HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1963-06-10ADJ~J~ 1~ I~='CA.,~G OF THE CITY COUNCIL w~ MCImA¥, ~ lO, 1963 PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: I~.~E OF ALLEG~E: ROLL CAT.?.: SEWAGE ~ ENLA~G~ -- PROJECT UNIT II: RESO~OS RS. 3722 COI~TRACT AWARD -- SEWAGE ~ ENIJU~E~TS PROJECT UNIT II: RESOLUTIOn SO. 37~3 ~YUCABLE ~ - LOADING DOCK/Sl~JR TRACX ~ ~. P~. 1: DR. J. C. MC ~OVE~N: 7:15 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall The ~eeting w~e called to or~er by Mayor Ahem at 7:~5 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag ~ recited. Present: Absent: Council~en Patrick E. Ahem, Eailio Cortesi, Amdrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertue411i. None · The first ite~ considered by Council ~ a coa~unication d~ted ;June 10, 1963 fr~ Jeuks an6 Ads. on concerning the bi~s receive6 for PROJEOT UNIT II, Pu~ing Plant, Force Main an~ Trunk Sewe~ of the IAtatas P~ing and Treat- merit Works Enlargement pro~ect. It ~ their reco~endation that the award Be m~le to Olanville Con~truction Ccaq~y as the low bi66er. A communication ~ted June 10, 1963 aisc ~ received frc~ the law office of Wilson, Harzfeld, Jo~s & M~+~ f~ ~l~ a ~eolution of a~d of con~t for ~~ ~ II, P~i~ Plate, Force ~in an~ ~ ~rs. A~r br~f ~isc~si~ C~nci~n ~zzi in~e~: "A ~~IOW OF A~ OF CO~T -- ~~ ~ ~~ ~T ~ II - ~G ~, ~E ~ ~ ~ S~". Roll call vote ~s as follow~: Ayes, Ccuncilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertncelli. Noe~, none. Absent ~ none. At this tt~_ City Attorney N~ouan brought UP the pending matter of the request frc~ Wells Manufacturing Corporation for permission to icoustruct a lo~ling dock and spur track crossing over a City easement near !their property. City Attorney Noonan stet~l ~t this is in the form of a tempo- rary permit with a permanent permit to be issued af+~rwa~. Re further cc~ented that he ha~ prepare4 a resolution concerning the matter, after which Council. s Rozzi int~'o~uce6: "A I~SOI/H~ON OF THE CITY COUlee. OF THE CITY OF SOU~ SAN F8 ~NCISCO ~P/ZINGTH~ ISSUANOE OF A REFOCAHLE PERMIT TO W~.?~ ~ACT~d~ COI~ORATION". Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Corteei, Andrew Rocca, O. J. Rozzi, and Freak Bertucelli. Noes!, none. Absent, none. City At+~Amey Noonan then explained a re olution prepared in ~emory of the passing of Dr. J. C. MeGovern, after which Councilman Roecai introduced: "A RESOLUFION OF THE CITY CO,OIL OF THE CITY OF SOU~ SAN FRA~ISCO IN M~RY OF DR. J. C. MC GOVE~t ' ~, it has plee~nd Almighty ~od in his infinite wimdc~ to re~ove fr~a our ~i~t Dr. J. C. Me~overn, an~ ~, he ~as a resident of So~th San Francisco and a me~ber of the first governing boay of the City, and I~EAS, as a resident of this c~anity and as a loyal and faithful public sexw~nt he c mtributed greatly to the ~ut of the City of S muth San Francisco. , lq)W, T~I~, BE IT KESOL~]~) b7 the City Council of the City of South San F~anciseo that the e~abere hereof la~ent the passing of Dr. J. C. ~eGovern and extend their sincere s2mpathy to his family in their hour of SOl'TOY, BE IT ~ulvn~ RESOLVED that this Resolution Be ~pread upon the official ~in~tes of thi- City Council and that; a copy of this Resolution Be sene to Mrs. J. C. McGovern. I hereby certify that the forego&ng Resolution wa~ regu!~rly introduce~ and a~opte~ by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco .t an aa~ourned regular ~eeting hel~ this 10th ~ay of June, 1963, by ~he folloW- ing vote: A~em, C~ancilmen Patrick E. Ahem, m,,,~lio Cortemi, Andrew Rocca, O. J. Ro~zi, and Frank Bertucelli. NOeS, " None · Absent, " Nose. Attest: , ~S/ Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk CALIFO~EA WA~ SERVICE - PARCEL RA~NI & SONS VARIA~E 1~0. 1617: RAGF/ & SONS USE PE~g~ No. 1618: MARINA FACILITIES - NOTICE OF C0~LETION: AD JOUsT: City Clerk TIME: PLACE: CALL TO O~ER: The City Council then took actiou on th~ following Planning i~ acted on by that Cc~lisIion tt their ~peciI1 meeting hel~l June 3, 1963: Inter-office ~e~oran~um ~ated June 3, 1963 ~ received fr~ the Planning C~atIiio~ ~ith a reeIn~atie~ that the California Water Service C~ be ~n~ ~llion ~ ~IU~l~ OM ~eel ~ItlI~tl ~ NO. 11-~2 into ~ ~ceb, e~ti~ ~elD ~i~ ~ f~t ~m ~It~t A~n~ ~ CI~ial A~n~, ~i~ ~oel ~i~ ~t lot li~ ~ti~ on C~I~t A~u~. ~c~~ ~ Inter-office ~e~ora~lum ~ated June 3, 1963 was received frc~ the Planning c~ataiio~ concerning the tent.rive Ip of City Park Addition (Magnolia Ar~), &pprovin~ the tentati~w ~p subject to certain conditions: 1. The lot line a~ in~icated be.-~een Lot& 6 and 7 be deleted and only six (6) lot~ be &llc~ed at thAI ti~e. 2. Fire hy~ntI Ind water ~ins be installed aecordingl to the direction of the Fire ~nt. ' 3. Se~er connections be ~ade to the exieting 12-inch lane located along the north gutter line of C~ercial AVenae. ~. Area t~ Be graded in such a ~inner that stor~ ~a+~rl will ~rain to~ard Cohere&al Aven~e. A ~i~ slope of! 1.0 per cent is reoriented. No stor~ water shall ~rain onto ad~aeeat property. VARIANCE Application Resolution No. 1617 ~ received frc~ thei Planning Cc~i~sion &l~ng the &ppXication of Joseph I~ & S~u~ for per,is- sion to have a ~ini~a of 8,000 square feet b~ilding site areal instead of requital 10,000 square feet and allc~ set-back on front 17'i in~tead of required 2~', 10, rear ~ instea~ of required 2~', and 9' side yard in~tea~ of 10' to per&it R-3 ue in P-1 area, subject to the condition of generally following the restrictions of the R-3 zoning requirements. USE ~ No. 1618 the application of Joi~h group on Lots 1 thrush ~, ICh Jest to comlition that one additional off- Itreet parking space be provide~ for each bui~ling amd that the ~ut for thiI s~e as ~ell as t~e building an~ groun~ Be subject to the II~roval of the Architectural Cc$~ittee. Couneil~n Rocca ~ove~, seconded by Councilman Bertucelli and regularly carried, that the recc--~endations of the Planning C(~gslion four i~ Be approved and accepte~ as sub~itted. Me~orandu~ ~ate~ June 10, 1963 was reeeLved frc~ Franklin P. ~n, harbor s~perimtemlent, rec~a-e~di~ the acceptance of the workl perfor~e~ by Hart & ~y~ding on the ad~itio~al Ma~lna facilities and the filing of the necessary Notice of Cc~pletion. Councilman Rocca ~oved, iecon~ed by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the recIndation of the harbor I~perintemlent be approved and aceepte~, the work aecepted~ Notice of Cm~letion filed, and the time for final pa2~nt of retention monieI to it&rt. There bein~ nothing f~r~_~_r, Councilman Rozzi ~oved, secon~e~ by Council- In Rocca and regularly carried, that t~e ietiug be adJo~rue~ to Monday, Ti~e ~~- 7:90p.m. : , Ju~e 17, 1963 at 8..00 p.m. Ma~or ~ M~,'A~G OF THE CITY C0~IL OF TEE CITY OF S0~H~ SAN FRANOI~O ~n MONDAY, J~NE 17, 1963 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall The City Council at the last regularly hel~ meting having in~icated their ~esire of not holding a ~eeting on J~ 17, 1~ and no one a~earing present, the neeting ~ adjourned by ~he City Clerk to the next regular ~eeting to be held on Mmpi&y, July 1, 1~6~ at 8:00 p.m. I~yor