HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1960-07-18lq TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLA I MS: SPECIAL CLAIMS .5-O PARKING DIST. #1 SCIANDRI BROSo CLAIM: .~/~ PONDEROSA ROAD IMPRo PROJECT CLAIMS OF KIRKBRIDE, WILSON HARZFELD & WALLACE AND O. C° JONES: SSF IND° PARK UNIT 2-C, ZONE 1 COOPER & CLARK CLAIMS: _~0f ~ SSF IND. PARK UNIT 2-C, ZONE COOPER & CLARK CLAIMS: .J'"0 SSF IND. PARK UNIT 2-D, Zone 2 DALE WILLIAMS CLAIM: ..,~O l--~ SEWER RENTAL COLLECTIONS FISCAL YEAR 1960-61 PUBLIC HEARING: BID OPENING SALE OF BONDS SO. S° F° INDo PARK 2-C, ZONE 3: BID OPENING DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT LOTS - IMPROVEMENT:,~5-'/ 3 / AWARD OF CONTRACT TO O. C, JONES: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIT'[ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FiLqNCISCO HELD MONDAY, JULY 18, L960 8:00 pom. Conncil Chambers, City Hall T~e meeting was called to order by Mayor Rocca at 8:03 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was given by the Reverend Robert E. Lundy of St. Paul's Methodist Church. Present: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem None Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the reg- ular meeting of July 5, 1960. Councilimn Ahem moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the minutes be approved as submitted. Mayor Rocca then asked if there was a ~otion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman 3ozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the regular claims totalling $24,778.25 be approved for payment. Cotncil then took separate action on claims, payment for which was to be made out of certain funds. These were as follows: Claia for Parking District #1 from Sciandri Bros. dated 5/13/60 for lock and seal-all in a~ount of $1.80. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Cotncilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be approved for pay- ment. Claims for the Ponderosa Road Improvem,~nt Project were received from the following: Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace dated 7/8/60 in amount of $1,153.98 for legal services; Claim of O. C. Jonse dated 7/12/60 in amount of $19,475.79 for 3rd Progress Payment. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claims be approved for payment. Claims for South San Francisco Industr:al Park Unit No. 2-C, Zone 1, were received from the following: Cooper & Clark dated 6/8/60 in amount of $939.38 for Field D®nsity Tests for the month of May; Cooper & Clark Claim dated 7/5/60 in amount of $187.95 fo~ Field Density Tests for the month of June. Councilman'Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claims be approved for payment. Claims for South San Francisco Industr:al Park Unit 2-C~ Zone 2, were re- ceived from the following: Cooper & CLark dated 6/8/60 in amount of $4{2.57 for Field Density Tests for the month of May; Cooper & Clark dated 7/5/~0 in amount of $101.20 for Field ~ensity Tests for the month of June. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly car- tied, that the claims be approved for payment. Claia for South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 2-D, Zone 2, was received from Dale Williams, Inc. dated July 12, 1960, in amount of $9,080.04 for Final Progress Billing. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be approved for payment. Proceeding on to public hearings, Mayor Rocca declared open the public hearing on sewer rental collections for the fiscal year 1960-1961, asking if any written protests had been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received. He then asked if anyone in the audience wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Rocca declared the Public hearing closed. Council then proceeded on to the matter of bid openings, taking up the opening of bids as received for the sale of bonds ~ the amount of $125,000, the second sale for South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit 2-C, Zone 3. At the request of Mayor Rocca, the City Clerk opened a~d read the bids received from J. B. Hanauer & Company and Grande and Company~ Inc. After the ~ids had been read, they were given to Mr. Phil Assaf, attorney with the firm of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld and Wallace, to evaluate. In the meantime, Council proceeded on to the ~ext order of business. Although not appearing as an item on t~e agenda, Council took up the bids as received for the improvement of the Downtown Parking District lots. Director of Public Works Louis Goss stated that the bids had been opened an~ compiled and that in accordance wi:h his memorandum dated July 18, 1960, he recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, O. C. Jones & Sons, in the amount of $22,970.00. Councilman Rozzi then moved, seconded by Cou~ ilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recom- mendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted and the contract awarded to O. C. Jones & Sons with a bid of $22,970.00. Proceeding on to resolutions and procl~mations, City Attorney Noonan stated that the first resolution regarding the call for bids on the sale of i~provement bonds in South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 2-C, Zone 3, being the second sale in the amount of $125,000.00, was not neces- sary since notice had been given earlier. RESOLUTION NO. 3040 SEWER RENTAL CHARGES 1960-61: City Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution which was ready for Council action, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING REPORT OF ANN-JAL SEWER RENTALS AND CHARGES FOR 1960-61 PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 396". Roll call vote was as follows: .Ayes, Ccuncilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, EmiLio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. RESOLUTION NO. 3041 TREASURE ISLAND ANNEXATION: The next resolution was then explained ky the City Attorney, after which CouncLlman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS TREASURE ISLANd'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, EmiLio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. RESOLUTION NO. 3042 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO o. c. JONES · SONS PARKING DISTRICT FACILITIES: ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORD. #353 - (LEO LOMSKI, HORSE RANCH, INC.): The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Counc±lman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT - CONSTRUC- TION OF PARKING FACILITIES FACING GRAND, BADEN AND MILLER AVENUES". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Corces4 Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, City Attorney Noonan at this time brought up the matter of the introduction and first reading of the ord:na, nce amending Ordinance No. 353 rezoning a certain area from R-1 to R-3, the area in question being that area owned by Leo Lomski, Horse Ranch, Inc. After explaining the ordinance and that the second reading and adoption would not be authorized until such time as the monies requested by prev±ous Council action were deposited by the owners of the property, City Attorney Noonan stated that a motion could be adopted that the detailed reacing of the ordinance be waived and tae ordinance be introduced by read- ing of title only. Councilman Ryan so m~ved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried. City Attorney No,nan then read the title of the ord:nance as follows: 'AN ORDINANCE AMEN)ING ORDINANCE NO. 353 ENTITLED 'ZOYZKG ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO', PASSED AND ADOPTED AUGUST 10, 1954", after which he stated that a motion could be introduced that the ordinance have its first reading and introduction. Councilman Rozz: so moved, seconded by Councilman Amern and regularly carried. RAYMOND DE NARDI REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL ON CITY PROPERTY: Comn.cnication dated July 13, 1960, was received from Raymond DeNardi, re- questing permission to construct a 2t ft. high by 18 ft. long retaining wall on City property located on the wes'; side of DeNardi Way. Accompany- lng t~is communication was an inter office memorandum from the Director of P[blic Works, Louis Goss, dated July 14, 1960, recommending that the request be approved. Councilman Rozzi then moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the :request be granted conditioned on the execution of an agreement by Mr. DeNardi holding the City harmless and protecting the City's interest. REQUEST FOR SIDEWALKS ON CAMARITAS AND WEST ORANGE AVE, NEAR SOUTHWOOD SCHOOL: ffd~ Communication dated July 11, 1960, was received from Phyllis L. Lynch, 128 San Felipe and Moyna Milo of 200 Alta Loma Drive, requesting installa- tio~ of sidewalks on Camaritas and West Orange Avenue near the Southwood School for the use of school children goLng to the Southwood School from the Burl Burl subdivision. Accompanying these communications was. an inter office memorandum dated July 13, 1960, received from the Director of Public Works, giving an estimate of the cost for sidewalks on West Orange Avenue. Mayor Rocca stated that this matter had ~een discussed earlier at the study session and that if there were no object:ons, it would be referred to the City Manager with instructions that a re~ly be made to the letters advising the writers as to the proposed future development of the land. Brief dis- cussion followed, after which Mayor Roccr. requested the City Manager to meet with representatives of the California Country Club concerning the improvements mentioned, with a request that a report be submitted for the next meeting. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. REQUEST FOR INCREASED ZONE PASSENGER FARES: Application was received from the Southern Pacific Company as made with the Public Utilities Commission requesting authority to increase zone passenger fares ~etween San Francisco, San Jose and Vasona, and intermediate points. There ~eing no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that the City Manager direct a letter to the effect that the C~ty Council did not approve of any increase in rates. GREYHOUND CORP. Application No. 40057 was received as applied for by the Greyhound Corpor- REQUEST FOR INTRASTATE ation with the Public Utilities Commission,. requesting the authorization of FARE INCREASES:~ increases in intrastate express charges and intrastate passenger fares, ~/~ except commutation fares. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that the City Manager'direct a letter to the effect that the City Council did not approve of any increase in rates. CURT HASENPUSCH RESUBDIVI SION REQUEST PARCEL 30, MAP 1-39: Inter office memorandum dated July 11, 1960, was received from the Planning Commission approving the request of Curt Hasenpusch to resubdivide Parcel 30, Assessor's ~ap. No. 1-39, into three parcels. Accompanying the request was .an inter office memorandum dated June 30, 1960, from the Director of Public Works submitting his recommendations that the tentative map be ap- prov.~d as submitted. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and :regularly carried, that the recommencation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. CHAS. Eo GERMAINE VARIANCE APPLICATION - RES. #1275: Variance Application No, 1275, as appliec for by Charles E. Germaine, was received from the Planning Commission recommending that permission be granted for a double-faced, illuminated sign to project 3 feet beyond i foot maxim~m allowable projection over public property at 1031 Airport Boulevard. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested this matter continued to the :next regular Council meeting to be held August 1, 1960, inasmuch as there seemed to be a possible error in the address as shown for the location for walch the variance was applied. MR, & MRS. ROBT. L. ROBINSON VARIANCE APPLICATION RESOLUTION NOD 1276: Wtr:ance Application Resolution No. 1576, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. Ro'~ert L. Robinson, was received from the Planning Commission, recommend- ing that permission be granted for a ?-foot encroachment into the required 20-~oot rear yard at 102 Cherry Avenue. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO VARIANCE APPLICATION RESOLUTION NO. 1277: STANDARD OIL COMPANY USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. 1278: Var:ance Application Resolution No. 1277, as applied for by the First L~heran Church of South San Franciscc, was received from the Planning Co~mission, recommending that permission be granted for a 4-foot encroach- menz into the required 20-foot rear yard at 350 Dolores Way. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. Use Permit Resolution No. 1278, as applied for by the Standard Oil Company, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted to erect a service station at the southeast corner of the intersection of South Spruce Avenue ard E1Camino Real, located in a P-C-M D:strict, subject to the conditions as listed on attached memorandum from J. E. Neville, Assistant Public Works Engineer and subject to approval by the State Division of Highways. Councilman Rezzi moved, seconded by Coun- ckLnan Ahern and regularly carried, ttat upon the filing of a consent with the City Clerk to the conditions set forth in the Director of Public Works' menorandum dated July 1, 1960, the sane being the conditions included in the Planning Commission's Use Permit Resolution No. 1278 dated July 11, 1960, Use Permit granted in Resolution No. 1278 stand approved. MICHAEL J. KACK USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. 1279: 50 5o Use permit Resolution No. 1279, as applied for by Mr. Michael J. Kack, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending approval of his request to erect a financial service center building on Lot 3, Block A, Country CLub Park (on E1Camino Real). Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Ahem and regularly carried, that upon the filing of a consent to install sidewalks, curbs and gutters in accordance with State Division of H:ghways specifications in front of the entire parcel of property being inproved, ~stimated at 180 feet as sho~n on Map 2 of property, Use Permit granted in Resolution No. 1279 stand approved. PAUL LUNARDI USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. 1280: Use Permit Resolution No. 1280, as applied for by Mr. Paul Lunardi, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for the establishment of a cocktail lounge at 1144 Mission Road. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly car- r:ec, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 3043 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO WEEKS-HOWE-EMERSON FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT MATERIALS & E UIPMENT: . off7 (COMPILATION OF BIDS) Ir.1;er office memorandum dated July 12, 1960, was received from Director of P~blic Works Louis Goss, submitting a compilation of bids received for the purchase of chains and sprockets a2d auxiliary equipment for the Sewage Treatment Plant, recommending t~at the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Weeks-Howe-Emerson, in the amount of $7,608.90, which included a 2% discount. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which had been prepared, after which Councilman tozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF AFARD OF CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF MATEIIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT". Roll call vote was ~s follows: Ayes, Councihaen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cort~si, Le~ J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. FINAL ACCEPTANCE Conmunication da~ed July 12, 1960, was received from the firm of Wilsey, OF IMPROVEMENT WORK H~n & Blair, requesting acceptance of the work as performed by Dale BY DALE WILLIAMS, INC. W~liams, Inc. in South San Francisco Industrial Park, Unit No. 2-C, Zone 2 IN SSF IND. PARK Accompanying the communication was a memorandum dated July 13, 1960, as UNIT 2-¢, ZONE 2: received from the Director of Public W~rks, recommending acceptance of the ..~} } subdivision improvements, subject to certain conditions. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that upon the Contractor, Dale Williams, Inc., filinl with t~ City Clerk their accep- tance of the conditions as set forth in the Director of Public Works! inter office memorandum dated July 13, 1960, the final acceptance of the s~bcivision improvements in South San ?rancisco Industrial Park, Unit No. 2-C, Zone 2, stand approved. PARKING DISTRICT #1 PROGRESS PAYMENT TO JAMES E. PECK, ENG I NEER: 5] ~ ! Inter office memorandum dated July 14, 1960, was received from the City Manager recommending progress payment to James E. Peck, Engineer for Park- ir.g District #1, in the amount of $3,290.63 be made. Councilman Cortes/ moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the progress payment in the amount of $3,290.63 be made to Mr. James E. Peck. PURCHASE OF AUTOMOBILE FOR BUILDING DEPT. FROM FRED LAUTZE: APPOINTMENT OF SUPERINTENDENT RECREATION & PARKS: Compilation of bids for the purchase of an automobile for the Building Inspection Department was received from the office of the City Manager. Brief discussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the low bid of Fred Lautze in the amount of $1,693.20 be accepted. Inter office memorandum dated July 18, 1960, was received from the City Manager submitting his recommendation for the appointment of the Super- intendent of Recreation and Parks. CoAncilman Ryan remarked that inasmuch as a question was involved concerning the appointment, he requested that the matter be held over to the next regular Council meeting. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca so ordered. ROY GHILARDI APPT. AS SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER: MONTHLY REPORTS: Appointment of Roy Ghilardi as Special Police Officer was received from Captain Terragno of the Police Department. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regmlarly carried, that the appointment as made by Capt. Terragno be confirmed. Reports for the month of June, 1960, were received from the Police Depart- ment, Building Inspection Department, Fire Department and Library. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca remarked that these reports would be STANDARD OIL COMPANY USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. 1278: Use Permit Resolution No. 1278, as applied for by the Standard Oil Comp was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted to erect a service station at the southeast corner of the intersection of South Spruce Avenue and E1Camino Real, located in a P- District, subject to the conditions as listed on attached memorandum fr J. E. Neville, Assistant Public Works Engineer and subject to approval the State Division of Highways. Councilman Rezzi moved, seconded by Co cilman Ahem and regularly carried, that upon the filing of a consent w the City Clerk to the conditions set forth in the Director of Public Wo memorandum dated July 1, 1960, the same being the conditions included i the Planning Commission's Use Permit Resolution No. 1278 dated July 11, 1960, Use Permit granted in Resolution No. 1278 stand approved. MICHAEL J. KACK USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. 1279: 5o 5o Use Permit Resolution No. 1279, as applied for by Mr. Michael J. Kack, received from the Planning Commission, recommending approval of his req to erect a financial service center building on Lot 3, Block A, Country Club Park (on E1Camino Real). Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by C cilman Ahem and regularly carried, that upon the filing of a consent t install sidewalks, curbs and gutters in accordance with State Division Highways specifications in front of the entire parcel of property being improved, Xmtimated at 180 feet as shown on Map 2 of property, Use Perm granted in Resolution No. 1279 stand approved. PAUL LUNARDI USE PERMIT RESOLUTION NO. 1280: 50 Use permit Resolution No. 1280, as applied for by Mr. Paul Lunardi, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for the establishment of a cocktail lounge at 1144 Mission Road Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly ca tied, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved an accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 3043 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO WEEKS-HOWE-EMERSON FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT: ~-'~7 (COMPILATION OF BIDS) Inter office memorandum dated July 12, 1960, was received from Director Public Works Louis Goss, submitting a compilation of bids received for the purchase of chains and sprockets and auxiliary equipment for the Sewage Treatment Plant, recommending that the contract be awarded to th. low bidder, Weeks-Howe-Emerson, in the amount of $7,608.90, which inclu a 2% discount. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which had been prepared, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION O AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE SEWAG TREATMENT PLANT". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen And Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortmsi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern0 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Communication dated July 12, 1960, was received from the firm of Wilsey OF IMPROVEMENT WORK Ham & Blair, requesting acceptance of the work as performed by Dale BY DALE WILLIAMS, INC. Williams, Inc. in South San Francisco Industrial Park, Unit No. 2-C, Zo IN SSF IND. PARK Accompanying the communication was a memorandum dated July 13, 1960, as UNIT 2-¢, ZONE 2: received from the Director of Public Works, recommending acceptance of .~ } ] subdivision improvements, subject to certain conditions. Councilman Ry moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that upon th. Contractor, Dale Williams, Inc., filing with t~ City Clerk their accep tance of the conditions as set forth in the Director of Public Workm! inter office memorandum dated July 13, 1960, the final acceptance of th. subdivision improvements in South San Francisco Industrial Park, Unit N, 2-C, Zone 2, stand approved. PARKING DISTRICT #1 PROGRESS PAYMENT TO JAMES Eo PECK, ENGINEER: 5] ~! Inter office memorandum dated July 14, 1960, was received from the City Manager recommending progress payment to James E. Peck, Engineer~ for Pa: ing District #1, in the amount of $3,290.63 be made. Councilman Cortes moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the progress payment in the amount of $3,290°63 be made to Mr. James E. Pecl PURCHASE OF AUTOMOBILE FOR BUILDING DEPT. FROM FRED LAUTZE: APP. I NTMENT OF SUPERINTENDENT RECREATION & PAPAS: Compilation of bids for the purchase of an automobile for the Building Inspection Department was received from the office of the City Manager. Brief discussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan moved, seconded' Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the low bid of Fred Lautze in the amount of $1,693.20 be accepted. .Inter office memorandum dated July 18, 1960, was received from the City Manager submitting his recommendation for the appointment of the Super- intendent of Recreation and Parks. Councilman Ryan remarked that inasm as a question was involved concerning the appointment, he requested tha the matter be held over to the next regular Council meeting° There bei no objections, Mayor Rocca so ordered. ROY GHILARDI APPT. AS SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER: MONTHLY REPORTS: Appointment of Roy Ghllardi as Special Police Officer was received from Captain Terragno of the Police Department. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and ~egularly carried, that the appointm as made by Capt. Terragno be confirmed. Reports for the month of June, 1960, were received from the Police Depa: ment, Building Inspection Department, Fire Department and Library. Th. being no objections, Mayor Rocca remarked that these reports would be accepted and ordered filed. GOOD AND WELFARE: SUPPLEMENTAL AMBULANCE SERVICE -- REQUEST OF PENINSULA AMBULANCE SERVICE "GET WELL" LETTER TO FIREMAN MURPHY FROM CITY COUNCIL: CORRECTION OF MINUTES RE CALLAN ANNEXATION: JET AIRCRAFT PROBLEM: (REMARKS OF COUNCILMAN RYAN) There being nothing further, Mayor Rocca asked if any member of the Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Councilman Rozzi at this time took up with Council the request as made at the previous meet- ing by Mr. Ratliff of the Peninsula Ambulance Service to furnish, in ad- dition to the service already provided by the County, ambulance service to the cities of Daly City and South San 2rancisco. He remarked that this matter had been discussed with Sheriff Earl Whitmore, the rates had been checked and were found in order, and that the survey conducted had been t~rned over to the City Manager. He then moved that the City provide sup- pi,mental ambulance service, provided proper insurance coverage is carried. City Attorney Noonan suggested that in the motion there be included that the Peninsula Ambulance Service file a hold-harmless agreement, holding the City harmless and also include the City in its insurance coverage. Council man Rozzi accepted the suggestion of the City Attorney as an amendment to his motion, after which Councilman Rya~ seconded the motion as made and a~.erded, which was regularly carried. Co~£cilman Ahern then suggested that a letter be directed to the family of Robert Murphy, fireman recently injured in a fire, expressing the City's hopes to him for a speedy recovery; also that the City provide everything that is legally possible to Fireman Murphy. City Manager Aiello was in- structed by Mayor Rocca to send the suggested letter. Councilman Ryan at this time requested that the minutes of the last regular meeting held July 5, 1960, be corrected so that the records show on the matter of the Callan annexation that the City could not have approved an- nexation of Callan Park on the same terms with which it was annexed to Daly City and that they had made no official approach to us for annexation. Councilman Ryan then brought up the ma;ter of the newspaper article which hag appeared indicating it was the intention of the San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce to conduct a survey among business districts of the City, the survey having to do with the matter of jet aircraft and operation at International Airport. He at this ~ime read from a prepared statement concerning the matter which was as follows: He stated that "(1) The City should have a policy position - A. for ready reference; B. for presentation to all interested persons and agencies; C. as an unequivocal commitment ~o compel a solution. (2) A.solution is imperative because - it will return the use and enjoyment of property (home, commercial and industrial) and community facilities (churches, schools and recreation centers) to the people who live, work and invest in South San Franc~ co. Be it will enable us to ~aintain the airport as a positive economic force in San Mateo. Our action not only serves South San Francisco, but also s.avas the airport, its investors and workers from its own folly. No industry can continually abuse the public as the airport and airlines have done and at the same time maintain its position in the community. (3) Our policy position therefore requires - A® that the airport and airline operators modify operations so that flights on takeoff from San Francisco International Airport use preferential runway 1-R. Should wind conditions require at certain times the use of 28-R or 28-L, said runway should be modified so ~hat flights will attain sufficient altitude to accommodate a turn to the north prior to passing over residential areas of South San Francisco. We should continue to pursue voluntary modifications by San Francisco and the airport and airline operators through mediation, but we should also continue the preparation for legal proceedings to compel modification and proceed with those legal proceedings when ~he City Attorney has compiled sufficient data. The time of commencing legal proceedings should be in no way dependent on promises or representations of San Francisco, the airport or airline operators. In essence, if they can solve the problem before we go before the Courts or Agencies, we will be satisfied; if not, we will have to proceed in accordance with our own plans. Until the main goal is attaim~d, we should also take every action that will result in a decrease of flights and oppose any action of the airport or airline operators that will increase flights. (4) D. We should be represented at every meeting of any board, com- mission, agency or other organization where the substance of the meeting will ~ff®ct the City's right to compel the modifications required to restore the benefits of property to the people of South San Francisco. The Chairman should be authorized to represent the C~ty and be given the further authorization to take with hin or designate the City Manager or City Attorney for these appearances, when necessary. All of the city officials and representatives should advance this policy position when the matter is relevant at meeting of agencies, organizations or the like at whic~ they are attending." GOOD & WELFARE JET PROBLEM (CtNTI NUED)5~: A~ter reading the statement, Councilman Ryan requested that it be referred to ~he City Manager and City Attorney for the preparation of a resolution for ;the next regular meeting. Further discussion followed, at which time me~ion was made by Mayor Rocca of a trip to Washington by Louis Chess of t~ Board of Supervisors and Bud Bost~ick of the County Development Asso- ciation concerning the Countyts interest in jet aircraft and airport operations. Mayor Rocca stated that he has requested~both to take up the Cityts matter of jets. He also remarked that he later received a telephone call from them to the effect that they were working on it and we:re also going to employ a letter written by Mayor Rocca concerning the recent news articles relative to the transfer of airport operations. After discussion, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regu- larly carried, that the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution concerning this ~atter for presentation to the City Council at their next regular meeting. City Attorney Noonan then suggested that the County Board of Supervisors and County Development Association be required to include in their state- men~ to the CAB the City of South San Francisco~s presentation made by representatives of the City. Council~an Ryan so moved, seconded by Coun- c~lnan Rozzi and regularly carried. USE OF SWIMMING FACILITIES AT TANFORAN NAVAL BASE~o D ~ ¢~y Manager Aiello at this time explained to members of the City Council and those present in the audience a s~rvey which had been conducted con- c~rning the use of swimming pool facilities at the Tanforan Naval Base, a request having been received at the previous Council meeting. After hearing the detailed explanation by Mr. Aiello concerning the relocation o~ ~he rifle range, the minimum capit~l outlay needed to put the pool in operation, as well as the daily expencitures in addition, Council was of the unanimous opinion that it would not be feasible to pursue this matter a~ ~his time, as well as not being in a position to spend City's monies for faciliti&s in a neighboring city. FUTURE SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUCT! ON: Further discussion followed, at which time mention was made relative to the construction of the new high school which would include another swim- m£ng pool, as well as a third which was to be located within the City in the next few years. Councilman Rozzi then requested that the City Manager maxe this report known to Mr. Paul Grimmett who made the original request a~ ~he previous Council meeting. AWARD OF SALE OF BONDS TO J. B o HANAUER & CO: RESOLUTION NO. 3044 AWARDING SALE OF BONDS - SSF IND. PARK 2-C, ZONE 3: CORRECTION TO ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN SSF IND. PARK 2-c, ZONE C~y Attorney Noonan at this time remarked that Mr. Assaf of the firm of K~rkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace was now ready to again take up the ma~qer of the bids received for the ssle of the bonds, bids for which had been opened and declared earlier in the meeting. Mr. Assaf reported that t~e bid of J. B. Hanauer & Co. was the best bid, recommending that the C£~y Council accept this bid. City Attorney Noonan then explained the resolution which had been prepared awarding the sale of the bonds to J. B. Hanauer & Company, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION A~IARDING SALE OF BONDS, INDUSTRIAL PA~X UNIT NO. 2-C, ZONE 3, SECOND SALE $L25,000". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. ~. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. D:rector of Public Works Louis Goss at this time requested that there be included in his earlier presentation concerning the acceptance of improve- men~s in Industrial Park 2-C, Zone 2, the requirement that the contractor pos~ the required 2-year maintenance kond and agreement in accordance with Ordinance No. 332. Councilman Ahern then moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the approval made earlier by Council be a~ended to include the request of the Director of Public Works. REQUEST OF MRS. JOHN BURKE FOR TREE PLANTING IN HER NEIGHBORHOOD: There being nothing further from any member of the Council, Mayor Rocca asked if any member of the audience had anything they wished to offer. Mrs. John Burke of 113 Lomitas brought to Council's attention the matter o4 erosion to the rear of properties in that neighborhood, requesting thaq the area mentioned be included i~ the Boy Scout tree planting program. Brief discussion followed, after which, there being no objections, Mayor Rocca ~eferred the matter to the City Manager for investigation and report. REMARKS OF JOHN PREMENKO RE DRAINAGE CONDITIONS IN AVALON PARK: Mr. John Premenko, property owner in the Avalon Park district, brought to Council's attention a request for the correction of a drainage condition wh:ch he alleged was created by the development of the Comer subdivision to ~he rear of his property. Discussion followed, at which time mention was made concerning the previous method by which the drainage was taken care of and the drains which had been installed to provide for the future draLnage. Further discussion followei, at which time, Director of Public Works Louis Goss read his memorandum iated July 14, 1960, after which, there being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that.the City Manager, together with the property owner, set a meeting date for an on-site in- spection of the problem and the submission of a report. There being nothing further, Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to Monday, juily 25, 1960, at 7:30 p.m. Time of adjournment - 9:28 p.m. RESP FULLY SUBMITTED,