HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1990-03-28Mayor Richard A. Haffey Council: Jack Drago Gus Nicolopulos John R. Penna Roberta Cerri Teglia MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room March 28, 1990 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNEDREGULARMEETING CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No' 1) 6:15 pJmJ Mayor Haffey presidingJ ROLL CALL: Council present: Council absent: Drago, Nicolopulos~ Teglia, and Haffey. Penna. Councilmember Penna arrived: 1. Interview of Park & Recreation Commission applicants. Councilmember Penna arrived at 6:16 pJmJ Mayor Haffey told each of the following applicants that selections would be made at the regular Council meeting this evening: Dag Alholm; James Keegan; Sandra Firpo; Dolores Crabtree; Colleen Johnson; Cynthia Fitzgibbon; and Larry Caporale. 2, Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. Council chose not to hold a Closed Session. M/S Teg!ia/Drago - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote~ ADJOURNMENT: Time of adjournment was 7:16 pJm~ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~Batta~rk City of South San Francisco City of South Sa~//~ancisco The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 3/28/90 Page 1 Mayor Richard A. Haffey Council: Jack Drago Gus Nicolopulos John R. Penna Roberta Cerri Teglia AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette NoJ 1) ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS Presentation of POW/MIA Flag by Commander James Lineberge¢~B VFW Post 4103 ~ Proclamation - Mediation Week Proclamation - Child Abuse Awareness Week MINUTES City Council Municipal Services Building Community Room March 28, 1990 ACTION TAKEN 7:30 pJmJ Mayor Haffey presidingJ Council present: Council absent: Nicolopulos, Penna, Teglia, Drago and Haffey. None. The pledge was recitedJ PRESENTATIONS VFW Post Commander James Lineberger pre- sented a certificate of appreciation to Police Chief Datzman in recognition of his accomplishments for this community~ He presented the MIA Prisoner of War flag to Councilman Nicolopulos, and requested that it be flown at a suitable City owned building within the City limits of South San Francisco. Councilman Nicolopulos stated that he had spent 42 months in No~ Africa and the Mediterranean while in the service and had come back unlike many other servicemen. He stated that the flag brought back many memories, and he felt deeply honored to accept the flag on behalf of the City~ Mayor Haffey requested that staff make sure that the flag is flown in Orange Memorial Park on Memorial and Veterans Days. Vice Mayor Drago read the Proclamation aloud and presented it to Pedro Gonzales and Eva Wright. Councilman Penna read the Proclamation aloud, MsJ Mary Alice Bingham arrived later during the~meeting, and accepted the Proclamation. 3/28/90 Page 1 A G E N D A A C T I 0 N T A K E N ['~ii~.~O '~'~ q PRESENTATIONS Proclamation - Week of the Young Child AGENDA REVIEW ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY FORUM PRESENTATIONS Councilmember Teglia read the Proclamation aloud and presented it to MsJ Ann Torres of the Generational Child Development Center in Sunshine GardensJ AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Armas stated that he had nothing to add or delete from the Agendaj ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one chose to speak. COMMUNITY FORUM Councilmember Penna spoke of a previous study on unreinforced masonry buildings wherein a vote had taken place on options available. He stated that he had voted against a seven year period because he felt the time period for retrofitting should be shorter because a strong earth- quake could actually collapse these buildings. He felt that once the engi- neering report was available, then the building should be retrofitted in a ve.ry short period of time for public safety. Mayor Haffey stated that a vote had not been taken at the study session, but direction had been given to the staff who will be formulating an ordinance which will come to Council. He stated that there would be a public hearing with opportunity for plenty of public input, and for Council to state their arguments~ He stated that the role of Community Forum was to speak to the public generally about events and things.that were coming up in the near future. Councilmember Teglia related that yester- day the Board of Supervisors by a 3-2 vote had decided to direct staff's eyes toward an expansion of the RedwOod City facility for a new jail. She stated that the South San Francisco Mission Road site had offered the least cost effective way for the future in terms of maintenance and other alternatives as a jail, etc~ 3/28/90 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 14, 1990~ Motion to confirm expense claims o~ol3 3/28/90. 3. Resolution amending the 1989-90 ine~)~o Operating Budget for a copy mach for the Library. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-14 TO THE 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET 4~ Resolutions amending the 1989-90 Operating Budget for mid-year corrections. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-15 TO THE 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-2 TO THE 1989-90 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 5~ Resolution amending the 1989-90 Operating Budget to provide staffing for child care. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-16 TO THE 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET 6~ Resolutions approving the sewer agreements with Colma, and the North San Mateo County Sanitation District~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN INTERJURISDICTIONAL PRETREATMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF COLMA · A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUPPLEMENT NO~ 7 TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT WITH THE NORTH SAN MATEO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR ApprovedJ Confirmed in the amount of $875,708~05J RESOLUTION NOJ 25-90 Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilmember NicolopulosJ Removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion by Councilmember Teglia. RESOLUTION NOJ 26-90 RESOLUTION NO, 27-90 3/28/90 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CONSENT CALENDAR Motion to adopt an ordinance per-~l~q taining to loud or unruly .lo~ gatherings. ~ AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 10,20 TO TITLE 10 OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO LOUD OR UNRULY GATHERINGS e Resolutions amending the 1989-90 Operating Budget for mid-year corrections. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-15 TO THE 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-2 TO THE 1989-90 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET CONSENT CALENDAR ORDINANCE NO; 1078-90 M/S Teglia/Nicolopulos - To approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items No, 4 and 5; Carried by unanimous voice vote; Councilmember Nicolopulos stated that the staff report pointed up that the Planning Dept. had not encumbered funds for the Westborough/Gellert Specific Plan, and questioned how much should have been budgeted. City Manager Armas stated that there was an oversight, and $48,000 was not included in the budget. M/S Nicolopulos/Drago - To adopt the Resolutions. RESOLUTION NO. 28-90 RESOLUTION NO. 29-90 Councilmember Penna stated that the report said $13,000 had been paid in the current FY, however $4,000 had been carried over from the previous budget; Vice Mayor Drago stated that the Council Subcommittee had met on that parcel at Westborough and Gellert and had rejected a $40,000 proposal from the old con- sultant, and this $40,000 was for a new consultant. He stated that the Subcommittee had asked staff to go back and rewrite the proposal for an urban designer, rather than the traditional EIR preparator and put some options for 3/28/90 Page 4 A G E N D A A C T I 0 N T A K E N [iiii!~2~,., 4. Resolutions - Continued. Resolution amending the 1989-90 Operating Budget to provide staffing for child care. ~o A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-16 TO THE 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET (Cassette No; 2) ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 8. Report on recycling. Council to address, i.e,, neighborhood, Council, and Developer's needs. He stated that the $17,000 should be written off because the consultant was dismissed~ He requested a concurrence from Council for the Subcommittee to go forwardJ Consensus of Council - To accept the Subcommittee' s recommendation. Motion and Second on the two Resolutions carried by unanimous voice vote; Councilmember Teglia stated that this action goes further to the Proclamation given tonight on what the City was trying to do for child, and asked that the points be related to the public; Director of Recreation & Community Services Jewell related the following: that the City operated two child care licensed sites currently; that a recent review by the State Licensing Board Representative indicated that the City should be maintaining a full time 40 hour week site Director at each of these sites - which this resolution confirms; the City also has five latch key program day camps for before and after school, and a sixth would begin in the fall; that two licensed sites are pre-school; that the others were for before and after school; that the City had a reasonable rate structure; that the $1.00 fee increase would address benefits for the two per- sonnel, and those fees and the programs would be evaluated in future for person- nel costs, etc. M/S Teglia/Nicolopulos - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 30-90 Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS City Manager Amas stated that at the last meeting a resident had voiced 3/28/90 Page 5 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 8~ Report on recycling- continued. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS concerns: on the level of recycling opportunities presently available; abi- lity of people who care to donate pro- ceeds of recycling to charity~ He stated that Blue Line Transfer station will accept glass beyond that considered redeemable, and related the payment structure and the hours of operationJ He stated that BFI does provide recycling for plastic and shipped the product to Canada, and at this time S~S.F. Scavenger Co. does not believe it has a market but is exploring the possibilitY of accepting it as part of the program. Councilmember Penna stated that he had understood the issue last week was really an issue of other sources to dispose of recyclables for charitable reasons and obtain the best prices - which the report did not address. City Manager Armas stated that as he recalled the issue being phrased, it really centered on the decision the City made to close the recycling enter on Canal, and therefore whether there was an opportunity readily available to the residents to dispose of that material J He stated that given that the transfer station is located in this community, staff found that was the most convenient and most economical. Mayor Haffey suggested that the San Mateo County grant for publicity be investi- gated and utilized to further educate the public on recycling services availableJ Councilmember Teglia felt that the report addressed MsJ Pont's concerns, and suggested that the report be mailed to her. Mr. Frank Deering, VFW, stated that his recycling problem was 10 gallons of drain oil in two full 5 gallon cans. He stated that he had stopped a citizen from dumping his oil down the sewer recently, 3/28/90 Page 6 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 8~ Report on Recycling - continued. 9, Report on political signs ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS and felt that there was not enough publicity on the subject of drain oilsJ City Manager Armas stated that it could be taken to the transfer station, or if it was secured in plastic it could be placed alongside the recycling containers and it would be collected at the curb~ Discussion followed: that dumping of oil in the sewer must be stopped; was recycling going to be extended to the Stonegate area; that the grant.monies were given to the Scavenger Co. to do a promotion; City should look at purchasing recycl ed material s. MrJ Deering stated that the Environmental Pollution Agency had an 800 number to answer questions on recycling, however for a period of two weeks the phone had been busy. City Attorney Armento discussed her report on what the City could and could not do legally to regulate signs: difference between regulating signs on public property or at least within the public right-of-way, such as on utility polls; regulations on public property -- possible to have an absolute ban; possible to limit the overall size of signs, and establish a time period within which signs can be up and have to be removed; signs on private property - it is not possible to impose a total ban, and it is not possible to impose a time limit, but the City could establish some size limitations. She spoke in detail on: main cases dealing with the regulations of political signs by ordinance in Redwood City, San Mateo, and Antioch. She pointed out: the difference between dealing with temporary signs as opposed to political signs in San Mateo County; size of signs; length of stay; when they must be removed; per- mits, etc. 3/28/90 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 9. Report on political signs - Continued. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Vice Mayor Drago stated that he raised this issue last week because of the signs starting to go up, and would.probably be up until the end of November. He stated that after reading the City Attorney's report on the various parameters, suggested: total ban on all temporary signs on public properties; and con- centrate on limiting size of signs on private properties. Councilmember Teglia stated that if in fact the City was banning the signs on public property, then the Council did not need to worry about time limits and could not apply any time limits to private pro- perty. She stated that based on that she could support the Vice Mayor's suggestion. City Attorney Armento recommended that the Council treat all the signs as tem- porary signs, because one of the things that comes through in a number of the cases is that it is not appropriate_for regulations to focus on the content. She continued, it needs to be content neutral, so it is easier to say all tem- porary signs as opposed to saying politi- cal signs, because you are immediately dealing wi th the content. Councilman Nicolopulos questioned what this ordinance accompl i shed. Vice Mayor Drago stated that there would not be signs on polls. Councilmember Nicolopulos questioned how strongly this could be implemented and by whom, when it had not been in the past through existing ordinances. Vice Mayor Drago stated that penalties could be attached to the ordinance to effect implementation J Discussion followed: attaching penalties; Court has upheld the removal 3/28/90 Page 8 A G E N D A A C T ! 0 N T A K E" ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 9. Report on political signs - Continued. 10. Resolution appropriating $360,754 F as an interim loan from the General Fund; Resolution approving a contract with Group 4/ Architecture for the Conference Center. A RESOLUTION APPROVING BUDGET AMENDMENT 89-17 TO THE 1989-90 OPERATING BUDGET A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE CONFERENCE CENTER ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS of signs that are in the right-of-way or on public property when they are prohi- bited from being there; existing ordinan- ces were not clear; give authority to City crews to remove signs on public pro- perty; if the ordinance goes to the Planning Commission, they should be informed that the Council wants this expedited; the sign companies and can- didates would be notified of this ordi- nance by the Clerk's Office after it is effected; that sufficient direction was given to staff to prepare an ordinanceJ Director of Economic Development Costello related that the Conference Center Board had interviewed three firms, and had cho- sen Group 4 because they had put together the best team: an architect with con- siderable conference center experience, plus consultants on lighting for meeting room and conference centers. She stated that the $300,000 covers the analysis of the existing building, some of the environmental assessments, and the basic preliminary and working drawings; She described the three options included in the agreement: a building function analysis; audio/visual and accoustical design, and kitchen and food service equ ipmen t; She stated that the second resolution is a request for a loan from the General Fund through July to be able to fund this until the T.O.T. generates enough revenue to cover this cost and reimburse the General Fund. Discussion followed: who the other two firms were; Bodrell Joer'dan Smith, and Frizzell Hill Assoc were the other bids; that Group 4 had done an impressive workup; building function analysis is to create a program for the building and audio visual; the in-house costs would be charged to the conference center; the staff would be responsible for having 3/28/90 Page 9 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 10. Resolutions - ContinuedJ Resolution authorizing an agreement with Stone & Youngberg to provide ~o professional services as Underwriter for the proposed issuance of bonds to finance the Conference Center~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR UNDERWRITING SERVICES FOR THE CONFERENCE CENTER ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS hazardous material surveys and mitigation design performed; traffic, parking and circulation analysis would be available for other uses; the other bids were higher, as was Group 4's original bid, but through negotiations, had come up with a better figure. M/S Teglia/Nicolopulos - To approve the two Resolutions. RESOLUTION NO. 31-90 RESOLUTION NO. 32-90 Carried by unanimous voice vote. Director of Finance Marx stated that as part of the proceeding with the planing of the conference center, staff had soli- cited proposals for financial advisory services and the Conference Center Board had selected the firm of Stone & Youngber9 to provide those services; She stated that Council action was necessary to formalize the relationship between the City and the underwriter so the City could proceed; Councilmember Nicolopulos stated that it appeared that the underwriter's fee was 1% of 3.1 million and questioned if that took in contingencies and overrides because of the percentage range indicated. Director of Finance Marx stated that the fee is entirely contingent on the sale of the bonds and is not paid until the bond issue is closed, City Manager Armas stated that the ulti- mate value that the City receives is dependent by what activity is going on -- are good interest rates available at that time, is there a lot of business activity on the market; He stated that it was common for firms to identify a range for an approximation which is paid for through the cost of financing and the 3/28/90 Page 10 A G E N D A A C T ! 0 N T A K E N [ii~;"~79 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 11. Resolution - Continued. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL 12' Appointments to the Personnel Board. 0 13. Appointments to the Park & .~o Recreation Commission ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS tax. Councilmember Teglia stated that she wanted the Mayor to sign this agreemen, t in line with previous such agreements. M/S Nicolopulos/Penna - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO' 33-90 Carried by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Council through a majority written ballot appointed the following people to the Personnel Board: Carlo Giusti, Jay Murray, and Anthony SmithJ Council through a majority written ballot appointed Larry Caporale to the Park & Recreation Commission. Councilmember Penna had noted during his election campaign and after, that areas such as Sunshine, Avalon Park, Brentwood, and Hillside that would like to add room additions, i.e., a kitchen, dining room or bathroom~ He requested staff to review current ordinances because some- times the homes are in excess of the restriction of 1,800 or 2,400 sq. ftJ for parking and there is no possible way for the homes to add another on-street parking space. Mayor Haffey directed staff to investi- gate, but wanted to make sure that the homes did not become outrageous in size and that parking and the integrity of the neighborhood was safeguarded. Councilman Nicolopulos questioned why the 1,800.- 2,400 sq. ft. restriction had been done. Mayor Haffey thought it was done to pre- serve on-street parking, but if Council was directing staff to come back with 3/28/90 Page 11 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ITEMS FROM COUNCIL GOOD AND WELFARE CLOSED SESSION 14. Closed session for the purpose of discussion of personnel matters, labor relations, property nego- tiations and litigation. Mayor Haffey Left the Meeting: RECALL TO ORDER: ADJOURNMENT ITEMS FROM COUNCIL that then they should provide some of the historical references for the ordinance. GOOD AND WELFARE Mr, Jake Jones stated that he had bought a 6 pack of 7-up and had to pay a 12~ redemption tax, as well as have to pay the scavengers 20¢ a month to take the cans away. He asked the Council to write letters to Senator Kopp and Assemblywoman Speier in support of efforts to remove the Ca. Redemption Taxi Mayor Haffey stated that he would write a letter in support, and invite Senator Kopp to a meeting to address the subject~ CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 9:00 p.m. to discuss the items noticedJ Mayor Haffey left the meeting at 9:01 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Drago recalled the meeting to order at 10:32 p.m., all Council pre- sent with the exception of the Mayor, no action was taken. M/S Teg!ia/Penna - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote; Time of adjournment was 10:32 pJmJ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Barbara A. Battaya, City ~lYerk City of South San Francisco AP PROVE[ii City of South San/F~'~incisco 3/28/90 Page 12 The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 3/28/90 Page 13