HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1969-09-15i~GJLAR M~TING OF TI~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAM FRANCISCO HELD MSMDAY, $RP~ 15, 1969 TIM~s PX.ACi~, AIARD OF SERVICE PINS TO IIJNICIPAL ~fPLOYEESs .... ~-000 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAMCE AND IN¥OCATION ~ ROLL CALLs NINUTES, CLAIMS8 PARKING DISTRICT HO. 1 CLAIMS: CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PAI~, UNIT NO. 1 CLAIMS, CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PAR~, UNIT NO, 2 CLAIMs CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PAI~, UNIT NO. 2A CLAIM, 1969 ~0. AIRPORT SANITARY $h~ER ASSESSId~NT CLAIMt 8sO0 p,mo Council Chambers, City Hall. Before calling the meeting to order, Mayor Bortucelli announced that awards of Service Pins would be made to employees who served the City for a period of 35, 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10 years. He at this time presented Service i~ins to those employees who had 35, 30, 25 and 20 years of service, after which he requested Mayor Pro Tern Stetnkamp to present the 15 and 10 year, award pins to the remaining employees. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bertucelli et 8s25 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited after which the Invocation was given by Reverend Robert S. Clazie of St. Paul's Methodist Church. Absents Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammtnt, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinka~p None Mayor Bartucelli asked if there was a motion approving the Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August 27, 1969 and the regular ~eeting of September 2, 1969. Council~an Ahern ~oved, seconded by Councilmen Rocca end regularly carried, that the Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August 27, 1969 and the regular meeting of September 2, 1969 be approved as sub~itted. Mayor Bortucelli then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claim as sub~itted for pay~ento Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Mammini and regularly carried, that the regular claims, totaling $54,688.10, be approved for payment. Mayor Bertucelli asked if there was a motion approving the claim for Parking District No. I as sube~tted for payment. Councilmsn Massena saved, seconded by Councilmen Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims as subedttod for Parking District No. 1, totaling $6~0,00, be approved for payment. Cabot. CabOt & Forbes Industrial Park. Unit No. I Claimer (a) Wilsey & Ham claim dated August 29, 1969 in the amount of $359.16 for ~ngineering Services. (b) ~nterprise-Journel claim dated August 15, 1969 in the amount of $17.00 for Legal Advertising. Councilmen Rocca moved, seconded by Councilmen Stetnkaap and regularly carried, that the claims as sub~itted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 1, be approved for payment. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park. Unit No. 2 Claim, Wilsey & Ham claim dated September 3, 1969 covering Invoices Nos. 6310, 6311, 6312, 6313 and 6314, totaling $2,270.64, for Engineering Services. Councilman Mam~tni ~oved, seconded by Councilman Rocca amd regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2, be approved for payment. C~bot. Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park. Unit No. 2A Claim, Wilsey & Ham claim dated September 3, 1969 covering Invoices Nos. 6310, 6311, 6312, 6313 and 6314, totaling $2,270.62, for ~gineeriflg Services. Councilman Steinkamp moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claim as suh~ttted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2A, be approved for payment. 1969 South A~r~ort Sanitary Sewer Assessment District Claim, Carlisle Co, any claim dated August 26, 1969 in the amount of $315.46 for printing Leaf Bond & Coupon File Books. Councilmen Ahem ~ved, seconded by Councilman Memaini and regularly carried, that the claim as sub~itted for 1969 South Airport Sanitary Sewer Assenement District, be approved for pa~maent. PUBLIC HGARI NG (K)'I'IIiFF APPLICATIOI~) APPF. AL FI~0M UP-126~ The next item was the continued Public Hearing on the appeal from Use Permit UP-126 of the South San Francisco Planning Commission conditionally approving an 18-unit dwelling group (cluster of g duplexes) terminus of Camaritas Avenue - ~otieff Application. Mayor Bertucelli asked the City Clerk if any protests had been received to which City Clerk Rodondi replied that communications had been received from the South San Francisco Unified School District and Reverend Vieira. Mayor Bertucelli asked at this time if anyone from the School District wished to speak. Dr. Paul Nielsen, Superintendent of the South San Francisco Unified School District, commended the South San Francisco Fire Department for their recent control of a fire at the Weltborough Junior ~ighlchool and stated that the successful opening of the school was due to them. Dr. Nielsen stated that his purpose in being there was to appeal the approval of UP-126. He requested to know if the original decision was wrong, why was it wrong and if the subsequent decision was right, felt entitled to know why it was right. City Attorney Noonan explained the General Plan which showed this area to be designated Community Park area and which, by the Zoning Ordinance, showed the McClellan parcel to be #U" classification. He further explained the functions of the recommending body and the functions of the decision-making body. He stated if CounCil so desires to grant the Use Permit, suggested that it be granted by condition effective upon the modification of the General Plan. Mr. Joseph ZlltUnich, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that this was not in violation of the General Plan and that the change in the vote fromm negative to an affirmative vote was the result of a misunderstanding, later clarified. Discussion followed among Mayor Bertucelli, Dr. Nielsen, Mr. Zlatunich concerning a previous understanding that the area was to be used by a church and a survey of the neighborhood which resulted in no complaints to the granting of Councilman Maeadni commented that the area was originally planned as open space park area and the only wa~ to control open space is through the Use Permit process with use of the lowest density. Discussion followed concerning the difficulties of such property privately ownedt restrictions placed upon the owner; and the original plan for the parcel as proposed for a church. Further discussion followed concerning an access road to the school property adjacent to the Botieff parcel. Reverend Vieira at this time submitted a petition signed by adjacent property owners, pro~estsin~.the granting of~P-126. He stated that he was not at all satisfied with the explanation given and requested consideration to the welfare of the people residing in that area. He felt the integrity of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan was in Jeopardy if exceptions were continued to be allowed. Mr. Robert Lorenzini, 327 Camaritas Avenue, spoke in protest, that another 18 units would overcrowd an already-dense area. He also stated that no one from the Planning Commission had contacted him for his opinion and he lives five doors from the proposed project. Mr. Donald Gamma, 3790 Cork Place, spoke of his uneasiness in seeing changes allowed in a very good General Plan recently adopted. He commented that he could forsee developers cutting the amount of open space which had been intended for parks, churches and even schools. He requested Council to give careful consideration to the protests. Discussion followed concerning the rights of the property owners~ school district and the developer! the matter of 25-feet driveways; and a finding with regard to parking. Further discussion followed concerning a suggested street which would divide the pro- posed parcel in two; whether or not the school district would entertain a land swap or financial contribution. Dr. Nielsen explained at this time the map which had been drawn by City Planner Pass showing how this land could be developed into a residential area and that the school district never had such development in mind and again explained the desirability of a side road to their property for the proposed use of approximately ~30 youngsters and the servicing of such a facility. After discussion concerning the impossibility of a land swap, the shortage of school district funds, Councilman Rocca cc~mented that there should be further study before Council could pass on the matter. In response to Reverend Vieira. City Attorney Noonan explained the procedure for the resubmittal of the Use Permit. At this time, City Attorney Noonan suggested that the matter not be sent back to the Planning Commission but left on a staff level with an approach to the school district, Mr. Botieff and possibly, the McClellan interests to work out the problem. In answer to Mayor Bertucelli's inquiry, City Attorney goonan stated that the area was zoned "U" Unclassified. Mr. William Botieff spoke in behalf of his development which had been presented over six months ago. He further commented that he had submitted a petition signed by adjacent owners, favoring his development, whom he personally contacted and showed the set of plans of what he intended to build. Ii: PUBLIC HF~,I~G APPEAL ~ UP-126s (CONTI D) RF. SOLUTION REQUEST OF PIOMBO CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR BLASTING PEP&~XT s RESOLUTION NO. 5166 AWARD OF CONTRACT 10 ACRf PA~ WESTROROUGH s RE$OLUTIO~ NO. 5167 AWARD OF CONTRACT CAI.LAN PARK WESTs RESOLUTION NO. 5168 AWARD OF CONTRACT ~NICIPAL S~IltqI~G POOL RESOLUTION NO. 5169 CONGRATULATING STATE OF aALTAs RESOLUTION NO. 5170 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREENENT PROVIDING FOR FOSITION CLASSIFICATION AND/OR SALARY SURVEYs In response to Reverend Vieira's statement concerning the recording of the deciding vote of the Planning Co~aission, M~yor Bortucelli requested, if there were no ~Jections from Council, to hear the tape recording of the meeting. He further suggested that ~r. Rotiaff confer with the school district and the City staff and cema back with a report within two weeks. There being no objections, ~ayor Bortucelli continued the Public Hearing to the next reqular meeting for a report. The next item was the co~unication dated August 12, 1969 from Pio~bo Construction Company requesting a blasting peredt. Accompanying were the Inter-Office Memorand~ dated August 14, 1969 from the Director of Public Works reco~ending granting of the blasting per, it, subject to conditions, and the resolution approving the blasting per,it. Councilaan Steinka~p moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the request as sub~itted be denied. The next item for C~uncil's attention was the Inter-Office Me~orandu~ dated August 28, 1969 from the Superintendent of Recreation and Parks advising of bid opening and com- pilation of bids to be sub~itted at the Study ~eeting of September 15, 1969 - 10 Acre Park - Weatboreugh. C~t7,~ .liinager McKenzie declared the bids received, stating that the lo~ bidder was A & J ShNter, Inc., with the bid of $260,250. In response to ~ Bertucelli's inquiry as to whether or not the penalty clause r~j~rdtng ti~e listtt was in the contract, City Manager Mc~enzie replied in the affirmative. City Attorney Noonaa explained the resolution after which Councilm~n l~.mini introduced the ~eselutien e~titleds #A RIiSOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT 10 AClfll PAI~ - WESTBOROUGH.# Roll call vote was as followss Ayes, Councilman Frank J. Bartucelli, Patrick E. Aborn, F. Frank Ma~aini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinka~p. Noes, none. Absent, none. The Inter-Office lkmorandma dated August 28, 1969 from the Superiatandant of Recreation and Parks as addressed to the City,maNor advising of bid opening and co~ilation of bids to be substitted at the Study Meeting of September 15, 1969 - C~llan Park Wast - was the next matter for Councilts consideration. City Manager McKenzie declared the bids received, stating that the low bidder was A.& J Shooter, Inc., with the bid of $46,670. Counctlman Ahern stated that the ex~a cost involved in the sodding of the turf areas w~uId result in lower maintenance costs, reduction in the dust problem and would prohibit the runoff of silt in the area. Afters an explanation by City Attorney Noonan, Councilman Aborn introduced the resolution entitleds #A RESOLUTION OF A~ARDOFCONTRACTCALLAN PAR~ WEST.# Roll call vote was as followss Ayes, Councilmen Prank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aborn, F. Frank ~ni, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandu~ dated August 28, 1969 as addressed to the City ~nager from the Superintendent of Recreation and Parks advising of bid opening and compilation of bids to be sub~itted at the Study Meeting of September 15, 1969 - Municipal Swimaing Pool, Orange Memorial Park. City ~anager Mc~enzie declared the bids received, stating that the lo~ bidder was ~artinelli Construction Con, any with the bid!of ~t29,458. Councilman Rocca introduced the resolution after which Council~an ~amini asked Councilman Rocca if he would withdraw his introduction in order that Mayor Bertucelli would have the privilege of introducing this resolution for the award of the contract for the ~unicip&l Swi~aing Pool inasmuch as he had worked so diligently in this regard. ~ayor Bertucelli stated that he had pursued this project for quite some time and finally it was becmaing a reality and if Councilman Rocca would withdraw his introduction, he would be honored to introduce the resolution. Councilman Rocca withdre~ his introduction after which Mayor Bertucelli introduced the resolution entitleds #A RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT ~JNICIPAL S~IM~tlNG POOL, ORANGE MEMORIAL PARK.' Roll call vote was ss follows~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aborn, F. Frank ~amini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Stetnka~p. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution, not listed on the evening's agenda, which congratulated the people of the State of ~alta on the observance of their indepen- dence anniversary date after which Councilman Aborn introduced the resolution entitleds #A RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING THE P~OPLEOFTHE STATE OF ~ALTA AND THE STAT~ OF ~ALTA,' Roll call vote was as follo~ss Ayes, Councilman Frank J. Bertucellt, Patrick E. Aborn, F. Frank Mae~tni, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinka~p. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained that the next resolution was related to Item 4 under Reports concerning authorization for the execution of an agreement with the California State Per- sonnel Board for position classification and salary survey after which Council~an ~mdni introduced the resolution entitled~ 'A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING F~J~CUTION OF AN AGREFJ~IT PROVIDING FOR A POSITION CLASSIFICATION AND/OR SALARY SURVEY FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO.# PETITIONING THE CO~4ITTEE ON ARTICLE XXVI OF THE CONSTITUTION RE¥ISION COMMISSION NOT TO MAKE ~ES~ CLAIM FOR DAMAGES P.T. & T. CO. - LOWRIE PAVING CO. CITY PLANNER' S REPORT APPROVAL OF INSTANT FINAL NiiP- SA-X3 - WESTROROUGH WEST PARK NO. 3~-E s USE PERMIT UP-126 18-UNIT DWEI~ING GROUP BOTIEFF APPLICATION ~ CMANGE OR~ER NO. 2 GALWAY PLACE I~ROVEMENTS~ FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF CALLAN BLVD. & WESTROROUGH BLVD. INTERSECTION IMP · ~ APPOINTMENT OF VOTING AND ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO AI~UAL LFAGUE CONFERENCE SEPT. 28- OCT. 1, 1969s Roll call vote was as followsl Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Aborn, F. Frank ~ammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Stetnkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained that the next resolution had been prepared and was ready for introduction which would request there be no changes in the restrictions in the gas tax funds for road purposes after which Councilman Rocca introduced the resolution entitled~ 'A RESOLUTION PETITIONING IltE CO~BIITTEE ON ARTICLE XXVI OF T~E CONSTITUTION REVlSION COI~ISSION NOT TOe'diE CHANGES IN TI~ RESTRICTIONS CONTAINEO IN SAID ARTICLE XXVI.# Roll call vote was as follows~ Ayes, Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini, Andre~ Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next item for Council's consideration was the claim for damages as filed by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company dated August 7, 1969 alleging damages to their underground facility by The Lowrie Paving Company, Inc., while under contract to the City at Westborough Boulevard and Galway Place. City Clerk Arthur Rodondi stated that a communication dated September 10, 1969 had been received from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company informing the City that the claim had been satisfied. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the communication accepted and placed on file. The next item was the City Planner's Report to the City Council with respect to Use and Variance Requests considered on September 8, 1969. There being nocbjecttons, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the Report accepted and placed on file. The Inter-Office Memorandum dated July 29, 1969 from the City Planner recommending approval of the instant final map - SA-13, final map of Westborough-West Park No. 3A-E, representing the subdivision of certain acreage located at the southe~terly corner of Greendale Drive and Baldwin Hills Court, in Westborough-West Park No. 3 Planned Community, was the next item for Council's attention. Mayor Bertucelli stated that if there were no objections, this matter would be continued pending receipt of a proper map and he further stated that Council was willing to meet in a special meeting to consider this matter if necessary. There being no objections, t~yor Bertucelli ordered the matter continued. The next item was the Use Permit UP-126 as requested by William Botieff to establish an 18-unit dwelling group at the northerly terminus of Camarttas Avenue, about 100' northerly of San FelipeAvenue, in the "Ua District. Since this matter had appeared earlier on the agenda as a Public Hearing and had been ordered continued~ no further action was required by the City Council. The next item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated August 29, 1969 from the Director of Public Works recommending Change Order No. 2 - Galway Place Improvements - subject to the payment of $238.11 to The Lowrie Paving Co., Inc. Accompanying were the communication dated August 27, 1969 from Tronoff Engineers and Planners, transmitting Change Order No. 2 and communication dated August 25, 1969from The Lowrie Paving Co., Inc., requesting reimbursement for freight charges for material, in the amount of $238.11. Councilman Steinkamp moved, seconded by Councilman Mammtni and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted. The next matter for Council's consideration was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated September 3, 1969 from the Director o~'Publt¢ Works recommending final acceptance of Callan and Westborough Boulevards Intersection Improvements and accompanied by the following communications~ (a) Coemunimtion dated September 2, 1969 from Gene Neville, Project Engineer for Theodore V. Tronoff, Civil Engineers. (b) Communication dated September 2, 1969 from Theodore V. Tronoff, Civil Engineer, forwarding ItO~RLY C~ARGES. (c) Inter-Office Memorandum dated August 26, 1969 fromA1DeZlepiane, Public Works Inspector. (d) Communication dated August 21, 1969 from Gene Neville, Project Engineer for Theodore V. Tronoff, Civil Engineers. (e) Communication dated August 18, 1969 from The Lowrie Paving Co., Inc., forwarding DIARY OF WORK. (f) Communication dated August 19, 1969 from Gribaldo, Jones and Associates, Soils Engineers, submitting SUM~RY OF LABORATORY COMPACTION TESTS DATA. There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the matter referred to the CityM~nager. The next itom was the communication dated August 13, 1969 from the League of California Cities requesting appointment of voting delegate and alternate for theAnnual League Conference in San Francisco, September 28 - October 1, 1969. Mayor Bertucelli moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carrried, that Council- man Warren Steinkamp be designated as voting representative and Councilman F. Frank Mammini be designated as alternate voting representative for the Annu&l League Conference in San Francisco September 28 - October 1, 1969. E~LOYEE SURVEY REQUESTs MONTHLY REI:~RTS ~ DEPAR'I~NT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL s GOOD AND WELFAREs COMMENT CONCERNING RECREATIONAL FACILITIES~ COMMENTS CDNCERNING RESIGNATION OF CHIEF OF POLICE JOHN FABBRIs CONFIRMATION OF MEETING DATEs COMMENTS CONCERNING WESTBOROUGIt BLVD. ~ REQUEST CONCERNING ME. ETING OF PLANNING CON. AND COUNCIL~ INQUIRY CONCERNING SAN BRUNO STORM DRAINs TESTIMONIAL DINNER IN HONOR OF POLICE CTIIEF JOHN FABBRI s APPEAL INQUIRY ~ RESIGNATION OF MR. ALVIN $TULLER - PARKING PLACE, COMMISSIONER s <~-/_~ / COMMENTS CONCERNING AIR POLLUTIONs The next next item was the request of approval for the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with the California State Cooperative Personnel Service for the purpose of initiating an Employee Survey. This matter having been concluded under Resolutions required no further Council action. Monthly Reports were received from the followl:ngs Fire Department - August 1969 Building Inspection Department - August 1969 There being no objections, Mayor Bertucelli ordered the Reports accepted and placed on file. Deoarteent of Alcoholic BeveraQe Controll Application as filed by Neal and Dorothy M. Moorehouse for On Sale General Public Premises at Westborough Square. There being no objections, Mayor Burtucelli ordered the Report placed on file. There being nothing further, Mayo~ertucelli asked if any member of the City Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Councilman Rocca briefly commented on the realization in the award of pins for years of service to City employees of how time had passed so quickly. Councilman Steinkamp brought to the attention of the audience the total amount of monies awarded this evening for recreation and parks purposes and represented a good, sound investment in facilities for the City of South San Francisco. Councilman Mammini at this time stated that the resignation of Chief of Police John Fabbrt would be a tremendous loss to Our City and wished him every success. Mayor Bertucellt remarked that he had followed Chief Fabbri through his police career and found Chief Fabbrt to be a loyal, dedicated policeman. He stated that his leaving was a loss for the City of South San Francisco and a gain for the City of Fremont. City Manager McKenzie requested confirmation of a Study Meeting to be held Wednesday, September 17, 1969, at 7s30 p.m. to consider the use of Stebecker Hall by the Square Dancers and the Arts and Cultural Committee. City Manager McKenzie informed Council of a call from a Mrs. Pierson concerning the paving of the south side of Westborough Boulevard between Gellert and Olympic Drives and his explanation to her of the agreements for the extension of Westborough Boulevard from Skyline Boulevard to E1Camino Real. Councilman Steinkamp commented that the item listed on the evening's agenda as Item 2 under New Business concerned this area in which the developer had requested instant action so that he could get storm drains in before winter and this would, no doubt, reduce silt in the Colma Creek. Mr. Donald Gamma, 3790 Cork Place, requested to know if the meeting which had been requested by Mr. Callan for a group study meeting between City Council and the Planning Commission had been scheduled and if it were open to the public. City Manager McKenzie stated that a meeting had been scheduled for October l, 1969 at 7130 p.m. and it was open to the pablic. Mr. Donald Grimes, 123 Francisco Drive, inquired as to the effect of drainage from a San Bruno storm drain and was told it leads into the Shaw Road area and it was a different water shed. City Manager McKenzie at this time brought up the matter ~f deciding the manner in which the Police Chief would be replaced. He stated that a testimonial dinner would be given for Police Chief Fabbri on Friday, October 10th at the Elks Club and that tickets were available. Mr. William Botieff asked the City Attorney who is the person who has the right to appeal before Council. In reply to City Attorney Noonan's answer that it was "any interested party," Mr. Botieff stated that he felt it was only the applicant. City Attorney Noonan recited the section of the ordinance confirming his answer. Mayor Bertucelli brought to Council's attention a communication which had been received from Mr. Alvin Stuller resigning from Sis position as Parking Place Commissioner. Mayor Bertucellt presented the communication to City Clerk Arthur Rodondt for the records. Mayor Bertucellt then read a letter from Mr. Douglas Bishop, a resident of South San Francisco, concerning air pollution and its resulting deterioration to his boat, berthed at the Oyster Point Marina, this air pollution coming from a smelting factory to the west. City Manager McKenzie stated that Harbor Superintendent Hansen and boat owners were to meet and consider this matter. He further stated that he felt the Air Pollution Control Board has Jurisdiction over this type of problem. Mayor Bertucellt read a communication which had been attached to Mr. Bishop's letter. Mayor Bertucelli requested the City Manager to follow through and report back to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT ~ There being nothing further, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Mamint and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournments 10s22 p.m. APPROVEDs RESPECTFULLY SUBNITTED, *The discussions contained herein are excerpts and not verbatim.