HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1990-05-31 Mayor Richard A. Haffey
Jack Drago
Gus Nicolopulos
John R. Penna
~--Roberta Cerri Teglia
CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1)
Joint Meeting with the Park &
Recreation Commission to discuss
the Master Plan.
~0o ~,
City Council
Municipal Services Building
Community Room
May 31, 1990
7:05 p.m. Mayor Haffey presiding.
Council present:
Council absent:
Drago, Nicolopulos,
Penna, Teglia, and
Park & Recreation Commission present:
Caporale, Dimminger,
Gonzalez, Jones,
Peterson, Sellick, and
Park & Recreation Commission absent:
Mayor Haffey stated that the purpose of
the meeting was a study session to
discuss the Master Plan with the
Commission, and receive a staff report
with regard to the progress on the Plan.
He stated that the Council and the
Commission both had a subcommittee
working jointly on the planning of the
project, and Mr. Callander would give a
Director of Recreation & Community
Services Jewell stated that the council
had authorized staff to undertake deve-
lopment for a 15 year master plan for the
park and recreation system in this City.
He stated that there had also been appro-
val or direction given of a site specific
area dealing with Orange Memorial Park
where specific land use and facilities
were being studied for the expansion
plans. He stated that it was important
to take advantage of both of those oppor-
tunities simultaneously to accommodate
some of the requests seen while going
through the Master Plan and expansion of
Orange Park.
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Joint Meeting - Continued.
He spoke of data that had gone into the
Master Plan: neighborhood workshops;
written and phone surveys; and
demographic data.
He stated that the Commission will take
on the acceptance and recommendation for
Council on 6/18/90 of the Master Plan and
the Orange Park Expansion, and then it
would be on the 7/11/90 Council agenda
for acceptance.
Mr. Peter Callander, Callander Assoc.,
proceeded to summarize the progress to
date on the Master Plan: the number of
public workshops held with the Steering
Committee; the cost and the implemen-
tation to achieve the Plan over the next
15 years, plus the expansion; direction
was needed from both Bodies to guaranty
that his staff was proceeding in the
right direction; there was very little
opportunity for expanding public parking
improvements on the site; that the park
and recreation system was dependent on
the existing school grounds throughout
the community; there was a tremendous
amount of appeal and public support for
upgrading the existing facilities; that
the constituency was not too sure how
they wanted to pay for the improvements,
Mr. Bill Harris, Callander Assoc.,
related the following: four subcommittee
and four public workshops meetings had
been held; one full Commission meeting
had been held; had defined six basic park
and recreation facility types - com-
munity, neighborhood, mini, linear and
open space areas, plus the special faci-
lities at the Community Center; that park
acreage in the City was consistent with
other older Peninsula cities with 3 acres
per thousand people including school
grounds; emphasis of the Master Plan was
to upgrade the existing facilities,
rather than searching for new acreage to
develop, acquire and maintain; recommen-
dations for individual sports facilities
had been made; studies on demographics,
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1. Joint Meeting - Continued.
neighborhood family composition and
needs for facilities; a needs assessment
had been completed; goals, policies and
objectives had been generated, etc.
He spoke of the public opinion surveys:
good degree of interest in Orange
Memorial Park being a high priority item;
concern for the maintenance for the
existing facilities; concern for cost;
concern that the development of new faci-
lities may be financially ambitious; not
enough facilities in the downtown area;
need for new neighborhood parks; support
of active sports in the meetings, and
very little interest in passive
recreation, such as hiking.
He stated that in the phone survey there
were similar comments and significant
differences from 150 household respon-
dents. He stated that it was conducted
by independent surveying specialists and
was a statistically valid survey with good
geographic coverage throughout the City,
and a good ethnic representation.
He related the following: the survey had
been done during the week night hours and
on weekends; a high degree of use of
parks was expressed; four out of five
used the City park system, and nine out
of ten were satisfied with the parks to a
certain degree; there was a wish list for
park facilities, and the passive items
topped the list; interest in trails, open
space, picnicking and playgrounds for
tots received the greatest support;
30-50% supported active sports for the
facilities - which was significantly dif-
ferent from the public opinion surveys
where the passive sports were supported;
activities for kids and teens, such as
swimming pool; indoor gym and space for
classes; funding for maintenance - direct
user fees, taxes or bonds; people were
generally interested in other means of
funding, such as private means, grants
and such; would have to develop a
realistic implementation plan; written
survey was done by staff with 20,000
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1. Joint Meeting - Continued.
distributed and 668 returned; that the
people seemed less satisfied than the
people contacted on the phone; the pool
was the number one item on the list that
people wanted; that maintenance tax or
bonds had placed last.
He spoke in detail of the Master Plan:
service area diagrams analyze the
existing parks and how they service the
deficiencies in neighborhood facilities
in Buri Buri; Sunshine Gardens and the
downtown area; individual projects that
can be implemented; planning areas; deve-
lopment of bay trails; needs for the
downtown area for children and teens;
plans to develop a new neighborhood park
of approximately 3 acres in the PG&E
easement at Airport Blvd. and Armour;
improvements to mini parks; creation of a
new community center at Siebecker Center
and Spruce Gym were high priority items;
community center at Paradise needs a lot
of work, and their recommendation was
that it should be removed and relocated
at Spruce Gym and Siebecker Center with
the remodeling; Parkway Jr. High could
have neighborhood park facilities located
there; there was to be a 4 acre neigh-
borhood park at Terrabay with a new pool,
community center, and athletic improve-
ments at Hillside School; Sunshine
Gardens recreational opportunities were
with the schools, and needed ballfield
improvements; PG&E location could be
developed as a neighborhood park to link
the neighborhood back to the linear park
along Colma Creek and back to Orange
Park; area 7 was an industrial area;
area 6 was well served by Orange Park;
area 8 was served by Brentwood Park, and
there was an opportunity to acquire the
upper fields from Avalon School; schools
to be closed in the near future had been
identified; the Avalon field had been
identified for a future park; adding
night lighting for Ponderosa School for
adult softball and at Southwood for base-
ball and other improvements; area 9 had a
lack of neighborhood facilities; vacant
lot adjacent to Alta Loma School was to
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^GEND^ ^CT ON T^KE, 0112
1. Joint Meeting - Continued.
be surplused and could become a park;
area 10 was one of the better served
areas in town through the common greens;
Colma Creek being developed into a linear
He cited the higher priority items:
Orange Park; Downtown Community Center;
and the neighborhood park at Alta Loma;
lighting the soccer fields, etc.
Discussion followed: on the various
levels of priority lists; wish list for
improvements; the corporation yard; the
telephone and written surveys; neigh-
borhoods covered in the surveys; input at
the four different public hearings;
Commissioner Gonzalez wanted Cypress and
Pine Park moved to Priority List A;
Councilman Penna did not agree to the
closure of Paradise Park because of the
large population in the area; the closure
recommendation was based on a community
center for the downtown residents at
Spruce School and Siebecker; Councilman
Penna wanted improvement to Paradise
moved to Priority List A; there were two
parks in the Buri Buri area; Commissioner
Sellick also felt that the Paradise faci-
lity filled a need in the area, plus the
fact that it was dedicated parkland when
the City was established; and in recent
times there had not been funding to put
staff in Paradise to supervise programs -
which was needed; Vice Mayor Drago ques-
tioned how items could be prioritized
without knowing the cost factors; that
Orange Park Expansion had the greatest
priority; the need to acquire school land
for new parks for future needs; that the
Hillside area people think the Paradise
facility should be torn down; acquiring
Spruce Gym for a youth center; need for a
tot lot in the downtown area; that there
was not a lot of new activity to pay for
improvements to existing facilities;
Commissioner Caporale felt that with the
expense of the expansion of Orange Park
there was not enough money to be spent
through out the community, rather than in
one spot; that the expansion would be a
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1. Joint Meeting - Continued.
Closed Session for the purpose of
the discussion of personnel
matters, labor relations, property
negotiations and litigation.
debt service and debt financing; PG&E
easement being used for a park; nego-
tiating with the schools for their
surplus land; school property maintained
by the City; Councilwoman Teglia felt
Cypress and Pine Park should be a B cate-
gory not an A; Mayor Haffey felt it
should be a C because of the thousands of
dollars spent in trying to improve it;
moving the park to Linden from Cypress;
Commissioner Sellick stated that the park
had been previously moved because of
complaints from residents over broken
windows; potential for a new park between
Linden and Pine; having the Boys Club
create a satelite club in the Linden
area; on the north slope of Sign Hill
there were a great many people; that the
Paradise facility would not be removed;
recreation facilities to be provided by
the Terrabay Development; direction was
given that Orange Park had the highest
priority; linear parks on Mission Road
and Canal St. side on Orange to Spruce
adjacent to Mayfair Village; interest in
little theater type facility; landscaping
of rear yards behind Circle Court; etc.
M/S Dimminger/Peterson - To adjourn the
Park & Recreation meeting.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Time of adjournment was 9:05 p.m.
Council adjourned to a Closed Session
at 9:05 p.m. to discuss the items
Mayor Haffey recalled the meeting to
order at 10:00 p.m., all Council present,
no action taken.
M/S Teglia/Penna - To adjourn the
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
Time of adjournment was 10:00 p.m.
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Barbara A. Battaya, City Cler~
City of South San Francisco
Richard A. ~H~ffey,F ~M~y~r
City of South San :~fancisco
The entries of this Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose
of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape
and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are
available for inspection, review and copying.
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