HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1963-08-19I~JLAR Mm~.'AmG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF SOU~ SAN FRANCI~O ~l~n MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1963 PLACE: CALL TO O~DER: I~.~SGE OF ALLEG~CE: ROLL C~r.?.: PUBLIC HEARING - LINDENVILLE IND. PARK LOT Z, BLOCK 1: PUBLIC HEARING - SSF I~D. PARK 2-E LOT 13, BLOCK 10: PUBLIC HEARING - SSF I~. PARK 2-D LOT 23, BLOCK 10: PUHLIC HE~/NG - SSF I~D. PARK LOTS 1~ & 15, BLOCK 10: HILLSIDE BLVD. TE~XING D IS61]~SION: RESOLUTION NO. 3763 LINDENV~.?.W. IND. PARK LOT 2, BLOCK 1: p.m. Comncil Chambers, City Ball meeting was called to order by ~ayor Ahem at 8:01 p.m. pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited. Present: ~%Sent: Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Corteai, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. None. ~ayor Ahem declared the public he.ring open on the amended a~sessment for Lot 2, Block 1, Lindenville In~utriml Park. Ne :a~ked if any written protests had Been re=eived, to which the City Clerk .~lied none ha~ been receive~ by Itim office. The Mayor then a~ked if -~me~e were amy oral protests. The~e Being n~ne, Mayor Ahem declared the ~ublic he,ring clo~ed. _~e Mayor then declared the public hearing open on the ame~ed assessment fo~: Lot 13, Block 10, South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 2-E. Ne mSke~ if any written protests ha~ been received, to which the City Clerk -~lied none ha~ been received by him office. Mayor Ahem then asked if -2meme ~ anyome present who wimhe~ to regim-~r an oral protest. There ~.i~g no oral pr~temtm, the Mayor declared the public hearing clo~ed. ~or Ahem declared the public hearing open on the a~ended a~sessment for Lot 23, Block 10, South San Francisco Industrial Park U~t No. 2-D. Ne asked if any written protests h~d Been received, to which the City Clerk ed none ha~ Been received by him office. Tne Mayor then asked if ~ anyone present who wimhed to regis-~r an oral protest. There l~ihg no oral protests, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. ll~20r Aher~ then declared the public hearing open on ~ crusaded assessment ff°r~ Lute 1~ and 15, Block 10, South San Fran3isco Iu&~trial Park Unit No. He asked if any written protests had Been received, to which the City Clerk -'~ied none had Been received by his office. The Mayor then asked if -2m~e were any oral protests. There being none, Mayor Ahem declared the pmbXic hearing closed. ¢omacil next took ap the matter of the Augms~ 6, 1963 letter and petition _-ec~ived fr~a T. E. Evereon, chairman of the Hillside Boulevar~ Homeowner's Committee, concerning damages to hemes along Hillside Boulevard aa the _-es~lt of trucking operation~. At this time Mayor Ahem called on Mr. Ted EYe.em, present in the audience, and asked if he wishe~ to speak on the r ,~ter. ~r. Everson remarked that the residents are growing concermed by the i~creased trucking activities on Hillside B~levard; they feel a~ soon as -~el resmrfaeing Of the street is c~apleted i~ will in. ce additiomal truck- i~gi. He ~aid the remident~ are not so much concerned with the dirt hamling ~ ~t~vitiem which are limited to whenever there is a hamling ~ob, an~ the ~ri~ern are comrteou~. He anid their concer~ is c~ by the large ~r~mce hauling trucks or those truckere seeking a m~tel for the night. Disturbances during the late evening hours and early in the morning are c acing lces of sleep; houses are settling, cracking and the like frc~ the k-a~y weight of the trucks. DisSuasion followed and Mayor Ahem asked the Police Chief whether this ~roblem coald be controlled by limiting the weight of trucks. The weight k~it ~ explained by the Police Chief, who al~o mentioned the u~e of ~'-ternate romtes. The request of Mayor Aher~ for fmrther Council study of ~he matter was agreeable with Mr. Evereon, who thanked Council for ~_is~ening to the problem which they have. Councilman Rozzi asked Mr. Everson if the in,:rea~ed traffic takes place ~fter the p.m. hoars, to which he replied th~s is correct. Councilman Roz~i then stated that possibly legislation ,;ould be enacted to prohibit traffic after the p.m. hours. The City Attorney explained the first resolution which was ready for the ntion of Comncil, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFIBM i AN AME~ ASSESSMENT - LOT 2, BLOCK 1, LINDENV~.~.~ IN~STRIAL PAP/f'. RolI call vote was ae follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Ee_ilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, a~d Frank Bertucelli. Noes, numb. Absent, none. 458 m:sour 'ro SSF IND. PARK LOT 13~ B~K 10: RESOL~ION NO. 3765 SSF IND. PARE 2-D LOT 23, BLOCK 10: RESOLUTION NO. ~766 AMEND~a~ ASS~S~T SSF IND. PARK LOTS 1~ & 15, BI,OCK 10: RESOLUTION NO. 3767 IMP0Sl~Fi0~ ADDITIONAL wrG~A¥ USERS ~AXES ESOL TION NO. 3769 C$?.T.ING FOR BIDS - COLMA CP, E~ INPRO~: RESOLUTION NO. 3770 CONTROL ZONE: MARIE SMITN - CLAIM AGAINST CIT~: City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Council- nan Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN F~J~CISCO CONFII~ AN AMENDED ASSESSMENT - LOT 13, BLOCK 10, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2-E~ · Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahern, E~ilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, ttOne. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Council- z~n Bertucelli introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY (F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONF~G AN AMENDED ASSESSMENT - LOT 23, BLOCK 10, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL P~K UNIT NO. 2-D". Roll call vote was aa follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, none. Absent, none. The City Attorney explained the next resolution, after which Councilman RoZzi introduced: "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CO~FII~ING AN AME~DE) ASSESSMENT - LOTS 1~ AND 15, ~LOOX 10, SOUT~ SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL P~= UNIT NO. 2-E". ~oll call vote was as follows: Ayes, CouncSlmen Patrick E. Ahem, E~ilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, no~e. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Council- za~ Rozzi introduced: "IF~OLUTION ACCEPTING THE IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL HIGHWAY USERS TAXES AND FEES PUI~U~ TO CHAPTER 1812, STATJTES OF 1963". .~oll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, · ailio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, O. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, '~one. Absent, none. T~e City Attorney explained the next resolution, after which Councilman 3coca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF ~)U~H SAN FRAN~O AUT~R~ T~E EXEO~TICN OF AN INDE~lWJI{E WITH THE S~ PACIFIC COMPANY -- REVOCABLE ~ FOR SANITARY SEWER". _Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Counci/men Patrick E. Ahem, ~lio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, e~d Frank Bertucelli. ~oes, ~one. Absent, none. C-ty Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Bertucelli introduced: "A BESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS AUTHO~G _"HE WORX AI~D CALLING FOR BIDS ON THE IMPR0~ OF COLMA CREEK AND _"'a~". M-For Ahem remarked that if there were no o%Jectione, he would like to h~ve the permission of Council to contact the people who wish to sue the ~it~ concerning the floo~ waters of Colma Creek and the dredging operation~ as the City is attempting to help them rather than cause ~e~age. There were no objections to this request. Roll call vote ~ as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Ee.ilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, ~oue. Absent, none. L~tter ~ated August 9, 1963 was received fr~ the County Engineer, County of San Marco, advising adoption of its Resol=tion No. 18890 entitle~: "~GLb'I~ION OF IAF£~A'£ON TO ACQUIRE AI~THORIT~_ TO PROC~ WITH THE ESTAH~IS~4E~ OF A I~.~OCD CONTROL ZONE WITTn~ SAN MATEO C~ FLOOD ocNTROL DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS THE COLMA CEEEE FLO(~ CONTROL ZONE, AND TO FOI~ SUBZONES OF BENEFIT 'r~A~" -- forwarding a copy of report ~ated June 5, 1963 entitled: "PROPOSe) FLO(D CONTR~)L PROGPAM FOR C0LMA CSEEK FLO~ CONTROL ZONE ~FiTH ZONE OF BENEFI~' CONCEPT" and urging Ci~y sul~ort to the progr~a. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolutio~ for Council action, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "RESOLUTION E~DORSING THE PROCWm~ING TO ESTABLISH A FLO(~ CONTROL ZONE WITHIN SAN MATEO COU~I~ FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS THE COLMA CREEK .i~O(E CONTROL ZONE A~D T~E FOI~A- T]:,3]i OF ~NES OF aENEFIT 'rs~m~A~"e Rmll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Eailio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, a~d Frank Bertucelli. Noes, no~e. Absent, none. Claim against the City ~ated June 28, 1963 ~ received frc~ Marie S~ith of 2~3 E1 Casino Real, San Bruno, in the a~ount of $10,000.00 for alleged injuries in front of 213 Linden Avenue on Juns 21. Comacilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilm~a Rozzi and regularly c~-ried, that the claha be denied and referre~ to the insurance carrier for the City. CREST~0OD DRIVE/ EVER~ DRIVE STOI~ DRAIN-SIDE CBXOKEN DELIGRT - ADVERTISII~ CIRCULARS: DISCUSSION - Cc~aunication dated August 15, 1963 ~m~ received from E. V. Schulhauser and A~aociates, Iac. of 2222 - l~th AveEme, ~an Francisco 16, submitting plan~ for the iaatallation of ~ ~8-inch storm drain and side sewer~ in Crestwood Drive and Evergreen D~ive, requesting approval. Inter-office memorandum dated August 16, L963 from the Director of Public Work~ approved the plan~ and reco~ended ~cceptanee. Discusiou followed, at which time Mr. Go-s explained the manner of ~rain installation Between the school property and land owned by E. V. Schulhauaer and A~sociates, Inc. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the rec~n~ation, of Director of ~lTe Worhe Go~s approved a=d acce~ted. At this time Mr. Everson a~ked if the school is paying for any pca~ion of ~his work, to which Mr. Schulhaa~er replie~ that they are not paying for any of it whatever. Letter dated August 1%, 1963 ~ received .'rcm Richa~l Zachary requesting permission to distribute circulars ~lverti Jing "Chicken Delight of South San Francisco" at 125 Southwo~l Center. Co~ucil~n Rozzi ~oved, seconded by CounciL~n Bertucelli and regularly carried, that permission a~ requested be ~nted provided they cc~ply with all City ordinances and laws, first c'_earing the matter with :the Police Chief a~ to the dates d~ring which the circulars will be distributed -nd tl~t it Be for a perio~ not to exceed ~hirty (30) days. There ~elng nothing f~rther, Mayor Ahem a~e~ if any ~aBer of the Council ~a~ something to offer under ~ and Welfare. Councilman Rocca uked if there is an ordinance limiting the height of Ledges; if so, an ameu~_w~_nt should be considered aa some he~ges throughout the City are very attractive and serve aa & windbreak for their owners. Discusion followed, at which time ~he City Attorney and the Police Chief stated that there is no height restriction ~nd a li~it is imposed if the he4ge Becomes a traffic obstraction. ,~yor Ahem then asked if anyone present in the aadience wished to offer ~ ~iething ~nder Goo~ &ud Welfare. T~ere Being nothing ~'arther, Councilman Roz~i moved, seconde~l 'oy Council- Rocca an~ regularly carrie~, that the meeting be adjourned to ~onday, .~u~t 26, 196~ at 7:~0 p.=. T~e of adJomrm~nt - 8:~Op.m.