HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1960-10-03REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1960 TIME: PLACE: 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION: ~The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rocca at 8:01 pom. Pledg~ of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which fnvQcat'ion was given by the Reverend Martin Lo Wyneken of the First Lutheran Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern None MINUTES: Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 1960 as submitted. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the minui be approved as submitted. CLAIMS: Mayor Rocca then asked if there was a motion approving the regular clain for payment as submitted. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilm~ Rozzi and regularly carried, that the regular claims be approved for pa5 ment in the amount of $30,071.98. Council then took separate action on claims which had to do with variou~ districts which were as follows: Parking District No. 1: SClANDRI CLAIMS PARKING DIST. #1: Sciandri Bros. claim dated 9/13/60 in the amount of $1.08 for brushes and bags. Sciandri Bros. claim dated 9/19/60 in the amount of $8.24 for bolt~ O. C. Jones claim dated 9/15/60 - $20,712.37 - construction of lot~ Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carr: that the claims for the Parking District be approved for payment. Person & Swanson Industrial Tract: ENTERPRISE-JOURNAL CLAIM - PERSON & SWANSON IND. TRACT: Enterprise-Journal claim dated 9/15/60 in the amount of $75.00 for legal advertising. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carr: that the Person & Swanson Industrial Tract claim be approved for paymenl Ponderosa Hills Assessment District: L. Ho COMER & JOINT POLE ASS'N CLAIMS - PONDEROSA HILLS ASSESSoDISTo: Lo H. Comer claim dated 7/15/60 in the amount of $234°92 for construction of redwood wall. L. H. Comer claim dated 7/15/60 in the amount of $166.79 for construction of fence. Joint Pole Association claim dated 9/21/60 in the amount of $1,228 for relocation of a line of 5-joint poles. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carri, that the claims for the Ponderosa Hills Assessment District be approved for payment. REZONING LOTS 18, 20, & 24, BLOCK 10 TOWN OF BADEN FROM R-2 TO R-3 PUBLIC HEARING~ PROCLAMATION UNITED NATIONS DAY CITY OF SO° SoF.: ? '? Proceeding on to public hearings, Mayor Rocca opened the public hearing on the rezoning of Lots 18, 20 and 24, Block 10, Town of Baden from an i District to an R-3 District. He then asked if any written protests had been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received bl his effice. He then asked if anyone present wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Rocca declared the public hearing clo: City Attorney Noonan at this time explained the proclamation which had been prepared designating October 24, 1960, United Nations Day, after wl Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly car. ried, that the Mayor so proclaim. Mayor Rocca then proclaimed October . 1960, as United Nations Day in the City of South San Francisco. RESOLUTION NO. 3085 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO LOWRIE PAVING CO. IMPR. OF AIRPORT BLVD., RAILROAD, WEST ORANGE & BADEN AVENUES: >'5 City Attorney Noonan stated that before the first resolution could be considered by Council, the bids received for the improvement of Airport Boulevard, Railroad Avenue, West Orange Avenue and Baden Avenue would have to be declared. Director of Pu~ic Works Louis Goss read from his memorandum dated October 3, 1960, giving a compilation of bids received from four bidders, recommending that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Lowrie Paving Company, in the amount of $49,746.20. City Attor Noonan then explained the resolution, after which Councilman Ryan intro duced: "A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT - IMPROVEMENT OF AIRPORT BOUL VARD, RAILROAD AVENUE, WEST ORANGE AVENUE AND BADEN AVENUE". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emili Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. RESOLUTION NO. 3086 The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after whic APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM Councilman Ahem introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF AGREEMENT FOR GAS CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING FIRST SUPPLE- TAX ALLOCATION - MENTAL MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION FO MAJOR CITY STREETS MAJOR CITY STREETS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen FISCAL YEAR 1960-61: Andrew Rocca. G. J. Rozzi. Emilio Cortesi. Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem None MINUTES: Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 1960 as submitted. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the mi be approved as submitted. CLAIMS: Mayor Rocca then asked if there was a motion approving the regular cl for payment as submitted. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Counci Rozzi and regularly carried, that the regular claims be approved for ment in the amount of $30,071o98. Council then took separate action on claims which had to do with vari districts which were as follows: Parking District No. 1: SCIANDRI CLAIMS PARKING DISTo #1: Sciandri Bros. claim dated 9/13/60 in the amount of $1.08 for brushes and bags. Sciandri Bros. claim dated 9/19/60 in the amount of $8.24 for bo O. C. Jones claim dated 9/15/60 - $20,712.37 - construction of 1 Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly ca that the claims for the Parking District be approved for payment. Person & Swanson Industrial Tract: ENTERP RI S E- JOURNAL CLAIM - PERSON & SWANSON INDo TRACT: Enterprise-Journal claim dated 9/15/60 in the amount of $75.00 for legal advertising. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly ca that the Person & Swanson Industrial Tract claim be approved for paym Ponderosa Hills Assessment District: Lo Ho COMER & JOINT POLE ASS'N CLAIMS - PONDEROSA HILLS ASSESS.DIST.: L. H. Comer claim dated 7/15/60 in the amount of $234.92 for construction of redwood wall. L. H. Comer claim dated 7/15/60 in the amount of $166.79 for construction of fence. Joint Pole Association claim dated 9/21/60 in the amount of $1,2: for relocation of a line of 5-joint poles. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly car: that the claims for the Ponderosa Hills Assessment District be approv, for payment. REZONING LOTS 18, 20, & 24, BLOCK 10 TOWN OF BADEN FROM R-2 TO R-3 PUBLIC HEARING~ PROCLAMATION UNITED NATIONS DAY CITY OF SO° SoFo: Proceeding on to public hearings, Mayor Rocca opened the public heari~ on the rezoning of Lots 18, 20 and 24, Block 10, Town of Baden from a] District to an R-3 District. He then asked if any written protests hz been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received his effice. He then asked if anyone present wished to register an or~ protest. There being none, Mayor Rocca declared the public hearing cl City Attorney Noonan at this time explained the proclamation which ha, been prepared designating October 24, 1960, United Nations Day, after Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly c~ ried, that the Mayor so proclaim. Mayor Rocca then proclaimed Octobe] 1960, as United Nations Day in the City of South San Francisco. RESOLUTION NO. 3085 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO LOWRIE PAVING CO. IMPR. OF AIRPORT BLVD., RAILROAD, WEST ORANGE & BADEN AVENUES: RESOLUTION NO. 3086 City Attorney Noonan stated that before the first resolution could be considered by Council, the bids received for the improvement of Airpo] Boulevard, Railroad Avenue, West Orange Avenue and Baden Avenue would have to be declared. Director of PuNic Works Louis Goss read from h: memorandum dated October 3, 1960, giving a compilation of bids receiv~ from four bidders, recommending that the contract be awarded to the 1( bidder, Lowrie Paving Company, in the amount of $49,746.20. City Att( Noonan then explained the resolution, after which Councilman Ryan int] duced: "A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT - IMPROVEMENT OF AIRPORT BOI VARD, RAILROAD AVENUE, WEST ORANGE AVENUE AND BADEN AVENUE". Roll ca] vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emi] Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after whJ APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF AGREEMENT FOR GAS TAX ALLOCATION - MAJOR CITY STREETS FISCAL YEAR 1960-61 CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING FIRST SUPPL! MENTAL MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX ALLOCATION MAJOR CITY STREETS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmer Andrew Rocca, Go J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo Jo Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. RESOLUTION NO. 3087 APPROVING REPORT & RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING COM. RESOLUTION NO. 3088 RESCINDING RESo #30 50: RESOLUTION NO. 3089 CALL FOR BIDS ON SALE OF I~R. BONDS PERSON ~ SWANSON INDUSTRIAL T~CT: RgSOLUTIO~ ~0. 3090 TREASURE ISLAND ANNEXATION: ORDINANCE NO. 452 TRAINING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS (SECTION 13522 OF PENAL CODE): AMENDING ZONING ORD. #353 REZONI NG FROM R-2 TO R-3 ORDI N A N CE FIRST READING: RESOLUTION NO. 3091 ADOPTING SO.SoF. FIRE DEPARTMENT RULES & REGULATIONS : ia, d BOYS CLUB OF SOoSoFo REQUEST FOR · BUILDING SITE: The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIq OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORT OF THE PLAN- NING COMMISSION REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS R-3, RESTRICTED MULTIPLE RESIDE5 TIAL DISTRICT, AND ORDERING ENDORSEMENTS FIXED TO SAID REPORT AND RECOM- MENDATIONS''. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Roc G. J0 Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo Jo Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIq OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3050"o Roll call vote as folIows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Go Jo Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo Jo Ryan and Patrick E. Aherno The next resolution was explained by the City Attorney, after which Coun- cilman Ahem introduced: "A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPRO~ MENT BONDS - PERSON & SWANSON INDUSTRIAL TRACT". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACKNOWLEDGING THE RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF INTENTION CIRCULATE A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS 'TREA~ ISLAND' AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THEREOF AND APPROVING THE CIRCU- LATION OF THE PETITION". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Council Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ah~ Proceeding on to ordinances, City Attorney Noonan explained the ordinance relating to training of law enforcement officers which was now ready for second reading and adoption and that if Council desired, a motion could l adopted that the c~dinance have its second reading and adoption by the ret ing of title only and that the detailed reading bemived. Councilman Ry~ so moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried. City Atto] Noonan then stated a motion could be adopted by Council that the ordinan( entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 13522 OF THE PENAL CODE RELATING TO TRAINING OF ] ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS" have its second reading and adoption. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Aherno Roll call vote was as fol- lows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. City Attorney Noonan then stated that an ordinance had been prepared ame~ lng Zoning Ordinance No. 353 rezoning certain parcels from R-2 to R-3. ] further remarked that Council could adopt a motion that the ordinance its first reading and introduction by the reading of title only and that the detailed reading be waived. Councilman Ahern so moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried. City Attorney Noonan stated that a motion could be adopted by Council th~ the ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 353 ENTITLED 'ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO', PASSED AND ADOPTEi AUGUST 10, 1954" have its first reading and introduction. Councilman Ry: so moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried. Proceeding on to unfinished business, Council took up first the Fire Dep: ment Rules and Regulations, having been submitted for adoption by Counci by the Fire Chief. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which i been prepared on the adoption, after which Councilman Cortesi introduced 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO App~ AND ADOPTING SOUTH SA~ FRANCISCO FIRE DEPT. RULES&REGULATIONS". Roll ca vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. Jo Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and P~trick E. Ahern. Council then proceeded on to the request which had been received at the last regular meeting from the Boys Club of South San Francisco for a bui ing site. Mayor Rocca stated that no action was to be taken at this mee lng on the matter but if there were those present who wished to their views, they were welcome to do so. City Manager Aiello stated tha with permission from the chair, a tape recording could be made of these expressions. Mayor Rocca stated that he had no objections to the use of a recording device. There being no~e, permission for the use was grante The following then spoke, expressing their views on the site requested: Morris Skulsky, 807 Second Lane, expressed opposition to the use of the City park site. Norman Hynding, 810 Miller Avenue, favored the use of the park site Mrs. F. Scannell, 775 Circle Court, expressed opposition to the use of the park site. Mr. Stan Breier of the Bayshore Bowl favored the use of the park si Mr. James Claar, 717 Circle Court, expressed opposition to the use the park site. Councilman Cortesi remarked that he was not opposed to the establis ment of the Boys Club but was opposed to the use of the park site.- Mrs. Betty Fontana of Acacia Avenue expressed opposition to the use the park site. Councilman Rozzi remarked on the removal of the Corporation Yard tc Sewage Treatment Plant, thereby making available four more ~ark act SALE OF ~Ro BONDS" ~[ENT BONDS "'- ' PERSON & SWANSON INDUSTRIAL ~'. ~Roil call vote was as PERSON & SWANSON INDUSTRIAL TRACT: RESOLUTION NO. 3090 TREASURE ISLAND ANNEXATION: .~!~i"/ follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J0 Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Le Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after whic Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACKNOWLEDGING THE RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF INTENTION CIRCULATE A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS 'TRE ISLAND' AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THEREOF AND APPROVING THE CIRCU LATION OF THE PETITION". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Counc Andrew Rocca, G. Jo Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. A ORDINANCE NO. 452 TRAINING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFF I CERS (SECTION 13522 OF PENAL CODE): --I~'''7_'5! Proceeding on to ordinances, City Attorney Noonan explained the ordinan relating to training of law enforcement officers which was now ready fo second reading and adoption and that if Council desired, a motion could adopted that the crdinance have its second reading and adoption by the r ing oX title only and that the detailed reading bemived. Councilman R so moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried. City Att Noonan then stated a motion could be adopted by Council that the ordina entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 13522 OF THE PENAL CODE RELATING TO TRAINING OF ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS" have its second reading and adoption. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Aherno Roll call vote was as fol lows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. AMENDING ZONING ORD. #353 REZONI NG FROM R-2 TO R-3 ORDI N A N CE FIRST READING: _ I City Attorney Noonan then stated that an ordinance had been prepared am ing Zoning Ordinance No. 353 rezoning certain parcels from R-2 to R-3. further remarked that Council could adopt a motion that the ordinance b its first reading and introduction by the reading of title only and tha the detailed reading be waived. Councilman Ahem so moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried. City Attorney Noonan stated that a motion could be adopted by Council t the ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 353 ENTITL~ 'ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO', PASSED AND ADOP~ AUGUST 10, 1954" have its first reading and introduction. Councilman B so moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried. RESOLUTION NO. 3091 ADOPTING SO.SoF. FIRE DEPARTMENT RULES & REGULATIONS: Proceeding on to unfinished business, Council took up first the Fire De ment Rules and Regulations, having been submitted for adoption by Counc by the Fire Chief. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution whic~ been prepared on the adoption, after which Councilman Cortesi introduce ~'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AI~ AND ADOPTING SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FIRE DEPT. RULES&REGULATIONS". Roll c vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, EmilJ Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Pstrick E. Ahem. BOYS CLUB OF SO.S°F. REQUEST FOR BUILDING SITE: Council then proceeded on to the request which had been received at the last regular meeting from the Boys Club of South San Francisco for a b~ ing site. Mayor Rocca stated that no action was to be taken at this m~ ing on the matter but if there were those present who wished to express their views, they were welcome to do so. City Manager Aiello stated tk with permission from the chair, a tape recording could be made of these expressions. Mayor Rocca stated that he had no objections to the use c a recording device. There being none, permission for the use was grant The following then spoke, expressing their views on the site requested: Morris Skulsky, 807 Second Lane, expressed opposition to the use ¢ the City park site. Norman Hynding, 810 Miller Avenue, favored the use of the park sil Mrs. F. Scannell, 775 Circle Court, expressed opposition to the u~ of the park site. Mr. Stan Breier of the Bayshore Bowl favored the use of the park Mr. James Claar, 717 Circle Court, expressed opposition to the us~ the park site. Councilman Cortesi remarked that he was not opposed to the establJ ment of the Boys Club but was opposed to the use of the park site. Mrs. Betty Fontana of Acacia Avenue expressed opposition to the u~ the park site. Councilman Rozzi remarked on the removal of the Corporation Yard J Sewage Treatment Plant, thereby making available four more ~ark ac Councilman Ryan suggested a form of balloting by the submission oJ letters to consider public reaction. BOYS CLUB OF SO.S.Fo Betty Hammon, 633 Del Monte Avenue, favored the use of the park site. REQUEST FOR BUILDING SITE (CONT'D): Arthur Elliott, 14 Beverly Court, favored the use of the park site. _~/~-C Mrs. Lorraine Leitcher, 777 Circle Court, spoke in opposition to the use of the park site° Bill Amable spoke favoring the Boys Club site. Virgil Ringue spoke favoring the park site. Lura Sellick spoke in opposition to the use of the site. Bart Connelly, 119 Duval Drive, asked concerning whether or not other sites had been considered than the park, also if comparative costs had considered. Mayor Rocca then remarked that in order to continue with the remainder business at hand, the comments would be concluded inasmuch as this was only to find out how people felt concerning the matter, as a public heal lng would have to be set later on the use of the park site for a Boys C] USE OF PLAYGROUND AREA AT MAGNOLIA SCHOOL FOR PARKING: Inter office memorandum dated September 24, 1960, was received from the Recreation Commission recommending the use of playground area at the nolia School for parking purposes. There being no objections, this matte was referred by the Mayor to the office of the City Manager with the re- quest that the school authorities be contacted to arrange for use of thc area for parking purposes. LOUIS BELLONI CLAIM FOR VACATION & HOLIDAY PAY: Claim for wages, vacation pay and holiday pay was received from Louis Belloni, former Chief of Police. Mayor Rocca remarked that it was the feeling of Council that their previous action at the time of the Police Chief's retirement compensated him for all of the vacation pay to which he was entitled° Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi al regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the offices of the City Attorney and City Manager to see that the interes~of the C: were protected. FORTUNATO CALEGARI RESUBDIVI SION REQUEST: .., ~ ,~ , Inter office memorandum was received from the Planning Commission, date, September 27, 1960, recommending approval of the resubdivision request Fortunato Calegari to resubdivide Lots 19 and 20, Block 85, into two parcels. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted° ROZZI FURNITURE VARIANCE APPLICATION P.Co RES° #1305: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1305 was received recommending appro' of the request of Rozzi Furniture for Variance Permit to allow a 3-foot projection beyond permitted 1-foot projection over public property for ~ double-faced projecting sign at 415 Grand Avenue° Councilman Rozzi re- marked that although he was no longer connected with the Rozzi Furnitur. he wished to abstain from voting on this variance application. Councilm Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that th recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. FRANK McGOVERN VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RES. #1306: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1306 was received recommending appro of the variance application of Frank McGovern to permit a 2-foot encroa ment into the required 5-foot sideyard at 206 Wildwood Drive. Councilm Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that th recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. EDWARD I. ACHZIGER, JR. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1307 was received recommending appro USE PERMIT of the Use Permit application of Edward I. Achziger, Jr. for permission APPLICATION to establish a beer garden at 610 Linden Avenue. Councilman Ryan moved PoC. RES° #1307: ~ ~.[ seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommenda of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. SEE' S CANDIES USE PERMIT APPL I CAT I ON P.C. RES. #1308: ANGELICA SIMONINI RESUBDIVI SION REQUEST: .'~--~ / ] Planning Commission Resolution No. 1308 was received recommending appro of the Use Permit application of See's Candies for permission to erect wall sign, 7'8" x 16'6" at 210 E1Camino Realo Councilman R~ moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the r®commen- dation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. Inter office memorandum was received from the Planning Commission advis lng that their letter of September 14, 1960, was incorrect, and recom- mending that approval be granted the resubdivision request of Angelica Simonini to resubdivide Lot 2, Block 1, Valley Park Subdivision No. 1. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly car- ried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved an accepted. EVELYN' S CREAMERY PARKING DIST. #1: Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Coundl then took up tk matter of the property which the City purchased for use in the Parking District and upon which stands the building occupied by Evelyn's Creame Brief discussion followed, after which Councilman Ahern moved, seconde¢ by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the City Attorney be authorized to file the appropriate action for possession of the premis~ rent and damages. TRAFFIC SIGNAL I NSTALLATI ON ORANGE & GRAND AVES. FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Inter office memorandum dated September 28, 1960, was received from th( Director of Public Works recommending final acceptance of the traffic signal installation at Grand and Orange Avenues. Councilman Ryan move( seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommen- dation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted, subje( to the filing of a one-year maintenance bond, with ten percent to be withheld for thirty-five days. ~=-.'~....vx~y~'~xo'~.mI ~r~ve, asked concerning whether or not other sites had been considered than the park, also if comparative costs ha( considered. Mayor Rocca then remarked that in order to continue with the remaindE business at hand, the comments would be concluded inasmuch as this was only to find out how people felt concerning the matter, as a public he lng would have to be set later on the use of the park site for a Boys USE OF PLAYGROUND AREA AT MAGNOLIA SCHOOL FOR PARKING: Inter office memorandum dated September 24, 1960, was received from ti Recreation Commission recommending the use of playground area at the ~ nolia School for parking p~poses. There being no objections, this ma1 was referred by the Mayor to the office of the City Manager with the ~ quest that the school authorities be contacted to arrange for use of ~ area for parking purposes. LOUIS BELLONI CLAIM FOR VACATION & HOLIDAY PAY: Claim for wages, vacation pay and holiday pay was received from Louis BelIoni, former Chief of Police. Mayor Rocca remarked that it was the feeling of Council that their previous action at the time of the Poli¢ Chief's retirement compensated him for all of the vacation pay to whi¢ he was entitled° Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the offic~ of the City Attorney and City Manager to see that the interes~of the were protected. FORTUNATO CALEGARI aESUBDIVlSION REQUEST: ~-C~ ~ ~/ Inter office memorandum was received from the Planning Commission, dar September 27, 1960, recommending approval of the resubdivision request Fortunato Calegari to resubdivide Lots 19 and 20, Block 85, into two parcels0 Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and reg~ larly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted° ROZZI FURNITURE VARIANCE APPLICATION PoCo RES° #1305: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1305 was received recommending app~ of the request of Rozzi Furniture for Variance Permit to allow a 3-fo¢ projection beyond permitted 1-foot projection over public property fo~ double-faced projecting sign at 415 Grand Avenue. Councilman Rozzi re marked that although he was no longer connected with the Rozzi Furnit~ he Wished to abstain from voting on this variance application. Council Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that t recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. FRANK McGOVERN VARIANCE APPLICAT ION Planning Commission Resolution No. 1306 was received recommending app~ of the variance application of Frank McGovern to permit a 2-foot encrc ment into the required 5-foot sideyard at 206 Wildwood Drive. Council Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that t recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. EDWARD I. ACHZIGER, JR° Planning Commission Resolution No. 1307 was received recommending appr USE PERMIT of the Use Permit application of Edward I. Achziger, Jr. for permissic APPLICATION to establish a beer garden at 610 Linden Avenue. Councilman Ryan move seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommend P.C. RES° #1307: ~ qf.~ of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. SEE'S CANDIES USE PERMIT APPLICATION P.C. RES. #1308: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1308 was received recommending appr of the Use Permit application of See's Candies for permission to erect wall sign, 7'8" x 16'6" at 210 E1Camino Real~ Councilman R~. moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. ANGELICA SIMONINI RESUBDIVI SION REQUEST: Inter office memorandum was received from the Planning Commission advi ing that their letter of September 14, 1960, was incorrect, and recom- mending that approval be granted the resubdivision request of Angelica Simonini to resubdivide Lot 2, Block 1, Valley Park Subdivision No. 1. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly car- ried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved a accepted. EVELYN' S CREAMERY PARKING DISTo #1: .FI Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Coundl then took up t matter of the property which the City purchased for use in the Parking District and upon which stands the building occupied by Evelyn's Cream Brief discussion followed, after which Councilman Ahem moved, seconde by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the City Attorney be authorized to file the appropriate action for possession of the premis rent and damages. TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION ORANGE & GRAND AVES. FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Inter office memorandum dated September 28, 1960, was received from th Director of Public Works recommending final acceptance of the traffic signal installation at Grand and Orange Avenues. Councilman Ryan move seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recommen- dation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted, subje to the filing of a one-year maintenance bond, with ten percent to be withheld for thirty-five days. MEMORANDUM OF AGHEEMENT FOR .MAJOR CITY STREETS: Inter office memorandum dated September 29, 1960, was received from the Director of Public Works submitting the First Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement for Major City Street Projects, recommending that it be approve This matter having been taken care of earlier under resolutions, no furt~ action was t~en by the Council at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 3092 APPROVAL OF REVISED GRADING PLANS LOTS 9 & 10 PONDEROSA HILLS: (L. Ho COMER)..~-~C;?~- Inter office memorandum dated September 29, 1960, was received from the Director of Public Works concerning the revised grading of lots 9 and 10, Ponderosa Hills Subdivision, recommending approval subject to certain ditions. City Attorney Noonan stated that a resolution had been preparec and after explanation, Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GRANTING A GRADING PERMIt TO Lo Ho COMER (MODIFICATION OF GRADING PLAN OF PONDEROSA HILLS)". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick Eo Aherno EXTRA WORK ORDERS 5 & 6 - PONDEROSA HILLS SUBDIVISION: Inter office memorandum dated September 29, 1960, was received from the Director of Public Works concerning requested extra work orders Nos. 5 for the Ponderosa Hills Subdivision, recommending approvalo Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted. PONDEROSA HILLS Inter office memorandum dated SePtember 29, 1960, was received from the SUBDIVISION - Director of Public Works, recommending the final acceptance of Ponderosa APPROVAL OF Hills Subdivision improvements, subject to the execution of the 2-year FINAL ACCEPTANCE maintenance agreement and posting of the required bond. Councilman Ryan OF IMPROVEMENTS: ~ moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the reco~ ~0/t mendation of the Director of Public Works be approved. WILLIAM Eo ANDERSON SPECIAL OFFICER APPOINTMENT: ~.C~fi( Appointment of William Einar Anderson as Special Police Officer for the South San Francisco Patrol Service, effective September 19, 1960, was re- ceived from the Police Chief, John Fabbri. Councilman Ahem moved, sec- onded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the appointment of the Police Chief be confirmed. LIBRARY REPORT OF MISSING BOOKS: Inter office memorandum dated September 23, 1960, was received from the Librarian, Lauretta Hussar, submitting a report of missing books in the library as the result of a recent inventory taken. Brief discussion fol. lowed, after which the matter was referred to the office of the City Manager. SAN MATEO COUNTY HEALTH DEPTo MONTHLY REPORT: USE OF DOGS IN POLICE PATROL ACTIVITIES: Monthly report for the month of August, 1960, was received from the San Mateo County Public Health and Welfare Depto, Sanitation Section. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested the report accepted and filed Proceeding on to Good and welfare, Mayor Rocca asked if any member of th, Council had anything to offer. Councilman Ryan brought to Council's attention the recent killing of a Menlo Park police officer, stating tha' he noticed the Police Chief of San Francisco was considering the use of dogs in police patrol activities. After discussion, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the Chie of Police be instructed to look into the conclusions of Police Chief Cah of San Francisco and at some future time submit a report to the City Man as to what he has ascertained so that the information could be submitted Councilo AID TO FIREMAN MURPHY City Manager Aiello then read to Council a letter which was received fro the doctor at the Kaiser Hospital attending Robert Murphy, fireman who was burned in a fire some months back. He also read a memorandum from the Fire Chief who stated that everything possible was being done for Fireman Murphy and there was nothing further that could be done at this time. ADJOURNMENT: There being nothing further under Good and Welfare, Councilman Ryan move seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting of October 17, 1960. Time of adjournment - 10:17 p.mo JECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City Clerk