co cilman Lucchio spoke of the area to be used in the building of the new Croc School that should be taken care of prior to the annexation of the territor to the city. It was suggested that the City Manager make a complete analys before notifying the County Manager's office. Councilman Lucchio seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. Councilman Cortesi brought to the attention of the Council that in the read nation of Sergeant atagm~oof the Police Department, no co~endation was re- quested issued as had been done in other like cases. He therefore moved, s ended by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the appropriate commen darien be issued. Councilman Ryan asked the Supt. of Parks & Recreation concerning the avails ity of a park site somewhere in the mountains, such as the City of San Mate has available to their residents. It was also his understanding that the County of San Marco likewise had such a site or were looking into a site. ~ discussion followed, at which time, the Supt. of Parks & Recreation Duane Mattison gave the Council information concerning the subject matter, after which Councilman Ryan requested that a report be furnished, giving all the infor~aation available. Supt~Parks & Recreation Mattison stated such a rep would be given. Councilman Ryan at this time brought up the ~atter of the deficiencies whic exist in the Bauer-Lesser subdivision known as Burl Burl #3. Discussionfc lowed concerning the emergency nature of these deficiencies, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio, that the Director of Public Werks and City Manager be empowered to take care of the critical de- ficiencies with the approval of the City Attorney and that the Bauer-Lessex Company be billed for these repairs. Discussion followed, at which ti~e the city's legal right to do this work was discussed, after which, at the request of Counci]Jaan Rocca, the motion as made was read by the Clerk. Mot as made and seconded was regularly carried. Councilman Lucchio at this ti~e suggested that the formation of Little Lest Baseball Teazm be referred to the Recreation Comaission and the Director et Public Works concerning the availability of sites, costs and other inform- ation. There being no objections, it was so ordered. POLICE OFFICER: APPOI NTRENT OF RALPH WHITTINGTON AS SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER: DISMISSAL OF EUGENE LAZZARI: APPOINTMENTS OF JOHN MONTI AND HARRY JOHNSON: McCall, Jr. as police officer as of August 12, 1957. Councilman Ryan m, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommends as made by the Police Chief be accepted. The appointment of Ralph Kenneth Whittington as special police officer J Armour & Company was received from the office of the Police Chief. CouJ man Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that appointment of the Police Chief be confirmed, with no remuneration from city. Inter office memorandum dated August 7, 1957, was received from David Acting Superintendent of Public Works, advising that maintenance man Lazzari not be permanently appointed to the Street Department due to me¢ reasons. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regulg carried, that the reco~mendation of Mr. Corsiglia be approved. Reporis were received from the Superintendent of Sanitation reco~mendinl permanent appointments of John Monti and Harry Johnson as Sewage Treatme Plant Operators. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca a~ regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Superintendent of Sent be approved. MONTHLY REPORTS: Reports for the month of July, 1957, were received from the Police Depar Fire Department and Library.' Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, the reports would be accepted and placed on file. No object were registered. GOOD & WELFARE: M & D AMBULANCE SERVICE: Mayor Rozzi asked if any of the Council had anything they wished to offe Good and Welfare. Councilman Ryan stated that present in the audience w Mr. Wesley Black of the M & D Ambulance Service, who would like to speak the Council concerning his offer of ambulance service to the City of Sou San Francisco. Discussion followed, at which time Mr. Black explained t availability of his ambulance service to the city. After discussion, Ma Rozzi requested the City Manager to prepare a report giving all of the d concerning this ambulance service for the next regular Council meeting. sTREET REPAIR NEEDS IN NORTH Councilman Cortesi brought to the attention of the City Council the fact that in his opinion the County Board of Supervisors have not been fair tl north county cities with regard to use of funds for the improvement of vi county roads. He moved that the City Manager be instructed to notify Col Manager Bob Stallings to investigate and have some work dom in the nortl of the county. Mayor Rozzi remarked that the county road near the bowli~ alley in Brentwood required attention as well. Councilman Ryan stated ti the street crossing to Avalon Park was in need of repair and attention. cilman Lucchio spoke of the area to be used in the building of the new CJ School that should be taken care of prior to the annexation of the territ to the city. It was suggested that the City Manager make a complete ansi before notifying the County Manager's office. Councilman Lucchio secon~ the motion, which was regularly carried. 8TAGNARO COMI~NDATI ON: Councilman Cortesi brought to the attention of the Council that in the re nation of eergeant Stagnsroof the Police Department, no commendation was x quested issued as had been done in other like cases. He therefore moved, ended by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the appropriate com~ darien be issued. RECREATION SITES IN MOUNTAINS: Councilman Ryan asked the Supt. of Parks & Recreation concerning the avat ity of a park site somewhere in the mountains, such as the City of San Ma has available to their residents. It was also his understanding that the County of San MaSco likewise had such a site or were looking into a site. discussion followed, at which time, the Supt. of Parks & Recreation Duane Mattison gave the Council information concerning the subject matter, afte which Councilman Ryan requested that a report be furnished, giving all th information available. SuPt~Parks & Recreation Mattison stated such a r would be given. DEFICIENCIES IN BUR1 BUR1 #3: Councilman Ryan at this time brought up the matter of the deficiencies wh exist in the Bauer-Lesser subdivision known as Buri Buri #3. Discussion lowed concerning the emergency nature of these deficiencies, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio, that the Public Works and City Manager be empowered to take care of the critical ficiencies with the approval of the City Attorney and that the Bauer-Less, Company be billed for these repairs. Discussion followed, at which tt~ae the city's legal right to do this work was discussed, after which, at the request of Councilman Rocca, the motion as made was read by the Clerk. M~ as made and seconded was regularly carried. FORMATION OF LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL TSAMS: 0 6 Councilman Lucchio at this time suggested that the formation of Little Lei Baseball Teaam be referred to the Recreation Commission and the Director i Public Works concerning the availability of sites, costs and other inform. ation. There being no objections, it was so ordered. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS POST NEED FOR SUPPORT: ADJOUENMgNT: Cou nc i t hose of t~_e remark have t lman Lucchio brought to the attention of the members of the Council, ~resent in the audience and the press, the need for public support Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in carrying out their program, further .ng that if such support is not fo~thcomin~, the organization might o file for bankruptcy. He urged t~e support of the local organizations: citizens and press. There being nothing further under Good and Welfare from the members of the Coun:il, Mayor Rozzi asked if anyone in Zhe audience had anything they wishsdlto offer. Mr. Skulsky briefly spoke on the matter of the Downtown Parkin~ District. There )eing no further business, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council- man ~n and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned until September 3, 19 ~, at 8:00 p.m. Time of adjournment - 10:04 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City Clerk