HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1961-12-04REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO KELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1961 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAIMS: PARKING DISTRICT CLAIMS: L0k~IE-BOTHIN- SWANSON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: PI~LIC HEARINGS: i8:00 p.m. ;Council Chambers, City Hall The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited after which iinvocatlon was ~iven by Reverend Allen L. Lewis of the !Burl Burl Methodist Church. iPresent: Absent: Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca an~ Leo J. Ryan. None. ,Mayor Rozzl asked if there was a motion approving the min- utes of the adjourned regular meeting of November 17, 1961, the regular meeting of November 20,~ 1961, and the adjourned re_~ular meeting of November 27, 19a!. Councilman Ahem !moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of Novem- ber 17, 1961, the regular meetin~ of November 20, 1961, and the adjourned regula~ meeting of-November 27, 1961, be ap- proved as submitted. !Mayor Rozzi then asked if there was a motion approving the ~regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca imoved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, ~that the regular claims totaling $51,527.5~ be approved for !payment. 'Parking District No. 1 Claims: California Water Service Company claim dated October 3, 1961 in the amount of $2.70. California Water Service Company claim dated October 5, 196! in the amount of $2.90. Enterprise-Journal claim dated October 12, 1961 in the amount of $53.60 for legal advertisin~. Enterprise-Journal claim dated October 19, 1961 in the amount of $12.50 for legal advertising. Santini & Roccucci claim dated November 1, 1961 in the amount of $4~11 for parking district collections (gloves). Standard 0il Company of California claim dated November 1, 1961 in the amount of $50.0~ for lot rental for Novem- ber, 1961. City of South San Francisco claim dated November 9, 1961 in the amount of $16.10 for repairs to meter poles. City of South San Francisco claim dated November 17, 1961 in the amount of $32.46 for repairs to parkiny meters. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parkin~ District No. 1 be approved for payment. Lowrle-Bothin-Swanson Assessment District Claims: Wilsey, Ham & Blair claim dated November 1, 1961 in the amount of $1,088.22 for construction inspection for Lowrie Avenue. Wllsey, Ham & Blair claim dated November 22, 1961 in the amount of $910.00 for engineering services for Low~ie Avenue. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the claim~ as submitted for Lowrie- Bothin-Swanson Assessment District be approved for payment. There being no public hearings, Council ~.h~n moved on to Resolutions and Proclamations. RESOLUTION NO. CIVIL DEFENSE -- JOINT POI~RS AGREEMENT: oOUrHERL PACIFIC PERMIT -- SPRUCE -~/E ~rJE PROJECT: (~mD O~m~) RESOLUTION NO. 3343 E. N. FOURCANS-- ~ER I T/HOUS ING AUTHORITY; RESOLUTION NO. 33ha SANITARY SEWER TRUNK - ~CCEPTANCE ADAMSON/ ·ENKS PROPOSAL: AWARD OF CONTRACT SMALL CRAFT HARBOR: ( LD 0V R ) RESOLUTION NO. 3345 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT SSF MARINA CONSTR. LOAN REP.&YMENT: ORDINANCE NO. 472 PARKWOOD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH/ ANNEXATION: ity Ittorney Noonan explained the First resolution, after hich Councilman Ryan iutroduced: "A ~ESOLUTION OF T~[E CITY OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH S~N FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING EXE- UTION JOINT PO%fERS AGREEMENT COUNTY OF SAN MATEO REGARDING IVIL DEFENSE". ~oll ca~]~ vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi~ 9atrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. ~yau. Noes, none. Absent, none. The City Attorney explained ~.h~ resalution acceptin~ permit 'from the Southern Pacific Company -- Spruce Avenue ~roject. ~here being no objections, Mayor Rozzi ordered this reso~_u- ~ion held over per the request of tae City Attorney pendin~ ~men~ment to one paragraph of the a=~reement. - City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after ~hich Counci!mau Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca end regularly carried, that the resignation of Mr. Fourcans ~e accepted. Counc!~man Ahern them introduced: "A RESO~- ION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF TO. E. N. OURCANS FOR SERVICE ON TH~ HOUSING AUTHORITY . Holl call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, atrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. yah. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after Which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL FROM ENGIh~RS ADAMSON & JENKS -- SANITARY SEWER ~UNK FACILITY INSTALLATION'~. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, atrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. yah. Noes, no~e. Absent, none. ~ity Bt~orney Noonan explained that the resolution for the awarding of contract -- Small Craft Harbor -- was not ready at this time an5 suggested the matter be held for the adjourned meeting on Wednesday, December 6, 1961, as the Supplemental Agreement was needed first. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Rozzi so ordered. The City Attorney explained the resolution and Supplemental p~reement just previously mentioned, after which Councilman $cca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF T}~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT -- REPAYMENT AGREEMENT -- FOR CONSTRUCTION LOAN WITH THE SMALL CRAFT HARBOR COMMISSION AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION THEP~EOF, ~ND DESIGNATING REPRESENTATII~ AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE T~E ~GREE.W[ENT . Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, none. Absent, none. Proceedin~ on to ordinances, City Attorne~ Noonan stated the ~capacity interest fees had been paid by the Parkwood Commu- !nit~ Methodist Church. The City Attorney then explained tae ordinance which was ready :for second reading and adoption, statin~ that a motion could !be adopted by Council if they so desired that reading of the !ordinance in ~.ts entirety be waived and that it be passed and iadopted b~ the reading of title only. Councilman Ahem so imoved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and re~ularl~ carried. ~Cit~ Attorney Noonan then remarked that a motion could be ~adopted bN Council that the ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ,APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY iDESIGNATED "PARKWOOD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH ANNEXATION~' TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCC" be read for the second time by title and be passed and adopted, the reading in its entiret~ having been duly waived. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, none. ~bsent, none. OPENING OF LASSEN STREET: 5o SPRUCE AVENUE PROJECT: E. N. FOURCANS RESIGNATION -- HOUSING AUTHORITY MAGNOLIA SCHOOL -- ~dRTS/CRAFTS CENTER DISCUSSION: SANITARY SE%fER - TRUNK LINES: BURI BURI (CAMARITAS AVE. ) CHRISTMAS LIGHTING REQUE S T: JOSEPH BACA CLAIM: Communication dated October 31, 1961 received from the South San Francisco Unified School District requesting the opening lof Lassen Street upon the completion of Ponderosa Road. iAccompanying communication was an Inter-Office Memorandum dated November 14, 1961 from the Chief of Police submltting traffic survey, together with an Inter-Office Memorand~.~m ifrom the City Manager. iCommunication dated September 18, 1961 from David J. McDaniel, Attorney at Law, representing Mrs. Tavernas and registering iobJection to the opening of Lasseu Street. ~rief discussion followed concerning the opening of Lassen iStreet and the referral of the mat~er of "no left turns" from iPonderosa Road to the City Manager and Chief of Police. Men- ition was also made of the School Board's intention of making !a turn around cu! de sac on their property in order that par- !ents driving their children to school could drive in and turn iaround to drive out and limit the ~se of subdivision streets. iAfter discussion, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council- man Ahem and regularly carried, taat Lassen Street be opened iand the matter be referred to the ~ity Manager and Chief of Police to work out the opening in the best manner for the people in the area. iInter-0ffice Memorandum dated 0cto0er 25, 1961 from Director of Public Works concerning propose.~ drainage agreement with Southern Pacific Company ...... Spruce Avenue Project. There being no objections, and at the request of the Cit~ Attorney, this matter was contlnuefi. Council then proceeded on to new basiness. Resignation was !received from E. N. Fourcans of the Housing Authority ...... idated November 14, 1961. iThis matter having been taken care of earlier under resolu- !tions, no further council action was taken. Proposal of Pa~l Marklfng was received-to prepare pre].imlnary istud~ for the conversion of Magnolia School to an Arts and iCrafts Center. 'Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and reg- !u!arly carried, that the proposal as submitted by Paul Mark- ilin~ be accepted and he be authorized to prepare a preliminary :study in accordance with the proposal submitted. The City iManager was also requested to contact Mr. Markling, advisln~ !him to meet with Council after the adjourned meeting Wednesday, .so that Council could discuss its plans and intentions with ,him. Letter dated November 28, 1961 was received from Paul L. Adamson and Harr~ N. and John H. Jenks concerning the en~in- .eering study of ~runk lines at Sewage Treatment Plant, and accompanying memorandum dated November 29, ]_961 from City iManager. This matter having been taken care of under resolution earlier and there being no objections, no further action was taken. Letter dated November ~9, 1961 from Jose deLar!os, Attorney at Law, concerning the request of Buri Bur1 merchants for Christmas lightin~ on Camaritas Avenue. There being no objections, this matter was referred to the City Manager. Claim against the City was filed by Joseph Baca on behalf of Kenneth Baca, a minor, alleging injuries received at the Orange Avenue Memorial Park. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and reg- ularly carried, that the claim as submitted be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. JOSEPH L. CASTOR CO. USE PERMIT P.C. RES0. N0. 1447: MRS. ALISON'S COOKIE CO. USE PERMIT P.C. RES0. NO. 1448: SEE~S CANDIES, INC. SIGN PERMIT P.C. RES0. N0. 1449: GIOVANNI UCCELLI RESUB. REQUEST LOTS 37 & 38 BLOCK 83, SSF: ALARIK BLOMQUIST RESUB. REQUEST LOT 28, BLOCK 20 WINSTON MANOR #5: RESOLUTION NO. 3346 BIDS -- IMPROV. SEWAGE PUMP/ PUMP STATION NO. 3: BIDS -- STREET S~EEPER: MONTHL¥ REPORTS: USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1447 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommsndin~ permission be ~ranted for the request of Joseph L. Castor Co. to erect a new service station at 601 Airport Boulevard; existin~ station to be removed, and sub- ject to certain conditions. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and re~- ular!y carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Com- mission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1448 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommendin~ permission be ~ranted for the reques~ of Mrs. Alison's Cookie Company to add 4,000 square foot ware- house area to existin~ bui!din~ a~ 513 Mayfair Avenue; su~jeca to certain conditions. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded b~ Councilman Ahem and reg- ularly carried, that this Use Permit be referred back to the P!annin~ Commission for clarification of vehicular parking. SIGN PERMIT Resolution No. 1449 was received from the Plannin~ Commission recommendin~ permission be ~ranted for the request of See's Candies, Inc. to erect a si~n not to exceed 9' x 1~' on top of buildin~ at 210 E1Camlno ~eal, to be chan~ed to designate seasonal holidays. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded b~ Councilman Rocca and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Com- mission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated December 1, 1961 was received from the Plannin~ Commission reco~mendin~ permission be ~ranted for the request of Giovanni Uccelli to resubdivide Lots 37 and 38, Block 83, South San Francisco, located at 1029 Grand Avenue. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded bN Councilman Rocca and reg- ularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Com- mission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated December 1, 1961 was received from the Plannin~ Commission reco~mendln~ permission be ~ranted for the request of Alarik Blomquist to resubdivide Lot 28, Block 20, Winston Manor #5, located at the end of Lonyford Drive. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reg- ularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannin~ Com- mission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated November 29, 1961 was received from the Director of Public Works concernin~ specifications and plans. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution, after which Councilman Ahem introduced: "A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AUTHORIZING Tg!E WORK AND CALLING FOR BIDS ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF ADDITIONAL SEWAGE PUMP AT PUMP STATION NO. 3". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, and Leo J. Ryan. Noes, none. Absent, none. A compilation of bids for a streev sweeper was received from the City Manager. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and reg- ularly carried, that all bids be rejected and a call for new bids be made after the first of the year. Monthly reports were received from: San Mateo County Health & Welfare Sanitation Section - October, 1961 San Mateo County intra-departmenta! memorandum dated November 7, 1961 on SSF Housing_ Survey - Au~_ust, September and October, 1961. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Rozzi requested the reports to be accepted and filed. GOOD AND WELFARE: AD JOURN~NT: There heinz nothing further, and although it did not appear ~as an item on the A~enda, Council briefly discussed the mat- ter of the City-County Highway Program as considered by the 'Greater Highways Committee and convained in a letter dated November 3~, 1961, from the County of San Mateo Engineering and Road Department. Brief discussion followed, after which, ~here bei~ no objections, the matver was referred to the City Manager. Mayor Rozzi then remarked that there would be no meeting on December 18, 1961, but that it would be adjourned at tha~ ~ime to January 2, 1962. This was done so that the Council, Departmemt Heads and City employees would have more time to ~njoy the Holidays. There being nothin~ further from a~y member of the Council Sr audience, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and re~u!arly carried, that the meetin~ be adjourned ~o ~gednesday~ December 6, ].9~!. - The time of adjournment was 8:35 p.m. RE $ PE C TFULLY SUBMITTED, ~City Clerk ' APPROVED: