HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1962-06-04REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1962 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAIMS: PARKING DISTRICT N0. 1 CLAIMS: WILLOW AVENUE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CLAIMS: 8[:00 p.m. COuncil Chambers, City Hall The~ meeting_ was called to order by Mayor Ryan at 8:11 p.m. Pledye of Alleyiance to the Flay was recited, after which in- vocation was yiven by Reverend Lloyd Burdett of Immanuel Bap- tist Church. P~esent: Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, and , Emilio Cortesi. ABsent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. M~yor Ryan asked if there was a motion approviny the minutes of the regular meetin~ of May 21, 1962. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meevin~ of May 21, 1962, be approved as submitted. Mayor Ryan then asked if there was a motion approvin~ the rey- uIar claims as submitted for paymenz. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and reyularly carried, that the regular claims totaliny $19,844.97 be approved for payment. Harbor Way Fire Station No. 2 Claim~of J. Bettancourt, as sub- mitted by Louis Baldini, Architect, in the amount of $10,683.98 for retention monies held was received. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that payment be approved with payment of monies to be made uoon the expiration of 35 days after the recordin~ date of the notice of completion which was filed. Discussion followed, at which time Councilman Cortesi commented on corrections which remained to be done to certain doors in the new station. After the discussion, motion as made and sec- onded was regularly carried. Councilman Cortesi did not re~is- ter a vote. ~arkiny District No. 1 Claims: ' Pacific Gas & Electric Company claim for April-May, 1962, i in the amount of $9.23 for service. Hap Jones claim dated November 14, 1961, in the amount of $4.42 for clutch throw-out bearln~. Hap Jones claim dated December 12, 1961, in the amount of $5.99 for clutch bearing, 2 cables. Hap Jones claim dated May 8, 1952, in the amount of $15.67 for fittin~ piston, etc. City of South San Francisco claim dated April 18, 1962, in the amount of $199.91 for meter repairs and parkin~ signs. California Water Service CompanN claim dated May 4, 1962, in the amount of $8.55 for service. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parkln~ District No. I be approved for payment. Willow Avenue Assessment District Claims: (a) Enterprise-Journal claim dated March 22 1962, in the amount of $46.90 for leyal admertisiny INotice Invitin_~ Bids). Enterprise-Journal claim dated March 22, 1962, in the amount of $67.00 for legal advertisin~ (Notice of Im- provement). Enterprise-Journal claim dated May 3, 1962, in the amount of $24.25 for legal advertisin~ (Notice to Pay Assessments). Title Insurance and Trust Company claim dated April 17, 1962, in the amount of $100.OC for Title Report. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and re~- ularIy carried, that the cIaims as submitted for WilIow Avenue Assessment District be approved for payment. PUBLIC HEARING -- TIDEWATER 0IL CO.: PUBLIC HEARING -- ANNEXATION OF PONDEROSA PARCEL: PUBLIC HEARING -- PONDEROSA ROAD IMPRV. PROJECT- DIVIDED ASSESSMENT: RESOLUTION NO. 3483 HESCINDING RES0. NO. 3480: RESOLUTION NO. 3484 PONDEROSA ROAD IMERV. PROJECT - CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT: RESOLUTION NO. 3485 RESCINDING RES0. NO. 3046 AND AMENDING RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 3486 ESTABLISHING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 3487 APPOINTMENT -- ARTHUR RODONDI - SSF PARK & RECREATION/PARK'WAY DISTRICT SECRETARY: There bein~ no objections, Mayor Ryan continued the Public Hearin~ on Tidewater Oil Company Use Permit for a si~n at 264 South Airport Boulevard, to the next regular meetin~ of the Council. - Mayor Ryan opened the Public Hearin~ on the annexation of Pon- derosa Parcel, askin~ if any written protests had been received to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. Mayor Ryan then asked if anyone present wished to re~ister an oral protest. There be£n~ none, and no objections bein~ registered, the Public Hearing was continued to the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Ryan opened the Public Hearin~ on the Ponderosa Road Im- provement Project (request for divided assessment), askin~ if any written protests had been received, to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. Mayor Ryan then asked if there was anyone present who wished to re~ister an oral protest. Mr. Joseph Gioffre, the interested property owner requestin_~ t.~e divided assessment, asked concernin_~ the payment of assess- ments on each of the parceIs divided, which were answered by t.~e City Attorney, after which, there bein_~ no objections, the P~blic Hearin_~ was closed. COuncil then took action on the first resolution. Councilman Aaern introduced: "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3480". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, and Emilio Cortes~. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. Council then took action on the nexv resolution. Councilman Aaern introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFIRMING AN AMENDED ASSESSMENT -- PONDEROSA ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, and Emilio Cortesi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. Council then took action on the next resolution. Councilman Anern introduced: "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3046 AND AMENDING RESOLUTIONS". Brief discussion followed, at which time, in answer to Council- man Cortesi's inquiry, the City Attorney explained the purpose of the resolution. After the discussion, Roll Call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, and Emilio Cortesi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. Council then took action on the nexv resolution. Councilman Aaern introduced: "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ESTABLISHING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGU- LATIONS''. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahem, and Emilio Cortesl. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. Although not appearin~ as an item ou the A~enda, Council next took up the followin~ resolution. Councilman Ahern introduced: "RESOLUTION APPOINTING ARTHUR A. RODONDI, CITY CLERK, SECRETARY OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARK AND RECREATION AND PARKWAY DIS- TRICT''. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, and Emilio Cortesi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. At this time Councilman Cortesi referred back to the resolu- tion just previously adopted, remarkin~ that he at a previous Council meetin~ voted a~ainst such a chan~e wherein members of the Personnel Board would be eligible for City positions. After discussion, it was explained uhat Councilman Cortesi was thinkin~ of the Personnel Ordinance adopted some time previously by Council. RESOLUTION NO. 3488 AGREEMENT -- PHILLIPS PEST CONTROL BURI BURI NO. 3-A: RESOLUTION NO. 3489 VACATION- PORTIONS BRENTWOOD/KENWOOD/ HAZELWOOD DRIVES: BOYS~ CLUB WEEK -- JUNE 16 - JUNE 23: ORDINANCE -- ANNEXATION OF PONDEROSA PARCEL: 1st Reading/ Introduction: (Defeured) ROD & GUN CLUB REQUEST: DIV. HIGHWAYS-FREEWAY MAINTENANCE .... CITY PARTICIPATION LA NDSCAP I NG SO. AIRPORT BLVD.: AL GUASPARI USE PERMIT P.C. RES0. NO. 1502: 05o Allthough not appearing on the Agenda, Council next took action cn the following resolution. Councilman Ahem introduced a resolution after a brief discussion had taken place at which time City Manager Aiello explained the erosion which resulted from rodents burrowing into the slope area and that now because of the control program this was being brought into check. The resoIution which Councilman Ahem then introduced was entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREE?.~NT BETWEEN CITY AND PHILLIPS PEST CONTROL - ARROYO, ESCANY0, LOMITAS AND CUESTA SLOPE AREAS". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, Patrick E. Ahern, and Emilio Cortesi. Noes, none. Absent, Coancilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. Although not appearing on the Agenda~ Council next took action on the following resolution. Councilman Ahem introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TO VACATE PORTIONS OF BRENTWOOD DRIVE, KENWOOD WAY AND HAZELWOOD DRIVE". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Leo J. Ryan, 2azrick E. Ahem, and Emilio Cortesi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen Andrew Rocca and G. J. Rozzi. There being no objections, Mayor Ryan set the date for the Pub- lic Hearin~ for July 2, 1962. T~ City Clerk announced that the followin~ proclamation was issued by the Mayor's office: A Proclamation designating the week of June 16 through June 23, 1962, "Boys~ Club Week" in South San Francisco. Mayor Ryan, in proclaiming "Boys~ Club Week" urged the public ~o go through and view the building, which was built by volun- teer labor. He requested the press to give news coverage to ~his event. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Ryan requested the Ordinance entitled "iN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UN- INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED ~PONDKROSA PARCEL~ TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO", ready for its 1st reading and introduc- zion, be continued aIong with the Public Hearing on the matter zo the next regular Council meeting. Communication dated May 22, 1962, received from the South San Francisco Rod & Gun Club, requesting permission to hold Trap S'~oots on City property, located on Airport Boulevard, on the followin~ dates: June 10th, JuIy 1st, July 22nd, July 29th, August 26th and November 18th. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and reg- ularly carried, that the request of the Rod & Gun Club be ap- proved conditioned to the posting of the required insurance policies and certificates, and also that no aIcoholic beverages be allowed on the premises. communication received from the Division of Highways, dated May 25, 1962, requestin~ City participation in maintenance of land- scaping of the north bound off-ramp on South Airport Boulevard azla cost to the City of $100.00 per year for the first two years and approximately $50.00 per year thereafter. Enter-Office Memorandum dated May 29, 1962, from the City Manager re¢ommendin~ the City's participatio~ in proportionate cost. CounciIman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and reg- ularIy carried, that the request of the Division of Highways and ~he recommendation of the City Manager be approved. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1502 was received from the Planning Commission recommendin~ permission be granted for the request zo construct an auto service center at 509 Mayfair AvenUe, sub- Ject to the following conditions: (1) Building be used in nor- mal operation of a service station for minor repairs but no major automotive repairs to be done on this site; (2I Planting area be planted and maintained. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and reg- ularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion be approved and accepted. P. H. NEILL USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1503: 0,5o HOLIDAY INN (RAPP) USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1504: HUGH ROBERTSON AMENDMENT - VARIANCE P.C. RES0. NO. 1480: ROCHE & CREAMER RESUB. LOTS 7 & 8, BLK 1, PARK AVE. HEIGHTS: OLIVER M. ALLEN RESUB. LOTS 1, 2 & 3, BLOCK A, MAP #1, COUNTRY CLUB PARK: MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: i.5' o / USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1503 was received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted for the request vo establish Mac's Self Service Dry Cleaning business at 612 Linden Avenue - Lot 11, Block 136, South San Francisco, sub- ject to the condition that vent ducts be brought up above the roof line of surrounding houses or buildings. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularlN carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1504 was received from the Planning Commission recommendin~ permission be ~ranted for the request vo erect a 48'10" x 26¥4~ sign at Colm[ Creek and Airport Road, subject to the conditions that the sign is to be non flashing and non scintillating, and applicant be issued a hold harmless, revocable permit, due to sign location in right of wan of Air- port Boulevard. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularlN carried, that the recommendation of the Planning C~mmission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated MaN 29, 1962, was received from vhe Planning Commission recommending permission be granted for vhe request of Hugh Robertson to amend Variance Resolution No. iL80 in order to allow Green Street to be used as an access drivewaN to the dupIex on the corner of Lewis and Green Avenues, Lot 10, Block T, Pecks Subdivision No. 1. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the PIanning Commission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated MaN 29, 1962, was received from ~he Planning Commission recommending permission be granted for zhe request of Roche and Creamer to take 4.5' by 49.76' from vhe rear portion of Lot 8 and add tkis 4.5' by 49.76' to Lot 7, Block 1, Park Avenue Heights. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded bN Councilman Cortesi and regularlN carried, that the recommeudation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated MaN 29, 1962, received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be ~ranted for the request to resubdivide Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block "~", Map No. 1, CountrN Club Park, changing these parcels to read IA, lB, 2A, 2B, and 3A and 3B, rather than Parcels A through F, as is now shown on the map. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommeudation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. MonthlN reports for the month of April, 1962, were received from: CitN Clerk Parkin~ District No. 1 San Mateo CountN Dept. of Public Health and Welfare -- Sanitation Section Peninsula Humane Society. There being no objections, MaNor RNan ordered the reports ac- oepted and filed. The following applications were received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control: BombaN Club, as applied for by Steven L. Bacho, Jr. and Rose Barsi for 0n-Sale G~neraI (public premises) at 206 Grand Avenue. Notice of Withdrawal of Application for Independence Athletic Club for 0n-Sale Beer at 223 Grand AvenUe~ Taere being no objections, MaNor Ryan requested the applica- tions be placed on file since no action of the Council was n~c~ssarN GOOD AND WELFARE: GOLDEN GATE PRODUCE CENTER: At this time City Mana_~er Aiello brought to Council attention ailetter he had received from Paul D. Markling, dated June 1, 1962, concerning a request from the merchants of the planned produce center for permission to dispose of refuse produce ~hrough a grinding process into the City ts sewer system. Brief discussion followed, at which time City Manager Aielto remarked vhat if CounciI was a~reeable to the use of ~rinders and dis- posal into the Cityts sewer system, that a motion could be adopted that the use of grinders at the Golden Gate Terminal be permitted, provided that a suitable formula for surcharge b~ developed and that the City retain the ri_~ht to review plans ard usages, and to make such additional charges in its fee schedule as will compensate for the added costs of sewerage treatment. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO: Councilman Ahern so moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried. There bein~ nothing further, Mayor Ryan asked if any member of the Council had anythin~ they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. C~uncilman Cortesi brought to Council attention a matter of cypress trees in the 1000 block of Grand Avenue at the edge of t~e Uccelli property on land now owned by the County and for- merly bein~ City owned. He further remarked that the property owners complained that it was bIockl~g their view and shading their property. He stated that although he did contact the County, no resuIts were forthcoming and asked Council assistance. There bein~ no objections, Mayor Rya'] requested that the City Clerk call this to the Countyts attention. FIRE HOUSE NO. 2: There being nothin~ further, Mayor Ryan asked if any member of the audience had anything they wished to offer. Mro Boido asked if something could not be done to screen out the site of the Cityts sewage pumpin~ station on Harbor Way near the new fire house since it was detracting and did not look nice near such a nice new structure. There being n~ objections, Mayor Ryan referred the matter to the City Manager. AD JOURNMENT: There being nothing further, Mayor R~an adjourned the meeting until Monday, June II, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. Tine of adjournment: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City Clerk 9:00 p.m. APPROVED: Mayor ~ ~