HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1958-04-07REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIT~. COUNCIl, OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN F~.ANCISCO HELD MONDAY, APRIL 7, ~.956 TIME: PLACE: 8:00 p.~. Council Chambers, City Hall CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor ~ozzi at 8:03 p.m. PLKDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was given girD INVOCATION: by Reverend Carl Curtwright of the First Assembly of God Church. ROLL CALL: prese ~t: Alment: Mayor G. J. Rozzi and CouncilmeL Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi. CsuncilmOn Francis Lucchto and Leo J. Ryan. PRESENCE OF COUNCILMAN RYAN: Councilman Ryan appeared present at the meeting at 8:07 p.m. and remained for its d~ration. Mayor lozzi asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regular meetl~ of March 17, 1958 and the adjourned regular meeting of March 21, 1958, as Su~ktted. Councilman Cortesi moved, meconded by Councilman Rocca and reg- ularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 17, 1958~and the adjourned regular meeting of March 31, 1958, be approved as submitted. MaYor _~ozzi then asked if there was a motAon approving the claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claims be approved for ~ayment. VERA MAGER CLAIM: Next ~tken up was the claim of Mrs. Vera Maser, who made claim for damages to the rk41~.t front fender and part of the risht front bumper on her 1956 Buick which ,rks involved in a collision with a city-owned and operated vehicle, amoun=kng to $22.50. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi, that %~e claim be denied and referred to the city's insurance carrier in the usual r~nner. Mayor Rossi requsSbml that the City Clerk inform Mrs. Maser that L verified claim should be filed within 90 days and requested that this be ma~e part of the motion. Councilman Ro~ca accepted the amendment as sug- geste~ ~nd Councilman Cortesi seconded the amendment. Motion as made, amended and seconded was regularly carried. PlNEVIEW CREST SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING: OPENING OF BIDS FOR IMPR. WORK PINKVIEW CREST: Proceeding on to the matter of public hearingS, Vho Council took up next the public [earing on Pineview Crest Subdivision. City Attorney Noonan stated that tim attorneys for the District., represented by M~ Ernest Wilson, were prese~ to speak on the subject master, if~. WilSon stated that the bids for the Work had been opened earlier in theaf;ernoon and that he would like first a report from the Director of Public Works concerning these bids and that the bidders and their bids be noted in the min,Ates. He then asked that the bids for t[~ sale of the bonds be opened, after which all matters pertaining to Pinevi~w Crest, including the bids for bog3 the work and the sale of the bonds, be Co~tinued to the next regular Council meeting so that he could review these items. Director of Public Works Goss then read the bids which had been re- ceive¢ from the various contractors, bidding on the work, announcing that McCam~on & Wundorlich was the firm which s~bmitted the lowest bid. He then gave tLe names of the bidders and their bid submitted which was as follows: Freeman Paving - A. Dale Williams - McCammon & Wunderlich- Charles H. Berger - Arthur Haskins - Fay ImprOvement - Lowrie.Paving - $~73,847.60 266,182.21 k60,345.26 k76,526,11 279,708.S9 L83,534.80 ~78,756.68 After Mr. Goss had completed reading the n-mes of the bidders and the amounts of the bidS, Mr. W~lson again requested~th-t all the matters be continued to the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Rozzi asked the City Clerk if any writte3 ~rotests had been received regardiLg Pinevtew Crest Subdivision,.to which ~ replied none had been received. Mayor Rossi then asked if anyone in the audience wished to register an oral protest. None were registered. Mr. Wilson t~en asked that a motion be entertaLned closing ~he public hearing. Council. mn Rocca moved, seconded by Councikman Ryan and regularly carried, that t~e public hearing on Pineview Crest Subdivision,be closed. Councilman Ryan t~e~ moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that all matters ~ertaining to Pineview Crest Subdivision be continued to the next regular ~eeting:of April 21, 1956. HARBOR WAY City A==orney Noonan at this ttmeremarked that Mr..Robert Miller, attorney ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: for the Harbor Way Improvement was present in the audience with a resolution (AWARD OF CONTRACT which Aad been prepared concerning the bidf received for the work to be done. TO A.DALE WILLIAMS) Directo= of Public Works Louis Goss stated that a communication dated April ~_~ ~ 7, I953, had been received from the firm of Wilsey~& Ham, engineers for the · improvement of Harbor Way, which stated that the bids had been reviewed and it was =heir finding that the bid of A. DaLe Williame was correct, recommend- ing th~% the contract be awarded to that firm. He further stated that he concur=ed w~th the firm of Wilsey & Ham in the matter. RESOLUTION NO. 2605 Mr. RolM]'t Miller then briefly explained the remoluLion wh~h had been prepared HARBOR WAY ASSESS- anrdiz~g the contract to the successful biCder, after which Councilman MBNT DISTRICT introd~ced: 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AWARDING CONTRACT: AWARDIFG CONTRACT~. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. ~j~.[~ Rozzi, ~Ldrew Rocca, Emilio Cortest and Leo Jo Ryan. Absent: Councilman ~-.Franc i,. Lucchio. the FirSt Assembly of God Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor G. J. Rozzi and Councilmen Andrew Rocca, E~ilio Cortesi. Absent: C~uncllMn Francis Lucchio and Leo J. Ryan. PRESENCE OF COUNCILMAN RYAN: Council~an Ryan appeared present at the meeting at 8:07 p.m. and remained' its duration. Mayor Rozzi asked if there was a ~otion approving the minutes of the regul~ meetin~ of March 17, 1958 and the adjourned regular meetin~ of March 21, 1! as Sub~itted. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and : ularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 17, 195~ the adjourned regular meetin~ of March 21, 1958, be approved as sub~itted. MaYor Rozzi then asked if there was a motion approving the claims as submi~ for payment. Councilman Rocca ~oved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and renu carried,~that the claims be approved for payment. VKRA MAGER CLAI If: Next taken up was the cla~ of ~rs. Vera MaKer, who ~ade claim for damages the right front fender and part of the right front bmaper on her 1956 Buic] whichwas involved in a collision with a city-owned and operated vehicle, a~ounting to $22.50. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council~aan Cortel that the claim be denied and referred to the city's insurance carrier in tl usual ~anner. ~ayor Rozzi re~u~f~d that the City Clerk infor~ Mrs. MaKer that a verified claim should be filed within 90 days and requested that'th: be ~ade part of the motion. Council~an Rocca accepted the mnd~ent as sul gested and Council~an Cortesi seconded the a~end~ent. Motion as ~ade, mae and seconded was regularly carried. PlNEVIEW CREST 8UBDIVI SION PUBLIC HEARING: OPENING OF BIDS FOR I~PR. ~Olt~ PINEVIEW CREST: Proceeding on to the matter of public hearings, The Council took up next t public hearing on Pineview Crest Subdivision. City Attorney Noonan stated that tho attorneys for the District, represented by ~F; Ernest Wilson, wer. present to speak on the subject ~atter. ~r. Wilson stated that the bids f. the WOrk had been opened earlier in the afternoon and that he would like f a report from the Director of Public Works concerning these bids and that bidders and their bids be noted in the minutes. He then asked that the bi for the sale of the bonds be opened, afte~ which all matters pertaining to Pineview Crest, including the bids for b~th the work and the sale of the b be Continued to the next regular Council meetin~ so that he could review t ite~. Director of Public Works Go~s then read the bids which had been re ceived fro~ the various contractors, bidding on the work, announcing that ~cCmon & ~underlich was the fir~ which submitted the lowest bid. He the gave the na~e~ of the bidders and their bid submitted which was as follows Free,an Pavin~ - A. Dale Williams - ~cCa~on & ~underlich- Charles H. Berger - :Arthur Haskins - Fay ImprOvement - Lowrie Paving - $173,847.60 166,182.21 160,345.26 176,5~6,11 179,708.S9 183,534.80 178,756.68 After Mr. Goss had completed readingthe names of the bidders and the amou of the bids, Mr. Wilson again roquested~that all the matters be continued' the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Rozzi asked the City Clerk if any written protests had been received regarding Pineview Crest Subdivision,.t, which he replied none had been received. Mayor Rossi then asked if anyone the audience wished to register an oral protest. None were registered. M Wilson then asked that a motion be entertained closing the public hearing. Councilmen Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the public hearing on Pineview Crest Subdivision be closed. Councilm Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that. matters pertaining to Pineview Crest Subdivision be continued to the next regular mesting.of April 21, 1956. K&RBOR WAY City Attorney Noonan at this time remarked that Mr. Robert Miller, attorne ASSESSUNT DISTRICT: for the Harbor Way I~provement was present in the audience with a re~oluti. (AWARD OF CONTRACT which had been prepared ooncerning the bide received f~r the WOrk to be do TO A.DALE WILLIAm) Director of Public Work~ Louis Goss stated that a conunication dated Apri ~_~ ~ 7, 1958, had been received from the firmer Wilsey'& Ha~, engineers for th. · improvement of Harbor Way, which stated that the bid~ had been reviewed an it was their finding that the bid of A. Dale Williams was correct, recome ink that the contract be awarded to that fir~. He further stated that he concurred with the fir~ of Wilsey & Hms in the mat~er. RESOLUTION NO. 2605 ~RBOR WAY ASSESS- ~NT DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT: AWARDING CONTRAC1". Roll call vote was as follow~: ~~ Rossi, Andrew Rocca, ~ailio Cortest and Leo J. Ryan. - ~Francis Lucchio. Mr. Robert Miller then briefly explained the resolution which had been pre awarding the contract to the successful bidder, after which Councilman Roe introduced: ~A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH 8AN FRA Ayes, Councilmen G. J Absent: Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 2606 APPOINTING ENGINEER AND ATTORNEYS MADRONE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS: Proceeding on to resolutions, City Attorney NoOnan explained the first resol- ution which had been prepared concerning the improvement of Madrone Avenue, statkr_g that the Engineer's Report and t.~e adequacy for the work had been filed with the City Clerk. Conncilman Ryan then introduced: "A RESOLUTION API~-_B-TING ENGINEER AND ATTORNEYS - KADl~NE AVENUE''~' Roll call vote was as folLol~: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, . ,ndrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. 2607 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT & ASSESS. BOND ACTS MADRONE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS: RESOLUTION NO. 2608 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CON- STRUCT IMPROVEMENTS MADRONE AVENUE: 5500 RESOLUTION NO. 2609 PRELl MI NARY APPROVAL ENGINEER' S REPORT MADRONE AVENUE: £.5oO RESOLUTION NO. 2610 ESTABLISHING WAGE SCALE - MADRONE AVE: City J. ttorney Noonan then explained the ~ext resOlution concerning the im- prove~ent of Madrone Avenue, after which COuncilman Rocca introduced: '*A RESOLtTION DETERMINING TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESS- MEN? ~ .ND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE - MADRONE AVENUE'*. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. 'J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. lyan. Absent: CounCilman Francis Lucchio. Afte= explanation by the City Attorney c)ncerning the next resolution, Coun- cill&n Cortesi introduced: '*A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVE- ME1T2S - MADRONE AVENUE". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. C. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Council- man Francis Lucchio. City Attorney Noon&n then explained the ~ext resolution, after which Council- man Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF P.tEL'IMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEER'S REP~T - MADRONE AVENUE". ROll call vot~ was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Council- man ~rancis Lucchio. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Coun cilr~n Cortest introduced: "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE - MADI~ONE AVENUE". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozz'-, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and ~eo ~. Ryan. Absent: Councilman Fra~ cie Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. 2611 The next resolution was explained by the City Attorney, after which COuncil- SETTING DATE OF man Rocca ~ntroduced: "A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING REARING - DIRECTING PRO~STS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, AND DIRECTING NOTICE -'MADRONE NOTICE - MADRONE AVE: AVEFU~'. Roll Call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, ~ ~O Andl.ew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis Lucch~o. RESOLUTION NO. 2612 CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS - MADRONE AVENUE: Z3oo ACCEPTING DEED OF DEDICATION FROM G. W. WILLIAMS CO: o3 The k~st resolution concerning Madrone Avenue was explained by City Attorney NoeL&n, after which Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS - MADRONE AVENUE". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Comcklmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent Cou~m~lman Francis Lucchio. City ~,ttorney Noonan then explained the. re~olution concerning the acceptance of ~ ceed of dedication from the G. W. Williams Company, after which Council- man .~occa introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF I~IE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITYOF SOUTH SAN FFANCISCO ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FROM G. W. WILLIAMS COMPANY TO THE C~TY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cort~mi, and Leo J. Ryan. Absen Councilman Francis Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. 2614 VACATING PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT SSF INDUS.PARK #1: ,5'a s? The :~ext resolution as explained by the ~tty Attorney concerned the city's inte:~tion to vacate a public service easement in South San Francisco Industri Park Unit No. 1. After explanation by the City Attorney, Councilman Cortesi tnt=ocuced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF sourll SAN.FRAN- CISCO DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE A PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT IN SOUTH SAN YRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Ab~e~t: Councilman Francis Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. 2615 FILING OF SUIT AGAINST BAUER-LESSER BUR1 BUR1 #3 & 3A: City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution for Council action, after whic~ Councilman Corteei introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF SUIT FOR COMPLETING THE [YSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN BURIBURI #3 AND BUR1 BUR1 #3A FOE DAMAGES AND OTHER RELIE~'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. C. Rozzt, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Council- man U~ancis LucchiO. RESOLUTION NO. 2616 DESTRUCTION OF OLD RECORDS: / oO RESOLUTION NO* 3617 WORKMEN' S COMPENSA- TION - DISASTER SERVICE WORKERS: RESOLUTION NO. 2618 OFFICIAL TO CONTRACT FOR SURPLUS PROPERTY FOR CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER: City ~,ttorney Noonan next explained the resolution concerning the destruction of certain records, after which Counci~an Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCUT[.~ SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE DES- TRUCT_~ON OF CERTAIN RECORDS AND PAPERS ~MORE THAN FIVE (5) YEARS OL~'. Roll calk vote was as follows: Ayes, Counci]jmmn G. J. RoSsi, Andrew ltmcCa, Emilio Cor=esi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Councilman. Francis Lucchio. City ~ttorney Nmonan next explained the resolution concerning workmen's com- pena~ion benefits for registered volunteer "disaster service workers,', after whic~ COuncilman Ryan introduced: 'A RE~0LUTION-OF THE CITY COUNCIL~OF THE CITY_ OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REI~TIVE TO WORKMEN, Er COMPENSATION BENEFITS FOR ItF~:S_~ERED VOLUNTEER 'DISASTER SERVICE MORKERS*". Roll call vote was as folkows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Corteei and Leo J. My~n.: Absent: Councilman Francis Luochio. The ~,xt resolution was explained by'the City Attorney, after which Councilmf Cor%estintroduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCILOF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN YF.A, NCISCO DESIGNATING OIq~IClAL TO ~ItACT .FOR SUIlPLUS PROPERTY AVAILABLE FOR C;VIL DEFENSE AND DISASTEr'. Roll c~ll vote was as-folloWs: Ayes, Coun- cilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. 2619 CONFIRMING PROCLAM- ATION OF THREATENED EXISTENCE OF A DISASTER: ORDINANCE NO. 425 MAKING CITY LANDS AVAILABLE TO PARKING DISTRICT #1: BAUER-LESSER SUIT BUR1 BUR1 #3 FILING OF CLAIMS: ALFRED KOPFMANN USE PERMIT: AL BRAUNS APPOINT- MENT AS ASST. DIR, CIVIL DEFENSE: o.O PETITION FROM NORTH CANAL STREET PROPERTY OWNERS REGARDING DEDICATION: IIKALY TIBBITTS CONSTRUCTION CO. COMPLAINT REGARDING BUTLER RD.PROPERTY: LANDSCAPING BAYSHORE HIGHWAY WITH REGARD TO ADVERTISING DISPLAYS: / PARK AVENUE HEIGHTS DRAINAGE PROBLEM: H. V. GERRARD COMPLAINT- DRAINAGE ALONG TAMARACK LANE: The la~ resolution for CounciX action was then explained by the City Attorney, after w~lch Councilman Rocca introduced "1, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CII~! OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFIRMIN~ PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY MANAGER AS DIRECTO3 OF CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER PROCLAIMING THE THREATENED EXISTENCE OF A DIS~S~.ER''. Roll Call vote was as follous: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew ~cca, Emilio Cortest, and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis Lucchto. Proceeding on to ordinances, City Attorney Noonan explained the ordinance which was ready for second reading and adoption and which concerned the Down- town ~a?king District. After explanation, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Council'nan Rocca and regularly carried, tl at the detailed readin~ of the ord- inance 2e waived and that the ordinance bm adopted by the readin~ of title only. City Attorney Noonan then read the title of the or44~m ~ follows: "ORDI~'A.~CE PROVIDING THAT CERTAIN CITY LANDS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISC¢ SHALL, FOR ALL PURPosEs OF PARKING ~ISTRICT NO. 1, BE HELD, USED AND TRFATED IN ALL RESPECTS THE SAME AS PARKING PLACES ACQUIRED WITH THE PROCEEDS OF BC~"Dfl TO BE ISSUED UNDER THE PROCEEDINGS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PARKING DISTR: NO. 1'*, giving a brief explanation, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconde~ by Co~ncilman Rocca, that the ordinance be passed and adopted. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzt, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis Lucchio. At tL'_s time, Mayor Rozzi referred back to resolutions, taking up Resolution #5 wL~ch authorized the filing of a suit against Bauer-Lesser and the executio~ of decrements by designated city officials, stating that those persons who currec damages to their homes as a result of the construction by the Bauer- LesSer firm, file their names and addresses with the city so that the city coul~ compile all of the data in filing its action. He. further remarked that the c~ty would need'the assistance and help of all the residents. City Attor ney Poonan stated he already had the help of two other outside attorneys repreaenting private residences and that ~3e would prepare a form to be fol- lowe~ in filing the claims mentioned and that the City Clerk would have these form~ Lvailable later in the week for mailing to the residents on request. The C~ty Council next took up the item under unfinished business concerning the Use Permit Resolution No. 872 as applied for by Alfred Kopfmann, as re- ceived from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for ~e construction of a professional office under the existing duplex on Lot -,t, BloCk 15, Brentwood #2, located at 150-152 Brentwood Drive. Councllma RoccL remarked that at the study session neeting earlier, the matter was: dis- cussed, at which time it was mentioned t~at the area was not zoned for this partkc~lar use and as such it was the feeling that permission should not be granted. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carrked, that permission as requested be denied. At t~ls time, Mayor Rozzi remarked that te would like to appoint Assistant Fir Chieff ~1Brauns as the Assistant Director of Civil Defense. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the Mayor's appo~a=ment be confirmed and that A1Bra~ns be appointed Assistant Director of C:.v~l Defense. Comm'a3~cation dated MarCh 27, 1958, was received from the office of Mr. A. J. Scamptai together with a petition form off document filed in behalf of the proper%y owners bordering North Canal Street, requesting the city to undertake proceedings to have North Canal Street declared a validly dedicated street. Comm2nication wa8 also received from the office of UtahConstruction Company datet April 2, 1958, concerning the subject matter. City Attorney Noonan re- marked that he spoke with Mr. Scampini j~st prior to the meeting and had made arrangements for a conference to be held with Mr. Scampini, the attorney for Utah Construction Company, and its representatives as well as himself, after whic3 ~e would report back to the city t~e results of the meeting. Mr. Scam2i3i, present in the audience, briefky spoke on the subject matter. Commanication dated March 25, 1958, was received from the firm of Healy Tibbitts Construction Company, over the ~tKnature of T. G. Anderson, Vice Pres ident, complaining of the ineffectivenes& of their fence on property in the vicinity of the city-owned beach as a result of the sand being dumped by the city. After discussion, Councilman Rocc~ moved that the claim as made be denied..Councilman Ryan seconded the mo~ion, after which Mayor Rozzi re- quested that in the motion be included a2eo that a meeting be arranged by the City Mtnager concerning the matter. Councilman Rocca accepted the amendment after which Councilman Ryan stated he seconded the amendment. Motion as made amenCed and seconded, was regularly carrked. Com~nication dated March 19, 1958, was =eceived from the Division of Highways suggesting the adoption of an ordinance concerning landscaping the Bayshore Higk~ay'with regard to advertising displays. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if ther~ ~mre no objections, this matter wo'Ald be referred to the City Manager for~obtaining of a model ordinance. Com~nication dated March 26, 1958, was =eceived from Mr. Christopher G. Tayl, Mr. Samuel C. Keen and Mr. F. Bechini, residents of Park Avenue Heights, re- que~i;ing no further issuance of any building permits to Caesar-Callan Assoc- iates for homes in Park Avenue Heights u~til the defective drainage conditio~ had been corrected. Brief discussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that no further bui2ding permits be issued until.such rise as the drainage problems were fixe to ~ke the area Safe for the construction of homes, which was to include the stabk2ization of all lands and banks in the subdivision. Com~unication dated March 26, 1958, was received from Mr. H. V. Gerrard , con cern~.~ the matter of drainage facilities along Tamarack Lane near his proper Mayo~ Rozzi remarked that it was his und~rstanding that corrective steps had alr*~cy beenstarted but that if there mere no objections, the matter would be =efferred to the C~ty Manager to cooriiqate all ef2orts in getting the prob f~ z **ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT CEiT~IN CITY LANI~ OF THE CITY OF: FRAN- CISCO SHALL, FOR ALL PURPOSES OF PARKING DISTRICT NO. l, BE HELD, U~ED AND TREATHD IN ALL RESPECTS THE SAME AS PARKING PLACES ACQUIRED WITH THE PROCEEI~ OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED UNDER THE PROCEEDINGS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PARKING DIS' NO. l", giving a brief explanation, after which Councilman Ryan moved, secon, by Councilman Rocca, that the ordinance be passed and adopted. Roll call wot, was as follows: Ayes, CounclXmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis Lucchio. BAUER-LESSER SUIT BUR1 BUR1 #3 FILING OF CLAIMS: At this time, Mayor Rozzi referred back to resolutions, taking up Resolution #5 which authorized the filing of a suit against Bauer-Lesser and theexecut of documents by designated city officials, stating that those persons who in. curred damages to their homes as a result of the construction by the Bauer- Lesser firm, file their names and addresses with the city so that the city could compile all of the data in filing its action. He further remarked tha the city would need'the assistance and help of all the residents. City Att~ ney Noonan'stated he already had the help of two other outside attorneys representing private residences and that he would prepare a form to be fol- lowed in filing the claims mentioned and that the City Clerk would have thes forms available later in the week for mailing to the residents on request. ALFRED KOPFMANN USE PERMIT: The City Council next took up the item under unfinished business concerning the Use Permit Resolution No. 872 as applied for by Alfred Kopfmann, as re- ceived frOm the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for the construction of a professional office under the existing duplex on Lot 14, Block 15, Brentwood #2, located at 150-152 Brentwood Drive. Council: Rocca remarked that at the study session meeting earlier, the matter was: dis cussed, at which time it was mentioned that the area was not zoned for this particular use and as such it was the feeling that permission should not be granted. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that permission as requested be denied. AL BRAUNS APPOINT- MENT AS ASST. DIR. CIVIL DEFENSE: p. coo PETITION FROM NORTH CANAL STREET PROPERTY OWNERS REGARDING DEDICATION: At this time, Mayor P~zzi remarked that he would like to appoint Assistant F Chief A1Brauns as the Assistant Director of Civil Defense. Councilman Rocc moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the Mayor's appointment be confirmed and that A1Brauns be appointed Assistant Director of Civil Defense. Co!unicatton dated March 27, 1958, was received from the office of Mr. A. J Scampini together with a petition form of document filed in behalf of the property owners bordering North Canal Street, requesting the city to underta proceedings to have North Canal Street declared a validly dediCated street. Communication was also received from the office of Utah Construction Company dated April 2, 1958, concerning the subject matter. City Attorney Noonan re marked that he spoke with Mr. Scampini just prior to the meeting and had ma~ arrangements for a conference to be held with Mr. Scampini, the attorney for Utah Construction Company, and its representatives as well as himself, after which he would report hack to the city the results of the meeting. Mr. Scampini, present in the audience, briefly spoke on the subject matter. HEALY TIBBITTS CONSTRUCTION COMPLAINT REGARDXNG BUTLER RD.PROPERTY: Communication dated March 25, 1958, was received from the firm of Healy Tibbitts Construction Company, over the signature of T. G. Anderson, Vice Pz ident, complaining of the ineffectiveness of their fence on property in the vicinity of the city-owned beach as a result of the sand being dumped by the city. After discussion, Councilman Rocca moved that the claim as made be denied. Councilman Ryan seconded the motion, after which Mayor Rozzi re- quested that in the motion be included also that a meeting be arranged by t~ City Manager concerning the matter. Councilman Rocca accepted the amendment after which Councilman Ryan stated he seconded the amendment. Motion as mac amended and seconded, was regularly carried. LANDSCAPING CommUnication dated March 19, 1958, was received from the Division of Highws BAYSHORE HIGHWAY suggesting the adoption of an ordinance concerning landscaping the Bayshore WITH REGARD TO Highny'with regard to advertising displays. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if ADVEltTISING DISPLAYS: the~'~mre no objections, this matter would be referred to the City Manager for ~.btaining of a model ordinance. ~/~/ PARK AVENUE HEIGHTS DRAINAGE PROBLEM: H. V. GERHARD COMPLAINT - DRAINAGE ALONG TAMARACK LANE: Communication dated March 26, 1958, was received from Mr. Christopher O. Mr. Samuel C. Keen and Mr. F. Bechini, residents of Park Avenue Heights, re- questing no further issuance of any building permits to Caesar-Callan Assoc- iates for homes in Park Avenue Heights until the defective drainage conditi¢ had been corrected. Brief discussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that no further building permits be issued untilsuch time as the drainage problems were to make the area safe for the construction of homes, which was to include ti stabilization of all lands and banks in. the subdivision. Communication dated March 26, 1958, was received from Mr. H. V. Oerrard , c~ cerning the matter of drainage facilities along Tamarack Lane near his prop~ Mayor Rozzi remarked that it was his understanding that corrective steps hal already been started but that if there were no objections, the matter would be referred to the City Manager to coordi~ate all efforts in getting the pr, lem corrected. No o~jections were registered. DRAINAGE CONDITIONS PARKIIAVEN SUBDIVISION: DRAINAGE CONDITIONS VICINITY OF LOMITAS AND CUESTA BUR1 BUR1: yo?!. Communication dated March 31, 1958, was received from the property ownerm on Rainier Avenue, South Fairway. Drive and Lessen Street in Psrkhaven Subdt~ lsion, concerning the drainage conditions in that area. Also received was s communication dated March 35, 1958, from the ParkhaVen Club over the sigm ture of Ed Wendt, President. Accompanying the two communications was an tn: office memorandum dated March ~-7, 1958, as received from the Public Works Inspector regardin~ the matter. At the request of Mayor Rozzi, the City Manager and Director of Public Works explained the corrective steps which had already been taken in attempting to place some for~ of drainage in the area and the recent problem which had been encountered in obtsining an ease. meat through one of the properties, and that another method was presently being employed to correct this condition with the subdividers. No further Council a~tion was taken at tht3 ti~e, since the ~atter was in the process ~ being corrected by the Director of Public Works. Co~unicati°n dated February 13, 1958, was received from Mrs. Lorraine A. Sweaney, registering a complaint against the Bauer-Lesser Company concerninl the sewer situation at the intersection near her property as it affected he] Mayor Rozzi remarked that the pr~l~erty owner, Mrs. Sweaney, wished to have l wall constructed along her property to help correct this matter but that she wished to have Council approval on this wall. City Attorney Noonan further explained the request for a 3 ft. wall at the edge of the sidewalk which would be near so~e public utilities easements. Council~an Ryan then moved, seconded by Council~an Cortesi and regularly carried, that permission for tM construction of the wall be granted subject to a satisfactory agreement bei] reached with the City Attorney, City Manager, and Director of Public Works concerning the public utilities located on the pre~iees which would be af- fected by the vail. ~lt. & ]fitS. Variance Per~it Resolution No. 892, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. Frank FRANK MAMMINI Mammini, vas received from the Planning Commission, reco~uuending permission VARIANCE APPLICATION: granted for a 5-foot encroachment into the required 20-foot rear yard for c~ ff~) struction of a residence on a portion of existing easement on Lot 22, Block Avalon Park No. 4, subject to certain conditions. Councilman Rocca moved, Seconded by Councilman Cortesi and ~egularly carried, that the recommendati( of the Planning Commission be accepted. MARTIN BIBUER Variance Permit Resolution No. 893, as applied for by Martin Breuer, was re. VARIANCE APPLICATION: ceived from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted for ff~D a 3-foot encroachment into the reqUired 5-foot sideyard at Lot 19, Block 37: Brentwood #3. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly c~rried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. THE PLEX COMPANY REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION: Resolution No. 894 was received from the Planning Co~iesion, recommending permission be granted for subdivision of property according to map dated February 38, 1958, Parcel #1 containing 5,000 square feet; Parcel #2 contai~ 8,000 square feet; Parcel #3 containing 8,000 square feet, and Parcel #4 containing 18,600 square feet, subject to certain conditions. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. MR. & MRS. FRANK L. SARCLETTI USE PERMIT: Use Permit Resolution No. 895, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sero] was received from the.Planning Commission, recommending permission be grant~ for the construction of a single family dwelling on the north 10 feet of Lei ~1 and the south 30 feet of Lot 20, Block 129. Councilman Rocca moved, sec. ended by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation ~ the Planning Commission be accepted. MR. &MRS. BENIAMINO PlANCA USE PERMIT: Use Permit Resolution No. 896, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. Beniamino Pia~ was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be grant~ for the construction of a new residence on Third Lane, subject to certain ditions. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regula] carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. HUGH K. ROB~rI~ON USE PERMIT: 505° MERRITT MANGKLS USE PERMIT: Use permit Resolution No. 897, as applied for by Mr. Hugh E. Robertson, was received from the Planning Commission,recommending permission be granted to move a stucco house now located at 434 Circular Avenue, San Francisco, to Lots 19 and 30, Block "~' in Peck's Subdivision #1, subject to certain con- ditions. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regula] carried, that the recommendation of the Planning 'Commission be accepted. Use Permit Resolution No. 898, as applied for by Mr. Merritt Mangels, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted f( a coin-operated laundrette at 319 Maple Avenue. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendati( of the Planning' Commission be accepted. LOUIS POLETTI USE PERMIT: Use Permit Resolution No. 899, as applied for by Mr. Louis Poletti, was re- ceived from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted for a permanent billboard - present billboard to be strengthened, revamped and reconstructed to standard size of 25 feet wide, 60 feet long, and to be erected to regular height of 35 feet, at LOt 3, Block 3, Airport Boulevard. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carrie~ that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. CALL FOR BIDS - THRU-CLEAN BAR SCREENS & CONVEYOR - SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT':' 5(~ ~7 Inter office communicatiOm dated April 3, 1958, was received from the office of the Dir~cto~ of Public Works, submitting plans, Opo~tfications and cost estimates for Thru-Clean Bar Screens and Bolt ConveYor in connection with the Sewage Treatment Plant. Brief discussion .followe~Ooncerning the matte] after which Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regular~ carried, that the plans and specifications be approved and the Director of Public Works authorized to call for bids. FIRE CHIEF WELTE'S REQUEST TO LEAVE Inter Office communication dated March 26, 1958, was received from Fire. Chit A. J. Welte, requesting permission to leave the state for vacation period f] DRAINAGE CONDITION8 VICINITY OF LOMITAS AND CUESTA BUR1 BUR1: Comunicati°n dated FebruarY 13, 1958,. was received from Mrs. Lorraine A. Sweaney, registering a complaint against the BaUer-Lesser Company concerni] the sewer situation at the intersection near her property as it affected hl Mayor Rozzi remarked that the property owner, ~rs. Sweaney, wished to have wall constructed along her pr~erty to help correct this matter but that si wished to have Council approval on this wall. City Attorney Noonan furthe~ explained the request for a 3 ft. wall at the edge of the sidewalk which would be near so~e public uttlitie~ easements. Councilman Ryan then moved: seconded by CoUncil~an Cortesi and regularly carried, that permission for 1 construction of the wall be granted subject to a satisfactory agreement bel reached with the City Attorney, City Manager, and Director of Public Works concerning the public utilities located on the premises which would be af- fected by the wall. · R- & FRANK MAIINI VARIANCE APPLICATION: 3'O5O Variance Per, it Resolution No. 892, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mamaini,~was received from the Planning Comission, reco~ending per~issim granted for a 5-foot encroachment into the required 20-foot rear yard for ( struction of a residence on a portion of existing easement on Lot 22, Bloc] Avalon Park No. 4, subject to certain conditions. Council~an Rocca ~oved, seconded by Council~an Cortesi and Tegularly carried, that the reco~endat~ of the Planning Co~ission be accepted. RARTIN BBUER Variance Per~it Resolution No. 893, as applied for by ~artin Breuer, was r~ VARIANCE APPLICATION: ceived from the Planning Comatssion, recomending per~ission be granted fei .~0 a 2-foot encroachment into the reqUired 5-foot sideyard at Lot 19, Block 37 Brentwood #3. Council~an Rocca ~oved, seconded by Council~an Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recomaendation of the Planning Co~ission be accepted. THE PLKX COMPANY REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION: ]~t. & ]fitS. FRANK L. SARCLETTI USE PERMIT: 5050 Resolution No. 894 was received fro~ the Planning Commission, reco~mending per~ission be granted for subdivision of property according to map dated February 38, 1958, Parcel #1 containing 5,000 square feet; Parcel #2 conta~ 8,000 square feet; Parcel #3 containing 8,000 square feet, and Parcel #4 containing 18,600 square feet, subject to certain conditions. Council~an Rocca 'moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that th~ reco~endation of the Planning Comission be accepted. Use Per~it Resolution No. 895, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sar¢ was received from the.Planning Comission, recommending per~ission be grant fOr the construction of a single family dwelling on the north 10 feet of L~ Jl and the south 30 feet of Lot 20, Block 139. Councilman Rocca ~oved, sec ended by Council~an Cortesi and regularly carried, that the reco~endation the Planning Comission be accepted. MR. &MRS. BENIAMINO PlANCA USE PERMIT: HUGH g. ROBERTffON USE PERMIT: ..5-05o MERRITT MANGKLS USE PERMIT: Use Per~it Resolution No. 896, as applied for by Mr. and ~rs. Bentamino Pis was received from the Planning Co~ission, recomendingper~ission be grant for the construction of a new residence on Third Lane, subject to certain ¢ ditions. Councilman Rocca ~oved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and reguls carried, that the recmmaendation of the Planning Co~ission be accepted. Use Permit Resolution No. 897, as applied for by Mr. Hugh E. Robertson, was received fro~ the Planning Co-missiOn,recomaending per~ission be granted t¢ ~ove a stucco house now located at 434 Circular Avenue, San Francisco, to Lots 19 and 20, Block "~' in Peck's Subdivision #1, subject to certain con- ditions. Council~an Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regula carried, that the recomendation of the Planning Co~ission be accepted. Use Per, it Resolution No. 898, as applied for by ~r. Merritt Mangels, was re~mived from the Planning Conission, reco~uaending permission be granted a coin-operated laundrette at 319 Maple Avenue. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council~an Cortesi and regularly carried, that the 'recomendatt of the Planning' Conission be accepted. LOUIS POLETTI USE PERMIT: CALL FOR BIDS - THRU-CLEAN BAR SCREENS & CONVEYOR - SEWAGE TRF~TMENT PLANT: ...~ (~ ~' ? Use Per~lt Resolution No. 899, as applied for by Mr. Louis Poletti, vas re- ceived from the Planning Comission, reco~mending per~ission be granted fox a per~anent billboard - present billboard to be strengthened, revamped and reconstructed to standard size of 25 feet wide, 60 feet long, and to be erected to regular height of 35 feet, at LOt 3, Block 3, Airport Boulevard. Councilman Rocca ~oved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carrie that the reconendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. Inter office co~unication dated April 3, 1958, was received from the offic of the Director of Public Works, submitting plans, ~pe~ificattons and cost esti~ates for Thru-Clean Bar Screens and Belt Conveyor in connection with the Sewage Treatment Plant. Brief dis~ussion followe~/ooncerning the ~atte after which Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regular carried, that the plans and specifications be approved and the Director of Public Works authorized to call for bids. FIRE CHIEF WELTE'S REQUEST TO LEAVE STATE FOR VACATION: ?-Ooo Inter office co~-unication dated March 26, 1958, was received from Fire-Ch~ A. J. Welte, requesting per~ission to leave the state for vacation period ~ay 31, 1~5~ to June 31, 1958, inclusive. Councilman Ryan~oved, seconded Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that permission as requested be granted. DAVID ~EDEGHI NI APPOINTMENT AS PAl~ING METER MAN: Memorandum was received from the Police Chief, Louis Belloni, recommending the permanent appointment of David Medeghini as parking meter man, he having satisfactorily completed his probationary period as of April 1, 1958. His recommendation carried the concurrence of the Personnel Board and City Manage Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Police Chief be accepted. J. PET~OFF SICK LEAVE MONTHLY REPORT: Inter office memorandum dated March 28, 1958, was received from Fire Chief Welts recommending the granting of 6 days sick leave to probationary fireman J. Petroff. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and reg- ularly carried, that the 6-day sick loewe bo granted. Monthly report fOr the month of March, 1958, was received from the office' of the Bulldlng Inspector. Mayor RoZzt remarked that If there were no objectlor the report would be accepted and placed on file. No objections were registers APPLICATION FOR Applications for transfer of alcoholic beverage license was received from the TRANSFER OF ALCOHOLIC Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, as applied for by Lawrence Bertolu¢ MKe_BRIGE LICENSE: MayOr Rozzi'remarked that if there ~ no objections, this matter would be L./50/ accepted and placed on file. No objections were registered. CONDOLENCES FOR Proceeding on to GoOd and Welfare, Mayor Rozzi 'asked if any of the members oJ CARROLL BUCllER'S the Council had anything they wished to offeF.'under Good ~nd Welfare. Counk FAMILY: cilman Ryan at this time expressed the Council's condolences to the members ~0 O0 of the family of Carroll Bucher, attorney and chairman of the city's Personne Board, upon his untimely death. GOOD & WELFARE At this time, Councilman.Ry~nbr~ufht to the attention of the Council the matter of %he lateDolwig A~t u~Lchcalled for a brid~e crossing near Army Street, the proposal having:~ turneddown lamt week. He then read Resol- SOUTHERN BAY ution No. 2457, passedand~dop~edby~tho~mil at their meeting of Februal CROSSING: 4, 1957,.urging the constru~t~' of a mtbo~m '(rroogin~ near Sierra point .~/~/ which woUld be halfway between the San Fl~j~o-Oakland Bay Bridge and the San Matoo-BaFgBrdBridge. After discussion, Coun~ilmad Hymn moved that the City of South San Francisco reiterate it~ Stand as expressed in Resolution No. 2457 of February 5,.1957, requesting-that a full investigation of the bridge crossing at Sierra Point be made and that copies of the resolution be sent to all candidate~ for-State office now seeking election. Further discu~ sion followed by Councilman Hymn,' after which Councilman Rocca seconded the motion as made and it was regularly carried. DRAINAGE CONDITION8 ON COUNI~[-WI DE BASIS: ~/,~ Councilman Ryan at this time brought to the attention of the Council the noel for stricter legislation in the form of ordinances to ~overn the actions of subdividers within the city, remarking that something should be done on a county-wide basis, and not only from the standpoint of the cities. He sug- gested that the matter be brought to the attention of the North County Counci of Cities since most of the trouble of drainage starts outside of the city limits. REMARKS ON CLOSED-DOOR POLICY: Councilman Ryan then briefly commented on recent Council candidates' literati which alleged closedqioor policies by the Council, remarking that the only time a closed-door policy was in effe~t wa8 when it concerned an employee wit respect to a personnel problem which deserved discussion only by the employe~ and those immediately concerned. LEGISLATION CONCERN- ING SUBDIVI8ION8 AND SUBDIVIDERS: Councilman Cortesi at this time stated that hew as in agreement with Council. man Hymn concerning stricter legislation in the form of an ordinance concern- · ing the subdivisions and subdividers, remarking that some security in the fo~ of money or bonds should be po~ted at the time that a subdivision is being developed so that the city would have monies to go ~gainst in the event prob. lems arose as they recently have. He then moved, seconded by Councilman Rya~ that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance con- cerning subdividers and subdivisions. Discussion followed, at 'which time it was mentioned that rather than have the City Attorney prepare an ordinance, he be instructed to initiate work only on an ordinance, getting the legtslat: started. Councilman Cortest accepted this as his motion, after which Counci~ man Ryan seconded the motion which was regularly carried. WINSTON MANOR DRAINAGE PROBLEM - REMARKS OF MR. KAUFMANN AND MRS. Ail)ROSE: Councilman P~ca briefly mentioned to. those present in the audience that it was the right and obligation of the people to vote, requesting that they vot~ at the election the following day. There being nothing further from any of the members of the City Council, Rozzi asked if anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offer unde~ Good and Welfare. Mr. Kaufmann of-lO9 Longford Drive, Winston Manor, presen' in the audience, again spoke concerning tho matter of the alleged damages wh: were occurring to his home and property as a result of the drainage conditio] in the subdivision. He remarked that the conditions were becoming worse stead of better, asking as to when the repairs to the drainage pipe were to be made by the city. At the request of Mayor Rozzi, Director of Public Louis Goss explained the test borings which had been made and the report whi~ Was being'awaited from the company. He further remarked on the danger of making repairs during the time that the ground Was soft as a result of the rains. Mention Was also made by Mr. Kau~fmann concerning a survey to be ma~ of his property which Mr. Goss stated he would be happy to do. Discussion f, lowed between the members of the CoUncil and Mr. Kaufmann concerning the per mission needed from him for city forces and other persons to enter his props to effect the repairs. Ifr~Alte2mse, present in the audience then spoke on t same matter as it affected her property and the information she had received from the County Assessor's Office concerning the damages to her property. Af length discu si n had t k p e, - .l)irecto of u ltc orks u · ted t possibly. Mr. tau~.m~nn ,n~ ~ge ~y St.~oorney could ge~ V_oge~g~r an~ ~r~ o~ a agreemen~ concerning this matter whicn:~uld be agreeable ~o Doth Mr. ~uxma and the cityj:' It was agreed by the Conncil that the City Attorney wou~a pre PAre such a documentwith Mr. ~aUfmann. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further businesS, Mayor Rozzi remarked that the meeting would the" Fe~t woUld be ac~ePte~ and-plaCed on fii~.No- '-objections ....... ~were-~ -registelJ-''" APPLICATION FOR Applications for transfer of alcoholic beverage license was received from ti TRANSFER OF ALCO~LIC Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, as applied for by Lawrence Bertolt BEI/ERA~E LICENSE: CONDOLENCES FOR CARROLL BUCHER' S FAEILY: Eayor Rozzi'remarked that if there were no objections, this matter would be accepted and placed on file. No objections were registered. Proceeding on to Good and Welfare, Mayor Rozzi 'asked if any of the members ¢ the Council had anything they wished to offer[underGo od ~nd Welfare. Coun~ cilman Ryan at this t~me expressed the Council's condolences to the members of the family of Carroll Bu~her, attorney and chairman of the city's PersonE Board, upon his untimely death. GOOD & WELFARE SOUTHERN BAY CROSS I NG: At this time, Councilman.Ryanbrought to the attention of the Council the matter of 'the late Dolwig Act ~g~tch called for a bridge crossing near Army Street, the proposal having bees turned down last week. He then read Resol- ution No. ~2457, passed and ad~p~d by the Council at their meeting of Februa 4, 1957,.urging the construction of a 8math~n o~sin~ near Sierra Point which woUld be half way between the ~an l~a~cisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the San Eateo-BalmmedBridge. After discussion, Coun~ilmaa Ryan moved that the City of South ~an Francisco reiterate its stand as exprease~ in Resolution No. 2457 of February 5,.1957, requesting-that a full investigation of the bridge crossing at Sierra Point be made and that copies of the resolution be sent .to all candidates for..State office now seeking election. Further discu sion followed by Councilman Ryan, after which Councilman Rocca seconded the motion as made and it was regularly carried. DRAINAGE CONDITIONS ON COUNTY-WIDE ASIS: Councilman Ryan at this time brought to the attention of the Council the nee for stricter legislation in the form of ordinances to govern the actions of subdividers within the city, remarking that something should be done on a county-wide bamis, and not only from the standpoint of the cities. He sug- gested that the matter be brought to the attention of the North County Count of Cities since most of the trouble of drainage starts outside of the city limits. REMARKS ON CLOSED-DOOR POLICY: Councilman Ryan then briefly commented on recent CounoA1 candidates' llterat which alleged closed, leer policies by the Council, re~arking that the only time a closed-door policy was in effe~t wa8 when it concerned an employee wi respect to a personnel problem which deserved discussion only by the employe and those immediately concerned. LEGISLATION CONCERN- ING SUBDIVISIONS AND SUBDIVIDERS: Councilman Cortesi at this time stated that he was in agreement with Council man Ryan concerning stricter legislation in the form of an ordinance concern ing the subdivisions and subdividers, remarking that some security in the fo of money or bonds should be posted at the time that a subdivision is being developed so that the city would have monies to go 8gatnst in the event prob lems arose as they recently have. He then moVed, seconded by Councilman Rya: that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance con- cerning subdividers and subdivisions. Discussion followed, at 'which time it was mentioned that rather than have the City Attorney prepare an ordinance, he be instructed to initiate work only on an ordinance, getting the legislat: started. Councilman Cortesi accepted this as his mo2ion, after which Council man Ryan seconded the motion which was regularly carried. Councilman Rocca briefly mentioned to. those present in the audience that it was the right and obligation of the people to vote, requesting that they vot~ at the election the following day. WINSTON MANOR DRAINAGE PROBLEM - REMARKS OF MR. KAUFMANN AND MRS. AEOROSE: ADJOURNEKNT: There being nothing further from any of the members of the City Council, Rozzi asked if anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offer unde~ Good and Welfare. Er. Kaufmann of:109 Longford Drive, Winston Eanor, presen: in the audience, again spoke concerning the matter of the alleged damages wh: were occurring to his home and property as a result of the drainage conditio] in the subdivision. He remarked that the conditions were becoming worse stead of better, asking as to when the repairs to the drainage pipe were te be made by'the city. At the request of Eayor Rozzi, Director of Public Louis Goss explained the test borings which had been mede and the report whit was being awaited from the company. Re further remarked on the danger of making repairs during the time that the ground was soft as a result of the rains. Eention was also made by Er. Kau~mann concerning a survey to be of his property which Mr. Goss stated he would be happy to do. Discussion f~ lowed between the members of the Council and Er. Kaufmann concerning the per- mission needed from him for city forces and other persons to enter his propel to effect the repairs. Jfre.,AJto~e~e, present in the audience then spoke on ti same matter as it affected her property and the information she had received from the County Assessor's Office concerning the damages to her property. Af~ length discu si n had t k p e, .D~recto of u ltc orke u · ted ti agreemen~ concerning this matter whtcn would be agreeable ~o seth Er. [auxmaz and the city.: It was agreed by the COuncil that the City Attorney would pre, pare such a document with Er. [aUfmann. There being no further business, I~ayor Rozzi remarked that the meeting would be adjourned: ~n respect to Carroll Bucher. ADJOURNMENT CONT' D: Cou nc :- ] that Time Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, ~meeting be adjourned. adjournment - 9:33 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,