HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1968-06-03REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~ISCO HELD MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1968 TIMEs PLACEs CALL TO ORDER s PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATIONs ROLL CALL s MINUTES CLAII~s PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 C~AIMS: CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2 CLAIMS s CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2A CLAII~s PUBLIC H~A~ING SA-3 - SUBDIVISION APPLI- CATION FOX~IDGE SCHOOL PROCLAMATION NATIONAL FLAG WEEK JUNE 9-15, 1968s P~OLUTION NO. 4852 APPROFING PLANS & SPECS AUTHORIZING ~ AND CALLING BIDS FOR 1968 LOMITAS SLOPE STABILIZATIONs 8sO0 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bertucelli at 8~)3 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited after which the Invocation was given by Reverend Kenneth Glenn of the First Southern Baptist Church. Presents Absents Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. None Mayor Bartucelli asked if there was a motion approving the.Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of May 13, 1968 and the regular meeting of May 20, 1968. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Steinkamp and regularly carried, that the Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of May 13, 1968 and the regular meeting of May 20, 1968, be approved as submitted. Mayor Bertucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the regular claims, totalibg $46,147.31, be approved for payment. Mayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motion approving the claims for Parking District No. 1 as submitted for payment. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Councilman Steinkamp and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Parking District No. 1, totaling $49.01, be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2 Claimss (a) Pacific Gas and Electric Company claim in the amount of $16.25 for services from April 15, 1968 to May 15, 1968. (b) Wilsey & Ham claim dated May 21, 1968 Covering Invoices Nos. 4053, 4054 and 4055, totaling $2,224.24, for Engineering Services through April 30, 1968. Councilman Rocca moved, secOnded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2 be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2A Cleanse (a) (b) Pacific Oas and Electric Company claim in the amount of $16.25 for services from April 15, 1968 to May 15, 1968. Wtlsey & Ham claim dated May 21, 1968 coveringlnvoicas Nos. 4053, 4054 and 4055, tOtaling $2,224.24, for ~ngineering Services through April 30, 1968. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2A be approved for payment. The next matter for Council's consideration was SA-3 - Continued Public Hearing on Appeal of the Subdivision Application - Foxridge School Site. (Carried as a pending Item but not scheduled for action until June 17, 1968.) No action of the City Council was necessary as this item was carried for information onll The next item was the Proclamation designating the week of June 9 - 15, 1968 as "NATIONAL H.,AGWEEK." Mayor Bertucelli so proclaimed. The 'Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 22, 1968 from the Director of Public Works sub- misting revised plans, speCifications and cost estimates for the Lomitas Slope Stabil~- zation and requesting authorization to advertise for bids was the next matter for Counci. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution which had been prepared after which Councilman Rocca introduced the resolution entitleds #A P~SOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AMD CALLING BIDS FOR 1968 LOMITAS SLOPE STABILIZATI~ Roll call vote was as follewss Ayes,'Councilmen Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkampo Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 4853 APPROVING PLANS & SPECS AUTHORIZING MORK AND GALL BIDS ~ PAINTING CITY BUILDINGS~ APPROVZNG PLA S & SPECS AUTHORIZIN CALL BIDS LANDSCAPE D~ROVEMENTS TO EL CA~INO REAL! MEDIAN ISLANDS~ PARADISE lr~LL£Y PARK~ ItlCKEY BOULEVARD*. EXTENSION8 RESOLUTION NO. 4855 OPPOSING MODIFICATION OF MAYO-BREED PO~s RE~OLUTION 1~. 4856 IN MEMORY OF COUNCIIi-AN E~ILIO CORTESI 8 ~000 RESOLUTION NO. 4857 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MODIFICATION TO SUPPLE- MENTAL AGREEMENT - WEST PARK I & 2 (PARCELS 1 & 2)8 RESOLUTION OF THE SAN UATEO BOARD OF SUPER- VISORS C~IMENDING GO~NCI~ AHERN s CITY PLANNER*$ REPORTs MARTIN PARK II~ROVEMENT PROJECT - ACCEPTANCE AND AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETIONs 5o o ~ ORD~ NG. 1 ¢.C.&F. NOS. 2 & REG. IMITION ~RADING ST~.,E 28 AWAit. OF (DNTRACT TWO-~L IliAILF. q s The next ite~ was tho Inter-Office ~kmorandu~ dated May 21, 19~8 fr~ the Director of. Public Works sub.it,inN specifications for painting City buildings, and recoe~endiag approval and authorization to advertise for bids. City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution after ~hich Councilman ~int introduced the resolution entitled8 "A RESOLUTIO~ APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE NO~K AND CALLING BIDS FOR PAINTING CITY BUILDINGS." Roll call vote was as follows8 Ayes, Council~en Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank Mammint, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. The Inter-Office Me~orandu~ dated May 23, 1968 fro~ the Landscape Specialist sub-it*inN plans and specifications f~r landscape improvement and development at the following locations8 E1 Casdno Real Median Islands, Paradise Valley Park, and Hickey Boulevard Extension; and requesting, approval and authorization to advertise for bids was the next ite~ City Attorney Noonan explained the res&lution which had been prepared after which COUncil- n~n Rocca introduced the resolution entitled8 #A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AND CALLING BIDS FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS TO EL CAMINO REAL MEDIAN ISLANDS, PARADISE VALLEY PAR~ AND HXCKEY BOULEVARD EXTENSION," Roll call vote was as follows8 Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Prank Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained that the next resolution opposes the modification of the Mayo.,'-Breed Formula 4nd would request the State to retain the 55-45~ allocation and not be changed to the 60-40~ allocation. Councilman Aborn introduced the resolution entitled8 "A RESOLUTION OPPOSING ~3DIFICATION OF THE ~AYO-BREED FORMULA.' Roll call vote was aS followss Ayes, Councilmen Prank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonen remarked that a resolution had been prepared in memory of the late Councilman Hmili~o Cop*esi and was ready for introductiOn. Councilman Rocca introduced the resolution entitlod8 "A R~OLUTION IN MP~RY OF HMILIO CORTESI, DECEASED." Roll call vote was as follewss Ayes, Councilmen Prank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aborn, F. Frank Mammtni, Andrew Rocca and Warren $tetnkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained that the next resoltulon concerns West Park I and 2 regarding an extension of time to prepare landscape plans for the 2~acre park site. Councilman Steinkamp introduced the resolution entitleds "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MODIFICATION TO SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, WEST PARK I AND 2 (PARCELS 1 AND 2)." Roll call vote was as follows8 Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank Man~ini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney goonan at this tiao stated that the City wes in receipt of a resolution which was adopted by the San Ma,on County Board of Supervisors in which they cemmendedCouncilman Patrick E. Ahem for his services as a member of the Waste Disposal Site Steering Committee and that the resolution be entered as a part of the Council"s MinUtes. Mayor Bertucelli at this time presented Councilman Ahern with the resolution, extending the Council"s congratulations and thanks for the services and work performed as a member of this coemittee. The next item was the City PlannerSs Report to the City Co,nell with respect to Use permit and Verien~e Requests considered on May 27, 1968. There beingno objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the Report accepted and placed on file. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated ~a¥ 20, 19~8 from the Director of ~ublic Works forwarding Change Order No. I and edvising of completion of the Martin Park Improvement Project knd reccemeading acceptance of work~ authorization to file Notice of Cmapletion and recmmmendingChange Order No. 1o Councilman Steinkamp moved, seconded bY Councilman Rocca and re~t~l&rty carried, that the recommendation of the Director of P~blic Works for Change Order No. 1 be a~proved end accepted and Notice of Completion filed. The communicetion dated May 9, 1968 from Wilsey & Ham submit*in9 Change Order No, 6 to the Piombo Construction Cmmpany contract for Reclamation Grading Stage 2, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Units NoS. 2 and 2A was the next matter for Counciles attention. Acco~panying wes the Inter-Office ~e~orandtm dated May 15, 1968 concerning Change Order No. Director of Public Works Goss .remarked that his office recoemended that this itombe held over until the City receives some guaraatmfrom Cabot, Cabot~& Forbes that this additional fill will not affect the.:Marina. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli continued this matter. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 23, 1968 from the City Manager submitting compilation of bids received for a Two-Wheel Trailer te be used by the Street Department and concurrence in the recommendation of the Equipment Maintemmnce Supervisor. City Manager Aiello declared the bids received, stating that the low bidder was San Frencisco Equipment Company with a bid of $871.50. 269 AWeD OF CONTRACT 'I'~-WHEEL TRAILER ~ AWARD OF OONTRACT 4-DOOR SEDAN H)R FIRE DEPT~ 2-DOOR SEDAN FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTs MONTHLY REPORTS s REAPPOINTMEWT OF JOHN SUSA AND ALVIN STULLER TO PARKING. PLACE COMMISSIONs GOOD AND WELFARE t DISCUSSION CONCEI~ ING SILT IN CATCH BASIN CAI. LAN AVENUEs MOMENT OF SILENCE IN MEMORY OF CORP. CARLSON 2ND LT. CLIFPORD! POPJ~R COUNCI~ CORT~$I t ADJOURXMENTs Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the City Manager and Equipment Maintenance Supervisor be approved and accepted and ~ard of contract be made to San Francisco Equipment Company, The next ite~was the Inter-Office ~emorandum dated ~:y 23, 1~68 from the Equipment ~aintenance Supervisor subsdtting compilation of bids for a 4-door sedan to be used by the Pire Department and a 2-door sedan to be used by the Sewage Treatment Plant. City~anager Aiello declared the bids received, stating that the lc~ bidder for the 4-door sedan to be used by the Fire Department was Arata Pontiac and he concurred in the recommendation of the Equipment ~aintenance Supervisor. Council~an Ms, mini moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the City ~ansger ~d Equip~ent Maintenance Supervisor be approved.and accepted and award of contract be made to Arata Pontiac. City Manager Aiello declared the bids received for the 2-door sedan to be used by the Sewage Treat~aent 'Plant, stating that the low bidder was Arata Pontiac and he concurred in the reco~endation of the Equipment ~intenance Supe~visor'. Council~n Stetnkamp moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the rec~endation of the City ~nager and Equip~ent ~aintenance Supervisor- be a~proved and accepted and sward of contract be made to Arata Pontiac. Monthly Reports were received fro~the follo~ing:' City Clerk's Report - April 1968 Parking District No. I - April 1968 There being no objections, ~ayor Bertucelli ordered the reports accepted and placed on file. The next ite~was the c~nication dated My 8, 1968 fro~ Mr. Larry Schwab, General M~nager of Thunder Development Corp., requesting re~aining funds in Alta Vista No. 3 Assessment District. Acco~penying was a letter fro~ Mr. Marvin Wolff dated ~rch 24, 1968 concerning engineeri~9 funds re~aining unpaid in the District. There being no objections, ~ayor Ber~ucelli ordered the matter held for a'meetin9 between the principals involved. Mayor Bertucelli at this time offered for Council's confir~ation the reappointments of Mr. John Susa and Mr. Alvin Stuller to the Parking Place Commission. Councilman Ahem ~oved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that Mayor Bertucelli's reappointments be confir~ed. There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucelli asked if any me~ber of the City Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Councilman Steinkamp asked Director of Public Works Goss regarding the silt on Collins Avenue, east fro~Junipero Serfs Preeway, stating that the catch basins alongside, are still full. He asked if ~r. Goss had any progress w~th the situation. Director of Public Works Goss rep~ted that he had contacted the developer and contractor, Serramonte people about this, but however, as Councilman Steinka~p stated, they haven't done anything about that. Councilman Steinka~p asked as to what course of action we might take. ~ayer Bertucelli replied that Director of Public Works Goss ie~ediately contact these people again and get a "Yes" or "No" answer if they are going to do that andthat the City wants that donet it is detrimental to our City. Director of Public Works replied that we contacted th~n the very next day and they haven't done it. In answer to Mayor Bertucellt~s inquiry, "By telephone or by letter?", he replis "By telephone" stating that we should write the~ a letter. ~ayor Bertucelli informed Director of Public Works Goss to call them and notify them that you are sending the~ a letter that s~ething is to be done about the situation. Mayor Bertucelli then asked if there was anyone in the audience whO wished to speak under Good and Welfare, ~yor Bertucelli made the following state, eats "Two South San Francisc~ns recently lost their lives in Vleta~aa~ I would like to have a resolution passed for each of th~a expressing sympathy to their families and stating in the resolution that the Council adjourned this masting with a m~eat of silence in respect to their ~e~oriess Corporal Richard Carlson 2nd Lt. Harold J. Clifford and I also include in that moment of silence, respectful rema~brance of our late Councilman ~ilio Cortesi." After the ~o~ent of silence, ~ayor Bertucelli adjourned the meeting. Ti~e of AdJourn~ent~ 8t21 p.m. APPrOVeD ~ // Mayor Councilman Mammtni moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the City Manager end Equipment Maintenance Supervisor be approved and accepted and award of contract be made to Arata Pontiac. City Manager Aiello declared the bids received for the 2-door sedan to be used by the Sewage Treatment Plant, stating that the law bidder was Arata Pontiac and he concurred in the recommendation of the Equipment Maintenance Supervisor'. Councilman Steinkamp moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the reco~endatio~ of the City Manager and Equipment Maintenance Supervisor-be a~proved and accepted and award of contract be made to Arata Pontiac. MONTI4L¥ REPORTS s Monthly Reports were received fram the followingl City Clerk*s Report - April 1968 Parking District No. I - April 1968 There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the reports accepted and placed on file. PAYMENT REQUEST OF REMAINING FUNDS IN ALTA ~ISTA NO, 3 ASSEssI~NT DISTRICTs The next item was the communication dated May 8, 1968 from Mr. Larry Schwab, General Manager of Thunder Development Corp.,requesting remaining funds in Alta Vista No. 3 Assessment District. Accompanying was a letter fram Mr. Marvin ~olff dated March 24, 1968 concerning engineer: funds re~aining unpaid in the District. There being no objections, Mayor Ber~ucelli ordered the ~atter held for a~eeting betwem the principals involved. REAPFOINT]~.NT OF JOHN SUSA AND ALVIN STULLER TO PAR~ING PLACE COMMISSIONs ' GOOD AND WELFARE~ Mayor Bertucelli at this time offered for Council"s confirmation the reappointments of Mr. John Susa and Mr. Alvin Stuller to the Parking Place Commission. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that Mayor Bertucellits reappointments be confirmed. There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucelli asked if any member of the City Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. DISCUSSION CONCERNING SILT IN CATCH BASIN CALLAN AVENUEs Councilman Steinkamp asked Director of Public Works Goss regarding the silt on Celli~n.s Avenue, east from Junipero Serra Freeway, stating that the catch basins alongside, are still full. He asked if Mr. Goss had any progress w/th the situation. Director of Public Works Goss replied that he had contacted the developer and contractor, Serramonte people about this, but however, as Councilman Steinkamp stated, they haven't done anything about that. Councilman Stetnkamp asked as to what course of action we might take. Mayor Bertucelli replied that Director of Public Works Goss immediately contact these people again and get a "Yes" or "No# answer if they are going to do that and that the City wants that done~ it is detrimental to our City. Director of Public Works replied that we contacted them the very next day and they haven" done it. In answer to Mayor Bertucelli's inquiry, "By telephone or by letter?", he repli "By telephone" stating that we should write them a letter. Mayor Bertucelli informed Director of Public Works Goss to call them and notify them that you are sending them a letter that something is to be done about the situation. Mayor Bertucelli then asked if there was amyone in the audience who wished to speak under Good and Welfare, Mayor Bertucelli made the following statements "Two South San Francisctns recently lost their lives in Vietna~an~ I would like to have a resolution passed for each of them expressing sympathy to their families and stating in the resolution that the Council adjourned this meeting with a mament of silence in respect to their memoriess Corporal Richard Carlson 2nd Lt. Harold J. Clifford AD3OU~T: and I also include in that moment of silence, respectful remembrance of our late Councilman Emilio Cortesi." After the moment of silence, Mayor Bertucelli adjourned the meeting. Time of Adjournments 8s21 p.m. APPi{OVED s RESPEC[f~ FULLY SUI~iI TTED,