HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1967-02-2010-3 REGULAR NEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD ~ONDAY, FEBRUARY RO, 1967 TI~: PLACE: CALL TO ORI)F~t: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL : PRESENTATION OF GOVERNOR' S DESIGN AWARD-OUTDOOR ARENA PUBLIC LIBRARY AND MINUTES CLAI~: PA~I~ DISTRICT NO. 1 CLAI~: 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Frank Bertucelli at 8:02 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which the invocation was given by Reverend Martin L. Wyneken of the First Lutheran Church. Present: Absent: Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi None Mr. Aiello introduced Mr. William J. Watson who was to present the award. William J. Watson spoke: "Honorable Mayor, Honorable Council, Reverend Wyneken, Mr. Aiello: Thank you very much for letting me appear before you tonight. It is a great honor to be here for this special occasion for us architects, the City of South San Francisco. The Governor's Award, which you may know about, has been a very significant award in the State of California. A little more than 1,000 submittals were made in this award; over 700 have been judged; 66 out of these were selected for excellence of design. We praise the con~nunities which commissioned these works. The jury was composed of internationally-kno~narchi- tects and engineers. The Mayor and the City Council should be congratulated on this undertaking. It is a fine job not only because of excellence of design, but the fact that less than 50,000 people had the imagination and vision to commission this project. It is a very great honor for the City of South San Francisco to have won such a high acclaim judged from the entire State of California. It gives me a great deal of pleasure on behalf of the Governor to award this Certificate to the City of South San Frar,cisco. I have another Certificate I would like ~o present to the architect of the Kauffmann Arena, Mr. Garo Dorian, who, ir my opinion, has done a marvelous job on this commission." Mayor Bertucelli accepted the Certificate and spoke: "Thank you, Mr. Watson. It is my pleasure to accept this award on behalf of the citizens of South San Francisco and to dedicate it to the citizens and taxpayers who made it possible a~d who will enjoy it for many years to come. The City is proud that the Governor's Award Committee has recognized a project in this City and we will continue to strive to provide excellence and quality in all of the projects undertaken in the future. I am sure that Mr. Dorian shares our pride and we co~mend him for his efforts in this regard. Again, thank you in behalf of the City of South San Francisco." Mr. Garo Dorian accepted the Certificate from Mr. Watson. Mayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motion .approving the minutes of the regular meeting of February 6, lg67 Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rocca and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of February 6, 1967 be approved as submitted. Mayor Bertucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the regular claims totaling $38,306.14 be approved for payment. Mayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motion approving the claims for Parking District No. 1 as submitted for payment. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilm=n Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parking District No. 1 totaling $956.19 be approved for payment. 1'0 CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2-A CLAIM: MARINA CONSTRUCTION CIAIMS: STONEGATE RIDGE UNIT NO. 1 CLAIMS: PUBLIC HEARING P.C. RESOLUTION ~0. 2080: PUBLIC HEARING USE PERNIT UP-30 SOLID WASTE NAT£RIAL INCINERATOR: DECLARATION OF BIDS FIRST SALE OF BONDS C.C.&F. Cabot. Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park. Unit No. 2-A Claim: Enterprise-Journal claim dated January 25, 1967 in the amount of $228.75 for legal advertising. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2-A be approved for payment. Marina Construction Claims: (a) Crestwood Lumber Co., claim dated January 12, 1967 in the amount of $516.95 for sale of lumber. (b) Healy Tibbitts Construction Co., claim dated January 13, 1967 in the amount of $5.46 for Roofing Nails - 21 lbs. (c) Sctandri Bros., claim dated January 18, 1967 in the amount of $20.80 for 100 5/7 dowels. (d) C. M. Buethe Co., claim dated January 18, 1967 in the amount of $882.34 for Polystyrene flotation; Corner Fenders and Dock Fenders. (e) Healy Tibbitts Construction Co., claim da~ed January 24, 1967 in the amount of $15.53 for building materials. (f) Associated Pipeline, Inc., claim dated January 24, 1967 in the amount of $2,160.68 for Stor~ Drain at Marina Parking Lot. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Marina Construction be approved for payment. Stone,ate RidGe Unit No. 1 Assessment District Claims: (a) Carlisle & Co., claim dated February 6, 1967 in the amount of $313.04 for printing services rendered. (Bonds) (b) The Lowrie Paving Co., Inc., claim dated February 6, 1967 in the amount of $11,374.35 for Progress Billing No. 8, covering electrical work performed. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Stonegate Ridge Unit No. I Assessment District be approved for payment. The next item was the continued Public Hearing on Planning Commission Resolution No. 2080 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNiNGCO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FP~NCISCO RECO~ENDING TO THE CITY'COUNCIL APP~VAL OF THE A~END~ENT PETITION OF CAESAR CALLAN HOMES, INC., SO AS TO REZONE i~N APPROXIMATELY 180-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM A 'U' DISTRICT TO A 'PC' DISTRICT." There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli continued the Public Hearing. The next item was the Public Hearing on the Appeal from Use Permit Order UP-30 of the South San Francisco Planning Commission - Solid Waste Material Incinerator Northwesterly corner of Harbor Way and Mitchell Avenue. Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing opened, asking if any written protests had been received to which the City Clerk replLed that communications had been received appealing and objecting to the decision of the Planning Commission as follows= a communication from the law office of Capaccioli and Tragoutsis in behalf of The South San Francisco Industrial Park Association, Wilson and George Meyers and Company, and Gilmore and Company; as well as letters from J. Jacobs and Company, Utah Con- struction and Mining Company, Peninsula Manufacturers Association, San Nateo County Development Association, Inc., and Wilson and George Meyers and Company. Mr. Walter Capaccioli, representing the South San Francisco Industrial Park Association who are appellants in this matter, requested the matter stand over the period of thirty days to March 20th. He said that he had discussed this with Mr. Stagnaro and he like- wise felt the thirty-day period would be appropriate. Mr. Capaccioli mentioned that they had come a long way and had a long way to go to meet an equitable solution to this problem either on the City property, Airport or other appropriate site. Mayor Bertucelli invited those concerned to the next Study Session which will be held February 27th at 7=30 p.m. There b~ing no objections, Mayor Bertucelli continued the Public Hearing. Mr. Kenneth Jones, attorney for the District, advised the Council as to the bids received: J. Barth & Company - 4.5538~; Stone & Youngberg - 4.6566%~ J. B. Hanauer & Company - 4.7519~; Robert E. Scweser & Company - 4,9565~ and recommended J. Barth & Company as highest bidder. Mr. Kenneth Jones requested that the records show the opening and holding of a Public Hearing before any action is to be taken on the matter. Mayor Bertucelli then declared the Public Hearflng opened on the Notice to Property Owners regarding Resolution of Intention No. 4613, A Resolution Of Intention To Acerdire And Construct Improvements in Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Indust~}al Park, Unit No. 2-A, asking if any written protests had been received to which the City Clerk replied none had been received by his office. He then asked if anyone present in the audience wished to register an oral protest. There being none, Mayor Bertucelli declared the Public Hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 4625 ORDERING EXCLUSION OF PORTION OF ASSESSMENT MODIFICATION IN SAID BOUNDARIES C,C.&F. t~2~ RESOLUTION NO. 4626 ADOPTING ENGINEER ' S REPORT, CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING WORK & ACQUISITIONS C.G.&F. ~2-AI RESOLUTION NO. 4627 AWARDING SALE OF BONDS FIST SALE G.C.&F. RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED COI~UNITY DISTRICTS NOS. 1 AND 2 CO~ON GREEN AND PARK SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJEGT= RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGE OF NAME OF STREETs FREEWAY STREET TO PRODUCB A RESOLUTION INTENTION TO LEVY SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSmeNT: RESOLUTION NO. 4628 AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF GRADING PER~IT TO NACY'S~ RESOLUTION NO. 4629 SURPLUS FUNDS -LINDENVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK~ RESOLUTION NO. 4630 SURPLUS FUNDS - MADRONE AVENUE= Mr. Kenneth Jones, attorney for the district, explained the first resolution after which Councilman Rozzi introduced= "A RESOLUTION ORDERING E×GLUSION OF PORTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND ~ODIFIGATION IN SAID BOUNDARIES - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2." Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortest, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Kenneth Jones explained the next resolutior which had been prepared for Council's consideration after which Councilman Rocca introduced= "A RESOLUTION AND ORDER ADOPTING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT ANDORDERING THE WORK AND ACQUISITIONS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2-A." Roll call vOte was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido $. Rozzt. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mr. Kenneth Jones explained the next resolution after which Councilman Rozzi introduced~ "A RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF BONDS - CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARR UNIT NO. 2-A - FIRST SALE -- $700,000." Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortest, Andrew Rocca and Guido $. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan requested Resolutions 4 to 10 inclusive being dropped from the agenda until the City had received the Engineer's Report. These resolutions were entitled~ (4) '~ RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTICN NO. 4545 ENTITLED 'A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO AGQUIRE AND GONSTRUGT IMPROVEMENTS' WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED CO~UNITY DISTRICT UNITS NOS. 1 AND 2 COMMON GREEN AND PARK SITE IMPROVFJ~ENT PROJECT;" (5) "A RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEER'S REPORT WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED GOM~JNITY DISTRICT UNITS NOS. 1 AND 2 COMMON GREEN AND PARK SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT;" (6) "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED COM~JNITY DISTRICT UNITS NOS. I A~D 2 COM~3N GREEN AND PARK SITE IM- PROVEMENT PROJECTI" (7) "A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, DIRECTING FILING OF NAP AND DIRECTING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED COM~.JNITY DISTRICT UNITS NOS. 1AND2CO~t~ON GREEN AND PARK SITE IMPROVFJ~ENT PROJECT;" (8) '~ RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ACQUISITIONS ~ND IMPROVEMENTS, AND DIRECTING NOTICE WESTBOROUGR-WEST PARK PLANNED GO~A~JNITY DISTRICT UNITS NOS. 1 AND 2 COCA, ON GREEN AND PARK SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT;" (9) "A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS WEST- BOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED GO~A~JNITY DISTRICT U~ITS NOS. 1 AND 2 COMMON GREEN AND PARK SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTt" (10) '~ RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK PLANNED COI~UNITY DISTRICT UNITS NOS. 1 AND 2 CO~ONGREEN AND PARK SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT." There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli orcered ReSolutions 4 to 10 inclusive dropped from the agenda. The next resolution was entitled= "A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGE OF NAME OF A STREET -. Mayor Bertucelli authorized the City Manager te notify the respective property owners concerning the matter. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli cortinued the resolution to the next regular meeting. The next resolution for Council's attention was entitled~ "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO LEVY SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT - CONMUR STREET AND DIANNE COURT." There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli continued the resolution. The next item to be considered was the Grading Permit Application as filed by John S. Bolles Associates for Macy's California. Accompanying was the Inter-Office Memorandum dzted February 8i 1967 from Director of Public Works Louis H. Goss recommending approv[1, subject to conditions. Mr. L. H. Teasley of John S. Bolles Associates for Macy's California requested the Inter-Office Memorandum dated February 8, 1967 as addressed to the City Council from the Director of Public Works read in full. Director of Public Works Louis Goss read the mentioned Inter-Office Memorandum in full. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution after which Councilman Ahern introduced~ "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT TO MACY'S CALIFORNIA." Roll call vote was as follows= Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the following resolutions which had been~repared which... would transfer the surplus funds from the respective improvement districts to the General Fund. Councilman Rozzi introduced the first resolution~ "A RESOLtFflON AUTHORIZING USE OF SURPLUS FUNDS LINDENVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARK IMPEOVFJ4ENT DISTRICT." Roll Call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozz]. Noes, none. Absent, none. Councilman Ahern introduced the second resolut£on~ "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF SURPLUS FUNDS NADRONE AVENUE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT." RESOLUTION NO. 4630 (CONTINUED) ~ ~ 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 463.1. SURPLUS FUNDS - NO. AIRPORT BLVD. CURB, GUTTER & SIDEWALK IMP. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 4632 SURPLUS FUNDS - PONDEROSA ROAD~ PARCEL MAP 11 CAESAR-CALLAN HOMES "DREA~ GIRL" CO~ITTEE SELECTION REQUEST FINAL ACCEPTANCE JACK AND BORE STEEL CASING UNDER EL CAMINO REAL - NOTICE OF COMPLETION ~ PLANNING STUDIES OF WESTBOROUGH PARK LANDS= PROPOSED AMENDf~NT ~O ZONING ORD. CIVIC DISTRICT~ ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS TO RECREATION COMMISSION~ AWARD OF THREE VEHICLES TO BE USED BY POLICE DEPARTMENT~ Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilme~ Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Councilman Rocca introduced the third resolutioas '~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF SURPLUS FUNDS NO. AIRPORT BOULEVARD CURB, GUTTEI & SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS." Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilme~ Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Ahem, Emilio Cortesi, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. Councilman Rozzi introduced the fourth resolutions '~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF SURPLUS FUNDS PONDEROSA ROAD IMPROVE~ff PROJECT." Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilme~ Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, Emilio Cortest, Andrew Rocca and Guido J. Rozzi. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next item for Council's consideration was t~e Parcel Map 11 as applied for by Caesar-Callan Homes, Inc., for the subdivision of land located at the northwesterly corner of Junipero Serra and Westborough Boulevards. There being no objections, ~ayor Bertucelli continued the matter. The next item was the communication from the Sa~ Mateo County Fair and Convention Association dated February 6, 1967 requesting aJthorization of a committee to select a candidate for "Dream Girl" contest. Mayor Bertucelli authorized the City ~anager to contact the Chamber of Commerce in this regard. The Inter-Office Memorandum dated January 30, 1967 from the Director of Public Works advising of the completion of work by the Bay B3ring Company under E1Camino Real - "Jack and Bore 18" Diameter, ~" Shell Steel Casing Under E1Camino Real approximately 400 feet South of Country Club Drive" 1966 Project in accordance with the plans and specifications and requesting authorization to file a Notice of Completion was the next item for Council's attention. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman ~occa and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works =e approved and accepted and the Notice of Completion filed. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated February 4, 1967 from the Recreation Commission concerning Planning Studies of Westborough Park Lands. City Manager Atello explained that this study would involve a planning of a lO-acre park site deeded in Westborough and would include those adjacent areas so that the maximum use could be obtained from the park site and adjacent areas. Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman 2occa and regularly carried, that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate with va=ious landscape architects for the selection of a firm to do a planning study. The next item for Council's attention was the I3ter-Office Memorandum dated February 4, 1967 from the Recreation Commission concerning ;he proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 353 which would establish a new zoning district classification entitledl 'tlvic Districts of CV Districts and to place the designated and legally described lands as shown on attached map to mentioned Inter-Office Memorandum in such Civic Districts. There being no objections, ~ayor Bertucelli referred the matter to the Planning Commission. The Inter-Office Memorandum dated February 4, 1967 from the Recreation Cm~nission advising the City Council of the annual election of Officers to the Recreation Commission was the next item for consideration. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli accepted the election of Officers to the Recreation Commission and ordered it filed. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated February 10, 1967 from Equipment Maintenance Supervisor Andrew Rodondi submitting compilation of bids and recommending awards for three vehicles to be used by the Police Department. City Manager Aiello delcared the bids received, stating that the lowest bidders were as follows~ One Police Patrol Station Wagon - Arata Pontiac1 One Police Motorcycle - Dudley Perkins Co.; One Three-wheel Traffic Mas~er - Hu-Cat Electric Co. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the bid of Arata Pontiac for One Police Patrol StatLon Wagon be acceFted and award made to that firm. Councilman Rozzt moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the bid of Dudley Perkins Co., for One Police Motorcycle be accepted and awa=d made to that firm. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carr2ed, that the bid of Hu-Cat Electric Co., for One Three-wheel Traffic Master be accep2ed and award made to that firm. MONTHLY REPORTS PETITION OF WEST PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION FOR FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIESs PETITION OF RESIDENTS OF FRANCISCO TERRACE CONCERNING FLOOD CONDITIONS ON FRANCISCO DRIVEs ACTION - HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION DISCUSSIONs Monthly Reports were received from the followings Building Inspection Department - January 1967 Fire Department - January 1967 San MateD County Dept. of Public Health - Housing Survey - October, November and December 1966 There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the reports accepted and placed on file. The next item was the Petition containing 120 names from the residents of West Park Homeowners Association requesting near-by fire-fighting facilities, dated Jan. 25, 1967. Mayor Bertucelli stated that the City of South San Francisco was negotiating with the City of Daly City for emergency responding. The next item for Council's consideration was ~he Petition dated January 26, 1967 from the resideats of Francisco Drive, Sonora Drive and Portola Avenue concerning flooding. Mayor Bertucellt authorized the City Manager to contact each property owner and to make them aware that a meeting with the Army Corp., of Engineers was scheduled for February 28, 1967 at 2~00 p.m. at City Hall. A communication was received from Action Commi:tee To Integrate Our Neighborhoods dated December 15, 1966 concerning the formation of a Human Rights Commission in the City of South San Francisco. Mayor Bertucelli asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Albert N. Waters, Chairman of the Action Committee, then made the following statement~ Sin 1963, the late President Kennedy urged the mayors of all cities to take action designed to find ways in which local government may speed the resolution of existing inter-racial tensions and help resolve inequities arising from racial discrimination. The President proposed that every city~ 1. Establish an inter-racial human relation committee. 2. Review city practices carefully and eliminate any instances of officially supported discrimination. 3. Insure that municipal hiring and promotions are wholly free of discrimination. 4. Enact measures protecting equal actio~ to all places of public accommodation. 5. Campaign against school drop-outs so ':hat young peopl® may qualify themselves for future job opportunities. On June 18, 1963, following the President's plea the State Fair Employment Practice Commission sent letters to the Mayors of California cities asking them to carry out the recommendation of the President aad among other steps designed to eliminate discrimination in line with the President's recommendation, urged the establishment of local inter-racial c~mmittees. The suggestion that local government establish human relation comnisstons have received a very favorable response from city officials throughout California. We feel that racial discrimination is a part of the unfinished business of America; all cities have inherited these ~roblems, including South San Fran- cisco. Municipalities did not create the~, but they are uniquely called upon to deal with thee. Many changes are occurring and no one can suggest an overall formula to deal with them, but our city of South San Francisco (and other cities) have a special opportunity to provide the machinery of an official human relation organization to deal with these changes' in a democratic frame- work. City government is closest to the people and there are many aspects of intergroup relations which can be dealt with at the local level. Establishment of a municipal human relation agency sets an official tone--a public policy--signifying that the community is concerned about the committed to peaceful, rational methods of resolving differences among its citizens. This action demonstrates that local leaders recognize their responsibility to try to solve problems of their citizens on a local basis, with local leader- ship and initiative. Creation of an official body in this field also better enables the city to benefit from the successful race relation experieAces of other cities which have achieved success with a human relations agency. A city human relations committee provides a forum where persons can take their grievances to be dealt with. A person with a grievance who has no place to take it tends to build up resentment and this increases the probability that if it cannot be resolved through the estlblished channels, other methods may be utilized. Planning for many years into the future is now one of the most important activities of municipal government. Modern cities have comprehensive long range plans covering anticipated population growth, housing needs, rising shcool enrollments, expressways, and virtually ~11 aspects of city life. A city human relations agency can provide the machinery whereby all of its citizens will have an equal opportunity to share in planning their city's future. ~e feel that a human relations coa~flittee or commission will be an asset to our co~nunity of South San Francisco; therefore, the Action Committee strongly urges the City Council of South San Francisco to consider the formation of a human relations commission." 108 ACTION - HUMAN RIGHTS CO aZSSZON DZSCUSSZON (CONTINUED) ~ I 5.3 GOOD AND WELFAREs HUMAN RIGHTS DISCUSSIONj INQUIRY REGARDING COUNTY SUPERVISOR' S MEETINGs DISCUSSION CONCERNING WESTBOROUGH PARK SITES~ 6oo d Mayor Bertucelli spOkel "Thank you, Mr. Waters, and at this time, I recommend your coming in to one of our Study Sessions and have a committee to work with you. We will work with you 100%." There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucelli asked if any member of the City Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. There being none, he then asked if anyone present in the audience wished to offer anything under Good and Welfare. Mr. Dan Murphy, 104 Sutton Avenue, spoke in opposition to the formation of a Human Rights Commission. Mr. Murphy said that in the four years he had lived in his neighborhood, he had never seen one instance of non-integration. He said he per- sonally felt that the City did not need a board like this. He continued that he felt that if a person had a grievance, he could approach the Council and if it weren't resolved there, he would get a recoewnendation to take it to a specific department. Mayor Bertucelli asked Mr. Murphy if he was objecting to which Mr. Murphy replied that he was. Mayor Bertucelli thanked Mr. Murphy for his opinion. Mr. Harold Schuette, 31Escanyo Drive, inquired of Council as to who were going to be present at the Board of Supervisor's Meeting, February 21, 1967. Mayor Bertucelli replied that the CityManager, CouncilmanRocca, Councilman Rozzi would be present, and if he could attend, would do so. Mr. Edward Toby, 2570 Bantry Lane, President of the Westborough Homeowners Asso- ciation, cmweended and thanked the City Council for their support of their reso- lution which asks that the City withhold the zoning application for the developer in Westborough until they receive their parks. }Ar. Toby said that he had been away and had received information from the newspapers that the City Council was behind them lOOM. Mr. Toby at this time introduced }er. David Friedenberg, attorney for the homeowners. Mr. Friedenberg spoke that the reason for their coming was a request for clarification of some matters. He commented on the newspaper accounts which were conflicting, requesting clarification. It was not their intent, he continued, to delay or hamper other projects for the area but that they were interested in obtaining park sites which were to be installed pursuant to an agreement with the developer by not later than October 1966. He further stated that for over a year, they have urged the developer to comply with this contract, that no compliance has been made to this date and no park facilities to serve the people in the area. He requested the withholding of zoning changes, dirt moving and any applications on behalf of the developer until the park sites promised were delivered free of liens and graded or that cash or bonds be posted by the developerto guarantee performance. He further suggested to Council that they enforce the agreement on the collection of damages, concluding that it was their hope that the City Council would support the homeowners association in this regard. Mayor Bertucelli thanked Mr. Friedenberg for his co~ents, stating that the Council had been discussing this matter since November w~ich was some three months prior to his association's forwarding their resolution. He further stated that the developer would not receive consideration to his requests until performance was received from him. Mr. Friedenberg mentioned that bulldozers were seen operating in the area, asking if any grading permits had been granted. City Attorney Noonan explained the application which had been received from the Guy F. Atkinson Company for permission to grade 300,0~0 yards of dirt to fill a hole in the highway they were presently constructing. Mr. Noonan then remarked that when the application had been received, the matter of grading the City's park sites and fire station site was discussed, at which time it was agreed that the 300,000 yards would be made available to the Atktnson firm upon their also grading the fire station, park sites and road adjacent. He further commented that the City staff was considering a proposal to retain architects which were authorized tonight to finalize these grades. Mr. Noonan also stated that the developer's use permit was pending before the Planning Commission and would be continued until the deeds to the park lands were received free and clear of any liens. Lengthy discussion then followed at which time Mr. Friedenberg asked if the developer would be allowed to grade the commercial land mefore the park site. Mr. Noonan replied that the fire station and adjacent road would me graded and that afterwards, the Atkinson firm would borrow 300,000 yards from the area adjacent to the commercial site and would then return to grade the park sites. Mr. Friedenberg asked as to the guarantee that the Atkinson firm would return to the park site after material had been taken from t~e con~nercial site to which the City Attorney replied by explaining the nature of t~e 360 acres at $50,000 an acre which is the City's performance bond and that nothin~ would move in that area until the work was completed. Discussion then followed between the City Attorney and Mr. Friedenberg concerning the length of time it would take to move the 300,0~0 yards of dirt, the grading of the fire station site, the time for coswaencement of the work, the rough grading and those grades to be determined by the architects as nil as the desire of the developer to sell the remaining 360 acres. 109 DISCUSSION CONCERNING WESTBOROUGH PARK SITES: (CONTINUED) FI~PROTECTION IN ~ O ~ WEST PARK AREA: HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION DISCUSSION ~ ADJOURNMENT City Attorney Noonan concluded that it was the best judgment of the City to work this program out as it had been. City Manager Aiello speaking in behalf of the City staff remarked that they were just as anxious to complete the work. He sta;ed that it was to the City's advantage to have the work performed as it was outlined; that when the mention of 300,000 yards of coe~ercial grading was made, this was not grading in the sense to make more useable the area but would be material t~ken from digging into an embankment. He further remarked that the work should be done early in the season while the land was still moist and before the westerly winds begin. Mr. Aiello coe~nented that if the Atkinson firm were obliged to go elsewhere fo: his fill, the City would lose the whole package. City Attorney Noonan mentioned that the 300,000 yards was needed by Atkinson and was of no direct advantage to the developer. City Manager Aiello commended the City Attorney for achieving this much work for the City. City Attorney Noonan explained how the City teok on the obligation of the park lands after there were no commitments from the Coun:y ~hen Westborough was an unincorporated area for four or five years. Mr. Friedenberg commended the Council for the:r co~anitment on the park lands and urged that every effort be made to have the developer complete his obligations. Councilman Rocca mentioned the reason Atkinso~ Company is involved and why we gave them permission to go ih with Caesar-Callan is so that we could get grading on our lands. We have someone qualified to do the grading, Councilman Rocca continued, and there may have been others who would not be. Councilman Rocca said that the City agreed to let Atkinson come in for 300,000 yards. He said we have a partner in there now and we are not going to give any other au:hority to mo~e until we get the land free and clear. City Attorney Noonan concurred with the statement of Councilman Rocca and stated that the City took advantage of a very strong situation. He further stated that with regard to the use permit, he would recommend ~hat it be granted if there was in escrow a sum of money to clear the lien on the parks, also that he would recommend that the parcel to be used by the Catholic Church be permitted to go ahead. He went on to explain in detail the securities involved and completion to the satisfaction of the City. Further discussion followed after which Mr. NOonan concluded by stating, have this thing going and we are going to wra~ it up." Mr. Friedenberg thanked the Council for their attention. Mr. Edward Johnston of the West Park Homeowners Association spoke in appreciation for Council's attention to the fire protectio~ in their area. Mr. Dan Murphy again spoke against the formation of the Human Rights Commission. He felt that there was no segregation in the City of South San Francisco. If there had been any problems, they would have been noticed a long time ago. By recognizing a commission of this type, we are admitting that there are problems, he continued, and we haven't any. Mayor Bertucelli asked Mr. Murphy to clarify ;ais statement. Mr. Murphy continued by explaining the rights the citizen has to bring his particular problem before Council and there it would either be concluded or referred somewhere for the answer. Councilman Rocca recognized Mr. Murphy's compliment to the City Council, but mentioned that this group only wanted to form a committee. Mr. Edward Toby spoke as an inditidual citizea and in his opinion, stated that the very fact that they wanted to set up the mechanics of a Human Rights Council whereby they could come forth was a step in the right direction. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rozzi and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to Monday, March 6, 1967. Time of adjournments 9s21 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMI TTF. D, City APPROVED: ./"/"' Mayor