HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1969-06-02REGULAR NRETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD NDNDAY, JUNE 2, 19~9 TINE= PLACE = CALL TO ORDER= PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION. ROLL CALL= NINUTES = CLAINS= PARIIINGDISTRICT NO. 1CLAINS= CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PAP~, UNIT NO. I CLAINs CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 2 CLAINS s CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 2A CLAIMS= PUBLIC HEARING UP-II4 TO ESTABLISH 18- UNIT RESIDiNTIAL CLUSTER- BOTIEFF PROPERTY= PUBLIC HEARING UP-116 TO ESTABLISH PLANNED UNIT "C" WEST PARK 05o 8=00 pomo Council Chambers, City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Nayor Bertucelli at 8s04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited after which Father Paul P. Coleman of St. Veronica's Church gave the Invocation. Present= Absents Councilmen Frank J, Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Naemini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. None Nayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motion approving the Ninutes of the regular meeting of Nay 19, 1969, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Naa~int and regularly carried, that the Ninutes'of the regular meeting of Nay 19, 1969 be approved as submitted. Nayor Bertrucelli then asked if there was. a motion approving the regular claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Steinkamp moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the regular claim, totaling $45,837.87, be approved for payment. Nayor Bertucel.li asked if there was a motion approving the claims for Parking District No. 1 as submitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council~an Steinka~p and regularly carried, that the claims as sub~itted for Parking District No. 1, totaling $10.48, be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 1 Claim= Wilsey & Nam claim dated Nay 20, 1969 in the amount of $564.91 for Engineering Services in connection with Street Light Syste~ Nodification. Councilman Nas~ini moVed, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 1, be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No, 2 Claimss (a) Wilsey & Ham claim dated Nay 19, 1969 covering Invoices Nos. 5779, 5782 and 5783, 5781 totaling $6,724.09, for Engineering Services through April 30, 1969. (b) Cooper-Clark & Associates claim dated Nay 9, 1969 covering Invoices Nos. 2201, 2199 and 2198s totaling $2,684.46, for Soils Engineering Services. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilsan Steinka~p and regularly carried, that the claims as sukeaitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2, be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2A Claims~ (a) Wilsey & Ham claim dated Nay 19, 1969 covering Invoices Nos. 5779, 578L, 5782 and 5783, totaling $6,724.09, for Engineering Services through April 30, 1969. (b) Cooper-Clark & Associates claim dated Nay 9, 1969 covering Invoices Nos. 2201, 2199 and 2198, totaling $2,684.47, for Soils Engineering Services. Councilman Na~mini moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2A, be approved for payment. Councilman Stetnkamp, at this time, briefly explained to those present that while Council approved payment of substantial monies to various firms of Claims 3, 4 and 5, these were not payment of City funds but funds from assess~aent district proceedings with the Council acting as Administrators for the district. The next item was the continued Public Hearing - Appeal from Use Per, it Order UP-114 of the South San Francisco Planning Coa~atssion denial of a Use Per,it to establish an 18-unit residential cluster project in a "Ua District. Nayor Bertucelli stated that if there were no objections, this Public Hearing would be continued at the request of the applicant, Mr. Botieff. No objections having been registered, it was so ordered. The Notice of Hearing - Appeal from Use Permit Order UP-116 of the South San Francisco Planning Coe~ission denying permit to establish Planned Unit "C" (Coamercial West Park #3 Planned Comunity District) was the next ~atter for Council"s consideration. PUBLIC HEARING UP-116 TO ESTABLISH PLANNED UNIT "C" WEST PARK Mayor Bertucelli then decla~.ed the Public Hearing opened, asking if any written protests had been received to which the City Clerk replied that letters of protests had been re- ceived from the Westborough Homeowners Improvement Association dated May 7, 196g over the signature of Mr. Robert Albright, as well as a letter dated May 2g, 196g from Mr. Sterling Couch, 22gl Shannon Drive. At the request of Mayor Bertucelli, the City Clerk read the two communications after which the Mayor asked if anyone present wished to speak on the subject matter. A brief dis~ussion followed between Councilman Mammini and the City Attorney as to which of the Cityts ordinances applied to the subject matter followed. Lengthy discussion followed at which time the following spoke concerning the subject mattel Mr. Ichiro Sasaki, representing the applicant, Caesar Callan,Hemes, Inc.,.:spoke in favor of granting the Use Permit, reading fromaprepared statement, a~:copy of which is on file with the subject matter and mede a part of this Public Hearing. He commented that, in reviewing the Minutes of the Planning Commission and the tape, found that the objections to the granting of the Use Permit were'written in detail while the arguments in favor of granting were briefly summarized. He then called on representatives of the Texaco Oil Company and Speedy 711 for their comments concerning the establishment of a service station and store in the shopping area. Mr. David Wallace, representing the Texaco Oil ComPany, spoke in favor of granting the Use Permit, stating that there was a need in the community for such a service, that the stations were not company operated, but leased to individuals, giving them a chance to establish themselves in a private onterprisel that soon Westborough would be a major thoroughfare from E1Camino Real to Skyline Boulevard, and that the volume of business which this would generate, make the service station a success. Mr. 'Chad_les Mvrphy, representing the Speedy 711 Stores, next spoke in favor of granting the Use Permit. He c~ented that the store franchises were sold to a husband-amd.wife team for ap~roxiemtely $16,000, that these stores were open earlier and stayed-open later than most supermarkets, every day in the year to provide a service to a neighborhood community such as Westborough. He urged favorable consideration to the Use Permit. Mr. Thomas Callan, representing Caesar Callan Homes, Inc., next spoke in favor of his application, explaining to Council the background in 19~§when both Texaco and Speedy 711 stores placed their monies in escrew With the title company for these locations. He ~ commented that -the proposed commercial area was needed, commenting on the objections of the S~ool District and the parcel of property which they purchased for their use, stating that they were aware that such a development was proposed and that the reason they did not purchase the additional parcel was that they did not wish to pay the price. Mr. Callan likewise commented on the tightness of the. money market in 19~6 which pre- vented them frum completing all of the proposed projects with regard to the development of certain areas. Councilmen Mammini at this time advised Mr. Callan that any commercial development in their area had always been done by a Use Permit and that the City did no~ pass a specific plan for the area itself but that it had always been done by a Use Permit., At the request of Council, City Attorney Noonan briefly explained the procedure under which such development takes~place. ~ . Mr. Callan concluded by requesting favorable consideration to his application by the City Council. Mr. Edward Toby, a resident of Westberough, spoke in opposition to the granting of the Use Permit, stating that it would be detrimental to the people, of the area and that of the general welfare of the City. He stated that there were enough service stations in the area already, commenting on those which had already been closed because of lack of business and whichwere becoming an "eye sore." Mr. Bruce Rosengren, representing the West Park Homeowners Association, spoke in opposi- tion to the granting of the Use Permit, stating that when the Callans sold to the resi- dents of the area, they misrepresented in many ways the Suture development of WeStborough. He then cited portions of the ordinance which governs th~s development, concluding b~ urging the Council not to grant the Use Permit as requested, stating ,that all of the people he spoke to who lived in the area, did not want the service station. Mr. Frank Rosati, speaking as a resident and member of the Planning Commission, spoke in opposition to the granting of the requesting Use.Permit, citing the previous application which had been submitted by the applicant which was sent to the City Council with a recommendation for denial and which the City Council granted. He further cited the many hours of deliberltion by the Planning Commission on this application prior to its sub- mission to Council. City Planner Daniel Pass at this time distributed to the members of the City Council and to the audience copies of maps of the area to ~how the proposed service station location and those which already existed. He in detail explained the section of the ordinance under which the Planning C~mmission had made its decision, stating that the Commission must find the proposed use was needed by the residents. He also commented on the service stations which were proposed in the neighboring subdivision of Serramonte in the City of Daly City. He then commented on the service stations which existed on Skyline Boulevard as well as the 711 market which also was located there, all of which were within~mile of the proposed service station site. He stated that the Planning Commission found that the extra commercial site was not necessary. He concluded by explaining what a Planned Community was and the development which went into such a Planned Community. Councilman Rocca~o then commented on whether or not the Planning Commission should decide when and where a service station should go in the area. PUBLIC HEARING UP-116 TO ESTABLISH PLANNED UNIT "C" WEST PARK (CONTINU ) CLOSING OF PUBLIC HEARING = RECESS = RECALL TO ORDERs Mr. David Friedenberg, a resident of Westberough, spoke in opposition to the Use Permit, commenting that Mr. Callan through renderings and pictures of the future development of Westborough, misrepresented to the people at the time they were pur- chasing their homes. He cited from sections of the City ordinance conderning this matter, concluding that the Planning Commission did not find good causes for granting and urged the City Council not to grant the request. Nr. William Palmer, a resident of Westborough, spoke in oppositionto the granting of the Use Permit, stating that enough gas stations already existed in theirarea, and that a 711 store was already located on Skyline ~oulevard which was now a Juvenile problem. He stated that the Lucky llarket had been open and that a section.of the same building had been boarded up ever since its construction with no occupant and that this boarded- up section of the store posed a potential threat for illegal activities, concluding by remarking that to allow another gas station would be a blight to the area. Mayor Bertucell! at this time mentioned to those present that this evening, Council had before them the approval of plans and specifications, and authorization to call for bids for the Westhorough fire station. ~Lr. David Nerrill, 2401Bantry Lane, spoke in opposition to the granting of the Use Permit, stating that they desired no more gas stations since it would tend to depreci- ate the property in their area inasmuch as there was one already vacant with windows broken out. Councilman Rocca stated there were a number of feelings expressed against the location of the service station but it was his feeling that if it was planned and established orderly, would be a credit to tho community. He pointed out the daily needs of a 'service station in a residential area, concluding by remarking that he was sorry to see ~ne station already closed but that area was now taking on new life, and that the residents would be glad to see what is developed in the future. Councilman Mammini stated that the point in question was being missed, referring to the Inter-Office Nemorandum from the City Attorney to the City Council concerning the procedure inv~lved= that tho proposed uses ,ill provide such local service and facilities ,hich are (1) not ~etlable in a reasonably Proximate location or (2) needed and desirable as supplements to existing local services and shopping facilities, stating that no one has come up with the findings. Mr. Thomas Callan then commented on the remarks of Mr. Toby, stating that the' statements as made were not eg the Planning Commission's taping of the meeting and that those who spoke in opposition to the Use Permit appeared in the Planning Conmtsion"s Minutes in detail while those who s~pported the granting of the Permit were briefly summarized. He concluded by stating that the /unerican Oil Company station which had been closed for some time was shortly to be reopened. Mr. Pass at this time commented on the matters and items which were the subject of the hearing when it was before the Planning Commission, that they had been read into the record o~ the meeting, that it was part of his report and that they had been put into the official Minutes which he had signed. He also spoke on the considerations which had been given to the Callans when their subdivision was being developed. Discussion then followed between Caesar Callan's representative and City Planner Pass concerning tho location of the service station during which time Councilman Aborn com- mented that the location of a service station was to keep pace with the growth of the development and residents who would occupy the area. City Attorney Noonan next in detail explained the creation of a Planned Community, explaining how the Zoning Ordinance was prepared and how the developments were spelled out in metes and bounds so that each development would be specific as to the loeation. City Planner Pass commented that a service station as proposed was not needed at this time, that the residential area would first have to gro,, then the commercial area developed. He concluded by remarking that the residents of the area felt that another service stati°n was not needed and that he felt the same way. Councilman Rocca remarked that he felt that the development of a service station should be within the City and not outside the City so that theC~ty Could realize the Sales Tax revenues, Councilman Mammini again remarked that the City must make a finding of fact and that if it could not, must recommend denial. Mr. Toby briefly commented on the previous Planning Comndsston action on the Application after which the City Attorney commented on Ordinance No. 575 which was an amendment to Ordinance No. 353, as amended, explaining to Council the procedure involved for denial or approval. Mayor Bertucellt then closed the Public Hearing, stating that after hearing all of the arguments, both in favor and against the Use Permit, suggested that the matter be con- tinued to the next regular meeting for a revie~ prior to its conclusion. Further discussion followed after which Mayor Bertucelli recommended that the Use Permit, as requested, be denied. Councilman Manmini then moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that in view of the fact that the two findings of fact ~lve not been made, that the recommend- ation of the Planning Commission for denial, be upheld. Mayor Bertucelli then declared a recess at lOs41 p.m. The meeting was recalled to order by Mayor Bertucelli at 10=50 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 5089 ~ING OFFICER RONALD PETROCCHI: ~000 RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING C.C. & F. UNITS 2 AND 2A, EXTENSION OF ~ORBES ~U. VD., ~AUFR~U~ COURT AND PT, SAN BRUNO BO~EVARD: RESOLUTION NO. 5090 (I)MMENDING DON J~'~: ,.G,,,c/4 1 RESOLUTION NO. 5091 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE - CLAY AVENUE PARK: . oog RESOLUTION NO. 5092 APPROVING PLANS & SPECS AUTNORIZING WORK AND CALLING BIDS FOR WEST- BOROUGH FIRE STATION: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP, C.C. & F. ~2 AND ACCEPTING PARCELS OF LAND FOR PUBLIC USE: RESOLUTIONS GONCERNING WESTBOROUGH BOULEVARD EXTENSION PROJECT: The first resolution comended Police Officer Ronald Petrocchi. At the request of Mayor Bertucelli, City Clerk Rodondi read the resolution in its entirety after which the Mayor foraally presented to Officer Petrocchi a copy of the resolution, extending to him congratulations of the me~bers of the City Council end the residents of the coaaunity as well. Councilman Steinkaap introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION COMMENDING OFFICER RONALD PETROCCHI." ROll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Manaini, Androw Rocca and Warren Steinkaap. Noes, none. Absent, none. Mayor Bertucelli et this ti~e stated that if there were no objections, the following resolutions would be continued to the next regular meeting since there were so~e details to still be worked out concerning the subject matter: (i) A RESOLUTION ORDERING CItANGE$ AND ~ODIFICATIONS AND APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS CABOT, CAROT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNITS NOS. 2 AND 2-A ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS EXTENSION OF FORBES BOULEVARD, KAUFF~N COURT AND PT. SAN BRUNO BOULEVARD; (2) A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNITS NOS. 2 AND 2-A ASSESS~b~NT DISTRICTS EXTENSION OF FORBES BOULEVARD, KAUFFMANN COURT AND PT. SAN BRUNO BOULEVARD; (3) A RESOLUTION GALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS AND FIXING LIC~JlDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO CD~LETE IHE WORK WITHIN TI~E SPECIFIED CABOT~ CABOT & B3RBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNITS NOS. 2 AND 2-A ASSESS~T DISTRICTS FXTENSION OF FORBES BOULEVARD, KAUFFNANN COURT AND PT. ~ BRUNO BOULEVARD. There being no objections, it was so Ordered and the three resolutions continued to the next regular meeting. City Attorney Noouan explained the next resolution which honored Mr. Don Johnson, retired Na~y Chief Petty Officer, who received the Navy Meritorious Public Service Citation for his assistance in the USS Enterprise disaster. Councilaan Ahern introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION (DMMENDING DON JOHN~.# Roll call vote was as followst Ayes, Councilaen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank Mamini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkaap. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution ~hich would authorize the lease for the premises known as Freeway Lease Area 6000 (Clay Avenue Park) with the State of Californi Councilman Steinkaeko stated that he would be pleased to introduce the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTItORIZING EXECUTION OF A LEASE WITIt Tile STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - CLAY AVENUE PARK*.'" Roll call vote wes as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, PatriCk E. Ahern, F. Frank Mamatni, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinka~p. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan stated that the res61utton approving plans and specifications, autho- rizing the work and calling bids for the Wes:borough fire station was ready for introduction. At this time, City Manager McKenzie, from the plans prepared for the construction of the fire station, explained to those present the facilities which would be constructed, after which he requested Fire Chief Marchi to explain the operations of the soon-to-be built fire station. Councilman Rocca introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AND CALLING BIDS FOR WESTBOROUGN FIRE STATION." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Rertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. FrankMamdni, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinka~. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next resolution was entitled: "A RESOLUTION APPRO¥II~ FINAL MAP, CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARX UNIT NO. 2 AND ACCEPTING PARCELS OF LAND OFFERED fOR DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE." Mayor Bertucelli reaarked that if there were no objections, this resolution, since it was related to tho three resolutions which were continued, would likewise be continued to the next regular ~eeting. There being no objections, it was so ordered. City Attorney Noonan requested that the next resolutions which were entitled: (l) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO AND THE.CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PROVIDING FOR RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION AND CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE WESTBOROUGfl BOULEVARD EXTENSION PROJECT; (2) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN NATEO, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO~ A J~JNICIPAL CDRPORATION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ELATED TO THE WESTBOROUGH EXTENSION PROJECTI RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING WESTBOROUGH BOULEVARD EXTENSION PROJECTs (CO~TI~ED) (3) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECT~r ION OF AN AGREENENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN NATEO, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FI~ANCISCO AND SEVERAL OWNERS PROVIDING FOR THE GRANT OF EASENENTS AND THE PAYNENT OF II~ROVENENT CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR A FORTION OF TWELVE MILE CREEK RUNNING ALONG THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CALIFORNIA GOLF ~B ~ DONATI PROPERTIES; (4) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGRE~T BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN NATEO, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF ~ STATE OF GALIFORNIA, THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, A I~JNICIPAL CORPORATION, AND be continued to the next regular meeting since they might be coming to Councilts attention in a different form in the Westborough Boulevard agreement. There being no objections, ~a~or Bertucelli so ordered. ~ayor Bertucelli at this time made the following statement~ "Ladies and Gentlemen~ The Westborough Boulevard Project is a costly project, the estimated cost is 3.6million to 4million dollars, with the Cityts share being 1.5 million plus. If we proceed with the agreement as proposed, City and County taxpayers will pay that sum of money. Last week I received so~e information that ~ay give us the opportunity to save the taxpayers a large portion of the bill. As we negotiated the agreements for Westborough Extension from Junipero Serra Boulevard to E1Camino Real and studied the plans, one of our concerns was the reason for the urgency. -The project w~s pressed againstua so hard that it was difficult for the Council to protect the Cityes interest. Some of us wondered whether or nots development was planned for the area and the road was needed for the development. I inquired regarding this and was assured that only incidental development at the intersection of Westborough Extension and West Orange was contemplated. At the time this caused some conflict in the acquisition of easements for the pedestrian overpass. The County resolved that ~atter and we then proceeded further with the negoti- ations and plans. I wes also informed that the development of a 20-acre parcel in the vicinity of Junipero Serra had been discussed. This may be the parcel · entioned in the City Planner's Inter-OfficeMee~randum of October 21, 1968. I was informed last week of a proposal whereby a 100 million dollar project, to be built over a period of 7 years, was being considered for the Golf Club property. The proposal included a suggested acquisition of the ~Golf Club property and the building of 5500 to ~ units on the property. I advised my informant to have th~'~a~l® ~atter submitted to the City Council. I em not aware of whether the prep~sition has been submitted te the Golf Club or whether there are any negotiations, but the information indicates to me that this may be one of several proposals being considered forpresentation to the Golf Club. The construction of Westborough Extension ~akes such propol&&s feasible. With such possibilities in view, irt iS hard for ~e to see why the taxpayer should foot the~ill for a 3.5 million to4 million dollar road which will primarily serve to increase the value of a real estate transaction. It has been the policy in the City of South San Francisco to require that real estate developers provide their own roads, with the ex- ception that if a road is larger than one normally required for the real estate development, the City participates to a limited extent. of this is the Westborough Boulevard section in the Callan area where the developer was required to grant the whole right of way from Junipero Serra to Skyline and construct and install improvements at his total cost and expense, except for a n~inal participation by the City and County. This matter in my opinion needs exploration end I m sure that the County will welcomethe opportunity te join with the City in saving the taxpayers this considerable expenditure. I suggest that the City Council request infor- mation from the City staff regarding any information they may have of proposed development for the Golf Club and the extent of that infors~tion, and that the County make the same request of the County staff. In addition, it may be ad- visable to ask the "~nterprise-Journal~ if they have infor~ation regarding such a proposed development for the Golf Club, and if so, to inform the public by way of their news columns. Sunch infor~ation in a democratic society is necessary so th~t'the.~ublic~ybe'in~ed and the governing b~dies ~ay ~ake decisions which will be of benefit to the people they represent and not to the benefit of so~e special interest. After the information has been received, we may find a basis for negoti- ating with the Golf. Club or the prospective purchasers so that land owner and land developer will assu~e their fair share of the cost of this road thereby substantially reducing the use of taxpayerst funds. If our negotiations meet with success, we may be abra to conclude this matter at a substantial savings to the taxpayer and start construction in time to beat the rainy season." Brief discussion followed at which time Mayor Bertucelli re~ked that the City Council would like to see the roadway developed fro~Junipero Serra Boulevard to Skyline with County participation. Councilman Steinkamp remarked that the Master Plan intended the development of California Golf Club properties to be a park area, urging legislation in support to completing as a green belt for possible acquisition by the City as a Golf Club ~nd park area. RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING WESTBOROUGH BOULEVARD EXTENSION PROJECT s (CONTINUED) ORDINANCE PROVIDING ~R INST~LATION OF AI~qUNCIATOR BOARDS, FIRE HOSES, ETC. s 1st Reading/Introduction ORDINANCE NO. 595 CONSENTING TO ESTABLISH- NENT OF PORTION OF CHESTNUT AVE, AS PART COUTY HIGi~AY $YST~ - ~SSION ~, TO 1st Reading/Adoption HAUL ROUTE REC~UEST OF L. C. SNITH CONPANYs GRADING P~JUIIT APPLI~TION OF PIONBO COR~RATIONs CITY PLANNER'S REPORTs SA-7 FINAL NAP OF C.C. & F. NO. 2 - SUB- DiVISIO~ OF IO0-ACRE PARCEL t ' Mr. Donald Grimes, 123 Francisco Terrace, then discussed the matter of the purchase of land by the County and the State from the California GOlf Club, commenting that the County had paid double what the State had paid for the sass land. City Attorney Noonon briefly explained the propezt~ which was purchased by the State and the County and the reasons for such purchases. Councilman Ms. mini remarked that the cost of the land paid by the County also involved the cost of repairing and replacing certain golf holes. City Manager McKenzie then commented on a meeting which had been held with the Division of Highways concerning the matter of the E1Camino widening, briefly explaining the progress of this project. Mayor Bertucelli ordered the title of the ordinance read. The title of the ordinance was read, City Attorney Noonan then explained the ordinance and advised the Council regarding procedure for introduction. Councilman Steinkamp moved that reading of~the=ordinance in its entirety be waived and that the ordinance be introduced a~dread fo,:the first time by reading title only, seconded by Councilman Aborn and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Ms.mini moved that the ordinance entitlods #AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIE INSTALLATION OF ANNUNCIATOR BOARDS, FIRE HOSES AND HOSE PACKS, AND OVERRIDING ELEVATOR S~ITCHES IN CERTAIN STRUCTURES," the entire reading of which has been duly waived, be introduced and seconded by Councilssn Rocca and passed by the following roll call vote. Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Maeunini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkaep. Noes, none. Absent, none. The City Attorney described the ordinance and advised the Council that as an urgency 'ordinance, it was subject to passage immediately upon introduction. Mayor Bortucelli ordered the title of the ordinance and the Statement of Facts consti- tuting the urgency read. The title of the ordinance and the Statoment of Facts consti- tuting the urgency were read. Councilman Steinkaap moved that the reading of the ordinance ~n its entirety be waived, seconded by Councilman Rocca and passed by the following roll call votes Roll call vote was as fell~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Ber~ucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank Mammini, ~drewRocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. Councilman Mammini moved that the ordinance entitleds "AN ORDINAIK;E OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO~ONSENTING TO THE ESTABLI~T OF A ~ORTIONOF C~ESTNUT AVFJ~UE WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AS A PARTOF THE COUNTY HIGHWAY SYSTENOF THE OOUNTY OF SAN NATBD - MISSION ROAD TO COLMA C~EEK,# be introduced and passed as an urgency ordinance, the reading in its entirety having been duly waived, said ordinance to be effective immediately as an urgency ordinance as authorized by the Government Code, seconded by Councilman Ahem and Passed by the following roll call vote. Roll call vote was as followss Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucell$, patrick E. Aborn, Fo Frank Maemini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next item was the coemunication dated May 19, 1~9 from L. C. Smith Company requesting permission to use Westborough Boulevard as a haul route for some 29,000 tons in the near future and 171,000 tons after 1969~ also, to haul 16,000 tons on a route of Airport Bird., Canal and Spruce Streets, and Huntington Extension into San Bruno during 1969 with 70,000 tons to follow during 1970-71. There being no objections, Mayor Bortucelli referred-theeatter to the City Manager, City Attorney and Chief of Police for study and to report back to the City Council. Mr. David Friedonberg, resident ef ~estborough, requested some attention be given to the sstter of dirt spillage which might result in this operation. The Inter-Office Nemorandua dated May 23, 1969 from the Director of Public Works sub- mitting and recommending approval of the Grading Permit Application as requested by Pionbo Corporation for the placement of one to two feetof engineered fill consisting of processed, desicated bay mud to prepare the island for future placement of granular fill on property owned by the South San Francisco Scavenger Company and Elcan Company was the next matter for Council's attention. Accompanying eas~the communication dated Narch 20, 1969 as addressed to the .Piombo Cor- poration from Gribaldo, Jacobs, Jones and Associates concerning the subject matter. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public. Works be approved and accepted and the Grading Permit be authorized. The City Planner"s Report to the City Council with respect to Use Permit and Variance Requests considered on May 26, 1969 was the next matter to be considered by the Council. There being no objections, Mayor Bortucelli ordered the Report accepted and placed on file. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 13, 1969 from the City Planner recom- mending approval of $A-7, final map of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, Unit No. 2, representing sub- division of an approximately lO0-acre parcel of land, located at easterly end of Forbes Boulevard in M-2-H District, into 47 lots, subject to condition. At the request of the Director of Public Works for a continuance and there being no objections, Mayor Bortucelli so ordered. SA-lO TENTATIVE MAP WESTBOROUGH-WEST PARK UNIT NO. 1As ACCE~TANGE OF ~OR~; AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF GO~LETION - SPRUCE AVENUE DRAINAGE IMPROYFJ~F~T PROJECTs , CHANGE O~DER NO. 3 REST~ & CALLAN BLVDS. I~ROVEMENT PRO3ECT s ACCEPTANCE OF ~'ll40RIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT EAST GRAND AVFJiUE: SALARY AD3USTMENT FOR POSITION OF ASSISTANT ENGINEERs SALARY ADJUSTM~T FOR POSITION OF TRF-~T~ENT PLANT ~¢000 FUNDS REC~JEST FOR THE CULIURAL & ARTS CO~I WEE s MONTHLY REPORTS s DEPARTBT OF ALCOHOLIC BEV£RAGE (I)NTROL s / .5- 01--151e~ The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandu~dated May 13, 1~69 from the City Planner reconnending approval of SA-lO tentative map of Westborough-West Park Unit No. lA, being a resubdivision of Lot l, Block ?, Westborough-West Park Unit No. 1, subject to conditions. At the request for a continuance by the Director of Public Works and there being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli so ordered. The next matter to be considered was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 21, 1969 from the Director of Public Works reco~manding acceptance of work subject to conditions and requesting authorization to file Notice of Completion of Spruce Avenue Drainage Improvement Project. Accompanying were the communication dated May 19, 1969 from George S. Nolte and Associates and the Inter-Office Memorandum dated April 30, 1969 from the Superintendent of Public Works concerning the subject matter. Councilman Men,dnA moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted and from the payment there be withheld the sum of $1,000 to complete the work as recommended by the Director of Public Works, The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 14, 1969 from the Director of Public Works reco~mending approval of. Change Order No. 3 - Westborough and Callan Boulevards Improvement Project. Councilmen Rocca moved, seconded by Councilmen Steinkamp and regularly carried, that the rec~endation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 22, 1969 fram.the Landscape Spe¢isttst recommending acceptance of work and authorization to file Notice of Completion and payment as per Agreement for Beautification Project, East Grand Avenue - (Retaining Wall, Paving, Lights and Landscaping.) Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilmen Rocca and regularly carried, that the reco~mendation of the Landscape Specialist be approved and accepted and the Notice of Completion filed. The Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 22, 1969 from the Assistant City Manager as addressed to the City Manager concerning the salary adjustment for the position of Assistant Engineer was the next matter for Counciles consideration. Councilman Meemini moved, seconded by Councilmen RoCca and regularly carried, that the recommendation as submitted by the Assistant City Manager with the concurrence of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted. Councilmen Ahern voted "No," commenting that he could not see how salary adjustments could be made at this time in view of the fact that all salary,adjustments would be made within a month. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 21, 1969 from the Assistant City Manager as addressed to the City Manager concerning salary adjustment for the position of Sewage Treatment Plant Mechanic. City Manager McKenzie requested that the matter There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli so ordered. The next matter was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 15, 1969 from the Assistant City Manager as addressed to the City Manager requesting funds from 1968-69 Community' Promotion Account ~230 for the Cultural & Arts Committee, together with the co~munication dated May 7, 1969 from Mr. Robert Bridges, Chairman of the Cultural & Arts Committee, concerning the request for funds. Councilman Me,mini moved, seconded by Councilmen Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommending of the Assistant City Menger be approved and accepted. Monthly Reports were received from the followings Library - April 1969 City Clerkes Report - April 1969 Parking District No. I - April 1969 Sanitation Section - County of San Marco - April 1969 There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the Reports accepted and placed on file. Department of Alcoholic Beveraqe Controls Notice of Withdrawal of Application by Lawrence J. and Jo-Anne S. Maniscalco; Fred A. and Carmen Rodri~uez; Paul and Mario~ F. Buran for Off Sale General at 142 Hazelwood Drive - Change of Partnership. Application as filed by Lawrence J. and Jo-AnnaS. Meniscalcoj and John and Victoria Tanti for Off Sale General at 142 Hazelwood Drive. (b) Notice of Withdrawal of Application by House of Seagrams, Inc., for Beer & Wine Importers General at 165 Marco Way - New Application - S~e Premises. Application as filed by Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., for Distilled Spirits Importers, Distilled Spirits Mfg Agent; Beer & Wine Importers General at 165Marco Way. DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL ~ (CONTINUED) REQUEST OF CITY OF COSTA ~ESA TO SUPPORT AB 1356~ REQUEST OF CITY OF LONG BEAGH TO ~dPPORT YEAR- ROUND DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TZME ~ GOOD AND WELFARE~ REC~EST FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FILL - AREA OF HICKEY BLVD. & EL CASINO REAL~ AD~OU~ ~ There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the Reports placed on file. The next item was the communication dated April 24, 1969 from the City of Costa Mesa submitting a copy of their Resolution No.'69o32 supporting AB 1356 which will place fire fighters tn cities under the Employer-Employee Relations Act. City Attorney Noonan stated that he would check the matter for the City Council and report to them. The next matter was the communication dated April 23, 1969 from the City of Long Beach transmitting their Resolution No. C-20446 urging support of a bill providing for national observance of Daylight Savings Time on year-round basis. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the communication and resolution filed. Mayor Bertucelli commented that he noticed work had been commenced on the development of the water easement between Palm Avenue ~nd Elm Court, requesting that progress be continued until completion prior to the rainy season. Mayor Bertucellt then asked if any member of the Ctty Counctl had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Councilman Steinkamp asked as to the progress of the filling of the large depression on Hickey Boulevard and E1Camino Real and if any more fill was to be placed. This matter was referred to the City Manager for report by Mayor Bertucelli. There being nothing further, Mayor Bertucelli asked if any member of the audience had anything they wtshed to offer under Good and Welfare. There being none, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of ad.J~urnments 11s43 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, eThe discussions contained herein are excerpts and not verbatim.