HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1961-04-17REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1961 TIME: PLACE: CAT.T. TO ORDER: PLRDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CAT.T.: MINUTES: CLAIMS: PARKING DISTRICT CLAIMS: RAY CATTANEO -- PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED: RESOLUTION NO. 3160 PERSON/SWANSON SUB. EMINENT DOMAIN PROC EED INGS: RESOLUTION NO. 3161 GRADING PE~4IT -- EUGENE V.CULBERTSON: RESOLUTION -- REVOCABLE PERMIT S .F.WATER DEPT. EASEMENT/WINSTON MANOR NO. 1: o 8:00 p.n. Council C~ambers, City Hall The meeOi~ was called to order by Mayor Rocca at 8:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited after which iu the absence of the Reverend Arthur G. Riffel of the Breutwood Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Mayor Rocca gave the invocation. Present: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, G. J. Rozzi, ~nd Leo J. Ryan. Absent: ~oue. At this time Mayor Rocca asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regular neeting of April 3, 1961 and the adjourned regular meeting of April 10, 1961 as submitted. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of April 3, 1961 and the adjourned regular meeting of April 10, 1961 be approved as submitted. Mayor Roccla then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Abern moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the regular claims totaling $14,185.31 be approved for pay- ment. Parking District No. 1 Claims: Penua's Hardware Claim dated April ll, 1961 in the amount of $3.07 for one Key Bak reel. California Water Service Claim dated March 2, 1961 in the amount of 39¢ for Enterprise-Journal Claim dated March 29, 1961 in the amount of $31.45 for publication of Ordinance No. 459, Parking Place Dommission. City of South San Francisco Claim (Police Department) dated March 16, 1961 in the amount of $25.00 for uniform allowance of Parking Enforcement Officer David ~edeghini. South City Lumber & Supply Co. Claim dated March 21, 1961 in the amount of $23."6 for three plywood money boxes. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parking District No. 1 be approved for payment. Proceeding on to public hearings, the matter of the appeal on behalf of Ray Cattaneo to the denial by the Planning Commission for the request for permission to erect a 16-unit hotel to the rear of 249 Grand Avenue was d~clared open by Mayor Rocca. He then asked if anyone in the audience had anything to offer on this matter. No comments were received, after which Mayor Rocca stated it is his understanding the applicau~ wished the matter continued as they preseatly were in the process of confer- ring wi~h the Planning Commission. There being no objections, it was so ordered and the mat~er continued to the next regular meeting of the City Council. Proceeding on to resolutions, City Attorney Noonan explained the first concerning the mat~er of the Person & Swanson Subdivision, after which Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST %ND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITZON OF CERTAIN LANDS AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF ~24INENTDOMAIN PROCEEDINGS - CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO' Roll caLL vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, G. J. Rozzi, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan then explained the second resolution ready for Council action, after which Councilman Ahern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCUTHSANFRANCISC0 GRANTING A GRADING PERMIT TO EUGENE V. CULBERTSON". Roll caLL vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, G. J. Rozzi, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, none. Absent, none. The City Attorney then asked if the resolution concerning the Revocable Permit from the San Francisco Water Department for the use of e~sement area in Winston Manor No. 1 could be held over to the next regular meeting so a change could be made in one of ~he conditions. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca so ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 3162 SHORELINE ADVISORY COUNCIL -- DINNER MEETING: CIVIL DEFENSE PARTICIPATION: 1961 FIESTA DREAM GIRL CONTEST: STUDENT GOVERNMENT: 5o51 RESOLUTION NO. 3163 SUPPORTING SO.PACIFIC APPL./STOCK CONTROL WESTERN PACIFIC: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ' WEEP[ ~ GRADING PERMIT -- EUGENE V. CULBERTSON: PUMPING STATION NO. 4 SSF IND .PARK: CALLAN PARK TENTATIVE NAP -- CONTINUED: Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Councilman Ryan at this time requested permission to introduce a resolution co-sponsoring the Shoreline Advisory Council dinner meeting to be held iu Half Moon Bay on April 26, 1961. He remarked that this tied in with the development of our beach and then introduced: "A RESOLU- TION OF '~KE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO COMMENDING THE SHORELINE ADVISORY COUNCIL ACTION IN BEHALF OF THE CALIFORNIA BEACH AND PARK PROGRAM AND JOIN- ING AS CO-SPONSORS OF THE DINNER MEETING SCNEDULED FOR APRIL 26, 1961 AND HONORING LT. GOVE~]{5'OR GLENN M. ANDERSON". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, G. J. Rozzi, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, none. Absent, none. Councilman Ahern at this time commented that the reason City Manager Aiello was not present at the meeting was because he was attending a Small Craft Harbor meeting being held in Berkeley. There being no ordinances or unfinished business, COuncil proceeded on to the matter of new business. Communication dated April 5, 1961 was received from Supervisor James V. Fitzgerald concerning participation by the City in the Civil Defense test exercise. There being uo objections, Mayor Rocca referred this matter to the City Manager for proper action. Letter of linvitation was received from the San Mateo County Fair Association for the City to enter a candidate in the 1961 "Fiesta Dream Girl" contest. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested the City Clerk to reply to the communication, advising the City will participate as in the past and the contest will be referred to the Junior Chamber of Commerce. At this ~ime Mayor Rocca introduced to those present in the audience the students who were representing the various members of the Council, department heads, and those participating in student government today. He extended a welcome to them, after which each student took his place with the department heads and Council members: Mayor Rocca Jim Evans Councilman Ahern Coralia Serafim " Cortesi Steve Vina " Rozzi Tom Orr " Ryan Judy Brcock City Manager Beverly Brogger City Clerk Andrea Oahill City Attoruey Margaret Fiuacom City Eugineer Dennis Zowe Street Superintendent Police Chief Fire Chief Sharon Parks Stan Johnson Kray Hensley Building Inspector Sanitation Supt. Parks & Recreation Dir. City Librarian Planning Officer Dion Scordel~s Pete Rae Lila Niemeth Jeannie Nelson Julie Tyler Letter request of April 11, 1961 was received from the Southern Pacific Company requestiag support to their proposal to acquire st~ck control of the Western Pacific Railroad Company. City Attorney Noonau stated that a resolution had been prepared concerning this matter, after which Councilman Aheru introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISC£. SUPPORTING SOUTNERNPACIFIC COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION FOR ACQUISITION OF STOCK CONTROL 3F THE WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY'. Roll calllvote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Patrick E. Aheru, Emilio 3ortesi, G. J. Rozzi, and Leo J. Ryan. Communication dated April 11, 1961 from the American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees was received, requesting that June 4-10 be designated as "Public Employees' Week" -- which Mayor Rocca so proclaimed at this time. Request was received from Eugene V. Culbertson for permission to fill and grade Lots 2B, 25, and 27 (Block 5) Town of Baden -- grading to be in accordance with the grading plan dated March, 1961 prepared by C. L. W~ite, registered engineer. This matter having been taken care of earlier under RESOLUTIONS, no further action was taken at ~his time by Council. Letter da~ed April 11, 1961 was received from the Utah Construction & Mining Company regarding their participation in alterations of Sewage Pumping Plant No. 4 as well as memorandum of April 12, 1961 from the Director of Public Works. Councilm~n Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendations of the Director of Public Works and the offer of t~ Utah Construction & Mining Company for participation, as contained in their letter of April 11, 1961, be approved and accepted and further that Carl E. Kirker be retained as engineer for the project. Memorand~ dated April 11, 1961 was received from ~he Planning Commission approving tentativeimap of Callan Park Unit No. 1, subject te certain conditions. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca continued this matter to the next regular Council meeting. THEODORE/BARBARA HARTVIG -- RE-SUB. PECK' S SUBDIVISION: HARRY A. HUMBERT RE-SUB. PARCEL "A" ACREAGE: FRANK WORTENBERG VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RES. NO. 1378: P. UCCELLI, SR. VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RES. NO. 1379: JAMES R. STRICKLAND VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RES. NO. 1380: THEODORE/BARBARA HARTVIG VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RES. NO. 1381: DONALD THOMPSON USE PERMIT P. C. RES. NO. 1382: 0 _6o FOSTER &KLEISER DIV.METRO.BROADCASTING USE PERMIT P.C. RES. NO. 1383: MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPT. OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: The Planning Commission in their inter-office memorandum of April 14, 1961 recommended approval of the resubdivision request from Theodore and Barbara Hartvig, Lots 1 and 2, Block S, Peck's Subdivision, as follows: Lots 1 and 2 be resubdivided from two 25 x lO0-foot lots to one 50 x 80-foot lot, adding ~he rear 20 feet of Lots 1 and 2 to Lot 9, BLock S, Peck's Subdivision -- creating a 25 x 100-foot lot with an additional 20 x 50 feet in depth at the rear portion on corner of Green and Lewis Avenues. Councilnan Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. Inter-office memorandum of April 11, 1961 was received from the Planning Commission regarding request of Harry A. Humbert to resubdivide Parcel "A" subject to the follow- ing conditions: The other division of Parcel 27 shown as Parcel "B", "C", and "D" remain as ~creage until such time as U. S. Pipe & Manufacturing Company files sub- division maps and, further, that Mr. Humbert (owner of record of Parcel "~') be required to enter into assessment district as specified. They recommended approval. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Application Resolution No. 1378 was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted for the request of Frank Wortenberg for a 9-foot encroachnent into required 20-foot rear yard for building and 12-foot encroachment into rear yard for fiber glass roof (as shown on plans) at 437 Alta Vista Drive. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Application Resolution No. 1379 was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted for the request of P. Uccelli, Sr. for a 5-foot concrete block fence along the side of the property to serve as a windbreak at 919 Grand Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Application Resolution No. 1380 was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted for the request of James R. Strickland for a 10-foot encroachment into required 20-foot rear yard to build addition to home at 233 Alta Mesa Drive, Lot 12, Block 9, Sterling Manor. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Application Resolution No. 1381 was received from the Planning Commission, recomme~[ing permission be granted for the request of Theodore and Barbara Hartvig for a 5-foot setback off Green Street and a 6-foot setback off Lewis Avenue instead of the required 15-foot front yard and 10-foot side yard as required, due to extreme slope of the lot at 215 Chapman Avenue -- subject to certain conditions. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. USE PEET Resolution No. 1382 was received from the Planning Commission, recommend- ing permission be granted for the request of Donald Thompson to erect three apartmen~ buildings (two 3-unit buildings and one 4-unit building) at 544 Commercial Avenue -- subject to certain conditions. Councilmaq Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahera and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1383 was received from the Planning Commission recommend- ing pernlssion be granted for the request of Foster & Kleiser Division of Metropoli- tan Broadcasting Corporation to convert existing so~th-facing 12' x 46' bulletin to a 20' x 60. at 373 Shaw Road, Lot 8 Industrial Acres. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. There being no objections, Mayor Rocca requested that the following monthly reports for March~ 1961 be accepted and placed on file: Building Inspection Department City Clerk Peninsula Humane Society Public Library. License application for Distilled Spirits Wholesalers, Beer & Wine Wholesalers as applied for by the ABC Company (d.b.a. Berman & Company) was received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. There being no objections, the applica- tion was ordered filed. GOOD AND WELFARE: BURI BURI NO. 3 WATER SEEPAGE -- A. C. KREYER: CALLAN PARK ANNEXATION DISCUSSION: There being nothing further, Mayor Rocca asked if sny member of the Council had any- thing they wished to offer. Councilman Ryan brougEt up the memorandum dated April 12, !1961 from the office of the City Attorney concerning the complaint of water o~ the property of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kreyer of 57 Escanyo Drive, South San seepage Francisco~' as received from their attorney, Joseph D. Geller, 1355 E1 Camino Real, Millbrae. i Councilman Ryan asked City Attorney Noor~n if any further information was available ~ City Attorney Noonan stated that tests had been cooducted by the California Water Service and it was found there is no leakage in the water pi~es. He further remarked that the City had conducted a sewer line test and there is no evidence of leakage in the lines; it then had been concluded t~at possibly an underground spring was active. City Attorney Noonan stated that he had been in conference with the property owners so they might review the work which had been done both by the California Water Service and by ~he City. Director of Public Works Goss stated there is an approximate 40-foot cut in the hill near the property of the Kr~yers and possibly this had tapped am.underground source and that if it is a suring, it would dry up eventually. There beigg nothing further, Mayor Rocca asked if anyone present in the audience had something~they wished to offer. James Corm, 103 Toyon Avenue, South San Francisco, brought up the matter of the Callan Park Annexation, requesting to read the art~lewhich appeared in the Serra Highlands Improvement Association newsletter and which recited certain statistics as to ~_~t would be gained and lost on the matter. After having read the article he requested that this information be released to t~e registered voters of the City for their information. Councilma~ Ryan then moved: 1. That this particular article as read by Mr. Conn be sent to all registered voters in South San Francisco, 2. That there be included with it an explanation or preparatory statement of the circumstances under which the action to send the letter was taken, 3. That there be a statement at the end as to the reason for the action taken -- Council's desire to provide the public with as much factual information as possible and if further factual information is needed, it can be obtained by contacting the City departments, 4. Also, if there is any desire to remove a name from a petition, the individual voter may do so by informing the City Clerk. Councilman Ryan then suggested that the letter in question be referred to the City Manager and to the City Attorney for editing. Discussion followed, at which time mention ~s made concerning the articles which had ~ppeared in the newspapers, that the information had been supplied to the banks in the City for viewing by the public, and the City offices also have facts which ~ad been prepared in the Spangle report. Further discussion followed concerning the shortness of time in forwarding the information, as well as the cost involved, after which Councilman Ahern remarked it is the City's obligation to advise the people, seconding the motion as made by Councikaan Ryan. Councilman Cortesi remarked that he is not opposed to the Callans but feels the people shculd have a vote on the matter; also that ~ouncil did not meet to discuss the mat~er as it should have and the City should not spend its money on someone else's business. Further discussion followed, at which time Angelo C~nziani of Pine Terrace mentioned that previous annexations had not been placed before the voters and questioning why this one should be. Ted EversOn of Hillside Boulevard remarked that sufficient copies of the Spangle report b~d not been made available to the public. ~ity Manager Aiello, who appeared present at the meeting at 8:47 p.m. and remained for its duration, stated that copies of Mr. Spangle's report had been made available to all who requested it and, further, that a summary sheet had been prepared. In answer ito the question from Councilman Ahern, th= City Clerk replied that copies of the Spangle report concerning Callan Park Annexation had been loaned to all those who had asked for them with the request they be retArned in a reasonable time so others might have an opportunity to read Mr. Spangle's report. This action was followed in accordance with the motion of Council at a previous meeting. Mr. Young Hun Choo, civic representative of the Serva Highlands Improvement Associa- tion, s-mted that he favors the Council's action concerning the Callan annexation and feels the City should advance culturally as well as industrially. In answer to Mr. Canziani's earlier remarks concerning previous annexations not having been placed to the voters, Councilman Cortesi stated that he was not a member of the Council when the other annexations took place -- only at the time that the Sunshine Gardens subdivision was annexed. I1! CALLAN PARK ANNEXATION DISCUSSION: (COn'O) ELECTION -- MAYOR VICE MAYOR: Joseph PoWers of the Serra Highlands subdivision asked regarding the approximate cost of aispecial election, which was furnished. Councilma9 Ryan stated each Council member should state how he feels ou the matter, commenting he feels it is poor judgment to sign the petition being circulated. Councilman Ahern remarked that people should not sign unless they know the facts. Councilman Rozzi stated that four years ago (long Before Callans had anything to do with the area) he felt it should be under the jurisdiction of the City and he still feels the same way. Morris Skulsky remarked that he is not opposed to the Callan subdivision but feels the people should have been advised as to what the facts are. Roll call vote on Councilman Ryan's motion, as seconded by Councilman Ahem, was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahern, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, Councilman Emilio Cortesi. Absent, none. Councilman Ryan at this time stated that in answer to Councilman Cortesi's earlier remarks concerning Council's financial interest in the Callan annexation, he (Ryan) wished to move that the City Attorney draw the appropriate form or oath with the City Manager's advice and approval, enabling each member of the Council to take this oath which is to be certified to, stating that: 1. He does not now receive nor never has received any money or consideration from the Callan annexation matter, 2. Has never approached Callan interests for money or consideration, 3. Has no intention of doing so. Councilman Ahern seconded the motion, after which roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, CoAncilmen G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahern, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, CoAncilman Emilio Cortesi. Absent, none. At this time City Attorney Noonan stated that it is being represented in the City to the people that the amount Callau is to pay is not $354,503 but $658,104. Then he explained to the audience the work over a period of four months which had gone into the agreements through which the Callans would assume the City's bonded indebtedaess as well as paying for the sewer facilities and providing the City with sites for library, recreation area, and fire department. With the use of the black- board he then explained to those present the amount the City would gain by the annexation of the Callan subdivision and what the losses would be by either a "yes" or "no" vote ou a referendum action. For the 'record, he then asked the Director of Public Works if the public would be misrepresenting him (Mr. Goss) if they said that C~llan's share would be $658,10~.00 -- to which the Director of Public Works stated "yes". The Director of Public Works further remarked that the break-down was contained in his memoran- dum dated January 6, 1961. City Attorney Noonan frrther explained from his memorandum of April 10, 1961 which was followed by a brief discussion. Mayor Rocca at this time stated this meeting concluded his term of office as Mayor and extended to the people his thanks for having hsd the privilege of serving -- citing the hard work which was involved and often times the criticisms and abuse received. He further thanked each member of the Ccuncil for their help and support, the department heads, and the City employees. He also thanked the press for their efforts, urging they continue to advise the people of all the facts concerning governmental issues. He then said it was now in order for a motion to select a new Mayor. Councilman Ahem moved that Councilman Rozzi, who has done a ~ood job, be elected to the position of Mayor for the next year. Councilman Ry~n seconded the motion. Under the iquestion, Councilman Cortesi objected to the appointment -- stating that it was his feeling and understanding each Council member would assume the Mayorship at some ~ime or other and it would be in order for the Vice Mayor to move up to this pos~. Councilna~ Ahern stated that he deemed it a great honor to be considered but at the present time the press of business and personal reasons prevented his serving in this capacity; also if at some future date he could serve, he would be honored to do so.i Roll caLL vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Patrick E. Ahern, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. Abstaining, Councilman G. J. Rozzi. Noes, Councilman Emilio Cortesi. Absent, none. Councilna~ Ryan then moved that the present Vice Mayor continue in the capacity in which he ~ow is serving. Councilman Rozzi seconded the motion. Roll caLL vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Leo J. Ryan. Abstaining, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem and Emilio Cortesi. Noes, none. Absent, none. MAYOR ROZZI: RESOLUTION NO. 316~ PERMIT/USE RAMP AREA SSF OUTBOARD CLUB: At this ~ime Mayor Rozzi expressed his thanks for ~he confidence placed in him, stating Die feels the Council can work together and also that a great deal can be accomplished for the benefit of the City. He complimented Councilman Rocca for the wonderful work he did as Mayor. City Attorney Noonan at this time asked Council's permission for the adoption of a resolution extending to the South San Francisco Outboard Club the boat ramp permit which expired April 18, 1961. Councilman Ryan then introduced a resolu- tion entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR USE OF RAMP AREA TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO OUTBOARD CLUB". Roll call'vote ~as as follows: Ayes, Councilman G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. RESPECTFULLY SUAMIT~ED, There bei~ regular ~ Time of adjournment - 10:20 p.m. Lg nothing further, Mayor Rozzi adjourned the meeting until the next ~eting on May 1, 1961 at 8:00 p.m. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING This is ~o notify you pursuant to the Government Code that a special meeting is called for Monday, April 24, 1961 -- 7:30 p.m. in ~he Council Chambers, City Hall, South San Francisco, California. This meeting is called for the purpose of: ordinance Considering adoption of an sett~g x~=~wfor dirt ha~ through the City. ~F~ TIME: PLACE: 7:30 p.n. Council Ch SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REID MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1961 mnbers, City Hall CALl. TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: :ouncilmen G. J. Rozzi, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. :ouncilman Patrick E. Ahern. RESOLUTION NO. 3165 STATE OF CALIF. ENGINEERING INVEST. & HEARING -- VEHICLE CODE SEC. 35750: RES E T M sUB w , Mayor Rozzi briefly stated that the purpose for which the special meeting had been called %~s to find a solution to the problem of dir~ hauling operations through the City. The City streets designated as truck routes were being damaged by the haul- ing operations, and it was Council's feeling that the City should be reimbursed in some way for this damage. City Attorney Noonan remarked that in accordance with the memorandum from the City Manager he reviewed the provisions of the Vehicle Code with regard to relief by the City from this problem. He then explained to Council the courseS of action open to them in this matter. Councilma~lAhern appeared present at 7:44 p.m. and remained for the duration of the meeting. Director of Public Works Goss at this time indicate~ to Council the routes now being followed by truckers in hauling dirt through the City to the airport, stating in order for the streets to withstand the weight they should have a thickness of 16-inch paving. Further discussion followed; City Attorney Noonan explained the preferred course of action to Council, after which he remarked that a resolution could be adopted authorizing and requesting an engineering investigation by the State Depart- ment of Public Works. Councilman Ryan then introduced: "A RESOLDTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTI~DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE STATE CF CALIFORNIA TO MAKE AN ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION AND HOLD A HEARING REGARDING BRIDGESAND OTHER STRUCTURES IN THE CITY 07 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PURSUANT TO VEHICLE ~ODE SECTION 35750 ET SEQ.". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Corr~si, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. Councilman ~yan moved, meeting be i~d~ourned. seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the Time of adjournment - 8:03 p.m.