HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1961-11-20TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAIMS: HARBOR WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: SSF INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT 2-E, ZONE 3: LOWRIE-BOTHIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: LITTLEFLELD AVENUE ASSESSMENT: PUBLIC HEARING -- ABATE NUISANCE. . "^" DISMISSED 5EGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~RANCISC0 HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1961 800 p.m. C~,~ncil Chambers, City Hall Tl~e~ meeting was called to order by Vice Mayor Ahem at 8:00 p.mo PLedge of Allegiance to the Fla~ was ~ecited after which invoca- tion'was ~iven-by Reverend S. M{lton Jarratt of Parkwood Commu- n~y Meth6dist Church. P~eseut: Councilmen Patrick E. Aheru, Emilio Cortesi ' Andrew Rocca A~Sent: Councilmen G. J. Rozzi and Leo J. Ryan and Vi~e Mayor Ahem asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regular meetin~ of November 6, 1961 and the ad- JoSrued regular meeting of No~ember 13, 1961. Councilman Rocca noVed, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, za&t the minutes of the regular meeting of November 6, 1961 and ~ adjourned regular meetiu~ of November lB, 1961 be approved V%0e Mayor Ahem then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, le0ouded by Councilman Cortesi a~d regularly carried, that the .e~ular claims totalin~ $36,290.45 be approved for payment. a bor Wa7 Assessment District Claim: ! ? Dale Williams, Inc. claim dated November 15, 1961 iu the i~ amount of $1,390.44 for final bilhiu$, Schedule II. Coiuucilmau Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Harbor Way Assessment District be approved for payment. S~uth San Francisco Industrial Park Unit 2-E, Zone 3 Claim: Dale Willisms, Iuc claim dated November 15, 1961 in the ' : amount of $13,O91.{7 for final billing, Schedule I. 0uucilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and e~ularl~ carried, that the claim as submitted for South San ~ucisco Industrial Park Unit 2-E, Zone 3, be approved for myment. ~gwrie-Bothiu Assessment District Claim: Lowrie Paviu~ Company, Inc. claiw, dated November l, 1961 ~ in the amoun~ of $6,528.59 for work performed to October 31, 1961. D0uucilmau Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and ~gularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Lowrie- B0thiu Assessment District be approved for payment. L~ttlefield Avenue Assessment Distr~ct Claim: Arthur Haskins, Inc. claim dated October 31, 1961 iu the amount of $10,716.30 for work completed duriu~ October, 1961. louucilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and .e~ularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Littlefield v~nue Assessment be approved for payment. ~ity kttorney Noonan remarked that the buildin~ had been volun- larily demolished in accordance with the Notice, and as a re- ult it would now be in order for Council to close the Public Hearing and dismiss the action in the matter. $ouncilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the Public Hearin~ be closed and thc action dismissed. RESOLUTION NO. $3~5 AUTHORIZING ATTORNEY/ ENTRY OF JUDGMENT -- LITTLEFIELD~KIMBALL RESOLUTION NO. 3336 PG&E AGREEMENT- SERVICE RISER PIPE (FIRE DEPT. ) RESOLUTION NO. 3337 PUBLIC UTILITIES ALLOCATION - SAN MATE0 AVE. CROSSING PERSON & SWANSON IND. TRACT RESOLUTION NO. ~).~8_ HEALTH/S AFE'I~Z C MOBILE HOIVKES AND PARKS ORDINANCE -- PARKWOOD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH/ ANNEXATION ( CONTINUED ) ORDINANCE NO. 270 AMENDING ZONING 1ORDINANCE #353 -- 2nd READING AND ADOPTION ORDINANCE -- AMENDING UNIFORM LOCAL SALES/USE TAX ORDINANCE -- 2nd READING & ADOPTION COuncil then proceeded on to resolutions. City Attorney N0ouau explained the first resolution which was ready for at- tention of Council, after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ATTORNEY OF RECORD TO EXECUTE STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT -- LITTLEFIELD-KIMBALL AVENUE PROJECT". R011 call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. A.aern, Emilio Cortesi and Andrew Rocca. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi and Leo J. Ryan. C~ty Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Cortesi introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COM- PANY -- SERVICE RISER PIPE". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick ED Ahem, Emilio Cortesi and Andrew Rocca. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi and Leo J. R~an. The City Attorney next explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Cortesi introduced~ "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TO MAKE ALLOCATION FROM CROSSING PROTECTION FUND FOR PROTECTION OF SAN MATE0 AVENUE CROSSING OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY TRACKS". ]oll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. bern, Emilio Cortesi and Andrew Rocca. Noes, none. Absent, ~ouucilmeu Go J. Rozzi and Leo J. P~yau. City Attorney Noonan explained the ~ext resolution, after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ASSUMING THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT OF DIVISION 13, PART ~, CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE -- MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE PARKS"° ~oll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patric~ E. ~hern, Emilio Cortesi and Andrew Rocca. Noes, none. A~sent, Douucilmen G. J. Rozzi and Leo J. Ryan. City Attorney Noonan stated that pending completion of capacity ~nterest char~es it would be in order for Council if they de- Sired to continue the matter to the next regular meeting. ~here bein~ no objections, Vice Ma~or Ahem continued the Second readin~ and adoption of the ordinance to the next regu- lar meeting. !City Attorney Noonan explained the ordinance which was ready !for second reading and adoption, szating that a motion could ~be adopted by Council if they so desired that reading of the !ordinance in its entirety be waived and~that it be passed and iadopted by the readin~ of title only. Councilman Rocca so imoved, seconded by Councilman Cor~esi and regularly carried° ICity Attorney Noonau then remarked that a motion could be iadopted by Council that the ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE iAMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 353, AS AMF~NDED, ENTITLED "ZONING OR- DINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", PASSED AND ~ADOPTED AUGUST 10, 1954," be read for the second time b~ 'title and be passed and adopted, the readin~ in its entirety .having been duly waived. Councilman Cortesi so moved, sec- ouded by Councilman Rocca. Roll call vote was as follows: .Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi and Andrew iRocca. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi and Leo J. Ryan. City Attorne~ Noonan remarked that if there were no objections the second reading and adoption of the ordinance could be held over until later iu the meetiu~ s~uce 4/5tbs of the Council members had to be present at the adoption. There belu~ uo objections, it was so ordered by Vice Mayor Aheru. OPENING OF LASSEN STREET DISCUSSION (C0NTINUES) APPEARANCE -- COUNCILMAN RYAN RESOLUTION NO. 3339 BLASTING P~RMIT - C. A. MAGISTRETTI COMMENDATION -- CITY CLERK ARTHUR A. RODONDI ~000 P. RUGGERI USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1443 HAMERSLAG EQUIP. CO. USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1444 .50 5'0 RESOLUTION NO. 3340 FINA~ SUB. MAP -- PARKHAVEN NO. 2 Ciommunication dated October 31, 1961 was received from the South San Francisco Unified School District requestin~ the opening of Lassen Street upon the completion of Ponderosa Road. Accompanying communication was an Iuter-0ffice Memo- raudum dated November 14, 1961 from the Chief of Police sub- f~ttin~ a traffic survey. Also, au Iuter-0ffice Memorandum om the City Manager. A communication dated September 18, 1961 regarding the open- ing of Lassen Street was received from David J. McDaulel, At- torney at Law (represeutiu~ Mrs. Tavernas) re~isterin~ objec- tion. - ~ ~ V~ce Mayor Ahem asked if there was anyone present who wished tP speak on the matter of the openiu~ of Lassen Street. The fbll~wing then spoke: - Mr. McDaniel, Attorney at Law, representing his clients, Mrs. Tavernas and Mrs. Teshera, who were opposed to the openin~ of Lassen Street to vehicular traffic, citing loss of property values by the opening. M~s. Teshara spoke in opposition to the opening of the street. Lengthy discussion followed concerning traffic count made, after which Councilman Cortesi remarked that he felt he did not know enough about the matter, was not prepared to vote on it, and suggested continuance of the item. Taere being no objections, Vice Mayor Aheru continued the mat- ter to the next regular meeting and stated that during the interim further study would be made. cbuucilman Ryau was present at 8:44 p.m. and remained for the dhration of the meeting. Communication dated November 14, 1961 was received from Co A. Magistretti requesting the issuance of a permit to blast the old Armour Packing building. City Attorney Noouan explained the resolution, after which Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE 0F A BLASTING PERMIT TO C. A. MAGISTRETTI FOR DEMOLITION OF THE ARMOUR PACKING BUILDING LOCATED ON GRAND AVENUE". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Aheru, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryau. Noes, none. Absent, Councilman G. J. Rozzi. Letter dated November lC, 1961, was received from the Presi- dent of the Finance Officers' Deparvmeut of the League of California Cities (City of Arcadia). This letter announced City Clerk Arthur A. Rodondi had been elected First Vice- President of the Finance Officers' Department of the League of California Cities° ~ice Mayor Ahem commended and congratulated the City Clerk for his participating iu League activities and for bringing recognition to the City in his work. He ordered the commu- nication accepted and placed on file.  SE PERMIT Resolution No. 14~3 was received from the Planning ommissiou recommending permission be granted for the request f P. Ruggeri to erect a 40' x 50' metal building to be used or packing flowers at 525 Chestnut Av~ ue, Par. 27, SSF Map 21. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1444 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommeudin~ permission oe granted for the veques~ of Hamersla~ Equipment-Company to install a roof sign (Plexi- glas) measuring 24' x 4' at ll0 Freeway Boulevard. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryau and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Plaunin~ Commis- sion be approved and accepted. The Planning Commission submitted their Resolution No. 1445 ~pproviu~ the final subdivision map of Parkhaven No. 2. City Attorney Noonau explained the Resolution, after which Councilman Rocca introduced a resolution entitled "A RESOLU- TION OF THE PL~k~T~G O~~iC~ OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING THE FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP OF PARKHAVEN NO. 2".  oll call vo~e was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Pabriak E. hern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Leo J. Ryan. oes, none. Absent, Councilman G. J. Rozzi RESOLUTION NO. 3341 ~'±NAL MAP -- BOTHIN SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE -- SPRUCE AVENUE IMPROVEMENT P.U.C. ALLOCATION - SAN MATEO AVENUE CROSSING (PERSON ~ SW~SON) EXTENSION -- ELIGIBLE LIST POLICE OFFICERS '~ 000 MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPT. OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL ORDINANCE NQ. 471 AMENDING UNIFORM LOCAL SALES/PJSE TAX ORDINANCE -- 2nd READING & ADOPTION The Planning Commission submitted their Resolution No. 1446 approving the final subdivision ma~ of Bothin Subdivision. Director of Public Works, Louis Goss, stated that earlier there was some question from the Pscific Gas and Electric Company concerning easements in the subdivision but that Mr. Victor Robinson, Manager of the local Pacific Gas and Electric office, had conferred with Mr. Nash and that he was satisfied that necessary easements were provided. This was orally con- firmed by Mr. Robinson, present in the audience. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution prepared, after which Councilman Rocca introduced a resolution entitled, "A P~SOLUTION OF THE ?L~G ~ION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING THE FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP OF BOTHIN SUBDIVISION". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Aheru, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Leo Jo Ryau. Noes, roue. Absent, Councilman G. J. Rozzi. Inter-Office Memorandum from Louis Goss dated October 25~ 1961 regarding proposed drainage agreement with Southern Pacific Company for Spruce Avenue improvement. There being no objections, Vice Mayor Ahem referred this matter to the City Attorney for preparation of the necessary documents. Inter-Office Memorandum from Louis ~oss dated November 1961 regarding application to Public Utilities Commission for allocation from crossing protection fund for San Marco Avenue crossing. as this matter was taken care of earlier under resolutions, ~o further action was taken. Inter-0f~ice Memorandum from the Personnel Board dated Novem- ber 14, 1961 for the request of an extension of the eligible list for police officers. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by ~ouncilman Rocca and regu- larly carried, that an extension be granted for six months as requested of the eligibility list for police officers. Monthly reports were received from: City Clerk Parking District No. 1 (Corrected Report) Parking District No. 1 Chief of Police Bui~ding Inspection Dept. Peninsula Humane Society Fire Department Library October, 1961 September, 1961 October, 1961 October, 1961 October, 1961 October, 1961 October, 1961 October, 1961 ~he following application was received from the Department of ~lcoholic Beverage Control: Towne House - Application for on-sale ~eneral (public premises) as appl{ed for ySamuel A. and Mary Y. Del Touto partners) d.b.a. Towue House, ll5 Grand Aveu~e. ~t the request of City Attorney Nooaau, Council then proceeded ack to the ordinance covering the Amending of the Uniform ocal Sales and Use Tax 0rd~uauce. City Attorney Noouau explained the ordinance which was ready for second reading and adoption, stating that a motion could be adopted by Council if they so desired that reading of the ordinance in its entirety be waived and that it be passed and adopted by the reading of title only. Councilman Ryau so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried° City Attorney Noouau then remarked that a motion could be adopted by Council that the ordinance eutitled""AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE UNIFORM LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX ORDINANCE~ be ead for the second time by title ~d be passed and adopted, he reading iu its entirety having been duly waived. Council- man Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryau. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Aheru, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Leo J. Ryau. Noes, none. Absent, C~uucilmau G. J. Rozzio GOOD AND WELFARE: DISCUSSION -- FIRE HOUSE BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM COUNTRY CLUB ESTATE - IDENTIFICATION SIGN REPAIRS DISCUSSZON -- PROGRESS SMALL CRAFT HARBOR ADJOURNMENT: There being nothing further, Vice Mayor Ahem remarked that the construction of the new fire ho~se was well under way and suggested that a beautification pro'gram be undertaken on its completion.  here bein~ no objections, he referred this matter to the ity Manager for attention. Councilman Ryan asked concerning tbs tract identification ligu at Country Club Estates. The Pity Manager reported hat the City forces would do the r~pair work. At the request of Councilman Ryan, City Manager Aiello re- ported on the meeting held earlier in the day on the City's Small Craft Harbor, stating that tbs City received approval, that the final work of bid evaluation was bein~ done and that the City should be ready to let a contract very soon. Vice Mayor Aheru expressed the City, s thanks and appreciation to the City Manager for the manner in which he pursued the work; also making mention that at the Small Craft Harbor meeting a member of the Press present remarked that the City's work on the application was one of the smoothest. There bein~ nothing further under Good and Welfare from the audience, ~ouncilman Ryau moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to Mon- day, November ~7, 1961 at 5:30 p.m. The time of adjournment was 8:56 p.m. R~LLY SUBMITTED, City Clerk