HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1960-04-18TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND I'NVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MI NUTES: CLAIMS; PARKING DISTRICT 1955-1 CLAIMS: ~/3/ DUAL PARKING CLAIM: REYNOLDS/REYNOL SCIANDRI BROS.: PASSETTI ENTERPRI SE- JOURN~A/L~ TRAFFIC APPLIANCE ~ CORP.: 5-~ SO. SSF IND,PARK UNIT #2-C, ZONE 1 LOWRIE PAVING COMPANY CLAIM: PERSON & SWANSON INDUSTRIAL TRACT PUBLIC HEARING: PERSON & SWANSON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CHANGES & MODIFICATIONS PUBLIC HEARING: "LAW DAY - U.S.A." PROCLAMATION: PROCLAMATION: RESOLUTION NO. 2995 CANCELLING TAXES PARCEL 28, ZONE B ACREAGE - CITY PROPERTY :~__//0 RESOLUTION NO. 2996 fAUTHORI ZING PERMIT TO OUTBOARD CLUB FU~ USE OF RAMP AREA: ~'~//~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1960 8~00 p.m, Council Chambers, City Hall The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rocca at 8:01 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was given by Reverend Edwin Saferite of the Parkwood Methodist Church in plac~ of Reverend Carl E. Curtright of the First Assembly of God Church. Present: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortest and Patrick Ahern Absent: Councilman Leo J. Ryan Mayor Rocca asked if there ns a motion approving the minutes of the regu- lar meeting of April 4, 1960. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Rozz! and regularly carried, that the minutes be approved as submil Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approVing the regular claims for payment as submitted. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahez and regularly carried, that the regular claims totaling $21,033.62 be approved for payment. The next series of claims concerning expenses of the South San Francisco Parking District #1 were taken up as follows: Dual Parking Meter Co., dated 2/26/60, in amount of $1,668.60 for parking meter parts. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., dated 3/4/60, in amount of $135.40 for 1,000 warrants. Sciandri Bros., dated 3/24/60, in amount of $1.55 for 2 hacksaw, blades Passetti Trucking Co., Inc., dated 3/31/60, in amount of $900.00 for demolitionof buildings at 212 Grand Avenue. Enterprise-Journal, dated 4/1/60, in amount of $51.00 for publication of Notice to Bidders. Traffic Appliance Corp., dated 4/12/60, in amount of $35.39 for parking meter parts. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried that the claims as submitted be approved for payment. The last claim concerned the South San Francisco Industrial Park, ~ntt No. 2-C, Zone 1, as received from Lo.rte Paving Company, dated April 5, 1960, in the amount of $7,362.07, for 3rd Progress Billing. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be approved for payment. Proceeding on to public hearings, Council first took up the continued pub- lic hearing on the Person and Swanson Industrial Tract. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca continued this public hearing to the next regular meeting of May 2, 1960. Mayor Rocca then opened the public hearing on the changes and modification, to the Person and Swanson Assessment District, asking if any written protests had been received, to which City Clerk Rodondi replied that a letter had been received from Richard P. Lyons, attorney at law, dated April 15, 1960, representing three of the property owners, as follows: Milprint, Inc., Raymond E. Jacobsen, and Stewart Warner Corp. This communication again registered a protest to the proposed San Bruno Boulevard Area Grading Maintenance District. Mayor Rocca then requested that the written protest of Mr. Lyons in behalf of his clients be accepted and filed. He then asked if anyone in the audience had any protest he wished to offer. There being none, the public hearing was then continued to the next regular meeting of May 2, 1960. Council then proceeded on to the matter of resolutions and proclamations, taking up first the proclamation for "Law Day". Mayor Rocca at this time proclaimed Sunday, May 1, 1960, as "Law Day - U.S,A." in the City of South San Francisco. The next proclamation was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Mayor Rocca proclaimed the week of May 2, 1960, to May 6, 1960, as "Cleanup Week" in the City of South San Francisco. The first resolution for Council action was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Ahern introduced:" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CANCELLING TAXES AND AUTH- ORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONSENT THERETO". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi and Ahern. Absent: Coun- cilman Ryan. City Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution, after which Coun- cilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR USg OF THE RAMP AREA TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO OUTBOARD CLUB". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi and Ahern. Absent: Coun- cilman Ryan. APPEARANCE OF Councilman Leo J. Ryan appeared present at the meetinr at 8:09 ri_m_ ~- ................ _ ..... ~W.. -¥'*'~--..,l~t O~ the FlrSt Assembly of God Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi and Pa Ahem Absent: Councilman Leo J. Ryan MINUTES: Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the lar meeting of April 4, 1960. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by C cilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the minutes be approved as CLAIMS; Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approVing the regular claims payment as submitted. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilma and regularly carried, that the regular claims totaling $21,033.62 b approved for payment. PAP3[I NG DISTRICT 1955-1 CLAIMS: The next series of claims concerning expenses of the South San Franc: Parking District al were taken up as follows: Dual Parking Meter Co., dated 2/26/60, in amount of $1,668.60 fol parking meter parts. Reynolds & Reynolds Co., dated 3/4/60, in amount of $135.40 for 1,000 warrants. Sciandri Bros., dated 3/24/60, in amount of $1.55 for 2 hacksaw! Passetti Trucking Co., Inc., dated 3/31/60, in amount of $900.00 demolitionof buildings at 212 Grand Avent Enterprise-Journal, dated 4/1/60, in amount of $51.00 for publics of Notice to Bidders. Traffic Appliance Corp., dated 4/12/60, in amount of $35.39 for parking meter parts. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly ca that the claims as submitted be approved for payment. SO.SSF IND.PARI[ UNIT #2-C, ZONE 1 LOWRIE PAVING COMPANY CLA I M: PERSON & SWANSON INDUSTRIAL TRACT PUBLIC HEARING: The last claim concerned the South San Francisco Industrial Park, 2-C, Zone 1, as received from Lowrie Paving Company, dated April 5, 1 in the amount of $7,362.07, for 3rd Progress Billing. Councilman Abe moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the c be approved for payment. Proceeding on to public hearings, Council first took up the continued lic hearing on the Person and Swanson Industrial Tract. There being objections, Mayor Rocca continued this public hearing to the next reg~ meeting of May 2, 1960. PERSON & SWANSON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CHANGES & MODIFICATIONS PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Rocca then opened the public hearing on the changes and modific3 to the Person and Swanson Assessment District, asking if any written protests had been received, to which City Clerk Roclondi replied that letter had been received from Richard P. Lyons, attorney at law, date, April 15, 1960, representing three of the property owners, as follows Milprint, Inc., Raymond K. Jacobsen, and Stewart Warner Corp. This communication again registered a protest to the proposed San Bru~ Boulevard Area Grading Maintenance District. Mayor Rocca then reques~ that the written protest of Mr. Lyons in behalf of his clients be acc~ and filed. He then asked if anyone in the audience had any protest h~ wished to offer. There being none, the public hearing was then contl£ to the next regular meeting of May 2, 1960. "LAW DAY - U.S.A." PROCLAMATION : Council then proceeded on to the matter of resolutions and proclamatic taking up first the proclamation for "Law Day". Mayor Rocca at th~s t proclaimed Sunday, May 1, 1960, as "Law Day - U.S.A." in the City of S San Francisco. PRO(-q~AMATION: The next proclamation was then explained by the City Attorney, after Mayor Rocca proclaimed the week of May 2, 1960, to May 6, 1960, as "Cle Week" in the City of South San Francisco. RESOLUTION NO. 2995 CANCELLING TAXES PARCEL 28, ZONE B ACREAGE - CITY PROPERTY :~_// O The first resolution for Council action was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Ahern introduced:" A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CANCELLING TAXES AND A' ORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONSENT THERETO". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi and Ahern. Absent: Co~ cilman Ryan. RESOLUTION NO. 2996 AUTHORI ZING PERMIT TO OUTBOARD CLUB 1~ USE OF RaMP AREA: City Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution, after which C, cilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITy SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR USE OF THE RAi AREA TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO OUTBOARD CLUB". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi and Ahern. Absent: C¢ cilman Ryan. APPEARANCE OF COUNCII~AN RYAN: Councilman Leo J. Ryan appeared present at the meeting at 8:09 p.m., r( maining for its duration. RESOLUTION NO. 2997 AMENDED ASSESSMENT INDUSTRIAL SEWERS & PUHPING STATIONS: Although not appearing as an item on tAe agencm, City Attorney Noonan ta~ explainea a resolution w~icn nad been prepares Dy t~e firm of Klrkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld an~ Wallace, which concerned directing the making of an amended assessment for the lndmtrial Sewers and Pumping Stations, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMEND] ASSESSMENT - INDUSTRIAL SEWERS AND PUMPING STATIONS". Roll call vote wm as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi; Cortsmi, Ryan and Ahern. FOSTER & KLEISER USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS RES. #1229 & #1230: There being no ordinances, Council then proceeded on to unfinished busim taking up first the Use Permit Resolutions 1229 and 1230 as applied for ] Foster & Kleiser, which were held over from the meeting of April 4, 1960~ There being no objections, Mayor Rocca continued this matter to the next regular meeting of May 2, 1960, since Council needed further information concerning the subject matter. ANTONIO PIANCA REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT IN LOMALINDA: The next item under unfinished business concerned the request of Antonio Pianca for the abandonment of an easement in the Loma Linda Subdivision. City Manager Eugene Aiello explained the survey which had been conducted by Mr. DaPrato, principal of the Martin Primary School, cemcerning use o~ the pathway, which indicated that 37 students used it daily and that to abandon the walkway would result in their having to take a longer route to and from school. Mayor Rocca remarked that if there were no obJecttol and in view of the fact that the walkway was used daily ~~ldren, the request be denied at this time. He further remarked that-~.~ Pianca be notified that in the event he was able to work out another~'~hod for bu~ ing on the lot, that Council would be very happy to discuss this with him MARIAN VALLAIRE CLAIM FOR DAMAGES Council then proceeded on to new business, takin~ up first the claim of Marian Vallaire, alleging injuries as the result of a fall on the sidewa] on Linden Avenue, claiming damages in the amount of $50,000.00. Councils Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. CHAS. T. CHANDLER REFUND OF USE PERMIT FEE: ..6-0 P.G.& Es CO. ELECTRICITY & GAS FRANCHISE PAYMENTS: Communication dated April 4, 1960, was received from Charles T. Chandler, Jr., requesting a refund of $5.00 posted for a Use Permit fee, giving reasons for the requested refund. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzt and regularly carried, that the refund as requested be approved for payment. Notices of Franchise Payments for the calendar year 1959 on electricity a gas~ere received from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, in the follo~ ing amounts: Electricity - $12,477.14 Gas - 21,396.68 There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that these notices be accepted and ordered filed. PROPOSED FREEWAY SYSTEM - PORTION OF STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 239: 5161 Communication dated April 11, 1960, was received from the Division of ways advising that the City's Resolution No. 2991 requesting a public hea ing had been forwarded to their Sacramento office. Also received was a communication dated April 4, 1960, from the Division of Highways, enclosi prints of the route maps covering portions included in the proposed freem system. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that these com- munications be accepted and ordered filed. ASSOCIATE~ (~N~. & ENGINEERING CO. VARIANCE RESOLUTION #1241: 5o Variance Permit Resolution NO. 1241, as applied for by Associated Constru tion and Engineering Co. of California, Inc., was received from the Plann Commission, recommending that permission be granted for a 15 ft. encroach meat into the required 15 ft. rear yard on Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, South Airport Boulevard, subject to the condition that parking vehicles alonf the South Airport Boulevard right-of-way shall not be allowed. Councilma Rozzi moved, seconded by Counci~:~man Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. ASSOCIATED CONSTR. & ENGINEERING CO. VARIANCE RESOLUTION #1242: Variance Permit Resolution No. 1242, as applied for by Associated Constru. tion and Engineering Co. of California, Inc. was received from the Planni Commission, recommending that permission be granted for a 4 ft. 8-inch encroachment into the required 15 ft. rear yard on Lots 20 and 21, Block Industrial Park Unit No. 2-A, subject~ to the condition that the parking o the right hand side of the building be changed from 90 degrees to 60 degr. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carrie that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approv, JAMES GRATTEROLA USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1243: Use Permit Resolution No. 1243, as applied for by Mr. James Gratterola, ~ received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for conversion of a single family dwellin~ into a two-family resi. dance at 219 Lux Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the re~)mmendation of the Planning Com- mission be accepted and approved. GENE CRIBARI USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1244: So 50 Use Permit Resolution No. 1244, as applied for by Mr. Gene Cribari, was received from the Planning Comm~ssion, recommending granting the request to construct a second single family residence to the rear of existing sinf family residence at 713 Baden Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded b: Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. TENATIVE MAP OF SERRA HIGHLANDS UNIT #2-C P.C. RES. #1245: 53 4 Resolution NO. 1245 was received from the Planning Commission, recommendi~ Sbe~al,F~,~.,~l of the tentative map of Serfs Highlands Subdivision Unit No. 2-C, subject to certain conditions as enumerated therein. Councilman Rya] moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi, that the recommendation of the Plann: Commission be apprOVed. Brief discussion followed concerning the reason Council-took this action, in that they were not making an exception to th~ ANTONIO PlANCA REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT IN LOMALINDA: MARIAN VALLAIRE CLAIM FOR DAMAGES: 50j~ ~ CHASo To CHANDLER REFUND OF USE PERMIT FEE: ,Fo ELECTRICIIm/ & GAS FRANCHISE PAYMENTS: PROPOSED FREEWAY SYSTEM - PORTION OF STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 239: 5/61 ASSOCIATED (X~. & ENGINEERING CO. VARIANCE RESOLUTION #1241: .fie 5o ASSOCIATED CONSTR. & ENGINEERING CO. VARIANCE RESOLUTION #1242: JAMES GRATTEROLA USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1243: GENE CRIBARI USE PERMIT RESOLUTION #1244: So 5o TENATIVE lOOP OF SERRA HIGRLANDS UNIT #2-C P.C. RES° #1245: The next item under unfinished business concerned the request of Antoni Pianca for the abandonment of an easement in the Loma Linda Subdivision City Manager Eugene Aiello explained the survey which had been conducte by Mr. DaPrato, principal of the Martin Primary School, comcerning use the pathway, which indicated that 37 ~tudents used it daily and that to abandon the walkway would result in their having to take a longer route to and from school. Mayor Rocca remarked that if there were no objecti and in view of the fact that the walkway was used daily ~l]~ldren, th request be denied at this time. He further remarked that~Ptanca be notified that in the event he was able to work out another-~h~thod for b ing on the lot, that Council would be very happy to discuss this with h Council then proceeded on to new business, taking up first the claim of Marian Vallaire, alleging injuries as the result of a fall on the sidew on Linden Avenue, claiming damages in the amount of $50,000.00. Counci Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman aozzi and regularly carried, that th. claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. Communication dated April 4, 1960, was received from Charles T. Chandle: Jr., requesting a refund of $5.00 posted for a Use Permit fee, giving reasons for the requested refund. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the refund as requested be approved for payment. Notices of Franchise Payments for the calendar year 1959 on electricity gas mre received from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, in the foll, ing amounts: Electricity - $12,477.14 Gas - 21,396.68 There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that these notices be accepted and ordered filed. Communication dated April 11, 1960, was received from the Division of H: ways advising that the City's Resolution No. 2991 requesting a public ht lng had been forwarded to their Sacramento office. Also received was a communication dated April 4, 1960, from the DivisiOn of Highways, enclo~ prints of the route maps covering portions included in the proposed fre~ system. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that these coe munications be accepted and ordered filed. Variance Permlt Resolution No. 1241, as applied for by Associated Const~ tion and Engineering Co. of California, Inc., was received from the Pla~ Commission, recommending that permission be granted for a 15 ft. encroa¢ ment into the required 15 ft. rear yard on Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, South Airport Boulevard, subject to the condition that parking vehicles along the South Airport Boulevard right-of-way shall not be allowed. Councils Rozzi moved, seconded by Counct..lman Ahern and regularly carried, that tt recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. Variance Permit Resolution No. 1242, as applied for by Associated Constx tion and Engineering Co. of California, Inc. was received from the Plan~ Commission, recommending that permission be granted for a 4 ft. 8-inch encroachment into the required 15 ft. rear yard on Lots 20 and 21, Block Industrial Park Unit No. 2-A, subject to the condition that the parking the right hand side of the building be changed from 90 degrees to 60 deb Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carrt that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and apprc Use Permit Resolution No. 1243, as applled for by Mr. James Gratterola, received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for conversion of a single family dwelling into a two-family res dence at 219 Lux Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Cos mission be accepted and approved. Use Permit Resolution No. 1244, as applied for by Mr. Gene Crtbari, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending granting the request to construct a second single family residence to the rear of existing si family residence at 713 Baden Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. Resolution No. 1245 was received fro~ the Planning Commission, recommend theappF.oval of the tentative map of Serra Highlands Subdivision Unit No 2-C, subject to certain conditions as enumerated therein. Councilman Ry moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission be approved. Brief discussion followed concerning the reason Council took this action, in that they were not making an exception to t. case but following the wishes of the residents in the area for erection, the apartment houses. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes; Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi, Ryan and Ahern. ~TANLEY J. HANEY PERMANENT APPT o ASST° ENGINEER: 000 DONALD Ro BUNCE APPT, AS ENGI NEERI NG ASSISTANT: RONALD Go ACOSTA RESIGNATION AS FIREMAN: f) 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2998 AUTHOR IZI NG CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION: ?. MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPTo OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: r--/Z 6OOD AND WELFARE: JET AIRCRAFT MEETING: 5~ HI CKEY BOULEVARD EXTENS ION: MEETING OF NORTH COUNTY CITIES WITH MAYOR CHRISTOPHER OF SAN FRANCISCO: ADOPTION OF DR ° GARBELL' S REPORT AS CITY POLICY RE JET AIRCRAFT: HIRING OF DR. GARBELL AS WITNESS FOR CITY AT JET AIRCRAFT CITY*S STREET DEPT. PARTI CIPATI ON I N "CLEANUP WEEK": REMARKS OF WILLIAM AMABLE OF SERRA HIGHLANDS IMPR. ASSN. RE SUPERVISORS RES. & JET AIRCRAFT MEETING: Final recommendation was received from Director of Public Works Louis H. Goss, recommending the permanent appointment of Stanley J. Haney as Assis- tant Engineer in his department. This carried the concurrence of the City Manager and Personnel Board. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved. Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Council next took up the memorandum dated April 18, 1960, as received from Director of Public Works Goss, as concurred in by the City Manager, recommending the pro- bationary appointment of Donald R. Bunce to the position of Engineering Assistant. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and reg- ularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, as concurred in by the City Manager, be approved. Communication dated April 14, 1950, was received from Ronald G. Acosta, tendering his resignation as a fireman, eIfectlve Aprll 25, 1960. There DeXng no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that tne resignation De accepted and filed and a Certificate of Mert~ issued to him. Clty AEtor- ney Noonan explained the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Certificate of Merit, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOL- UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO COMMENDING RONALD Go ACOSTA FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE TO HIM OF A CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNIT'IO~?. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesl, Ryan and Ahern. Monthly reports for the month of ~arch were received from the Police Department, Fire Department, Building Inspection Department, Poundkeeper, and for the months of February and March from the Library. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that they be accepted and ordered filed. Application for On-Sale Beer License was received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, as applied for by Norberto and Otilia Haro of 102 Grand Avenue; also, Notice of Withdrawal of Application of Bob St. Clair and Andrew Uccellt for 1148 Mission Road. There being no objec- tions, Mayor Rocca requested that these be filed. There being nothing further, Council then proceeded on to Good and Welfare Mayor Rocca at this time brought to the attention of those present that Congressman Younger and three other Congressmen would be here all day Wednesday to conduct a meeting in an effort to work out a solution to the jet problem. Councilman Rozzi at this time brought to Council's attention the matter of the east-west lateral to connect Hickey Boulevard and Skyline Boule- yard. He mentioned that the Board of Supervisors previously adopted a resolution to extend Hickey Boulevard as mentioned but that they had before them for adoption a resolution to rescind the previous one passed. He then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the City file a written protest through the City Manager to the Board of Supervisors requesting that the passage of the resolution be held up until such time as the City Council could discuss this matter with them and work out the extension of Hickey Boulevard. Councilman Rozzi then brecht up the request of Mayor Christopher of San Francisco, who had requested a meeting with the north county cities on Wednesday afternoon and which concerned items of interest to both San Francisco and the north county cities. He urged that the Mayor, as well as the other Councilmen and department heads who could, attend this meeting. Councilman Ryan then briefly commented on the meeting which was to be held Wednesday with Congressman Younger, citing the report and survey which the City had had prepared for it by Maurice Garbe11, after which he moved that the report of Dr. Garbe11, as submitted in 1957, be adopted as City policy at the Congressional hearing to be held on April 20th. Councilman Ahern seconded the motion, after which roll call votems as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, ROzzi, Cortesi, Ryan and Ahern. Councilman Ryan then brought to Council's attention the need at the hear- lng of the services of Dr. Garbe11 as an expert witness and that he also be allowed to repre~en~ both the City of South San Francisco and the City of San Bruno, ~nce they have asked that he state policy for them as well. He further stated that the fee for Dr. Garbe11's appearance would be $250.00, requesting Council a~horization for payment of these monies. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern, that Dr. Garbe11 be hired only for that day at the fee of $250.00, and if possible have San Bruno pay ;half the cost of the fee. .Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi, Ryan and Ahern. Councilman Cortesi at this time referred back to "Cleanup Week", stating that publicity be given this important function and that the City also have pickup of debris made by the Street Department. City Manager Aiello stated that five trucks of the Street Department were to be used with assistmnce by the Scavenger Company, and that the designated days and routes would be published. There being nothing further, Ma~or Rocca asked i'f anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offer. William Amable of the Serra Highlands Improvement Association asked that the City Manager and City Attorney be present at the Supervisors meeting concerning the request to hold up the adoption of the resolution mentioned earlier, also that they would have a representative at the jet aircraft hearing and would also forward a 1erie .._. ,, carTxeu, ~at 'tl~e r~omae~t'ion Of the-DireCtOr of public Work as concurred in Dy the City Manager, De approved. RONALD G. ACOSTA RES IGNATION AS FIREMAN: ~ O RESOLUTION NO. 2998 AUTHOR I Z I NG CERTIFICATE OF Communication dated April 14, 1960, was received from Ronald G. Acosta tendering his resignation as a fireman, e~fective Apr11 25, 1960. The heine no oojectlons, Mayor Rocca requested that the resignation oe accepted and filea and a Certificate of Merit issuea to him. City Att ney Noonan explainea the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Certificate of Merit, after which Councilman Ahem introduced: "A RESO UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO COMMENDIN~ RONALD Go ACOSTA FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE TO HIM OF A CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION':. Roll call vote was as follow~ Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi, Ryan and Ahern. MONTHLY REPORTS: Monthly reports for the month of larch were received from the Police Department, Fire Department, Building Inspection Department, Poundkeep, and for the months of February and March from the Library. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that they be accepted and ordered filed. DEPT. OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: GOOD AND WELFARE: JET AIRCRAFT MEETING: 5~ ~ 4 Application for On-Sale Beer License was received from the Department Alcoholic Beverage Control, as applied for by Norberto and Otllia Haro of 102 Grand Avenue; also, Notice of Withdrawal of Application of Bob St. Clair and Andrew Uccelli for 1148 Mission Road. There being no obi tions, Mayor Rocca requested that these be filed. There being nothing further, Council then proceeded on to Good and Wel~ Mayor Rocca at this time brought to the attention of those present thai Congressman Younger and three other Congressmen would be here all day Wednesday to conduct a meeting in an effort to work out a solution to ~ jet problem. HICKEY BOULEVARD EXTENS ION: Councilman Rozzi at this time brought to Council's attention the matte~ of the east-west lateral to connect Hickey Boulevard and Skyline Boule- vard. He mentioned that the Board of Supervisors previously adopted a resolution to extend Hickey Boulevard as mentioned but that they had before them for adoption a resolution to rescind the previous one passe He then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the City file a written protest through the City Manager to the Board ¢ Supervisors requesting that the passage of the resolution be held up until such time as the City Council could discuss this matter with thee and work out the extension of Hickey Boulevard. MEETING OF NORTH COUNTY CITIES WITH MAYOR CHRISTOPHER OF SAN FRANCISCO: ADOPTION OF DR o GARBELL' S REPORT AS CITY POLICY RE JET AIRCRAFT: Councilman Rozzi then brought up the request of Mayor Christopher of Sa Francisco, who had requested a meeting with the north county cities on Wednesday afternoon and which concerned items of interest to both San Francisco and the north county cities. He urged that the Mayor, as we1 as the other Councilmen and department heads who could, attend this meeting. Councilman Ryan then briefly commented on the meeting which was to be held Wednesday with Congressman Younger, citing the report and survey which the City had had prepared for it by Maurice Garbs11, after which he moved that the report of Dr. Garbe11, as submitted in 1957, be adopt as City policy at the Congressional hearing to be heId on April 20th. Councilman Ahern seconded the motion, after which roll call votelas as follows: Ayes, COuncilmen Rocca, ROzzi, Cortesi, Ryan and Ahern. HIRING OF DR. GARBELL AS WITNESS FOR CITY AT JET AIRCRAFT HEARING: ~_~ Councilman Ryan then brought to Council's attention the need at the hea ing of the services of Dr. Garbe11 as an expert witness and that he also be allowed to reprs~en~ both the City of South San Francisco and the City of San Bruno, since they have asked that he state policy for th. as well. He further stated that the fee for Dr. Garbe11's appearance would be $250.00, requesting Council a~horization for payment of these monies. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern, that Dr. Garbs11 be hired only for that day at the fee of $250.00, and if possible have San Bruno pay ;half the cost of the fee. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Rozzi, Cortesi, Ryan and Ahern CITY'S STREET DEPT. PARTICIPATION I N "CLEANUP WEEK": Councilman Cortesi at this ti~e referred back to "Cleanup Week", stati~ that publicity be given this important function and that the City also have pickup of debris made by the Street Department. City Manager Aiello stated that five trucks of the Street Department were to be used with assistance by the Scavenger Company, and that the designated days and routes would be published. REHARKS OF WILLIAM AMABLE OF SERRA HIGHLANDS IMPR. ASSN. RE SUPERVISORS RES. & JET AIRCRAFT MEETING: /13 There being nothing further, Ma~or Rocca asked if anyone in the audienc~ had anything they wished to offer. Willias Amable of the Serra Highlan~ Improvement Association asked that the City Manager and City Attorney ~ present at the Supervisors meeting concerni~ the request to hold up thl adoption of the resolution mentioned earlier also thatthey would, have representative at the jet aircraft hearing a~d would also forwara a let1 MEETING RE REAPPORTIONMENT OF GAS TAX FUNDS: Mayor Rocca at this time briefly mentioned that the cities had been working on the reapportionment of gas tax funds and that a meeting would be held this Thursday with the county in an effort to work out a formula where the cities would receive a more favorable share and favorable treatment. There being nothing further, Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Council Ryan and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of ~ay 2, 1960. Time of adjournment - 8:39 p.m. TFULLY SUBNITTED,