HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1968-01-02OF THE CiTY OF ~Oulll SAN FRANCISCO v ,,,, HELD ~ESDAY, ~A,~oA., 2, 196B PLEDGE OF ~.nG.A,~Cm AND iNVOCATiON: ROLL C~LL~ CALK~T, CA~T & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PAKK U:~IT NO. ? CLAIMS: CABCT, CABOT & FORBES *',~,,CV~T~? PARK UNIT qO. ~A CLAIMS: p.m. Council Chambers, City iiall. In the absence of Mayor TM * ' ,... ,a~rick = At,em, '/ice f,fayor Andrew Rocca called the meet:n? to order at 9:00 p.m. The ?ledge of Allegiance to ~h~ Ylag was ,recited. Since Reverend ~:f~ Enfel=.ann of Immanuel Baptist Church :.a: absent, no ~nvoca+ion wac given. P.e~..t: Councilmen Frank 3. Ber.~ce..~, :m.~rew Rocca and Guido J.R~z._~ -~ Absent~ Counci~me~ tats!ch :. Ahezn ,nd :mi!to Sofia-si. Vice Mayor Rocca asked f.f there ',,~as a motion a~proving the Minu+.es of.the regular meeting of December 1~, 1967. Councilman Rossi moved, ~econded by Counci!ma~ Bertucelli and regularly cariied, that the ;,linutes of ~ ~ .......... ~h~ z~,,lar m~et~ng of December 18, ~96v be approve~ a~ submitted. Vice Mayor Rocca asked if there wac a v, otion approving thc regular claims as m,b::it-Led Councilman bertuc~ll! moved, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and :egularlY carried ~-~ ~ ~o~ ~o R~ be approved for payment regular c~m. totaling ~,~._ ....... Vice ;,~ayor Rocca then asked if Lhere ;,,as a ~. o, ~*i n approving the No, I as submitted for pa~ent, Councilman ROzz! moved, ~oconded ~u,.c ...... o~.~u.~ ..... and ie=ularly carried, that thc ..,, q~.60 claim~ a~ ~ub:':i+ted f~- Parking District No. ! totaling $.; . ba approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. I Claim: ;',~i~sey & Ham claim dated December ~a, !q67 in th~ amount of $!76.24 for ~--~n~-~no Services in connection w~th the Ba~dwin-;'iarren ~aJ~ Councilman Dertucel!~ moved, =ecnnded bv Councilman R~ ~ . . , ~?z.. and reo,~larly carried, that tbs ................... '~-~+ NO. 1 be ~..mo.ed claim ~ ~ub~+*~ f~r Cabot, nabo+& Forbes Industrial Park, ..... -?.- ', for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbo~ Industrial Park, Unit No. 2 Claims: (a) ~"~'sey & }{am claim d-*~ ..... ~,.ed December 19, 1967 covering Invoices Nos. 3345, 335!, 3352 and 3353, totaling $2,R66.40, for Engineering Services through D~.. ~. 1967. (h) Cooper-Clark & Associates claim dated December 8, lO67 for Job Nos. 38!-~4 and 381-AC-4, to+al~n~. _ . $5,v3~,67,. for SOils Engineer~no. Scrv~ce~. * '* the Councilman Rozzi moved, seconded by Councilman Bertucelli and ...gula,~y carried, ,h~ claims as ~ubmitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Fork, Unit No. 2 be approved for p~yment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Indu~tria! Park, Unit No. 2A Claims; (a) ;';~sey. &Ilam claim dated December 19, 1067 covering Invoices Nos. 33a5, ~.,~q~"~, 3352 and 3253, +^*-~n~ $.o,866.40, for 2ngineer~ng Services throuoh December o ?.967. ~b) Cooper-Clark & Associates claim dated December 8, !967 for Job Nos. 381-~4 and ..... +~+~ $3,738.62 for Soils 2noineor~ng $cr'/i~c~ ~81-AC-4, ~..,.~_,,~ ~ - . CouncilmanBe_~+~uce.~' moved, s~conded by Councilman Rozzi and regularly carried, that claims a.~ submi+ted~ for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Tndustrial~ ~ar1,'= ,., Unit,,o." 27, he ~pproved for payment the The next ~0. 2080 ent!t}ed: "~ .... :~-~..~ CF ~2 .~aai,~,tG ,.~ ...... OF .,- CITY OF LAND FROM n 'U' DISTRICT TO A 'PC' DISTRICT." .... ob~-'~on? Vice Mayor Rocca At the request cf ,.h= r~ty Attorney and .he~e be~no no .~ t. , so ordered. The -~xt $.tem ~.. ! ....r ~, ~ce F. emorandum dated December !I, 1967 from thc Chief But~4~-._.,,~, Inspector ccncernin~ ~h~ proposed Agreemen~ with thc SLate of ra~i~a._ _ ...... relating to mobi~_ homes and mobi ~.. ,~.n~ ;,~re en ...... :,,~.~ by the Chief ~u~ ~ , * ~ ~ c~ ct ' ' ~*~ ~ if ' ' ' . would ~ive the City ~h. right to ~n..~e certain f~cil.~e~ and :t meets wlth Cc. unc!z'~ approval, a resolution bad been prepared whlch wc-!d au~ho, l..= .h~ Ant~ ~ =emen ~. ,~o~-JT_~X 4TM Councilman Rozzi introduced the resolution entxtled'. "A .R-~ee'*:~T~''.o~..~,~ aUthORiZiNG EXECU- TION OF ~" AGReeMENT ...... '~ ........ ""~ n,, ~,ITi, ~ STATE OF CALIFOrnIA R=G.,RDI,,G m,FOR~,=,,. OF RZCULAT!ONC Roll call vote wa~ as follow~: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucc!li, Andre~ Rocca and ~ ~ Absent, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahern and Emilio Guido J Rozz~.. Noe~, .... n ............. ORDINANCE REGULATING HEAT!NC REFRIGERATION l~t Read,hi/In Vice L,ayo. Rocca ordered the title of the oz~inanc~ read. The tztle of the ordiaance was read. City Attorney Nocnan then explained tho orqinance and advlse4 the Council procedure for introductio~ Councilmam Sertucel!i moved that reading of thc its entirety be waived and that th¢ ordi. nance be introduced and read for t~e firct tim~ by read!n9 title only, seconded by Ccunci!man Rozzl and pacsed by a ,nan]moue vote. Councilman Rozzi moved chat the ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANC~ 02 TH.~E ~v - '" '"' .............. '~ " SAN FRANCIS~ R~Gu~.ING ~I2 L~STA~AT~O,~ AND },~INTENANCE OF n~T~aG, V.NTxL~TIN~, ~' "~' " ~n~ ~, Or SOU~H ~" .... CTM ~" COOLING A,,D REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS IN ~"' n-~v - ~., r~,~*~o~u · ~V~,~G FOR rz~,,iTo COLLECTION OF F~ES ~mRauF) PRCV!DING ':- "T* '" FOR ~'~ TiON ~'{EREOF) AND A~PTTNG BY ~,~FnR~'~Cn ~iE INTERNATIONAL ~NFERZNCE OF o.~-D.,~G OFFi- ..~ UNIFORM MECHANICAL ~D2 1967 -~.T!O., UNIFO~,, =u~.,,~ ~a .u~,,,~ ,~, reading of which has been duly waived, be ~ntroJuced, and Notice of Hearing be ~oJnc.~m,n Bartuce!]i and ~a¢~oN by the theleon for February 5, !969, seconded by ~ , ~' ~ -. following sol! ca!! vote. Roll call vote wa~ as follov:~; ,\yet, Coun¢i!men Frank J. Ecrtucelli, Andam,: Rocca and ~,~..l..d..~ ~.' Rossi. .No~s, none. Absent, Counci!~en Pa+z~rt-. ..... . E. /.h''~'~.- and 2~o., CcrLcsi. "~ "~T'' / ,., R..,,. FOR FLUMB!NG INSTALLATIONS: ].~! Reading,/!ntrodUctlon Vice Nayor Ro~ra ~do~4 the title of the ordinance read. The ~*~ the ................ e of ~rd~nance was read. City Attorney Nonnan tho~ exp!a]ned the ordinance and advised the Coupe]! regard!no procedure for ~ntrodt)ction; Councilman Rozzi moved that readin? of the ~rd!nance ~n ]t~ entirety be waived and that the ordinance be introduced a~d read for the first t~me by reading title on!y, ~econded by Councilman Eertuce!!i and pas~od by a unanimous vet Councilman Bertuce!]i moved that the ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINArieS CF THE CITY OF SCU~'{ SAN FRANCISCO -c~'^o.-~u~uG mF~ D'~''TITT~"C AND STANDARDS FOR INCTALL.%T!0N OF ~a'..~.i OF F~S; P~t/ID!NG Pm~,iLT. a.. FOR VIOLAT!ON9 ~2RZOF; .... . ..... .,~ ~u~i, ...... ~ · 53a~ A}~ A~PTING BY REF2RSNC2 ~2 UNIFOR:4 PLUNBING ~D2 - 1967 ~DITION," the reading of which has bee9 duly waived~ be introduced, and Nol!ce of Hearing be set thereon for February 5~ 1968~ ~econded ~y Councilman Rozzi and pas~ed by tho following roll call vote. .%ndrcw r~ccca and Roll call vote was as,ro.llov:s: ..... nyse, Councilmen ,.ank 3. -;-n~*"r~)~i.,-~.,;.~ . C. uido ~ Rossi Noes, none. ...,b=ent, Councilmen Patrick 2. Ahem and 2mi'!~ Co_*tes!~ ORDINANCE RZGULATING C~NCTRUCTION, R-,m~., ETC. OF ALL BUILDINGS AND $TRUC~JR2$: l~t Read~ ng,/Intz-oduct~ on 0.,, qa ce Vice Mayor Rocca ordered the title of the ordinance read. T~ title of tho .,.4-~ n wa~ read. City Attorney Noonan then explained the ordinance and ad,'~C~4.. ....... the Council. z'~-ar4=n9.~ .... procedure for introduction~ Co,,ncilman Re~zi moved tha~ reading of the ordinance ~n .ha~ the ordinance be in~z'oduc~d and read for the fir~* it~ entirety be waived and * " ,. t~me by read!no, title on'v.,, seconded by. Counc~!man Bertu~l!~ .. and pa~sed by a .man Councilman Eertucelti moved that the ordinance entit!ed~ .,,, ~u~,,~, '~ CITY REGULATING ~Z ERECT!ON, ..... ~,,~ ..~TY SOU~ SAN ?RANC!C~ AND ALL O~IZR~m.~.,~,,.,..~c~'~T ..... 'r'-~ ill Cn,.=~..~.~. ~.~,T~ ~:Ra,,..,,, A,,D _ =~T T ,, APFEND!X) VOLU.,,~ ! AND UNiFOR2 BU,L~I,G CODE ~967 ~.T.O.~ (AND ......... the entire readi,9 of zhlch bas been duly waived, be introduced, and Netl. ce of llearin9 be set thereon for Feb;uary 5, 1968, seconded by Councilman Rozzi and parsed by the f:l!cv'i~9 roll call vole. Re!l. call vote was as fgl!ows. Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. n-~*, "~ Andrew Rocca and Guido 3. Rossi. Noes, none. Absent, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem and 2mille Cortes!. Tke next item. ,,vas ~h~ inter-Office :;,e~oi'andum dated December ~' 1967 from ~ ~c~"~ [ub~:c ,,ark. Louis Goss r..c.,m..e z 9 Chance Order an. !6 to the Lowrie Pavin~ ComFany contrac~ at gtonegate Ridge for the removal of 21 street lum~.naires and delivery to the · L.,,~ ~,,~ect to condit!on~. CI~,. ~ Corporation Yar~ fez lnte~'im ~tcrage at the cost of $~00, ~, Councilman Rossi moved, seconded by Councilman Bert,)celli and regu!azly carried, that thc recommendation of the Director of Public horks be approved and acce~ed ~.em wa~ the lntez-Officc Memorandum dated December ~0, !967 from ' ~,D,~l,,~ PARK TENNI~ COURTS: of Recreation and Parks Robert L. ,,la:.~y tie. Of Memorfal Park '.~ . =n..1 Courts. Accompanyi-~,~ ~as the ~m-,,n~ca~.~...,... . /,rcb~tec't, concerning the-'* .. . . sta+~no *h~* ~+ ;vas the re.o,,:me,,,,,t,.. ,, r'~ty Manager Aie!lo declazed the bids r~ce~ved, ..... _, ~.~ -~ , .- ~ c~.+...,. - . T.~ wi. th the bid of David Mayer, ~and:.ape ,~r.~,~.:~ that the 1;w bid of ,, a ~ Shocter~ ..... ~ · ~* ~'~n- and '~:fi- $72,~n,~. iq recs~h~,~.u~ fez the work to be performed and meet~ v,~h thc , ..... ~ .... cation: and he concurred ~-Jth thc recommendation. AND ,V, ED~CAL PLAX? ?AT KIDD: ..... ~00 0 ,.O,',Th..v R=, ,~RT,~: DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL; COUNCIL ' 3 .... c ..... HAPPY Ccu,.c...;~n~. ~,.,,;~,._ ,..,,u.., .... c,,d~d Councilman ?,cz-~..~ and reoular!y carri,zd, the rz-cem~enda!ic~ ~f David Mayc~, Landscape Architect, and City /~ianaRer ,'dc!lo ' * ~ ~,r ... A a J Shooter, Inc. ap~rove~ and acce~te~ and a,~ard of cents'act be made tc ~h~ 1... ~ The,,e^*~ ~+~'m= _. ','.'as the r~o,,:*~,._.. cf *+'"~,..,; bid openino, on the long-term d..~.b~lity~-- ' insurance and me.~!ca] insurance plans ion the employee~, of the City of South San Francisco. City Manager Ai~l~o ox?la: ~ *~-+ bid= . 'n ....... ~ on the~e two !tom~ '.,:crc z'eceivcd and ope~nd., on ~,.~.~. ~ ..... h. ~ .... 2v, , 1967, ~'~"*-u,, ~ b!d~ on ~hc long-term 4~cch~ ~ty. . ~n~,)rance and eleven bids on the health insurance, .:nd ~ha~ ~ms cf ~he.;e bid~ were dupl~cat~on~ ~brouoh 4i fferent brokcr~. mi+v.. .... , Monomer. /,iel~o, r~u~ ted. ~ h ~ +, ....... bi= ~=~re be authorized to hire an insurance .,_, ... ~+*~1 actuarial consultant *~ .:!~ and evaluate the various proposal~ and upon subm ..... ,.~ of the report of firm re~u!/c and recommendations, the City Council would determine ,a, hc/her 6r not ~o award the b~d. Councilman Rossi moved, ~econded by Councilman Bertucelli and r?gularly c~rr!ed~ thnt in this matter. The re~t,es*- of Pat ,,..t"¢~4 ..... dated Xovomber 28, ~a67 for a six-weeks' '~-,~e of Absence Crow, * ~ 1068 to vi~i* hi~ Mother ~n v..~..~ was the ~ * ~u,y 8, 1968 ~ Auouc* I~ n~x~. ~t~ for Ccuncil'~ '*/enticn Accompanying wac the Iht?r-Office ~Jemorand-m dated December 1.2,..~067 from o.]pm =~ .... ntend~-* ...... of Recreation and Parks R~ber~ L. :daxey recommending approval and concurrence of the City :JanaRer. Councilman Rozzi moved, ~econded by Co,,nc!!man Bertuce!li znd regularly carried, that the recommendations of Superintendent of Rear,etlon and ?arks,,,~,.ey"-', and ~ity.. I, anag~r' - A~e!~o' _ be approved and accepted. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated November 29, 1967 from Mrs. Ruth Vanni, Secretary of the Personnel Board, submitting the 21igibility List for thc ps, it!on of Chief Building In~pector and carrying the recommendations of ~r. Harold' M. Varni, Chairman of the Per~onncl Board and City Manager Eugene A!ellc~ Councilman ~ ~ '~i B~r~,,c~ ..... commented that the list contained one name and at th~ time, 'xo~,!d + -* ~ ~ +~ the position of Chief D~Idin9 !ik~ to move ~b~ I,k. Leonard J. P~t/z be ~ppo.n~.d to Inspector,. effective date of February !6, .'a6~., .~..ond~d~ ~ by, Councilman Rozzl and re~ul-~y_ carr~ ed. :',ionthly Reports were received from ,~h. fo!lowing: Police Department - November 1967 Library - November 1967 City Clerk'e Resort - Xovember 1967 Parking District No. ! - November !o67 San'Mateo Cmmty - Sanitation Section - November !ow There being no objectioq~, Vicc Mayor Rcnca ordered the reports accepted and 7!crcd on f~ lc. =:=. ~,,,en. ;%ICOhO!iC Beveraoe Control. Fran..~nu'' John, for On Sa~c Genera! Pub!!~ Application a~ filed h), Faro.do, ~ Premise~ at lO? Grand Avenue. There being no objections, Vice Mayor Rocca ordered the'report ;placed on file. Vice ;.layer Rocca asked ir. an,/ member of the C~+,,.., ~ ri'.. ha~. ., anything they :v~shed to C ~c,?,. ,' o~.~. under Good and ',,~Ifare. .... u.,c..l.,an 3ertuceili zoq,Je~ted information on the Veterans t, iemor~a! ;7,onument which had c~.~,~ Sou., ~ .... ~n Bei-tuce! Ii been n~ovo~..,,.. . by Ccunri'~ by r~,J*~on~.~.~.., and h~ds., v,~re elated th-*:,~ he... undcr~tood there were two companieff who man,.,factured this type of monument. C~ty ~,,~nage- Aie!!o ~m..~n~ed that the committee was to rontart the two compani~ and ~ol!c!t bids hut +~'+ hc had no word s.ince their last repcrt n~tY-. Attorney. Noonan stal~. ..... that hie office v.as to ,-~r'*~n~,--: ~h~ dn-,,m~"*, _.-,,.~,,,~ .... ~ be m]hmitte/ to the two companies and that they would be prepared this week. '"ceq;layor~.. Rocca requested ~'*~].~y Attorney. Noonan to follow thie_ through.. There being nothing fljzther from Council, Vice Wayor Rocca then asked if anyone present in the audience v:ishcd to speak under Good and hclfare. There being none, Vice M~,/or Rocca remarked that, on behalf of the City Cou'nc~l, he wished each and everyone a ha~?>,-' and procperous New Year and aa'n,,-n~d.._~..~ _. the meeting tca Study Time of adjournment; 8:20 p.m.