HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1967-02-06REGULAR M2ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1967 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAIMS: PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 CLAIMS: CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL FARK #! CLAIM: CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK #lA CLAIM: CONTOUR STREET AND DIANNE COURT CLRIMS: ~ARINA CONSTRUCTION CLAIM: SO. S. F. LIBRARY E.O.C. CENTER 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, C~ty Hal!. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Franc Bertucelli at 8:03 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. There was no invocation. Present: Councilmen Frank 3. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi Absent: None Mayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regular meeting of January 16, 1967. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilma~ Ahem and regularly carried, that the minute~ of the regular meeting of January 16, 1967 be approved as submitted. Mayor Bertucel!i then asked if there was a morion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Counc~!man Ahem moved, seconded by Counci!ma~ Rocca and regularly carried, that the regular c!aim~ totaling $52,622.75 be approved for payment. Mayor Bertucell[ asked if there was a motiom approving the claims for Parking District No. ! as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Counci]ma~ Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parking District No. l totaling $89.34 be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. ! Claim: Wi!soy & Ham claim dated January 17, 1967 in the amount of $218.75 for Resident Engineering, Contract Administration. Councilman Rozz[ moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rocca and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes IndustrY. a! Park, Unit No. 1 be approve~ for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit Ne. lA Claim: Cooper Clark & Associates claim dated January 12, !967 in the amount of $25!.00 for Street Grading Inspection. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilma~ Cortes~ and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park~ Unit No. lA be approved for payment. Conmur Street and Dianne Court Assessment District Claims: (a) H. 2. Casey Company claim dated December 22, 1966 in the amount of $353.75 for concrete work. (b) F. Ferrando & Company claim dated January 10, 1967 in the amount of $225.00 for steps at ~03 Alta Vista. Councilman Rozzi moved~ seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Conmur Street and Dianne Court Assessment Distrlct be approved for payment. Marina Construction Claim: Bergesen 2~ ~ Inc., -~r.c, claim dated December 21, 1966 in the amount of $761.28 for 10/3 UF 2000' reels. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilmsn Rozz~ and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Marina Construction b~ approved for payment. South San Francisco Public Library and 5.0.C. Center Claim: Herman Chrlsten~en and Sons claim dated December 19, t966 ~n the amount of $!,000.00 for ~ork completed as of November 30, 1966. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for the South San Francisco Public L~brary and E.O.C. C~ter be approved for payment. STONEGATE RIDGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. ! CLAIMS: PUBLIC HFARING P.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2080: RESOLUTION NO. 4619 CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS C.C.&F. NO. RESOLUTION NO. a620 RESCINDING RESO. NO 4~7~. RESOLUTION NO. 4621 AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATION SO. S.F. CHAMBER OF CO~&~ERCE: RESOLUTION NO. 4622 GRADING PERMIT TO CAESAR CALLAN HOMES, INC.: RESOLUTION NO. 4623 LEASE AUTHORIL'!T ION TWEEN CITY AND STATE STOCK PILING OF SILT - COLi%~.t CRE2K: RESOLUTION NO. 4624 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECS CALLING FOR BIDS FOR MAINT~-NANCE ;';EST PARK CON~ON GREENS: 5'oo PROCLA~.TION NURSERY SCHOOL. FEB. 2v-~.9~RCH 3, !~6~: PR~LA~T ION :NGINZER$ ' FEB. 19-25, !967: CLAIM AS FILED BY WONG~ HAST & ~MINGUEZ FOR GEORGE CLAIM AS FILED BY .=~iIe AND STEIN FOR VIRGINIA B..MZZF_R: Stoneqate Ridqe Assessment District No. i C!ains: (a) Daniel Coleman Englneering Co., claim dated December 31, 1966 ~n the amount of $9,8!9.19 for Engineering $ervicesperformed. (b) The Lowrie Paving Co., Inc., claim dated December 31, 1966 in the amount of $1,753.32 for P/B #7 for work completed. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that thc claims as submitted for S%onogate Ridge A~sessment District No. 1 be approved for payment. The next item was the continued Public Hearing on Planning Commission Resolution No. 2080 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECO.~ENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT PETITION OF CAESAR CALLAN HOMES, INC., SO AS TO REZONE AN APPROXINb%TELY 180-ACRS PARCEL OF LAND FROM A 'U' DISTRICT TO A 'PC' DISTRICT." There being no objections, Mayor Bertuce!li continued the Public Hearing. City Attorney Noonan explained the first resolution which had been prepared for Council's considerati, on after which Counc~!man Rocca introduced: "A RZSOLUTIO~ CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROV£~ENT BONDS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2-A FIRST SALE -- $700,000." Ro~ ca!l vote v.,a~, as fo!lows: Ayes, Councilmen Fran~ $~ ~ --e'.~ .... ~er~u~ ~ Patrick ~. Ahem, ~ ' " -~ . Absent, none ~m~.lio Cortesi~ ~ndrew Ro~a and Gu~o 3. Pozz~ Noes~ none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after whi:h Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION R=oCIN~.,ING R£$OLUTION NO 457.5." Roll call vote wax as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank .I. Bertuce]!~, Patrick Emilio Cortes], Andrew Rocca and Guido ff. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilman Ahem intro- duced: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO CHAMBER OF COMA~ERCE FOR ADVERTISING SERV_-CES - !967." Roll call vote was a~ follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick £. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido 3. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained that certain conditions were being prepared for thi~ Grading Permit: providing that the permit stand granted upon the filing by Caesar Callan with the City Clerk approved plans by the Director of Public ~orks for the rough grading of ten acres of !and for the park site and one acre for the fire station site in ~estborough and the filing of a performance bond. Councilman Rozzi introduced: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT TO CA£SAR CALLAN HO~E$, INC., AND OTHERS -- WESTBOROUGH SHOPPING CENTER, PARK SITE AND FIRE STATION SITE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emil~o Cortes,, Andrew Rocca and Guido 3. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resoluuion after which Councilman Ahern intro- duced: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EX2CLTION OF A LEASE B=T~mEN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRA;~ISCO AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - STOCK PILING OF SILT FROM COLMA CREEK." Roll ca1! vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Coz'tesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido 3. Rozz'[. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolucion which had been prepared after which Councilman Rozzi ~ntroduced: "A RFSOLUTION APoROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AND CALLING BIDS FOR ~AINTENANCE FOR ;',"EST PARK CO~ON GREENS." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Counc~!men Frank .I. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next i+em for Council's attention was the Proclamation des.~gnattng February 27 throdgh MarCh 3, 1967 as "NURSERY SCHOOL ~ayor Bert,~celli so proclaimed. The next item was the Proclamation des~gnating~ February 19 - 25, lO67. at ""~*~"~-o,,,,"=~on*' Mayor Bertucelli so proclaimed. The next ~+em ~n Counc~!'s ...... r attention was the :!aim for damages as filed by the !aw office of %~,ong, Haet & Dominguez in behalf of '~r. George Romero. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. The next item was the claim for personal }njuri. es as filed by the law office of Lewis and Stein for their client, V~rginia Mazer. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the claim be denled and referred to the City's insurance carrier. CLAIM AS FILED BY ROBERT JASINSKY: CLAIM AS FILED BY RICHARD SA$INSKY: R£QUEST FOR RELOCATION OF GATES - SO. S. F. HIGH SCHOOL: REQUF-ST OF FOREIGN CHANGE CLUB OF EL CAMINO HIGH SCHOOL - PAINT HOUSE NIJMBi~RS: ~P~CIA~ REPORT OF LANg- SCAD!NG OF CITY'S MONTHLY REPORTS: DEPARTMBNTiOF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL: GOOD AND ~ELFARE: R=~U--ST OF ',¥INSTON :;ANOR H~M~O~'iNERS FOR MEETING DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE CLOSING OF CLAY AVE. The next item was the claim ac filed by Robert Jasinsky for personal injuries. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman qozzi and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. The next item for Council's consideration was the claim for personal injuries as filed by Richard Jas]nsky. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. The next item was the communication dated October 5, 1966 from Mr. S. 'ainston, Vice Principal of South San Francisco High School, requesting relocation of the gates in front of the high school. Accompanying was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated January 24, 1967 from Poi]ce Chief Fabbri submitting his recommendation. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli continued the matter pending further information from the South San Francisco School Board. The next item for Council's attention was the communication dated .January 4, 1967 from the Foreign Exchange Club of El. Camino Hirsh School requesting permission to paint house number.~ to aid their project. Councilman Rozzi moved that the request be 9ra~ted subject to the approval of the Chief of Police, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. The Inter-Off]ce Memorandum dated 3anuary 18, !067 from C~ty Planner Daniel submitting the Special Report of the Landscapirg of the City's Freeways and recom- mending that the City Council transmit their irtent to enforce Section 26f. I and of the Sign Ordinance to the State Division of Highways was the next item. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucel!i referred the matter to the City Manager for a report. Monthly Reports were received from the fo!!ow]ng: City Clerk's Report - December 1966 Parking District No. 1 - December 1966 Library - December 1066 Po]ice Department - December ]966 San Mateo County Dept. of Public Health - Sanitation Section - December 1966 There being no objections, Mayor Bertuce!li greeted the reports accepted and placed on file. Department of Alcoholic Beveraqe Control: Application as f{led by Gonzalez, Salvador and Ofella and Medrano, Trinidad for On Sale Beer at 223 Grand Avenue. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the report filed. There being nothing further, Mayor Bertuce!ll asked if any member of the City Council had anything they wished to offer under Good amd ~e!fare. There being none, he then asked ]f anyone present in the audience wished to offer anything under Good and Ue!fare. Mr. Thomas Finnerty, 221Clifde~ Drive, requested to read in part a message from the ~inston Manor Community Association, requesting a definite meeting date with the Council, Chief of Police and City Manager to discuss the Hickey Boulevard 2xtension and re- quested that the meeting be held at night. Mayor Bertucelli suggested the evening of the lEth of February. He stated he was anxious to accelerate the matter. Mr. Finnerty expressed his concern regarding a recent newspaper article which mentioned that Clay Avenue would be closed to through traffic. He stated that with only one ingress and egress, the homeowners would be subject to delayed response for emergencies for police, fire and ambulances. He suggested a 6-ft. cyclone fence from King Drive to Hickey Boulevard through the center strip and inquired of Chief Fabbri if this were not feasible. Chief Fabbri commented that he had received no further information and would with- hold any recommendation until all information was studied. City Manager Ate!lo, at the request of the Mayor, explained to Mr. Finnerty and to tho~e present that last Friday, Mr. 2rrica of ~he Department of Highways and repre- sentatives called upon them to informal!y not]fy them that Sacramento would parti- cipate in the overpass and agreed to contribute fifty percent. There was nothing discussed concerning the closing of Clay Avenue. This wa~ an informal notification with no comm]ttal~ on the part of the City or of the State. Mr. Finnerty replied that he felt the Mayor had no knowledge of what the State had in mind regarding the closing of Clay Avenue and was qulte concerned what it ~o,.~ld mean to the ~5 homes in ¥{inston Manor. 101 GOOD AND ELFAR:= (CONTZ U: ) DISCUSSION CONCERNING CLAY AVE?YE OVERPASS: DISCUSSION CONCERNING GRANTING OF CATV FRANCHIS5 Mayor Bertute!!~ explained his meetin9 ~n Sacramento which was attended by Mr. Aiello, Chief Fabbri, ~,~. Re~d, a representative from Assemblyman Ryan's office, Senator Do!w~9, and Assemblyman Ryan. The only negotiations were concerning the financial conditions with the State putting in half of the cost and the other half to be financed by the City or donations. Mayor Bertuce!li further stated that when he received the report from the State, he would call in the Winston Manor Association and discuss this. He further reiterated that the City was under no committal to close off Clay Avenue. Councilman Rozzi suggested that the meeting be delayed until Council received official notification from Sacramento and then call the meeting with ~inston ~anor Association to be fully informed before the meeting with the State. Mayor Bertuce!li asked Mr. Finnerty if this were acceptable, to which Mr. Finnerty replied that it was. Mr. John Siacotos, 138 Clay Avenue, spoke in disagreement with Councilman Rozzi. He commented that any delay in meeting with the C~mcil would not be beneficial. He felt that Council should be aware of the ideas of the residents as they live with the problem. He said they wanted good ingress and egress and safe crossin9 for their children and there might be more than one solution to their problem and this would be brought to light by an early meetin9 with their group. Mayor Bertuce]li again stated that the Council ~ould not act until everything is thoroughly studied. Mr. S~acotos said he felt that they deserved more consideration and not be forced to have only one entrance to their homes. ~,~ayor Bertuce!l~ again stated that they would h~ve the full cooperation of Council and Councilman Rozz~ said that there were no objections to a prior meeting and would be glad to have more knowledge of the situation. Mr. Finnerty again proposed the 6-ft. fence thrgugh the center strip from King Dr!.ve to Hickey Boulevard and Mayor Bertucelli replied that there was nothing d~scussed regarding closing of Clay Avenue, only the recommendation to finance half of the con- struction. Chief Fabbri explained to Mr. Finnerty that the hazard !ie~ in the traffic lanes and not in the center strip. Mayor Bertucelli set tho meeting for February 15, 1067 at 7:.qO p.m. if Council received the information and ~.f net, to wait until such time as the reports were received. Councilman Ahem extended the invitation to the membern of the Association to come to City Hal! at any t~me and meet with the City Manager and City l~ttorney. Discussion followed concerning the fence, the loss of the little child who, Mr. Siacoto? felt, should have been dtscharged from the bus within the tract. Mr. Siacotos closed by asking that they be given a chance to use their homes, be g~ven the protection they pay for as taxpayers, given a chance to live ~afer lives and be given a chance to submit alternatives. Mrs. Mary Ortner, 32 E~.canyo Drive, spoke in sympathy with the ;'~]nston Nanor Homeowners Association. She stated that in the 7~1- years she had lived in her ho~e sbt know of one fatality from the H!~c~ey Boulevard overpa~s and that wa~ one involvin~ a motor-scooter. Chief Fabbri rer!~ed that this was true but there wore other injuries involving pedes- trians who failed to use the overpass. Mrs. Ortner continued by describin9 the bottle-neck at peak hours at Westborough Boulevard and this would be aggravated by the traffic addition if Clay Avenue were closed. Mayor Bertucelli replied to Mrs. Ortner's statement regarding the special study session concerning the Westborough 5xtension ~xpressway by staten9 that the meeting had been scheduled for Thursday, February 9th at 7:30 p.m., for the convenience of Mr. Ortner. This was satisfactory to Mrs. Ortner. Mr. James Really, 328 Garden~ide Avenue, requested some information of Council concerning CATV. City Attorney Noonan explained that terms and conditions have been finally drafted and mailed and the applicants have until the ~Oth of February to respond to those terms and conditions. After that response, the Council will make a determination as to what applicant receives the grant. To Mr. Reil!y's inquiry as to the delay of the grant, Git7 Attorney Noonan explained in detail the complications ~nvo!ved in the granting of the franchise to i. nsure the highest class of service and reasonable rates tc which the residents are entitled. He further explained that this was a very valuable franchise and the reasons why he delayed action was that he could tborough!y study al! scopes. Mayor Bertucelli commended City Attorney Noonan for his care and consideration given to working out the details. He commented that other cities had hurriedly granted franchises and the firms did not perform. Mayor Bertucelli stated that whoever was granted the South San Francisco franchise would definitely pcrform and would be bonded. GOOD AND ~;ELFARE: (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION CONC~ZRNING ~F.ETBOROUGH ZXTENSION 2XPR2SSWAY: ADffOURNM:2NT: Mrs. Laura B. Bagusin, 211 Arroyo Drive, requested of Mr. Goss information con- cerning the ~estborough Zxtension Zxpressway and how it affected her home. Mr. Goss replied .h~ ii would roughly fo!lot the 12-m!!e creek and offered to show Mrs. Bagu~n the preliminary plans in h~.s office at bet conveni, ence. Mrs. Bagus~.n commented on the cond~.tion of the creek bed in that ~.t wa~ a depositing place for em~+v beer cans and other debris, ~nc!uding dead ra~ and ~ * Mayor Bertucelli requested ~f there was anyone else from the audience who wished to speak. There being none, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councf!man Rozz~ and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to February 20, !96v. Time of adjournment: 2:56 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, City Clerk APPROV2D: i[~7~/ ,.,.::f,;,'k., '/Mayor