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Minutes 1963-10-21
480 .!. RE~-MEE. TIN. O OF THE ¢~ COUNQIL ~unctl Ghamb~s, Ci:~~ ~ll ' ~he ,e.~t~ was ,ailed[ ~o .O~de,: b~ Y~esen~= OOUnollmen Patrick E. Aheun, Emilio Con,esi, Andrew ~ooa, .~. J. Romzi, and Prank A~en~:~:'.None. , ' ' ~' ~ : . :,. ., nonce of Monsignor Eugene Oallagher of All .Souls ChUrch, no of ~he regular mee~In~ of' Oo~Obev 7~ 196~ an~ ~he a~JoUvne~ . :: ~ gular meeting of October 1~, 1963. .0$~noilm~::Rozzi moved,: s%~nded b~ C°u~oil~n ~uoel~Xi and OO~obe~ 7~ 1963~ and ~he adjourned reSula~ mee~in~ of Oo~obe~ .1~ 1963~ be-approved as subml~ed. '~gU~a~ Claims as submitted' for pa~.en~.' Councilman Rocca moved, ~onded b2 Couucl!~ ~z~i~and r~$ularlF, carried, ~:~' Paohe°°E1eo~lO ol~1m '~a~ed Sep~embe~ 10, 1963~ In ~he ~0un~ of $285.05 for electrical ~epatrs on ga~es?i' CS'rheimS' Rocca.~m0Ved,. ~onded by coUnciI~n ~u~%eili and ~egulauI2 carried, t~t th~ claim as submitted for Sou~h San Francisco ~rina be approved for pa5ment. ~'~ :'~n C. Buehle~, Inc. claim dated September 30, 1~63, ~he ~oun~ of _$3,6~0.00 fo~ ~odtfXo~1ons to i . Sew~e Pump s~ation NO' ~ --"~~BS ~n~-. · {?bUUoi'l~n BeuzuOelli movdd,':~oon~d:by COuncil,s Rocca and ...... ~uegularl2 carried, ~ ~he claim a! submitted for ~he .CI~y .: .. .of SoU~h.S~ ~anoisco MUniOi~l ~ro~t: ~s of ~963-- i 3~un ~uUo ~ion Fund be 'apprOved for:, p~u~. . P~LIC ~~O' '- ~0r~A~rn declared ~he ~ublio Hearing °pOred on the vacation VAOATI0N~0RTION 0P Cfa u0uZfOn jf Dellbuook Avenue in~' SUn~hine oaudegs SUb' DEL~O~ A~: l~ivisi~, ask!~ if any ~ui~en protests had been WHich ~He Depu~ Oily Clerk replied none ~d been received in ~ ~ ~ l~. ~he Ci~2 Clerk's office. He ~hen a~ked if anFone presen~ in ~. ;.. i~He and{OnCe ~shed ~o ~gis~eu a prO~eS~. ~eue beln~ ~, .... ~2o~ Ahem ~olared ~' ~blio H~iug clOSed. ' . ~OC~TION -' '~"Ahe~ ~Oclai~d 0c~obeu ~,' L~, aS "YOU~ ~N~ DAY" YOUTH .HON~ DAY ~0 ~ 7 ~ln SOuth san F~a, cisoo. OC~ iT, 1963: .. . : PROCL~TION -- ~'~O~ Ah~n 9~o°lai~d Ootob~ ~8' ~963, aa ~I~ ~ATIO~S ~I~D NATIONS DAY DA~" iu SOuth San ~anola~.' ' ~SOLUTION NO~-3798 :C!itY Attorney NOonan e~lain~d She fi~s$ ~ssolu$io~ ~eady fo~ LI~Y SiTE -- l C0~Oil ao$ion, afts~ WhiCh Couneil~n Rocca ln~oauoe~: "A ~SOLUTION AUTHORIZ~G T~ ACCEPT~ICE OF A GR~T D~D ~OM. D~D ACCEPTANCE ~ C~~IA ~O~' CL~ ~ ;S~ ~CiSCO". CAL~. GO~ CLX: . :. .... ~ O ~ ~ {~oll 'Call vote was as follows: AyeS, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca~ G. J. Rozzi, and Frank ~vtucelli. Noes, none. Absent, none. TIME: . PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOOATI0~..,' :: . CLAIMS: SSF ~RINA CLAIM: CONSTRUcTiON FUND 481 RESOLU~ION NO. 3?99 BIDS -- TRAFFIC SIGNALS - CHESTNUT/ GRAND/ORANGE AVENLfES. RESOLUTION NO. 3800 VACATION -- DELL~OOK AVENUE - SUNSHINE GARDENS NO. ll: RESOLUTION -- PARKHAVEN - BLOCK 3 ABANDONING DRAINAGE EASEMENTS: RESOLUTION NO. ~801 STORM DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS -- EVERGBEEN/CRESTWOOD: ORDINANCE -- WESTBOROUGH ANNEX. (UNINHABITED AREA): 2nd Reading/Adoption ORDINANCE NO. 492 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND BOXES: 2nd Reading/Adoption Inter-Office Memorandum dated October 14, 1963, received from the Director of Public Works concerning the proposed T~affic Signal Installations at Grand Avenue and Chestnut Avenue and Grand Avenue and Orange Avenue, and recommending approval. City Attorney Noonan then explained the resolution which had been prepared, after which Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AND CALLING FOR BIDS ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL IN- STALLATION - PHASE A - GRAND AND CHESTNUT AVENUES, PHASE B - GRAND AND ORANGE AVENUES". Roll call vote was as follows: Aye~, Councilmen PatriCk E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, none. Absent, none. The City Attorney explained the nex~ resolution, after which Councilman Bertucelli introduced: 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ORDERING VACATION OF PORTION OF DELLBROOK AVENUE". Mayor Ahem stated that the Director of Public Works advised that the vacation of a portion of Dellbrook Avenue was~advis- able and for the good of the City as no properties would be affected. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Patrick E. Ahem, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, ard Frank Bertucelli. Noes, Councilman Emilio Cortesi. Absent, none. ~ity Attorney Noonan then explained the next resolution en- titled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ABANDONING DRAINAGE EASEMENTS OVER LOTS 9, 10, 11, 12 AND 13, BLOCK 3, PARKHAVEN, AS SET FORTH 0N ?~!MAP RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF T}E COUNTY RECORDER IN VOL- '3ME 36 OF MAPS AT PAGES 10 AND 11". _Mayor Ahem stated that if there was no objection by Council, this resolution would be continued to the next meeting.' No 'objections were registered. Although not appearing as an item or the agenda, City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENTS TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FROM PACIFIC COAST CONSTRUCTION O0MPANY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, Councilman Emilio Cortesi. Absent, none. ~ity Attorney Noonan asked permission to hold over for three days the ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEX- ATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRIT£RY DESIGNATED ~WESTBOROUGH ANNEXATION~ TO THE CITY OF SOUTH SAK FRANCISCO"in order that final papers could be drafted. There being no objections from Council, an adjourned meeting was set for Thursday, October 24, 1963, at 7:30 p.m. ~ity Attorney Noonan explained the ordinance which was ready .for second reading and adoption, stating that a motion could be adopted by Council if they so desired that reading of the ordinance in its entirety be waived and that it be passed and adopted by the reading of title only. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Bertucelli and regularly carried. Oity Attorney Noonan then remarked that a motion could be adopted by Council that the ordinance entitled "AN ORDiNANCE 9F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0 RSTABLISHINGTHE REqUIRE- MENTS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND FIRB ALARM BOXES" be read for the second time by title and be passed and adopted, the read- ing in its entirety having been dul5 waived. Councilman Rozzi so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Erauk 3ertucelli. Noes, none. Absent, none. PETE KARAVOLOS USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1639: ~05o MR. AND MRS. ZINK VARIANCE APPLICATION P.c. RES0. N0. 1649: MRS. SADIE SALMON VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RES0. NO. 1650: ANTHONY DIAS VARIANCE APPLICATION P.C. RESO. NO. 1651: LAWRENCE BARRETT USE PERMIT P.C. RES0. NO. 1652: SOCIEDAD MUTUALISTA MEXICANA MORELOS,INC. USE PERMIT P,C. RESO. NO. 1653: PAUL LUNARDI USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1654: ~0~*o The next item for the attention of Council was Use Permit No. 1639 of the Planning Con~nission, which was continued from the last meeting and accompanied by the Planning Officer's Report. Councilman Cortesi stated that he t~ought they should be given a permit. Mrs. Karavolos asked when Council was going to act on this. Mr. Karavolos stated that the house two doors away is the same size as his and a second dwelling was approved by the Planning Commission. He asked what made the difference. Discussion followed. Councilman Rocca said he felt it should be referred back to the Planning Conmission. Councilman Bertucelli commented that he had made an inspection of the location and that a serious parking problem existed in that he had difficulty going through the alley because of the parked vehicles. ~Layor Ahem stated that each Councilman had checked the prop- erty and felt that it should be referred back to the Planning Commission except Councilman Cortes,. He asked Mr. and Mrs. taravolos to again see the Planning Officer to discuss this matter. Mayor Ahem then referred the matter back to t~he Planning Commission. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1649 was received from the Planning !Commission recommending permission be granted for the request ~o maintain 4~½% lot coverage instead of the required 40% lot .coverage at 335 Newman Drive. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Douncilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1650 was received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be ~ranted for the request to maintain a 4 foot 7 inch separation between buildings in- stead of the required 10 feet at 113 Sycamore Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning =ommission be approved and accepted. VARIANCE Resolution No. 1651 was received from She Planning ~mmission recommending permission be granted for the reques~ ~or an ll foot 6 inch encroachment into required 20 foot rear yard at 106 Rosewood Way. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1652 was received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted for the request tic erect a 4~-unit motel to the rear of property located at L96 Freeway Street (end of Terminal Court), subject ~o the flollowing conditions: (1) Enter assemsment district for ex- tension of Terminal Court to San Mateo Avenue to help allevi- aite additional traffic motel and truck terminal generates; (2) Install driveway at rear of property to adequately handle mDtel traffic and truck traffic, this driveway to be approved bN the Director of Public Works; (3) ~andscaping of Barrett property as per plan submitted 10/1~/)3 insufficient. Plan t° be revised and submitted to Architectural Committee along ~ith motel plans and landscaping for review and approval. Ccuncilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT aesolution No. 1653 was received from the Planning C~nmission ~commendin6 permission be granted for the request t~ erect a six-room clubhouse at 209 Miller Avenue. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning COmmission be approved and accepted. UAE PERMIT Resolution No. 1654 was received from the Planning CO~mission recommending permission be granted for the request to permit dancing at restaurant and cocktail lounge at 1144 Mission Road, subject to the following conditions: (1) Dance floor not to exceed 12' x 14'; (2) Ncr more than 12 couples o? 24 people to use dance floor at any one time; (3) Main- rain walkway of not less than 33 inches between wall and dance floor to rear exit; (4) When dance floor is in use, 5 tables and chairs to be removed; (5) When dance permit issued, pro- prietors must conform to 0rdinauce No. 315 at all times. 483 PAUL LUNARDI USE PERMIT ( CONTINUED ) 506© LARRY BERTOLUCC I USE PERMIT P.C. RES0. N0. 1655: 50 GRASSI-AMERICAN CORP. USE PERMIT P.C. RES0. NO. 1656: JACK BARRETT U-DRIVE USE PERMIT P.C. RESO. NO. 1657: SUNSHINE GARDENS NO. 11 FINAL APPROVAL SUBDIVISION MAP P.C. RESO. NO. 1658: PLANNING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION: BIDS - GUARD RAIL HICKEY BOULEVARD: Mayor Ahern remarked that if there were no objections, the matter would be held for further study by Council. Council- man Rocca asked if there were any persons present in the aud- ience who were of the same feeling on the matter as when this request came before Council some time earlier. Mr. Antonio Montoya remarked that the people in the neighbor- hood were still opposed to the granting of a permit for danc- ing and asked that Council give every consideration to the denial of such a request. Councilman Cortesi commented that it should be up to the City Council and the Police Chief to grant this permit and not the Planning Commission. Mr. Marlo Gaglioli, 760 Grand Avenue, asked whether, in the past, such requests were handled by the Planning Commission or were they handled directly by Council and the Police Chief. Mayor Ahem requested the City Attorney to determine whether ~his was a matter that required a Us~ Permit through the Plan- ning Commission or the approval of the Police Chief and City .Council. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1655 was r~ceived from the Planning Commission recommending permission b~ granted for the request itc erect a 4 foot by 8 foot non appurtenant sign on vacant lot at the corner of Pine and Linden Avenues. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by ~ouncilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and accepted, subject to one year annual renewal. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1656 was received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted for the request to erect a 10 foot diameter simn on ~hree sides of batch plant, ~2 feet from ground level at 4~1 South Canal Street, subject to the condition that the building permit on batch plant build- lng be obtained and approved prior t~ issuance of sign permit. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and ~egularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning .~ommission be approved and accepted. USE PERMIT Resolution No. 1657 was received from the Planning Commission recommending permission be granted for the request ~o maintain three painted wall signs at 196 Freeway Street. Oouncilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and megularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Ciommission be approved and accepted. PESOLUTION No. 1658 was received from the Planning Commission entitled: "ARESOLB~ION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CZTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO APPROVING THE FINAL SUBDIVISION M~P OF SUNSHINE GARDENS NO. 11." COuncilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that ~he recommendation of the Plannieg COmmission be approved and accepted and the subdivision map be approved conditioned to the filing o£ the subdivision agreement and the posting of the necessary bond. There be- ing no objections, Mayor Ahern referred preparation of the s~bdivision agreement to the City Attorney. I, ter-Office Memorandum dated October 16, 1963, received from t~e Planning 0$mmission Secretary concerning the yearly re- ormanization of the Planning Commission with the following 0~Icers elected to serve a term of o~e year: Chairman, W~rren Steinkamp; Vice-Chairman, J. Jeseph McGovern; and Secretary, Anita Robertson. C~Ancilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the Planning Oommission Inter-Office Memorandum dated October 16, 1963, be approved and accepted ald ordered filed. Ilter-0ffice Memorandum dated October 17, 1963, received from tlc Director of Public Works submittir, g a report on bids re- ceived on guard rail on Hickey Boulevsrd - Hilton Avenue to camaritas Avenue. DUrector of Public Works Goss gave a report on the bids re- ceuved, recommending award be made to Wulfert Company, Inc. as low bidder. Coiuncilman Bertucelli moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi ard regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Direc- tor of Public Works be approved and acoepted and award made to Wulfert Company, Inc. FINAL ACCEPTANCE PARKHAVEN N0. 2: FINAL ACCEPTANCE SSF IND. PARK 2-C ZONES I AND 2: CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 PUMP PLANTS - UNIT II: CHANGE ORDER NO. SEWAGE TREATMENT: CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 PUMP PLANTS - UNIT II: BIDS - POLICE PATROLVEHICLES: MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: Inter-Office Memorandum dated October 16, 1963, received from the Director of Public Works recommending final acceptance of Subdivision Improvements at Parkhaven No. 2 and authorization for the release of the performance bond subject to the filing of a two-year maintenance bond in accordance with 0rdinauce No. 332 in the amount of $750.00, which is 10% of the cost of improvements. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Bertucelli and regularly carried~ that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted, subject to the t~wo-year agreement and bond. Inter-Office Memorandum dated October 16, 1963, received from The Director of Public Works recommending the City CounCil accept all improvements in South San F~ancisco Industrial Park Unit No. 2-C, Zones I and 2, with the exception of a defective sewer between Manholes.1 and 2, which is guaranteed to be re- placed by Lowrie Paving Company. AccomPanying letter dated October 8, 1963, from Utah Construction & Mining Company con- cerning final acceptance. Director of Public Works Goss suggested that a motion would be tn accordance with his Memorandum. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Pub- lic Works be approved and accepted. Inter-Office Memorandum dated Octobe? 2, 1963, received from t~e Director of Public Works recommending confirmation Of the issuance of Contract Change Order No. 2 - Pumping Plants, Force Main & Trunk Sewers, Project Unit II. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Bertucelli and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted and the Change Order No. 2 approved. Inter-Office Memorandum dated October 10, 1963, received from the Director of Public Works recommending confirmation of the issuance of Change Order No. 4 - T~eatment Works Enlargements. $ouncilman Bertucelli moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and ~egularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted and Change Order No. 4, including iastallation.of four fire hydrants, be approved. inter-Office Memorandum dated October 17, 1963, received from ~ne Director of Public Works recommending confirmation of the issuance of Change Order No. 5 - Pumping Plants, Force Main and Trunk Sewers, Project Unit II. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Bertucelli and ~egularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of P'~blic Works be accepted and Change Crder No. 5 be appreved. l'ster-0ffice Memorandum dated October 18, 1963, received from ~ae Chief of Police concerning bids received for three police patrol vehicles. City Manager Aiello gave a report on the bids received a~d concurred in the recommendation of t~e Chief of Police and ~e City Mechanic that award be made to Volonte Motors a~s lo~ bidder. Councilman Bertucelli moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendations be ac- cepted and award made to that firm. Monthly Reports were received as follows: City Clerk - July, August and September, 1963 Building Inspection Department - September, 1963 Fire Department - September, 1963 Library - September, 1963. There being no objections, Mayor Ahem ordered the reports eccepted and placed on file. The following applications were received from the Department ~f Alcoholic Beverage Control: (a) Application for 0u Sale Beer as applied for by Eva Guzman at 223 Grand A~enue. (b) Application for On Sale General (Public Premises) as applied for by Bernice and Rene Durieux at ll5 Grand Avenue. There being no objections, Mayor Aher~ ordered the reports filed. GOOD AND WELFARE: DISCUSSION -- NUISANCE ABATEMENT: (BUIn)ING DEPT. ) POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL: BOYS' CLUB FESTIVAL: SSP UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT- JOINT USE AGREEMENT: SOLUTION OHOOL DISTR C? ITY . JOINT~USE AGRW. EMENT. .~101 ADJOURNMENT: !There being nothing further, Mayor Ahem asked if any member of the Council had anything to offer under Good and We lfare. Councilman Bertucelli then stated ~hat Mr. Gagliolt w&s present in the audience and asked him to come forward and explain his problem to the Council. Mr. Gaglioli of 760 Grand Avenue then explained to the Council the problem he is having with his neighbor and his fence. He stated that his nelghborts fence is deteriorating and that the owner will not do anything to correct this situation. Mr. Gaglioli asked if the City had an Ordinance stating that property owners have to maintain and keep up their property and lances. Mr. Noonau commented that we have the power to have the property owner either remove or repair the fence by posting a notice of Nuisance Abatement. Mr. Noonan stated that he would co~tact the Building Department regarding this nuisance and that a notice will be posted to have the property owner conform. Mr. Victor Boido of 505 Orange Aver~Ae spoke regarding parking of vehicles in alleys. He asked if there was an ordinance pro- hibiting this. The Mayor asked the Chief of Police when this ordinance would be in effect and Chief Fabbri stated that the ordinance would be effective November 8, 1963. TheyMayor then assured Mr. Boido that this ordinance would abolish the parking situation in alleys. Discussion followed. Irene Mann, 103 Fir Avenue, Secretary of the Boys' Club Commit- tee, extended a cordial invitation ~o Mayor Ahem and the mem- bers of the Council to attend the Beys' Club Festival Shat is being held on November 1~ 2nd and 3rd. She also invited all present to attend this affair and a~ked the support ofleveryone. Mr. Noonan then asked the Mayor and Council members if they ~ished to accept or hold over the C~ty-School DlstrictlJoint Use Agreement, with particular amendments. Mayor Ahern asked if there were no objections from the Council that they iwould order the contract amended in the following particularS: 1. Avalon Lots - Amend. to provide that district Shall make the lots available and the City shall develop and maintain the lots. 2. Contribution to co~structicn of pool: City s~all appropriate $41,000.00. 3. Date of agreement to become operative November 1, 19 63. ~Councilman Rozzi then introduced a mesolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TP~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A~ AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT - JOINT USE OF LA~DS AND FACILITIES". Under the question, Mr. Anuinos, Office Manager of the School District, asked if the City would agree to pay cost of 8evelop- nent and maintenance. Mayor stated ~hat they agreed to. this in the agreement. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca, G. J. Rozzi, and Frank Bertucelli. Noes, none. Absent, none. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regu- larly Carried, that the meeting be a~Journed to ThursdaY, October 24th, 1963, at 7:30 .p.m. Time of adjournment: 9:15 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED: