8:00 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bertucelli at 8:03 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
Councilmen Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick ~. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini,
Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp
Mayor Bertucelli at this time asked City Clerk Rodondi to repeat the motion which had
been moved and seconded prior to the adjournment of the regular meeting of March 2, 1970
upon which the Council did not vote.
The motion was as follows: Councilman Ahem moved that the matter of voting on the over-
pass be delayed until after the Municipal Election in April.
Discussion followed at which time Ntt. Donald Gamma stated that he had discussed with
residents in the West Park area concerning this matter and it was their feeling that
it would not be proper to delay the decision until after the election. He stated that it
was the feeling of the residents in the area that he had spoken to, that they would like
to know the Council's opinion and feelings with regard to the matter of the overpass.
Further discussion followed after which roll call vote was as follows: Noes, Councilmen
F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp. Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem
and Frank 3. Bertucelli, Absent, none.
City Manager McKenzie at this time brought for Council's consideration the matter of a
recently conducted salary and classification survey. He stated that employee organizatio
were present and could be heard from at this time if Council so desired.
The first speaker was Captain James Meidl of the South San Francisco Fire Department,
representing that group, who stated that they had met and were in agreement with the
recommendations which were also to include Battalion Chief, Assistant Chief and
Inspectors for increases. He further commented that it was their feeling that the Fire
Chief should also be considered for a 2~ increase in view of the responsibilities which
he has and for the Welfare'of the internal structure as well.
Nlr. Robert Peterson, President of the South San Francisco Municipal Employees Association
briefly commented on the method by which the municipal employees were compared with eight
cities, remarking that some two years previous, they had been told the sewage treatment
plant would not be compared to the eight bench mark cities.
City Manager McKenzie stated that he was not aware of this and that in future budget
sessions, would again look into the matter of the employees in the sewage treatment plant
and City Clerk's office.
Nit. Frank GilliE, Business Agent of the South San Francisco ~mployees Local 1569 AFSC~'
~, remarked that they had opposed the survey and then in detail explained to Council
the areas in which they disagreed. He at this time discussed the positions of secretary
as recommended by the survey, commenting that of the nine persons, only six had been
recommended for a change in this classification. He stated that it was his feeling that
the intent of civil service proceedings should be retained and that the positions be
on a competitive examination basis.
Lengthy discussion then followed at which time the City Manager commented that the
position was a new one which had been recommended in ~{r. Hauser's report of January 5,
1970, that Council had not as yet voted on the matter and that the recommendation was
that six employees in the ste~,o~lerk classification be reclassified to secretary.
Discussion then followed between the City Manager and Mr. Gillie concerning various
sections of the Personnel Rules and Regulations concerning the matter of reclassificatior
In answer to ~{r. Gillis's inquiry, Captain Meidl of the Fire Department and Mr. Canepa
of the Street Department both agreed that any change in classification in their depart-
ments should be on a competitive examination basis.
In answer to an inquiry from Councilman Mammini, City Attorney Noonan stated he had
drafted the pages on classification in the Personnel Rules and Regulations but that he
would not try or attempt to settle the discussions this evening and would have to review
the rules and the subject matter before rendering an opinion. He concluded by stating
that he hesitated to make a quick ruling in this case.
Councilman Ahem suggested that the remaining positions of steno-clerk which had not
been recommended for reclassification to secretary be included with the six that had,
thereby making all positions from steno-clerk to secretary.
Further discussion followed at which time Mr. Gillie remarked that the suggestion of
Councilman Ahem was a good one and recommended Council's consideration in this regard.
Mayor Bertucelli at this time suggested that the matter of secretarial positions be
held over for further study.
Mayor Bertucelli called upon Lieutenant Casey for any comments with regard to the
Police Department to which he replied that they had no comments to make at this time.
Ntt. Donald Gamma, representing the West Park Homeowners' Association, requested information
asking if the Police Officers' salaries were to stay in their present category to which
the City Manager replied that they were.
In answer to Ntt. Gamma's inquiry, City Manager McKenzie explained the salaries of the.
various cities pointing out that the City of Sunnyvale has a combined position of
Safety Officer who serves as both fire and police, which accounts for the difference
in salaries but that this City's Police Officers and Firemen have the Educational
Incentive Pay Plan that other cities do not have which adds as much as 7~ to their
basic salaries.
Further discussion followed after wbi. ch Councilman Ahem moved that we accepted the
recommendation of the survey team for General ~mployees, including the three steno-
clerks who had been left out.
City Manager McKenzie requested Councilman Ahem to include in his motion the commu-
nication dated February 20, 1970 as received from the Cooperative Personnel Services
over the siganture of Ntt. Merle F. Hauser, Survey Director, and his letter of March 2,
1970, as addressed to the City Council.
Further discussion followed at which time Councilman Mammini mentioned that the steno-
clerk classifications which had not been recommended to the position of secretary, be
included; and in the event that one of the secretaries were to resign, that the position
then be reclassified to its original status of steno-clerk.
Councilman Ahern stated that this was what he had in mind. Councilman Ahem included
this as part of his motion~ as well as the City Manager's request.
Councilman Rocca then seconded the motion after which roll call vote was as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen Frank 3. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca
and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none.
Discussion then followed concerning the matter of percentage of increases which had
been recommended in the report for department heads. The increases which ranged from
5 to 17~ were explained by City Manager McKenzie and the reasons for their recommendation
in the report.
Discussion then followed in this regard after which Councilman Mammini moved that we
adopt the recommendation of Ntt. Merle Hauser as far as salaries for department heads were
concerned and to proceed with a further study on the reclassification.
City Manager McKenzie requested that the motion include a 2~% increase for the Police
Chief and Fire Chief as mentioned in his communication of March 2, 1970.
This was accepted by Councilman ~mmini as part of his motion.
Councilman Steinkamp seconded the motion after which roll call vote was as follows:
Ayes, Councilmen Frank 3. Bertucelli, Patrick ~. Ahem, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca
and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none.
City ~anager McKenzie at this time expressed his thanks for Council's consideration to
these reports, stating that those who were not completely satisfied would be given an
opportunity for further appeal.
There being nothing further, Councilman Ahern suggested that the meeting this evening
be adjourned in memory of Mr. George Bosworth, former Council member for the City.
A moment of silence was entertained after which Councilman Mammini moved, seconded by
Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to ~onday,
March 16, 1970 at 8~00 p.m.
Time of adjournment: 9:42 p.m.
City C1 erk~''-
*/he remarks contained in thew Minutes are excerpts and not verbatim.
The proceedings of this meeting were taped and all discussions are contained therein.